OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, February 06, 1896, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1896-02-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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Cared can of gallatonea. My hosbaod thonght I had better try it, so he bought
bottle. That bottle gave me so much relk-f I waa encouraged to keep on with it.
1 nsed seven bottles, and am now, thanks to ita grvnt healing power, cored sound and
well. I am unable to express my gratitude to you (or thn lxnefit I have received from
your wonderful medicine. I havo rerontmrnricd It totnany people since my recovery,
and shall alwavs do so when I have the oijrtnnit-. You may make use of this letter
la any way you desire. Yours respectfully,
Lancaster. Neb.
B. a.
B. a. ooanrauT.
Connelly At Connelly,
Attorneys at Law.
OSes second loot, over .aTiiob.ll Lyndt.
Hoaer to kMa.
Jackson As Hurst,
Attorneys at Law.
OflVe la Hook Is land national Bank building.
a. D. twiaasf .
Sweeney ic 'Walker,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law
Oflea la Beagaton'a Block.
Charles J. Be&rle,
Attorney at Law.
Lseal knsiase M all ktodt pronntlr attended
9, aiaie-e Amern.y at noca isiaaa county
McEniry At McEniry,
Attorneys at Law.
Laaa sioaey oa food ssearttyt Base eollse
lone. Bifsraaoe, MltcheU at tfada, bankers.
Baa. looaV Block.
DracH & Kerne,
Arehlteots and Superintendent.
i St, Mitchell Lynda building. Second
Geo. P. Btaadohar, -Architect.
Mass aad enpsrrntendenf for all class at
tiaildtssca. Rooms S3 aad 66, auteh.ll kjade
butties'. Take alsrswi.
Dr. W. H Ludewig,
Specialist of Eye, Ear, Nose
anil Throat.
Oflc. la Trsajanu's new building, corner Sev
nt.jnib street snd Third av.aue, Hook Island.
Telspboae . lias,
Dr. Cbas. M. Robertson,
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Only.
OSwa, Whtttafese Block, aouthwaat cornet
T&lra aad Brady Meets, Davenport, Iowa
BojasSlTsadU. Boant t to 11 a. ak,l tot p.m.
Dr John E Hawthorne,
Fsw Dental Parlors, ever II arts 6 TJliemayer
Drag tore. Third avenue and Twentieth street.
The latest appointments for skilled dental work,
Henry Oaetje. Prop ,
Cut Flowers and Designs of all
City store, ISnTSceond avenue. Telephone 1610.
Those who contemplate a winter's
trip to this amiable climate will bear
in mind the
Is the "Best Line" geographically
and substantially from all points
East. Northeast. North, Northwest
and West. Solid trains of magnifi
cent Wagner Buffet Sleeping Cars,
lludet Parlor Cars, elegant Coaches
and Dining Cars daily from New
York. Boston, Buffalo, Clereland,
Cjlumlnu, Sandusky, Chicago, St.
Louis. lV.ri, Indianapolis and in
termediate points to Cincinatti,
where direct connection is mado in
Central Union Station, without trans
fer serosa the city, with Through
Trains of 1'utlman Sleeping Cars to
Jacksonville, via the (Juecn & Cres
cent Route and Louisville A Nash
ville Railway.
for fall pertlm'sra call oa Arrnt "BIX Four
koala" at eddrvr
w. Trams r.
8. . luirar.
Gcnl i'aas. TieSat A(k
Dr. Kay's Renovator Yz:
aad Is theest Man vi Tonic vet discovered.
Cured of Gallstones.
Hay 17th, last.
Tee Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co
Oshtlskk: For npwcrds of tea yean I suffered
from what the doctors called neuralgia of the
stomach, bat they could do nothing (or me. At one
time I ww' taken with a must excruciating pain
and In my agony I prayed (or death to relieve me.
Mr husband sent to Lincoln (or another doctor,
who came, and after examination, pronounced my
trouble to De gallstones. The only relief I received
was when the doctors injected morphine, and .
that waa only temporary. I was reading in your
almanao where
Dr. J. H. CcLEAN'S
Huoolnrj G Hooft
Representing among other time-tried
and well known Fire Insnrance Com
panies the following:
Rochester German Ins Co..
Wc.tenssU-r Fin ..
BiiHtlo Oertxaa ..
......Bocheetsr. H 1
New York
Buffalo, S Y
Peoria, 111
.... Manchester ri 11
Spring Gordon ..
Ueraan Fire " ..
5rw UmpMre 14 .,
allisakkalechanlcaM .,
....Milwaukee, Wis
...Mew Haven, Ooon
Secants, .,
Once Corner Eighteenth street
and Second Avenue, second floor.
Telephone No. 1047.
"The Old Reliable"
Insurance Agents,
Representing over Forty Million
Dollars of Cash Assets.
Bonds of Suretyship.
Office Becgston'a block. Bock Island,
Sscure onr rates; they will interest yon.
General . . .
16. n4 wire and Tute-trlM Oompaale
Lewes Frozapti7 Pill.
sis. as low ss any reliable aompany can iff or
Tout Patronage a aoilciud.
itiaae a wen
rsoi't-c-ES Tua asova
tM'lTl,WSm Cm all
hervuus ltao. rauina armory,
Psr.i.81(M.ul..'ne6U. Nitfhtlr fcmtV-
slonii. ., dstm -J bj psl situs's, eivrs vlfrfir snd slza
toibi",.k"norpann. nn J qtiirkiy bntsuroly restores
lmmt lialie tno'd or yuiintr. K-iwilTcnrrlrdln vwt
HH-kt. l'ri.-el.ees pnrknKO. BIX for wllh a
wHUWasarawlye tofirrw siswry rctsseed. Ltoa't
esyny ii4.f:.cii. but tn-ifl on having 1MAF4K it
onritmu'ffith.'inota'o, it. we will wnd It prnioil
btUaaal JUaksaJ Vaw rns.. caters U., arsar strata.
BOLD at tha Harper Housa Drug Pharmacv.
ROCK ISLAND. ILL.: by VVm. Clcndenin,
In SO days b a new nerfected sclentlfle method
that cannot fail onlrM the case la beyond homin
aia. ycu reel improved tee nrst day; reel
a hcne&t ewry day; s-ma know yourself a king
anions; n In body, mind aad heart. Drains ana
losses ended, every obstacle to happy married life
removrd Serve forte, will, energy, tnnia power,
wa-n faillne are restored. K neslected each
tronMe, molt fatally. Mailed everywhere, sealed
for II. Mix boxea for5. a. J. Reiss, Foarth
avenQe and Twenty-third street. Bock Wland.
are the mot rowanrm.. sirs. ruoMiT and a
I tanks, of this una la the market 1 he original
an J -til cennini Wnnax'a oai. varum. Ask
yoer drue-ist if he don't keep them. V) rite direct
to as ana we win send it oiiect nuon receipt 01
price. 11, scaled, by mail wevaid. A. J. Bel
iriee.ti.scalcd.br mail t.rrtatd. A. J. Beise
aveane and Tecaty-thtrd street. Bock
iiiallME 1 TO 4 DAY CURE lif-,
an sskssuay aa.aat eistaaicaa. SW S.,sa.
ml .biiiM la'Tk. ktlVill anallsrfiBillav-
B BJUKT USX. lllSjaiil Urn.
death of Lincoln.
The Fretldsnt Did Sot Want to Go to the
Theater, but Would Hot IMaappelat the)
Fnblio A Sorrowlna; People Trader a
Weepina; Sky That April XoraJaa
The afternoon and evening of April
14, 1SG5, 'were cold, raw and gusty.
Dark clonds enveloped the capital, and
the air was chilly, with occasional show
ers. Late in the afternoon I filled an ap
pointment by calling on the president at
the White House, and was told by him
that he "had had a notion" of sending
for me to go to the theater that evening
with him and Sirs. Lincoln, bnt he add
ed that Mrs. Lincoln had already made
np a party to take the place of General
and Mrs. Grant, who had somewhat un
expectedly left the city for Burlington,
N. J. The party was originally planned
for the purpose of taking General and
Mrs. Grant to see "Onr American Cous
in" at Ford's theater, and when Grant
had decided to leave Washington he (the
president) had "felt inclined to give np
the whole thing," but as it bad been
announced in the morning papers that
this distinguished party would goto the
theater that night Mrs. Lincoln had
rather insisted that they ought to go in
order that the expectant public should
not be wholly disappointed.
On my way home I met Schuyler Col
fax, who was about leaving for Cali
fornia, and who tarried with me on the
sidewalk a little while, talking about
tho trip and the people whom I knew
in San Francisco and Sacramento that
he wished to meet Mr. Lincoln had
often talked with me about the possibil
ities of his eventually taking np his res
idence in California after his term of
office should be over. He thought, he
said, that that country would afford
better opportunities for his two boys
than any of the older states, and when
ho heard that Colfax was going to Cali
fornia he was greatly interested in his
trip and said that he hoped that Colfax
would bring him bock a good report of
what his keen and practiced observation
would note in the country which he
(Colfax) was about to see for the first
The evening being inclement, I staid
within doors to nurse a violent cold with
which I was afflicted, and my roommate,
McA., and I whiled away the time
chatting and playing cards. About half
past 10 our attention was attracted to
the frequent galloping of cavalry or the
mounted patrol past the house which
we occupied on New York avenue, near
tho state department building. After
awhile quiet was restored, and we re
tired to our sleeping room in the rear
part of the house.
As I turned down the gas I said to my
.roommate: "Will, I have guessed tho
cause of the clatter outside tonight. Yon
know Wade Hampton has disappeared
with his cavalry somewhere in the
mountains of Virginia. Now.my theory
of the racket is that he has raided Wash
ington and has pounced down upon tho
president and has attempted to carry
him off. " Of course this was said jo
cosely and without the slightest thought
that the president was in any way in
danger, and my friend, in a similar
spirit, banteringly replied, "What good
will that -do the rebs unless they carry
off Andy Johnson also?" The next
morning I was awakened in the early
dawn by a loud and hurried knocking
on my chamber door, and the voice of
Mr. Gardner, the landlord, crying:
"Wake, wake, Mr. Brooks 1 1 have dread
ful news. "
I slipped out, turned the key of the
door, and Mr. Gardner came in, pale,
trembling and woe begone, like ' him
who "drew Priam's curtain at the dead
of night," and told his awful story. At
that time it was believed that the presi
dent, Mr. Seward, Vice President John
son and other members of th govern
ment had been killed, and this was the
burden of the tale that was told to us.
I sank back into my bed, cold and shiv
ering with horror, and for a time it
seemed as though the end of all things
had come. I was aroused by the loud
weeping of my comrade, who had not
left his bed in another part of the room.
When we had sufficiently collected
ourselves to dress and go out of doors in
the bleak and cheerless April morning,
we found in the streets an extraordinary
spectacle. They were suddenly crowded
with people men, women and children
thronging the pavements and darkening
the thoroughfares. It seemed as if every
body was in tears. Palo faces, streaming
eyes, with now and again an angry,
frowning countenance, were on every
side. Men and women who were stran
gers accosted one another with distressed
looks and tearful inquiries for the wel
fare of the president and Mr. Seward's
family. The president still lived, bnt at
half past ? o'clock in the morning the
tolliDg of the bells announced to the la
menting people that he had ceased to
breathe. His great and loving heart was
still. The last official bulletin from the
war department stated that he died at
22 minutes past 7 o'clock on the morn
ing of April 15. '
Instantly flags were raised at half
mast all over the city, the bells tolled
solemnly, and with incredible swiftness
Washington went into deep, universal
mourning. All stores, government de
partments and private offices were
closed, and everywhere, on the most pre
tentions residences and on the humblest
hovels, were the black badges of grief.
Ratnrc seemed to sympathize in thegett
oral lamentation, and tears of rain fell
from the moist and somber sky. The
wind sighed mournfully through streets
crowded with sad faced people, and
broad folds of funereal drapery flapped
heavily in the wind over the decorations
of the day before. Noah Brooks in Cen
Music resembles poetry. In each are
nameless graces which no methods teach.
and which a master's hand alone can
Ta.'Spectaal la at Graad Owe aad tha B
pailnaee Thrilling.
A layman has no conception at the
awful nature of battle in modern naval
vessels. Even the cruisers have steel
sides, and the air of the inclosed spaces
is very confined. The din made by the
impact of a heavy projectile against
thes metal sides is awful beyond de
scription. I wore cotton in my ears, but
in spite of that, am still deaf from that
cause. The engineers in the Chen-Yuen
stuck to their work even when the tem
perature of the engine room was above
200 degrees F. The skin of their hands
and arms was actually roasted off, and
every man was blinded for life, the sight
being actually seared out
Late in the action, after my hair had
been burned off and my eyes so impaired
by injected blood that I could only see
out of one of them, and then only by
lifting the lid with my fingers, I was
desirous of seeing how the enemy was
delivering his fire. As I groped my way
around the protected deck a hundred
pound shell pierced the armor about 18
inches in front of my hand. In a second
my hand touching the steel, was so
burned that part of the skin was left
upon the armor. That shows how in
tense is the heat engendered by the im
pact of a shot and how rapidly the steel
conducts that heat.
One shell 6 truck an open gun shield
of the Chen-Yuen early in the action,
and glancing thence passed through the
open port Seven gunners were killed
and 15 wounded by that shot Early in
the fight the maxim gun in our foretop
was silenced. The holes pierced by a
shell could be seen from the deck. Aft
er the fight we found the officer and men
on dnty there all dead and frightfully
mangled. That one shell had wrought
the havoc.
The detonations of the heavy cannon
and the impact of hostile projectiles
produce concussions that actually rend
the clothing off. The Chinese soldiers
deserve all credit for their courage and
obedience in that action. No duty was
too difficult or dangerous. When the
Chen-Yuen's forecastle was ablaze from
Jap shells, I ordered several officers to
cross the shell swept place to fight the
fire. They shirked that duty, but when
I called upon the men to volunteer to
follow me they did it promptly, and the
2 ship was saved. It was while on this
duty that a shell passing between my
legs threw me aloft and let me down
upon the deck with such violence that I
became unconscious and was out of the
fight All of the officers, however, were
not cowards. On my ship were several
who had been educated in this country.
and they were as brave and devoted as
men could be. Others, however, were in
the safest place they could find amid
ships. Captain McGiffin in Mail and
Iaeandeseent lamp Cle
Many people blame the central eta
tion for the poor light from their incan
descent lamps, when the fault is really
their own. They allow their lamps to be
dirty. It has been shown that one day's
accumulation of dust on incandescent
bulbs cuts off 5 per cent of the light, so
the result of a few days' neglect can
easily be guessed. As a means of remov
ing to a great extent the frequent com
plaints of poorness of light a central
station recommends the use of a lamp
cleaner which greatly facilitates the
process of dusting the bulbs. To a 3 foot
handle is attached a strong wire frame'
work, which carries a number of felt
mittens. By forcing the frame over each
lamp and giving the handle a few turns
the dust on the glass is removed, leav
ing the bulb as clean as when it left the
factory. Each cleaner is provided with
a set of rubber friction pads that will,
when suitably placed on the mittens,
remove and replace burned ont lamps.
The handle can be extended so as to
reach lamps at any distance. This de
vice makes the cleaning of lamps a very
quick and easy task. St Louis Globe-
' Regret That Came Too Late.
The London Musical Herald tells, a
queer story about Jack Wilson's tomb
in the Little Cloisters at Westminster
abbey. Wilson was Shakespeare's tenor.
He was probably the first to sing "Sigh
No More, Ladies," and he died at the
ago of 78, in 1G73. The inscription on
his tomb at tho abbey was much oblit
erated, and under the direction of an
antiquary a man was employed to recut
the letters. The antiquary stood looking
over him, so that he should make no
mistake, and to mako the time go pleas
antly he expatiated at great length to
the workman upon the grandeur and
merits of the deceased. The man even
tually stopped his work, and looking np
at the antiquary said, "I wish, sir, wo
had known that be was such a swell be
fore we run that there drain pipe
through him. "
A Very Honest View.
The young man whose salary wasn't
long enough by several lengths to reach
to all the points he wanted it to bad
been harassed that morning by numer
ons persons with bills and bills and bills.
About noon, at which time he had lost
count of them, his landlady's husband
appeared with another for the past
month's provender.
"What's this?" he asked, displaying
considerable annovance.
"Your board bill for the month. "
"Well, I'll not pay it," he exclaimed,
throwing it on his desk. "Do all yon
people think I have no use for money ex
cept to pay bills with?" and he invited
the caller to get ont Detroit Free
Never put away far the summer
woolen garment of any kind that is
spotted with grease or soiled with mud.
Grease is astonishingly attractive to
moths, and all the un brushed clothes
"age" rapidly. Ammonia for all black
goods, and a delicate mixture of ether,
ammonia and castile soap for colored
ones, may be advised. Philadelphia
When aha fee by with head erect.
A sprlnctide blossom fair ana sweea.
wonder if she can't snsnec
Bow neade are tnrnea along 1st
Or how I try to catch her eye
And win a smile when she goes by.
When she goes by with wind tusatd curie
And cheeks where winter rosea blow.
She quite eclipses all the girla
It s been my happiness to know.
un, now those fairy lees do By,
No loitering, when abe goes by.
When she goes by, gay, debonair.
With gracef ni swajriaa fienre. tboosa
To follow her I do not dare.
My heart is taken into tow.
And I can only long and sigh
Aad rail at fate when she goes by.
Detroit Free Press.
Hsw the EMagy Dwelling Places Are Ceev
The mud cabin in Ireland consists of
two rooms and possibly a small semide
tached outhouse which is used as a store
room for perishable articles. There is
not a chink in the walls or thatch save a
narrow chimney, which seldom if ever
answers its purpose. The doorway faces
the east and emits the smoke. What lit
tle light penetrates inside through the
tiny window discloses the deep choco
late stain from the eternal turf reek
which pervades the atmosphere of the
interior, and literally paints walls, roof
and furniture a uniform color. The fur
niture is rough and also scanty, a few
stools atoning for the occasional com
plete absence of chairs.
The mud floor is always more or less
wet from the patter of the children's
bare feet or from the animals which
have free access to the house. At night
there is a goodly company within the
walls of this spacious mansion. In the
inside room there are two or three box
beds or berths, where the children sleep,
according to their ago and sex. From
to 12 is not an uncommon number
in a family. In the state berth in the
calliogh, or recess at the side of the
hearth, the father and mother repose un
screened from the live stock of the farm
and breathe the same atmosphere as some
eight quadrupeds besides the poultry.
Pigs, cattle, dogs, cats, and probably a
horse or donkey, have their bed space re
spectively, and jealously resent any en
croachment by a bedfellow.
Astonishing as it may appear, there
are hardly any disagreeable odors. The
overpowering smell of the peat smoke
evidently acts as a complete disinfectant,
and fortunately it is innoxious to the in
habitants of the hoveL Equally astonish
ing is the fact that the whole commu
nity is in comparative harmony, and
even the babies rarely cry. There is
plenty of occupation for all the family
who are able and willing to work, the
mother doing little else but nurse the
youngest infant Cornhill Magazine.
Met by Chaaeev
An Smusing story is told of Robert
Franz, the famous German song writer.
and another equally celebrated compos
er. The incident occurred soon after
the publication of Franz's famous
'Open Letter to Eflward Hanslick," in
which he made severe criticism upon
some musical work of the composer,
Johannes Brahma
Fran? had occasion at that time to
take a five or six hours trip by rail. In
the compartment with him was a little
man with whom he fell into conversa
tion. The fellow travelers found each
other delightful and whiled the hours
away in agreeable talk, which did not
turn upon music
When the train reached Franz's des
tination, he took out his card case, say'
log to his companion :
"You have made me pass a most de
lightful afternoon. Allow me to give
you my card.
The stranger seemed highly gratified
and offered Franz his card in return,
Each looked at the bit of pasteboard he
had received in amazement The stran
ger's eyes opened wide at reading the
name of his merciless critic, "Dr. Rob
ert Franz," while Franz himself was
equally astounded at reading on the card
in his bund, "Johannes Brahms.
There was no time for mutual expla
nations, but each of the musicians had
discovered that, however their ideas
might differ from a musical standpoint.
they were at least admirable traveling
companions and had found much to en
joy in each other. Youth's Companion.
Max tVBell aa a "Slugger."
Max O'Rell tells many stories about
other people. Here is one that in Mont
real he told about himself. When lee
turing in an Australian bush town, he
waxed eloquent on the athletic feats of
Britons. . "After each assertion came a
deep toned 'It's a lie' from a drunken
auditor. Tho interruptions became un
bearable. 'Give me a stop of five min
utes,' said Max to his audience. Off
went his coat, down jumped the lectur
er, and in a moment he had collared the
interrupter and bundled him out 'If I
bad known you meant to do that,' said
the manager, 'I'd have charged double
prices. ' " And he could easily have got
Pope's Favorite.
Pope deemed the "Essay on Man" his
most polished production, but was so
fond of revising his poetry that the
printed copy contained almost one mar
ginal note for every line. If his wishes
bad been fully .carried out, the second
edition would have had so many changes
ss to be practically a new work.
Foeta aad
"I begin to feci like my poems,
sighed the poet to the cruel lady who
had said nay to his gentle appeal.
"In what respect, piayr
"I have been rejected so often. "
Detroit Free Press.
The Alleghany river was called by
the Delaware Indians the Weulchanne,
"fair water." Several other names were
given to this stream by tho early ex
The coasts of the world are protected
"Z streagtbea Ue aUdarys.
They prevent Brirlits Disease
They rare Diabetes,
They diasolTe gravel, sand, aad arfc-k-dut eVaaslts.
They filter arte arid and malarial Misaas oat af the Mooi.
Theyeare Cystitis, Gleet, Prostatitis aad the like.
They make pore rich blood.
All druggists, SO cents a box, or
' direct to the
Hobb's Medicine
Book on Kidney Heaita
y f W WaW w
A RPJT.l :i fc'lf! for Rheumatism and
the worst cases of Rheumatism. Send for full directions. In tablets made of f
concentrated extracts and two to four times as many doses as In liquid medicines f
selling for the same price. A. Sanstedt 0th and Dorcas St-, Omaha, Net
writes: "Three years ago I fell 18 feet; I was so badly bait that the doctors I
m i i i
!tiad but little hope of my recovery. It affected soy kidneys and I have had)
S Rheumatism very bad since. Your Kidney kura baa helped me so I am better i
than for two years." Sold by druggists or sent try mail, rriee Si. Send ad-'
aress ior valuable free booklet (Western Office) Db. li. J. Kay Medical
lO, tiZU S. 16th st, Omaha, Neb.
is that to which a new suit is
subjected when wife, mother or
sisters examine it. Ton and the
suit can stand it without flinch
ing if it has been through onr
hands. Material, style and fit
will make yon feel comfortable
and please the ladies.
The Tailor.
Real Estate
a- Insurance.
Buy, Sfell and Manage
property. Collect Rents.
The old fire and time
tried company repre
sented. Rates as low
as any reliable company
can afford.
Tonr Patronaee is Solicited.
Office 1820. Second At.
Harper Hons Blocs.
Baths of all kinds, Including
Turkish, plain, shampoo, alec
trie, electro-thermal, ate., may
he obtained at tha Sanitarium
Bath Booms, on tha first floor cf
the Harper House.
For Ladles From t a. m. to
it m. on week days For Gen
tlemen From 2 p. m. to 10 p.m.
on week days On Sundays the
rooms will be open from 7 a. m.
to 11 a. m. for Gaatlemen only.
Kleetrio and Electro-thermal
baths may be obtained at an
time daring business hours.
Gymnaiiam connected with bati
aasa. sissy, rssssa. assoc. sst
brass Sr Clliassys sVssn Sas
ss. sssW la Us st oU Mia., f
It TOE."
IF rear sTMaeys are iltSMwi, ,
slsurrish ar weak
IP yesjr Meed Is fall f trie Ac
M 4 Bhf e.sia- threatfr
lTttomraas f Hajari art!
IF ram- kiawd Is elect, with
' aslssas aad ImaariUes,
lVywaTBlaaMer is weak. talaav
ar 41
(ss s sasylrTsa. w
Far ther arsal. swathe and
send 50 cents in stimrs. or sOvc
Co., Chicago or San Francisco.
ana mooa Ftitertna; Free.
Kidne-r Dianas. nnarantMu! an ma '
i"v ti irn. eV
Ilato Moss
Sctol of Dress WiWii
Onr SCHOOL is dacldodly
the best place la this vicin
ity to learn the entire art of
French Dress Makinc. Pupils
make dresses while learning.
Good positions for competent
persons. Fashion plats and
circular free.
Bednoed Hates for tha next SO
days to those taking the system.
SI sad M, Mrllaaaa asJlStBf,
The Portagb Entry
Quarries Co.,
Successors to tha Portage
Bed Stone Co., also to Furst
Neu ft Co.,
PBoraiBTOBa or
Security Building, 'Ninth
Floor, Had! son Street aad
Fifth Avenue,
Mixed House
And Floor Paints.
. Lawn Mowers,
Rubber Hose,
Wash Machines,
Etc, Etc.
1110 Third avenue.
Tha only aafe.
ieiiaoa Fesmala Fill ever
offered to Ladiea. Espe
cially recommended to
married Lavdiea. Ask for
striwYxi, mis
and taka no other. Sr.x roa cracriJUL
Price sum per box, boxes far S.ea.
el cm mrt ex, i
asALVOOR MFCs CO UtnoaaTtat,
1 reach. Pope.
by 6,808 lighthonses.

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