OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 20, 1896, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1896-04-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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tud Aitouc MoypAY, apiwl 20
B. si mnur.
Con&aBy Connally,
Attorneys at Law.
(H SeOOad Seer, vw.MUtMl A trade?
Jackson 4 Hunt,
Attoraeys at Law.
OSke ta Back Mead Bsttaaal Baafe MUUa
aammr. a t. wauaa.
Sweeney Ai Walker,
Attorneys tad Coancellors at Law
fa BeairetneM Blosk.
Chaxle. J. Seaxia,
Attorney at Law. '
Leee bnelneas of U kted BroatBtJr i
. state'e om. of aoca aiasa eoanty
Tflca, roatoOee Bloc.
If cZnlry & KcEniry,
Attornsyi at Law.
Lsu Mtr on etmd swrifttyt wAke esDet
naoa, H'IjIWH, BUluaMU e
IiMi rtotteOe BtooS.
Drac A; Korna,
Architects aad Sopatiatandeata
Boom n, Mitchell trade kU4lsff. Becoar
Qo. P. Btaartutxar,
TIM Bad SBtertoteadeuee for all cless
belbllata. Boncse U mm U, eMCBeue LfBd
haUilBS. take iknkl.
Or John Hawthorns,
Bcw Deatal rarlora, eve Barta A Pit tm .
Drat store, TklfdaotsB sad Twentieth street
Tee latest epooUtaksaU fas MM dental week
Henry Oaetje.Prop.,
Cat Flowers and Designs of al)
OKr lota. Hot Beeead iwih. Tatonboae 1810.
Dr. W. II Ludewl
Specialist of Eya, Ear, Nom
and Throat.
OuUe la Treaaaa't new balidtae-, earner Bev
enersnlh street aad llrd aveana, Beak Ulead
Televkoae Mo. It).
Dr. Chau. M. Robertson,
Eja, Ear, Nom and Throat Only.
Ottoe. WnitUka Block, sostkwest eaten
Thud aad Brady .treeta, Deveaptrt, Iowa
rrandu. Hns lMUa.au.lUtp.Bi
B. Winter's
Llqoop Ecus.
Impnrtor sd wtolaaala dealer.
Jr nf Txrlrac Bad taa
biwlof tMU.iu.
No'a 1616-1018 Third At. wmwiiw.
Real Eatate
Buy, Sell and Manage
property. Collect Rents.
The old fire and time
tried company repre
sented. Rates as low
as any reliable company
can afford.
Tost Patron ag la Solldtod. .
Offlca 1820, Sacoad At.
Real Estate, Insurance, Loins
Ofllea 1S08 8coad Ara., Book Iilaad.
Btad CO Int. ta faMk tlnnfe Marnd aa
7 ''da W eT Hattiasvoarl
T On, ,
They Are Marked This Way
The genuine InterlliMd mllara and
raff wllh a "(.'dlnlold" narfaae. and the
only water-pruof oollara aad cuffs
worth buying. .
Tbcy are worth baying, becaaaa they
wmralz times longer loan linen, keep
clean longer. mjxiX when soiled, you
ran clean them yonrselt
V" can clean them yourself with a
wet cloth as canity and qulokly as yon
ran wash your hands whether at
home or abroad.
At homo or abroad, you'll find them
more cowlorUihle, mora convenient
atid more economical than any other
collar and cuffs made.
wrt M lstl4MioM. Mwf. I. att it, lr, trg
Vll Ml by . 4irt. Tiliri tin mmt .
iff.. MP f.lr fw.le.14. State sit M4 rtc.
Pnblloatlon Notice.
Knna IkusdCoiistt.
fa Um Circuit court. May Una, 1EM. In ehaa
cry. Porter f klimer, er;inpllnsnt; t Betsey Rey
so'ds. John II ReynuiUs. Hea Heynolos. Ellsba t
Hc)P4d.. Jr. l.ary M bsunon. AmsudsO Hry
a.lds awl Kli-bs V Hsyaulu. Jr. ezecsuir nniiei
tba Uet will aad lesumest of Jlilsba P IUy
sold., sr.
Af&dsvit of non-residence r.f the defend
tats. 11. Uey Rejnolds, John B Beyanlds. Bet
avynol.is. UiUha P Heynnlds, Jr. and Kii.bs p
Keyaoltl. ir, azecator adcr tne last will and
ISHiunent rf KlltUs P ttonnUs, gr. Implesdec
with the sbore named defendants, Loc M Chan
sen and Ansads O beynold., barlnit been nied
iB the clerk's office of the circuit coort of said
coaniy. notice Is therefore hereby f Ten to the ssic
aon-rraideiit ocfcndsuut that the oonplitnsnl
Cled his ttn of comulsint In eeid ennrt- rm h
Chancery stie thsreof. on the t7ih day of Pvhrn
ry, .6, ar.d that theroapon aeamuwns Ittoetj
eut of said sunn, wh.n-lo Mid sait Is now pend
retumlls on th fint day if the ntzt my
lena thereof, tn-wit: n the foar'.hdayof Ma)
et,as Is by law rrqnlrrd. Kow. nnleM yoa, the
fald nnaeldcnt defendant. ahoTa named. Bet-
er Hsynoios John tl ueynolas. Hen rieynolda
Blleha P K.moMJr. anil Bllxha P Rsmolds.
nerntor nnder the last will and lent anient of
Bll.ha PBe.noIdh Sr. shall nermnalMr ha
linear before the .aid clrcslt conrt, on the nr.!
dy of the nest term thermit, to be holdcn ai
Rock Ir'.nd la S'd forihass'd connty, oo tlx
funnh dsy In Msy. Belt, and pksd. Bn.wei
er demur to Ibe said coDiplalpanl's bill of
complaint. In. saiue aad the matters and thini
therein rhsrged and slated will be takes aa con
fessed, and a decree entered against you accord-
ng w tu prayer Ul sain dim.
. . . Oanana W. Oswblb, Clerk.
Back leland, Dlitaols, Pcb.CT,
Ooaoaaa At Ltwdb.
Hush ah at Postcb,
Baas A Bi roRD,
Complalnant'a BoUcitors.
Publication Notice.
HocaUuaaoOoDSTT. '
tVwnty eonrt cf Rock Island coacty, to the If ay
totm. A. U. 1HUC '
CharlrsSrhretberadmlnlslratorof the aetata of
Ulsr A. AtiUsison. deceased, vs Loaisa Ande
son. Urcir Antlemin, Charlns Anderson. Brail
Aniteisnn, Ina chrelbtr, 4'hrlnins welch. NsU
J. Neleos and Juliette I 'jdluftou. Detillon to sell
re. 1 1 state 10 pay debts.
Affidavit of the conreldeneo of Eml Aerierson
and Juliette Ladlrvlm, dof. u.l.rit. above named,
hsTlna been filed In the office of the clerk of the
enunty court of Keek Island ciunty, notice is
bereny given to the sild Kmll And. toon and Jslt
et!e l.udlnctrm that tho .aid plaintiff. Chsrles
Sohrleher, sdmlnuiralor t f the o tate of Olsf A.
Andrnttn. decease J, has n'ed his petition in the
Cni 1 court, cosrt of Keck I r land county for an or
del to sell the prt misri belongirs to the estate of
said deceaaed, or so much of it as may be needed
u psy the debts of isid deceased, and dcsrrlbrd
as follows, lo-wlt- livciiuiliw; at the northeast
eomrrufihe sooth hait Vs of the northeast
quarter I1.) or section nnmoor Ova (5) in town
shtp aamiier seventeen (IT) north, ranee nombei
one (ll west of the fourth 4'b) principal merid
ian; thci.ces-.ttth on section line fifty (SO) fee
for a starlit! polrt; thtnee wertone hnndred
and twealy-etfrlit (! feat : thence south fifty (SO)
fel; tncnee east one hnndred snd twenty-eight
1IM feet: thence north fifty do) feet to the
plate cf beKinnlnir, r serving a strip twentj
sigbt (al feet wide on the eiSt eld J for a road;
all lines to ran Earalkl Ub the curresnondlaa
sceilrm I'nes,
Being the premises known snd described as lot
number two i In block number fifteen (16) 1
Oiland.t Child's addition to Ibe city of Moilne. as
designated on the lerotded Plat rfsald addition
.1 n,t. m the coauly of itoek Inland and state of
lllleola. and that a aanunon. bss beea Issued out
of said coutt sgalnst yoa. rctninable at Ibe April
term. A. Ii. irnie. of ssld court to be holden the stb
day o' April, A D. IWd, at the conrt hnssa la
sues island, la nock isiann county, idlnols.
Mow. aalces oa. the said Bmil Aadersoa and
J allette LaUloctoa shall personally bo and appear
before the said county conrt of Rock Island
count f ob tba nrst day of a term thereof, to bt hoe
den at the court house la the city of Bock Isl
and, la said county, on the 4th day of May.
A. P., 1M, aad plead, aaswer or demur to tt.
ssld ioailslnant's petition lied therein, the seas
are the matters aad things therein charged aad
siated will be taken aa ronfresed. and a decree
entered agslast yoa Bccotdiaa; la the prayer of
raid bill.
Moth Mead. March a. lw.
Bjar.aaB Koataa, Clerk.
JarssoB A Braar, Oomplatuat', Solicitors.
r-taar or-iMrrATiakiea.
-i.'-. u'i.m tu.,.4'.i
rOQ itLe avatl onuoadTileaO
3 . ioo m (u m swteiAie'aiv ,i
SB-Oon1 take any substitute J
with the some name but different
2 stK?llinc on wbich ourdruri9t o
nwkes Iwke iis much '--yi
. t. Belsa. Taank ave. and Khd Sa..Bock lalaad
n - - . . ..
prevent transmission of blood aeee.ea. skin dis
' " v auaoQer, liieeases er
TTJJ . maay forme. The above and
d'rectly or Indirectly to Syphilitic BlcodPotsoZ
KilH-r. read' rin? cent u-m hard It imselhie heij.
I. . .1.1. If ta-Lvll Ml-k . . . .
ly. Ms'.led arjwbrre. teased fl; ,ix bnzre fnr So.
A. J. Hclse. ro&rtasre and tit sc.. R-ak l.i.yj
Way Salhie) Srtuttoa la Isjected late) the)
Veins a Wenadcd
Occasionally in cases of aerioga,
Wonnda where there haa been great loaa
of blood the pablibed " report! state
that "sail le solution" was injected into
the vein to supply the deficiency. The
aTerage reader, bowerer, baa a yoy
agneif any idea how a eolation of
salt takes tba place of blooii.
Not to go into a complete analysis of
the blood, it u suilicient to note that of
1.000 parta, 780.15 ia composed of wa
ter, albumen 65 parts, sodium and po
tassium 8.371, coloring matter (sup
plied by tbe red blood corpuscle) 133,
leaving only some 13 parts to be com
posed of fibrin, tat, calcium and mag
nesiom, etc. Where there is serious los
of blood a etate of collapse sets in, be
cause the normal weight of blood being
tednced the heart's action is dimin
ished, there being less resistance for
that organ to overcome.
To counteract tbe result of shock and
collapse it is necessary to stimulate the
heart by restoring the normal weight.
In other words to get it to work by giv
ing it something to work on. As the
analysis shows, of 1,000 parts of blood
nearly 800 are composed of water and
sodium, and therefore a plain saline
solution makes a good substitute. The
heart docs not know the difference, and
it goes to pumping away as usual as
soon as this imitation blood gets in tbe
eins. The saline solution serves to tide
the patient over the danger point. As
tbo food is converted into chyle, new
blood is formed, the red corpuscles are
supplied rapidly from the normal tissues,
and the saline solution is thrown off
through the secretions in tbe usual way.
Formerly transfusion of blood was
the means employed, but this always
objectionable method haa been supplant
ed. Tbe greatest objection to the. trans
fusion of blood from one person to an
other was that to supply the necessary
amount to restore the wounded- patient
it was inevitable that thoA volunteer
should be almost aa badly drained, so
that the physician Could have two pa
tient on his hands where he had one.
Besides there waa always the risk of
transfusing disease to the patient with
tbe other's blood. Dogs and sheep have
been sacrificed to surgery for this pur
pose, but most people prefer to use blood
of their own manufacture to any im
ported from beasts or their fellow crea
tures. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
A BUrrtBK aad Chlswlroas Incident ad? the
Crimean War.
The- following story of (he Crimean
war ia going tbe rounds of the'British
press : One day tne Russians, sent a mes
sage to the English at the time a flag of
trace woe Hying.
"Tour 8 pounder gun, sajd the
bearer, "which your people call Jenny,
is a beautiful pan, but we think we
havo one as good. We should like to
bavo a fair duel with her."
Tbe challenge was accepted, and ev
erything arrangeij for 13 o'clock next
day. When the time arrived, all the bat
teries oeased firing, and the two armies
looked on.
"Our sailors' gun detachment," says
Sir Daniel Lyons, "mounted oorthe para
pet and took off their hats, saluting tho
Rnsginns. The Russians returned the
compliment The English gun was
given tbe first shot as tbysenior gun. It
struck the side of tbe embrasure. Then
they fired a very Rood shot too. "
"The third shot from Jenny went
clean through tbe Russian embrasure
and up went two gabions. The blue
jackets jumped up on their parapet and
cheered, thinking they had beaten their
opponent. Not a bit! A minute after
ward down went tbe gabions and out
camo the Hessian gun again.
"Several mare shots were fired from
both sides, all very good ones. 'Jenny
got a nasty thump, but it did her no
harm. At length, I think after the sev
enth shot from our side, we saw the
Russian gun clean knocked over.
"Our fellows cheered vociferously,
and the Russians mounted the parapet
and took off their hats in acknowledg
ment cf their defeat ' All tbe batteries
then opened again. Thus ended the
great duel."
Row a Dartawsa Mas Missed It.
Two business men were talking so
loudly at lunch the other day that no one
within ten feet could help overhearing
"X called on yon a week or two ago,
didn't he?"
"Ton didnt hire himr
"Why not?" -
' Because be asked for a Job. My idea
ia that if a man is as good a salesman as
be claims to bo bo doesn't need to hunt
for a job. Plenty of jobs will bunt him. "
"I'm glad you didn't bin him. "
: "Why?"
"Because I did."
"Yon did?"
"What do yon pay him?"
"What be asked."
"Does he earn it?'r
"Bet your life! The fact is bsis
working like a tiger. He is making a
big drive for your customers. He says
yon innltcd him just because he was
poor and out of a job, and that he wiJ
work nights and Sundays to get even. I
think be will You made a mighty bad
And then silence fell Exchange.
Gird led By a Mallraad.
Tbe American firm which finished
the connecting link of 60 uilea in tbe
chain of railroads encircling tbe island '
rif Jamaica tie rf (armed a srest feat in
' engineering. The Kadi rant entirely
through mountains and lMraas. It has
j 37 tunnels, 193 girder bridges, 13 via
J ducts and 1 1 tower bridgea. It is said
, that no such tremendous obptaclea
were ever met by engineers in a 60 mile
stretch. The cost averaged more than
$100,000 a mile. I
, '-. SBBBWSSS M isssssssssss
1 1 j- .11-. " I wanes.
The Ezperimemt Scaa-atedl by riaaklla and
IYlfuiBs.d by ITAllhsnrd.
To rjeniamin Franklin belnna-a Cftai
I nsrit of haviiur Demerged that at iArmr
experiment was needed to prove What
co far was only a guess. In an article
entitled "Opinions and Conjectures
Concerning the Properties .and Effects
of the Electrical Hatter Arising From
Experiments and Observations Made at
Philadelphia, 17-3," the following pas
sage occurs:
"To determine tbe question whether
the cloads that contain lightning are
electrified or not, I would propose an
experiment to be tried, where it can bo
done conveniently. On the top of some
high tower or steeple place a kind of
sentry box, big enough to contain a man
and an electrical stand. From tbe mid
dle of tbe stand let an iron rod rise and
pass, bending out of the door, and then
npright-20 feet or 80 feet, pointed very
sharp at the end. If the electrical stand
be kept clean arid dry, a man standing
en it when such clouds are passing
low might be electrified and afifcrd
sparks, tbe rod drawing Are to him
from a cloud.
"If any danger to the man should be
apprehended, though I thine; there
would be none, let him stand on tbe
floor of bis box, and now and then
bring near to the rod tho loop of a wire
that nas ono end fastened to the leads,
he .holding it by a wax handle, so the
sparks, if tbe rod be electrified, will
strike from the rod to the wire and not
affect blm."
- The experiment suggested by Frank
lin was successfully performed in Marly,
France, by D'Alibard, on May 10, 1752 ;
in London -by Canton, in Spital Square,
on July SO. 1752, and by Wilson in
Chelmsford, Essex, on Aug. 13 of the
same year. Franklin himself described
having used a kite in Philadelphia in a
letter dated Oct 19, without giving the
date of bis observations. But this must
be supplied in some passage which I
have not been ablo to find, -or Rosen
bergcr ("Geschicbte der Physik." vol
ume 2, page 316) mentioned that it was
done iu June. ,
Franklin's disbelief in the dangerous
character of the experiment must have
received aVeevere shock when he heard
of tho dsath of O. W. Ricbmann, who,
in tbe year 17S3, was killed by an elec
tric discharge brawn from tbe clouds
by means of a kite. Nature.
Many aTstheredl Creaeores Vwm the Sanaa
Ones' jPea Aftea Teal.
"That common expression for worth
essneB8,It has no more vjriue than a
last yekt'8 bird's nest,' " said, a bird
fancier to a New York Press reporter,
"is often far from correct The majority
of oflr bird- do leave ''their nests after
raising a" brood, but many do not, aqd
their nests are used thrortgh a succes
sion of years. I have Imewn-eohie birds
tp use their nests ton yoars fu succes
sion, and so persistent are they that
many times the female will .return oven
after the nest has been robbed and the
mate killed. Among these users of pe
rennial -nests are- tbe, wrens, fioujo of
tbe swallow family, bluebirds, great
crested flycatcher, somo of the owls,
eagles, Chickadees and some woodpeck
ers. ,"They repair to the nest each year
and often build it over. A little wren
Lhas made its nest in a hole in a tree in
my garden and bns occnpiod it for "the
last eight years. Each yeur it has piled
on new stuff till the bole is almost
filled up. fsome say that as soon as it
becomes crowded the birds will clean it
out, I know of a bluebird's nest that
has been occupied for several years. It
is the same female year after year, for
she has two back wing feathers and is
"Birds that build in exposed situa
tions, like faangbirds, always build
anew each season, and some others
build anew for every brood. Some never
build. They either lay iu th nests of
other birds or in the sand. The eagle
and the owl make a framework of sticks
and slight repairs are needed. Many
birds' nests that yon find have never
been used. For instance, the marsh wren
builds several with the idea that iu the
case of disturbance tho malo will at
tract attention to tho nests other than
that in which tbo female is brooding
and so shield her from enemies. "
Ingmlls In a Fcaa.
"Speaking of lawyers fussing in
court," said Chief of Police Eeip, "one
of the most violent affairs I can remem
ber occurred about 20 years ago, and
John J. Ingalls and Judge C G. Foster
wero tho principals.' I was sheriff pt tbe
time! and a man was being tried on
some kind of a criminal cliarge. Foster
was acting as county attorney, and In
galls represented tho prisoner. Ingalls
and Foster became involved in an argu
ment about some point of evidence, and,
after jawing each other for some tame.
Ingalls finally called Foster a liar. Fos
ter was at one end of a long table and
Ingalls at tbe ether. Foster grabbed a
huge ink fountain and threw it at In
galls, bitting him in tbe tbe breast and
spattering ink all over judge, jury and
all kinds of legal papers. Tbe late Na
than Price was judge, and he fined them
20 each. They apologized next morn
ing, and their fines were remitted
Atchison Globe
Oeweral erasure PredadUeeu
"Though I have been trajned as a
Bojdier and havo panticiuitcd in manv
battles, there never was a time when ia
my opinion some way could not have
been found of preventing the drawina
of tbe sword. I look forward to an
epoch when a court recognized by all
nations will settle international differ
ences instead of koepina; large Standing
armies, as tbe do in Enrope."
He Either aa TeC
"Er I want some sort of a present
for a young lady."
"Hweet heart or sister?"
"Er why she han't said which
tbe Will be yet " Cincinnati Enquirer.
At terminal points on tbe elevated
railroads. South ferry, far example, the
guards on tbe trains go through tbe ears
and-pick up anything that may have
been left by tbe passengers and turn it
over to the train dispatcher at tbe sta-
tion, who delivers it to the so perm tend
ent of tbe lost property deportment of
the Manhattan Railway company, at 39
Greenwich street there the article is
inspected and a record of the finding of
it, with a description of the article, is
made in a book kept for that purpjee;
there is a book for each division of tbe
road. Then it is wrapped up, properly
tagged or labeled, and held to await its
owner. Sometimes the ownership of a
package is discovered upon examining it
Then if it is not called for the company
notifies the owner of the finding of it
In this way articles are restored to their
owners daily.
Umbrellas are the articles most nu
meronsly found. Of these there are found
from 8,500 to 3,000 a year; tbey are of
all kinds and qualities. Tbe number of
umbrellas found increases from year to
year about in the same proportion as the
increase of travel. Next to umbrellas in
tbe numbers found come satchels, and
after them, about in tbe order named,
come hats, shoes, books and the various
things that are done up in packages.
There are found also watches, diamonds.
hardware, music, bottles and in tbe
course of the year many other things in
great variety.
Altogether from the various divisions
of the road there are tunned over to the
lost property department about 30,000
pieces a year. About half of these lost
articles are called for. Articles of small
value are kept six months; articles of
g renter value are kept a year. Things
not called fur are finally sold by publio
auction at sales held semiannually.
lew York Sun.
Self Denial.
Nobody stands on a pillar now, or
lives his life upon bread and water, or
does his work or eats his dinner clothed
in a hair shirt, which, by the way.
must, ono would think, have gradually
become to tne habitual wearer at least
as bearable as flannel is to skins accus
tomed to the touch of linen garments.
We have to deny ourselves, if at all. in
little things, and if we never do it, how
is the habit, which is by no means in
stinctive with the natural man, ever to
be generated? That seems sound, and yet
It is by no moans clear that our grand
fathers, who cultivated small self de
nials, were less selfish than ourselves,
and they were decidedly less philan
thropic. -
Monks of the stricter orders ar,e very
little better, if at all, than Eugliift cler
gymen, and nion who go periodically in
to training, which involves much 'severe
solf denial, do not emerge from that dis
cipline models cither of character or of
conduct. Ltundou Spectator.
Xever R -tinned.
"Yes, ruyeldoet daughter married for
'Sne is happy, of course?"
"Far from it While sho has evei-R
thing one could wish for, she is far form
being happy. She loved another. "
"Your second daughter also married,
"Yes, she married n man for his good
looks." .
"I suppose she is happy-"
"Indeed she is not. While her hus
band is a good provider, ho can't afford
i .give ner wna nor eiuest sister re
ogives, and, consequently, she ia unhap
"And yonr youngest daughter, the
one I always thonght so much of," is she
"Yes, she married a man for love."
"Ah, sensible littlo girlt"
"But her husband is vcrv noor!"
"Still, with all her poverty, sbo loves
the man of her choice, and is, of course.
"No, indeed. Ee)e is the nuhappicst
of the three." San Francesco Wave.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison, of the Worthing
ton, Ind., Sun, writes: "Ton have a
valuable prescription in Electrie
Bitters, and I can cheerfully recom
mend it for constipation and sick
headache, and as a general system
tonie it has no equal." Mrs. Annie
Stehle, 2625 Cottage Grove avenue,
Chicago, was all ran down, could
not eat nor digest food, bad a back
ache which never left her and felt
tired and weary, but six bottles of
Electric Bittors restored her health
and renewed her strength. Price 50
cents and tl. Get a bottle at Hartz
A Ulletneyer's drag store.
' "Mystio Cure" for rhemattam aad
neuralgia cures In 1 to S dara. Its
action upon tba system is remarka
ble and rnysterous. It removes at
once the cause, and the disease
immediately disappears. Tba first
aose greauy relieves, 7ft cants. Sold
by Otto Gretjan, druggist. Bock Is
land ana uust. schlegel Son, 320
west Second street. Davenport.
O, Te Blltaa!
If von could select the nnra ernM
from the dross, tha wheat f ram ik.
chaff, the good from the bad, you
wouia never make tne mistake of tak
ing ht other Tensed v than tvl-'.
SarsapariDa for. bloed disorders.
Trial size, 50 seats. For sale at Id.
F. Bah risen 's drug store.
raw Over mfty Yease
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 8 Trap has
oeen usea ior cnuaren teething. It
sor :hes tha child, softens tha gums,
alaaya all pain, cures wind colic, and
Is tha best remedy for diarrhoea.
Twaat y-fi ve easts a bottla.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorta.
; McNeill
Opposite Harper
'Simplicity in Mechanics, likft Beauty in Composition, rep
resents Greatest Merit."
Tbey ara as strong as they arc simple. Oraoetnl and correct la
proportions, hsndsema. durable and easy running. Tba finest
material nnder tha prettiest finish. All styles and only one grade
tha highest. - Artistic catalogue sent f roe to say address. Dont
fail to write as before choosing a new mount
W. J. -KERR,
Room Mouldings. Pictures. Picture
Frames and Window Shades is at the
Adams Wall Paper Company,
310, 312 and 314 Twentieth street
RpqZi .fehna
Ftva Far Ocnt Interest Paid on Deposits;
Mosiey Loaned on Personal Collateral or Real Katate B scanty.
9 W Bi'foas. FresJdsnt.
aans t-arrnapew, view
Me a una. esd oeatne tha
A ass . HltBBSB IwSaw awwsBlkttsc.
.1. lh fjm.m se
tnsasi, enni
1 save, r
ror seal IS Beck Ulead. UL. by Harts Si CDieysi. djearlaa.
was Been reaesa as llist eaas
Bk sill wntek nave Jsf nsa aery.
SMBa ?a'qef?lZiv!
VS it n.e.rsni. o n nany sseu a
S essk.au draft Tar
1? tuts ism
Hot Water Heating.
Steam and Gas Fitting,
Copper, Tin and
Sheet Iron Work
House. Rock Island.
Local Agent.
laoorporatad TJadsr tha
State Law.
0 Leads, Wat
Jotecrakaag Fktl
aw Bust, - tm
Joaa Tola.
r-s: itiTr si.-Jt
sued I, s it sea s 1 S. was wral assise jMXTtl-
" a. -. s- a-isM
k 1 'Isre saKaai
iewa. .ai. F
irn.i 1, omm. mmmmmmam. Benwa. laHHT. .mn
Wfatoa, isaunry. fakaasrlaa druse aad bos efiewer ef BWOm.
Mtttsiese tersjedy, siasn.waee wsiiSiea, IsealeHyeersdsV
flak g'teSsfeSS siIsSSoTk ssVTIBs? V"&itStKatEl
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