OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, June 03, 1896, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1896-06-03/ed-1/seq-9/

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Piy jour water rent.
C. E. Cass it la Ottawa.
Order carriages of Cralle ft Co.
The beit broom f ee's Little Gem.
Mr. W. A. Xorrts'-went to tiales
bur j yesterday.
Hot turnout and reliable driv
ers Cralle ft Co.
A ion wat born to Mr. and Mrs. J.
' W. t'utter this morning.
Fating apple, cherries, cauliflower
an-i ceierj at Ilea Bros'.
Merchants lunch from 9 to 12
story mornrnjf at The Club.
Experience and close attention to
ferjr detail. Cralle ft CVs. livery.
Order your strawberries for can
Bin; at liorton'a. Telephone 12U4.
The children of St. Joseph's school
re baring a picnic at the Tower to
Yon can now call op R. P. P.euth
j telephone 1335 and leave your
Mr. S. R. Akin and aon. E. W,
Akin, returned home to Carlisle,
lnI., t';ly
Just rrmircd a shipment of self
oleaoio til ers; vail and see them.
Liarls fninf any.
Jusia HjII was fiacl 5 and coat
In the pjlico court yesterday for dis
orderly conduct.
Prof, and Mrs. I.. C. Daugherty
ami caunirr, ansa r.tnei, are Visit
lag at l.-trnn, III.
The Siioday school of Trinity par
lib is enjoying an outing at Oilor
man's iUnl today.
The county board is in session to
day conrldiTing matters relating to
toe new conn nousn.
Crystal e!f-cJeniDg filters Erie
and Chiniplon Hllrrs tilteta that
filter. Uavis company.
The Lndius' Ad society of the Bap
tist luurrii win ivo a sate oi oaaerv
at D. Don's store Saturday, June 6.
The date of the Y. M. C. A. bicycle
ciu-j paraue nas been ennnged from
tomorrow evening until Friday even
ing. Mylo Lee and soa, Tom, left last
evening on a tour of the west in
hfiH of be'tering the former's
A dinner was piven at the Harper
jMt eTenini; in nonor oi lom i.ee by
a number of his young gentlemen
Hyron Williams, late city editor
oi me I'avenpou ltepu oilcan, has ac
cepted a like position on the Mar
halliown Press.
Kev, ami Mrs. J. I Murphy gave
a reception last evening in honor of
mose rcvniiy communicating with
Crane Lutheran church.
Sam harrow has resigned his
IkjkUIou as messenger for the Bock
lund National bank. He is suc
ceeded by Richard Pearco.
Fred C Diwikmann took a number
of friends and associates araocc our
business men to Muscatine on the
steamer J. K. (irlves today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor have re-
inrniii rrom a visit to St. Louis.
They state tlmt the destrnction and
dextitulinn in the path of the cyclone
beggars all description.
A benutiful excursion souvenir of
lUnrk Hawk's Watch Tower hs been
gotten out by tho Tri-City Railway
company. It is profusely illustra
ted, is ueat and attractive.
it-orce ('mm p ton is home from bis
tiifdicnl studies at tho University of
'ennlvatiia for the summer months.
He is accoiiipaiiird by his cousin. Dr.
Richard llarle, who comes for a brief
Mrs. L M. Richardson, daughter
of lr J. W. II. Raker, of Davenport,
and a teacher in the public schools
thrro and formerly in Moline, died
yesterday from the" effects of a surg
ical operation, aged 4i.
The Woman's Christian Temper
ance anion give a lawn sojial at the
residence of F. K. Rabbins on Twen-ty-eoond
street Thursday evening,
June 13. for the benefit of the Young
Men's Christian association chapel.
The High schoel graduating class
was bnnuted at Mack Hawk's
Watch Tower lat evening by the
juniors. A nn w her from the Moline
and Dateop-irt High schools were
also in attendance and the evening
was passed in a pleasant manner.
J. V. Danber ha obtained a three
months' leave of absence from his
duties in the internal revenue office
at Peoria in order to C 1 the position
of bookkeeper at Peter I'iUV whole
sale bouse in this eity during the ab
sence of Iran? llapp," who has gone
to f rnianv for a three months' visit.
The members of the Second Baptist
church held a mass meeting last
evening and decided to build a new
Highest Honors World' Pair,
A pir Crape Cream of Tartw Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.
a " ' " ' ' "' " x m' " 11
chorch on the corner of Sixth avenue
andiTenth Street. Rev. J. W. Wash
ington, the pastor, and John Cooper
were appointed to solicit funds to
assist in the erection of the new
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show and
Congress of Roncrh Riders of the
World opened at the Chicago Colli-
teum mis weeic ana tne praise of the
multitude who have attended indi
cates the merits of the attraction
which is to be presented in Rock
isuiua neanesuay, jane 1
E. S. Macy, formerly connected
with the United States Express com
pany's cilice h'-re, but who is now
serving in the capacity of depot
agent lor the same company at
Peoria, was greeting old Rock Island
friends yesterday while on his wav
to Arlington, Kas., for a 2-weeks,
The graduating class of the semi
nary department of Augnstana col
lege, accompanied by President Ol-
sson and Profs. C. L. Esbiorn. C. W
Fo, A. W. Williamson, A. O. Ber-
sell. C. E. Lindberg, J. E. Gnstus
and X. Forsander, are attending the
meeting of the Augustana Lutheran
tvnod at Omaha.
The tri-city quoits championship
vnuio o nave u;en piayea at Kock
Island ve&terday between teams
composed of Fred Denkmann
and Phil Mitchell, of this
city, and Ralph Cram and M.
C. Smith, of Davenport, was post
poned nntil a later date owing to the
uo'avorable weather.
Davenport is preparing for a creat
11 mile road race June 23. Prizes
which should induce a lareo number
of participants and an unusually at
tractive event crenerallv have been
offered, and Dr. A. H. McCandless
has been appointed iodrre and handi-
capper for Rock Island. The entries
close at 6 p. m. June 19.
Harry E. Terry, 2926 Seventh ave
nue, was pleasantly reminded of the
arrival of his 16th birthday anniver
sary last evening, when a company
of his young friends called on him
unawares and proceeded to make the
occasion a jolly one. They brought
along several nice presents. Several
hours were enjoyably spent, after
which refreshments were served.
Special reduced rates to Buffalo
snd return Tin the Lake Shore ft
Michigan Southern railway July
and 6. Extreme return limit Knt
1. Stop at Cbautaunca on return
trip if desired. A splendid opportu
nity to visit Niagara Falls. Circu
lars giving full information will be
sent on application to M. S. Giles, T.
P. A., Chicago, or C. K. Wilber, A.
G. P. A.. Chicago.
Mrs. Anna Nelson, of nlolinp. arm
taken to the Jacksonville insane asy
lum todav in accordance with rr.
diet reached in the county court by
jury composeu oi ur. a. j. I'lum
mer, J. E. Fleming, William Ram
skill, W. B. limner, Thomas Boll
man and W. L. Nichols. Mrs. Nel
son is 50 vears of a?e and her rf-
ranged condition is thought to have
oeen causea oy pnysical weakness.
Glass & Brooks today purchased
the meat market of Al. Hinc.her t
1928 Fourth avenue and will con
solidate it with their market at
2009 Fouth avenue. Glass & Brooks
are also proprietors of a market at
702 Seventh avenue. Glass &
Brooks extend a cordial invitation to
Mr. Ilincher's former patrons to cive
them a trial, truarantceinir that sat
isfaction will be given in every par-
Observer Walz meteorological nm.
mary for May places the mean at
mospheric pressure at 29.89; the
highest beiosr 39.17 on the 5Sd and
the lowest 29.48 on tha 14th Tho
mean temperature was 68, the highest
ueing no on me 4 in, tne lowest 60 on
the 28th. The total nreclnilatinn
was 4 OS. There were seven dear
days in the month, 11 being partly
viouuy sou ia ciouay. inunaer-
storms occurred on 13 days during
the month.
The Mortuary Record.
Death came to Nathan A. Boyer.921
Fourth avenue, at 6:30 this mornin?
after three weeks1 suffering with ty
phoid fever. He was S8 years of ae
and an employe of the Bock Island
Stove works. With the widow are
three children, two cirls and a bo v.
the youngest of which is 6 months
old. The funeral occurs from the
residence at 2 o'clock Fridav after
noon and will be ander the auspices
of Camp 29. M. W. A., of which the
deceased was a member.
Carl, the infant aon of Mr. and
Mrs. William Drittel. 417 Tenth
street, died yesterday. The funeral
waa ui'iu inn aucrnoon.
. W. til. tllMtlN,
All members of Camp 29 are re-
quested to meet at their hall Fridav
at 1:30 to attend the funeral of their
deceased neighbor. Nathan A. Boyer.
Members of 309 and 1250 are cot'
dially invited to attend.
Olivkk Beck, Consul.
S. Mattisov, Clerk.
Sometime we see a cloud that's dras-
mili ; a vapor sometinu , like a bear
or lion ; a tower 'd citiuM, a pendant
rock:, a lorki d mountain, or blue prom
ontory, with trees cpon't, that nod
unto the world, and mock our eyes with
air. MiaJtejpeare.
Arkansas, m crrat tnqnv nn .
. "T"
was nicknamed the bear State, from
the abundance f bears in the mountain
ous dixtrk-ta. For over 40 years Arkan
sas had almost a monopoly of the bear
stories of this country.
TBI ABOCS delivered everv avan.
ing at your door at 10c a week.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rifrbtly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the rrstem, which the pleasant
family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the onl
remedy with millionsof families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value ftood health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is tiie
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
orjrans on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the cenuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable drujrgists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regnlar, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
nsed and gives most general satisfaction.
imin tttti TTiTrn
A long list of th6 season's
ch oicest vegetables from
which you can surely fiud
something to add to your
Sunday dinner.
On Ion 9,
V ax Beana,
Rtrine Beans,
Tie Plant,
hammer Sqaath.
Peas. Turnips,
Sweet Pol toe.
New Pots oes.
Soup Bunches,
Carrot. i
j oi iN.ii.j niurviiiND
Home grown strawberries.
gooseberries, California cherries, &
fhpfTi. haninitl uranmid
and pineapples.
Everything we have is the
best the market affords.
Shoes rvcil bought are
half sold that's why
ortt s sell so easily.
Oxfords, Blacks and Tans
See onr 2.25 Oxfords,
" Blacks and Tans.
Free if Tours is
Cost $2 Annually.
American Wheelman's
, Protective Association.
1717 Second Avenue.
Ladies' Wheel
Gents' Wheel.
. All Styles and Sizes.
Large display Of bicycle sundries
Lanterns, all kinds.
Bicycle oil.
Wood rim and tire cement.
Chain lnbrieant.
Trouser guards.
Lantern braokets.
Toe clips, etc
1615-1617 - SECOND AVENUE.
Yum! Yum!
Krell fc Math's soda water is
refreshing when mixed wjth
their delicious Cream and
Fruit Syrops. The gods never
mixed their nectar Into such a
tempting draught as
Seive their patrons. It
makes their store a rendezvous
for the best classes of resi
dents, both old and young, In
town. Go into their parlor
and enjoy your Ice cream, fruit
ices or ice cream sodas with
your lady or gentlemen friends.
They have the only cool place
in the city.
Party Supplies! Fine Candies!
Try a brick of ice cream, three
kinds in each brick. Tour
company will be pleased.
Phone 1156. 1716-1718 Second Ave.
Just Received
3.90 For
4.90 For
5.90 FoP
Q m 9 O For
Biggest Bargains in town.
i : ,
Mc I llty re-Reck Dry Goods Co.
A New Record for
Volume Of roods handUd and
being lowered to a degree never before known in the
history of Bock Island; have also passed all records in
dollars received. We wish to do eqaally well in Jane
and will spare no effort to bring Jane prices to a point
within easy reach of all.
Capes at Half Price.
!.wepIckedontabon,5,oror i el" eases, very soluble
for cool apmmer evening, and tha prices wlllb.jut hair. 1 hi. JranT:
Jl.lSitapesat (IV
W.S8 cpe at .V..V..U.V.".V."V""." Ilw
4 9S cape at w S
o ST.SO e,pea at ''.. '. "".'T "Y
8nrelj itx aaving is worth the com Inf.
Child's Jackets.
. V.he " we make two lots of all children's Short jackets sad
seu ineni tnls way:
II the preitr one, worth fs. f S. 17 50 and S9. at S SS.
The ntiy little garments at S3, s ts. t4 and H 5S. at si 9S.
oa w t save noney eaaier than In ouying tbea jtcketa now.
Shirt Waists.
Handsomer than ever are the new shirt waists received almost dal'r
nere. Dainty lawns and dimltiea detlljr made aa to iookahnost Ilka
allk . The low prioea are a mi at excellent feature of thaea waltta.
Aa a epecial driTe we will eeli sum ehtn waiata of lawn and parcale.
snch as are selling at SSe and SI. for 65e. '
To dntnbuie the lot aa fairly as possible wa place a Umlt of two to a
Here at Home . .
New Parlor
Sixteenth street and Second
New Styles in Men's Suits
suits that are worth
suits that are worth
s,,ts that are worth
suits that are worth
Compire our $3.90 suits with those other dealers sell at $7; the $4.90 with the
$9 suits; the $5 90 with the $10 suits and the $6.90 with the $12 suits.
You'll find them just as advertised.
1709 and 171 1 Second Avenue, Rock Island, IH.
PPnnnno tvt rac
am AUb
In .nlu a
You can find a finer display of parlor furniture than
you see in many of the so called stores of big as
sortment AH that is to be had in selection and price
we carry every day in the year, Our stores show a
finer line of carpets than can be found in any other
one establishment in this vicinity, and our prices on
these goods are as fair as could be asked. We are
showing some of the prettiest
That has ever been brought to the city, and you will
do well to inspect it, even though you do not buy.
Remember our line of goods contains all that a first
class home in our business carries. It's results we
are after and we want you to see our goods.
which we have placed on sale at
Table Linens.
except the prices which are badlv
shaken.np. The gain is yonrs:
M inch b'eaohed Hnem. S Baa pal tarns, ralne a9e, at IV.
6-tech haary bleached Unea, fine paoaraa. Tains 64c. sale price
St-iarh bleached Nora, tine pstterna, valaa stc sale price 4c
es-tnch Bcotoa daniaas, S haadtoaM patterna, ere aalaa. sale pries
57 So.
St)-inch astln fnlsh Irtah daataak, S patterns, Talee tio, aale nrlre Sac
. Very superior ealaea la bieaehad table damaska, worth horn Sic to
1.8", for this tale stTScSttc and ttte.
Two apectal lots of German cream tahla Uaana, will sell anleklr at
these redaced prices:
At STSe a yard. pattern. SO and SI Inch rreaa lin- a, valat 50c
At toe a yard, handsome patterns, raise ate.
Full size, creat Tmlnee and rat prices.
Atiattc. 10 doaea hack te w-ls. roort ly ISit laoae. the kind oa a--aally
pay IS to 18c for. At 18c, SO dVa-a hnck an damask tiweki
moellySSc ralnoa. These lou may not last toe week ml
. J,!22? "'mT!.'! ttm from or tha oes. The met of rarh
""'" i01 " rrar at these little prices: IS rolls Kobe mat
ting, while it lata, per yard, lCc; IS rolls Japanese melUnas. two pat
lerns,asaal 18c qnaUty. per yard. llc. amnuuga, two pst
Sundry Things Cheap.
SW fancy enameled card boxes, nice for work boxes . too. while they
pnui, ac
a Pair of our
Shot Shoes, only

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