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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, July 22, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. XLIV. HO. 334.
Two National Conventions
Assemble at St. Louis.
Opening Preliminaries
Recesses Taken.
mail i that the Chinese troop cent
I to Lancheu to suppress the Moham-
tuelan rebels appear to have been
totally annihilated. The troops num
bered G.uuu. ah were either killed
or missing. The rebel massacred
all ia authority by kilHnjr and pil
laging, and are n a trnmphant
march through the country.
Tailors Strlk la lew York.
Xsw Yokk, July 22 Twelve
thousand tailors in this city and
Brooklyn struck this morning to en
force higher prices from wholesale
manactnrers and prevent a renewal
of the task and piece work system.
No Compromise At
Anathar Horrtbla Traradr.
Piesent F.lbebtow, Ga., July 22 Last
night, near Royston, Dave Kerry man
killed his wife, three children and
suicided. It it supposed the deed
was committed while crazy with
of the Road
Is Upheld.
The White Metal Men Hear
From Teller.
A Koral W.ddlnc.
Lospon, July 22. Princess Maud.
thifd daughter of the Prince, and
Princess 01 W ales, was married this
afternoon in the chapel of Bucking,
ham palace, to Prince Charles, sec
ond son of the Crown Prince Fred
erick, of Denmark.
' St. Lous, July 22. The day for
tli i opening of the national political
convention opened clear and hot.
The attention of the public is all
turno'l to the populist, the silver
convention attracting little or no at
tention, its work being fully cut ou.
The leaders of the "middle of the
road" men this mornlne decided to
nominate Paul Vandervort, of Ne
braska, in opposition to liryan.
Tba 8llvr Man.
The silver convection met in
Mu sio hall, where (Jrover Cleveland
was nominated eight rears ago. and
assembled very slowly. At noon not
inure than a hundred delegates had
At a caucus of the members of the
silver convention this morning a
committee was appointed to confer
with the populists with a view of
solidifying the forces.
The convention was railed to order
at 12:30 by Chairman J. J. L. Molt,
of the national . committee. After
the reading of the call Congressman
F. '. Newland was introduced as the
tnmpnrary cbalrimn and delivered
an ddies.
When NewTahds finished the roll
n called by states to get the names
nr the committee on credential.
Trltvr ftmaria Mia Data for llryao.
A telegram from II. M. Teller wan
rrvl. saying that the money question
overshadowed all others, garni a vole
for I'.rvan and Kewall was vote for
Industrial and linancial independ
The convention then recessed till
tk t'opaltott.
The hall In which the populists
met I the same in whi-h the repub
lican national convention met last
month. The arrangement as to
scats, etc., are the same. The deco
rations are practically the same, ex
rept thero is not a picture in the
Too convention was railed to order
at 12: l by Chairman Taubcncck, of
the national committee. Kcv. V
(tniilh delivered the it vocation. At
the conclusion of the prayer, Taube
neck Introduced Gov. Stone, of Mis
nuri. who delivcted a brief address
! welcome. Ignatius Donnelly, of
Minnesota, responded.
Donnelly appearance caused a
burst of enthusiasm among the mid
dlo of the road men. Donnelly spoke
rracefully. but adroitly avoiding al
lusion to the subject upon which the
dolc'stes are divided.
(Jen. Weaver moved over to the
Tesas delegation and made a speech
In favor of ibolding sessions behind
dosed doors, but the Texans contid
ered the scheme impracticable.
The prevailing opinion now is that
a compromise will do euectcu look
irnr to the indorsement of Bryan for
president and a southern man named
t r vice president. This it is freely
predicted will be the outcome of the
At the conclusion of Donnelly's
address Taubencck introduced Sena
tor llutler as temporary chairman
He was received with applause, and
given three cheers. He made a stir
rim? address charting both the re-
puplicfen and democratic parties with
untaitnfalness to tbfl people, and
liuhtinir a sham battle in which Wall
street always won. and that the pop
ulist party was organized to bring
relief to the people.
Kap In tna Mld.Ha at tba Km
Butler said he bad enough faith in
his party to teal convinced that it
would not make itself the annex to
the democratic partv. The middle
nf the readers cheered, but the Bryan
followers shouted when be added
there was a crave dancer that it
mlzht be made a republican annex
He said one danger was as great
the other. "Let us Cod the truth in
the middle way." This was the
keynote of the speech, but there was
no special applsnse or eviditi sag
gestion til a compromise.
At the conclusion of Butler's
speech the states were railed for
members of the com aaittce on cre
dentials aad a recess was taken till 8
Bloody Crime Oone by the Mate
of a Barkentine.
Alto Some Short and flnthlnz for tba
IU-Im?: Spanish irlt Shown.
Havana, July 22. For several days
pat rumors have been persistently circu
lated in Havana that a largo quantity of
dynamite lind been introduced into the
city by the agents of the insurgents, and
tluitnn attempt would be made to blow
n many liuiltlinft. Amount the seiz
ures niiiile rc.ttcrdny mm some dynamite,
which it is itelieve.1 was intended for use
by the conspirators. Its seizure has for
f ha present-relieved this ftvlingnf nppre-
lieiiMon, and litem is not believed to lie
any immediate danger now froiu this
The Mil lee have seized several boxes of
clothing, no pairs of tOiocs and other
contraband kmkN designm! for the insur
ants. A inissenfwr by tho last steamer
from Tampa abandoned 11 trunk in which
v,ere fiiiinil Ism cartridges. Insursrents
who surrendered recently at Cam no I'lor
ld told where !W rnrtridifcs had been con
cealed and they were srcurctl.
AiiNirdniK to an account which Is iriven
out hen- the recent eniifrcmcnt at Macn
po.i. pnoinco of Matnnzas, afforded a
siilttidid exhibition of Spanish .valor
nnlnst overwhelming ikIiIs. The pirris m
niimiHTed only lifty men, while tho in
surgent force was Omjitronir. Forming
themselves into a Solum; the Stviniards
fought tiai-k to Imek, nsktng -nw nuari
Imt seeking to Unit a w.-iv if retreat.
1 h- strugirie was a hopeless one, but the
little Imnd of Spanish ilil?crs mnilita gil
lint stand. Sixteen of them were killed,
eighteen were wounded, nml fourteen are
inU-ing. siitimikJ to have lvii mad
prist. nr. The iasurgi-nts tmik thiriy-
lonr Manur ritles. Major Naji-ra, who
comiuai.iird I he garrison, ma one of the
wouiiihil. Sinee the eiifnigemnnt t wo of
the lrave suMiers who Were wounded have
II MmitlJ Itr a Champion Prize Fighter
I.ikr This line.
Minneapolis, July Si. Yesterday's base
li 1 1 game was sensational in the extreme.
In the llrst Inning "Bill'' Wilson lieeiimo
nngcrcd liei-atisi t'lnpire Clark called a
foul on him. He grabbed the umpire by
tho nerk, Imt Clark turned and immedi
ately oimmeneeil to pound him. Wilson
fi ll and ( lark was punching at his head
all the time. Several other players joined
In nml in endeavoring to sepantte the con-
tennis thero were several cneounters.
Wilson waited for Clark after the rnme.
and went for h'.m. but Clark knocked him
down several time ijjtl when the Kilico
Interfered Wilson acknowledged that ho
h id had cnoiiirh. Wilsun was out of the
gone after his llrst light.
Thieves stole the organ In the Pleasant
Valh-y chutvh, near Topeka, Kas. Movers
are susjai'lnl.
Mrs. J. II. Tolfriv, who was Grover
Clevrlnnil's ivrrt;irv while he was mayor
of Huffato, commit ml suicide at Mojave,
Cal. It Is supposed that she was tempor
arily insane.
Dr. Salmon, the liT-vear-old Knglish
physician, has just died at Cambridge.
AfHT the battle of aterloo ho crossed to
Urusscls to care for tho wounded.
A woman cobbler docs a flourishing bus
iness in W'wiston, Mo. Sho is a young
French-Canadian named Elize Lamay.
William Little, champion pie cater of
McKeesMrt, Pa., is dead. He had a weak
ness for pies, and Saturday night laid in a
Sunday stock of them, costing fcl. He ate
thciu all hy evening, and topped on the
it with a large allowance of watermelon.
Hhodcs, Hammond. Phillips and Farrar.
of Johannesburg famo are, Is-tween them.
s lid to ! worth !'n.l'.0ir).
Warrants for the arrest of all the offi
cers of the Deposit liank. of Newport, l'a..
have been issued. The bank closed its
doors in March, oning depositors $-i.t,0i.
Judge Lawrcnw. of New York, has
signed an order committing Thomas Q.
S-jibriMike, the actor, to Ludlow streil jjtil
for contempt of court for failure to pnv
alimony of tV a week and a counsel fee of
$ to his wife.
The heads of ten Xcw York banks have
agreed to furnish the government f l-TOUTi,.
I m gold to miintain the f IOO,tt,tJO re
IMvls. Hoff & Co.. ft Pontiac building,
Chicsgo. dealers in bicycle sundris, have
made an aiMignment ti Edward J. Phil
lips. Asci were placed at $-',500 and lia
bilities at fl.FOO.
1 he storthing of Norway has rejected
the bill for the retention of the temporary
Increase of the On tic on petroleum anil
sugar and for an imposition of a duty on
The Chicago police are looking for Lanra
Blood good and Gertrude Schrader, 13 and
U years old, respectively, wb ascaoed
from the industrial school
Captain, His Wife, and tha First Officer
llrained-Attacked While Ailt-p In Their
Staterooms Man at the Wheel Sees the
Assault on the Captain But Says Nothing
TL'ntil lie Is Arrested Supposed Purpose
of the Deviltry.
Halifax, N. P., July 22. The barken-
tine Herbert Fuller, Captain Nash, from,
Boston July 3 for Kosario, put into Hali
fax yesterday flying the stars and stripes
sat half mast with a black flag immediate
ly beneath. This is the signal for "mutiny
on board." When the Fuller was boarded
it was learned that murder had been com
mitted, and that Captain Nash, his wife,
Laura, and Second Officer Banberry
had been killed in their bunks while
asleep. The murders had been commit
ted with an axe. The rooms in which tho
victims lay were covered with blood, show
ing that a severe struggle had taken place,
and the bodies were horribly mutilated.
The cook, Jonathan Sheere, of Kosaris,
suspected the mate Thomas Brani, and
succeeded in placing Brant in irons, and
he afterwards ironed the man who was
at the whee l at the time the murder was
Plonks Discovers the Bloody Crime.
tlHn arrival of the vessel nil on board,
including Lester Monks, of Boston, who
was a passenger, were placed under ar
rest. The United States consul here has
telegraphed to Washington for instruc
tions, pending the receipt of which he has
enjoined all connected with' the iiiTairto
maintain tho strictest silence. But in
spite of the secrecy maintained it has been
ascertained that Monks first became
aware of tho horrible crime when he went
to the captain's room to inquire if the cap
tain was iii. Monks having been aroused
from his sleep by. a groan or a scream.
Falling to receive an answer he entered
the room nml found the captain lying on
the lloor covered with blood.
The Victims Literally Butchered,
He rushed on dc.-k and confronted the
first mate, who was in charge, with the
statement that the captain had been mur
tlcrcd. Bram, the mate, seemed much
agitated, and appeared not to know what
to do. Monks then rushed below and
aroused the crew. The men hurried to
the cabin, where the full extent of the
crime was s-xm made known. As tho
bodies lay in their respective rooms they
presented a horrible sight. Mrs. Nash's
skull had been split almost In twain. The
"tigers of her right hand bad lieen almost
cut. oil, while another blow of the ax had
cut off a section of the scalp with the hair
attached. Her husband's head was also
t.plit open, while the first ollicer had evi
dently been killed with the pole of the ax.
Seaman Who Saw the Crime.
Brnm at first denied all knowledge of
tho murder, hut later from remarks let
fall and peculiar actions suspicion pointed
towards him as the murderer and he was
plaeefl in irons. The man at the wheel
was Seaman Brown. He was also sus
pected of complicity and was ironed by
the crew. At the police station tho first
mate was stripped and blood was found-on
his clothing. The passenger. Monks,
slates tliat be saw the first mate come
frimi the captain's cabin after the murder.
Seaman Brown has made a statement to
the rfYert that he saw the lirst mate kill
the captain. He heard a noise in the cap
tain's cabin and on going thither saw the
first mate murder the captain. There was
no mutiny.
Steward Was Kxpecting Trouble.
Lester Monks, the passenger, is under
nrrest. but is kept in the office of the chief
of police with an ollicer present. Charles
SpeniiT, the colored steward, says that
something was in the wind from the day
tho vessel left Boston, as the mate had
three jugs of whisky with him. Charles
Brown, who was at the wheel on the night
of the murder, says that Brain's actions
were verv suspicious, as he wanted to take
the Fuller to South America instead of
Cutian l'hase of the Matter.
Brown said that when looking down the
companionway while at the wheel he saw
the mate killing the captain with an ax.
The ax was found covered with blood, and
was thrown overboard for fear it might lie
used a second time. It is believed the cap
tain was murdered first, then the second
mate and lastly the captain's wife. One
story is that it was the intention to take
the vessel to Cuba and sell her to the in
surgents. .
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest
of all In leavening strength Latctt United
Stoics Government Food Report.
Eota& BAKnte Powoir Co., Vww Yobs. Cm
Colona Sand
Stone Quarries
Sawed building stone,
Ashlar and trimmings
a specialty.
- !
For cheapness, durability and
beauty excelled by none. Xhia
stone does not wash or color the
wall with alkali, etc Plans sent
as tor estimates will receive
careful attention and be returned
promptly at oar expense. t
Quarries 12 miles from Rock
Island on the C. B. & Q. tt. R.
Trains Nos. 5 and 10 will Stop
and let visitors off and on.
Bridge stone, corn crib
blocks and foundation
stone any size desired.
Samples of Stone and Photos of
Buildings can be seen at Boom
No. 12. Mitchell & Lynde's build
ing. Ad'dress: . .
Arthur Burrall, manager,
Rock Island or Colona, 111.
Real Estate
lnsuranpe and Loans.
Boom 4, Mitchell & Lynde b'ne.
Tfdnnhone 1002.
Gas Fitting,
Sewer Pipe.
All Work Guaranteed.
Rosen tie Id Bros.,
R.al T.a-M Cat Mfi.
VA9tvuivi July 22. News
Disease attacks the, weak and de
bilitated. KeeDTonrsa'.f health v and
J I strong by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Twelve Persons Injured. Two of Whom Ara
luibly Fatally Hart.
Cakbosd.vle, Ills., July 2i A disas
trous railroad wreck occurred on tho Chi
cago ami Texas railroad about one milo
eolith of Murphysboro yesterday. A trestle
over Big Muddy cn.-ck gave way as tho re
sult of recent rains, and one passenger
coach was ditched. Twelve persons were
injured, two of whom may die. A broken
rail penetrated the mail car, in which
Mail Clerk Hamilton, of this city, was,
but he escaped without serious injury.
The injured are: Mrs. McClure, of Mc
Clure station, bruised; Andrew Childers,
of Murphyslxiro. bruised on facennd hand;
Sk-ott llinchcliffe. of Carbondale, badly
cut about the face; Ocnrge Siebert, of
Iiloomticld, Mo., jaw broken, and injured
internally, serious; Mrs. C Drew, en
gineer's wife, collar-bone broken and
cut about the face; one of her
children, face cut badly; another.
head bruised; another, spine injured and
arm broken, and her little boy, a.m
bmken; B. H. Herman, of Wittenberg,
Mo., cut on bead and bruised on knee;
George yuackenbos, Cape Girardeau,
bruised on head and face; Fnnk Ander
son, Grand Tower, nose broken; Drummer
11. Wvrre, of St. Louis, bruised.
lKm't Hold Tack ia Your Month.
Akron, O., July S3. Joseph Gorman
died at Birbertan from accidentally swal
lowing small tacks used in fastening
screening to doors. He held the tacks in
his mouth, and starting suddenly swal
lowed them. No power could relieve him
and he suffered intensely. . .
To buy Hardware,
Mixed House and
Floor Paints, Rub
ber Hose, Lawn
Mowers or anything
In the Hardware
line in general is of
1610 Third Avenue
Ms MM in Our Mess
It seems Hxe madness on our part to sacrifice prices the way we have,
but it's our method not to carry over, from one season to another, any
of our stock. To accomplish this end it will necessitate a great re
duction in prices all through our store. That part of it we have taken
care of. To buy now will be to you like getting two gold dollars for
one of silver.
Men's Suits.
Just think of it! For 10 you can buy
Suits that were $22, $20. f 18. The
finest materials, the best of colors,
Children's Suits.
Men's Suits.
$7.37 will buy Suits that were
considered bargains at $16.50.
$15, $13.60. $12. About 200
suits in this line. Come earlr
they won't last long at the price,
$2.99 for Children's Suits that
were $7.60, $6.50, $5. Ladies
her is itgreat chance for you.
Ages from S to 15
$1.39 or Hats that were
$2, $2.50, $3, and a few that
were $3.50 and $4. All this
season's Hats must go.
.Thev say a 1 good things came in three's. As usual, The London has
gone it one better, and offers you four of the greatest bargains you
have ever had a chance to take advantage of. If you miss them don't
blame us. .
Undersell Everybody.
You Know Us.
A Sure Wav
o save ivmnev
is to invest it at the
Big Store, 324-326-328
Brady Street, Davenport.
The Largest
guaranteed for your
money in Furniture,
Carpets, Stoves. Re
frigerators. The most
complete assorment
in all lines. Designs
The Very Latest
Prices meeting popu
lar approval. Rock
Island deliveries are
made promptly.
General Contractors
aaf SB BHs Si VSBt-
Siding, Flooring. Wai nscoa ting
18th street, bet. 4th aad 6th aTsnnes.
Darenprt Furniture
& Carpet Co.,
324, 326. 32 Bradr fct..
Old age can be attained by the proper use of In
vigorating tonics. The Rock Island Brewing Co's
products are all the results of scientific labor and
the most Improved apparatus, preserving in the
highest degree the health giving qualities of the
Rock Island Brewing Go.
Rock Island
Savings Bank.
Incorporated Under tkt
8 tats Law.
FIts Per Oat Interest Paid om Daposatsu
Mosey Loaned on Personal Collateral or Real Estate aUciHty.
3 x Survan. President.
Jobs Ceeaavsa, Vtas Tt
w estauwiu, i batata
Bta saslaass Jalyt, isso, I
M. um. S11tSaU taisa aev
. B P Bill.
t m

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