OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, October 27, 1896, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1896-10-27/ed-1/seq-7/

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3JfefeI (SEEK TO BE SINGLE. ! no boubt about m.un mOTS AX Vfif!f!Y.I
Sacrifice Sale
Monday, Oct. 26, at 9 a. m. . ..
S IX)T 1 Ladies brown mixed Jacket", prod sleeves, nice buttons, and a
j fine apix-aritig ganm-nL Never such value crfe d at such a low price 75e
LOT 2 Ladies all wool heavy mixed Jackets pearl buttons, superior fin
ish, very attractive, nevt-r told for less tlian Hi, at tills Mile .$1 50
I .T 8 Ladies all wool Jacket?, asMiiU-d eo'ors, good styles, le o'muttoo
tleevrs, rai I bnttwts, nicely trimmed. Never before was there such
Bond value at ST. At this sale f 3 (0
I)!' 4 I. sv5i s cheviot short Jacket, in
noliair hruld trimming, half (.I k linil, good size sleeves, very stilish.
Always sold from Sii to SIH. No $4 00
Ui V 5 Indies Jackets, a'w.rU'J coins in cheviot and kerseys, braid and
fur trimmed. Tnese cloaks sold fur SIS to S it. Close your eyes ami
truths nt what iirice we are eniiiir to s-II litis lot, knowing that it is im-
Missil)le fur j on t k d so, as it is a ni'r
In addition to the almve five lots of Jackets we offer the latett styles, which we I
received at the following urices: i-l
They come in routed etTtrts. Kerseys,
navies, browns ana tans.
We also olfcronr entire stock of Fur Cas and JaekeU at one half the
m itiiml price. This means an immense raving to you, for Instance a
brown alpossum t'ajie which was J:il 50 for 115 75
A Persian ljimh Cape, which was $20, kikw at $14.50
A beautiful Kiinituer Cape which was $35, goes at $17.50 j
A uU-inch China Seal Caie, heavy satin Iiuine, regular price S30, at this !
Kriiiimcr Jackets which sold for ?;, at
Kleetric Seal Jackets which are cheap .at
Mull's and Fur Scarfs
It's Kemarkalle, Isn't It? and Worthy of
Your Patronage.
Ji7 ad 2i74 West Second St., Davenport.
yy vrana special iaie nas been inaugur-
i f n t t - w
(1 ated at Wright & Barber's that will give all
an excellent opportunity.
Men's Fine Enamel Shoes at $3.
Here now is your chance to be winter shod.
Come quick.
1704 Second Ave.
When a Visitor
i Happens In
housewife can always
5 poR"
F if ant ir-iu
. - lamps
i Port acii Beans in
A noase. Always ready to
z . " ay itaia-
S i.iwe. ail Grocers, ioc, T J
A s en nnf 4aa
j . Send 6c t ?.-niM fCP
I aamfiir ciui.
bins anil black, excellent ijnality
ule sit 55 00
Mi, IT,, so, J7.50, .50. '. 50. S10.S0.
bonchiys liish fret-a and in blacks, I
918 00 I
the above reduction they will
only $24.00
Diy Goods CO.
STOCK is now complete, and
we are able to show you
some very pretty shapes at a
much cheaper figure than you
would suppose. Doa't waste
money needlessly, but call cn
us and you are sure to b
I right.
Mr. and Mrs. Mclnslee Find
Marriage a Failure.
After Twalf-UUM laaua la th Maul,
ananlal Barawaa th Wife R fam tm
fcfcaratlM mmmm Boar, Clalalna um I
B M BabStaml Uraakard.
TwentT-tbree Teart'eipoiienee haa
convince'l Mr. and Mrs. William Mo
iaslce that marriage is a failure.
Mrs. McInMee bus tiled a bill f.-r
divorce in the circuit clerk. ' clUce.
She sajs that they were married in
July, in Scott contitv, Iowa, and
lived tojjelber ontinnally until the
earljr part of this month. Mrs. Mc
lnslee declared be waa unable to
further jtut op with kia bail tabits,
the chief one of which ah js is
drunkenness. So .ue left him Tr.ej
have two children, llarrjr, -M. ami
SlepLea, 11. Mr. and Mrs. Mclnale
reside in Mi dine, where be is -ui-ploved.
and. "the coniiiainant avers,
earns enough tuoiiey ti provide fur
his family, but has failed tu do this;
instead squandering it all on drink.
Mra. rtialla Vaata m llvorr..
Mrs. Minerva Scbultz. Ninth
aveuoe, has begun proceedings in
the circuit court through Maj. J. M.
Brardslev, for a divorce from her
husband, Herman Srhu.ts. Thy
were married in Kock lIaud Mar 17,
1S!1), tthe eaja; and that all went
along coin para lively smoothly nntil
one day in June, 19.'5, when be de
serted her.
They have one child. Arthur, 6
years old, the custody of whom Mrs.
Schultz also M.-k.
A ad til Mat Will VoaM Oat of thw
Fray S0.04I tr Bryan.
A Kock Island businesa limn who
was a former resident of Indiana ha
received a letter from an old-time
democratic friend in Indianapolis
to whom he wrote asking what kind
of a democrat be was this year. The
answer relates that the writer is a
he has always Is-en, a democrat,
true to the interests of the people,
and is consequently for Itryan and
1G to I. You know what Indiana
politics generally means,'" he says,
-well it is just 10 times as hot here
this year as ever and the result is
that the state will give a democratic
majority of 30,0 n). We have," the
writer continues. S.iPlO honest and
true republicans in Indianapolis who
hold the cause of the people above
party and who are working night and
day for the people's cause, the elec
tion of W. J. Bryan.'
And the Kock Islander says the
gentleman who writes thns, has a
reputation for knowing what he is
talking about.
Mayor Thomas Taggarr. of Indian
apolis, ex-chairman ol the democratic
state central committee. predict
carrying the state of Indiana fur
Kryan by at least 2.1,000.
Political Point.
C. A. Barnard speaks at the town
hall. Milan, Thursday evening.
W. A. Allen and Louis Janus
speak at Cordova Friday night.
Cbarlcs Buford will present the
democratic cause to the people of
Hillsdale Saturday night.
A democratic meeting has been ar
ranged for Friday night nt Buffalo
Frairio. lion. K. W. Hurst a ad C.
U. Marr hall will t peak.
Ex-Gov. Horace Boies, of Water
loo, will speak at Turner opera
house, Davenport, Thursday evening
of this week.
Hon. E. W. Hurst and W. C. Allen,
spoke to a big meeting at Coal Valley
last evening. Andrew Donaldson
presided and great enthusiasm was
Maybe after awhile when the cam
paign is over the central McKinley
club will be given license logo out of
town and make a little parade. The
enthusiastic yellow fellows have been
kept pretty close to home so far.
T. II. Ellis will answer the ques
tions which C. J. Scarle recently
put at A. P. McGuirk, of Davenport,
at Bryan club headquarters this
evening, and he says he is anaions
that all republicans who can be on
E. II. (Jnjer and C. It. Marshall
addressed a big democratic meeting
at Kural last night. The town hall
was crowded and the forcible argu
ments of the spokesmen held the at
tention of the audience until after 10
The bast aaiT la the world lot
cuts, bruises, tores, oioers, salt
rbenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, corns and ail skin
eruptions, - and positively . enres
piles or no pay required. Jt Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Prloa S5 eents per
boa. For sal b? Harta lUlamsywr
Mystio Cure" for rheumatism
and neuralgia cares in 1 to 3 days.
Its action upon the system Is re
markable and mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause, and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose rreatly relieves, 7b eenta.
Sold by Otto timt jaa, druggist. Kock
Island, ana uusi acniegei on, zzu
West Second street. Davenport.
T Cmrm a CaM ba ttmm Day
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. 15 cents
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Caetoria.
Asia D.asartwtta Tk Ya Harr a-
)tale T a r !.
MiUn Oct. 27. 'Milan will
suieiv vit fr Bryan anJ Alt
geld." paid a promioeat upholder
of the llanaa McKinley doctrine
in Milan yesterday, when he was
shown a list of 34 names of re
publicans who will vote for Bryan.
Sewail and Alt geld. The result will
be icon by the following: la 1892
Milan polled a total ci 317 votes; rf
thee the republicans bad 21 1, leav
ing 173 democratic Vites. Allowing
Bryan 31 of the 3" republican niraes
sdded ti the 13 votes for dem-cracy
in '92 wiil give a total of 2o votes
for Bryan. As near as can he foun I
out not more than four democrats
have pone over, wlii-h will make a
total of IMS for McKinley aflrr the
34 ri'puldicaus bar l.cen taken from
"J 1 4 sad the four di'tnM'rtic rotr
added, leading Bryan ahead by ahoot-
ntuetcrn votes, ibe tonfaip is a
I'ttie uncertain ani uemiM-rat claim
thi townnhip by all the way front 11
t T.i voles. These bnres are ar
cording to Kural ami It-iwling
are strx'lly nilver and from the gen
eral ( iitu'ok everything is all O. K.
out tht war.
Capt. A. I. IVtrie. of New Wind
sor, a life-Ion republican who lMtd
the SL luis platform, spoke on tl e
it-sues of the day at the town hall
Saturday evening to one more of the
larce audienes which have alwsvs
grace I free silver meetings, an t even
the gold bugs could not help hut ad.
mire his speech. C A. Barnard, tit
Moline, speaks fir the cause of air
ver October 2V. in the Milan town
It. F. Thompson has swong into
line, and on top of his shop hi has
a sign, which readr: ! t I, Itrvan
and Sewall, Silver ami 1 1 old. All
With a "curfew" ordinance that
was in use in the Tailed States at
Fort Acadia In I77ti. and k-r.-r.e
lamps that are out of date the t n
can aenn assume a metropolitan air.
The Kir eel of Milaa have lieea trrv
dusty for the past few wei ks. but it
was not noticed till there was to be a
republican rally. Monday afternoon
the streets were soaked with water
at the expense of the town.
J. Cecil, of Chicago, and William
Jackson, of Km k lalaml, addressed
an audience at the town hall Mon
day evening. The hall was well
filled and the speeches were as good
as the average speech that has I men
made for McKinley duriag the cam
paign. Preceding the talking the
bora indulged in n little parade, and
headed by the Tri-City band marched
wherever there were any decorations.
The Sears Lincoln elub was la Una
and the Kural and fowling march
ing ciuos numbering 15 strong were
also on dock. As each of the rep-e-
sentative republicans homes were
passed the p ople burned red light
anu jcum wub all their might.
There was a great deal of yelling,
but they could not outshine the Bry
an buys, who were in line merely to
fill out matters to a satisfaction.
Fights were numerous, and while
only two resulted very seriously, the
mner inor were in no way pleasant.
Two of the events came near taking
place In the hall. There were about
seventy-five in the ptrade all
told, and the "tel o ribl-on
game" was plaved for all it was
worth. Everyone dtcpra ted regard
less of pnrty. One decoration was
16 lanterns on one porch " 6 to 1
A quartet sang a few moss covered
songs during the evening. The se.
lections by the hand were the only
redeemable features of the great re
publican circus. The man who
called the Bock Island Bryan club
anarchists when they were marching
in Kock Island took the leading role
in the parade.
Women are not the only ones who
are sensitive about their ages. A
man doesn't like to be told that he
is getting old. Health keeps a man
young. It doesn't make auv differ
ence if he has lived Mil years. If
tney nave ieen healthy years, he
will be hale and hearty and won't
look within 20 years as old as he is.
Good digestion and rich, red blood
make people look youthful. Dr.
Tierce's (kilden Medical Discovery
makes rich, red blood. It makes
health in the right wny. It works
according to the right theory, and
in 3d years of practice it has proved
that the theory is absolutely correct.
It begins at the beginning begins
by putting the stomach, liver and
liowels into perfect ordr, but it be
rins its good work on the blood be
fore it fioibes with the digestive
system. It searches c-nt disease
germs wherever they may he and
forces them ont of the body. AH
druggists keep the Discovery.'
rttae! tniaat ftaaat
Dr. Williams' Indian File Ointment
will cure blind, bleeding, ulcerated
and itching piles. It absorbs the
tnmors. allays the itching at once,
acts as a poultice, gives instant re
relief. Dr. Williams' Inrfi.a Plla
Ointment is prepared, only for piles
ami iKuuii; oi me private parts, and
nothing else. Everv buc la nun,.
teed. Sold by druggists, sent by
uaii i or j cents ana f I per box.
WiLLit.s MVs Co.. 1'rop.. Cleve
land. Ohio. For sale bv all drnr.
nasui a a i i.
Silver men say yes, cold men ssv
no. But all Who have bmI it arhetk.
er gold or silver men concede that
Foley's Honey and Tar Con eh Syrup
is superior to all others as IS is to 1.
Sold by M F. Bahnsen.
Subscribe for Tn Ana vs.
TW Stmt Gang Th.t ' Wnt
1 hrough Carney Last Wselu
Weat Aft te.eue ml t'arta MBft )-?.
mi tamm the Asmat A a Mat s.
MlM-r rataaas ttab Cwtrf Krafcaa
Lasta SS.SSS la Sataa aa4 Si an laa
Xarar aS Akna, O-Tha Aastra s Caw
C'aatlaaca Ta Itr a Myaterr.
Kansas Cltjr. Oct. 21. A special to
The Titnra from Ouihrlo. O. T aavat
The Sac and Fox Indian aerarr. aixijr
miles swuttwast of h-rr. w as haldunaaa
looted yeaterdar afternoon by the
sama sran- of bandits that notrl the
tottn of Oarni-r last we.lt. Fac ana
tux la inly thlrtr-sls mil.-a from Car
n'. Thvia Km four mukr J m
munlv4 and arnW. T1h-t fli-Kt rude
lo the offU-e of An nl Thwmaa.
ul.ly tu d.-mand the nintiw tu Mu
ms annuilr to far and Foe Indiana
neat wtn-k. A.etit Th.rtiia had W.(r
u rrituuatks .J tu pay the In-
tltjUM. TlMHlliia ka lud In 1.1 ..ftl.
The rot.U ra Ihn rnt to Ibe Mtare f
sua. taiuiH Whltll.-r, ruverad tlx lu
ll t.-a and took $l and valuaUe -
Thiy then hrld Up J. W. Xl-mtfs
f laev and at $:s and a r"M aaifh.
"hb f Keokuk's t'lac- waa toblal of
anu !.nue w,T1h r tiul. The bul.l
nt-is r the M.I.I ra tilaht-n 1 tn-tradt-ra
and o.h s ba.lly Ifwy -
iinai-i- to r-Kll. .n ruld4na- K
k ik"s plare tba bandits toshed Ihrouch
Ihe trruu imIm cf ih .,.n. .,,! l.i..
"h.. Iirii-BT thlr runic Two of hie
n.'.ir r-roamls4 as btdag In
ine i-arnrjr nM-ap.
t A l: HI l.l.l ot I B A SCAKUAL.
Umm Mam Talks sT AmWii WKa aaS
MamSrr Is tka SI Mtlt.
AL-nm. o tn-t. ST. Martin Arttau-r
waa abut and fatally wounded at hni
hum in this city last nlRtit bf Matblaa
tivmlar. liuth ate uung nwirrt-d
o n emi'luyad by lb- Arn.-rt.-an (Vn-al
miMtny. It-raiatr had rharrd Art-'a"-r
with talkinc kia wir and
bad thr-al-nnl hlni t-f.H-. Tr4sitr
bv ent Addth Jdn. a mutual fit-od.
lu AnUarr't hous lo Inquire If ba
would ue at home tat rticht. Jurdaa
warned AiltuT that lunlrr waa
rumlnx. Iw-miaT ewtTed th tack
d'H-r of Arthaurf'a busw and Ond al
him. They krafid and In th aruflta
A rt ba ur was shot In the ptusnaru and
kemlavr shot hlnuwlf In the arm. lie
went to tils home and waa sova after
wards arrestrd.
aery tuattrvly S.ai iati 4.
Kansas City. tart. ::.!. IV IV ri r.
chief rlirrfc for O-nrraJ Mans err ftoMa-
sun. of the ft. Jowt h and Orand lal
and railroad, who was arrxid to4
week rhargl wllh ttslnc Ibe snails la
roniM-cikm with a lawmcf ttanspnr
lttlia fraud, was dlar-harw 1 y.trJy
by ord-r of t ailed Flalra iNstrk-t At-
lorn-jr Walker, who autrd that thra
was abwdutcly no evIuVnce acalnst
Uerry and entirely eaonraied hHn.
Xatalac Wew na Ika Ana w raw.
Xew Vork. net. ;T. I:ut littb. has
oen dooe In th way of rWrinv up
the mrotTy surmundins; lb d ilk of
tlandln J. Andms. of Tntikrs. on
Wednesday last. Coronrr Mllr-s ma.
tlnues to say that he has aw Inf rt-tn
lion aa to the oersnna mnnortM with
what he tw-lh-v a to hare I a mur-
a-r. bat the rnron-r and poltr ar In
accord neither In th iry nr la action.
Mar by a Stay an IS.
Ited rtluff. Cel.. O. I. 77. A t-port has
r en t--lved m I lUdlo (Wk la this
rtmnty that F anions t. Nurs. a P.t
liin .. was h4 and insianlly klled
- , sua twmw . a. imy awll
t- or 1J y-ar ol.L Ills mother Is also
Im.. tlu.. .1 . .
..,,n-af-u in inf rnmc.
hhtht n-V-j irHa Hoy ta lfia.
New Trk. o. f rT. I lov-r tin son.
the It-yearidd yuu'h who was con
vict 1 of murd-rlf,r I l-rry If ...tr.-t t. a
farm..r I M ... i. fc. n M
t.-n-,-! to m- hana-l on Ixv. S at IIm-
i! county jail.
Makes Raa narka laatraliac M mmU mss
sar at llaaa t ara mIi-mIm.
New Torn, CM. ::.-r. J. Tynan, the
alld "No. 1- t,t the I-hvrtda ark
munl'-r.-ra. waa a iat!r-r on thf
North 0 Ma fjord Wrtimf I'aal,
whl h arrived last v.-nln from ls t
en. He was nt by hia IM and rhrhl
children. Tynan t$ -n at noai an-tin-.
He aalcl that naturally h I-
tat I to talk f.ir -tillHaliun. rvrs In
this country, aa It j Mlt4 that
any uttrarw- ! bim mirht nun-
tTutnlop others, and irtintni tlxe who
had I in kind to him. II- t-fu-4 to
disr-usa the un"e of his tlslt tu Ku
rl-. hut he -tni.hatW-ally staled that
bis till put in was t-ntrly o fut. fir
rtdk-ubd th" ri--.rtl lt-vrtti a of
the Hootland Tatd d.--tlv-s. and td
he had le-n anl-r tlx Ir a a natal i
or tlm- without I' ins; -iai rlrd.
H said It was uaina; to an raee
le in whll- In a certain Hty that
the d-t ; tlve be in t svf -t Mm
H- r-fsel lu sy hat rltv h rf red
to. His tr am .nt ta th Kr-wli oro
on was exartty th w im as that ar
eord-d Hhrr rt .fK-rs. bat h- had lh-
frtvlNp-a of iwndtn to tba cant fur
his m lis. Th- tii,.r-fMl and all th
attarh-a were v-tT tnuh lnt-r-at-d la
Mm. and warmly est his raaaa
la eMi-rnnn h- aald h "- -d
aaarehlsta and dl O'-t b-'lev II ft-
Sua of Ireland ruuld b adnd by
ariarrhtstlc tnr th1. Tt day fur Ira
land"a attark on tnclaol woulS avwa
tarii fcUaianC a tie Tars ra.
Halarta. taat lU atinr ta 4 la
s w4a Wat- ar.aaSSali It iias
rarMlac oka tka aatVi aakt.stiaa fWaSI
(ally lafrrl a la alt. mm4 imin avlata tt ol
aa4 MltliM la, ky B aors SiaanrS kit
Mat - Tar. aa M W nw kaH. af afa
aUrtact at4 !. Is taaat
Irsalara Jl- was ' ttaSaaaad f at
alala was f a any iwwmsa. tka hawfal atks
M4 aaa kraa aim ail ea Snjly rlait ay tka
af. similar aad efcut ajk.cltaia. wkkk
Stiaipt la atllaa aaa aatMHy ana jaill iWi
It aalKSw taa laS a at a'nai ky iNac a
artlaa lana v v 4al fanriia.
as'cfcaaier aa4 aamkiac tae Mi ..
y to tala a a so
snasaa aBnsssjBaasiii jMaocrawasasaTtntana
wilii each
f 'f
V-L - ?v -V' V -7
Jrr-; .v.js rfo. y . a i;j
. , . . ,
b wi:h free coinage. Our
, . . ... a- " .
kwsw .uiiiu a m I Ull sic i'T,ir
a gniu
Owlnc to the htrh
material we use In our f.lav
a a
we could not .ricrd lo nuke
them for $6. 1 he price; is now
tific and moJn way ci rrplaclnff teeth. We do this work
tka ar.sk t ! mt
-iiAii rit . .
Wc extract tfln tiovf!ve.1ar
. --- -
tO tne trunuv iM ff t-th-r
, - - - . - . v uvmi i a av
For st short time we will pnent our ptron with a tube of
tooth paste of our own mVr. .uar.ntned .bs6lutr-Jy pure.
All (Sir Work tnkXAtktfA Inr -n unn Ci.. J -
Loasulutton and cxamluatlon
Ncv York Dental Parlora9
DQ. laUEri, Propriotop.
n$ Eut Tkiid ttreet, " f "
package of
Fall and
Winter Styles---
la Far
Krw rtiady lr Inspoe
tin. Also a full atock
it I all an 4 W InW
Cilovos. rar s; ids
snade tm rder. Ait
Hads ( far rairitig
4M at
GIotc Store.
Free Silver Gold
Our f.!!vtT iiUrg at tjof.- r
ar. MTttv m.-.. at . a 4 .
-W...1 inuic vuan a Qmur win
k nnM..... . a-. - - m
." 5, ana cmr
mlnlMd avttS .,.1:,.
, v"' -- aftiMituu
rMnrofririn mtM iiM.d.
- --- winiwc lll mTT. US,
- . . DarttxarL la

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