OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, November 04, 1896, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1896-11-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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WSJ - X W a5SiJ .
Chapters I and II Aleo Howe,
f on of a prosperous New York mer
chant, leave home in the garb of a
iramp to earn his living becanse of a
disagreeable stepmother. He sleeps
at h farm house, but fails to get
Alec was awakened nert morning by
Ti loud knock ou his door and the an
nnnnceinent in the voire of Martha that
if lie wanted surao breakfast he would
have to como down right away.
He hurriedly dressed and went down
etaiss, where he followed the example
of little John (as he discovered the
yocng inau was called) and washed in
the, horse trongh. He wondered it the
man with the sandy beard (he didn't
dare to call him John even in his own
thoughts) would in vita him to go to
work at good waos.
In about ten minutes Martha announc
ed that all was ready, and John iuvitad
the young man to "move up," which
he did. They did not have much to tay
to him, but they paid him a certain si
lent respect which Mattered his vanity a
little, and they watched his plate most
closely to see that be had enough to eat
and seemed greatly troubled that he
didn't eat more at least Martha was.
Instead of oatmeal or eggs there were
fried bacon, pot a tons with their skins
ou, rye rolls and green apple sauce. Lit
tlo John, speaking for the first time to
Aloe, explained that they had ouo par
ticalarly early variety of apple tre9
iomewhore in the hollow back of the
lionse which bore these apples. Alec was
uUo offered another piece of the rhubarb
pie ho had for snpper the night before
and which he liked very much.
After breakfast the men wont directly
to the barn without a word to him about
work or on any other subject except a
remark that it was a fine morning. Aleo
;tod around tho dining room awkward
ly for a timo as Martha cleared oil the
table, hoping that something would be
Mid, for he had distinctly spoken of
work the night before and felt that tbey
could not have misnndesstood his de-
sires, lint Martha only said :
"You'll find this a right smart morn
ing for your walk. If I was in your
plao, I'd get started early and then rpst
in the shade somewhere along about
noon. It's awfully tiring to walk in the
hot Mm, I think.
"But I didn't know bnt Mr. er
er might want somebody to work for
him a littlo," stammered Aleo at this
speech, which soomed to him much like
an invitation to be going along.
' "Well, yon see," explained Martha,
"little John is abont as good as a man
now, and gran pa is right smart in
fipite of his white hair. So John man
ages to get along without hiring very
much help regular. If yon had come
along in a fortnight, now, when he had
the npper lield all cut and a shower was
coming tip and he wauted to get the
bay in, I presume he might give yon
half a day. Bat he ain't going to cut
any hay till after the Fourth. Folks up
here don't begin to hay much before the
Aleo decided in his own mind as he
patiently listened to this speech that he
would better pay for his lodging and
Mart on his way. So he offered Martha
his $1 Li 11, secretly hoping she would
takeoi:tof it only 35 cents. That was
nil she had spoken of tho night before.
Tired Feeling is exceedingly common and
dangerously significant. It is a warning
which munt he heeded, or, as with the
express which (Ails to regard the danger
signal, disaster must follow. It is b sure
indication of thin, weak, impure blood.
It is certain admonition that the blood is
not properly feeding the nerves, tissues
and organs of the body. Weak, nervous,
men and women are found everywhere.
Men strive too bard io " keep their busi
ness up," women work too much " on their
nerves," all have too little sleep, there
is excessive drain on strength and nervous
energy, and all complain of that tired
By purifying and vitalizing the blood,
Hood's Sarsaparilla furnishes abundant
supply Of nourishment for every nerve,
organ and tissue of the body. . This fresh
supply of nerve strength overcomes ner
vousness; the new vigor in the blood soon
banishes that tired feeling; the tone
given the stomach creates an appetite,
cures indigestion and dyspepsia. Take
The best in fart the One True Blood Purifier.
II ii - i are the best after-dinner
flood S PUIS pills, aid dwesaoa. ate
and he bopeu breakfast might be thrown
in. Martha took the bill, and explaining
that she didn't know but she bad the
change in her rag carpet money, which
she kept ia her sitting room bureau
drawer, left him alone for a few min
utes. In abont five minutes she returned.
"I said last night I would let yon
have supper for 10 cents, seeing yon
was a poor boy and having to walk all
the way home, and I won't charge yon
no more than that for breakfast, either.
though by good rights I onght to have
25 cents for each meal end 25 cents for
the bed. which will ell have to be wash
ed unless I pnt little John tip there for
one weak iustead of pnttiugclean sheets
cu his bed.
"Tea cents for supper and .10 for
breakfast and 25 for the bed makes
45 cents, and there is $1, and there
is 50 cents, and I declare if I've got
br.t 4 cents more to my name, so I gaess
I'll have to chargo yon a cent extra for
making change," she said, with a laugh
that was almost merry. Alec thought
Martha might hr.ve been induced to let
him stay and work for hia board for a
timo, if nothing more. But be did not
venture to mention that. He took his
1.54. saidgoodby. pnt on his old slouch
bat and went on his wav.
Alec felt less lonely and less worried
this morning and less repelled by the
farmhouses. They did not seem so deso
late now, and ha no longer dreaded
them. He did think with a p3n: that
4G rents of his $2 was already gone,
and this realization made him resolve
that lie would inquire for work at every
honso he came to. Surely somebodv
Would employ him at something.
The road was smooth enongh, bnt on
cither side there were stretches and
stretches of stones upon stones, in places
heaped np apparently as a wall, in cth
ers heaped np for no purpose, bnt be
canse of their abundance, and scattered
all about, even over a grassy plot that
seemed to be a hayfield.
As he approached the next hon.se,
which seemed more substantial and
larger, he saw a number of msa in
field hoeing potatoes, and they seemed
to be working very fcteadily. There was
a great field on one sido of them that
seemed quite grown np to weeds, while
on the other cculd bo seen rows of pota
toes they had hoed out. Alec bad I
mind to go over and speak to them, and
re stood in the read a few Eiinarcs leak
ing at them, undecided. But at last ho
went to the house to inquire.
A rather pretty but shy and awkward
girl in a very short, fadod calico dress
answered his knock at the kitchen deer.
Ho was so astonished to see her that be
Btammered for a minnte and nearly ask
ed if ho could have soniclbirg to eat be
fore he managed to say :
"I saw Eome men dawn in the field
there, and I wondered if they didn't
want some ono to help ibem a little.
I've come cp from New York city, and
I have walked np from the Rushes, and
I haven t very much money and won Id
liko to earn a little if I could to hel
me get home."
She looked at him with a very blank
expression that seemed to doubt bis
veracity even. Bnt she said :
"I think my father has all th9 help
he wants. He hires my two half broth
ers regularly, and he's got Mr. Condon
to help him hoe, and I don't think he
needs anybody mere. But yon might go
and ask him. He's the old lata Willi the
smooth race with thosa men yon saw
hoeing down there. Yon ask for Mr.
Bennett, and they will any of them tell
yon who ho is. He is tho oldest, excepi
Mr. London, who has a beard. "
Alec thanked her and went to find
Mr. Bennett. K:s heart quaked a bit,
but he didn't mind that and boldly
msdo his wishes known. Milo Bennett
was a very short man with a very big,
Hat, Cabby face, bet with rather good
natnrcd bine eyes. Ho threw himself
back ca his hoe the minute be saw Aleo
coming, evidently glad cf an opportnni
ty to rest, even so early in the morning.
"Well, sir, what caul ao for yon?
he inquired briskly, bnt not disagreea
I wanted to see if you wanted any
body to help you a few days," answered
AJeo pronintiv.
"What can yon do?" the man inquir
ed, with a light sneer, sizing the slim,
young figure up from top to toe. "You
hands uon t look as if they had been
right in hceing np to the present time.
Where do you come from, anyway?'
"From Isew lork." answered Aleo
in some fright, looking at his white
"John jna-ic.ge to get along vriOioui hlr-
tnq very mtica help.
bands add realising ma physical inca
pacity to do anything very heavy. Bat
be thought he could hoc He immedi
ately slated this belief.
in ouster loose uieiiv dodos n
yours inside of an hour," sneered the
man, but as before not unpleasantly.
"I might try," suggested Alee.
"Well, maybe you can earn your
board," said Milo, turning to work
again, for the other bad stopped the
moment he did. "I wouldn't pay you a
cent for what you would do the first
day. You can find a hoe inside the barn
up there. "
Alec rtocd undecided for a moment.
bnt no one was paying the slightest at
tention to him, so be walked silently
back to the house, and at last, with the
help of the pretty girl, found the bee.
He rebelled at the idea of working mere
ly for bis board, bnt the fear of having
to draw again so heavily on bia very
small amount of cash decided him to
work one day at least. If be only earned
bis board, they certainly would not ex
pect bin. to work very bard.
Mr. Bennett, or Milo, as tbey called
him, even the boys, took some pains to
show him how to manage hia boe, how
to pull the weeds out from among the
potatoes without pulling up the potato
vines, too, and then how to hill the dirt
up and make it compact all around. It
was more of a trick than he bad im
agined, and he took some interest in
learning how to do it neatly and quick
ly. Bnt as his employer had prophesied.
his hands were blistered inside of an
hour, and be had to wind his handker
chief abont the r:clit one in order to
keep it from becoming torturingly sore
Besides, bis back began to ache pretty
soon, and before very long it armed so
that it seemed as if he couldn't keep at
work. But he was determined cot to
give np for any such thing as that
Of course Alec did not try to keep up
with the others, whose hands were ap
parently as tctigh as iron and whose
backs never ached, for they walked
straight along, down ono row, back an
other, the fonr of them abreast end
seeming to have a sort of pride in keep
ing even, though now and then one
would drop behind lor some reason or
other. When at lust he heard a great
bell ring np at the house, and looking
np saw the pretty girl in the kitchen
doorway ringing it, he knew it mast be
dinner time. But he kept cn working.
not noticing that the fonr men bad
dropped their bees as scidenly at ths
6ouud of the bell as if they bad been
automatons. Bat Milo called out good
naturedly :
"Better come along to dinner now.
guess you've earned it. How are your
The others said nothing, but laughed
together, and as tbey walked elowly up
toward the house they glanced at Aleo
every now and then in snch a way that
he felt uncomfortable. Only Lis prlda
made bim affect an indifference that be
came him very well.
So one paid any particular attention
to him, and as dinner was sot quite
ready he was glad enough to sit down
and test, tie saw comma and gains
within a tali, angular woman whom
they called mother, but she paid no
moro attention to him than did tho oth
ers, though she had never ceen him bo-
lore. Milo came around once as tho
pretty girl passed near by and said :
"Maud, I want to introduco to you a
young city swell from Jcw York.
What s your name?
Alec answered.
"She's Maud. She's my girt I ca!
her my little duck. Do you think thev
have nicer girls in thecity, now;" went
on Milo after learning Alec's name.
Maud paused a moment and then
went on with her work, apparently
quite maincrent to the young city
swell." Alec had beea standing before
the little looking glass combing his wet
hair and would have been very much
embarrassed had he not been invited at
that moment to move up to the table.
where, with the others, he partook of
an ample dinner of baked beans and
pork, cold brown bread, boiled beets,
green peas, potatoes, radishes and baked
rice pudding, with cranberry tarts to
top off. He found afterward that in this
family baked beans and potatoes were
tbe staple of every meal, and pie of
some kind usually appeared for break
fast, supper and frequently for dinner
too. They also bad cold cider, but Milo
and Mr. Condon were the only ones who
partook of it, and consequently Aleo
felt impelled to refuse.
Wnm a Con J11 flit II I'tt Afflln
New York. Nov. 4 The contest for
the Tri-state cur, "pen to shootors in
New York. New Jersey and Pennsyl
vania, was held on the grounds of the
Fndeavor Uun club at Marion. N. 3.
yef-terday. The conditions were 50 tar
r.tts. unknown traps and ancles. John
1 Winston, of New York, won with 39
points. As he was tho donor of the
cup he put it up for competition again
letween Captain John I Brewer, of
New Tork. and Charles Smith, of
Flainficld, N. J., who tied with 3S
points. Smith won the shoot-oil.
II M Visions of t.rrat Wraith.
Maspeth. I I.. Nov. 3. If the story
told by Antonio Segula, a drusr clerk
employed here, be true, he will soon
be the posessor of an estate in Florida
worth ii.OOO.OOO. Sepula says that his
father was a direct descendant of
Father Antonio Segula, who settled in
Florida about 1S0O. and became the pos
sessor of a largo estate which was in
herited by his father, and Fegula says
he is now the only heir to it. The es
tate consists of abaut 3.000 acres of
valuable land.
John Jarkaoa Seem a Terror. f
Mid-lletown. N. Y.. Nov. 4. A crowd
of young men were cheering for Bryan
In this city when John Jaikson. col-
ored. who was drunk, pulled a pistol
. .
and shot at them three times. They
chased him into a house. He fired
from the house and shot Thomas Wood
In the forehead, seriously injuring him.
Court Police Gould c-tia d Jackson,
who shot at the officer also.. The latter
returned the fire, but neither was
Etruek. Jsekson was arrest-d.
The Markets.
Chicago. Nov. X Tuesday leing elec
tion day all the exchanges throughout
the country were closed and sa quota
tions wtre given out.
And th SurUn of Turkoy I To B
Mad by Haaotaaa, Wfca Looks After the
RelatlaM of La Rewabllaaa
sf ftorarthlag Lisa
Orderly Gmnmnt for the Sabjeeta mt
the Part Tbe Fowers ta Kea That taa
Fiwaiiac Is Kept. '
Paris, Nov. 4. In the chamber cf
deputies yesterday the minister of for
eign affairs, M. Hanotaux. made an
important statement regarding Ar
menia in the course of which he said:
-The powers have done their duty and
accord has been established lietween
the powers, who recog-nlsed that isolat
ed action must be averted and that
common action would not affect the
Integrity of Turkey. During the ctar'a
visit a precise exchange of vlewa oc
curred on the points before parlia
ment, t'nlted Europe will lie able to
show the sultan that he must give his
subjects security and peace." Hano
taux also said that Tnlted Europe
will make the sultan understand that
not only the Armenians but the Cath
olics and the Mussulmans are suffering
from the same evils and need the same
ameliorations, and will show him that
the source of those evils Is a bad Inter
national administration.
Bail Time Ahead for the Saltan.
"It will indicate the means to estab
lish order everywhere, without which
the country cannot continue to exist.
It will demand the execution of hia
promises and the enforcement and ex
tension of the reforms already granted;
will put an end to violent repressions,
will open the prisons and will also
brins home to him that the powers
hold him responsible for the safety of
M. Jaures, the radical Socialist dep
uty for Carmaux. attacked the govern
ment for shirkine its duty and de
nounced the policy of Knzland and
Russia. He then submitted a motion
blaming the Government, which was
rejected by a vote of 431 nays to M
yeas. Then the orclpr of the day was
adopted. Afterwards the rhimlier of
deputies voted a million francs for the
relief of the sufferers by the floods.
' Marfagaarar t'p ta the Neaata.
In the senate during; a discussion of
the Madagascar question the minister
of the colonies. M. Ielwl, said that the
government hoped that the Island be
fore long would le organized aa
province and with some kind of auto
nomy. He added tnat instructions naa
been given to General Oallent pre
scribing vigorous action for the sup
prescion of the Hova hegemony: but he
had been recommended to avoid whole
sale dragooning, while at the same time
he was authorized to act and to threat
as he thought fit persons who are oper
to suspicion.
Arraagemeat with . tha WdhaKers
Trram lnfriiM.
Managua, Nicaragua. Nov. 4. The
constitution amending assembly ap
proved the contract between Nicaragua
and the English bondholders of Nica
ragua's railroad bonds of 1SSH By its
terms Nicaragua agrees to Impose an
export tax of 1 cent (gold) a pound on
coffee exported, to be paid aa collect
ed to an agent of the bondholders, who
ia to resldo In Nicaragua at the ex
pense of the country, to pay the an
nual 4 per cent Interest and 1 per cent
sinking or redemption fund agreed on,
The debt, principal and unpaid Inter
est. Is about $1,600,000 gold.
The landholders got a clause per-
mltting. the sale of the Railroad and
National steamboat line for $1,000,000
gold, apparently with the intention of
buying and extending the road from
Corinto and the Gulf of Fonseca. on
the Pacific, to Blucnclds or Monkey
Point, on the Carribean sea, with cable
to Cape Gracias, and thence to Ja
maica, thus placing the British In con
trol of an easy grade, excellent Inter
oceanlc route across Nicaragua, and
one of the best natural harbors for
ocean steamships In Central America.
The assembly approved all acta of
President Zclaya to date, and author
ised the execntlon of the death penalty
on persons charged with attempting to
overthrow the present government.
Great Interent la Laadoa.
London, Nov. 4. Interest In the pres
idential election In the United States Is
the greatest ever known In this coun
try in a similar event. The newspapers
are pubiianing columns of matter on
the subject and the question la dis
cussed in all public places. Borne Idea
of the extraordinary Interest taken
may be seen In the fact that the Ijon
don newspapers prepared to bulletin
the results of the balloting on receipts
or the cable news from the United
Laras Rant Fiads His Daughter.
St. Louis. Nov .4. J. Lucas Hunt, the
California millionaire, who left his wife
and daughter in St. Louis forty years
ago, has located his daughter. She
was found living in poverty In Toledo,
Her name is now Mrs. Lucy Dorman,
She Is a widow with one daughter, and
for years she has managed to eke out
a meager existence by taking In se
Ing. Mrs. Hunt died thirty years ago.
LTs mnartiai' Was Castly.
St. Louis, Nov. 4. J. Lucas Hunt, the
deprive Ll Hung Chang of all his of
fices the emperor has substituted for
this punishment the loss of a year's
salary. This Is because the Chinese
statesman presumed to enter the pre
cincts of the ruined Bummer palace
while visiting the dowager empress of
Tried ta Aaaantt Itracklaridne.
Lexington. Ky.. Nov. 4. About twen
i . . J"Z 'I . xn? r"8-
- t. . ... umji or mem.
About 3 clock P. T. Fams worth
managing editor of the Evening Argo
iaut (silver), attempted to assault Col.
w. c. P. Breckinridge. The colonel
reported to have drawn his pistol when
bystanders Interfered. Tbe affair has
caused great excitement and mure
trouble Is feared.
Facsimile of 173.
-.- su iime an
.onutrK ir:a n w in Issue on Nov.
.nuii pruuucxion or The Times of
coniaiioag waahinzton
farewell address. u
Qntraar Thaa Um Lafclgh T alley la
tlag Optlaas aa Coal taada.
Toronto, OnL, Nov. 4. Four months
ago there was a discovery of coal In a
fertile district of Algonva. western On
tario. It did not take long for the re
port to spread, and In a very short
apace rf time the Ler.l;h Valley people
naa dispatched experts to the scene of
he discovery with Instructions to test
the coal thoroughly, and If It was in
then opinion of the quality represnted
to at once buy up the surrounding
country and secure aa option on tbe
district. But when the Lehigh Val
ley people had made up their minds
to buy It tia-y found Canadian capital
ists bad got in before them and got a
claim on the property. The Iy-hl-h
Valley combine has not given up hope
of securing the cual mlnea.
A prcpr.sitlnn Is now before the era
dicate In which the combine offers to
par more than Sl.ooo.eeo If the present
holders of the options will sell out to
thf m the whole district which the syn
dicate has now secured. The advisa
bility of accepting the offer Is being
considered. The syndicate would Pre
fer to start a Canadian company with
tl.000.CO capital stork.
F.nJ His rinam-tal aad Other Traablea
with a Rallet.
Cairo. III.. Nov. 4. Francis De GIs-
eac. a French count and teacher of art.
blew out hia trains here yesterday.
le t.lssae came here two years ago
and opened a studio for teaching paint
ing and sculpture, owing to financial
trotules he became despondent. Yester
day morning he rose enrly. wrote and
mailed h.Acral letters, then retired to
his room, locked the door, took a shot
gun and pulled the trir-gcr with his
cane, blowlns the top of his head off,
Prof. Ie Gissac was of the French
nobility, end his family lived at Olssar.
France. He was the eldest son and In
herited the title of count. He waa edu
catcd for the priesthood, but was exit
cd thirty-two years ago on account of
political troubles. For ten years he
taught sculpture In Danville, Ky. He
was a graduate of the Royal aoademy.
Paris, and could sneak seven taneuagna
fluently. He came here from Waco,
Texas, where he had a fine studio, lie
was CO years old.
About s C ase la Which a Tbromhlat IMS.
New Tcrk. Nov. 4. Theoaophlsts.
who are supposed to communicate with
each other by means of their astral
IhkIIcs, are una!4e to locate Flossie
Tlngley. the adopted daughter of Jos
eph and Katharine A. Tlngley. the lat
tcr of whom Is the "great unknown."
who succeeded William Q. Judge ai
leader of the Theosophlcal society at
his death. Mystery surrounds the van
ishing of Flossie last May. and to
skeptics It ta more mysterious that
communication In the astral way has
not been had with her and her father
by adoption long ago. Equally strange
Is the fart that ftO reward has
offered for Information that w-ould lead
to her discovery. Put this Information
Is lacking. The Mahal mas are all
puzzled and don't know what to do.
tmr grata Ai lasted by Whlteeas
rtlrmlngham, Ala, Nov. 4. While
Jeff Jackson. John Adams, William
Taylor and Robert Allison, negro
borers, were working at a sugar mill
near Wild Fork. Monroe county, they
were fired upon fiom the darkness by
unknown persons. All but Taylor were
Instantly killed and he will die. It la
supposed to have been done by a gang
of whittaps who have been engaged
In running all negroes out of that sec
Demorratle Headqaarter Laarted.
Mincle. Ind.. Nov. 4. The greatest
sensation of the campaign has
caused by a rohltrry at Itcmncrattc
headquarters In this city. The I via
ware county remocratlc central com
mittee received a large amount of
money from heedquartera to be
used and as far as ran be learned
consisted of .:i0. The money waa to
Lave been given out Monday night
and Tuesday morning, but about the
time for the distribution It was discov
ered that It had been stolen. Members
of the committee refused to be Inter
viewed concerning the robbery. Aa far
as known there la no clew.
IMd Taa Ever Try
try Electric Bitters at a remedy for
our troubles f It not, pet a bottle
now ana get renct. xnis medicine
has been found to be particularly
adapted to the relief and core of all
remale Complaints, exerting a won
derful direct influence In riving
strength and tone to tbe orrans.
you have loss of appetite, constipa
tion, beadaci a, fainting spells or are
nervous, sleepless, excitable, melee
cboly or trouoled with dizzy spells.
Klectric Hitters is the medicine you
need. Health and strength are guar
anteed by its use. Large bottles
only 60c at Harti A Ulletneyer'i
drag store.
I Files! Ftlast
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment
will cure blind, bleeding', ulcerated
and itching pile. It absorbs tbe
tumors, allays the itching at once,
acts aa a poultice, Rives instant re
relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Tile
Ointment is prepared only for piles
and itching of tbe private parts, and
nothing else, every box is rnaran
teed. Mold by liruggiota. sent by
mail for oO rente and fl per bnt.
WrtLiawa M'r'o Co.. Props., Cleve
land. Ohio, tor rale by ail drug
Whsa Baby was sick, we gave her
Wbaa she was a Child, aba arias for
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cactorla.
JHfereat JHlgme
TUP. well ktiowti rroduct cf tbe UIICAUO BUt U.
ISO COMFAXT tnat has beeowe so Justly pop
ular ta btuldiofr up the ays Urn. Ii S g ooaoeatratod
extract ot select Malt and Hope and (rives almost
tniracalcas assistance to eoavalnsoeata. auralng
mother, e-ie.
The Chicago Crewliiff Co' Hot tied II v r
has also made a reputation
ieted from the local braack
Nineteenth St. ami First Are.
Baker, McNeill
Hot Water Heating,
Steam and Gas Fitting.
Copper, Tin and
Sheet Iron Work
Cor. Nineteenth street
and Second Avenue.
OEd Country
Real Kstate
Buy. Sell and Manage
property. Collect Rents.
; The old fir and tUne
tried company rcpre
sented. Rates as low
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