OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, November 07, 1896, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1896-11-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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it s pays Cpei
Hi smews."
That's the expression you often hear in a house
hold, and there Is reason for it. The reason is
he buys with the end in view of selling cheaper
the quantity often makes a difference, and
he doesn't want the big end of everything him
self. Here are a few prices for your inspection:
Xo. 1 Chimney 2a
Shred Cocoa per pound 17Jc
Pint Bottle Catsup 12Jc
8 bars Santa Clans Soap 25c
1 gallon Maple Syrup. . .... . .$1.05
Tooth Picks per package 3c
Dr. Price Baking Powder 39c
Can Peaches and pears, per can 10c
California Prune?, per pound. 5c
Can Pumpkin, 2 cans for 15c
Can Tomatoes, 2 cans for 15c
Crushed Java C- fTec, per
pound 11c
Can Salmon Do
ojlsh: grocery,
Phone 1217.
Ill Jhl
gliltefs is
If a Man were to Offer You
A Gold Dollar for 50c
You would bo apt to bnv it provided you
know the man AND THE DOLLAR. Three
fourth of any business transaction consists
of confidence," based on the standing of the
dealer and the knoarn quality of the goods
offerc d. It is for this reason we take a par
donable pride in calling attention to the
fact that our sole endeavor to sell tho very
boat Stoves ninde has naturally resulted in
our Increasingly enormous sales of "Jewel"
Stoves and Karnes, and 'this is particularly
gratifying Wi-ause of the fct that year by
year people hsv become more thoroughly
educated in stove construction, and today
the purchaser of stoves i. as a rule, well
versed as to its construction, durability and
economy. Cll and examine our sample
line, representing tlie "Largest Stove Plant
In the World." b
Allen. Myers & Company
Opposite Harper House. ISU SECOID Hi
Gun Powder Tea 21c
Japan Tea 21c
14 bars of soap 25c
Large box Stove Polish 5c
California Egg Plnms, per can 10c
3-pound can Blackberries 10c
Citron, per ponnd 17c
Cleaned Currants, two pack
ages 15c
One pound Baking Powder .... 9c
6 quarts Dried Beans 25c
G qnarts Dried Peas 25c
Gold Dust T. l"ic
2000 Fifth Ave.
Cold Weather
Is Coming
for everything in
Gloves and Furs.
Fnr Goods re
paired. All work
Glo?e Store.
1675 Set old Ave.
not Cold."
Delegation of Civil Engineers
Visit Rock Island.
promhett mes ur the pasty.
Cease Don Frees Chlcece oa a Special
Trala te laaasct ttm Faeatx CsBpui
Jobaad bcUnttUr Take la Otaee Petals
or Utcfnt Hereabouts.
One hundred civil engineers, manv
of them accompanied by their ladies,
arrived in the city at noon from Chi
cago on a special Chicago. Rock Isl
and a racihs train, to inspect the
new bridge which spans the Missis
sippi at this point, and visit the Hen
nepin caoal, government arsenal and
other points of interest in this vicin
be visitors are members of the
Western Socle v of Engineers, and
come here as tho guests of the Rock
lsiana roaa. J be special train left
isntcago at 8:02 this morning and
arrived nere at noon, tbe party tak
ing ainner at tne Harper bouse
where thev were met bv Sapt. Mill!
ken, of the Phoenix Bridge company.
ana l.. l.. n heeler, engineer in
cnarge of the Hennepin canal, and
oiners. lho engineers were also ac'
companied from Chicago br H. A.
raraer, assistanWto tbe president of
the Rock Island road, whose private
car was attached to tne special train.
ana j. u. rucnols, superintendent.
and G. L Butler, engineer, of the
Illinois division of the road.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon the en
gineers inspected the new bridge,
which was designed and built unoer
the direction of Ralph Mod jeski, who
is with the party. Then a visit was
pa a to tbe Rock Island arsenal
by invitation of Col. Bultiugton, in
specting the water power extension
now in course or construction. Tbe
party will dine at 6 o'clock at the
Kimbal house, Davenport, where
ibey will remain over night, tomor-
row morning paying a visit - to the
Hennepin canal as the guests of Col.
w. K. King, o! tbe United States
engineer corps.
lomorrow noon the visitors will
dine at the Kimball house aa the
guests of the Portland Cement com
pany, and will leave on a special
(or Chicago at 2:3d in the afternoon.
IMstlng-ulstied Engineer) Here.
The rartv embraces manv well
known engineers and architects, all
being from Chicago. Among the
more prominent ones ae V. Ailer,
architect of the Auditorium; W. U
Finley, engineer of the Cmcago &
Northwestern; C. F Foster, who had
charge of one of the departmenta at
the World's fair; Carl Haller, engi
neer of the German consulate; M. E.
Horton, who has built numerous
bridges on the Miseissipp'; T. F.
Johnston, chief engineer at the Chi
cago drainage canal; G. A. M. Lil
jevcrantz. United States assistant en.
gineer; G. S. Morrison, who now has
an international reputation as a
builder of bridges; Alfred Noble, for
years on Mr. Morrison's .engineering
staff: li. W. Parkhum, bridge engi
neer for the Illinois Central; W. A.
Smith, who was chief In the trans,
portation department at the World's
fair, and C. L Strobel. K E. Jl.l.
gard, engineer for the Northern Pa
cific, is also with the party.
The Phtenix Bridge company has
issued a neat souvenir of the old and
new bridges in honor of the visit.
The train was palled by the 1101.
one of the Rock Island's moguls,
with Engineer Al Lnnd at the throt
tle. Conductor Huntington bad
charge of the train, which averaged
a mile a m:.nnte.
Cspt 8-.reckrj te Kte ttu racket Cntll
tbe Ice r or hip.
The Verne S wain and Winona and
Jo Lohg continue to make their daily
trips between Rock Island and Clin,
ton, and Ctnt. Streckfus says he in
tends kdaping his boats at the o'd
stand until the ice chasei him in'o
winter quarters. And it is thougi.t
Cap-. Long will do likewise.
The rafter. Will Divi. leaves in a
few days for New Orleans with a
cargo of apples, onions and potatoes
She will remain in tt e lower waters
until the birds began to aarble up
this way again.
Tbe river is lisirg at all points ex
cept Rock Island. D.s Moines Rapids
and Keokuk, and the forecast is that
ia the next 4$ hours tbe water will
rise from Heed's Landing to Rock
Stadsata Seed Cent; rate let toes.
The students of Angustana college
this morning sent the following
message to Maj. McKinley at Can
ton: Rock Island. 111.. Nov. 7, 1896
To Hon. William McKinley, Canton,
Ohio: Fonr hundred and sixty
students of Angustana college send
hearty congratulations cpDn your
e'ection to the presidency of the
United States. Stcdexts' Usios.
Aa lataertaat tMSTereaee.
To make it apparent to thousands,
think themselves ill. that they are
not afflicted with any disease, bul
that tbe system simply needs cleans
ing, is to bring comfort home to
their hearts, as a costive condition is
easily cured by using Syrup of Figs.
Manufactured by the California lig
Syrup company only, and sold by all
BepabUcaes aattoeete
a . Meaty Tlawe
Republicans have made extensive
preparations for an impressive occa
sion tonight in celebration of the
election cf William McKinley, et ml.
Davenport and Molina brethren nave
been invited to join in the demon
stration which will have tor its sin
gle object to make Rome howL
fcverr conceivable noise producing in
strnment will be brought into play.
The whistle will trine.
Tbe eewbelh" tin.
Tbe baoas wl'l play.
A nd all wl'l gel s-ay.
And all on account of Hanna
The clarion notes which disturb the
nocturnal serenity will not be
silver notes, nor will they be in.
spired entirely by the golden rule
It will be a gilt edged celebration,
however, unless plant miscarry.
There will be a parade,. too. It will
embrace the varioas marching or
ganizations of the three cities.
There will be bands of music, but
they will not be heard. Other de.
vices more hideous than elegant will
tell "The Sweetest Story Ever Told"
to republicans.
The proceasion will get together on
Market square and move west on
Second avenne to Eigfith street;
south on Eighth to Third; west to
Sixth; south to Fourth; west to Sec
ond treet; eaet to Twelfth atreet;
north to Third avenue; east to - Six.
teenth: north to Second avenue; east
to Twentieth street; south to Fourth
avenne; east to Twenty .third
street; soutn to Fifth; east
to Twenty-sixth street; south
to Seventh avenue; west to Twen
tieth street; south to Ninth avenue;
west to Nineteenth street; north to
Seventh avenne: west to Seventeenth
street; south to Ninth avenue; west
to Fifteenth street; north to Seventh
avenue; east to Eighteenth street,
north to Third avenne; west to
Market square.
Vaa Djke'e birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter Van Dyke,
of the Van Dyke & Eaton company,
tendered a banquet at the Crown
restaurant last evening to the m tin
ners oi tbe company and a number
of their . tri-fitv frianda at the in.
cluiion of the performance at tbe
meaire, tne event oeing in nonor oi
Mr. Van Dvke'a VRth hirthilaT. It
has been a time honored custom of
Mr. Vad Dyke's to give a spread on
!.. I.: - l. t - :
vv,iuu ui uis uiiiuun auiu
verssrv. uid that nf last sisninir area
j . p
one of the happiest of those occas
sions. and his frienda ia thia vleinit
hwho participated will long remem-
uci iuc cvrui wiiti pleasure.
Felice Fates.
Harry Hodges tells the police that
he bad an overcoat and hat stolen at
the pub'iic library last evenirg, a
hat several sizes tbo Isrge being left
in their stead.
Chief Etui released Peter Kramer
and L. Holme, the two runaway
boys, today, having been informed
by Chief Morgan, of Dubuque, that
Francis Keen bad been located, and
that he had not further use for the
pair detained here.
Constable W. F. Eichelberger and
John Tucker, of Fulton, are here to
dap lookiqg for F. K. Delaney, a rail
road man, who is accused of passing
a forged check on Tucker.
The Oela la Pepefatloa.
The aggregate vote of Rock Island
and Moline at tbe recent county elec
tion shows a gain in the past two
years of 60 per cent and since 1990 of
1 4.001 people. This aff jrds a grati
fy iog view of tbe situation no mat-
ttr how the people vote p-litically.
Nov. 6 E. II. Gurer to A. P. Lund
quist, lot 1. block 171, town of East
Moline. f3'K.
Mria B Sooth to Joseph Fits
pttrick, lot S. I.Wc 1, Dickson &
Young's ad.1 Milan. 1(0.
David Sears ti Harriet D. Sears,
two tracts by metes and bounds, 11,
17. 2 w, f 1.2 )0.
Tar Boy Wea't Lie a SJewtfc.
' Si Mr. ;ilmn llrnaa , 1 Mill
otreet, South Gardner, Mass., was
told by the doctors. His son bad
lung trouble, following typhoid ma
laria, and he spent 375 with doc
tors, who finally gave him up. say
ing: "xour ooy won't live a
month." He tried Dr. King's New
Discovery and a few bottles restored
him to health and enabled him to go
to work a perfectly well man. He
says be owes his present irood health
to the use of Dr. King's New Dis
covery, ana xuows it to be the best
in the world for lung trouble. Trial
bottles free at Ham & Ullemever's
drug store.
It la Orer.
Our president 1 all riht, our
country is all right, onr state is all
right. Now settle down to business.
Our fashions are all right; our win
ter hats are all right, our prices are
all right. Otteten's millinery estab
lishment. 222 West Second street,
Generally fair and colder tonight
and Sunday; westerly wind. To
day's temperature 3o.
F. J- Wiu. O beery sr.
Dr. Kay's Renovator is perfectly
safe, mild and yet certain in effect.
S3 cents.
- r ,
County's Reputation Reserved
by Rock Island. .
tee' bovd .FBOFOsmoi win.
City ml the Ceeetr Beat Dm Iks Datwaaa
Carries ska Day la tae Vase af aa Op.
aasMoa steams hy
Only through the vigilance of
Rock Island is the county's good
name for standing by its obligations
sustained. The vote of Mollne and
the aggregate coo o try districts was
against sustaining the county la meet
ing its bonded indebtedness con
tracted with the content of the peo
ple of the county for the court bouse
construction. Ai was staled yester
day, the special tax to meet this
emergeocy carried, as shown by the
official returns, bv 646 majority. It
was stated in Tax Aku s the dav
followiog the election that tho prop
osition had probably carried by n
small majority, but the Union of
yesterday morniog gave it ep sad
this led two of the Moline papers to
gloat last eveoiog over the apparent
success of the spirit of opposition,
thus sustaining tbe feeling prevailing
there of hostility to the court house
from the first, merely because it was
located in Rock Island. But while
these two papera were eagerly eeia
ing tbe opportunity to shout over
what they imagined was the defeat
of tbe proposition to make the court
house what it should be and to sus
tain the pledge of the people In bor
rowing the money to insure its con
struction, another piper with more
teal than prejudice nave tbe actual
vote, harrowing ns the fsct must
have been to some of its readers.
Rack I stead DM Its Daly.
The reproduction of tbe figures
given in last evening's A nuts will
not be Inopportune now in order to
show how nobly Rock Island did its
duty. It cast 1.361 votes for the
special tax to Sis against, while Mr
line gave 622 for, to 90 ) against. Tl e
aggregate vote of the rural districts
forwasG-J9 and against 814. This
makes a total of 2.672 for, to 2.026
sgeiost. The attitude of thecounfy
districts is as significant in one re
spect as is the disposition cf Molioe.
It will be remembered that tbe orig
inal proposition to bond the
county carried through the vote
of Rock Island, and that as a kd
as it was succcs4ful the Molioe su
pervisors demanded as much repre
sentation on the committees direct
ing its construction as Rock Island,
and notwithstanding that this was
accorded them, they were uoable
logo Daca to their city and insure
the approval on tbe part of the
voters up there of what tbe msioritv
of the county bad already deter-
.e 0 m a
mmea to ao, ana what the county
was in honor bound to do. Tbe
same is true vf the country districts
Since the beginning of the court
house construction, manv of the
country members have been
stmttiog around as if tbev were
the lords of creation. Th-v wanted
all to say of tbo new building as the
representatives of the people. They
wanted all the recognition and took
tbe most conspicuous part dariog
mo preliminary ana sunstquent
stages of tbe work. The responsi
bility was with them as much a
with anybody else for everything
mat was a one from tbe first, nod vet
these ssme supervisors could not go
back to their townships outside of
town ana bring up tbe vote of their
constituents in support cf what bey
bad done.
Hereafter we expect tbe country
lueuoers 10 come to town witn a lit'
tie more subdued air.
w neiewi a
After an exposure, or when yen
feci a cold coming on, take a dose of
l-V.l a.'a 1 T . . . f . - a -li -
m w.j .lluurjIBS 1ST llDftCI lailS.
Sold bv nf. V hinM
Rnhanrlh for TUB Aaot.s.
Wise or
The wise msn or woman
alwaf buy where they can
do to to the test advantage.
Ia this there l always a
great deal to be taken into
consideration. Price is not
the only factor.
To know that yon are btiog
treated fairly is another
thing. Rear ia m'nJ our
stock of groceries is com
plete, our business methods
upright, and onr prices are
a low as they ran consist
ently be. We want your
rsn nth at- ftsae iin.
Hare now ready for your Inspection
the Latest and Best Selected line of
Carts aiMiM
prices Lower than the Lowest
Quality Guaranteed.
12S and 12S W. Third Street
A Two ways to make an overcoat a rifht way and a
i wrong way. Thte Is more than one way to make It
4 wrong. Oae is to have a cheap ta'Jor make up a good
piece of goods Another way is to have a good tailor
j make up a poor piece of goods. There is but one way
, to get up a good overcoat, and that Is to have a good
4 tailor make up a good pi-ce of goods, but If you go to
. a tailor how are you going to toll what you get till
you get it ? A good way to get a gcod overcoat Is to
iaiiiic w uti c iucy uc w c iMfc nuiuvciuiaia. a ncr
2 were made by good tailo s and they were made right.
( You can come here and look at them, and if a mi don't
f like them you "don't have
4 you are out is a little time. When you go and get
(matured you are out your time. ("In a measure")
getting measured, trying it on to ee how it Ms. and
after tnat ttylng it on to hve the mistakes remedied.
Here you can get one that fits at fiit. One of the
m s we lest overcoats in Rock Island is a I'atent Beaver.
1 We have it. It costs $1850 You can get one made
T to order fully as good rr $40. One of the best values
1 in oert oats that was ever shown is our K-rscy over
; coat, black or blue, at $0.90. Men have told us that
snT . a a . ar- . a.
j. tney aon c see now we can
year ago. but thing are
money talks. .Bring yours in and hear It.
1S04 Second Avenne.
Crushlngout (Qompetitlon
Headquarters for Footwear at Lowest Trices.
to" take anv of them all
ao ic uiao t expect to a
unsettled this year and
U .... V-f...
la a bat we are now doing oa ladles'
Welt and Tura boes. I bey will '
make an clrgaet eboe for winter
wear aad cantiot te equalled for the
02 GO
Will give yon yonr etwioe f a pair
worth fJ.M, fl, 1 1. So s r IS it.
We tow have all aiws and widihs.
si come early and get first it k.

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