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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, January 29, 1897, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1897-01-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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raWsaedDsnr'aid MUt!it ISM
Abaa , kooh U'jd, HI. Iiiml atUeaeet-
M MXBd -CltM BlUlt. '
. tBKals rnuy. 10 cent pa: wank. Weekly,
flJIO per aaaaa; im advance tun
V. AS eoenaslesUoaa of political at arfmnte
tii character, political ot te'.lgtoo.. Bluet here
reel aaaae attached for pa.bUca.-Joa. No eneh
article will b printed over CetlCoia slcaMsiee
Onroapoadeaoa solicited from amy township
la Book tf laad coacty.
Friday, Jaxcaet 29, 1897.
It is now pretty certain that the
patting of John J. logalli is com
plete. "
Gov. Tak.neb is not allowed much
rest these days by the office seekers,
bnt ha oucht not to comolain. He
worked the people of the state some
what in the coarse of bis own seek,
log for office Peoria Journal.
Gov. Tanner, according to Lis own
statement, has only. 15 appointments
to Important positions to make. To
fill these 15 places, there have been
np to date more than 3,500 applica
tions, and 1.800 pounds of letters of
While talking abont the comforts
for street railway employes, the Chi
cago Chronicle says that Mr. Yerkes,
the street railway magnate, of that
city, has issued a regulation forbid
ding conductors on his roads wear
ing mufflers, under penalty of one
day's tuspension for every offense.
Hamxa for senator? Why, cf
course, and that only the beginning.
As soon as the wires are properly
laid after March 4, an almost for
gotten Jerseyman (Mr. Hobart,
(). A. Hobart. isn't it?) might resign
his office. Can any one doubt who
would be chosen to preside over the
American Lords? Who bat Marcu
A. conld be named? Mr. McKinley
might then die, and virtue would
then have its reward.
You can get them the best
way yon can," said a Jersey City girl
to her rejected lover, who had asked
for the return of bis rings and things.
The youth took her at her word,
turned robber and, while his ex
sweetheart slept, he cleaned out her
jewel box., lie also took one cf
J tape's cu IT buttons, and now he is
n durance for burglary. The story
is one of of the queerest in criminal
A Michigan editor says the coun
try publishers should ask their rep
resentatlves in the legislature to
favor and support a measure, mak
ing it a crime, punishable by tine or
imprisonment, for a subscriber to a
newspaper to habitually lend his pa
per. While it is scarcely possible for
such a measure - to become a
law, newspsperdom says, every
publisher will admit the se
verest punishment should be vibited
upon the habitual lender and bor
rower. A Word fro ra Baford Post.
Rock Island, Jan. 39. Editor of
The Akgis: At the session of the
general assembly of the state, held
four years ago. a law was passed
providing for Ihe relief ot indigent
soldiers or sailors or their families,
tho aid to be extended through the
administration of G. A. K. posts,
where such posts take upon them,
selves the responsibility of the law.
John Buford post qualified in this
respect by adopting a motion assura.
ing the responsibility, as also did
Graham post, ot Moline. and Lyford
post, of Port Byron. The different
posts referred to came before the
board of supervisors, and have asked
and received at different times, as
circumstances required, appropria
tions ot money to be used tor such
relief. This money comes out of the
county fund, and every citizen of
the county, who pays taxes, helps to
pay for their relief. The first arti.
cie that appeared in your paper. In
dicated that the monevto be derived
from the aale of tickets for the rink
entertainment would be used for the
relief of the old soldiers. It was this
that prompted John Buford post to
publish the official notice it did.
The relief extended through the
board of supervisors is managed by
the relief committee of the post, and
every case, when investigated by
aid committee and found worthy,
relief is extended at oace. Con so
quently. John Buford post feels that
the public should not be called on
these hard times for more aid. John
Buford post, G. A. B . was or
ganized in 1883. and it 9 has
the honor, as an organization
of always having lived np to its ob
ligations. John Baford Post also
hold a sacred the memory of that
patriotic and courageous soldier.
Gen.-John Buford, whose name It
has adopted, and it would not do an
act that would cast any reflection oa
the name of so brave a man.- liana
ager Collins, of the rink is enpared
la the laudable enterprise ef getting
np what will be no doabtan interest
ing entertainment, and if the money
is to be devoted to ether purposes
or uio uiu eviuiera, it is wui rigm,
and every member of John Baford
Post will commend him for his inter
act fan their behalf. As to the article
that appeared la your paper Tuei
dav evening, the name ot the com
mander of the post was signed by the
adjutant m is cos to maty when the
' u ananas, j, . xna articla
in question was written by' the per
manent committee on Memorial hall.
Signed, Committee.
C. B. Knox Chairman.
The post desires Tnx A bo i s to
say in this connection that people
having relics will confer a favor
by sending them to the com
mittee, as it is desired to construct
the cabinet to accommodate them.
Molasses Coine; Out.
"The old fahioneil molasses is rapidly
I'.sappcaring as an article of commerce,"
laid n prominent grocer, "and in its
place have come a number of simp?,
which uro more costly aud by no means
as satisfactory, especially to the little
ones, who delight, as we did when wo
were young, iu having ' 'lasses on their
bread. ' - .Most ct the molasses goes into
tbe distilleries, where it is made into
rum, for which, notwithstanding, tho
efforts of our temperance workers, the
demand is constantly on the increase,
especially in tho New England states
and for tbe export trade. The regular
drinker of mm will take no other liqnor
in its place if bo can lu-lp it. It seems
to reach the sprit more dir-ctly tbim any
other dram. The dark . brown sugars
have also disappeared, aud they aro
uovt-r likely to retarn, owing to tbn
niethotlri cf boiling aud tho manufacture.
Urauulatcd sugar i of tlio same compo
sition, as far as (acchariue qualities are
couerrued. as loaf, cut loaf, cube aud
crashed and differs from them only in
that its crystals do not cohere. This is
because it is constantly stirred daring
tbe process cf crystallization. The lighter
brown sugars taste sweeter than tho
white, for the reason that there is eoruo
molas..s in them. '
"Housekeepers have difficulty theso
days iu Ending coarse, dark sag at,
which are always preferred for use in
putting np sweet pickles, making cakes
and similar ns. As they cannot get
brown sugar auy more it may be well
for them to remember that they can
simulate brown sngar by adding a tea
spoonful of molasses to each quarter of
a pound (if tho whito granulated sugar.
This combination does ns .well iu all
household recipe that call for brown
sugar as the. article itself, and, besides,
it saves them a great de cf hunting fcr
brown sugaj, vliij.li, us Said before, ha t
disappeared from tho market." Wash
ington Star.
This Setter Hants Frogs.
"Talk about your dog stories," said
a prominent porting man the other
day. "I saw something oat at Cutoff
lako which beat anything I ever beard
of. I was out tliero hunting naipa aud
saw a man riding aroand u horseback,
and iu front of bim was circling an
Irish setter. As the fellow did not bavo
any gun, my curiosity was aroused to
know what he was doing, bnt I sup
posed ha vial simply breaking his dog.
In a lew minutes I saw him ricao np to
where the dog was on a dead stand, and
the liorseniuu proceeded to jab a pole La
was carrying down into the grouud,
and. bringing it np. took .something off
the end or it. Aly curiosity was greater
than ever, and. circling around, I came
np with the horseman aud usked bim
what be was doing.
'Hunting fivgrt,' was the reply.
" 'Wbatis the dog doing?" mid I.
" 'Hunting frogs,' was tho laconio
' 'You don't mean to tell me that
the dog will set the frogs, do you:'
" 'I don t mean nnythiug else.
"A few more questions aud answers
brought oat the fact that the dog had
seen bis master hunting around in the
grass for frogs and spearing them and
bad of his own accord taken rip the task
01 locating tbe green beauties. Ho was
a thoroughly trained banter of birds,
and be soon became very expert in lo
cating frogs, 60 his owner informed me.
and my observations of bis movements
confirmed the statements." Omaha
BuaUtn'a Amies Sal
The beat aaive In the world for
cuts, bruises, seres, nlcers, salt
rheum, fever aores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, eorna and all akin
eruptions, and poaltively cares
pile or no pay required. It la guar
anteed to Kve perfeot satisfaction, or
money refunded. Prion S5 oents per
box. For tale bv Harts. A Ullemeyer.
BhMBBatlam Cared la Uy.
"Mystic Cure" for rhcnmatlsm
and neuralgia cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action upon the system ia re
man a Die ana mysterious. It re
moves at once the cause, and the
disease imnitdiateiy disappears. Tbe
first dose greatly relieves, 75 cents.
Sold bv Otto Urotian. drrjercriat. TJncV
Island, and Gust Schlegel & Son. 220
v est oecona street, uavenport.
for otw amy Im
Mrs. WInslow's Eojthing Syrup hss
been used for children teething. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and
is tho best remedy for diarrhoea.
Twenty-five oanta a bottle
S. F. Frits, of 77 Serf o-wfob atnaf
Chicago, aays "I had a severe
.flllltk vWiflk . ,
.WMga BChUCU UU 111 Y lUOgS.
I tried a number ot advertised reme
dies and also nlaced mvutlf
treatment. of several physicians, with
do wDcuk i was recommended to
try Foley's Honey and Tar. With
little expectation of getting relief. I
purchased a bottle. 1 had taken but
few doses whea I felt greatly im.
proved; I was enabled to sleep, spit
ting of blood ceased, and by the
time I bad taken the second bottle I
was entirely well. It saved my life."
Sold by M. F. Bahnsea.
Experts 'have oome to tbe conclusion
that what kills trees in London is not
the soot flakes or the want of air or the
drought, but the sewer gas, which at
tacks the roots so that tbe tree noon
withers and dies.
Tn Astra deHwsmrf
13 at year too at 10a a
Pis darkey's dan bu'n lazy c'n'dn't be'p et no
cow, chile.
Ole mammy alias smy'd dig coon wax bo'n to
be a true.
'Pears luce de good Lawd 'tended fo' to male1
me lasers rake - -'
An duo fo'eot de ringer tell da dough was
crar dun cake .
Bat, oh, dis good fo' saffln nigg-ah's h'art jes'
jumps to' glee
Wen 1 hyah de ole dawg yawpin aa de pos
sum's op a tree.
Oh, den you'd oujhtah sea dis niggah swing
de as aroun
Tell de ole tree gits de ague aa kums tumblin
to de groan
Aa watch dis chile a-scramblln wl' dat .oe
coon dawg out dab.
Who's gwine- to kotch dat possum brass yo
honey) Yah, yah, yah!
Don tole yo', chile; yo'd nebbei a'pee' dat
coon wuz tils same me
Wen de ole coon dawg's a-yawpln an de pos-
. sou a np a tree.
Den, bttcey, w'en ole mammy de good Lawd
lime ner soul :
Don 'vite in all de darkles fo' to roast dat pos
sum whol.
To'd ougutah see dis Biggab Jes' git outside
uat meat
An stuff an stuff tell dis yar coon dun cala't
git off bis seat 1 .
Den, honey. Lrcss yo' heart, why, et's de same
ole lazy mo
Tell nex' time dat ole coon dawg kotch a pos
sum up a tree.
Sew York Sun.
Toar Boy Want Lira m Month.
So Mr. Gilman Brown, of 34 Mill
street. South Gardner, Mass., was
told by the doctors. His son had
lung trouble, following typhoid ma
laria, and he spent $875 with doc
tors, who finally gave him np. say
ing: "Your boy won't live a
month." He tried Dr. King's New
Discovery and a few bottles restored
him to health and. enabled him to go
to work a perfectly well man. He
says he owes his present good health
to the nse of Dr. King's New Dis
covery, and knows it to be the best
in the world for lane trouble. Tr..
bottles free at Harts & Ullemeyer's
arug store.
A. Household Necessity.
Cascarets- Candy Cathartic, the
most wonderful medical discovery of
the age, pleasant and refreshing to
the taste, act gentlv and positivelv
on the bowels, cleansing the entire
system, dispel colds, cure headache.
(ever, habitual constipation and bil
iousness. Please buy and trv a box
of C. C. C. today; 10,' 25, SO cents.
Sold and guaranteed to cure by all
Let The Whole World
Know The Good
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Does
HEAET DISEASE, has Its victim at a
disadvantage. Always taught that
heart disease is incurable, when tho
symptoms become well dcSaed, the patient
becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes
place. But when a sura remedy is found
and a cure effected, after years of suffering,
there Is great rejoicing and desire to "let
the whole world know." Mrs. Laura Wine-
lnger. ot Selkirk, Kansas, writes; "I desire
to let the whole world know what Dr. Miles'
TiT MllfiS Heart Cure has done for
tt ae- For 1011 vear3 1 had
hirt Clir6 P"" in my heart, short-
PoctnrAc ness of breatb' P"1
XVCMUICS tion, pain in my left side,
Wfl1th oppressed feeling in my
nCdllll....... chest, weal: and hungry
spells, bad dreams, could not lie on either
side, was numb and suffered terribly. Itoor
Dr. attics' Heart Cure and before I finished
the second bottle I felt its good effects, I foul
now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure saved my life."
Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on guarantee
that first bottle benefits, or money refunded.
oaice aVSnce004 bUimess- APP' Abgus
2Ir.ZZ& Instalment com-
- w. V.UUC
by one experienced: can Jrite I beVtof
abgus office.
tmz.vsL a
Ty ANTED - SALKSMEN': flOO to i2s per
tion pejnanenZ SnStZfii
- - uwuus. aatcoes, jewelry. Dtniwaio
"fU" Hi,nen cash prl
h.z - zz . kuuus 01 ail kinds afcio
VLi...T. r irawacuons strictly
Jones. " ioTet it. J. w.
Addre P.H..-.AGCTomee:",c oentr
, oond avenae: modern -
also sUroosi house. b,Twl hSI '
- liiG eantiis
Spot Cash Department
For onr great January Inventory
Sale, which is now on, and will
only last until the balance ot this
month. The question of real value
or cost does not enter into our cal
culation on Cloaks, Jackets and
Furs, as our entire line must be
disposed of at some price, ' and to
make room for our big import line
of Spring; Goods, which are already
purchased, and must be put some
where in our over-crowded store.
We are crowded for space and win
ter goods must go Blankets,
Woolens, etc. at some piice.
Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets.
Remnant Sale During our great
January Clearing Sale, we find there
is an accumulation of remnants in
Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets. To
more than quicken the sale
many will be sold for one-quarter.
one-third and one-half their faret
cost. All must be turned into cash.
Special lot of 38-inch, nil wool
fancy buttings, Checks, Velvets, etc.,
alvsTR .1f) anil RQr ntr vurA
now your choice, per yard . . . 29c
One lot of double fold fancy
Plaids, your choice, per yard. 12J
Fancy Plaids, Worsted and Silk,
have been 98c and tl 9S nop
yard, yonr choice, per yard . . 75c
Odd Fur Muffs, consisting of black
coneys, opossum, wool seal, French
seal and astrikahn now 50 per cent
off. Just think, only one-half the
Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings.
Men's felt wnrkino Mittona
per pair 8C
Men's Gloves and Mittens, lined,
alwavs 35c. now vmir hnlfa
for.. : 19c
Men's outside working Shirts, good
aualitv cheviot, chnan ot SM
your choice 28c
Men's fleeced lined working shirts,
coed vatlnea at 75n nnar
for 48C
Remember we are in the candy
ousiness ana our sales are increasing
Gnm Drona. all thin srnnlr
per pound 3C
Bast American mixed nanriv
per ponnd 8C
Best Caramels, onr nwn
manufacture, per ponnd IOC
Best Chocolate Cream Diops, al
mi 40a ner nnnnrf. hra
per pound 15C
Crockery Department
We are just in receipt of an is voice
of a second shipment of those dainty
Stock Patterns of Dinner Ware, of
which we had such s run during tbe
holidays. The ware is of the finest
Porcelain and is as light as the finest
china. Remember that yon can
purchase any number ot pieces and
match if broken. We also place on
sale for this week a fine line of White
Dinner Ware. Pries out to the very
Plates, small, each . 8c
Plates, medium, each 4c
Platen, large, each. 6c
Open Vegetable Dishes, each ..... 7c
Open Bowls, large, each 7c
Platters, large, each 15c
Tea Cups and Sauoers, per set. . .25c
Sauce Boats, each . ......18c
Pickle Dishes, each 15c
Water Pitchers, each 10c
K. B.( Promnt and careful atten
tion given to mail orders.
mm a miids
Professional Cards.!
Attorneys Lav. 2
at "u juuan. nock island X
Jff office over Krell ft Math's stora: Milan 2
g office on Main street. . . g
Attorneys at Law. g
pmee in Rock Island Katlonal Bank S
Budding;. a
J. J. RQACH. 2
Attorney at Law. g
Abstracts. Collection Acrency. Of- S
flee over 1707 Second avenue. "P
Attorney at Law.
Wiinr t A TVin ilansMi1 T al V I I
I ness. Notary Jublio. 1705 Second ve- '
nue, uuiunx utooK.
i . i
Attorneys and Councellors at Law. '
I Office in Bengston Block.
! Attorney at Law. j
Local business of all kinds promptly !
' attended to. State's Attorney of Rock !
Wand county. Office, Mitchell &Lynde !
Building. J
Attorneys at Law. "
I Loan money on good security: make 4
t collections. Reference, Mitchell A I
I Lynde, bankers. Offlee, afltcbell tc I
I Lynde Building. 4
I Dentist. j
J Over Krell & Math's, 1716 Second ave-
I nue. (
I ---"" 1
Denti t.
I NW Dental Parlors over Harts & 1
( Ullemeyer's Drnir store. Third avenue 1
, and Twentieth Kircet. The latest an-1
, pointments for skilled dental work. ,
J Office. Room 22, tVhitaker Block, $
V corner Third and Bradv streets. Daven-
g Port.
) Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Only.
! Office. Whittaker Rlnnb. iiniiihwM 1
comer ot Third and B adv streets, 2
Davenport. Iowa. Hooms 17 and 18. 5
Hours: s to 11 a. m., l to 4 p. m. 9
J Physician and Surgeon. jjj
I Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. Q
t m. and at night. Special attention
1 (riven to iliseoses of ltectum, Genita. S)
1 1 naury jrrnus ana Lisea3 of tbe
I Womb. All cases of rectal trouble
treated free on Tuesday and Saturday
) afternoons, tit Brady St., Davenport.
Architects and Superintendents.
M Room 21. Mitchell ft Lynde Building.
A Architect.
9 Plans nnd minn.lntnrf,nt. -11
B clashes ot buildings. Rooms In Hurst's O
9. '
Chipplannock Nursery.
g Cut Flowers and Designs of all Kinds.
8 City store, 1607 Second avenue, Tele-1
Dhone. 1610. " 1
piugene J. Durns
Real Estate
Buy, Sell and Manage
property. Collect Rents.
The old fire and time
tried company repre
sented. Rates as low
as any reliable company
You aoBace'u BoUeltetL ' .
OflM ltta, Seeead At. W
Z Insurance
That would interest you and prove a source of
benefit to you are ready for your inspection at
R. Crampton & Co's. No more complete line
can be found anywhere in this vicinity. Books
cn Science History, Travel, Art and Religion.
Everything dcsirab!e in Current Literature, and
a complete line of Stationery and Supplies.
The Leading Chicago Dailies,
The Weekly Pictorial and foremost weekly
Society Tournels and Fashion Magazines.
In fact any and everything in up-to-date
Literature constantly on hand.
Any convenient arrangement made to
p'ease patrons.
Et&aqwtvn For Pretty Present!
Health la the Sucsbine of Home. Have you got
it? If not, consult
Drs. Waisli & Walsh, Specialists
11 the Chicago Medical Icstitate PormanenUf located ia Dsieaport, low
DB. T. 11. WALSH,
rBHlj aisicsi rroran&r twaai cbicajs's
am usii eclKtsa,
VEBVOCS DEBILITY Exhaustive firalcs, aleeplessness, threatened ta
aanity, wMk bssioit, asutal saiaalaos, or anj othar tomAiOam caa to aarraas axhssatlse.
pOtfl Xm VJjS CUsTdtta
0ATABRH Dyspepsia. Astama, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphi.is, Blood,
Xtdr.ey, liver asd 8Mb 1ces caa ta qrtek' asd paraaaMntlr carad bv oar UTtsmH ays-
ten of me-tlclas
V ABICOCELE Is tbe most active cause of nervous debility. Wey treat
BMntbs with otbsra wima w anarant yon a pennaaaat cut ts ssvac aavs bv an nalalsaa
method? Hydrocele cured ia three dmyi co pain. " '
WOMEN Suffering from diseases peculiar tp their sex should consult s
We hae enrvd many cases g'.rtra up as hopeless, and we may be ab! to enre yoa. Snrrleal
nrm Z'SSi'fSlXF?'??"? " VHf ' " . Abdominal and bra sorgery a specialty.
ODB CREDENTIALS and Xustimoniala are the Best The numorouii ao
ksewledgTroonts we hamraoelfed from the swsiiapeis for ear remarkable rmres la both
roeloal rd "nry io) rae, ;a proof cooclwtTe hat our avawed meibods esie where ail
7??. . JZJl l? .. '?eHta """I dleeese that you tru be cared, hm yoa teaaed
SPLV ". do not esjjerimeat any lonaer, bat ewalt aa at oaea. TiiMlieiaiias. M
eSer SUMO to aayoae provina; oar eredeatUUIalee. We asaka it ao oUeet tot Toate teVst
Uaateoua. fco other speciaiiau offer yoa sou a fail propositlca.
tteTrD0'eU'TrrtU' HdrM,d Beans M it. I la a. i te S. wqH
OFFICE-1 J4 W. Third St, HeCnUoogb. Building. Eavenpjrt. low.
Hock Island
Savings Sank.
Five Per Cant Paid on Deposits.
Money Loaned on Personal Collateral or Real Estate Security.
J at Bnford, Preeldent.
John Crobaogh. Vice President.
r tireeaaweit, cashier.
. BJt'" b!,TT, in'T 18W. and oscapyth
8. B. cor. JiitcbeU Lyase's new halloing.
170X7 Picturo Iouldinco Jaot ina
Vall Paper
Adamo Wall Papor Co,
The lowest prices for the quality In all lines.
3 to, 31 2 and 314 Twentieth street , .
. 4 - 'f,t . jjhSaaaef inianst
D2. J. F. WALSH.
Lae of Cixwtro, roraarlr arraocBAaat af
Incorporated Under the
State Law.
C T Lrnee. Wat WilaMiaaa,
Jihn Crobaaf h, Pali MuchoU,
IIP Hall, LSIaiea.
K w Ilorrt, 1 at asford,
Joha Voia.
Jackson St Uarsutiollctors.

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