OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, January 29, 1897, Image 6

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Untie cheap at Taylor's.
Hard wood it McKown's.
Call for union made cigars.
Chickens, chickens at Horton'j.
Bojs snlta $1.50. The London.
Men'i OTercoats 11.25. The Lon
doi. Basket ball at the Y. M. C. A. to
lht. Dressed turkeys all aizea at
Dresaed chickens, .oysters and cel
ery at Long's.
Get some of that masic Belling so
ohap at Taylor's.
Saturday all day bargains will
ham at The London.
Toree sheets of mnsic, very latest
far 25 cents at Taylor's.
A new supply of Postnm Cereal
jnt received at Long's.
Great redactions in suits and over
coats. Sommers A La Velle.
Ask yoor neighbors about the
merit of Cream fljur at Long's.
Sootleas. La Salle, Cable and Le
hitch Valley bard coal at McKown's.
Mr. and Mrs T. B. Davis have
welcomed a new eon Into tbeir home.
Grimes' "Cellar Door" is to be the
atti action at the Barns Sunday evenly-
Bead Mclotyre-Reck Co'a big Sat
ttrda sales special in another col
ton. Goods must go; we need the room;
big . redaction at Bom mere & La
Big cuts in underwear at the Lon
don; eail and see what we have. The
The remains of Col: R. M. Littler
were interred at Davenport yesterday
Heavy ulsters and overcoats worth
18 60 and 84 90 go at $2 95. Som
mers A La Velle.
Men's all wool suits 17.80. 8, $9.
99.60, closing nut prices f G.80. Som
mers & La Velle.
Montie Flinn and Miss Ada Peter,
son, of Davenport, were married by
Magistrate scbroeder.
Lincoln J. Carter's famous "Fast
Mail" is to be presented at Harper's
theatre Sunday night.
A force of men went to Havanna,
111., today to harvest ice for the
Twin-City Ice company.
Men's heavy ulsters and overcoats
worth 15.90. $6 60, 6 90, 3, all gi
at $5.26. Sommers & La Velle.
The stage of water at the Rock Isl
and bridge at noon was 8.50 and
rising; the temperature 9 above.
Inspection invited, comparison so
licited on our reduced prices on suits
and overcoats. Sommers A L Velle.
Henry von Hecke will give a grand
opening lunch at his place, seven
teenth street and Fourth avenue, to
night. Drews' Comedians cloed their en
gagement before an appr ciative
audience at Harper's theatre last
The sale of the Bamberger atock
will re peu at 7 o'clock this evening
and 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
M. A K.
The Scandinavian ''Mutual Aid
association of Oaleaburg has elected
8. P. A. Tnndahl, of Bock Island,
A game of basket ball will be
plated between the Rock Island and
Davenport Y. M. C. A. teams in this
city tonight.
Boys' suits, nice new goods, at
$2.60; match them with the shelf
warn goods sold at $3 60 at other
sales. The London.
Oscar Augustus Barker, an old
resident of Davenport, died yester
day, aged 90 years He was the son
of a revolutionary father.
. The London is selling good new
aits at $3 60, much beaer than
moth eaten goods sold elsewhere at
$6 compare. The London.
Attend the game of banket ball be
tween a picked nine of Rock Island
and a Daveoport team at the Y. M.
C. A. tonight. Admitaion 10 cents.
The trial of the Mounts boys, of
Buffalo, charged with the murder of
Jo Gaodnees, of that place, has com
menced in the district court at Dav
enport. For Saturday overcoata worth up
to $22.50. your choice of our entire
atock tor $12.50; if reading an over,
coat don't put it off any longer. The
They want 'em badly when they
brake in to get our goods. The
prices we put on them makes it easy
to get them honeatly. Sommers A
La Velle.
Bailiff Reynolds left last night for
Chicago to get J. C Parka, accused
Hlgticst Honors '
HonorsWorld Fair,
Grape Oaem of Tartar Powder. Free
nasonia. Alum or any other adultery
by J. W. Jones with lighting out
with mortgaged property and who
Sheriff Hemenway has been notified
is under arrest in that city.
John McAdams and J. H. Stod
dard, sf Reynolda; G. W. Sorginson,
of Sherrard, and Edward Hammond,
of Preemption, returned last night
from Springfield, where they at
tended the Court of Honor.
The finance committee at its meet
ing last night decided to recommed
the adoption of the plan outlined by
City Attorney Haas as to the renewal
of the-city's bonds, and will circulate
a petition, aa required oy law.
The London is doing business at
the old stand, and not aelling moth
eaten and ahelf worn goods, but aell
ing nice new suits and overcoats for
$5. positively worth $10. You know
us, underselling everybody. The
H. F. Sell, of Hillsdale, had part
of his hand taken off in a corn shelter
last evening. He will lose his little
finger and part of hia hand. He was
cleaning out cobs from the machine
and got his hand in the tripple gear.
It is quite evident that the dis
pensers of the Centralia moth-eaten
trash are not enjoying the truthful-
seas of having their pretty scheme
made public. There is no need of the
public being humbugged into buying
either Centralia or uttumwa east-on
shoddy, and they won't, for M. & K.
will guard your interests.
We are very sorry indeed our
method of advertising does not suit
our unprincipled neighbor if we
were in the combination perhaps he
could us our aas to suit me own
taste, but as we are not in the com
bi nation we still reserve the right to
write our ads to suit ourselves, not
withstanding the true facts given to
the public riles nim up. lne Lon
don. Quite a large number of Rock Isl
and Turners will attend the annual
subscription masquerade of the Dav
enport Turner society Saturday, Feb.
6, and for their convenience
there will be a special bridge
car from Turner ball to Kock
Island at about 1 o'clock. Those de
siring to attend must sign the list,
as no tickeia are sold at the door.
List can be found at Fred Woltman's
jewelry stoie.
Iteally it is one of the most an
principled acts one competitor could
do to another is to compel bim to bid
more than a atock is worth, and
that's what we did to the combine
lion. We could have had the stock
with one more bid of a few dollar.
but did not want the ahelf wolu stuff,
and run it up just high enough, aud
dropped out to Jet our honorable
neighbor carry oft the booby pm.
The London.
lbe K. l & r. bas made provis
ion for a ep-cial coach for those go
ing to Springfield to attend the Mod
ern Woodmen gathering next wetk.
The coach will be attached to the
afternoon express leaving Kock Isl
and at 1:16 nest Monday, and reach
iug Springfield at 8:25 p. m , the
same day. The coach will remain
at tbe capital until the Rock Island
delegation is ready to return horn
Will truthful advertisers kindly
state whether thev would have ad
vertised a sale of their Ottumwa
chop-worn shoddy, their Centralia
moth-eaten trash or of Bamberger's
honest, weu-made clothing had they
been fortunate enough to have
bought the stoi-k? A lit'le truthful
ness in their advertising would make
their business methods a little
plainer. However, the great sale if
the Bamberger stock continues, and
it is hoped the shoddy dispensers of I
tne shoddy centralia and Ottnmwa
trash e joy the spectacle. M. A K.
John Bell and Miss Alice Hullam,
of this city, were married at tbe par'
image oi calvary Baptist cburcb,
uavenport, last night by Rev. E. H.
Lovett. The couple were attended
by John Riley and Miss Mary Studer.
A wedding supper followed at the
home of Mrs. Kosenquist on Forty'
siavn sireei. mi groom is an em
ploye of the Sylvan Steel works.
while his bride is a youog lady with
a large circle of friends. Mr. and
Mrs. Bell will reside in Moline.
It is am u sin to note the temper
m a a t . a . a a .
uispiayea oy ine wouia-oe purchas
ers of the Bamberger stock, inas
much as they lost tbe opportunity of
palming off on an unsuspecting Rock
island puDito me accumulated cen
tralia and ottumwa moth-eaten trash
the disappointed gang may as well
understand at once that the best is
none too good for Rock Island people,
and that tho ahoddy repudiated bv
Centralia and Ottumwa people don't
go here. If you are lookiog for hon
est bargains you'll find them in the
sale of the Bamberger atock bought
as snerin a aaie oy ine H.A&.
Tata Bm Way to Car
Disease ia to establish health. Pure,
rich blood means good health. Hood's
Sarsaparilla ia the one true blood
purifier. It tonea up the whole sys-l
An fwivAfa aftnAtltA oa msl arWAnivt k aal I
causes weakneaa, nervousneas end
cine haa such a record of wonderful I
aasas ww as as sa vaeja laiout" I
cures aa Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills are the best after-din
ner pill; assist digestion, prevent
I constipation. z& cents.
Generally fair weather and warmer I
tonight and Saturday : increasing
cioaaineaa saturaay; winds south
erly. Today's temperature 9.
t. 4. wiu, Observer.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab -
leu. All OragglaU refund the i
- Eternal Vigilance.
. " Sternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
It is the price of everything worth having.
of life itself. A
man needn't be
! always locking
i or danger,
afraid that
something will
hanoea to him:
but a wise man
will form a habit
of care about the
important things of
It isn't half so
much trouble to take
care of yourself as it
is not to. - A man
who follows regular,
healthy habits, feels
good all the time.
Life is worth living
to him. But a man
who "don't want to
bother" with taking
care of himself has
more pain and mis
ery crowded into one
day than a good
healthy, hearty man
who lives right
would ever know of
"r a whole year.
. .i is out of order.
and his digestion dont work; when his liver
gets to be sluggish and won t clear the bile
out of his blood, it is time for him to look
out for himself. He gets no nourishment
out of his food. His blood gets thicker and
thicker witn imparities. His nerves get irri
tated. He loses energv and fiKhtimr force.
He mav sav. I caar stand it. I will feel
better to-morrow;" but the chances are he
will feel worse to-morrow and worse still
next day. He ought to put himself right at
once. He needs Dr. Pierce's Uolden Medical
Discovery. It is made for just this condition.
It rouses no the digestive and nutritive
organs, and gives them power to extract
from the food all the nutritious elements
and transform them into rich, nourishing
blood. It enables tbe liver to cleanse out all
bilious impurities and pour into the circula
tion an abundance of highly vitalized blood.
full of the life-giving red corpuscles which
build up healthy flesh, muscular strength,
and nervefenerrv. It does not make flabby
flesh. It is the only suitable tonic and
Strength-builder for corpulent people.
We Take Pride
In getting the best of
ferings in the market for
our trade. Ton can re
ly on our having clean,
fresh stock. Our patron
age wants it and ween
deavor to justify the de
mands. We H$ive
Head Lettuce, Spinach,'
Wax Beans, Tomatoes,
Green Onions, Egg Plant,
Sweet Potatoes,
Hubbard Squash.
Naval Oranges, Malaga and
Catawba Grants.
Tours for the Best,
ffi M Dfl f fll
I ' J 1 "I M J 1 r I
Whni yon ea bay any lad)M Sboa
wvurnoase ior. ....... ............
WJenyoo can buy any Ladies' 13
J1 .... ....
When job cia buy u j Ladies'
out ior. ...... .......
Inventory Sale Ends
Jan. 30.
I .i"!? If". fttlft
I When a man's iter.
See Htm Eat
Since you cook hie food on
RANGE. Riverside Stoves
and Bangea are great ape
tlzers. See them.
K amd OVD
Stamped on every loaf of our
Perfect Home-Made Bread.
Remember this and see that
you get it.
Kiel! & Math's Bread
Is fast being re jognized and
ca led for by every to ly. It
is made frjm the be it flodt
and by the lateit process
known so the" Bakers' Art.
It is cf fine grain, rich in
Uvor and.churk full of
nutriment. Why is it called
cause it strengthens man's
Eat your dainty, c tly viands,
But g ve to me, instead,
One solitary slice of
Krvll & Math Pure Bread.
We have Ice Creams and
Fruit Ices on hand at all
, times, no matter how cold
the, weather is. Stop in and
try a dish or order some up
for home. We deliver it
Phone 115 1716-1718 Second Ave
A Rousing Clothing Sale
Having bought the entire stock of I. BAMBERGER at Sheriff's SQlC we will start at once the
greatest SACRIFICE SALE ever knowa in the history of the Clothing trade in Rock Island.
Everything Goes at OnerFourth to One-Half Off
llEN'd SUIT8 AT.
Men's Overcoats
Boy's Overcoats
Sale opens Thursday a.
It is almost like a fairy talc some time to find practical Housekeeping
Articles at such low prices.
House Furnishings.
No. 8 tea kettle, all copper,
nickel plated , 79c
Mrs. Potta' aad iron, the beat
nickel plated 68c
Good coffee mills 19c
Iron frame wash wringers .... $1.39
Wash boards 10c
10-quart tin pails 10c
Slcp pails, nicely painted 25c
Parlor matches, per package. . .10c
Clock: Clearing Tie
Is here and you will want
that timepieoa cleaned and
put in shape so that you can
be more punctual during the
coming year. Our facilities
for handling this work are
the best. We make a special
effort to do satisfactory work
and we seldom fail.
All you need 1o do ia drop
ua a postal and your clock
will be called for and re
turned to yon in good order.
Woltmao, the Jeweler.
1805 Second Ave.
Parker s Laundry
Of a Laundry's efficiency seems' to
be the way it "does up" a white
shirt, though there are tots of ar
ticles which require more skill anl
care. We invite you to compare a
shirt or any other article laundried
here with those done elsewhere and
place your patronage accordingly.
We do not fe.r the test.
1721 Third Ave. Phone 1214.
1 2 0, Bamberger'! price $ 6 00
4 00,
11 00
1-4, 1.3, 12 Price.
SI 90,
Bamberger's price
. 2 90,
. 4.00,
. 5.00.
. 6 85,
at 1-4, 1-3, 1-2 Price.
$ .85, Bamberger's price
, .75,
, .98,
1 50.
2.85, .
fl 50
to 350
to 6.50
m. at 170a Second Arenac Bengstoa Block, Bamberger's
uttU every stitch has been sold.
1 1
Toilet Soaps.
Swiss batter milk S bars in box
per box... 6c
Pure cream soap, 3 bars in box,
"per box 10c
Pare palm soap, per bar 4c
Elder flower eoap, per bar.... 4c
Honey due soap, per bar 4c
12-in bar casteal soap 7e
All fancy eoaps usually told
for 25c a box .19o
Cleaned and Repaired by
Twentieth Street JEWELER
Si S
v i swiiiusr. v i -
MA lw
Reck Island 'Bohemian" Beer on the table at all your meals.
It will give you vim and vigor, and builds up a weak system into a
solid healthy condition.
The malt we nse is of the purest quality, and our hope are of
the choicest growth obtainable. Order a case and get one of our beau
tiful souvenir thermometers.
Tdephme 1089.
This Cold Snap
114 X7. Gerrenteanth St.
Children's OVERCOATS at
. .. ..
Celluloid Collars 3c,
Neckwear at
i .. .. ..............
319 - 321 Twentieth street.
Skates! Skates!
Boy a' akatet..: 25c
Girls1 skates, with heel and toe
trap 49o
Girl'a skates, with clamps 63c
Island Browing Co.
Has probably
affected the plumbing of your
house Don'c let things go
any further, stop them now.
It won't cost much. It's pro
crastination that costs.
We work quickly and hon
estlyour terms are moder
ate just enough to Insure
good work.
and Off
Bamberger's price f
15c Linen Collin 5c
...8c, Bamberger's price 26e
.. 15c 86e
,..25c, " "50c
One-Half Price.
S .05. Bambsrger'a price .20
6 00
old stand. Will continue
u it bus to ere. oeeta.
1717 Second AYemie.

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