OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, January 07, 1898, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1898-01-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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mf 1
Eth tho mcthoil mT rvWta when
Syripof Titn h Uken; it rt fkamnt
and rf realting to tho taU. and acta
grutly yet rrornptly on tl K'alneja,
ljrr ami Vwclclraae tho ays.
tern taVrtiwlly, tliopvU roll, head
ache and fevvn anl rim halitaa
eonotipittioo. jrn ef Fig in th
uly tvmrdy cf its Lirxl tTrr trrv
dm-rd, .lonin to the Lint and ac
rrj.t.tUo t tin? Hon b, promt in
it i action and truly Wnci'chl ia it
tfffTU. prepared tilt from the eki
health aiH a?roc:ilA!PutUacr, its
m.tny Fxrrllmt qn-tlitrracmrnd it
ti ail an I hnvr? mal it the moot
popular remedy known.
riyrtipc-f V'i& i for rale ia 50
cent bottle ly all toadin? drug
jrt. Any niiaLIo drrtrgist who
ma not haw it on hand will j.ro
eitre it promptly for any no who
w 'when to try it, Do not acccjd any
cAurcsMA no sm? co.
uumiiu. tt. a: iy rout, X
tfr Trti CiaccTton Or CnaMkkuh Kmist IC
Saturday, Jan. 8.
Ths Amcrirsa Trsgediaa,
Mr. MiAcr
Atd a fvifa'Jy leiecUd
company la
" 3E3C -A. ZMIXj 3D 1? "
rnrMfi. im m sa-iatmk's
TelthHH t
AcJitJrium K;ILi3.
OaeSkM Cly.
Saturday Evefiirg, Jan. 8
A Grand reduction by
The World Asramst Her
A Ml pnwrrl rtry af Ti IrM
fia..iliM S. alaaa T
ctli.. t -an a. Wrrv, "I
' rkihirva ha e at.
M-'' w.s v , m i . IV.
MMKir IH-. 4Ih)m Ja. a.
fitrr 1 . r at4 IV
i . . r iaM t it a
in All Aees c( tha World
tr.nd Wiee h been rr gsr.tad a po
tent factor in rer alsir nnt prrTi f
t: NtJ na;ia 1j yon ko Vn to
rt th til Ta Fm W FnoUy
liir i(ai. l.t) TMM nran.
! uih'i t4auff la ta'ncoa
rt nif bilnf th rn'y ailsnl
tboir winf aatl waukloa la any
qutatty t) unit yoar ni. Tacit
piiia aicMi aol mttil
r n(Trl jo ta enrlly not f jaad
lMrhr if ehuirio; tht prt
wtn nut wltUkWn aY enc-anit ta
nrkM rr,iHir alM. Ia
iUth r a j y. ia U1dm la-
mnpaaiibia. uar p:lal atock aad
Cl'Wtl .P.'ft. hrf, Divllll, H
tvrtw Mittttl. Xn laj MtV 4 W
Wt)t-. mrfft'wil itm mat m kipiI
lav ipi
TlVlMMI t -( t
Tic m-.
ilott's Nencrinc Pills
Tat grtal
remttly far
ocfrova pi
IrilUa i
aS actv
ui not
aaaH M F I i n i " - f
It frUnhucil, tmpoamvy, NifNCf nt
- w.. ranui w wiTff
CtMiv m of ToUccs Opim wWa
i A ' . .
iw "nMjsuFisi ana uaumrr. i.
ptf bet ty J' boia fcw $100.
raria arvaat aad TvwMtMfe laM,
4ann Man at Columbus Call a
Mast Convention on tht
Senatorial Struggle.
Ptow Ik a Tafcaty Cmbv
pmr at4 ta IM mti la aavak Oat
La4-Aa)iMag nal llaaaa Kw
laarf laal to (kaag Cm
rt uliajl M.lHrt aal Ratlra Otaaaaaaf
-Rnlkr aa lb MaV a llaaaa.
CWntniju. O.. Jia. T. A ca3 ras la.
te4 :tt r.Uht ty the Itcpcb'tcnn itt?
ftatle .trmJtte for a mass eon
Tnt.j cf i: pcl-Jlcarn to t htli in
tht ttty n'-t iifaUf anrnoon lo
irutrt inb't tht nttctrivt to defeat
TT. rcll nyn tn frt: The T.TBh-
tknna ! rhli In m mty. tiutrlrt nJ
r.afr rrr.r ntl .n Ut rprlnB
n l anr,im.r. r ir.li j tha ipl thry
o;. rtc?n II. n. M. A, lUnr.a to th
frt rf llw l'r.it. FTatta. A rJrdse
tHa lm r f th fprrrt political
rjmi ztst.a m t t!itry of iur rtnte
ftiucht t.ni!l yon achleTnl a uplen.
!l kti.rr. lurlr.? thla rnmralrn a
l.'W tt nfpfmtora. rrvtendctl I.rpublle
n. not hrI to the lawfully
raprfr! will .f a rant inability of
in-rr rnrty. m.tm in rrery octlon of
th Ftate d ft at th Kslslativa r.cmi
n r ff th !: j.jlllrr.n rr'r. Over
hlnt aa I l. f,at-J by your ballots
t!iy h-r r.n cfnrirtrd with your
.iml inr X'.ir j v !?, cf flcfeatin
yur will. ..!cn.u!y exir:stt.a at the
I aIlot-L.x.
Xt la Arerr. bat In fthanie."
Ty thf nil thty have shown that
thy Co nnt In tht crt and l.'np-
firnt i rlm ti.ka cf our iarty and that
l wlnha i.f th.? jr.-j io ere not to be
fzard.il by thm. All that U dear to
tVm U fi-. ral revrr.ire ar.d spoils.
Not In nr.pr. tut with shame, we In
torn you thi anme of your rrpre
rrntatlve In the Rrnercl assembly have
J intd in tht unhily compact,anl there
Is danrrr that thy will dimirard your
wlshrs and -iTCfrd lmtrurtions. We.
therfr. call uron you toauemble and
ronult aa to how our state ran fc?
rl frniit tMs Irfamy and to peti
tion ytur rpr nt&tlrta by your pres
ence and bT your wcr!a to faithfully
rrf rm the iuty bkb jcu lraiwsJ
np.n itftTi.
Amjttmf.f I f!eaf Hit Haana.
A rep.rt w3 tumnt last r.ltrht thnt
n tekrraai bed ln rerelrel by the
ImrMt!e ka brs frrm John 11. Mr-L-an.
rianiluT that his nam be kept
ot -f the e-n.-f. rial matter and Brp
trg the Iknwcri'i to arree upon a can
list f. r Miii r to df.at Hanna.
White there a no polUve rrnr.rma
tha of tahi a. ty thrr were 4eTohip
rrnt whfcb to I he belief that It
-tla.t nnn. truth. Wedne!ay
eitlnc Tay It, a iVrxeratlc
-fr. f.nlslm-1 an editorial advlairc
ine tvmratir cnrniUra to rote fnr n
fknKrra't f. ju.t.. Lart r.Uht the
ram arr rTred ls n l;t n edl
tnrimlly anj a.l.ra the Ivmocratlr
rreirVrs ti .t? f. any Hepubllrca to
defeat Ilanna. It la a! known that
tnfliftwe ia tr.rc brociJit to force nil
Ih Irniorrat trto line.
Pwf le a Kw rnj aa twinaati
Krrj fwi tot tlaaa.
TV Ivtrvxrtt are now dVmandin.
It U said, a f.rnr.xlonal "serry
nar.Vr." tt la r a ! that Ernator rinck.
t Irry count . arhom nlreoatatlve
Grtsreior i-fTatr l cne year a. I
en44 la rfp'nir te redU'.rtctlnit
i.ieaure. lie ' to put hlme:r and
Onvral lrrr!..r la a atronf Demo
cratic dMrtrt. ro tnatfth old battle
can be touch t ovrr. r.mk'a bin. It la
claimed, altl rtrtive tht support of
Kurta. who nants t. down tht Athen
ian statesman and rrt Ten with hint
f taXi&a a baa I la the senatorial con
teat. JInrT H. R"1ker. rerrwnta'la
fmm ITiqhlan-l county, citre otit yea
lerday for Ilanna. lie baa been rlalmel
repeatrdly by the antl-Ilanna le-.ple.
FeTeral antl-IIann lUpuKirana came
here Wednesday from Hishland county
. UUr with lirdkry. He gar them
aa andierc In the smoking room of the
fcouae. anj lirtened patiently until they
Sr through. At tht conclusion he told
them h would support Ilanna. When
aked aNut the matter lajt evening
IWkev aall: "Tou ran atata that I
? Weak
1 Lungs i
If yoti have coughed and Z
ti coughed untfltla lining mem- Z
2 bran of your throat and lungs Z
t. t-ti j
a u uuutuuif ay
: Scott's Emulsion !
of Cod-lircr Oil will soothe,
strengthen and probably cure.
The cod-lircr oil feeds and
t strengthens the weakened tis-
sues. The glycerine soothes
and heals them. The hypo
S phosphites of lime and soda
1 impart tone and vigor. Don't
X neglect these coughs. One
2 bottle of the Emulsion may do
more for yoo now than ten
X can do later on. Be sure you
X get SOOTTS Esnulslon.
2 S nla. 90c mi St -aa.
SCOTT a aOWXE, Owomm, Kw Tark.
am f'ullr determined to vote foe osn.
ator Hanna. and ahau do no n?t Tues
day. - I no announced mvaelf tixlav
and will not reconaider the matter, as it
has been fully settled in his mind."
representative w. A. Scott. Jr.. of
FVton countv. aaid he nrefenl ti
wait until he tiw hia constituents be
fore commit tlr.a: himself on the matter
and added: "Tou can state, and posi
tively, that I will not vote for nny
tody but a straight Republican next
Tuesday. Further I do not care to U
rIJce Ta Ca tavevtiialed Appartioaaaaal
Hill Ihrangh Both llnutca.
Fprlncf.cld. Illau. J411. 7. In the sen
ate yesterday the senatorial apportion
ment bill aa raseJ-i to 10, one of
the tea beins SIubbleQe'.J (Rep.), of
Bloomlnstoa and now rea to the
governor, w ho will s!gn it. The sonata
also adopts J the resolution to :nvcatl
(ate the Cfciraso tolke. Tte president
announced the committee as follows:
I'rry. Atplnwal Paster. Limdin.
lt.llnrer R ps.): Mahoney iDem.). and
Trcsrr (Pop.). Putnam's Joint resolu
tion was adopted providing that the
two bouc rontur In the recommenda
tions of tue irovernor relative to the
rVorla InrurtMe Insane asylum. Littler
ofttrrd a J.nnt resolution providing
that e. hen the two houses adlourn on
Friday. Jan. ZU ther land adjourned
fine die. Lost yeas, Jl nays.
The house agreed uton section II
and 15 cf the Compton revenue bill,
providing for the annual a?o.-mont of
all personal property and cssots of or
poratluns. Tfte McEalry bill Ir.ipising; a
tax on the cross receipts of gas and
electric llcht compaales wss sent to a
third reading in the house. An amend
ment was adopted increasing the rata
of taxation from t to I p;r eer.t, of the
pros receipts. Another jinti-corpora-
ticn bi.l Introduced tasfstc'tpnone com
panics $10 a year for every telephone in
Bllacreaat Who Mnnltml a Han and UU
Wife Through a Window.
Falrbury. Xcb., Jan. ".The pursuit
of an assassin wa3 concluded wheh
William Ei.l-.er was run to earth and
forced to kill himself to avoid sum
mary execution. When the mob closed
in on It.i victim toe man blew out Ms
brains with the a.mc weapon with vhich
he had assassinated his brother. Geo.
Baker, and his wife. Tuesday the re
mains of the murdered couple wexe
fucd In thfrlr residence near town
They had been shot by an assassin who
flref through the window. Not a clew
wnslert except the footprints of the
rupposcu iDUt Jerer in a near-by Held.
The mob hunt was rtarted with the
aid of bloodhounds and the fked was
run to eurta In the barn on the prcm
laes of an tnrle of the murdered man.
A muHM report vos heard within the
structure aa the crowd drew near.
The building; was completely surround
ed by the rr.ob. end with weapons
drawn a rlnscn men rushed to th? doors
cf the structure. Within, lylnir on the
floor, wan the body of Kaker. The or.ly
motive f.r the crime was a quairel
Oenrjre had with liia brother recently
over a piece of lar.d.
Ohk Valtod Xttaa Warken.
Cohimbas, 0 J.in. 7. About 109 dcle
pates representing the Ohio district of
the I'nited Sr.ne Workers of America
met her yesterday. The gathcrms; wa3
the largest of th kind ever held ia
Ohio. The morning session was taken
up in orcanlzation and the creator part
of the afternoon was scrt in the hear
Ing of the president's annual addrert
and the report of the secretary-treas
Colonel T. G. Lawlcr wt!lbe appointed
postmaster of itotkford. Ills.
The chance are t'hat the St, Louis
baae ball franchise will be sold by Von
Cer Ah very soon.
rresldcnt McKinley la locking to th
northwest for a cll service commis
sioner to succeed Commissioner luce.
At Adelaide, Australia, on Nor. 19.
the temperature In the shade reached
ICC depTciY and In the sua 1G1 degrees.
A Massachusetts knitting company Is
looking up a rite at Ie I 'ere, Wii.,
with the intention of locating la that
Th last payment to the government
by the Union 1'aelfic rconmnlxation
commit' for th Union Pacific rail
way haa been made.
An Enslii-h syndicate la said to have
secured options on all but one of the
American glass manufacturing plants
cast of the Allcghenles.
Leonard Ilutchlns, of Black River
Falls. Wis has been arrested on a
charge of alienating the affections of
tht wift of Orm.md Heath.
Oeorge Terger, a former resident of
Chicago, cut a natlva of Misslastpnl,
has recently h?d a war claim of 140,000
allowed by the department of claims at
The latest report from Washington is
that Charles Tage Bryan will be made
minister to Turkey In the place of Dr.
James II. An cell, of Michigan, who wilt
be sect to Chins.
Mrs. Julia Leard, a white worsen.
was murdered by a Seminole Indian,
four miles east of Maud, O. T. The
crime was committed In the presence of
the woman' .children.
Representative Boutell. of Chicago,
has Introduced In congress a bill ap
propriating 1250.000 for a gunboat on the
upper lakes, to take the place of the
United States steamer Michigan.
A warrant Is out at West Superior,
Wis., tor the arrest of X. A.' Cass. day. a
young man charged with removing
from William Foad's lumber carnj at
Poplar. Wis , monoy and securities ag
gregating Sl.SM).
President William It. Marper, of Cbl
rnlverslty of Chicago. Is now president
also of Bush Medical college. Chica.ao.
lie was chesen after the terms of affilia
tion of the college with the university
had been accepted.
A fortune or tlT.OOO.OOO awaits the
heirs cf Jacob Baker, who was a col
onet under Oeorge Washington, and
after the revolutionary war settled In
Philadelphia. There are 400 heirs, a
large number of whom now ref.de at
Gllman. Is.
"Kid" Murphy.a noted Chicago gambler
of th "shellworker" variety, waa shot
th "Bhllworkr" variety, was abot
dead and rrank. alias "Dickey." Dean
and Martin Dona hoe were shot, prob
ably fatally, during a quarrel la a Chi
cago aalooa.
! 'Ml
Walker Whiteside, the traflfedian.
is to come tn ua tbU yenr with tte
added prestige of a New Tork suc
cess. Uavioir disarmed opposition
by hia first visit to New York, Mr.
Whiteside made a second appearance
there to challenge serious critioUm.
He waa now cordia ly welcomed at a
vaiuaoie acquisition to the Shakes
pearean drama, and a worthy ar
tist. Whole columns were devoted
to a consideration of his ability ad
methods, and predictions ot su promo
achievement were made. Mr. White-
lido haa now an increaeed claim
upon the interests of all lovera ot
the best thinga in tho drama. He
will appear as Hamlet" at the Bar-
tie Saturday evening. Me. Whi;e
aide's company has beon most care,
(ally selected for individual fnnest,
and Charles D. Herman, ,one of the
most finished and prominent of our
legitimate actors, has been specially
enfrapad for the leading man.
Agnes n aiiace ilia and her popu
lar platers, appear at the M 011 no
Auditorium Saiuidav evenip? ia
The World Against Her." It it one
of those good old-stvle melodramas
of the extremely pathetic type. Wil
ing it familiar atory of hspptaets
wrecked by crime, the conttquen'.
derivation atd sorrow tcrminatisg
by j .ining again the threads of
hippy existence after overcoming
the machinations of the villains and
meting out to tbcm the justice
they deceive. That, with variation,
is lue outline tf thftn nil, but for nil
(hat they are intoresliog, and par
ticala ly to ia " t he WuiM A;am it
Hot," aa given by Agnes Wallace
Vilt and her company. It is
a delineation ot charscter so
lifelike that, notwithstanding
the elem nt ot rcnsationalism or
possible to some .xtcntoa account
of it the interest is maintained
throughout in the most icteato sort
ot way. Tho ccmpany ia made up of
competent people, who handle tho
character:! gencra'lj in aa able, man
ner, the principal role, that ot Madge
Carlton, being well taken care of by
M as Villa, upon wheso shoulders the
balk of tho work reus to carry the
piece ftlo-g in a anccessful manner.
S Says rromntar KUtr aa to the tr. aerat
ISr'dge 1'ro.p a.
It is thottcht, J'idg rg from the
ray in w'oich epetntiuns on tie new
Crescent bridge are prcgrcs'ing, that
the structure will be ready tor traffic
aud completed by next fall." S) re
mtrktd Fraek 1. Ulalr, th9 promoter
"t the new- bridge, to whose persis
tent efforts is due the present acllv.
ity evidenced in the project Xi a
Davenport Times reporter.
Questioning Mr. Blair, he faid:
Xne work is under way. Tho abut
ment, the embank w nt or till, and
the retaining wall oer the river, all
of whici is aimply the thore or ter
raiual wotk. ate rapidly reaching
iho.r completion. Already ono of
the' channel piers has bee a bui.t,
while at o'.ber is ptrlialiy cotr-ttn -t-ed.
arid a third Hill in tho cais on or
ccffv'r dam stae of erectioo. The
scrvcya have all been made, aud tho
accessary levels obtain d. I ho titu
ncra for the fratcicg of both the tal.te
ork and the sheer booms was cut
by the Mueller people last fall, and
are tow piled alittlo want ot Gaines
rtreet, at which poltt Contractor A.
A. Arnold is at work constructing
tho Looms, which will be ao!i 1 ia
building atd models it tbtir joiner
work- The driving t f piles will be
taktn up jist as rapidly nod jtst t.s
aotnasthe timbre cn iri here.
We lave plenty of Stono City pro
duct in the shape of pior aad abut,
merit ftono, bat the hamper lies ia
tl.O pilirg of the logs nod limber
which it wi l to necessary for os tn
employ to anpport the railroad deck
ot tho bridge ia the creceni-liie
swirg which it takes frnm the p er
on the island lo the terminus at the
foot of Harris street in thij city."
rroe PUla.
Send your address to U. E. Buck-
tin & Co., Chicago, and get a free
sample box of Lr. king's yew Life
fills. Atrial will convince youct
tnoir merits. 1 nese puis are casv in
action and are particularly effective
in tne cure- 01 constipation and s.ck
leadache. For malaria and liver
troubles they hare been proved in
valuable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and lo be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action.
but by giving tone to stomach aud
bowels" greatly invigorate the sys
tem. hcTUiar size 25 cents per box.
Sold by Harts A LT.emeyer, drug-
Rhannattam Cored In a IK 7,
Mystic Cure" tor rhecn;atitm
asd neuralgia lai'c&ily cures ia ore
t) three days. Its action uptn the
sytttni is remarkable and mysterious.
It removes at once the cause, and the
disease iaiflnsHalely disappears. The
first doee greatly banc fits. 75 ventst
Sold by Otto Grotjn, 1501 Second
avenue, dreggiat. Uock Ialand;Uast
hlegtl ic Son, West Second street,
F I-t'e Hoacy aad Tar
Cough Strep wherever intrr.dared is
cocsiderid the most pleasant and
i tractive remedy for til threat and
lung comp'ainta. It ia the only
prominent cci-gh mcdlcite that ron-
tains no cpiats and that can s-fjfy
be given ta childrtn. For sale by T.
II. Thomas.
Sema at tna Uaalgaa rrapaiew foe the
Iraap-ltatataetppt Itaa.
The pnstcfiice department is work
ing with the designs for the special
issue of stamp ia connection with
the Trans-Mississippi exposition at
Omaha next year. The stamps will bs
issued in denominations cf 1-cent,
2-cent, 5-coBt, 10-cent and $1, mak
ing it possible for the public to use
these stamps on all outgoing foreign
as well aa domestic mail matter and
packets' ot merchandise. In the
lilted States there are 70.000 pott
cCiccs, so that the widespread circu
lation ot 1 hose special stamps, sug
gestive of the Trns-Missisippi and
International exposition, will be
readily attained. The Issue lends
the exposition the prestige ot govern
ment recognition and support.
The isue of special stamps will be
ot marked artiatio order in design,
symbolical of the great trans-Mississippi
region and its tributaries.
Third Assistant Postmaster General
Merritt has charge of tho selection
of subjects. As has been herettfera
stated, one of the de igns will very
lively bo tho new Rock Island bridge.
O her suggested engravings ate
"Fremont Hoisting the Flag on the
Itocky Mountains." United States
Senator Thomas H. Benton, ot St.
Ijnis, Westward Ho." emblem,
DoSoto'a Discovery ct the Missis
sippi River," etc.
The stamtM will bo different In
color from the regular series. In
shape they will resemble the Colum
bian stamp issued In commemora
t.on of the World's Fair. The uew
oars will ba twice the size cf the
present post ego 6tamp. Tbo Trans
Mislss?rpl stampi will bj sought
after by coliucLora, and as there are
nearly halt a million of these people
in the world, the government, in
stead cf being philanthropic, expects
to realize handsomely upon the issue.
Columbian stamps today aro selling
at prices many timet higher than
was ooce paid tor them, and they
are gruwiog moro valuable each year.
It ! the same way with the Centen
nial stamp, and it will alio be true
of the Trane-MisMstippi stamp.
IiUmrytr- )hbui
CharlrB Uilemeyer aLd Miss Caro
lina ure'sen, daughter of Mr. and
M;s J. W. Drcssen, were mairiod at
6 oVlcck yesterday afternoon at the
rector v of Tricif; Episcopal church.
Rev. E F. Geo performed tbo oere-
mony in the presence of a company
of reJit'ives. Miss Amelia Scboke, of
Davenport, cffisia'ed as bridesmaid,
while J. li Kckhart was best mau.
In the evening there was a sup
per and reception at the b.idc'B
home, lsiu booond avenue.
Mr. Uilemeyer is one ot the citj's
popular gentlemen, bo;ng prescrip
tion c erg at tho crng store of Uaitz
& Uilumeyer. whjle hia bride is aa
estimable and lovable joung lady.
Tho couple will go to housekeeping
on Tweuliath atrett and Eighteenth
Slaae:llf Annual.
Minsiir almaatc ot planetary
m tt or elegy and aimcnao makers
nud weather forecasting guide, in
cludisg Prof. Mansill'a new system
ot planetary science, has made its
app:arasc3. The wotk is illustrated
aid prepared with the same pirns-
tking care mat mo author has al
wsvs eviocod. The guide cordains
thin note ct vlmd informatino:
For the period ot the wortt (11
oUsses ot electric) earth dis'nib.
an'es and greatest storms and
changes in atmospheric temperature
tho t ress and public shoald watch
the p rthelions, aphelions, and ogpo
eiti'n; iLferior, tuporior, and loug
i'.udinul conjunetioas ot the plaretc,
a onumg ana aefcencine nodes: the
peripees nna apogees, ar.d the group
gel nneat cot j inctinnn 01 mo moon
j . 1 ? . . . . .
wiiti the pintts at the tiroes of their
near oppositions and infetior ccn-
: .. . n
jjuciu us.
T Coll-elor'. N ultra.
The tsxo3 for 1897 are now due
and payable at the office ot count
upertnienacnt 01 schools, court
honse, first floor near north entrance
Bring last sear's tax receipts and
avoid delay in searching for descrip
tions. 1: j. lee.
Township Collector.
Iluoklua'a Arum Salve.
Tbe best ealve in the world for
cms, bruises, aores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chmmul
handa. chilblains, enrna and all Vln
erupuens, ana positively cures piles,
or u.i oar reamra. ic ia CTiiikrHii.
teed ta give perfect satisfaction or
mnnev refcndel. Price 2.1 nenta n.
box. 'For sale by Hurts 6 Clle-
8Kk lata tour flrioaa
Allen's Foot-Eaoe. a powder for the
feet. . It cures painful, swollen,
smarting fwt and inatnntlv takea I ha
etir.g ont of tho corns and bunions.
iv 9 too grnve column oicoovcry OI
the ace. Allen's Font-FaM mtkei
light-fitting or new shoes feel easy.
11 is a certain cure ror sweating, cal
lous and hot. tired, aching feet. Tr
it today. Sold by all druggists and
shoe stores. By mail for 25 cents in
stamps. Trial package free. Ad
dress, Alien S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.V.
Tai Wi II KK.wa fltaiaiaiaa
Talked for months, from a frcnt
poroh and rear end of a car. Per
baps tte use of Foley's Honey and
Tar will explain why they could do
this; without lejcry to their vocal
orgaaa. It ia largely used by ipaak
e s and singers. For sale by T. H.
ejJT rrJ !i at
iDiiGGi from San rmnGisco!
China and Japan Mattings.
All the new novelties for 1893. W invite you all to call
and look them over, whether yoo wish to bny or not
These Mattings go on Sale for 10 Days
At extremely low prices, as they were pnrchased before the
new duty was put on them. Thete aro excluaive patterns
to ns aad we cannot duplicate any of them this coming
105, 107
. Second Street,
Most Everyone j
That the largest and best as
sortment of Holiday Candies
are kept at the
Y,!.ita Palac. of Swaets i
In addition t nnr famous lino
I'ONS packed in the mo t ex
quisite boxes for New Year
l'reswt, we distanca all of
our competitors on pure can
dies, such as our own
Home-made mix, strictly pure, 1fi
per pound IUB
Manhmallowa, suicUy pure, per ie
pound Uli
Cream and moinwcs taffy, atrietly tfln
pure, per pound IUW
Peanut candy, strictly pure, per 1fl
pound IUC
Gum drops, strictly pure, per Cm
pound wli
Buttercups, striotly pure, per 9fli
pound M sUle
And all home-mrtde candles,
absolutely pure, and fret-h every
day, at the same low p;ices.
White Palace of Sweets,
CANDY KINGS, Benirston Block,
E t- a
a-iuvt aaiiaau. y
E. ill. liAWIIE AD,
sin ccal csr tes suim.
Telephone 1340. 8170 Filth Avem'.
4 a sjubt
a aazsT
Own Foar Homi aad Bsu tt iararaS.
Reldy Bros.
Real Estate,
Insurance and Loans.
3onm 4, Mitchell ft Lynda h'ng.
felephone IOCS.
General Contractors
amifaetBiers of ssk s Aad aU Kiacsef wotk
Doom u4 Bit for Builders
Siding, Flooring. Wainicoatlng
18th Street bet. 4th and 6th Avtana
sr- r a .
ku,m m.W a ivui r a
aiuiwvwvia. aab cvo aeoooa ATenava
uuuscwuii at w a wejiy-iDira street.
rooms, centrally loaated. with tint
class board. Enquire at iZH Fifth avenue.
"'T?" V ligh atoraye roams, with ela
tor at 1821 Seoond avenue. Johnnv Jonas.
Two rings on 1S17.
.U in, Jo!n l,,rlr oitg lo Alaska: inuxt aavo
f?). AUflress Fred K. Allen, J49 Mulberry
street, Ualesburg, 10. -
steaJr and r'erwant emplorment at
hr.mc for ono year ai 150 per month, and can
tfve Kod references, send your name and ad
?r???.!,h a"np to A .L. Smith A ta. Kim
ball House, Davenport, Iowa.
rnonas, watobes, Jewelry, hardware,
icuatcal lnatrnmenta, blcyelea. elothlsc. Ory
Roods, rornikure, etc. Wghon emtx prleee
paid for aeooad hand (omia of all kinds alao.
Tbe above good tor aale at half the neual
torepileca. Ail bolineat,tranaaetUNM strictly
w-tlflestlaL his new number and loeailnn,
1421 beoond Avenue. Honl foraetla. J. W.
ionee. Two rinirs on w.
. foou eonuiiem at iiu. r ourin avenue.
Apply to Henry Kinner. . arcnuo.
.. .,.,t'e,.uJ,t,,eet- APPly at Black Haw
Building & Loan association, Beogstoa block.
av ant and lunch room with tut? trade; the
only on- in tba city open Say and nluht. Ad
dress ' P.," Ahucs.
X' of 50 bushels or over at tt.(C per ton, de
livered C. O. D. to any part at the city. Leave
orders at Commercial hoaae barber ahox Book
Ufoltmann the leweler
Our stock will be
found to contain one
of the finest assort
ments of Jewelry to
be seen anywhere.
Novelties of all Kinds
Besides a regular line
of Watches, Clocks,
and Jewelry that is
worth seeing. Call
and look it over.
Wolteui, tbe Jewels.
1SQS Seoond Ave
Rant Km Harm ltimai4 PtmnlM ania.an
" " av 'aasof WJCI7-
Oolorrd Spots. Aehes, Old Sores. Ulcers ta
Mouth. Halr-FalUrnrr Write Oook Bkmkdt
Oo., 020 Masonle Tcarpla, Ohicairo, I'l., ior
rvoofa ot cures; capital, 8300,000. Worst
eases tared tn IS ta IS, days. 100-paga
boub. i
DB.srriJS i
A. J. Rleaa. F.rartt
aveaaearag store, sole sceaS
Koca iauia,iu.

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