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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, February 01, 1899, Image 3

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1, 1899. - a
You Need
If you need to be economical that there is no
scch other place as Clemann & Salzrhann for
furniture. Lowness in price is not always
economy, but the values that are obtained at
these great furniiure stores are consistent
enough to make it advantgeous for you to buy
here. Others make extravagant claims, but,
For Variety, Newness of Style,
Reliability of Goods, and
Fairness in Price
We lead them all. You will always find court
eous treatment and a desire to please. If you
are thinking of doing any extensive furrisWng
this spring it will pay you to come and talk it
over. Its instructive to see our stock. Come
and visit our stores.
Clemann &
Cor. Sixteenth Street
THE BEST 99.-,::,
-Cycle!! Notjfrenerally known. Ruldrn only
by the inventor. Will he bump against the
pAet Of rourve he will, and tt will knork ml
BtcTele ene Into him. He will realize that
Tlifc 1'ROft.a MACHINE TO K1DK la A"
202 Eighteenth street,
W. C. Maucker's Cash Prices!
It is now nearly one year since W. C. Maueker moved his Gro
cery Business into his fine commodious store on the corner of
Seventeenth street and Fourth avenue, and the year's business
has lieen so highly satisfactory that Mr. Maueker has decided to
start another store at 2224 Fourth avenue, in what was formerly
the II. L. Wheelan grocery. The new store is started for the
purpose of accommodating Mr. Maucker's rapidly growing
trade in the east end of the city, and at the same time by divid
ing large purchases of groceries he is able to make very low
prices, which no doubt will be appreciated by all patrons of the
grocery trade. Note the following list:
H .
(rannlated Sugar 19 lbs $1.00
Woodman's Choice Flour 1.15
Maud S. Flour i.io
Square Deal Flour 1.10
Kansas Woodman Flour 1.05
Triumph Second Grade Flour. . . 90c
Best Dairy Batter, per lb 17Jc
strictly t resh -ggs per dor
Best Fine Salt per bbl
Xice California Haul per lb . .
Regular hams per tt ...... .
Sliced ham per ft
XXXX Coffee per package 10c
Arbncle s and Lion coffee per pk 11c
Good Sweet Corn er cau . . ;
Great Rock Island Corn 4 cans. . .
Other Better Brands 3 for
Good rice per ft
These prices prevail at both stores. Main store corner Fourth
Avenue and Seventeenth St. Wheelan store 2224 Fourth avenue.
and Second Avenue;
Bicycles in Town.
Rock Island.
Bread. 3 loaves 10c
California Apricots, per can. .... 1 Ic
Yellow Table Feaches 2 for 25c
Nice Canned Feas, per can 5c
California Teaches per can ..... 15c
Fine Homemade Mincemeat3 lbs 25c
Apples, per peck 30, 40 or 50c
Svrup, per gallon S5c
Sorghum, per gallon 40c
Maple Syrup, per gallon 60c
New Xavy Beans, 6 quarts 25c
New Scotch Peas. 6 quarts 25c
Soap. 6. 8. 10 or 16 bars fpr 5c
Earge Oranges, per doz. 35c
Naval oranges per peck 40c
Sweet naval oranges doz 10. 12 or 15c
Finest and Best Oranges.Jperdoz S5c
Splendid Baking Powder, per lb. 2Pc
Tea per fb 28, 30, 35 or 50c
Fires at Homes of William Atkin
son and W. B. Fer
Hoae Company "o. 2 Baa a Rather Serloaa
Accident, the Watoa Being; Overturned
and Considerably l"d ITp and Foor of
the Mea Thrown Off and Injured, One
Receiving a Dlalocated Shoulder.
The Rook Island fire department
had two blazes and an accident to
contend with this morning. While
the fires were of little consequence,
the mishap was rather serious, re
sulting in the injuring of four men
and the damaging of the Jfo. 2 com
pany's hose wagon. The first call
came from the home of William At
kinson, 3038 Tenth avenue, at 3 a. ni.,
where a window curtain bad acci
dentally caught from a match in tbe
hands of a member of the household,
who had gotten up at this early hour
to administer medicine to a sick child.
The Central and No. 3 companies re
sponded. The flames had made con
siderable headway in the room, but
were extinguished by the application
of several bucket sfull of water and the
throwing through a window of the
burning furniture.
At 7:30 the department was sum
moned to the residence of W. B. Fer
guson, 1 wenty-nrst street, nere
imely discovery probably prevented
a disastrous tire. A joist had caught
from the furnace in the basement.
The attention of the family was at
tracted by flames shooting up through
the register. The blaze was conquered
without the turning on or water by
theVlepartment. a few bucketsfull serv-
ng the purpose, lhe damage was
No. ' Accident.
According to the rules of the de
partment, except in an emergency.
when a call comes from a point east of
the Central station, the No. 2 compa
ny shall move from its quarters on
Eighth street to the Central house.
and there wait for orders. This morn
ing, on receipt of the Ferguson call.
the team of the Central hose wagon
was unable for service.one of the horses
having lost a shoe in the earlier run,
and Chief Collier ordered the 2's to go
straight to the scene. J he horses at
tached to the N'o. 2 wagon were dash-
ng north on Sixteenth, with Henry
Dasso in the driver's seat. Reaching
the Central house, as they had been
accustomed to do. thev attempted to
turn into Fifth avenue. The wagon
struck thecurbingandwas overturned
and the occupants. Mr. Dasso. Capt
Charles X. Hastings, and Firemen
Joseph Exuer and Charles Schroeder,
were hurled to the pavement.
Dasso was the most severely hurt,
Dr. II. H. Chase, who was called to
attend him, finding that he had re
ceived a dislocation of the left should
er. His face was also badlv scratched
All four were more or less bruised,
and Schroeder sustained painful cuts
in his left hand.
The wagon was considerably used
up, one axle being lent and the box
and seat broken.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby give that the part
nership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, under the tirm name
of J. & M. Rosentield, at Rock Island,
111., has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent.
The business of the said firm will
be continued by a corporation known
as J. & M. Rosentield, at the same ad
dress, which corporation will pay all
debts of the above firm, and is hereby
authorized to collect all outstanding
accounts of said firm.
Dated at Rock Island, III., this 1st
day of January, A. D. 1899.
" Joseph Rosexfield,
Meyek Rosen fieli.
Card of Thanks.
Ill consequence of my bereavement
in the loss of my hushand. the late
Delos F. Holmes, I desire to publicly
express ray sincere thanks to the em
ployes of the railroad and the many
friends for the kindness and sym
pathy shown. I am especially grate-
tul for the beautiful lloral offerings.
To the Prudential Insurance company
also I desire to express my gratitude
for the prompt payment of life insur
ance. Mrs. Gback Holmes.
An Hoaeet Medicine for La Grippe.
George W. Wait, of South Gardi
ner, Me., says: "I have had the
worst cough, cold, chills and gripand
have taken lots of trash of no account,
but profit to the vendor. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is the only thing
that has done any good whatever. I
have used one 50cent bottle, and the
chills, cold and grip have all left me.
I congratulate the manufacturers of
an honest medicine.'1 For sale by all
Coughing injures and inflames sore
Inngs. One Minute Cough Cure
loosens the cold; allays coughing and
heals quickly. The best cough cure
for children, perfectly harmless. For
sale by T. IL Thomas, A. J. Reiss and
M. F. Bahnsen, druggists.
Taxes Due.
The real estate and personal taxes
are now due and payable at the town
bip collector's ofiice on the first floor
of the court house.
Timotht O'Neill, Collector.
Bard Coal Market.
Ant brae e coal, all sizes, delivered
at $6.o0 per ton, for immediate de
every. E. G. Ykazxk. .
Sdaeata Tatar Bowel Wit
Candy Cathartic, or eoaminarioa foreter.
0a,86e. UaaC.feU,ovtialaraiMlnxxa.
Meeting- of Tri-Clty Labor Centre Com
mittee Tonight.
The Tri-City Labor congress street
railway franchise committee will meet
at the Rock Island Industrial home at
7:30 tonight. The committee is com
posed of J. P. Dromgoole. J. W. Cav
anaugh, F. A. Andrews, Fred Hoesli
and J. J. Ford, Rock Island; L. O.
Jahns, Albert Lockhart. C. F. Daebel-
liehn, Charles Grant, Benton Davis,
Moline; Bernard Henley. John Stan
ton, William Gordon, Dennis Harri
gan, Edward Gaffey, Davenport.
Charles McHugh is in Chicago.
Spencer Robinson is in the city.
John Blake was in Mendota on busi
ness yesterday.
Capt. W. H. McConochie is home
from Alva, Okla.
E. C. Eberhart went to Chicago last
night on business.
Mever Rosenfield. Sr., left for India
napolis this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J; W. Herbert moved
to DavenKrt this morniug.
Frank Iglehart is here from Bur
lington, Iowa, for a weeks' visit.
Miss Mathilda Hohroan left tod.iv
for Chicago for an extended visit.
W. G. Besler, division superintend
ent of the Burlington, is in the citv.
The annual masque ball of the Sher
idan club will occur at Armory hall
tomorrow evening.
C. Brandt, traveling passenger
agent for the C, 1. & St. L., was in
the city yesterday.
John Graham, messenger at the
People's National hank, is ill at his
home in South Heights.
W. J. Kahlke, secretary of the Rock
Island Plow company, is ill at his
home. 1010 First avenue.
County Treasurer P. F. Cox is at
tending a meeting of the supervisors
of assessments ot Springfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Roth, of St.
Joseph, Mo., are visiting W. F. Roth
and family. SJOo rourth avenue.
William M. Walker left this morn
ing for Carthage, 111., where he enters
Senator O. F. Berry's law office to
August Gottsch was pleasantly sur
prised by a party of his friends at
his home in South Kock Island Mon
day evening, in" honor of his 34th
Buford post, G. A. R., and John
Morris camp. S. ., will give an en
tertainment at Memorial hall next
Tuesday evening in honor of Wash
ingtoii ? birthday.
Mrs. J.. S. Gilmore and daughters
the Misses Claire. Bessie and Agnes
Gilmore, entertained tri-city ladv
friends at their nome on Second ave
nuc from 3 to 6 this afternoon.
Lieut. J. W. Washington and other
Rock Islanders belonging to the 8th
Illinois volunteer infantry, now on
duty in Cuba, are expected home next
March. According to the dispatches
their regiment has been ordered mus
tered out at Fort Sheridan. It will
sailn from Santiago for the United
States on the Chester about the mid.
die of February.
llr. Kichard Kilwarils. who was in
I the city recently, is an old personal
lriena oi a. i. nan, DOOKKeeper xor
the Rock Island Condensed Horse
Feed company, with whom he spent
several pleasant hours while here
Mr. Hall was identified with public
school work in Stark county for 21
years, eight years of which time he was
county superintendent. Durinir the
period of his service in the interests of
education Dr. Edwards was engaged
in the same work, and for a portion
of the time was state superintendent
Dr. Edwards is now a Congregational
minister, with residence at Blooni-
The Modern Way
Commends itself to the well in
formed, to do pleasantly and effect
ually what was formerly done in the
cruiiest manner and disagreeably as
well. To cleanse the system and
break up colds, headaches and fevers
without unpleasant after effects, use
the delightful liquid laxative remedy.
Syrup of rigs. Made by cauiornia
Fig Syrup company.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy n Chicago.
Hisgen Bros., the popular South
Side druggists, corner of Sixty-ninth
street and Wentworth avenue, says
We sell a great deal of Chamber.
Iain's Cough remedy, and find that it
gives the most satisfactory results,
especially amoner children for severe
colds and croup." For sale by all
Fatality of Croup.
Statistics show thai thousands of
infants and children die yearly of
membraneous croup. e do not ex
aggerate when we state that every
one of the innocents could have been
saved bad Foley's Honey and Tar been
given them in time. Can you afford
to be without it in your household?
La grippe is again epidemic. Every
precaution should be taken to avoid
it. Its specific cure is One Minute
Cough Cure. A. J. Sheperd, pub
lisher of the Agricultural Journal and
Advertiser, Elden, Mo., savs: "No
one will be disappointed in using One
Miaute Cough Care for la grippe
Pleasant to take, qnick to act. For
sale bv T. H. Thomas, A. J. Reiss and
M- F. Bahnsen, druggists.
Horrible agony is caused by piles
burns and skin diseases. These are
immediately relieved and quickly
cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve. Beware, of worthless imita
tions. Fer sale by T. H. Thomas, A.
J. Reiss and M. i Bahnsen, drug-
Frank W. Bahnsen Reelected
President of the Rock Isl
and Organization.
Date of Regular Meeting Fixed at First
Monday In Each Month Billiard and
Card Tournaments to Be Arranged and
Musical Features Provided Discussion of
Franchises Tuesday Night.
The newly elected directors of the
Rock Island Club perfected their or
ganization at a meeting at the club
house at 4:30 yesterday afternoon by
choosing the following officers:
President Frank W. Bahnsen.
Vice President W. II. Marshall.
Treasurer Maver Levi.
Secretary J. T. Stafford.
The board fixed the date of the reg
ular meetings of the club at the first
Monday evening of each month. Pres
ident Bahnsen was authorized to name
committees on billiards, chefs, scott.
whist, athletics and music. The pur
pose is to arrange billiard and card
tournaments among the members and
have musical features, all with a view
to increasing the social features of the
To Discuss Franchises.
C. J. Searle, C. F. Lvnde and C. J.
larkin, the committee appointed to
investigate the "matter of extending
the street railway company's fran
chises, has called a meeting at the
club house for next Tuesday evening at
30. A general invitation is extended
to all citizens to le present and ex
press themselves on the question, in
order that public sentiment may
be measured.
Mrs.John Heath, well known in
Rock Island, died at her home at Wiri
netka Monday of pneumonia, aged 55
years. She was the wife of John
Heath, master mechanic of the Wis
consin division or the Chicago &
Northwestern railroad. She leaves
besides her husband, two brothers, F.
L. Bliss, of this city, and Newton
Bliss, of Haraboo, Wis.
The funeral of Mrs. Dorothea Etzel
was held at the home, 800 Eleventh
avenue, vesterdav afternoon at
o'clock. Rev. C. E. Mennicke officiat
ing. The remains were intered at
Chippiannock. The pallbearers were
Charles and William lleidemann
Charles and Frederick Schroeder, An
drew and Ernest Rietz.
Edna Ann. the 18-months-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cole
man, 924 t irst avenue, died at i :.0
this morning of infantile convulsions
Paul Carl, infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. S. Wevnortb, of South Rock
Island, died vesterdav. '
Judge J. M. Wilson, a member of
Everts oommamlery, died at his home
in Aledo Jast nigbt.
Prince of Entertainers, and
tertainerof Princes.
He writes to all his friends as follows:
"Hyomei" is easy to take
and swift in its cure.
It insures you against
coughs and colds.
It eives you pure air, and
kills the perms of disease.
It helps the voice and gives
courage to the speaker -and
Try it and you will always
Merrily yours,
It Is safe to say that every purchaser of
A nyomel" Outfit becomes a member of
the l'ass It On Society inside of two
weeks. The Immediate results obtained
from Its use. the method of application,
which enables a person to use tt at any
time and la any place. Invariably compels
the iurc'aapor to inform all bis friend
of this new renodr, which has revolt!
lionized the method of treating respira
tory diseases completely. They feci nnf
in doing this, for It is now thoroughly
understood by alt that the manufacturer
of -nromei" cheerfully refund the
money in erery case of failure.
Price : Trial outfits, 25c; Reg
ular Outfits, $1.00 ; Extra Bottles,
50c. Hyomei Balm, 25c. Hyomei
Guaranteed Dyspepsia Cure, 50c,
All druggists, or sent by mail.
Audit rium Bid-., Chicago
Six pieces half bleached Table Da
mask, 48c quality, at 39c per yard.
1,000 yards checked linen glass
toweling, 9c quality, 5c per yard.
850 yards pure "linen crash, HJc
quality, at 91c per yard.
Dress Goods.
10 pieces 38 inch Henriettas, all
colors, for wrappers and childrens'
dresses, while they last, 17c.
50c all wool Jacquards in fancy
weaves at 29c
New black crepons arriving daily.
7oc. yc, fi.4, i.o, fi.yt, ana
$2.25 a yard.
Always something cheaper here
than elsewhere, 1,500 yards black, and
white figures, turkey red prints,, 3c
per yard. '
a.OUO vards "farmers choice ' nne
bleached muslin usually 6c, this week
4Jc per yard. . I .-
26 dozen misses one by one ribbed
black . wool hose, sizes only 6 to 8,
high spliced heel and double knees,
usually 25e, as a leader we say 14c a
IS dozen women's extra long, seam
less black wool hose, while they last.
16c a pair.
Our Jewelry Store.
Wake up early all this week.
Ansonia Clock company's best nick
el alarm clocks, for six days, at 57c
A snap purchase in watches; buy
now. 7-iewel movements, matte uy
the Elgin Watch company, five years
guaranteed, gold filled case, either
size, ladies or mens, while tliey
last, o. Do; not a misprint.
We are going to give you a chance to buy your winter
garments of us. If prices are an object, you will surely
come and visit us. We expect to make a special effort for
ONE WEEK and give you a chance to make your selection.
Our line is new and varied.
One Fourth Price Off on Overcoats, Ulsters and
Heavy Underwear.
150 MEN'S CArS $1.00
100 MEN S CAPS 75c
1804 Second Avenue
Eighteenth Street
At Phil S.Wilcher's
Coats, Jackets and Capes.
This week we bring down stairs on
our first floor, all our coats, jackets
and capes. Our entire stock placed
npqr main ritrrmr( Nearl v 500 gar
ments, all told, will be sold at prices
which will sound like a fairy tale. A
true fairy tale this time. Every jacket
must go.
50 jackets were once o ana o, now
quick, $1.50.
62 jackets that were good values at
$7.50 to $10, no reserve." $2.
Warm winter jackets were once f 10
and $12. grab quick for $2.50.
All the balance of the best jackets
of the season, that have sold at $12.50,
$15, $16.50, $18. $20, $25. $28 and $.i0.
all. all so in 3 lots at $5, $7 47 and
Such prices should make a clean
sweep of this great big lot of jackets
in a few days.
A lively corset department. To
make it unusually lively this week we
will sell one leading style of the cele
brated P. N. dollar corsets for 62c,
white, drab and black, all sizes, one to
a customer, 62c, all other times $1.
The agents permit this 62 cent price
for only one week.
Flvrht doen ladies' Antroni Heeeed vests and
pants, the be.se Karments roude to sell for tl.
Will c1on5 them out at 6Hc.
Men's natural mixed snirusand drawers, nev
er better values offered at 60c; to close at Just
half. SSc.
Children's camel hair random .mixed vesta
and pants, we close 'em. all sizes. 18 to 34.
ut 4o for size Irt. he for size 20. 60 for size 22 and
so on up to size M.
None ot these lots are large. Coma early.
Notion Department.
Six dozen SSc hair brushes at 12c eaan. 1
trrosi (144) ninlal back, hand or stand mirrors,
plate KbisK. 10c. Armour's wasbinK powder. I
paekuKes for 60. Wool soap, the 5o cakes, 3
for lOe.
Should Interest You.
One Price.
What Is Quality?
Quality is an element of goodness which all
desire and few attain.
Why the Few?
Because quality means the use of the best of
everything. For instance, in bicycles: It
takes good material, good men. good thonght,
good time, to produce quality. If you buy a
bicycle of quality like the Cleveland, it is
right and proper to pay for what you get.
So Quality Costs?
The best of anything is of more value than
of the ordinary or common thing of the same
class. Only a few attain perfection, and
these few are of higher value. The manu
facturer who uses the best of materials, the
best of machinery and the best men, will pro
duce the best of quality. The Cleveland . is
the best of quality.
The Cleveland Represents Quality.
Cook Stoves for
Cook Stoves with Reservoir for
Full size Xe. 8 Stoves, Square Oren -

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