OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 19, 1899, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1899-04-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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f .Y'ricxets en M purchased or bKxar
7ifivr L'rn'te A Om&lj.. .
Ft Worth. Denver It O...
Mtnnespo in........
droit a a-id ""iM.... .
thanta M!nnapo)i
Omaha D Koines Ki ...
jOnit. Bx
lxavor. Lincoln Omtlii..
Dr Moir Exir.
Kock It'.ntii X Boresa Ac...
Bt Pnl Mtnneapo Is
Denver, Worth A K O....
IKanra City 4 t Joeph..
IRock If!nd 4s Wahloton
CS.earo A n MofnM
-rck Irian B -x'' tvn Ac.
tOnohs oii'l Ifx-k I'nnr
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7:S5am tlO-Mpm
11 -.MS am t 7:1S am
tlirfiO m t 7:1 5 am
I anfTered the tortures of tlie damned
with protruding piles brought on bv constipa
tion -with hlti I was arbicte-d for tv.xMv
years. I ran across 70ur CASCARKTS in tLe
town of Newell. Ia-. and never found anything
to equal tbem. To-day I am entirely free from
piles and feel like a new man. "
C. H.Keitz, 1111 Jones St.. SIoox City, la.
:0n am
5. -Of) am
11 rlfl pmi
- -
8:31 po
t P:25 pn
t 6:80 am
t 8 :S0 ptr
t 1:S1 pm J :s pra
5:85 pm t 7r" im
I :S0 pm
Arrival. Departure.
Holly uxrrpt sstarday.
pfaoue 1UVJ.
JDally. exrp 6nrdr.
Ail others daily. Tele'
war Deoot Virat arenas and
:rwt. M 1 Voon. A-r.t-
6t- Ik, prir.-fle!. Peoria.
Bnr. Qui", via Mnnmoutb
Ctleafo, flierUn. Clinton a
Dabuqos ... -
f sorts. Beardetnwc. Bar
Jlcttor, Denver iWefl....
ex. Paul Minneapolis.....;
tteriLcr. C lntcn & Dabqt.e
fit. L..Kria8 Ci'T. Der.ver
k Fae.Co&et TlaOalef h'ry 7:10 pm 53 am
7:00 am
t 7:40 am
2-45 pm
7:2 pa
8 40 pa
7:5 cm! 8rJ5 ai
7.50 pra t 6:0 am
Dally. tDaily except Bonday.
j way Raetoe A 6ontiei'o.n W.vr'.n
I3pot Twentieth sreet,Jietweea r!rt and Beconc
aTetTie". JU ll orrr, apcdi.
Kail ani Exprcrr
t panl .xprc
rrelKhtar.d Accommodation
La at a I Aatuvi
7:S0 am
: pm
C:Xl a in
::s am
11:80 an
9.10 aa
lially except Hue Jjy.
XS ivjirt Firft Aer.ne ai;d Twectleia itree
K BtxUhouBO. Gtu'i Tkt Agent.
bVrlmrft.il, ciiiCliiUi l, 1 eo
rla. t:te
Fcona, Sprlricld, ot Lcalr
Accomodation Pat-t Ple'il
peor a. Hpringlcld. CiiiCin
nan, etc
Peoria Arson Freight
Cable and Sherrard Accom.
:!tble Arcomodatlon
Cable and feherrard Accom .
fi:0 am
1J:M ara
1 :4K pra
7:1.1 pm
ftrfkj an
h:44) ami
8:10 pro!
10 M pn
11:15 as
1 :-M err
6 -SO pn
2:20 ps
76 an
l-t.-rfcr trains leave C U I P (Mo!!n
avem e) d-.-jwjt five (5) mlanea esrHer than timi
HiTen. Trair r-arked daily, all other train
daily except a"n lay.
A Fire Insurance Agency,
Established 1874.
Traders Ins. Co., - - Chicago, IU.
Union Ins. Co. - Philadelphia, Pa.
Kockfonl Ins. Co. - - . Kockford, 111
Security Ins, Co. - New Haven, Conn.
State Ins. Co. - - - Kockford, 111.
Ofllie, Room S. Ruford block. Ratea
adlowas ouostenk with security.
J. M. Buford,
P!eaant. PalaJahlc. J-ment. Trste Good. Do
Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gri-xt. 10e. M. Hue-
... CURE CONSTtPA" iON. ...
Stvrllef Bnerd l.mymy. fklna. allftl, Krw tirt. 31
Wfl yn Q f fold and rtjarnntwd bT nil dmc
KU I J'iJAu Kists to l'l'K Tobacco iiablu
AdmInlxtrtor'a Notice.
Estate of John IVilson Drury.deceaed.
The undenlgned huvlnir been appointed
administrator of the estate of John Wil
son brury- late of the county of Rock
Island, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby
Kives notice that he will appear before tbe
county court of Hock Island county, at tbe
county court room, in the city of liock Island,
at the Jun term, on the Erst Monday
In June next. a", which time all per
soni having claims against said estate are
Inotifled and requested to attend, for the pur
pose of havlntr tbe name adjusted.
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment to the
lsuled this -th day of March. A. D.
JIk.nht c. Con kelly. Administrator.
Kxeco tor's Notice.
Kstate of George VoRler, deceased.
The undersigned bavins been appointed ex
ecutrix of the l'kst wliauu testament of c;ertre
oirler. late of the county of Kock Island.
state of Illinois, deceased, hereby fives notice
tbalsbeu ill appear before tbe county court of
Rock Island count v. at the county court room.
In the city of Kock I-land, at the June
term, on the first Monday in June next,
at which time all persons having claims
trains! said estate are notilied and renuested
to attend for i be purpose of having tbe same
adjusted. AH persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate paymeut to
the uiidersiifned.
Dated liiis mih day of March, A. D. 1R99.
Agnes Vogleb, Executrix.
IV lo One of tbe Institutions of Sew
There is a place in New Orleans that
strangers are always glad to have point
ed ont Begeuv's, over in the French
quarter, kept by lime. Begeny (pro
nounced Bigaay, with the accent on the
last syllable), and famous for the break
fasts it serves at 11 o'clock every morn
ing. Originally thU.breakfast was intend
ed for the batchers, and they contribut
ed to it the daintiest meats that tho
6plendid French market in New Orleans
provided from day to day. Gradually
outsiders began to come in, and now
one must engage a 6eat at breakfast two
days ahead. The morning the writer
was there a distinguished judge of the
supreme court was the principal visitor.
and he, with his family and several
guests froia Boston, sat at tbe bead of
the table.
One long table occupies the little
dining room, to which one climbs by a
rickety flight of stairs. Every French
man, when he gets up, takes a enp of
coffee and a roll, and at 11 o'clock eats
his real breakfast. This is the meal that
Jime. Begeuy 6erves. and it costs f 1.
The kitchen is right off f the dining
room, and there is no pretense of adorn
ment. Everything is as plain and sim
ple as it can be. excepting the food, and
this is the perfectioa of the gastronomic
art A bottle of claret stood at each
place, which, with water imported
from Germany and called "blue label,
was all there was to drink until the lit
tle cup of black coffee finished the re
past The first thing served was duck. It
was excellent, and so was everything
tine included in tbe eight or nine
courses that came on, and that con
cluded, singularly enough, with liver,
so cooked that the only regret was that
the piece was not larger. It takes two
hoars to cat a breakfast at Begeuy's,
and you get enough to last you for all
day. Leslie's Weekly.
Bow Bnlloona Are Xlade.
Balloons are manufactured of gold
beater's skin, which, though . small toy
ones had been made of it, could not be
produced in sufficient quantities for tho
large balloons until Colonel Templer in
vented and perfected tbe process, which
is briefly as follows:
The gold beater s kin is made np of
quantities of a certain thin animal
membrane (30,000 of these are required
for a balloon of 10,000 cubic feet ca
pacity), which is first freed from all
fatty substances and then soaked in a
solution of glycerin and water. They
are then applied to boards cut in the
form and to the size of the gore of the
balloon required. Others are then super
posed, until a thickness of four layers
has been reached, great care being taken
that no air bubbles remain between the
skins. After this fourth layer a method
of strengthening is resorted to in the
shape of a net manufactured of skin.
After this net two or three more layers
of membranes are applied.
The whole is then allowed to dry, and
a solution of boiled linseed oil is used as
a vawii?h. The fabric is then quite in
dissoluble, and tho membranes cannot
by any possible means be separated from
one another, but sometimes, to render
this homogeneity the more perfect, a so
lution of bichromate of potash is sponged
over the fabric. Pall Mall Magazine.
They flock upon the hazy air,
Silent of noto and purposeful of wing, ' " .
Kor gossip of the nesting time
Lri slurbs their rhythmic, air born swing.
Across the dying fields licht shadows fall
That, for a moment s space, obscure thesnn:
Then swift 3 graceful troop they wing their
Pursued in haste by some belated one.
Now all the stnbble land tarns twilight gray-A-hum
with mystic runes and harvest rills.
Above the watching world a tiny speck
Urows pale and fades against the southern
Elizabeth Aldcn Curtis in Philistine.
Notice of Publication Chancery
McCaskrin & McCaskrin, lawyers.
State of Illinois. I
Roik lsl-ind County. ' 1,3
la tbe Circuit Court. May term, A. D 199.
Kmrca VVilLams vs. Georire A. Williams.
An affidavit having been duly ceitifled and
sworn to and tiled in the clerk s ottic-e of said
county ani state bv the above named com
plainant. Kmira Wiiliams. bowing tbat the
residence f tbe above named defendant U
unknown, notice Is tbererore berenv given
toVtc said defendant that the compla naut
Bled ber bill of complaint in said court, on tbe
chancery side thereof, on the iM davof March.
s-.y. and tbat thereupon a sunimoris isaued out
of Slid court, wherein said suit is now pending.
reiurnanie on me nrst Monday in thenionth of
Mav next, as Is by law required.
ow. unless you, tbe said defendant. George
A. Williams, shall persouallv be and aDnearbe-
foresaid circuit court, on the nrst davof tbe
next term thereof, to beholdeo at Rock Island
In and for the suid county, on tbe first Monday
n May next, and pieau. answer or demur to the
iid complainant s i:il of comclaiut. tbe same
and tbe matters and things therein charged
uu stated wuj be laKen as confessed, and a
decree entered against you according to the
prayer of said bill.
Rock Island. Illinois. March -", lSiO.
McC'A&KUIS & M-Caskki.v.
Complainant's Solicitors.
The old Fire and
Time-tried Com
panies Represented-
Losses Promptly Paid.
-Kates as low as any
reliable company
can afford. Your
catroaage la aollc
Protect your homes
by Insuring in Re
sponsible Compa
Call on or adrtrera
Mitchell ft L-yade Block.
C. R. Chamberlln,
Represents the
knows JTtre and
anoa Companies:
folkrvisg 'well
Accident Isaax-
Rochester German Ins Co.
German ,
liufaio German " ,
Reliance ,
German Fire ,
New Hampshire " .
Milwaukee SuecBanlea " ,
rldcilty and Cacualty " ,
Rochester. N T
... Free port. Ill
KufTalo. Y
, Peoria. Ill
... Manchester, N U
Milwaukee. Wis
-New York
OScw earner jnftcteroth street and
Second aiexraa, 0oon4 floor.
Telephone 1047.
White Seal saloon
i&vi Second Aveaue.
Notice of Publication Chancery.
State of Illinois.
Rock Island County, f
In the circuit court, to May term. l.-M. In
Cora Murphey vs. Howard J. Murpliey.
Attldavit f tbe non-residence of the de
fendant. Howard J. Alurphev.cavlng been filed
in tbe clerk's oliice of tbe circuit court of said
county, notice is therefore hereby given to
the said non-resident defendant that tbe com
plainant liled her bill of complaint in said
court, on the ebancery side thereof, on tbe
2nd day of March. l-;rj, and that there
upon a summons issued out of said court,
wherein said suit Ls now pending, returnableon
the rirst Monday in the month of May next,
as is by law required. Now. unless vou. the si
non-resident defendant above named. Howard
J. Murphey. shall personally be and appear be
fore said circuit court, on the tlrst day of tbe
next term therof. to be holden at Rock Isl
and In and for the said county, on tbe 1st
Monday in May r.ext. and plead, answer
or demur to stid complainant's bill of com
plaint, tbe same and the matters and things
therein charged and slated wilf be taken as
confessed, and a decree entered against you
according to toe prayer of said bilL
Geow.e V. Gamble, Clerk,
Rock Island. Illinois. March J3, l&y.
Stckgkox & Makshai.u
Complainant's Solicitors.
An Emperor's Death Hastened by
Ilehenralnfr His Own Funeral.
Emperor Charles V of Spain brought
about his death by rehearsing his own
funeral. For the last two years of his
life, after resigning the scepter of Spain
and the Netherlands to his son Philip,
in 15o6, Charles retired to tho monas
tery of Yuste. in Estremadnra, and
there lived a cloister life in close inter
course with the monks, devoting much
time to religious exercises. During this
period, prompted it may be by the ex
ample of Cardinal de la Marck. who
for several years before bis death, in
1523. had annually rehearsed his own
obsequies, the emperor, in the summer
of looS, formed the resolution to cele
brate his own funeral before bo died.
Accordingly, on Aug. 80 of that year,
the grim farce was carried ont with the
most elaborate ceremonial. The imperial
domestics marched with black tapers in
their bands, and the emperor, clad in
sable weeds, himself followed, wearing
his hhrond. While the solemn mass for
the dead was sung before the high altar
in the cathedral Charles gave up his ta
per to the priest, typifying thereby his
resignation of life, and was solemnly
laid in his coffin. The ceremony closed
with sprinkling holy water on his body ;
then, all the attendants retiring, the
doors were shut, and Charles roe from
his narrow bed and withdrew to bis pri
vate apartment
The damping of the graveclothes in
duced a chill, which, aided no doubt by
the mental depression caused by the
grewsome ceremony, induced a fever
which ended in his death three weeks
later, on the 21st of September, 1588.
Beautiful Viennese Women.
Vienna, the capital of Austria, is
chiefly noted for producing three things
coffee, music and women. The word
"jolly" describes the temper of the
Viennese woman most aptly. She lives
only for today and lets the morrow take
care of itself. She is as good a house
keeper as her German sister, but not
quite so particular. She is quite as eco
nomical, but dresses herself more artis
tically. She is just ns good a mother,
but a more loving wife. She is some
what nervous, and the quarrel with her
husband is as regular as the amen in
her prayer. The truest and prettiest
type of the beautiful Viennese woman
is that which comes from the south. In
common with the majority of her Euro
pean sisters, the Viennese makes mar
riage her goal, but retains her girlish
ways, her jolly spirit and much of her
beauty, and even to guess .at her age is
not only a crime, but an absurdity.
Edward A. Steiner in. Woman's Home
ninnkets of Bark.
In Ecuador, one of the South Ameri
can republics, the bark of a tree which
grows on the slopes of tho Andes is
utilized for the making of blankets.
The blanket is over six feet long and
over five feet wide and is as soft and
pliable as though it were made of flan
nel. It is about the thickness of a good
flannel blanket and can be rolled up and
put in a strap without hurting or injur
ing it. -
This tree or bark blanket is merely a
strip of bark cut from a section of the
trunk of the blanket or demajagna tree.
The Indians make a cutting around the
trunk to get it. 'and they prepare it by
soaking it in water until it is soft. It
is then pounded so that the rough out
side can be stripped off and the inside
alone left The inside is of fine fibers so
joined together by nature that it makes
a Deantirul hianket. warm enough to
be nsed as a cover and soft enough for
a mattress.
Copld Ia 31 neb. tbe Busiest In Times
of Peace and Prosperity.
"There is a close connection between
marriage and the price of wheat, beef,
pork, beans, corn and other things
which go to make up the main portion
of human food, " writes Professor D. R.
McAnally of "The American Girl's
Chances of Marriage, " in The Ladies
llome JournaL "As the prices of these
commodities go up the number of mar
riages goes down. From 1851 to 1854
times were good, food was cheap, and
the marriage rate in Massachusetts
went up to 26 per 1.000. Between 1853
and 1859 there was great depression of
trade, and in 1858 the marriage rate
went down w 17 per i.uuo. The years
from 1873 to 1875) form another period
of depression. Factories were closed and
manufacturers cf ' every kind suffered
severely. In one year, at least, crops
were short and the prices of food were
high. The result was immediately seen
in matrimony, for in 1874 the number
of marriages went down from 21 per
1,000 of the population to 18. and in
1876 and the following two years de
clined to 15. per 1.000 a tremendons
falling off from 20 per 1.000, the figure
attained in 1854. which was the banner
year in the state of Massachusetts for
"Almost as unfavorable as that of
hard times is tho influence of war upon
matrimony. Whenever Mars is in the
ascendant Cupid's stock goes down.
During the civil war tho number of
marriages in this country fell off from
20 per 1,000 of population to 17 per
1.000, and immediately after the civil
war was ended, in 1865, the number
rose to 22 per 1,000. declining in 1869
to 21. The woman who is looking for a
husband has a belter chanca cf getting
one just before or just after a war than
at any other time. "
With tbe Fading of Beaoty.
A 16-year-old girl imagines that she
is an angel, and never gets over it.
After a woman gets old she thinks of
how she was admired and compliment
ed in ber youth and feels that some
great wrong was done her because she
did not remain as pretty as she was at
16. If she is married, she is apt to lay
tho blame on. the brutality of her hus
band: if she is an old maid, she lays it
on her father, who was poor, and thus
forced her to work, which resulted in
a stooping figure and harsh features.
A man never has this experience. He
is at his worst at 10 and does not reach
his best until he is 26 to SO. By that
timo he has acquired a little sense, and
never mistakes a compliment for the
truth. Atchison Globe.
Publication Notice In Attachment.
State of Illinois. i
County of Kock I-uad.
Circuit court of Kock Island county. May
term. A. i. ISiO.
Joseph U Haas vs Henrietta M. Benser In at
tachment. Public notice is hereby given to tbe said
Henrietta M. Uenser. that a writ of attach
ment issued out of tbe office of tbe rick of
the circuit court of hock I.-Jand county, dated
the Hth day of March. A. D l'A. at tbe suit of
tbe said Joseph 1 Haas and against lb-estate
ol tbe said Henrietta M. Henscr for the sum
of twelve hundred and eigbty-eltrht dollars
and twenty cents, directed to the sheriff .if
said Rock Kiand county, ubich said writ has
been returned executed.
Now. therefore, un'ess you. the said Henri
et'a M. Menser shall personally be and rtear
beto'e the said cireu.t court of I&ock Island
county on tbe brstdav of ibe next terra thereof.
to be hokiea at tne eouit bouse in the citv of
Rock Islaud. In said countT. tra the first day of
May. A. 1). Isvtt give special bail and plead to
tbe said plaintiff s action, judgment will be
eniered aga:nst you. and in favor of the said
Joseph I Haa-s. and so much of the property
attached; as may be sumcient to aaiisfy said
judgment and costs will be sold to satisfy the
Geokgb W. Gambia clerk.
CriAKi.Es RrroKu. Plaintiff's Attorney.
March lh, A. IX lot.
A Mining Link.
It will doubtless surprise many who
have never even heard of tbe brute that
there still exists on the island of Java
an animal, or rather a reptile, which
seems to be the missing link between
the ichthyosauri of prehistoric days and
tho well known saurians of modern
This animal is known to tbe Javanese
as "linguin." It fell to the luck of
Baron Alfonso Pereira. consul general
of Austria -Hungary, to shoot one of
these beasta some years ago. Its length
was between nine and ten feet, and it
looked a cross between a snake and a
crocodile. Though the beast was cut
and wounded in its encounter with
Baron Pereira it did not bleed.
Poison Hemlock.
Water hemlock is a deadly plant com
mon in most country neighborhoods.
Its roots are eaten often in spring by
mistake for some edible root, and death
frequently results. Cattle are often poi
soned by drinking water in marshes
where it grows.
The poison hemlock from which the
Greeks made poisons is a near relative
to the water hemlock. It stands from
two to seven feet high and has clusters
of small white flowers and large, pars
leylike leaves. The stalk, being hollow.
is often made into whistles by country
boys, and many children are poisoned in
this fashion.
Sunday- School Gems.
Stories of strange and amusing an
swers given to examination questions
are frequently told, but we do not so
often see recorded the equally surpris
ing answers given by children in Sun
day schools, and yet they are frequent
ly original enough.
A teacher, lately wishing to turn tho
young idea toward the mission field,
asked, "What are good men called who
leave their homes and go to foreign
lands to teach the heathen?"
"Prodigal sons," was the prompt and
tnnmphant reply.
A class of boys when asked. "What
were the ten plagues?" answered with
more fervor than gallantry. "The ten
virgins, sir. " Westminster Gazette.
Notice or Publication-Chancery.
State of Illinois. (
Rock Island County. )
In the circuit court. May term, A. D. 1X9.
Rock Island Mutual Ituild'ng Lon and Savings
Association vs. m liiiam t Stevens. Lottie
1 Steven. Jmrs W. Atkinson, Thomas
I-yness and v Uliam in Stevens.
Affidavit of non-residence of tbe defendant.
Wiiiiata LI. Steven, impleaded with Ibe above
defendants. William H Sievens. Lottie K Stev
ens. Jatne n . Atkinson ana Thomas L.vness.
having been tiled in the clerk s office of the cir
cuit court of said county, notice is therefore
hereby given to the said non-reskleni defend
ant that the complainant nlea lis bui of com
plaint in said court, on the chancery aide there- !
or. on ice iweniy-oinm nay 01 aiarcn. itaw. ana
that thereupon a summons issued out of said
court, wherein said auit is now pending, re
turnable on the nrst Monday in the month of
May next, as Ls by law required. Now,
unless you. the said- non-resident defendant
above named, Y Uliam L. Stevens, shall
personally be and appear before said
eireui court, on the hrst day of the
next terra thereof. to be holden at Kock Island
In and for tbe said county. on tbe nrst Monday
in May next, and plead, answer or de
mur to said com pi ai nan is bill of complaint,
the same and tne matters and things therein
charged and stated wul be taken a coalesced.
and a decree entered against you according
hi tuc yraycr vi mu uiu.
l"ti'lu.t IV GAMBL Clerk.
Sock Island. Illinois. March fc. A. J-Vw.
il H. GUT KR, Complainant s b ' eitoc" -
Pennsylvania Sand, alines.
There are all kinds of mines in Penn
sylvania. The greatest are of course the
iron and coal mines, but few people
would guess that the next extensive
mining industry is the sand mines ia
western Pennsylvania. These mines are
rarely underground, however, and many
of them are viewed with wonder by
passengers on the Pennsylvania, ap
proaching Pittsburg. Whole mountains
are being dug away, and the granular
rocks forming them are being reduced
to sand for the manufacture of glass in
and about Pittsburg. Philadelphia
The Omnipresent Rose.
Every continent on the globe, with
the exception of Australia, produces
wild roses. There can be little doubt that
the rose is one of the oldest flowers in the
world and, perhaps, grown from the
wind blown seeds in Paradise.
In Egypt it is depicted on numbers cf
early bas-reliefs, dating from 8000 to
3500 B- C Goeewater. or the essence of
roses, is mentioned by Homer in the
"Iliad, " and the flower is spoken of in
the Proverbs of Solomon.
Lamblike Ileala-natlon.
Charles Lamb, when reminded by Lis
sistrs of the days when they were poor
and capable of enjoying the smallest
treat with the keenest relish, so differ
ent from the days when they were rich
and surfeited, said. "Well, Mary, ance
we are in eay circumstances we must
endeavor to pnt np with it "
Mixed Berrlca.
A young -tailor named Berry, lately
succeeded to his father's business, nee
sent in his account to Charles Matthews
somewhat ahead of time, whereupon
Matthews, with virtuous rage, wrote
him the following note:
"You must be a goose Berry to send
me your bill Berry, before it is due
Berry. Your father, the elder Berry,
would have had more sense. You may
look very black Berry, and feel very
blue Berry, but I don't care a straw
Berry for yen and your bill Berry."
"Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes. "
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,
chilblains, corns and all skin erup
tions, and positively cures piles, or no
pay required, it is guaranteed to
pive perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents per box. For
sale by Ilartz & Ullemeyer
A Life for SO Cents.
Many people have been cured of
kidney diseases by taking a 50-cent
bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure.
If ycu suffer from tenderness or
fullness on the right side, pains under
shoulder blade, constipation, bilious
ness, sick headache, and feel dull,
heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid
congested. UeWitt'a Little KarJy
Iiiscrs will enre you promptly, pleas
antly and permanently by removing
the congestion and causing the bile
ducts to open and flow naturally.
Thev are good pills. For sale by T.
IL Thomas, A. J. Beiss and M. F.
Bahnsen, druggists.
Have No tse For Cents.
Pennies are not used by the banks of
New Orleans in the payment of checks.
If a check, for example, is drawn for
162.18, the bolder receives $62. 20. If
the amount is $62.17, he gets $62.15.
The split is made between the Becond
and third cent, and the system, which
has been in vogue for many years, is
very rarely the subject of any com
plaint It makes an exact balance of
coppers at tbe end of tbe day's business
rather unlikely, but the doctrine of av
erages operates to even things np to
within a few cents. In tbe long run
about as many checks break on one-half
of the nickel as on the other. New
Orleans Times-Democrat
Nosey Making Indians.
The Menominee Indians, in north
western Wisconsin, are making as much
money in lumber operations as are the
Osages at farming. By the sale of pine
logs in years past the 1,300 men, wom
en and children have accumulated a
tribal fund aggregating fl.000,000.
which is still growing. The tribe ex
pends about $75,000 a year in logging
operations and clears from $50,000 to
$100,000 annually.
An Investment
as Safe as a.Government Bond
With Yearly
Dividends Ten to Twenty Times as Large without changing
occupation or moving
Is what is offered to a limited number of iuvestors by the
Ozark Commercial Orchard Fruit Co.
incorporated under the laws of Illinois, with orchard laud in the
Famous Ozark Fruit Belt
The most productive apple and peach country in the world.
An Acre of orchard yields from $100 to $300 worth of fruit
The attention of investors in past years has been drawn to the profit
of fruit growing and many have given" up occupations in ollieo and iu
farms to engage in what has been 'described to be an ideal life. Lack of
knowledge anil experience lias, however, often sadly interfered with tho
hoped fcr outcome, and the enterprise has fallen far short of what it -could
have been if properly gone about. The right plan is clearly the
co-operative one, bv which the capital of tho various investors is cui:i-
bined and the proper class of skilled superintendents and helpers is em
ployed. The plan is tho most productive, and instead of being a weary
and worried cultivator himself, the investor is a bond-holder cutting oiT
his coupons and drawing his regular and handsome dividends.
The latter is the plan of the Ozark Commercial Orchard & Fruit.
Company. The shares of the company can bo bought on a basis of $10
down and $5 per month.
Each Share Represents an Acre of Orchard
To have one or ten of these shares is obviously, however, better
than to have one or ten acres of orchard, for the economy of working
the whole great orchard over a large number of small ones results in much
greater prolits to the investor.
An Investment of a small part of your earnings for a short time
M ill secure an income for life.
Full informationand Beautiful Views of tho Ozark country mailed free.
Ozark Commercial Orchard & Fruit Company,
President Hon. Delos P. Phelps, ex-assistant treasurer of the United
States, Chicago, v
Secretary Charles II. Porter, Chicago, 111.
Horticultural Superintendent V. K. Benson, cx-prcsident South
Missouri Horticultural Society, Bartlett, Mo.
Address all communications to
Suite 515 Roanoke Bldg., Chicago, III.
How a Woman
Howell, Ltd., Not. 26.
I will always praise Wine of Cardni. It
has done ma more good than all the medi
cines I have ever taken in my life. Please
send a book about female diseases to the
ladies whose names I enclose.
It Isn t necessary for a woman to give particulars. When she says
she has " female troubles ", other women know what that means. It
means days and nights of endless suffering. It means headaches which
no tongue can describe. It means that terrible bearing and dragging
down in the lower abdomen. It means agonizing backache, and shoulder
ache, and arm ache, and aches in the lower limbs. It means nerves on
edge the blues despondency and loss of hope. It means debilitating
drains that the doctors call leucorrhcea. It means martyrdom some
times even death seems preferable. And still Wine of Cardui will utterly
rut those diseases and pains to rout
It has cured thousands of cases
when nothing else on earth would.
To .the budding woman, to the
bride, to the wife, to the expectant
mother, to those going through
rweial I
For advice In mien requiring prMcfal
uiin uiii wiurero, giving nyniiitomn,
LjuIIm' ....... Il ..'I Tk. I U . rT . klllllil
kuicikx to, C'hattanuoga, Trnn.
the Change of Life, this Vegetable Wine is a blessing,
Druggists Sell Large Bottles for $1.00. K
This Of far Almost
Surpasses Belief
An External Tcrlc A??l!e1 ti the
Skla. Beautifies it as by Katie.
A Woman was the Inveator.
Many preparations intended to beantify ths complexion have failed, nines they do not nrodnca a
tonto effect on tho akin. Hucttuia tuo Minnas KelTa I
i -accecrU where alt rnpru cosmetic, invanai.lj fail. Thin vreat rmndy, riiAcowd by tho !mh
Btll, the oniinfmt complexion sptHttali.tft. of N 73 Filth Avcnuo, Now York l'iiy, carries off all
imparities, which the hlood force to the urfico of the xxiy. It i- exhiluratinie cud vitalizing
-""WTV a rrjvAviuo, yuuyiom, uiacaueaue, mom patcheff, wrinkles, liver spots. rournnfM.
""ioim ana eruptions a map pear, and tho ikm txr
comes soft and nmy as a baby s.
The Mianes Hell will this month rife to all who
call at tnoir pur lor, a freo trial bottle of their (Joio-
plrxiun Tonic. Those who livo at a diPtanro may
liuto a free bottle by sending; 25 cents in mlvrr or
p tamps to cover the cost of packing; and dnlivrinjr
The price of tLis wonderful tonic is One Uollar a
The Misses Bell's new book, Secret of IVanlx,
i sent fre. It tells bow a woman can sjain and
keep e good Complexion. bpcial chapter on the
care or tne hair, how to preserve its .color and
luntre. evn to an advanced axe- Alno how to jrM
rid of superfluous hair on tho neck and arms with-
out tniory to tbe nkin. 1 his valuable book wtl
" ' mailed to any oddrens on rj aeaU CorresioaU
I cordially aolioiteu. Address.
I a. vX
THS MISSES SELL. 73 Fifth Hvcuce. New York dty,
how to iret I
arms with-
ook will be f
The Misses Bell's Toilet Preparations are for sale in Iiock Island by
rOUNfi & McCOMBS, 1723-1725-1727 Second avenue, sole agents.
Bo-lo-iwe lor fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes werx
wsen dtroac. moan a,n sua. at All amsziat
Bean tis ; A? aJd Yh Ban aiaars foggftt
Detecting- Flaw Ia Metal.
To detect bidden cracks opening from
the surface cf metals the surface is first
moistened with kerosene and is then
dried off with a cloth. It is then coated
with chalk. After a little while tbe oil
works out of tbe little cracks and stains
the chalk. A sort of diagram of the hid
den fissures and defects is thus rro-
Professor C Lloyd Morgan has in bis
book'on "Habit and Instinct" advanced
the theory that, while the calls and
alarm, notes uttered by birds are prob
ably due to simple instinct, their songs
may be traditional that is, banded
down from generation to generation
and perpetuated through the faculty of
imitation. - - ,
You need one today, and all the time. The muddy water
may be full of sickness.
Take no chances but have one put In at once.-
112-114 West Seventeenth Street. .

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