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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, November 04, 1899, Image 5

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A Good Bit ol Good
For a Little Bit Of Cash
20 pounds granulated sugar. . . $ 1.00
Sew citron per pound 17 c
Kgg plums 3 pound can 10c
(irecn gages 3 pound can 10c
Black berries 3 pound can 10c
Raspberries 3 pound can 10c
Teas per can 5c and up.
French red kidney beans 2 for. 15c
Corn new packed, 4 cans 25c
Tomatoes new packed, 3 cans.. 25c
6 pounds of rice 25c
Bulk cocoanut per pound 17Jc
Schepps cocoanut J pound pkg. 8c
Schepps cocoanut J pound pkg. 15c
Schepps cocoanut 1 pound pkg. 25c
New York buckwheat per sack. 35c
Graham Hour per sack 20c
Eaco flour per sack $1.10
Pancake flour per pkg 25c
2 lb. pkg. 1776 washing powder. 5c
Pyramid washing powder, 4 pound
package 15c
1 pound good smoking tobacco. 23c
Whole cod fish per lb. 5c and. 8c
F. Tindleback's Release Con
ditional on His Furnish
ing Bonds.
Phone 1217.
2600 Fifth Ave
Spalding and B. G. I. Golf
Agrippa and Musselburg golf balls. Dupli
cate whist boards. Boxing gloves,' punching
bags and sweaters. Gymnasium supplies of all
kinds. Bicycles and sundries. Repairing of
all kinds.
We can repair anything from a nut-meg
to a clap of thunder.
1730 Second avenue and 202 Eighteenth street, Rock Island.
The best room is the bath room, if
the plumbing has been properly done.
You are sure to approve the work we
do for you. We take no chances,
leave no weak spots to break and cause
trouble, allow no opportunity for bad
odors or sewer gas. Our plumbing
insures health to the household, as
well as comfort and satisfaction.
The preparation of delicious and
nourishing dishes is made easy when
the kitchen conveniences are ample.
We have plenty of cooking spoons,
forks, sonp ladles, etc., besides por
celain lined stewing and canning ket
tles, bread and cake pans to delight
the house-keeper.
Judge Gest Refuses to Altar the Penalty
of the Law as Imposed by J oat Ice Pat'
tersoa, of Coal Valley Gale and Price
Found GnUty A. F. Greaser Saea Broth
erbood of Trainmen.
Benjamin F. Tindleback, of Coal
Valley, must remain a prisoner at the
county jail until he is able to furnish
bonds of $250 to keep the peace for
six months toward the people of the
state of Illinois, ana especially to
ward his spouse, who caused his ar
rest and arraignment before Justice
Patterson, of Coal Valley, about two
weeks ago, since which time the de
fendant has been languishing behind
the bars at the county calaboose.
Weld & Olmsted, as attorneys for
lindleback, applied for a writ of ha
beas corpus for his release, claimin
that the proceeding by which he was
convicted was not of regular form
The. hearing on the application came up
before Judge Crest, in the circuit court
today, but the allegations made there
in were not discussed. Testimony
was adduced to show that Tindleback
deserved hs fate. His wife, still car
rving evidence of rough treatment at
his hands, was present. Tindleback's
attorneys promised their client would
behave in the future if liberated and
given a chance. But the court sus
tained the penalty imposed by Justice
A verdict of guilty was returned
this afternoon by the jury in the case
of 1 arker dale and lirown 1 rice
iudicted for larceny. Clemency was
recommended as to Price.
Kaes Trainmen.
Andrew F. Greaser, who was re
cently awarded a verdict in the circuit
court for $5,000 damages against the
Rock Island road for injuries received
in an accident while employed by the
company as brakeman, has now begun
suit, through his attornevs. Searle &
Marshall. for $1,200 against the
Brotherhood of Railroad 1 rain men, a
beneficiary organization, of which he
was a member at the time of his
misfortune, but which, it is alleged,
refuses to pay the accident claim.
Matthias Riehl, aged 74 years, died
at his home in Davenport yester
day, x be funeral occurs Monday at
J a. m.
The funeral of C. C. Whiteside, of
Hillsdale, who died Wednesday of
typhoid fever, occurred vesterday.
Services were held at the Zuma M. .
church, where liav. Schult olliciated.
The remains were laid at rest in the
Zuma cemetery by the side of Mr.
w hitesiae s lather, who was buried
last Thanksgiving da v.
Miss Sadie Wall died Thursday at
Mercy hospital, Davenport. Death
was due to exhaustion from mental
disease. Miss Wall was 23 years of
age. She was born in Kock Island.
Her father, Perry Wall, for the past
lb years, has conducted a grocery
business at Streator. ' He took the re
mains to Streator for interment.
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah A. Frichot
was held from the home to Aiken
Street chapel yesterday. Services
were conducted by Rev. C. O. McCul
loch, of the First Methodist church of
this city, assisted by a choir composed
of Arthur Grah am and the Misses Ella
Ullemever, Minnie Graham and Edith
Case. The pallbearers were William
lleidemann, Herman lonn, II. H.
Robb, W. B. Simons, Cornelius Dono
van and Frank Chambers. Interment
was at Chippiannock.
Klver Rlplets.
The Winona was in and out.
The Vernie Mac and Park Bluff
came down and the Pilot went north.
The J. W. Van Sait brought down
16 strings of lumber and eijrht strings
of logs.
I he stage of water at the bridge at
6 a. in. was 4.70, and at neon it was
4.75. The temperature at noon was 52.
I'sed hy British Soldiers In Africa.
Capt. C. G. Dennisou is well known
all over Africa as commander of the
forces that captured the famous rebel
Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897,
from Vrybnrg, Bechuananland. he
writes: Before starting on the last
campaign I bought a quantity of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, which I used myself
wben troubled with bowel complaint.
and had given to my men and in
every case it proved most beneficial."
lor sale by all druggists.
Allen . Myers & Caiman?
Opposite Harper House.
1821 SEC05D AYB
Garbage Collection to Be Diaoontlnaed.
The garbage collection will be dis
continued Wednesday, Nov. 18. the
appropriation not being sufficient to
allow the wagons to be in service
If each family will provide the
kitchen sink with a S-cornered wire
strainer (price 15 cents), all solid
refuse material can be drained, and
then burned in the kitchen stove.
G. G. Cbaiu. Jk.,
Commissioner of Halth.
Visitation Academy.
Academy of the Visitation, conduct
ed by the sisters of the Visitation,
2939 Fifth avenue. Rock Island. The
academic, preparatory and kinder
ten departments of the new academy
are now opened to -Students.
Superior advantages in music, art,
elocution, physical culture and the
Subscribe for Thb Abqui
Venerable Eptseopal Prelate Celebrates His
SOtb Anniversary.
Bishop Alexander Burgess, of the
Protestant Episcopal diocese, who, on
account of ill health, has been absent
nearly two years in the east, returned
last week, and is at present the guest
of Rev. Dr. Lellingwell at St. Mary'i
hishnn's Xftth hirthdav anniversarv
and he was the recipient of gifts of
Mowers, books, congratulations, etc.
In thfi vninor he was presented with
a huge birthday cake, ablaze with 80
tapers. An informal reception loi
lowed, at which the class of 1900 gave
the bishop a silver candelabra, and an
address was made by the chaplain.
Robert Bailev is in the city from
C. H. Hassell, of Bloomington, is
in the city.
J. Potter has returned to his home
at Davis, HI.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burt, of Brook-
tield, Mo., are visiting in the city.
The Einanon Dancing club gave
one of its delightful parties at Indus
trial ball last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson have
a new son, their first born, at their
home, 2505 Fifth avenue.
Miss Mattie Baker entertained a
company of friends last evening at
her home, 1124 Ihird avenue.
J. D. Collier left this morning for
Cheraw, S. C, where he enters the
employ of his brother, a bridjre
Editor F. O. VanGalder, of the Mod
ern Woodman, was joined yesterday
bv his wife and children from syca
more, and the fani'ly is now domiciled
at yao Twenty-Second street.
M. L. Hogmire, of Chicago, who is
associated with Edwin Jackson in the
management of the Rock Island roller
skating rink, arrived in the city today
for the opening tonight.
Kock Island lady golfers held a tour
nament at the Kock Island arsenal
links this morning. Sixteen partici
pated. The playing was spirited and
interesting. I he prizes were given
by Mrs. Richard Cram pt on. A
luncheon followed at the home of
Mrs. C. C. Carter.
l'tlcs of Poles and Hrnith In Different
Parts of the City Take Fire.
A pile of telegraph poles on First
avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth
streets, caught fire this afternoon.
The department was called out to ex-
tinguisu the blaze. Nominal damage.
The No. 3 hoseVompany was called
out at 3:15 this afternoon to subdue
some burning brush on Twenty-first
street and Tenth avenue.
Votes Cast at Tonog A McCombs' for Host
Popular Rock Inland School Teacher.
The result of the contest for Young
& McCombs' trip to Paris for Rock
Island s most popular school teacher
showed the following up to 6 o'clock
Friday evening, Nov. 3:
'ooke. A. F 94
Repine. M 5'I
De;in. Aboie Ill
Howmn. Bertha.. 407
Tburmun. Luay.... 1;!
11 in. L.uur no
HMD. Lou 133
Howen, Mian 31MS
Luckey. Miss 65
Dewey. Mary 515
Newton. Dora 1013
Knirikio. MLss 1-ti
Hellpenstell.-Migs.. 4ti
otinsoo, haraD.... ian
Johnson. Stella.... '
Freeman. K 218
Kirsn. Hridie t
redenck. MLss.... Ito
Wakelield. Ida.... 261
Kel erstrass. MLss. 1-0
Mirneld. Miss 20H
Muse. Addie Irtl
burcbill. Kmma.. 3.H
HuesinK. MLss 14?
Kastmun, Mrs 273
Kirkputrick. Anna 931
Blyman. Charles.. IS
Mills. Miss 3-2
Pratt. Mary H63
Daujjherty. L.C.. li
Frick. Jetwie 15m
Bennett. Anna 1129
Kromley. A. T 31
Carter, Mary 445
Moon. Hat tie 3
Johnson. Anna.... 220
Lundy, Mrs 24
11 art z. Miss 178
Anderson. MLss .... 11
Kenworthy. Lottie 76
Taylor. Lucy 2ri0
Ie Santo. M ine... WW
Roderick. Miss s
ounir May in
Clark. Rose M2
Younr. R- J 1
Price. MLss U
Bartholomew 212
Anderson. Julia .. 333
Wl hams. Bertha.. 328
Henderson. Mins... 314
Copp. L. M 79
lupatnek. L. 22 j
Brcnnan, C
Lindner. C. E.
vt imams, w .
. ia5
Wilson. Miss
Harris. L
Jerkins, MLss...
Wiluox, Jennie.
Martin. Miss
Hiluer. Sara...
Thompson. Etta
Levy. Mabel
Oswald. Miss
Terrel. Mary....
Harshart. Blanche 278
Wltherspoon. Miss ltw
Fitzpmrick, Grace. 21
Hutbmaker. Miss.. 311
Walker. May 109
Cbannon. Beulah.. 2fiy
Stelk, Miss 50
Lund, A. C 149
Brennan. K 227
Buttles. Emma.... 112
Lund. Ella hXi
Freed. Ella 172
TitterinKton. kiss, ih
Kennedy, Miss 325
Blandinir. Miss 33
Noftsker. Miss 3rt
Graham. Klla 70
Nelfcon. Myrtle.... 24
Wendiin. Sister
Mary 109
Anderson (at Au-
t'ustatJH) 15
Requa. R 190
Haverstick 224
Be.r. M 2H
Hill. Mattie 114
Alby n
Waktie:d Kits... 112
Jamerson. Miss 227
Parrot 51
Lee. Susie 5
MeConoicbie. Bell. 34
Murpb. Mary ...
Hrindle Minnie.
FiUslnger, Mivi
Evans. Lucy
Rush. MLss
Phuoroo. B. L
Miss Jens 1
A Card.
Phelp's "4-C" Coufth. Cold and
Croup cure is guaranteed. It cures
chronic cases. It is out of the old
rut. For asthma and all other lung
troubles take "4-C." The Harper
House pharmacy.
Advertised List of Letters No. 43.
LLst of letters uncalled for at the nostofflce
at Rock l)Jand Nov. 4, iw:
Brooks. B. Rielie. William
Belick. John Risley. Prederica
Heide. Edward Walker, Mud
KovL J. Mrs. Watson, Marie
McDavitt Willi am
Wben calling for advertised letters please
gi7 list Dumber.
ittujua n. i somas, r osuBMier.
Rock Island Boy Marries Miss
Josephine Cillingwater, of
St. Louis.
Meeting- in the Elevator Beg-lns Friend
ship That Ripens Into Love and a Secret
Engagement, the Ceremony Being Per.
formed at St, Charles, Mo. Couple
Given B1k Surprise.
Harrv W. Lafifer, the well known
si"n writer, left Rock Island about two
year, ago to take a responsible position
in Crawford's department store in St.
Louis. The following from the ot.
Louis Post-Dispatch of Thursday tells
the rest:
"Harrv W. Lafifer, advertising ticket
writer for D. Crawford & Co.', planned
a surprise ednesdav for his fellow
employes in the way of an elopement
to St. Charles with Mi-s Josephine
Gillinswater, of 1200 Madison street.
But his secret was poorly kept, and
when he reported for duty Thursday
his astonishment was greater than
that which he had honed to cause his
'His appearance on the fifth llaor.
where he is employed, was the signal
for an outburst of cbeers tnat caused
the knowing look on his face to give
wav to an expression of alarm. A
hundred hands were extended to him
for congratulatory shakes, and his
arm was sore before he had passed
through the ordeal. He feigned ig
norance of what his friends were
about and asked for explanations
They laughed at him.
"He was not easily to be beaten out
of the pleasure of surprising tnetn,
and tried bard to mislead them
into believing they had been misin
formed. But when he entered his of
fice he saw that further denial was
useless. His little working room had
so much drapery and decoration about
it that he was hardly alue to turn in
it. Flags, palms aud flowers occupied
all available space. Upon the walls
hung many cards of congratulations.
"Some of these cards convinced
him that the persons who hung them
there knew what they were about, for
they bore accurate accounts of his
wedding and pictured him as he
thought of the surprise he would give
his friends upon the announcement of
bis marriage. He immediately con
fessed, ordered up 'something, re
ceived more congratulations aud the
incident was closed.
Love at Firt Sight.
"The marriage is the sequel to a
courtship that began on the day the
bride became au employe in one of
Crawford's departments. That was
just one year ago. She and Lafifer
met in the "elevator and immediately
became friends. He called at her
home several times and then they
were more than friends, lint they
kep1; their engagement a secret, not
telling even their parents of it. Miss
Gillingwater resigned her position a
few weeks ago. She told her friends
she wanted to rest awhile, and did
not give a hint of her real purpose.
"It was their intention from the first
to elope and that was the cause of all
their secrecy. The day was set for
Wednesday and thev did not think
anybody but themselves knew of their
plan. But somebody aid. une ot
the employes in the store overheard
them plotting and carried the news to
the other employes. They immedi
ately schemed to give Laffer the sur
prise he had arranged lor tnem.
'it is on me, saia Laner, inura
rtay. ! had hoped that I would give
everybody in this store a big surprise,
but 1 was eviuenny not cautious
enoujrh. I was married at St. Charles
Wednesday afternoon. We held our
enfajjement from our parents until
the hour we started to St. Charles.
Then we told them. They were as
tonished, but forgave us readily. We
have rented a Hat and furnished it
and will be at home to our friends in
a few days.' "
Annnal Stockholders Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
the People's Power company will be
held at its office in the city of Kock
Island, 111., on the 24th day of No
vember, 1899, at 3 o'clock p. m., for
the purpose of electing a board of di
rectors for tne ensuing year, ana tor
the transaction of such other business
as may properly come before it.
People's Tower Company,
S. S. Davis. Secretary.
Kock Island, 111., Oct. 27, 1899.
Bismarck's Iron Serve.
Was the result of his splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous en
ergy are not found where stomach.
liver, kidney and bowels are out of
order. If you want these qualities
and the success they bring, use JJr.
King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only
'Jit cents at llartz & Lllemeyer s drug
How to Prevent a Cold.
After exposure or when you feel a
cold coming on, take a dose of Folev's
Honey and lar. It never fails and
will prevent pneumonia or consump
tion it taken in time.
Energy all gone? Headache? Stom
ach out of order? Simply a case of
torpid liver. Burdock Blood Bitters
will make a new man or woman of
you. For sale by Marshall & Fisher,
Benn the 9 YuHa(W3TJ BflUjM
We Would
Be Pleased
To call attention just at the present time to
our extra large assortment of the
Little Folks' Shoes
For the winter season. Most dealers neglect
this important department, but, we have not,
as our line for the LITTLE ONES is larger
and broader than ever, comprising our High
Box Calf Shoe, Crack Proof Calf, Coltskin
and Vici Kid stocks. -We carry nothing but
the best grades, knowing they are none too good
for the hard wear that are usually given them.
You can depend on getting good shoes at
Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings.
Eighteenth Street and Second Avenue, Rock Island.
A Special Overcoat
Copyright, 1809.
The Stein-Blocb e.
That we would like every man to see
who wishes to dress tastefully and econom
ically is made from gray Oxford, or Cam
bridge mixtures; also black and blue Ely
sian with a line mohair lining and silk
sleeve linings, while the cuffs are finished
with a narrow piping of broadcloth or vel
vet. The shape is beautiful to look upon
The garment Is constructed
to tit squarely over
the shoulders,
from which it appears to hang loosely,
although in reality it fits the form per
fectly. Ordinary merchant tailors will
charge f40 to $50. "Swell" tailors ask
$ 60 to $ 75. Here, ready to put on,
$16.50, $18.75, $21, $24.50
1804 Second Avenue
One Price.
The Old Fashioned Pumps
Are rapidly being replaced by
pumps of modern construction
We make a specialty of this sort
of work, and want to furnish
estimates to everybody. We
have special facilities and we can
afford to give special terms.
112 West Seventeenth Street.
Stove Advice.
We advise you to buy a good Range when you purchase, and to lc
sure it is a good one. It may seem odd that we advise that, as it
would seem to be in our favor to sell you another Range, and
thus make more profit.
It certainly would not, as, if the first was not a success, you would
look elsewhere for the second. We sell good goods at fair prices,
and guarantee our goods to give satisfaction. This is true not only
of our Acorn Ranges, but on all our goods. Look over our lines
and get our prices.
Phil S. Wllcher,
Telephone 1276
303 Twentieth Stmt.

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