OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, October 27, 1900, Image 13

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1900-10-27/ed-1/seq-13/

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Special Purchase
Colored Dress Goods
Great money-saving black dress
goods opportunities, extraordinary
purchase from laree importers, who
have unloaded their stock getting
ready for spring.
40-lnch black figured satin sollel,
former price 29c, for thia "1 (g
sale, per yard -L7C
45-incb black all wool serge, (wear
guaranteed), former price C5c, for
this sale, IQf
per yard JOL
40-inch black all wool satin, soliel,
former price 85c, for 4ft r
tht sale, per yard OU
52-inch Black All Wool Cheviot,
former price $1.00, for tfiQn
this sale, per yard
42-lnch Elack Pierolas. which have
excited just favorable comment
among correct dressers, former price
$1.75. for this sale. Qfto
per yard OU
Black Dress Goods
40-inrh All Wool Silk Finish Ger
man Henrietta, Brown and Green,
former price 45c, for this OQr I
Kalp npr vard msl- f
40-inch All Wool Homespun, Blue,
Brown and Gray, former price 65c,
for this sale, zlQn
per yard ,rxUs
50-inch English Cheviot, in light,
medium and dark blue, former price
$1.00. for this sale TJf
per yard i tJ L
GO-inch Homespun, In light,
dark gray and tan, former price
$1.10. for this sale.
per yard 0JL
Persian, Printed French Fannels,
newest color, combination, stripes
and plaids, for this sale, Qi-
M per yard cjtv.,
Cloak Department.
Made $ Suit,
A whole floor devoted to the dis
play of this grand collection, an
assortment embracing every desir
able up-to-date styles and prices to
tempt every T.urse.
8 4 K( for Ladies' $1S.00 tailor
1 -wvniade suits in black
serge and cheviot cloth, in double
breasted and Eton styles, jacket
lined with fine black satin, skirts
pfrcaline lined, inverted pleat back
and flaring flounce. The best suit
on the market at the price.
Q" ;r f( for Indies' $25.00 swell
Russian blouse suits,
made of black pebbleCheviot, Jackets
are silk lined throughout, skirts per
caline lined and inverted pleat back,
with the new seven gored full flar
ing e'l'ect.
0 for Ladles $7.50
Melton Jackets, In Cas
tor, Tan and Hlue. lined throughout
with good Mercerized sateen new
style b-ll sleeves.
C1f fi for Ladies' $15.00 Ker
vl'W" soy Jackets. new
scopp-Sed coll.ir.. pppliqued and plain
revrs. odors Tan. Castor, Mode
Blue ami Black, silk lined through
out. The
Special values in swell coats, 24
inch and 2 inch Box Coats, with
half fitted back, made to our special
ord-r, tailored and finished after
the high-class garments, all lined
with satin, made of the finest qual
ity Kersey cloth in all shades.
ST!.'!?:'. ''A00.... 810.00
'6 Si
Stoves Stoves Stoves
We have them in Heaters, Cooks,
and Ranges. Call and see the as
sortment and get prices; every
Stove guaranteed a
i - ' WW WV V NrW ,PV V. W "A I
Our enormous trade the past few weeks has left us with many remnants all over the house, Toweling, Linens,
Dress Goods, Etc., that will be. marked to close quick. Of course we would prefer to sell you Nevy Goods, but we wish
to unload our surplus remnants at a sacrifice. So step quick, as there are no duplicates.
CQ QO S3.9S, $5.50 and $7.50 for
0JO -walking Skirts, made of
fine Melton and piaid back mater
ials, in black, blue, Oxford, brown
and grey, new gored styles, plaited
back, plain and flounced effects.
Extraordinary values In Ladies'
Fur Collarettes and Scarfs..
Extraordinary Values in
Ladies Fur
QQn for $2.00 Black Marmot, 10
JOL inch collarette, high stand
ing collar and well lined.
C"l AO for $3.00 Black Coney, 10
Ol'O inch collarettes, high
storm collar and well lined.
C?K fi( for $7.50 French Seal
f?UtJ Combination Collarettes
In Astrachan, Moufflon, Chinchilla
and Krimmer. with high storm collar
and silk lined.
for $3.50 Electric Seal
Scarfs, six tails.
Extraordinary Values in
Plush Cloaks
and Golf
for Ladies' $5.00 Astra-
'chan Cloth Capes
black lined throughout, edged with
black Thibet fur. full sweep and 30
Inches in length.
SS no for Ladies' $S.00 Seal
J.t7o plush Capes, 30 inches
!n length, very full sweep, trimmed
with Thibet fur and lined with fine
Mercerized satin.
Such big bargains n Flannel
Waists were never offered before.
for New Fall Waists. We
have thee waists in the popu
lar new striped patterns in all
all colors, separate waist lining, a
positive $150 value.
i a ari
D1 fQ for
OaJCJ Sateen Waists, made
with clusters of tucking, stock collar
and new style sleeves, a positive
$3.00 value.
Eiderdown and Persian Flannel
dressing sacques, made up In the
latest up-to-date style QO KC
48c up to OiJJ
Ladies' Black Fleeced Lined Jer
sey Itibbed Wrists, all 1 K.
sizes l.JL
Ladies Extra Large Sizes in Black
Jersey Fleeced OOr
Gloves -JLj
Ladies' Taffeta Fleeced Lined
Gloves, Jersey Wrists, all QS
Ladies' Black Cashmere Cfl
Gloves, all sizes
Ladies' Black Taffeta Fleeced
Lined. 2-Clasp
Ladies' Black All Wool Mittens,
good sizes,
choice -
Children's Black All Wool
Mittens, all sizes
Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, Fleeced
Lined, 2-Clasp, and Jersey Wrists,
all sizes, Ar
clioice x.tfj
Kid Gloves Over seam Stitched,
two ciasp. colors and blacks, f Q
for this sale Ut7C
Chamount Kid Gloves, in all the
new fall shades: this is the kid glove
that has kept all competition guss-
fofwr.,h.J.1::". 81.00
Barthold Kid Gloves, all colors and
. black, 2-clasp. cheap at Ci"! OX
$1.50, for Ol.tl
Our Own Brand Ladies' Mocha
Gloves in modes, tans, blacks,
browns and grays, 2vclasp, worth
$1.75, for this Crl OX
We also carry a good assortment
of Misses' and Children's Kid Gloves,
ranging in price from 'Vr
9S and I OL,
. .::l-.-c. :..
The great wall paper trust has busted and
we have secured over a car load at a great
sacrifice, and we intend to unload quick,
so step lively to come in on these bargains,
as we intend to divide our fortunate pur
chase with you. Think of it; Wall Paper
at these prices:
ic, 3 i-2C, 4C, 4 I-2C, 5c and 6c,
and up. Just about one-half v their actual
Children's I XL. itiU- V
cmiice. per iair ....
sizes 5 to 7.
Misses' Hose. IXL
Ribbed Black Double
Sole, high spliced heel,
and double knee; one
case, (i0 dozen; sizes 5
to 8 1-2; cloice, Op
per pair ''
Our Leader. Extra Heavy Boys
Black Hose, 2x2 ribbed, double knee,
high spliced heel and toe, sizes C to
10, cheap at 25c a pair for this sale
choice of all sizes, Or
3 pair for
CO dozen Ladies' Black Seamlers
Fleeced Hoso, high spliced heel and
toe, double soles.
for this sale Oc
CO dozen Heavy Ladles Black
Fleeced Hose, spliced heel, extra
heavy soles, cheap for
i'Oc, for this sale 2 1-2
50 doz?n All Wool Black Cash
mere Hose, also Gray
and black mixed., clioice 25c
A big drive in Ladies Black Cash
mere Hose, limited quantity. No
more when these are sold, worth 50c
a pair. Sale Price 35c or
three pair for $I.OO
Black all Stockinett for making
stockings and leggins,
rorth 25c a yard
sale price per yard Qc
Ladies, Misses
and Children's
Infants Ecru Fleeced Lined Vests,
choice 5c
sizes t, 2, 3, 4. and 5,
Children's Elastic Ribber Vests and
Pants, heavy fleecing, silk bound.
We start thepi size
16 for 7c
50 dozen Ladies Jersey Ribbed
Vests and Pants, soft heavy fleecing.
gussted sleeves, crochet Jace with I
silk tape in collar, pearl buttons, the
best value you ever saw for the '
price, pants have French
band, choice 25c
Comes in Ecrus and Gray3.
40 dozen Ladies' Egyptian Ribbed
Vests and Pants, extra heavy made
and finished same as best goods
shown, worth 45c,
choice 33c
The Elliott Union Suits for ladies
fleeced, silk, lace and taped neck;
no buttons to come off,
all sizes, choice I . . . 50c
Munsings' Infants' Wool Vests,
No. 1, 2. 3, 4, and 5 sizes. Cheap for
25c. Color, natural.
Choice 5c
Elliott's Misses Wool, natural
fleeced ribbed, non-shrinking Union
Suits. We start them at
a suit 68c
f'L M and Mittens
Jpf For Men, Women & Children.
'vpa Fit: StyIe;Waimth:Comfort.
- 1- . We carry a complete line.
I". :i-l''J Ask to see them.
40 dozen Ladies Natural Wool
Shirts and Pants. You will see
them in other stores at
CSc, for this Sale 50C
People who have once worn
the celebrated
will wear no other
kind. It Is in a
class by itself.
The best made, the
best fitting, the
most comfortable
and durable under
wear on the market. It gives
universal satisfaction and we
recommend it to all our trade.
Men's Furnishings.
Men's Fancy Colored Shirts, laun
dred, with cuffs to match, at 50c,
75c. DSc
. ...81.25
Men's domet Flannell Night
robes, full length, in stripes and
cuecn. puii'Ji lis, ill i 70
4Kc. anil '
is popular with
all men who
care to be
neatly and com-
fortebly dressed.
The fact that men
who have once worn
the Munsins Union
Suits will buy
no other kind
Is evidence of merit
and accounts for the constantly
increasing demand.
We carry a full line of
i ' and
We have over 1,000 Records to se
lect from.
lessons in
every day. Note the display. Every
body Invited.
One lot of Men's Domet Night
robes, with embroidered fronts and
cufTs, the $1.23 kind,
Men's Winter Merino and all-wool
half hose, natural, brown and black,
that sold regular at OIr
2:c to 33c, to go at OL
Men's Good .Half-Wool Hose. 20c
and ISc quality, sale price 12 l-2c.
2 pair
Men's Sample Line and Odd Lots
of Underwear, mostly Shirt Goods,
that sold as high as 75c and $1.00;
"!.??!':... 45c
Men's Sweaters, Fancy and Plain
Knitt; good all-wool styles, dose
fitting, neck and wrists, which are
so desirable for comfort; Special
prices at 98c, $1.25, C;1 'rt
$1.50 and O ! i O
(Also Llettor Grades.)
One Uig Lot of Mail's and Hoys'
Wool Sweaters, plain and fancy
colors, which sold at ?1.0o and $1.23,
price OOb
Men's Fall and Winter Working
Shirts, 3-4 wool; made with pearl
button and durable stitching
throughout: these goods would be
cheap at 75c;
sale price
Bedding Dept.
Our early fall trade in this" de
partment has shown such marked
increase that we are convinced
more than ever that we have what
the people want. Our customers
are always well satisfied. Hut we
want to tell others who have not
tested the bargains we are offering.
Look at our bargains in Comfort
ers. A good sized Chintz comfort figur
ed top with plain back (3Uc
Full sized Comfort Silkoline top
nnd back, white cotton Ol jD
illling, at wli iO
Extra large Comfort figured silko
line top, with plain silkoline back,
filled with the linest QTj Cl
white cotton, knotted j L, t
Ituiaec Silkoline Comfort, figured
top and plain back, Qt)
white cotton filling 0vH
Sateen Comfort, figured top and
plain back, white cotton O"! QQ
filling, quilted .O-L.Oc)
Extra fine grade sateen comfort,
plain back quilted, QO Flf
each 00J
10- 4 cotton . blanket In taft
nd.grey To
each K
11- 4 cotton blanket, good weight
iachn.?.r.g:?y. 08c
Medium weight ' blanket In grey
11-4, a good value Q1 k)0
each , OA--
Extra heavy weight cotton blanket
In grey and brown 2" FZC
10-4 Woolen Blankets In Brottn;
JaiTV.?.. S3.33
10-4 Grey woolen blanket, dark
border, each per JQ
10-4Norton plaid woolen blanket
In black and red. black tgO OQ
and white, per pair ,gu.OO
Pillow shams ruffled muslin siza
;.p:: 88c
feather yillows 17x23, good heavy
ticking. AQn
each XJj
Floor oil cloth, neat patterns,
good quality, per 1 Qn
yard A-
G-4 zinc oil cloth binding, with
corners and nails com
plete, each fOC
Jewelry Dept.
- A Watch that keeps correct time
Is something that is highly prized
by all ladles and gentlemen. If your
watch does not keep correct time,
call and see our excellent lino of
Ladies' and Gents' solid gold
Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold, gold
Filled, Silver and Enameled Watch
es. A large assortment just receiv
Prices always the lowest.
Gent's 18-size 20 year Gold Filled
Watch, filled with 15-Jewel Elgin
or Waltham movement, worth
S25.00. C1 QO
only fjM-J,SJ
Gent's 18-slze open face. 20-year
Elgin 17-year movement, worth
ST: S 14.50
Gent's 18-size, 20-year Gold Filled
Case, Elgin Movement, worth
515.00. 1 oo
only O 1 .tO
Gent's lC-sizo Gold Filled Case,
Fitted with Waltham movement:
fully guaranteed,
illy guaranteed, G 08
lS-size Open Face Silverine Screw
back ami bevel case, fitted with
American-made move- QO QQ
ment, only jJ)Cj
Ladies' C-sIze, 20-year Gobi Filled
Case, Ei3;in or Waltham movement:
oni?!.!!!-.6.0: 812.98
Ladies' 0-size, Gold Filled Case,
fitted with Elgin or WaJtham move
ment; worth $20.00, 14 )8
Watch, Clock, Jewelry, Repairing
and Engraving, promptly done; all
work guaranteed.
Crockery Dept.
Big Values in Jardiniffes.
T.Is Is the season of the year
when plant3 arc being taken from
the ground and placed in the house,
and this at once creates a demand
for gardinlereres. A fortunate pur
chase of these goods places us in
position to offer a large assortment
for Jardinieres. A fortunate pur-
of production. Sizes are 8 inches, 9
inches and 10 inches. All fancy
shades and decorations arc included
in thl.s lot. Hero they are:
Jardinieres. 8 inch size, fancy
shades, worth 85 each, but in this
only JrU
Jardinieres, D inch size, fine un
derglaze effects, worth $1.25, but
here they arc
only 75C
Jardinieres, the big 10 inch kind,
tinted and decorated; you will pay
for this Jardiniere olscwhtre $1.75;
here it is
on,y 1.00
Jardinieres of every description
New up-to-date
Dainty creations In French
and American .Millinery were
never more exquisite than they
are this season. The Big
Store's showing- of elegant
Hats, Toques and Bonnets is at
it3 best now. Prices never
were so reasonable as now.
Every trlmxnea hat we show
is bright, new and becoming.
Prices guaranteed the lowest.

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