OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, May 06, 1902, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1902-05-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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That is, arc you more than ordinarily particular
about the fit of your clothes, the general style
and the trimming? IL' you are you are just the
'man to whom avo want to show our new spring
Suits and Overcoats from the factory of h. Adler,
ros.. and Co., of Koehcster, X. Y.
We lo not care how strong your nvjiulic may )je
sirain.st reaUy-m;iae clotlunr, avu are prfpaivtl to con
vince you that wo cat i fiivv you pivciscly a.s much sis
your tailor lias lx-en sfiviiipr you, ami at sonitthin; like"
half his prices. We shan't blame you for in-iii"; incred
ulous, but we' do think it Is no more than fair that
you should Riveus an opportunity to prove the truth
of our statements.
Will you do so?
Wall Paper
Plate Moildings, Xewest Decoration for Dining Kooms
Itoom Mouldings, Paints, Oils,
rushes, (Mass, etc.
P. J.
1429. 1431. 2nd Ave.
Opposite Court House.
The largest line of bicycles ami supplies in the tri-cities, All repair
work guaranteed.
Are now ready for business with a large ttock of high wheels antT
sundries.. Wheels repaired and kept in osder. All work done .with
promptness at a reasonable price.
Kimball Ilwaoe Itlock, Ilavrnport. 38-T wrn t Irt h Strret. Itock Island.
If ever any article merited the
mark of "O. K." the Jewel fiasolinc
Stove merits such a mark. It's abso
lutely safe you can not explode it;
it is clear, odorless, smokeless, and
costs but a trifle to operate. It i.i a
summer necessity, but in hundreds f
homes it is used all the year round
and it lasts for a good many years.
Come in and see the various sizes and
A well equipped kitchen is one of
the most certain aids to happiness
.You can't cook with a pleased mind
unless you have utensils at hand for
your convenience. Whether it is the
Easter season, or any other, these
granite kitchen things will pleas
Allen, Mversi&iGdmpany
May 17 Date for Receiving Con
tributions for Twelfth Street
All Will be I'xpectcd to Aid in This
Worthy Undertaking.
. May 17 has been appointed by the
ladies having the undertaking in
charge as the date of receiving con
tributions for the improvement of
Twelfth street from the termination
of the pavement at Eighteenth avenue
to the entrance of Cbippiannoek cem
etery, the highway between these
points iKMng- almost impassable in
the wet season.
The date was agreed upon at a
meeting held yesterday at the home
of Mrs. Jii'n T. Cable. The plan is to
have stands in charge of the ladies on
prominent corners air.l in the main
buildings of the city during the day,
so that everyone will have opportun
ity in passing to give from his or her
purse in behalf of this most worthy
cause in which the good women have
enlisted their efforts. Those appoint
ed to ilircct the enterprise are:
I.allrs in Chance
Mrs. Lynde, Mrs. .1. M, 15uford, Mrs.
(iiluiore, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Eyster,
Mrs. I'oscnhchl, Mrs. l'otter,
Mrs. Cable, Mrs. (Juyer, Mrs.
Warner, Mrs. Conner, Mrs. Hear, Mrs.
Cranipton, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. (Jest,
Mrs. Mitchell. Mrs. Wadsworth, Mrs.
Montgomery, Mrs. Kimball, Mrs. Sud
low. Miss Huford, Miss Huher, Miss
Johnson, Miss Head.
Improvement a Nrrinlty.
The ladies do not wish to be under
stood to be appealing to the public in
the name of charily. The letterment
of the condition of Twelfth street is
.1 n ccssity, a fact, of whieh anyone
who has traveled this road in the win
ter or spring is cognisant.
l-'iim ra I processions are interrupt
ed and many are comjxdled to forego
visits to the graves of loved ones as a
result i.r the deplorable state in which
this highway is found in certain sea
sons. It is a common cause this propos
ed improvement, so let everyone do
his share when the ladies eotne forth
on the day designated seeking funds.
Maj. I'alph S. I'orter, of Chicago, se
riously injured in a recent engage
ment in the Philippines, is known to
niaiiv people in Hock island, where
he has visited as the guest of Ids
friend and schoolmate. Or. (!. (!.
Craig. Jr.
Maj. I'orter entered the volunteer
service as lirst lieutenant and surgeon
in I'-'.iX He afterward was appointed
first, lieutenant and assistant sur
geon of the :tlst I'uited States volun
teer infantry and later rose to his
present rank.
Opposite Harper House.
2821 Second Avenue-
Carl Malmquist, who lives at 222
Forty-fifth street, was arrested by
Officer Howes last evening on the
charge of ln-ating his wife and in
flicting woimdsr upon her person with
a pair of scissors. The trouble, it is
alleged, occurred at their home, and
it was ended by the wife getting away
and fleeing to the home of a relative
in Moline. The arrest was made on
representations made to the Moline
police and Malnicpiist was released on
giving' security to appear for a hear-
Klver KlpIeU.
The river continues to rise rapidly
as the result of the recent heavy rains
north of here, and the stage of waler
is now sufficient to enable boats to
run without Ix-ing hampered in pick
ing a channel. The stage was 4: 'Ml at
6 a. m. today and 4:65 at noon. The
temperature at noon was (".".
The H. C. Hr-ockmanii and F. Weyer
haiieser went north. The Winona
was down and the W. J. Young de
parted for ISurlington.
Krvealft a Cireat Secret.
It is often asked how such start
ling cures, that puzzle the best phy
sicians, are effected by Dr. King's
Xew Jliseovery for consumption.
Here's the secret. It cuts out the
phlegm and germ-infected mucus and
lebs the life-giving oxygen enrich and
vitalise the blood. It heals the in
flamed, cough-worn throat and lungs.
Hani roldt and stubborn coughs soon
yield to Dr. King's New Discovery,
the most infallible remedy for all
throat and lung diseases. Guaran
teed bottles 50e and $1. Trial bottles
free at JIartz & Ullemeyer's drug
Irnulful Attack of TVhoopInc Conch.
Mrs. Ellen Harlison, of 300 Tark
Ave., Kansas, City, Mo., writes a.s fol
lows: "Our two children had a se
vere attack of whooping; cough. One
of them in the paroxysm of coughing
would often faint and bleed at the
nose. We tried everything we heard
of without getting relief. We then
called in our family doctor who pre
scribed Foley's Honey and Tar.
With the very first dose' they began
to improve and wc feel that it has
saved their lives." Refuse substi
tutes. Tor sale by all druggists.
Sons of Veterans Will Entertain Ltast
Evening of Grand Army
At the meeting of the encampment
committee of the Sims of Veterans
held at Memorial hall last evening the
membership of the ImkI.v was increas
ed by the addition of Capt. Luke E.
llemenway, F. L. Tubbs, Will Hanson,
Frank David, Samuel Willis, Walter
Cox. Frank Skinner, Frank Hlair, A.
C. Hlair, Wilbur Tubbs, Hubert Mc
Conoehie, .lames Maslin, William
(iauley and Morris Wilcher.
It was decided to give a military
ball on the lat evening of the en
campment at Armory hall, and the
following committees were appointed
to have charge of the affair:
Hall Samuel Willis, F. L. Tubbs,
A. C. Hlair.
An angenients F. L. Tubbs, I.. E.
llemenway. Will Hanson, Frank Skin
ner, A. C. Hlair'.
Heceptiou Frank David, Will
(Jauley, Morris Wilcher, James Mas
lin. Walter Crx.
Floor 1 E. llemenway, F. L.
Tubbs, Frank Hlair, Kobert McCono
chie. The general executive committee
met at the Harper house last evening
and discussed a number of important
matters, no definite action being tak
en. I hairmen of suu-coinmittees re
ported progress.
K. M. Whitham, of Aledo. was in the
city today.
T. Magarrcll, of Omaha, -was in
the city today.
Henry Krcll left last night for
IVaiiiimnt, Tex.
George Lawson and son, of Cable,
were in the city today.
Messrs. IVrry and Civile David, of
Port Hyron. are city visitors today.
H. Hiescnlerg, of St. Louis, arrived
in the city this morning on business.
Mrs. E. Widdie, who has been visit
ing her mother. Mrs. E. King, return
ed to I'eoria today.
Mrs. W. J. Donaldson departed to
day for Dayton, Miss., to spend a few
weeks with her husband there.
Miss Ainiee Wort hen. who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Iawhcad,
left this morning for her home at
Frank C. I'ayne, in advance of
Frank I., l'erley's musical comedy
"The' Chaerons." was in the city to
day arranging for the apearance of
the company at the Illinois next
Tuesday evening.
Dr G. (i. Craig, Jr.. who has been
enjoying a several months' sojourn in
the south -and west, in cxcctcd home
Mil hin the next month. He is now in
San Francisco and writes he has been
assisting in some important hospital
work there. His health has been im
proved greatly by histrip.
Circuit Clerk George W. Gamble and
Sheriff b. F. Cralle, together with
riiomas Campbell, of this city, George
lohnson. f Moline, and W. H. White
side, of .uiiia. left this morning for
Springfield to be on the ground in
good season for the stale republican
convention, which meets Thursday.
'omorrow, in addition to the 2 dele
gates to which his county is entitled.
it is expected that there will be about
: other republicans leave this city
for the state capital.
At the meeting of the Augustana
synod to be held in Tshpeming, Mich.,
next month one important matter I'"
be disposed of is a proposition that
the synod control the appointment of
la-dors. It is stated that at presen
the young men arc in so great de
mand among' the churches that the
oliler- men and men of 'larger and
more valuable exp'rienee are being
left .t-thout a ppoint ment s.
For a long time in the synod it has
been seen that some of the abie and
t xpcrieiiccd ministers-have foiird it
soinev hat difficult to obtain proper
fields in which to work. Congrega
tions have been disinclined to accept
the Id ministers and call for the
young and inexeperienced men. As a
tesult good and faithful workers are
eft without jH-rmanen t employment.
As a result some of the congregations
are- suffering. ' It is not likely that
Hay measure providing for snper-Ms-on'tyy
the synod will be adopted.
The Augustana Journal says:
"On the whole there is not any
thing new in this. ( I'sually the
young men are a a premium. This
is particularly true of the financial
world. Many are the complaints
over' this state of afairs, but it seems
almost impossible to find an adequate
remedy for it. And it is no, prob
able that the proposal now before the
synod will find enough favor to carry.
The Iowa conference, we believe, has
petitioned the synod to vot the.
measure down. Individual congrega
tions have also taken th. question
.p and gone on record as lH'in.T
sc.iiarcly opjiosed to it. This being
ihe case, there is not mneh hope for
Ms ultimate acceptance.- Hut the
delegates ought nevertheless to give
the subject their most caicfi:! ccn
sMeiation. This is -their duty ami
Ihe. matter is also most important."
When your druggist says, he hasn't
got Hocky Mountain Tea made by
Madison Co., send your money to us,
we'll send it postpaid. Don't be
fooled with a worthless substitute.
T. H. Thomas pharmacy.
Carbon Cliff, Scene of Recent
Epidemic, Still Has Case
of Smallpox.
Public School 1 1 ar Reopened AVltb
Reduced Enrollment.
Carbon Cliff'sfill has a case of
smallpox in the' lersoii of . Thomas
Laughery, who is the only person that
has it at the present time. In a few
days the quarantine will be raised on
him and then the little village will be
clear of the drvailed disease which
has been present continually for the
past two months.
Last Monday school reopened 'and
there are about forty pupils enrolled,
not as many as before the school was
closed on account of smallpox. Will
iam Mardis, the teacher and who had
one of the most pronounced cases,
has charge of the school again.
Han Had 53 Canes.
When Mr. Laughrey is over his case
the village will have had more cases
than anyvof the three cities. He will
complete a total of fifty-two cases.
The quarantine at Colona has been
raised and school resumed yesterday.
The circuit court was convened this
morning by Judge (Jest and remained
in session long enough to arrange a
trial list for next week. No import
ant, cases were set. most of them be
ing appeals that have been standing
in the way of matters of more mo
ment. The business before the grand jury
is light and it is probable that that
body will be ready to report after all
ot her day's work. Some of the mem
bers are desirous of attending the
state republican convention and it
may be that an adjournment will be
taken this evening till next week.
Yesterday afternoon two drunken
women gave the xdicc a long chase
about the city. They were in a rig
which they had hired at Murrin
I'.rothers livery stable and they drove
nearly all over town, forcing the
horse to reckless sjM'ed and exhibit
ing symptoms of undue hilarity. Sev
eral times they escaped from the of
ficers through the speed of the horse,
but at last Officer Schnert surprised
them while they were stopped at a
saloon on Fifth street and took them
into custody. When the capture was
made the horse was nearly dead, be
ing barely able to draw the rig to the
police station. Late in the evening
Ihe women were gien a hearing be
fore Magist ra t e .'Johnson and lined $.
. m , , rn
eacn lor lasi urivinsr. i ney gave
their names as Hose Matthews and
Lottie Hartman.
The republican senatorial conven
tion of the Thirty-seventh district,
held at Galva yesterday, nominated J.
W. Templeton, of Hureau, for state
senator and James E. Noyes, of Stark,
ami X. W. Tibbcts. of Henry, for representatives.
, Ir. IIwm to locate Here.
Dr. David 11. Dawes, who has just
completed a course in dentistry at
the Illinois State Dental college at
Chicago, lias retprned to the city to
locate. He will. shortly open an office
in the Illinois theatre building for the
practice of his profession. Dr. Hawes
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 15.
Ilawi's and is one of Hock Island's
most promising young men. He com
pleted his course at college with great
credit and his many friends are con
fident that he will not be less suc
cessful in business than he has been
at school.
At the ItlK Cash Department Storq Young:
& Jlrroinlm'.
We will give a 30 days' sale from
May 1st to May 31st. The customer
purchasing the largest amount on
one of the 30 days (the day to be
named by a prominent citizen of Hock
Island) will be entitled to a refund
to the full amount of their purchase
on said day. A real opportunity.
Saloon Notice.
Joe I'arkcr will serve a hot lunch
from 9 a. m. until 12 p. m. every day
hereafter at his place on Second ave
nue. Nels Peterson will give an owning
lunch at 1."0l Fourth avenue Wednes
day evening, May 7.
Dangerous If Nrglecteri.
Hums, cuts and other wounds often
fail to heal properly if neglected and
become troublesome sores. DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve prevents-sncli. con
sequences. Lven where delay has
aggravated the injury DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve effects a cure. I
bad a running sore on my leg thirty
years,"' says H. C. Hartly, Yankee
town, Ind. "After using many reme
dies, I 'tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. A "few boxes healed, the sore."
Cures -aiY.'skhi .diseases. I'iles yield
a . 6 ' ' it." 'J' - ' i
M it- ai once. iirart. ox counter
feits. ' .CllSiruggists':
Shirt Waists.
All the best of the 1902 styles are
here and prices lower than elsewhere.
Percale waists 3 9 C
Percale and madras waists
Fine French madras waists "7r
at 94c and ". . OC
White lawn waists RQr
front and back OUC
White lawn waists tucked and em
broidered front, tucked qp
back iJOC
New linen colored waists, elegant
white waists of lace and embroidery,
Gibson, waists, etc., etc.
At 2:30 each day this week we will sell
line percale and madras waists,
worth ami ff 1.0U
at .
We place a limit of two to a customer.
Over 2,000 in stock to select from
Prices are lower than ever.
Japanese rugs, gay colors,
a,nd fancy ligures, each . .
Large Japanese rugs, t A "7
high colors, for . . liT I
Large all-wool Smyrna rugs 1 1Q
' for I I
Velvet rugs in lloral and Oriental pat
terns sizes 2ixt)l
cheap at
All wool art squares.
sizes 0x9 feet
All-wool Smyrna rugs,
6x9 feet at
Handsome fibre rugs, reversible, fast
colors, size. 7Axl2 feet,
very cheap at
We are still selling all wool
carpets up from
Still selling Velvets and
Axniinisters at
It pays to buy your carpets,
and mattings here.
Rare Values in Dinrver
wa.re, 100-piece Dinner
set. $4.98.
This week, until sold, neat, new deco
rated dinner , sets, standard 100
piece assortments, worth J QQ
"T8.50, we say this time .. ..T'.iO
Two new open stock decorated semi
porcelian dinner patterns, to sell by
the piece, or by the set, -j Cf
full sets for ...I.OU
Fine enameled English dinner- ware
choice colors, $12 p CA
sets for . O.UU
The finest, thinnest, best finished
most artistic plain white semi-China
dinner ware in the world. Ask to
see the "Meteor" pattern.
'Blue Damascus" plates 9-inch meas
urement) and "Hlue ' Damascus"
teas to match beautiful Eastern
old blue all-over pattern, worth at
least 15c each, 1flr
plate or teas .- IUC
This case of dinner ware should not
be overlooked by anyone wishing to
replenish China closets for the season.
Everything in tableware from the
complete $1.98 sets up to dinner ser-
yices for the most exacting taste.
Dress Goods.
The extraordinary dress goods offer
ings of last week will continuo this
week with addod lots black anil
colored goods at a fractibn of their
real worth.
75c Mohair figured brilliantine, 10
designs, at the ridiculous QQn
low price of Cjj
Fine chevio.ts, pierolas, ligured solids,
serges, etc., $1 to $2 values, rQ0
at the ext raordinary prfce . . UiJC
Dozens of other exceptional lots
will be on sale all this week. Come
earl v.
A Garment
Is All Right
Such riot lies are tin; only sort sell -of
roud quality and make. We select care
fully and purchase., (idvantapreously it's
your heneflt. Buying exclusively and from
first hands, our figures are heyondthe reach
of fair competition. An examination of
the goods is all that is asked. Our guaran
tee and the prices will do the rest.
See the men's line suits here at
$12.00 and 12.50.
1804 Second avenue, Rock Island, 111.
207 West Second Street, Darcnport, Iowa.
JVLay Bargains.
We are not waitinjr until the close of the season to jrive the
ladies something they will appreciate. The warm weather
being on, the large lxghoni Hats are comfortable; as well as
becoming headwear. Young people will be praticiilarly pleased
with the special we are offering them this week the Hat Ita
lian Leghorn, and when we say m r
Italian we me;rii Italian, at T"fcC
To make it more interstitig we throw out, for t rimming,
beautiful sprays of Koses, all colors, the American IJcauty
shades, also lied and jp f-
. Yellows, at per spray Ifclj UVj
Then, as long as they last, we also put on sale, pretty -f
bunches of violets, at, per bunch 1 1
We are not going to say much about this, but let the ladies
judtre for themselves and prove tin- fact that this is a phenom
enal snap.
Brandenburg Millinery Store
Corner Twentieth Street and Fourth Avenue, llock Island.
An Abundance
of Hot Water
For domestic use, bathing:,
stock-fodder purposes. 2- ""l1
F'xnan Hot-Water BoIIct.
. . j J Original in 1- icl1 Colum
etc., is aiioraea wnere Mucum, cc a.
9 Hot -Water or Steam System is
ll a mm. m
i?r usea. ana at a cost 01 out a lew
cents per day for fuel.
Channon, Perry 6c Co
IDEAL, Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators

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