OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, March 14, 1904, LAST EDITION 4:30 O'CLOCK, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1904-03-14/ed-1/seq-9/

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4 .
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Hamilton Lose
Money and Jewelry While
at Church.
Strange Man Who Had Called
Neighborhood House Duriug
EreninK Sapected.
While Mr. and Mr.. Paul Hamilton
were atter.dir.ir c-lmrch services last
fvt-n'iW' their residence at M)7 Twenty-
second .street was entered aul $23 in
- t....t.-i four riisirs and a gold watch
ti. ...!! ji re;ir window was:
broken, the burglars leaving by way
f the front dorr. The watch belong
ed to Mrs. Uiurilton anrl was in a
writing dc.-k ia a r-t tio.-r room with
the; ring-: cm! nil the jr.ouey iv.is.-ing
cx' cpt 'mg 5'', which tie- robbers founc.
in ;:.ir of ':'. Il-in.ilw n": Ir.uiser
in a sleeping m n c i: th- s.eor. ! floor.
Th.- bursary v. re i:.-- red . the
return of !r. ::::! Mr:-. Hamilton from
.!. -;ly after
n:tu who ca
o'clock. A
ai si i-r.il
homes in
the Jieighbo! hood bc-iweell 7
:il:; h o'clock iliquiriM
f, r "Mr. v.l-t!''-
rcmbc ry
I i jrlit colored
Ihiiii-. is s. :
He was ta!! nil-! wo;-
ereo:: t .
l:liC Trout Uoor IStlU
His plan w!i to riiiif the front door
bell of homes, and when- I here was
resj'i:-;-. in-pure for son-- t'ct it ions
person. There was rei answer at the
;,m;:iiii h..i;,e. and l" p-oce-ded
with Ids. operations. The police were
liotif'c.i. but have s i f .: i- been unable
to l"n 1 any trace f the burglar or
the stolen property.
(ienorally l';iir tonight and
Tuesday; rising temperature
To es lay.
Ol server.
Tenipratnro at 7 a.m. L'3;
at 2:3J p. m. So.
Zazaro. I'nion cigar.
Tor insurance, I. J. Huriis.
liny a home of J'cidy l!rs.
The eity council meets tonight.
Tri-City Towel Supply i-oinpany.
Heme m 1 r th.- sale at Summers'.
1 .';)', t. n health -hois. Dolly lb. is.
Kerler l'; your carpet cleaners.
I 'or bt!f , baggage, express. call KobbV.
Spencer A Tref f'r 'bus or express.
I'.ir real estate and insurance. V.. .1.
.1 Sumnier.-. ch
snie at Young &
.re:it bargain-
out sale.
Annua! iindcrw
Kisite.chv blue
The sIiilm- of water wa
t i. : e.ii T. .".." a t n n.
i'eeria stoves and ranges p . in
c-o. t at Siimrii'T'-' aie.
.ttcud V.mn;' iy McCoii.h-.' annual
e I'derxi c:i r sale.
Kifl -three unie-ccs.: ry ;i.orii:rt;!s
- Ih :i;',- :;:' Saturday.
".ovc' ll.-il I ile. !? I y xcep-
ti.'-n--" Ti.e Argils ; i: f'r.y.
Tmnorro-.v is t . r t;r-t ; :iv of rerr.-- . . . ,. ...
f v, r veteran.-, to be h"M in 111 i-jt
1 at Voiin
T.. at '"' a-
Labr." Admission free. Everybody
Try steam-dried fertilizer for lawns
gardens, truck gardens and farms. In
100-pounl and ton lots. Twin-City
nendering- company; 'phone west 1403
Prof. Olof d'raf.-trom, f the ar
department .f .Viif;istana t-cdleire has
p'.ateJ on exhibition at the world
fair at St. Louis, his painting of
"Mountain S'c-ene from Lapland."
The frreat auction ilk sale cf Ash
!'y. I'.ai!ey A- Co.. of New r,rk, frive
the !a'is i f this section a chance t
share the " io:l luck of L. S. ilc-Cabe &
Co.. who were ainony the b'g- buyers
at ti.i. sale.
Friday, May C. is the date dec-He J
;:; n bv the Military Tract association
of hiirh schools for the annual dc
c?a:ratr;ry and track met at (iale?
b'ir-. The cTeclamatorv c-ontest will
be hell in the inorninpf and the ath
!c-tic-s in the afternoon.
f-orye Vinton, of MoJine, died yes
ter.lay at the home of his mother in
C hieayo. after an illiuss of a venr
w!; h Jliitrhfs o'iser.se. 1!? was born
in JJuriincrton, Iowa, in lie was
a member f the Moline public library
board. L'e is survived by his wife.
Nov. comes Constable S'imon Hold
ber i.r.l says he v.: nil like the re
;.. :d.'e:.n ii. ;n:hi:it i'.ri for c-n-oier 1
- iicc-ei-f! I.. . l.ciiliart. Simc-n aver:
he ha- been a rejml liean for h thest
ears. Further, he declares he lias
;fii) trood votes back of him and he
expects to cut some ice.
"What i Lowden after, anyway
asked ;i Kock I!an:l hiirh school L'irl
who had ;Town interc'sted in political
talk at the dinner table. "Nomina
tion for governor, yon iroose." said her
enlitrhtened elder brother. The other
eeuie.l .-urprised. "Why, I thoughl
McCaskrin had that." she said.
l"he hi0rh school senior class will re
peat the "Russian Honevmoon" Thnrs-
lay eveiiii:jr. March IT. at S o'clock, at
the V. M. C. A. auditorium, under the
Hispiees of the Association Hel)-rs
dmis.-ion. adults 'Z7 c-c-nts. chihlren b"
cents. I he ladies w ill serve refresh
ments durinjf and after the jerform
Mr. and Mr-'. A. J. Kiess entertained
it a fancy c-ostume and card nartv at
tlu-ir lio;i:e on Seient'i avenue rrioav
evening f r .i rs.' Will Sn v.'ier. of Chi
cafro. i here wc-re ..u irui-sts. I lie
cost iinn- pi iies went to Mrs. William
St ra wiioru and .lohn Cr.imer. ami
thosi- f.r cards to Mrs. len Uauiih-
man an 1 .lohn ( ! et ten ba m-r end Mrs.
.lose !; bail air! Owen J!:u::rhinnii. tin
hitter two takinj.r the -:nsdatii :;s.
Ib n. i:. W. Hur.-t bft last eveninu
for Chicago.
II. A. I X 1 1 1 vi.iied oer Sunday with,
relatives at Trenton, Mo.
.1. Sullner. of CIee!and. (hio. ;i
nejihevv of M r. and Mrs. John Cm
li;i!i::li. is visit inif in the eity .
Mrs. i I. S. Itoli'man left at noon foi
h;ea.o. where she joined her sister.
Mrs. Mary Murphy, for a trip to New
Charles WaMirian. of IM w -i rds ville.
111., is vi-itiiitr his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. ;,n Wahlinan. 410 Fifteenth
Mrs. K. Strate has returned from an
t -ii i ! -i 1 i.-it to th south, including
St. I.oiih-., New Orleans ::n ! Dayton.
Mis-., where she visited her daughter.
Mrs. Herman H-inson.
- e ni!::it;ee of h eal eiti:en and
o-!;ee-; he!; a fleeting at the Marper
i ':e yesterday t.: arratiire for the
e:i Mii-pnu at vi:e Si ani-li-Ameriea
l:.iiu n i r t sprre ' e, -n.
Si::.'.' j- t t r..et i e of.", v ' e- i
M r. '.! '. ea r at "i t .. i r . l . t o-;! !
For til1 and furnace v. . ri.. see 11. T.
Siemoii. ' Fourth avetiiie. nnioii
Ws. it-he- eli. li e.! for Tj cent.- ? r a
sho; i t i;.;e i n';, at V;iii,:-- MeCoinbs.
M. Thiuuas. i ' Moiiee. v. ns lined .v:
f.-r O! i.iik ;, s bi tie police ci-;ir;
'i hat si;! s:.ie r t McC:sbe" is a hum
mer. Fie- , ts, bis,- i ar;,' :. iris and a bir
Mu-'in nudtrwee.r. : peeially low
jiric' .-. dnrinir our annua! sa!--. Vr-tinj;
.V Mel on !-.-.
No eio.aee tor di -a l pi in t ui "ii t if
y mi serve Mrs. Austin's Faneakos. All
.;,, It'ls sell it.
.Nut iely a matter f prineiide.
Ixlt i in' of dollars, ai.d m n also.
This 1 :.'re Saturday.
If vnii ei'jov ni:it":'.r:s and wa flies.
.11 . i;ne.
! State Comtna'.der David Davis, of
IdlihiieM. 1!!.; 'ie- C mi;,.-! nder .!. .!.
Cairt-.. of C'deri- i; Adj:. (icn. S. If.
V.iuri!. of Chieair;;. and the comnian !
e;s of 1.1 :; i ;ps of thi- state were pres
ent. The slate h.. adju:irtTs. now located,
at t h'entro. will, within a week, be re
moved to this eity. When this change
is made S. II. Vowell v. id be here to
person :i' !y hit k after the encamp
A c"!itnittee from the str'te and
citi:'!;" com:;:it tees was appointed to
appoint sub-eommit tees. 'I'he eit ixens
committee i-- compos,; ,,f Charles
Melhh. W. A. lb setitie'd. F.. F. Knox
ami ( apt. J. M. Heard.-ley.
try Mrs. Austin's Far..-;: he
ou will be ilfli-jhted with the re.-u'tr
Ti e O. i :. S. N'H ii-u : i -le n.nK t o-p-oi-r,
v :ifi rno. u at 'ie iiome of
Mrs. C. K. Nietn .i. -."in; Seve.i'ii ave
nue. Don't st.ir;d back. If you cvj-eet to
buy any ;!ks tlds s-::so:t. b-iv now
from Met a I ie'.- threat auction pur
chase. Don't mi-S the b.i!! eiven bv Arsenal
lodi-e. No. si. J. . ,.f W. due-da;
cvenin-r, March )'. Mu ic F! ::-.'-
Teh est ra.
Watch Tower n:i.p .'':7. f Soutji
K' i k !.-hi nd. will c've :. !: a: r.eradi
b.dl Wt-dnes.ua . iiajch !.. Ticket-.
Mi and V cent-.
Dr. V. F. Furdue. lTin'j Second .tc
nue. Did "plioiie at o'liee. but h "pl-onei
at residem-e. 11-i.irs. " to l:" a. in., and
C to fi and 7 to p. m.
F.i-hop M. Kiv-. tld IVnr.ll. of ,'ie
tti:ney tiiet se. has made Kev. C. . .
Nybladh. f (b.lesl ur-. dt :!u .if the
I!p!sct pai i IhmcIm's of the diocese.
Hear F. b Strickland" lecture at
Turner hall. Foek Id.ml. Thursday
tveuinr, March 17, on "Suciaiisin and
Call for IlrmiM-ntlr Cn-nn.
The democrat- of South Uock Isl
au l are ca';c.l to meet in caucus at
the town hnll Wednesday evt ninir.
ur atid Jlarch b at o'clock f r the purpose
lf n !.:-"nitinir a township tieh-.t an 1
t i ;i n- act iuz such rl h.er bi.isini.-s as may
p:.pi ;!v ooive before the meet in;.
I .a nil I'irurtloo to Cl,laliom
l-snd excursions to Oklahoma will
be rt:n over the Rock Island System
.Ian. 5 and 10. Feb. 2 and lt, March 1
and I." and April 5 and 19. For fur
ther particulars, cail on or writ"?
E. i:. MORGAN,
Skinner Hnildiogr.
nnxuY j. c.Kirp.
U10 Fifteenth Street. Moiine, 111.
Democratis Vard Campaign
Committees Aru
Good Work Being Done by Chairman
CavanaoKh and Secretary
ThNm IVitrh tlar'l.
Th- name Witch l!a--el i much
abused. !!. ". DeWitt V Co.. ( hicairo.
ire the irivejilors of tiie ririli.-ll an
The purpose that is now animating
all self-respect democrats through
out Hock inland to rid the party of
I.ooiiey is in promt, ted the bringing
together informally of a number of
representative members of the rank
aa.l file f the party from the differ
ent wartls at the Harper house yester
day afternoon. While those present
assembled almost on the spur of the
moment, the gathering was regarded
as of stiflicic-nt importance to call in
Chairman Cavar.augh and Secretary
icxton. of the democratic eit.v-town-h;p
committee, who. after h.enring
expressions from those present as to
the duty f thejiarty in the present
situation, were requested to appoint a
c.iiiipa:gn commntte ot iiemocrats in
each ward to assist in carrying on the
anti-l.:.-oney work in Ihe party, lle-
-ilizing that loyally anl energetically
is are both Chairman Cavananirh and
Secretary Sexton eon:Iuctim the af
'airs of the party in the interests of
h-eeiiey and against I.ociK'visni, the
attitiii.e of the c- nimi t teemen domm-
itt-il by I.oi,!-.ey in many of the wards
is .seriou.-Iy hampering the good work.
and to offset this it was deemed es
sential that democrats be earnestlv
e-ed to aa; their party in holding up
the Lands of the officers of the central
i-gani'.aiioii m the warfare that is
being watred.
Kespoiiding to the sense rf the
neetiiig, ( ha'rmaii Cavanaugh all. I
Secret a rv Sexlon this morning prepar-
d a list of democrats in each ward to
ict as a campaign committee as fol
Want Campaign Committers.
First ward Frank Hloehlinger,
leoige Simpson. W. L. Aster, (leorge
Fi-eesb.ne. Samuel Dean. Dan Mcivin-
r-y. Ftiwr.r l Murphy, Charles "Smitli,
b'ohert Feel;. Henry liorrell. (Jeorge
Kale, Thomas W. I'vrnes, Martin Wein
Second ward Carl Naab. If. W.
'i'::rd. Oscar Favth. Charles Heider.ian.
I-'. C. Ferry. Henry Kinuer, J. T. Sex-
toll, lienrv vNeliling, William (.eil.
". .1. iv'. lls. Fred Selin eder. Charles
Kainmcrer, .lames Van Arsdel. .lo-
p!i Oeiger. .1. bohse. William Koth,
i hris Naa b.
Il:ird wani Daniel Coiken, W. H.
'..,,...,! fltf.. lrT.-1-..l I . i:; S..I, r 'in'i.r
Herman Siei.'el. C. W. Hortoii. T. F.
n r';e. Wi ; iia m Dmiov a n. W. C. Mauck-
r. J.. D. Mu.ige. (icorge Friee. Ed
Frown. Artliur Furra'l. M. M. Hriggs.
(iustav Stengel. H. I'. King, damc
I'rice. T. F. baVt He.
I'ourlh wr.id Charles Mcllugh.
apt. (icorge l.an.ont, Charles F.leuer,
H. -Caldwell, John Volk. II. W. Hurst.'
I. D. Flake. Fali-h bailo ut. W. Wein-
ich. b. J. Winter. F. S. Silvis. T. J.
Medill. Henry I.emburg. H. J. Frick,
M .1. F. ( "omegvs. Faul Kersch. Au
ust Trcmann, Albert D. Huesing, S.
U. Kenworthv. J. T. Stufford.
Fifth ward 11. I.. Wheclan, H. II.
i.stecl. J. H. Fender, b'obert Kusch-
naiiu. J.ee c onins, .1. . v cien, l.
Winter. M. II. Se.xton. C. F. Marshall,
Chris Scd:d!i;iger. John daiiev. 1. I .
Wln-i bin. b". II. iley Holds. James F.ahen.
M. S. Heagy. Adan'i Kh.tz. Henry lb 1s-
irook. li. i'.. Siiumi n. J. A. Miirrin. J.
. Fel !y. T. F. Ib-itiv, John Frennan.
:il ge Me! ice.
S:th v.r-rd - J. K. Warjier. Tli Mnas
ree'iv .
McKinney, J. H. Kerr, Ed Ward, S. S.
Davis. Aug-jst Hanson, J. E. Larkin,
M. Hulger, J. C. Davenport, E. Wagner.
Duty of the Hour.
In view if the work thus inaugura
ted, it is to be hoped that democrats
throughout the citv- will respond
readily to the call to duty and neg
lect no effort, m t only in securing a
distinct anti-Looney delegation to the
city-township convention, but ward
committeemen who will resist his
domination, but will pledge both, del
egates and committeemen to under no
circumstances yield proxies that may
fall into Mr. I.o ney's hands.
The evidence that has been furnish
ed of late to ail democrats who were
willing to i bserve, Mr. Looney's al
liance with the mv.iiic'pal wing of the
republican party has served to
strengthen the determination of all
right-minded members of the party
that the time is not only at hand, but
was never more propitious to rid the
party of this disturbing and disrupt
ing element. An I this is what will be
done next Thursday.
Rubber Boots
Men and Bovs
$1.62 to $3.50
Rubber Boots
Women & Children
$M8to $1.68
in nour. at iowa city
Iowa City. Ia.. March 14. - Two
persons committed suicide here within
f?n lio;:r. Jafcn iiannonn, aged
M, ended his life by hanging hinislf
with a wire from the rafters of his
tin. Clortie Sour, 17 years old, after
brooding over her illne.ss and mis
fortunes, drank carbolic acid ami dieil
about twenty minutes after the de
mise of Ilamiofiu.
r.osion. March 14. On the- steamer
Lowther C-Tstl?. froui the Far East,
were two wild animals, a baby lion
and a hyena, for President Uooseveit
from King Menolik of Abyssinia.
ell! e'i
T. Shields, H. T. Cable
ra n k ba w h -. 'I . .1 . I ) ria h
c-1; ill: '.' r. Fr- '
Patrick !.en;:e
Seven t!i war;
P.. Davis. J.
T. O'Frien.
Jollii W.
i '; : id i. -. M . I lordea it ;.
y. Friink Meenan.
Paul Thicseu. Miles
Prii.ce John Gottfrt-j, tf ti.e Pliamis, Die
with ill i.not On Acciciit
Is I'lcatlett.
I'ort "Wayne. Ind., March 11. rrlnco
lohn (Jodfrey, aged Z and a doscoiul
nt of IJttlo Turtle and Chief Francis
t Jodfrey, of the Miami Indian tribe,
was killed on the re-scrvation west of
Fort Vn.vtie by his sin, John flodfroy,
Jr., ".'J years old. The father, young
John and Francis, a younger son, had
been drinking and got into a quarrel in
Prince John's t-aloon. Youug John'
threatened to commit Filicide if fam
ily affairs were not changed.
Francis heard this threat, went be
hind the bar and took away his father's
revolver. As he was going out John
stopixnl him and wrested the jjua from
him. John says he and his father got
into a seudlo find the revolver was ac
cidentally discharged twice. One bid
let ontered the ceiling and the othtv
struck Prinet- Godfrey in the clun. kill
ing him instantly. Francis says his
brother deliberately killod his father.
John is in jail without bond."
Can l'rofer the OM Sotdltr.
Topeka, Kan.. March 14. The state
supreme court has upheld what is
known as the "old soldiers preference
law" in a decision in which it says
that where the oid soldier is capable
he should be given u place in prefer
ence to other applicants.
YTiro i'lrea Two Deadly ICuUets.
I.aurc-1. Miss., March 14. I.ee
Jackson is ih-ad from the effects of a
bullet tired from a pistol in the hands
of his wife. Mrs. Jackson then shot
herself, inflicting a fatal wound. Fam
ily troubles, it Is said, drove the wom
an to dt f-peration.
We have secured 10,000 yards of handsome and desirable Silks at
25 to 50 percent below regular prices, from the Great Peremptory
THIS SALE will be the Silk event of the season coming as it does when Silks will be more uni
versally used for complete gowns for street or evening wear than ever before in the history of the
Silk business. Besides the Silks bought at auction, we will offer several other lots of Silks that
our buyers secured in the market at 25 PERCENT to 50 PERCENT BELOW REGULAR PRICES.
In all 10,000 yards of this seasons handsomest and best cu.-ibties ofQ" f9fI fi?f rjnfinilV ft PI FISH tA
Plain and Fancy Black and Colored Silks will be ready for you by " umim iiTiUliUm Hii.lt UHt, l
and sale will be continued until all lots are clcsed out.
1000 yds. 75c to $2 Fancy Silks, in
rich plaids, brocades, checks, hair
lino stripes, etc., from 19 to 7 in.
wide, values "from 73c to 2 yard,
bought at auction,
price, 9c, 59c,
1500 yds. 75c plain colored Taffetas,
nearly all shades, mill lengths, from
3 to 12 yards, the auction -
price, per yard
62c to 85c Colored Taffetas, in full &
part pieces, nearly all colors ro
from auction, price yard. ..i)OL
25 pieces handsome
Chines, all colors and
black, per yard
Crepe de
$1.25 to $1.50 latest spring Taffeta and
Loulsir.e, checks, stripes, rich plaids
and fancy designs, 22 to SG Of
inches wWe, from auction, yd. VOv
$1.00 to $1.1S Fancy Silko, ia light,
medium and dark shades, for j EZr
shirtwaist suits, yd. S3c and...
600 yards Cheney Bros. $1.00 Foulards,
in navy and black, with white dots and
figures, very correct for full
suits, sale price, yard
Cheney Bros. $1.25 Taffeta Imperial,
in colors and black, Tr
yard 'ft
Cheney Bros. 32-inch Natural
Pongee Silk, sale price
32-inch Corean Silk, made in Corea and
imported to sell at $1.25, whito
and light shades, sale price, yd. . ft
10 pieces Black Peau de Soie i a.
while it lasts, yard tVC
36-in. $1.50 Black Taffeta, fin j"
finish and quality, yard I 10
27-in. Black Taffeta, fine high Q
grade, very exceptional, at ydOiJ W
20-in. Rich Lustrous Peau de
Soie, extra heavy, sale price.
36-inch Peau de Soie, for coats.
wont last long,
36-inch Black Peau de Soie, $1.50
quality, per yard, j
Other small lots of Black Im
ported Silks marked way down.
coal s.
In this store the new Suits combine exclusive style and high grade
tailoring without the expensiveness. Long graceful lines, sloping
effects at shoulders and hips, and many other greatly admired
features are found in these garments.
New Eton Coat Suits
Made of fine Chevoit
and Broadcloth, with
Military Shoulder
capes, taffeta hand
trimmed, fancy but
tons, skirt trimmevl
to match. These are
iiantfscme suits In
styles that are. very
popular this season.
The special price
Sew Blouse Eton Suits
Up to date styles
made after $35.00
models with new 1830
style long shoulder
effects, fancy trim
mings and panelfront
tkirt with hip trim
ming. These come in
fine serge suitings
and are cheap at
New Hussar Suits
Very chic-made in
Chevoit suitings or
In fancy imported
mixtures, coats satin
lined and finished
with novelty trim
ming. These jaunty
styles should bring
$25.00, but we price
them at
New Shower Proof Cloaks of Crave nettes, fancy mixtures ar.d
coatings, made loose, semi-fitting and belted styles,
priced very low, beginning at
New Spring Jackets, in Jull coverts,
etc., up
! 5.98
Washington. Man li H. The somite
in executive session h:is ratified the
reaty between the nlted States and
'tbopria wliiih was negotiated by
Menelik II. "King of Ethiopia," and
Uobert Skinner, eonsul general.
For Sale...
l'nenmonia follows a Cold
lut never follows the use of Folev's
Honey an l Tar. It slops tl;e cough.
heals- and strengthens tin lungs anl
rffonls perfect security from an at
tack of pneumonia. i'efuse substi
tutes. All druggists.
0 8
g A modern house of inne rooms and reception hall, butler's O
J pantry, kitchen pantry, bath, two toilet rooms. lavatory, 8
q china closet, linen closets, three fireplaces, furnace heat, laun- &j
dry, hot and .cold water, large cistern in connection with laun- x
g dry. cement walks, lot OOVJi) feet with driveway, fruit trees Q
and shrubs. For particulars address, O
8 P. O. Box 267, Rock Island. 111. 8
1 $
Switchman Die in tlie 'Wreck.
Omaha. March 14. Two I'nion Pa
cific freights going in opposite direc
tions a mile couth of the ctiy limits
collided with a Northwestern freight,
wrecking all three trains and killing
SwiUhmaa William Connolly.
t - .
y Test
are the wines and liquors which
we handle. Come here and erive
us your order aftd we will guar-
antce to till it for you to your )))
satisfaction. Pv
SIMON LEWIS, Market Sqvio.re.
' 1 1
ii: Iy r-eiiulne Witch ll.iei Salve. Aj;
e-lnin -ur.- f.-r ciMs, i.nriis. lirutr-es.j
.:,. i,j;tr. etc. There nreH
i-..if -os:r.ic; .ens oi xm saiv . snr.-.e i
"f wliii-h ar da:igiTins. hie tl-.oy are I
i I vi-rth:e-s. In luing Witch H.iol!
Sa!v se th;it the mine K. C. DoWitti
-" v'o.. C3.;i-ai.'i 's nn the box nnd a I
cure is certain. Sild by all druggists. j'
Should be installed i:i ccry residence.
They are rot as eju-it.-jr ;;s they ap
pear, and wl-.en oru-e installed, with
Iirojier sanitary li:.r.'d.:!g. will, sum
repay the outlay in health ;u:d a saving
of doctor's bills. Now thr.t spring
is at hand, do not delay, but come
and see ni" r drop a Iiiic :md I
will gladlv I-:'.!
give von ;n e
Uiatc on :a?-v"r hind i:ig you have
to do. abr-olute'y fr-- of charge.
Tel. uuii n i'V:. .- ,-a!! Third
avenue. SeHiiig gents for the great
"I'hick" gas light.
STENGEL, ?5he Plumber
Everything going at cost. Must be sold
at once. This is a. Bona Fide Closing
Out Sale. 9-9 3 5
Stock consists of
Steel Ranges,
Cast Ranges,
Cook Stoves,
j Heating Stoves,
Laundry Stoves,
jj Gasoline Stoves,
J 4 good 2nd hand Cook
Wash Machines,
Wringers, Boilers,
g Tubs, Buckets,
Tea and Coffee Pots,
Tea Kettles,
Rogers' Silverwear,
Table Cutlery,
Carving Sets,
Pocket Cutlery,
Razors, Razor Strops,
Scissors and Shears,
Butcher Knives,
Bread Knives,
Granite ware,
Porcelain ware and hun
dreds of other articles
too numerous to mention.
It will be to your interest take advantage
ofthi5 sale. Everything marked way down.

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