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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, June 20, 1905, Image 5

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THE 3Cm3TJS, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, luoi.
g I
Two Boats.
7-Minule Service
One Hour's
Ride 10c.
The Ruck Island Mutual
Building, Lian and Savings Association
Invites Subscriptions to its 93d series of stock as a te
appreciation of the public service heretofore rendered in providing ov-
r er sixteen hundred citizens with homes and as a pledge of coopera
tion on the part of investors in an effort to meet the presf rflTJJTMsinfl
t demands for additional homes.
Our conservative plan is to limit loans to smalt amounts, with 30
JT per cent margin, and to local hone owners exclusively.
Earnings 7 per cent on monthly payments. 5 per cent on paid up
v stock.
E. If. GUYER, Secretary.
Office Mitchell A. Lynde Block.
Are strictly in it. We put
on sale today 100 Blue
Serge Suits worth $15 for
Single and double breast
ed. They keep their shape.
They keep you cool.
M. C. R.ICE, Prop.
stHHi-M-!-.-! Mill M-H'4-
p gy iy i flfl For new and second hand goods.
8 oicgel s Loan uttice , st, oid pho. w?oix
Another Fight Brewing in the City
Council Over Machinery.
Committee Will Investigate Needs and
Report to the Council Will Prob
ably Buy This Time.
Committee Appointed Last Evening to
Arrange for Excursion Prob
ably Peoria.
Another "pump" storm is brewing ki
the city council. It started last even
ing. Aid. Sexton, of the waterworks
committee, called attention to the con
dition of affairs at the waterworks and
introduced a resolution, which was
passed, providing for the appointment
of three members to act with the wa
terworks committee in the investiga
tion of the conditions at the plant and
at the reservoir station.
thlajc t Fljtht A boat.
There was really nothing to fight
about last evening, as all were agreed
that there should be an investigation
and it seemed to be the opinion of most
of the aldermen who have investigated
that there ought to be additional serv
ice placed in the waterworks. But the
mention of a pump seems to be similar
to one boy knocking a chip from an
other's shoulder it means fight, wheth
or there is anything to fight about or
The immediate cause of the investi
gation is in the fact that the large
pump again broke down yesterday
morning and was kept out of service
alAday and most of two nights. The
smaller pump, which is kept as a re
serve force, has been doing the work
and with the water already at the res
ervoir, no trouble was experienced, but
in case of fire the city would be in bad
Sm of Year A no.
As the question came up, it brought
back the scenes of a little over a year
ago, when the pump question was
fought out in the council. Chairman
Robbins with the waterworks commit
tee having recommended the purchase
of a new pump, and a majority of the
council finally voting the proposition
down and deciding to repair the old
one. The old one was repaired and
has been in the service since. that
time, but the five million gallon pump
has been bearing the long end of the
service, being kept going at all times,
unless some imperfection put it out of
commission. The pump is in good
shape, although it has been running
for about ten years, but it is consider
ed necessary to have more reserve
power than the smaller pump supplies
Committee Appointed.
On that committee Mayor McCaskrln
appointed Aids. Robbins. Anderson and
Dauber. The waterworks committee
consists of Aids. Sexton, Wilson and
Eckhart. This committee will investi
pate the condition, securing such infor
mation as is needed from the superin
tendent or calling in other experts, as
they sometimes do under such condi
tions, and make a report back to the
council, when the question of purchase
will be taken up if it is decided that
one is needed.
Sterling Man of 86 Has Been in So
ciety 26 Years.
F. Schaale of Sterling enjoys the
unique honor of being the oldest Mod
ern Woodman in the United States, ac
cording to the claims of members who
have looked into the lodge records
with the purpose of finding out if there
were any older members. They say
that it has been impossible to find any
member of the great organization of
nearly a million members, who has
reached the age of Mr. Schaale. He Is
&C years of age and has been a mem
ber of the M. W. A. for the past L'O
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
of Kramer & Co., engaged in doing bus
iness at 150S Second avenue, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent,
William E. Miller retiring from said
firm, and Henry Kramer and Charles
Kramer will continue the business as
heretofore under the firm name of Kra
mer & Co., and will pay all outstand
ing liabilities and collect all debts ow
ing said firm.
Torture of a Preacher.
The story of the torture of Rev O.
D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church,
of Harpersville, N. Y., will interest you.
He says: "I suffered agonies, because
of .a persistent cough, resulting from
the grip. I had to sleep sitting up in
bed. I tried many remedies, without
relief, until I took Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, which entirely cured tuy
cough, and saved me from consump
tion." A grand cure for diseased con
ditions of the throat and lungs. At
Hartz & Ullemeyer's. druggists: price
GO cents and $1, guaranteed.- Trial bot
tie free.
The Salve That Penetrates.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve pene
trates the pores of the skin, and by its
antiseptic, rubifocient and healing in
fluence it subdues inflammation and
cures boils, burns, cuts, eczema, tetter,
ring worm and all skin diseases. A
specific for blind, bleeding, itching and
protruding piles. The original and
genuine Witch, Hazel Salve is made by
E. C. DeWltl fc Co-, and sold by all
A short meeting of the Retail Mer
chants association was held last even
ing. The meeting was devoted largely
to a discussion of the annual outing
and excursion. Peoria seemed to be
favored by the members, and the mem
bers authorized a committee compose I
of E. B. McKown. F. T. Myers, and T
F. LaVelle to plan for the excursion
The committee was not instructed to
make arrangements to Peoria, but as
that city is favored, it is probable that
the excursion will be to that place.
President G. H. Kingsbury gave an
interesting talk on the organization of
merchants in various cities of the
state along special lines of business
In the state there are local organiza
tions of almost every different retail
business. The advantages . of these
were explained and an interesting dis
cussion indulged in by the members of
che association.
William Jackson Head of Park Board
Take Up Longview
The board of park commissioners re
cently appointed by Mayor McCaskrin
under the new ordinance met last ev
ening at the office of William Jackson
and organized by electing the follow
ing officers:
President William Jackson.
Secretary E. B. McKown.
Treasurer Otto Huber.
A meeting. will be held at Lougview
park tomorrow afternoon to look into
the needs of that pretty tract. The
members desire to familiarize them
selves with the plans for the improve
ment of Longview and the work that
is necessary to execute them, so that
if the city council appropriates funds
for the purpose, no time need be lost
in proceeding with operations. It is
hoped that Longview will be liberally
remembered when the funds are ap
portioned for next year.
While they have not agreed to any
recommendation as to the amount de
sired, members of the park board think
Longview should have $5,ootj this year.
Two years ago, it will be remembered,
the council's appropriation was not
used because it was impossible to get
bidders for the job of grading the
driveways and walks, and the sum set
aside was returned to the city's gen
eral fund. Last year, very little was
used, and it is argued that the park
now ought to have a credit with the
other municipal departments of two
or three thousand dollars.
Little Edna Inhetder Rolls Off Log
While Picking Flowers in the
Edna Inhelder. the year-old daugh
ter of John Iuhelder, living in West
Davenport, was drowned in the slough
.ii the rear of the mailing plant late
yesterday afternoon. She was picking
flowers and stepped out on a log. which
turned beneath her feet. Although the
body was recovered in half an hour all
efforts at resuscitation failed..
Meyer A. Loeb and family are vis
ting friends in Chicago.
E. A. Kardell of Kansas City is the
guest of Rock Island friends.
Frederick Hansen departed this af
ternoon for a business trip in Kansas.
Mrs. S. T. Bowlby has gone to
Princeton, 111., for a visit of several
weeks with friends.
Mrs. Henry Geisler and Mrs. Jacob
Ohlweiler have gone to Milwaukee and
will visit there and in Chicago for
about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Moeller, ac
companied by their daughter. Miss
Elizabeth, left last night for Redwood
Falls. Minn., where their son, Lewis
H., and Miss Amelia D. Huhnerkoch
will be married tomorrow evening. The
couple will reside in Rock Island.
Wife Thought She Was a Widow
and Was Married
Mollie Van Blair Asks for Divorce from
William H. Ellis Man Re
turned This Month.
Mrs. Mollie Van Blair has too many
husbands, and she desires to get rid of
one of them. Tfce result is a divorce
suit which is brought In the name of
Mollie Van Blair against her husband
William H. Ellis. According to the
allegations in her bill it was not her
intention to commit bigamy, as she
had supposed that Ellis, her first hus
band, was dead; in fact, she read in
some newspaper that he was. After
her marriage with another man he ap
pears in Rock Island and rather com
plicates a situation that otherwise was
not out of the ordinary.
Deaterted Her.
Mrs. Ellis-Van Blair alleges in her
petition that she was married Feb. 2b'
1S7S. to William H. Ellis in Palmyra.
Mo. She lived with him until Sept
15. 1S94. when, she alleges, he deserted
her without cause. She neither saw
nor heard anything of him personally
but did read an account in a newspaper
of the death of William H. Ellis. Upon
the supposition that she was a widow,
she married Alvin Van Blair in Quin-
cy, Oct. 3. 1904. On the 15th of this
month Ellis appeared here. . The wo
man has separated herself from her
supposed husband until, such time as
she can secure a divorce and remarrv
H. M. Schriver appears for the com
Loses Balance, and Is Precipitated to
Ground Fractured Arm.
The seven year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur C. Larrlson, 3So4 Sev
enth avenue, yesterday afternoon
about 4 o'clock fell from a second story
window of the home, sustaining a se
vere fracture of the arm. and painful
bruises. Dr. Chase was called and re
duced the fracture. The little girl was
playing at the window, and losing her
balance was precipitated to the ground.
Her injuries, though painful, are not
regarded as dangerous.
In Mad Chase.
Millions rush in mad chase after
health, from one extreme of faddism
to another, when if they would only
eat good, and keep their bowels regu
lar with Dr. King's New Life Pills.
their" troubles would all pass away.
Prompt relief and quick cure for livei
and stomach trouble. 25cents at Hartz
& UHemeyer'a, drug store; guaranteed
A beautiful wedding took place Wed
nesday evening. June 14. in Coal Vallev
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H.
Lees, parents of the bride. Lina J.
Lees, who was- united in marriage to
James F. Spargo. formerly of Coal Val
ley, but now of Hope. Kans. At 8
o'clock to the strains of a wedding
march the bridal party were ushered
into the parlor by two little Mower
girls. Berdena Lees, cousin of the
bride, and Ruth McWhinney, niece of
the groom, who bore heavy strands of
pink and white ribbon that guarded the
party on either side and completely
surrounded them as they stood beneath
an arch of ferns and bells. The bride
was attended by her sister. Miss Nellie
C5. Iees, of Coal Valley, while the
groom was attended by Henry Bare of
Fulton. 111. The ceremony was the im
pressive ring service and the words
were spoken by Rev. Marion Humph
reys ot .Milan. .Many relatives ana
friends were present, among them
Miss Hatting of Keokuk.
After the wedding the guests were
seated at beautifully decorated and
bounteously laden tables, to a wedding
feast. The Coal Valley baud of 15'
pieces furnished music on the lawn
during the evening. After a few days
the couple will stait for their new
home at Hope, Kans., where Mr. Spar-
go has established himself in business.
The bride has been a member of the
eachers' staff of Rock Island county
for a number of years, having taught
n the Coal Valley public schools for
the past three years. Many friends
wish them Godspeed ami all the rich
est blessings of a happy life.
Hopkins Malone.
Miss Mayme Malone, daughter of
John Malone, of St. Vincent's avenue.
La Salle, and John W. Hopkins, of
his city, were married in La Salle
at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. In St.
Patrick's church, Rev. T. A. Shaw per
forming the ceremony. Only the im
mediate relatives and friends of the
couple were present. A wedding break
fast was served at the home of the
bride, after the ceremony. George F.
Hyson, of Streator, a cousin of the
bride, and Miss Anna Malone, sister
of the bride, werv the attendants.
The groom It an employe of the
Woodmen office of this city, where the
bride held a position as stenographer
for two years. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins
have gone away on a short wedding
tour, which includes a visit to Mr. Hop
kins' relatives. at Warsaw, III. They
will reside in Hock Island.
Special Sale
Men's and Boys'
Your choice of Coat and Pant
Suits in Flannel and Wors
ted garments, regular.
$7.50 and $10 ones,
at an even
So miners & La Velle
Recreation in
Colorado Re-Creates.
Recreation, as a usual thing, is a misnomer you get "all fagged
out" having a good time.
In Colorado it's different.
There's a spirit of rollicking sport in the air you breathe it takes
possession of you and yet this very ."ginger" strengthens and invig
orates. It tones you up.
One reason is the high, dry air evaporates the moisture of the
body keeps the skin pores clear. And then you're continually bath
ed in that glorious Colorado sunshine.
Yes, recreation in Colorado re-creates.
Low rates to Colorado all summer via the Rock Island. Specially
reduced June CO to July 4 and August 12 to 14.
Stinl for 80 page illustrated booklet (containing list of hotels and
boarding house;;), and full details.
C. P. A.
3 JM
1 -Wk
Dangers of Defective Plumbing.
Defective plumbing permits the entrtnee into the house
l of sewer gas bearing germs ot
; contagious disea?.es to which the human ys-
tem readily succumbs.
Sewer gas is not necessarily generated in the
sewer, hut is frequently treated in the plumb
ing system within the home and enters the
apartments through detective fixtures.
If in doubt, consult us regarding the piping
and replacing defective fixtures with
"j5taiLml" Porcelain Knameled Ware
in-'m ' acknowledped as the best sanitary equipment.
Entertains at Tower.
About 40 couples from the tri-cities
spent a delightful evening at the
Watch Tower last evening, as partici
pants In the dancing party given by
Miss Evangeline Cast eel for her visit
ing friend Miss Grimm, of South Da
kota. Pretty festoons of pink popples
were tastily draped overhead from the
tenter of the ceiling to the Fides of
the hall. Frappe wa served during
the dancing and later in the evening
delicious refreshments. Miss Grimm.
Miss Casteel and Mrs. Casteel received
the guests. Out of town guests were
Carroll Saxe and sister. Miss Clara
Saxe. of Ottumwa. and Mr. Van Brunf
uf Council Bluffs.
Nurses Entertained.
The nurses of St. Anthony's hospital
were delightfully entertained at the
Watch Tower last evening, their host
ess being Miss Margaret Rooney, super
intendent of the institution.
Birthday Surprise.
About 40 Rock Island friends of Mrs. j
David Ka.rr, of . Sears, surprised - her ,
Saturday, by giving a party in hex
honor at the Watch Tower, the occa
sion being her birthday anniversary. A
delicious lunch was served and many
pretty gifts were left as remembrances
of the occasion.
Cantata at Moline.
The cantata. Rebekah. given last
night in Moline. at Chiist church, un
der the auspices of the Christ church
choir, was most delight fully rendered
to an appreciative audience. Several
vocalists from Rock Island took paitE
in the cantata.
Pratt Condo.
Miss Magdeline Con lo, of Moline.
and Charles I'ratt, of this city, will be
married this evening at the bride's
home. Rev. W. S. Marquis omt-iatlug.
Entertains Party cf Ladies.
Mrs. Allen Pratt is enttrtair.Jng
number of ladies at her home, LC,
Fourth avenue, this afternoon.
Central Guild to Meet.
The Central church guild meets with
Mrs. Leonard, 14i Seventh avenue,
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Trinity Guild.
Trinity guild meets Wednesday af
ternoon at 2:20 at the home of Mrs.
OeSanto, 52X Twenty third street.
The library board met last evening
and effected its organization, re-electing
the former officers. Col. C. L.
Walker was made president and J. W.
Welch, was elected secretary. The an
nual report was formulated and will
be submitted to the city council.
Mrs. Clementine Wearer, postmis
tress at Sears, died this morning of
quick consumption. The funeral will
be held tomorrow afternoon- at 2
o'clock. Mrs. Weaver was married
twice, her first husband's name being
Husch. After his death she was mar
ried Jan. it. 1504, to K. H. Weaver, who
fcurvives with her children.
Controller Closes New York Bank.
Washington, June 20. The Fredonia
National bank, Fredonia. N. Y., has
been closed by order of the controller
of the currency on information receiv
ed from the examiner that It Is insolv
ent. J. W. Scbofleld has been appoint
ed receiver.
1J lllls. Get up with a head j
Jy ache? Ead tzztt in your mouth? I
A ff J J3 Not much appetite for bre!ft? i
m -mr yoursystern. watcupyourlivcr! I
- Gjjdjnr this bile? tZXXTs

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