OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 20, 1906, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1906-04-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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(Continued from Paee One.
armory building, and many business
blocks. Total property loss probably
?2,500,ooo. No lives .reported lost.
l-ALO ALTO All buildings of the
great $20,000,000 Lcland Stanford, Jr.,
university group were badly damaged.
One student was killed. The damage
is placed at $4,000,000.
Berkeley Early reports of the de
struction of the state university at
Berkeley are denied in an apparently
authoritative way. Many buildings
OAKLAND While the property dam
age will be heavy, the reports indicate
that not more than 10 lives were lost
in Oakland.
LOMA PRIETA At this place, IS
Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, the
Remedy Which Actually Makes
New Blood.
Impoverished blood is the cause o
many troubles that are not recognizee
as arising from it. Impoverishment of
the blood may originate from over
study, lack of exercise, anxiety or wor-
iy, or it may follow an acute disease
men as fever, or even result from a
cold. Physicians term impoverished
blood "anaemia," which is a Greek
word meaning "too little blood."
Anaemia makes the patient short of
breath so that there is often a sense of
Miffocation, sometimes there is a cough
and the sufferer seems to be goin
into consumption, at otners tnere is a
murmur of the heart and heart dis
ease is leared. In trie following case
severe fainting spells were an alarm
iag symptom resulting from '"too. little
Mrs. George Forrester, of 7 Curtis
street. Watertown, N. Y., says: "Some
time ago I took a heavy cold and it left
me in a very weak condition. I be
came worse and worse until finally I
had anaemia. I lost flesh and appetite,
had no color and was subject to faint
ing spells. Sometimes they would at
tack me suddenly and I would fall to
the floor with hardly any warning.
"I had one of our best physicians,
but after a month without any improve
ment in my condition, I decided to see
what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would do
for me.
"The pills were well known to me
for, about two years before, members
of my family had taken them with the
best results. I soon found that the
pills were just what I needed, for I
soon began to notice an improvement.
After I had taken them a while longer
I was entirely cured, and we all be
lieve in Dr. Williams Pink Pills and
recommend them highly."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured Mrs.
Forrester because they actually make
new blood. They do that one thing
and they do it well. Impoverished blcod
is deficient in red corpuscles, little
bodies in the blood only to be seen
through the microscope, which carry
nourishment to all parts of the body.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills increase the
number of these red corpuscles and in
this way send health and strength to
every tissue. Medical authorities are
agreed that the health of the nervous
system depends directly upon the red
corpuscles in the blood and in this way
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured
many nervous disorders as well as
blood diseases that have not yielded
to ordinary treatment.
All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills or they will be sent by mail, post
paid, on receipt of price. 50 cents per
box. six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr.
Williams Medicine company, Schenec
tady, N. Y.
Now at Davenport.
112 E.
3d Street
Old 'phone
N 1575 Y
miles from Santa Cruz, a mlnehouse
slipped -down the mountain1 side,-bury
ing 10 men.
BRAWLEY This town of 500 peo
ple. 120 miles south of Los Angeles, is
the only one in southern California that
seems to have suffered, and is reported
wiped out, so far as buildings are con
cerned. Loss of life unknown.
SACRAMENTO At the state capi
tal the postoffice was wrecked and
many other buildings severely dam
aged, but no lives -were lost.
SANTA CRUZ Many lives are re
ported lost in Santa Cruz, but names
and accurate information are lacking,
The wreckage of buildings was heavy
and the loss proportionately large.
SUISUN At this place, at the head
of the bay, five miles of the Southern
Pacific railroad track were sunk and
many buildings wrecked. One" loaded
passenger train was almost submerged
on the ferry.
VALLEJO Heavy property damage,
but no lives lost.
WATSON VI LLE Moreland academy
completely destroyed by fire and many
buildings collapsed from the shock. Re
ports silent on the subject of lives lost.
STOCKTON Slight property dam
age and no loss of life.
(Continued From Page One.)
brought here and are being cared for
by medical men of the city.
Illiuoin Will Give.
Springfield, 111., April 20. The state
legislature will be called in special
session by Governor Deneen to appro
priate money for the California disas
ter victims. In reply to an inquiry.
Governor Pardee of California stated
that any possible aid will be very ac
ceptable. Under the call that assem
bled the legislature at Springfield no
appropriation can be voted, so another
call will have to be made.
llarriman Gurx Went.
Chicago. April 20. E. Harriman
parsed through Chicago on a special
train this morning enroute to San Fran
cisco to assist in relieving the situation.
(Continued From Page One.)
San Francisco and grave fears are en
tertained they have lost their lives.
The navy department today received
a telegram from Rear Admiral McCal-
la stating the warships under construc
tion at the Union Iron works are unin
jured. He also stated the loss of life
is much exaggerated.
Washington, D. C, April 20. The
war department has received a tele
gram from Funston stating no water
famine is anticipated.
Kifly Denri at Snntn Itona.
Washington, April 20. Congressman
MeKinley of California has just re
ceived the following telegram from
Governor Pardee:
"Sacramento, Cal., April 20. The
following is from the operator at Santa
Rosa: 'From South street to depot, and
from California northwest to the post-
office in utter ruin; also Main street
and from Mendocino to Fifth. Fifty
are dead and. we expect to take 20
more out of the ruins.' "
San Francisco, April 20. Last night
three distinct fires were burning. One
portion extends from Knob Hill east
erly towards the water front. It was
traveling slowly northward towards
the Telegraph hill section. The sec
ond center was in the Mission district,
and was making little headway toward
the hill sides to the west where thous-
Hauling and moving of all
kinds, large or 6mall, at rea
sonable rates. Daily wagons to
Moline and Davenport. We al
so handle the best grades of
hard and soft coal. A portion
of your patronage Is respectful
ly solicited. Satisfaction guar
anteed. New 'phone 5464; old
Why Run
the Ei&z&rd
of accepting personal security upon
a bond, when corporate security is
vastly superior ?
The personal surety may be finan
cially strong to-day and insolvent
to-morrow ; or he may die, and his
estate be immediately distributed.
In any event, recovery is dilatory
and uncertain.
Because of its greater stability, the
United States Government prefers
Corporate Suretyship. Follow its
example, and, when you require
suretyship of any kind, insist upon
having the bond of the largest com
pany in the world whose business
is restricted to furnishing surety
ship obligations.
of Utw Yor&
Capital andurplua 4,800.000
I.ndolph dk Reynold, AMraBo
firt block; Vm. C. Maacker, Aitt.,
Manonlr temple. "Vm. H. Moore,
Atty.. Chaae block. Mollaet Edw.
. PkJnmrr, Act, 1903 Fifth Ave
91 o line.
President , of -Postal Wires San Fran
cisco Manager to Open Lines.
New York, April 20. Clarence H.
iMackay, president of 'the TPostal Tele-
lon)o yf nonnln grp cumnpH Thf third I 1
auuo v Mvvptv ... - -
. I
was threatening tne western section,
the point against which the firemen i
were benaing their greatest efforts.
Dynamite was used for back-firing
purposes with only fair success. Chief
of Police Dinan said he thought 250
would fully cover the number of
deaths. About fifty bodies thus far
have been found.
With each succeeding hour the de
vastation and destruction in this strick
en and prostrate ruin of a city grows
and grows. At C o'clock it seemed as
if nothing could save the comnara
tivcly small portion that yet remained
nnhiirr.ed The entire business and
wholesale district was only a glowint
furnace, while giant tongues of fire
reached westward far beyond Vanness
avenue, and were wining out buildings
and seeking moreto devour.
At 4 o'clock the authorities saw the
only hope of saving the western addi
tion with its forest of frame dwellings,
and the Richmond district, with Its
thousands of homes, was to check the
march of the wall of fire at Vanness
This avenue is 90 feet wide and the
possibilities of checking the march of
the flames here looked hopeful to those
who were figuring ways and means in
the hour of awful horror. Orders were
given to concentrate every fire engine
in the city at the avenue, to marshal
troops of soldiers, police and all the
army of workers and make one last
stand to save the remainder of the city.
The cooperation of artillery was secur
ed and huge cannons drawn to the av
enue by military horses to aid the dy
namiters' in blowing up the mansions
of millionaires in order to prevent the
flames from leaping across the high
way and starting on their way unre
strained across the western addition.
Every available pound of dynamite
was hauled to this point and the sight
was one of stupendous and appalling
havoc as the cannons were trained on
the palaces and shot tore into the
walls and toppled buildings in crush
ing ruins. At other points dynamite
was used, and hous oftcr house, the
dwellings of millionaires, were lifted
into the air by the power of the bel
lowing blast and dropped to the earth
a mass of dust and debris. The work
was necessarily dangerous and many
xhausted workers who kept working
hrough a stretch of 4S hours without
sleep and scarcely any food, through
the force of instimf ive heroism alone,
may have been killed while making
this last desperate stand.
While the fire fighters were making
the last stand at Vanness avenue, pan
ic reigned among the survivors in other
parts of the city. The intense heat and
the absence of water was so terrible
that scores became frantic and others
dropped from exhaustion in the streets
In the panic many mad things are
done. Even the soldiers were obliged
in many instances to prevent men and
women, made insane from misfortune,
from rushing into the doomed build
ings in the hope of saving valuables
from the ruins. In nearly every in
stance such action resulted in death to
those who tried it.
Probably 200,000 refugees struggled
to get out of the city, and hourly the
task became more difficult as thelire
and heat cut off avenue after avenue
of escape. The streets were filled with
struggling people, some crying and
weeping and calling for missing loved
ones. The sufferers were invading the
few buildings that remain in the hope
of finding something to eat. They only
desisted when warned or shot by sol
diers. The sufferings of many from
hunger were pitiful. Thousands ol
people were sleeping on the hills or
standing gazing with grim faces on the
lurid scene below.
San Francisco's best and highest
class of citizens has already begun to
plan for restoration and to care for
the stricken ones and relief will be
immediate and effective. Total sub
scriptions of $1SO,000 were announced.
Arrangements were made for the im
mediate relief of the needy. The bak
ing of 50,000 loaves of bread daily will
begin today. Free transportation will
be provided by the Southern Pacific
to destitute persons desiring to go to
interior points.
Tonight for the first time direct tele
graphic communication was reestab
lished with the outside world. By the
not energetic efforts in the face of
the greatest obstacles, the Postal Tele
graph company succeeded in restoring
one of its shattered lines and its man
agers are hopeful of bringing its serv
ice to the normal place in a day or two.
Txs Angeles. Cal., April 20. E. E.
Calvin, general manager of the South
ern Pacific, who is in San Francisco
now, yesterday afternoon wired Super
iienaent Ingram of this city to get a
special train buy five carloads of can
ned goods ant bring them to San. Fran
cisco at the earliest possible moment.
Calvin, who is a former telegraph op
erator himself, sent the message on the
key and supplemented it with a brief
statement that conditions in the strick
en city are so appalling as to be be
yond belief or comprehension.
Tuberoses 3d Floor.
Tuberoses, the one flower the
rich man must have and the poor
man cannot do without, regular
10c, for
8c per dozen.
Wash Basins 3d Floor.'
Enameled wash basin, white
liaed, would be a good value at
30c, tomorrow and Monday
15 cents.
Clothes Lines 3d Floor.
Trilby clothes line, 40 feet long,
braided, will not kink, for Saturday
only they go at
7 cents.
Onion Sets 3d Floor.
Yellow onion sets, we sell them
regularly for 8c per quart, tomor
row and Monday they go
2 quarts for 9c.
Red Onions 3d Floor.
Everyone knows what the red
onion sets are, the regular price is
10c, tomorrow and Monday,
8c per quart.
Hydrangea 3d Floor.
The hydrangea is considered the
most valuable shrub in existence,
regular price 33c, for
20 cents.
Atlantic Sea Salt Drug Dept.
For the bath, a double handful to
the bath gives you an Atlantic
ocean at home, regular 12c, Satur
day and Monday
8 cents.
Mennen's Drug Dept.
You know Mennen's Talcum pow
er, and you know it sells for 15c,
tomorrow and Monday
9 cents.
Castile Soap Drug Dept.
Levanto Castile soap, a very
ood soap for. general and bath use,
regular 4c, Saturday and Monday
2 cakes for 5 cents.
Ladies' Gowns 2d Floor.
Ladies' muslin gowns, square cut
neck, tucks and embroidery inser
tion, regula reprice 98c, Saturday
and Monday
75 cents.
Choice at Gowns 2d Floor.
Our assortment of ladies' gowns
that sell regularly for C9c and 75c,
choice tomorrow and Monday
49 cents.
Corsets 2d Floor.
The new F. P. corset, military
front, 2 sets hose supporters, Sat
urday the $1.00 value goes at
89 cents.
Gloves Main Floor.
Amsterdam gloves, a silk glove
with all the advantages of the ordi
nary glove without a silk disadvan
tage, 50c, 75c, $1.00.
Calico Main Floor.
Best American blue and gray cal
ico, now is the time to buy this
while you can, Saturday
4Va cents per yard.
Madras Main Floor.
Corded madras, 36 inches wide,
regular 12V1-C quality, buy it Satur
day at
9y cents.
Mantle 1st Floor, east. side.
A double wire cap mantle, this
mantle cells everywhere at 15c,
Saturday and Monday
9 cents.
Buttons Main Floor.
Super pearl buttous, all sizes, 1
dozen to card, Saturday and Mon
day, 3c per dozen or
2 dozen for 5c.
"The Store That Saves You Money."
APRIL 21, 1906
TOMORROW I The last day! A great feast of
bargains I Surprising values! In fact they are
unprecedented at this period of the year. Entirely
unexpected was the 7 Day Carpet and Rug Sale, and
the prices that we have been selling these goods at
have set the people to talking, as at this time of the
season other stores are asking top-notch prices.
Housecleaning time and a general renovation due I
What's needed? Lace Curtains? Shades? Portiers?
Linoleum ? Mattings or Carpet in a room or two?
Then come to headquarters !
Having one of the largest Carpet Departments in
Rock Island with an immense location-saving, we can
help make a little money do much work in brighten
ing up the home before this great sale closes tomor
row night.
Tomorrow being the last day of the great sale, we
will try and do something out of the ordinary, we are
going to sell you Rag Carpet at exactly what it cost us:
136 yards ol the finest Rag Carpet,
to see this is to buy it, regular
price 35c, tomo rrow only
Special Lace Sale, Important!
Merit is the largest element in our success with this line. It isn't
an accident that we lead in the tri-cities. We have exclusive style
information, rare patterns, impossible to duplicate, and above all, nev
er knowingly misrepresent.
Torchon Iaces, sells regularly at 8c to 12Uc, many different pat
terns to select from; you can buy this tomorrow and Muuday for less
than other stores pay at wholesale.
Per Yard, 5c
All-over Embroidery and Tucking for waists and yokings at 50c to
Beautiful Corset Coverings, would be a money-saver to you at a
higher price, but tomorrow and Monday, per yard, 25c.
Pretty Valenciennes Ibices and Inserting to match, new designs,
worth double what we ask tomorrrow and Monday, for 5c per yard up.
Fine Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery, matched sets, all widths and
prices, just the thing for waists and graduation dresses.
Women who appreciate effective gowns, should see the white Em
broidery Robes, ranging in price from $G.!)S to $lG.r(.
All of the new Laces show a marked tendency to great elegance
and fineness.
Ladies' Vests Main Floor,
30 dozen ladies' bleached seam
less vests, large sizes, Saturday and
Monday tLey go
3 for 23c.
Handkerchiefs Main Floor.
We have a few more of those 5c
ladies' hemstitched cambric hand
kerchiefs, Saturday and Monday,
2 cents.
Carpet Sweepers 3d Floor.
We have just two carpet sweep
ers at a bargain. Saturday only,
$3.25 sweeper at $2.48 and a $2.50
sweeper at
W-ll Paper 3d Floor.
If you have not selected the pa
per for your rooms yet, call and see
us, we can please you.
2'2c per roll up.
Food Choppers 3d Floor.
Griswold Food Chopper, No. 0,
sells regularly for S5c, but to in
troduce them Saturday and Mon
day 75 cents.
Cleaner 3d Floor.
Young & McCombs' wall paper
cleaner, entirely different from any
other put on the market, per can
10 cents.
Towels 3d Floor.
Wo have a few garden trowels
with light iron handles, while they
last Saturday and Monday
5 cents.
Pictures 2d Floor, east side.
In our east window you will seo
a very choice assemblage of pic
tures at prices ranging from
10c to $1.00.
Patterns 2d Floor.
The simplest and easiest of all
patterns is the McCall. No bother
and no guesswork. Get your pat
terns here at
10c and 15c.
Napkins 1st Floor.
12 dozen 20-inch bleached nap
kins, while they last, Saturday and
Monday, per dozen
75 cents.
Seeds 3d Floor, east side.
This store carries the largest line
of seeds in the city. We aro
wholesalers and retailers of bulk
seed, package
1c and 2c
Base Balls 2d Floor, east sice.
Just received 5 dozen baseballs,
now is the time for the little fel
lows to get busy, at
5c and 10c.
Lace Curtains 3d Floor.
We place on sale tomorrow 30
dozen 88c curtains, two patterns,
and while they last, per pair
62 cents.
Glove Boxes 2d Floor, east side.
We have Just five very nice glove
boxes, sell regularly at 25c; can
anyone use them at
15 cents.
Books 2d Floor, east side.
All authors, regular 15c and 25c,
we have placed them on a table
and they go, choice
10 cents.
Umbrellas Main Floor.
Ladies' 26 inch umbrellas, steel
rod, silko cover, guaranteed two
years, regular $1.25, Saturday and
97 cents.
Men's Hose Main Floor.
Black and tan, seamless, the kind
everybody sells 3 for 25c, one-half
dozen tomorrow for only
39 cents.
Work Shirts, Main Floor.
Men's black and white twill, all
stores sell this shirt at 50c, bat
urday and Monday only
39 cents.
Men's Ties Main Floor.
In poplin silk, all the late spring
colors, other stores ask more mon
ey for this tie, Saturday and Mon
day 25 cents.
Ties: Special Main Floor.
Men's four-in-hand ties, regular
25c kind, but tomorrow and Mon
day they go at
19 cents.
Negligee Main Floor.
Men's 75c blue chambray negli
gee shirts, they go on sale tomor
row for two days at
.49 cents.
graph company, sent a message to L.
W. Storer, general superintendent of
the Postal Telegraph company in San
Francisco, in which he said: "I can
not adequately express to you my feel
ings regarding the calamity which has
befallen San Francisco. I hope that
you will move heaven and earth to
open communication to San Francisco
city and thus relieve thousands from
anxiety. Do this at any cost within
reasonable bounds.
Postal Company Will Transmit Mes
sages When Authorized by Re
lief Organization.
Names of Those to Whom Telegrams
Are Sent Placarded at San
Des Moines, Iowa, April 20. The
Postal Telegraph-Cable company will
transmit free telegrams relating to the
relief of the sufferers of San Fran
cisco when offered by a duly authoriz
ed and constituted relief organization
of public officers in the city when des
tined for San Francisco. Such mes
sages will be subject to such delay and
conditions at that point Imposed.
. . Honolulu Cable Interrupted.
Manila, April 20. Honolulu reports
there is no communication with San
Chicago, April 20. The following
was sent out to the local managers of
the Postal Telegraph company today:
An office has been opened at the
ferry at San Francisco but we will bo
unable to make any deliveries at pres
ent at least. The inhabitants are be
ing driven out of the city by the fire
and taxing the capacity of the ferry
boats to carry them. The fire is still
You should continue to Inform pa
trons that business to the stricken
town is accepted at their risk and is
subject to very great delay. Notices
are published and placarded telling
all to call at our office for messages.
What good does it do you to eat if
your stomach fails to digest the food?
None. It does you harm causes belch
ing, sour stomach, flatulence, etc.
When the stomach fails, a little Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure after each meal will
digest what you eat and makes the
stomach sweet. All druggists.
Mystic Shriners
Excursion, to
Los Angelos
One fare for the round trip to Los Angeles or San Francisco, $57.40
from Rock Island. Tickets will be on sale
April 25 to May 5, Inclusive.
Final limit July 31, 1906.
Choice of routes stop-overs both going and returning. Via New
Mexico Southern Route, lowest altitudes; via Colorado Scenic Routt
Nature's wonders every mile.
Slight additional cost via Portland in one direction. Lay your
plans for a California trip with the Shriners. Our illustrated "Golden
State" book and "Across the Cntinent" folder w.il be of Interest.
F. H. Plummer,
CP. A.
JVock Island.

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