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THE ARGUS, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 190( 10 . CLE AIR' AND PURE. bSAt tip r .i"M? Wa re -v i a. r ib " - A The Process o Filtering IS SHOWN IN THE CUT. BY PERCOLATION THROUGH A POR OUS NATURAL STONE FROM THE UPPER TO THE LOWER JAR SIMPLY BY THE FORCE OF GRAVITY, WHICH 13 NATURE'S OWN PROCESS OF FILTERING. PURE WATER IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH. IF YOU VISH TO BE HEALTHY, FILTER THE WATER YOU DRINK. HERE IS A PERFECT PURIFYING FILTER WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM AT sf Heard In The Rialto 's Gay Throng Adele von Old and Her Novel and Spectacular Role at the Nciv York Hippodrome Vesta m 1 1 . r n i 1 il ley si sain 1 ouring This Country. f"Jroni Our Now York Dramatic Corre ; ipondent. ; The most itnusmil loading lady" role ' Uii.s season brought to New York is i th::t played by a mere slip of a frirl, ' Adele von Old, at the Hippodrome. She ! Is but eighteen years old. I I nt i I recently she was sinking her ; Individuality twice a day in the Hip j podrome ballet, but now she plays tin chief, female rV.e in a short melodra iiiatie piece which has been i:terpoIat ed ia "A Soeietv Circus" and which THE SCILLY ISLANDS. Tlieyllave bat Three Season Sprlntr, Slimmer and Autumn. The eliinate of the Scilly islands is the most e;iialile in Great I.ritain. It ranker; on an average from 40 decrees to CO decrees. On the coldest dav it is warm and oi the hottest it is cool There are only three seasons in Scilly c-f lour months each spring, summer and autu:n:i. When the autumn ends spring commences. J here is no K:-eat height in the inlands. The highest land iu l'.ryher is only i:::i fei-t abave sea level, although the ti'lerapli tower built on Mary's reaches a hc:rht of "s l'ct t ' .it ihi rock scenery of the en tire roup o-' ti.ese islands is remark able. There are rucks fantastic, jajrc.!, peaked, t iei'ied. serrati'd; rocks reseni bliu living creatures tnd others su-- iri!reval vastness raid r.n son.e grandly ca.-HeatcJ, OOOu Garden 8. Mil I se Buckeye 1-2 inch, 3-ply. Wetmore 3-4 inch, 4-ply. Carnbao 3-4 inch, 3-ply. High Pressure, 3-4 in., 3 ply Bengal 3-4 inch, 3-ply. Electric 3-4 inch, the hose made to last. Prices From 10c to 18c per Foot. Channon Bufva, 112 West Seventeenth Street. o o c: o o ; c o o o : o e iZ j o c: o o o o o i.: " s 8 o IS ADELE VON OI1L. has as its bi. !ainatie feature the jdutriug horses. Her rie from the raidis of nonentity to a place on the Hippodrome programme, a spot l:u!;t nil her own. and incidentally Limbic from a forty piece orchestra proves again the old saying about opportuni ty making the man or, as so happens, th.- woman. AVhen Frederic Thompson and his Ft a ire director. F.d ward V. Tc!:fpie. had lin:-hed planning a::l wilting the pif-e pj be interpolated ti:ey started lo(;king for a girl bravo ough t plunge twice a day into the Icy wa ters of the great stage tank astride a raliopmg. snorting ho--e. I.itt! Mi down pains are a symptom of the most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling cf the womb. With this, generally, come irregular, painful, scanty cr profuse periods, wasteful, weaken ing drains, dreadful backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, irri tability, tired feeling, inability to walk, loss of appetite, color and beauty. The cure U OF CARD von Old slopped forward and announc ed emphatically that she was the ery person they were seeking. What she didn't know about horses and saddles ami bridles wasn't worth knowing. flio had ridden every variety of h re from race (rack thoroughbreds tr c. liunch.'ng mustangs, she wa-n't afraid of any animal in the Thompson Iua dy herd, and as for the water well, if they would only give her it trial :-!:( Woman's Relief that marvelous, curative extract, or natural essence, of herbs, which exerts such a wonderful strengthening influence on all female organs. Cardui relieves pain, regulates the menses, stops drains and stim ulates the muscles to pull the womb up into place. It Is a safe and permanent cure for all female complaints. WRITE US A LETTER In strictest confidence, telling us all your troubles. We will send free ad vice (in plain sealed envelope). Ad dress: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Term. "I SUFFERED AWFUL PAIN In my womb and ovaries," writes Ars. Naomi Bake, of Webster Groves.Mo., "and my menses were very painful and irregular. Since taking Cardui I feel like a new woman, and do not suffer as I did." (..M;c;;sir,u-.' nor i.erve am ;-'!; had the trialthroe trials and 6avo when lhisher MctJarry. h t mount, attempted to r!l through 'e.e twenty yards of eight feet deep mois ture, she has never been spilled or had the slighte u n.idatp. "I just love it." said she recently as she swung along the street in a decid edly western fashiou. with a feminine sombrero pulled rakishly over one e.e, a pair of leather gauntlets over her wrists and a riding whip in her hand. "Yo-.t see. I really do know a whole lot about horses. My mother used to keep Can't Teli What Will Happen Always have a bottle of Salubrin on hand for WOUNDS, INFLAMMATION, SPRAINS, BURNS, HEMORRHOIDS, CHIL BLAINS, RHEUMATISM, ETC. Nothing releives and cures as rapidly and satisfactorily as Salubrin. En dorsed by undisputed medical authorities. SOLD AT ALL, DRUG STORES. mm If ft I - , 4. i. .. Wiii SEXTON'S MIXTURE lave yon trid itr it is the tiliilii iii tlic market for tho pijc. , A raro blending of tU finest American and foreign to-" "bacoof. In tins, 25c and 50c. Hvcci&e Cigar Sgor Harper House Block. John P. Sexton, Prop. m ii I Jffl ? TESTA TILI.EY IX ONE OF TIER MALE IM PEIiSOJiATIOXS. a riding academy, and when I -was a little bit of a tot I learned to ride horses of various kinds and sizes." Vesta Tilley, the inimitable English music hall performer, is again touring America. Her captivating songs and daiuty Impersonations have very right iy made her aa international favorite. She is appearing in vaudeville under tlie management of Percy Williams. IJOBEIIT BUTLER. gestive il couth'.iess; others I.iko it prcut lioa's ctic.'k teeth. Those on Ihe peninsula of I'enninis, (specially if they are seen in mist, Meaawar (pronounced man-ef-wart, the Maiden liower, Mincarlo, Shipman's Ilv.d. the Haycocks at Anuet and many others are strikingly grand. Tho curious resemblance to primeval ani mal forms Las gicu rise to many of the mimes of these rock:: and certainly many are Like a n at sim beast. erawl"il forth to sua ie If, whiie there are 'monks' ci i wis, "giants' castles." Loudon Spectator. "elephants' 'pipers' pulpit rock tm h HAIR AND COLOR. 'i i:n i to iJIor.i;. The color .f the hair, say.-, the (.'rand Magazine, i ; usually t ra i..; ;: i e i fr. iii a. cuts t !;:! !. 'I his is e--;-i cially IfUO wl;:-tt both parents h:'.e the s;n' e :n pl ';io:i. I nst: noes, however, are !!'-t necDji'moit wIiitc children h ive hair black as "o;jy, while the hair of both parents is a l-::rn!ng red. Inst. -ad of eorv t!:;it a child takes s the ci)!:-;- of fa.c-t. it h.i;; in favor (f in fact, is by i dt ion much disproving the theor a IV-r its p an ii:--.. so far the Lair is c:tncrued. il how bit-u I'i't.iiiK d. is the doctrine, lied hair, its structure and com n 'a r t; ohti-Ic hair than to blond. Very often if the hair of a very dark coriple ioned person be examined ai-to'eiivob,- a few ouitf red h.'.irs will be (h-b.-cied ia the i:;ws. ri the oth( r L-.l'd. it Wol'.'.d he t'.!!le w:tcl to : lor black hairs in the locks of a fair per. n. -iia ri't t lloitci bitlh. be. dark. Y iipj.css, l!ie pigment of t .r.ieS t!.)t are bee il.trly it is not hifroouet-t ! wti'ise !ai:r. rea at thev u'l'.iv,- older ou'ue t ('. ai't'f some serious product ion of the coloring he hair fails of!'. I.ia.-l: hair r hair. L! a:r !: 1. bu re V i t. a casurd ey w miaai more atiinity t retl hair tl, black, is, on the contrary, quit, tinct. ii ve a a to ' dhs- T I.njincn Itno Itorn Th" . aa : law I s net that tho pope mast be a : eve:) a cleric ?i,'ei'tL.' h' -s IIe. prescribe rdinal or since the I'l-ban VI. in- K'.TS the sue- li-hites have belonged t ers of the sacred college, a! late as 17." a iiom ar.hnal 1 for several thnes. At least .ai-.rohn XIX. (P'Jb and Ad JTCa -have o cti;.i.'d the papal e."'-t:oU ' : s . f ( the mejel ; li . -ti r' i a. was vote t v . 1 :ym r;-.:i V. .1 th" :.: I'll then prevent laymen from being created cardinals, although they are not enti tled to vote in the conclave unless they can produce a special permit from the late pone. is today nothing t U1I iiwU&V . ' -i jt'.crrac tliem. Nervous peopie Jio'f insane and more than half :;icV. Ncrvousdir.ordcrs sliowin neu-rr.U-c rzi-.i, daches an 'I muscular twitchior. l-'evtsr stop them before tucy jo two fjr. A J . U(( IP-. j on'.- su.-e r.anedy. It is ioid with a i'i.?r..nv-c cf smsfaction. It it .'r!.- ...I't l.t-l-.i y.j-.i, s,:r.i-!y return the I -.t ::d the .ir.i.--v-t will return your . -iO-.t y. We tik.;a:i the risk -we take yen: own v-crtt without cucstion. Gt a cent box today and be com. '.r;allc. tiar.-.; !e trtc on request. Tho ieHra!gyIine Co. r 1 a Seved In Cement Marrjuette Poi.tarnt Cement : maJe roia k ROCK. UmaUfSooncrcteHslutrrt asfraalte. g The best ('cm' n: for Fctiniatiors. ;ilks, Floors, r):.ts, (iatrcrs. totems. Y.'all. It r Be sure your dealer kivcs oa PORTLAND I Tr pssa PAR C 5 3 "The Sidewalk Brand" MM If you infnmmt ion and rnl yoti Unv; tn. 'ir.irn . MARQUETTE CEMENT MFC. CO. ClhCACO 'S Yachting Talk. Clubs Adopting Neiv lollies. The Ogeemah Sold The Liptcn Cup Race. The adopting of rules and regulations is the order of the hour among yachts men. The body to adopt the re vised racing rules drawn up by the Atlantic coast conference is th;; Yacht, liacing Association of Massachusetts. Kuropoan ad, 'ices state 1hat the rule of mcasuromoat proposed at the London conference has been unreservedly ac cepted by Italy and ;ermany and that t rance la's auopteit ine lormut.i ior yachts that are larger ten meters rating (.".2.S feet.) and for ones that art? smaller the sauiu formula with several chtiuges. rvr t.-t I : : .', ... - ' -' ':,; ' ; LiLx'j' V.i i..' Ld w ml. t '-? Articles of association by the White Lake Yacht club, located at White Lake, Mich., have just been filed. Moat of the members are Chicago yachts men. The oiiieers are: Commodore, J. Fred MeMuire; vice commodore, Wal ter S. Certs; rear commodore. Iavid E. Warner; treasurer, Victor llehreus; secretary, Ia;;;el 1). McCuire. The club will bui! 1 a .Sb.i.O'K) house on the shifes of While lake. "Sons of t ea cooks may be numer ous." said Thomas ITeming lay re cently in speaking of the Kermuda race that ia to be shortly sailed under the ausi.ices of the Ilrooklya Yacht club, least voya hire. quamiet pot ami tl fl-yip.Lr on i a jump of guif SIlV.l! 'but real sea co.d.s are not. or at amateurs, and the cooks o:i this o m::st not fry Iheir iSajijaclcs for Ar.y al'iei.o.ped ai.atetir coolc I to reaU aia t'.te r.-.-.tii'e co Tee- :di; hi .he active foara of a lefty foot, boat f'-r 0m.) miles or so across the !. can get a job by writing the recatr.i committee of the ISrooklyn Yacht club." Yachtsijicii will be surprised to hear i lackay t!: I'enson- that A if:'- liur.-t (X. Y.t club and the New York Cnuoe cittb has sold the champion (.'lass (j racer Ogeemah to a member of the Lr.r. hmont (X. Yd Yacht club and that tin- boat has left for its new home on Long island .sot;;..'. Th" boat was designed by Ik Krophy. a well known naval architect, ami built in by If. Wallen Sens. Her Ci::; ui.::s are :;o feet over all. - feel wa.ter line, 7 feet inches 1 e:1.:.!, feet 'J inches draft, with a sail spread of baa seuare feet. Tie- yacht was one of the first boats designed under the displacement rule. mi: ouri'MAii, cnAMfiox oi-' m:n class. iMiriag tiie tir.-t season she sailed at the top of Class ! under the old v,at"r line ieagti: ;-i!.i sail area rule ami won the championship of the class in the Crive.send lhty Vacht Lacing associa tion. The bo;t no doubt will race In Class K. and i; is believed by many well in formed yachtsmen that there is not a boat of her measurement atioat that can beat her in any kind of weather other than a drifting match. The new schooner yacht Dervish, which is the property of Commodore Henry A. Morse of the Corinthian Yacht dub of Marblokead, Mass., and which wa.s launched recently at Law ley's yards. Lostou, was designed by C. II. Crane of New York. It is one of the three schooners built for eastern owners under the new rule. Her di mensions are SS feet over all, o." feet on the water line. Id feet beam jinj 11 feet draft. Edward Sanger of the Milwaukee Yui kt t lub states that he will enter his now yacht, the Mendota, in the Li. ton cup races of ike Columbia Yacht club of Chieaco that are to be sailed in Au gust on Lake Michigan. William Hah; Thompson, president of the Illinois Athletic club. Is wonder ing if he is to own practically all of the New Illinois, the twenty-one foot yacht that is to enter the Upton cup races this :-e isoij. It was originally intended that the boat should bo built by a syn dicate of which Thompson was to bo the leading member. Thompson or dered the yacht built with this under standing by an Oshkosh firm, but from Ihe time he signed the papers he has not heard from the other members. W. II. Dunre in, however, in on tin? j.ropo sition. and in r.ll probability the two will -own the boat. Under the of what club the yacht will sail is still -( mystery. Iesides the Illinois Athletic ; of Chicago, Thompson is a member of ; the Columbia and Chicago Yacht clubs. Dupre also belongs to the Chicago aeht club. Thompson says that the ; boat will tly the colors of the club that I the majority of the syndicate belongs to if he can fiftd out who they are. Arthur Pettit of Chicago is now in IJoaton. where he will try out the new j twenty-one foot cabin class boat that is being built to race In the Upton Be- ! ries by a syndicate representing tho ' Chicago Country club. j it ! i FJ f'i c . " . . r,s.. .'. . ' -Cj '.t:i hardships if for i:iscTj?.i prepared from 1'ovdcr; -.:::. v. :.: the pur; fcsiJ I:v f.f t!! Ei-lcs, ' i 6 5 Cita.Ses-tourg' ancS Return May 22 Statu Encampment G. A. R. Spuciul train leaves FLock Island 9 a. in. Molme 9:15 a. in. Tickets limited to return on any truin until May 25. For particulars inquire at C. 13. S O. Depot or G. As R, committee. F. A. RsDDELL, Agent Phone west G0 old; 6170 new. T.l-'mJ. i7t"i Vr'-f'T--'' "'"':JJJ,?'r",'i'j,t f 4 o ( t. t'J t? t ft o a ( o CI X'i 8 ? c t: f c tl l lAfhon i oubt Consult itie Best I Hc-dth is life's greatest ijxry. if you want healtn, consult Dr. Walsh, Oavcr.pcrt's moat tuccev.'u! ps-.iati;i in Chronic, Nervou Ditrttec of rrifn cmi women. EXAMINATION FREE. DR. WALSH CUP.E3 WHEN OTHERS FAIL. ' - .-. l" DR. J. E. WALtH, K.rin'rly of ChJ'-aKo. Kx - Mm M;.."-in-CMef of 5JL. Aiitbony'a llopitai. (a C it t: CJ SFilVOI'S IH;itI,ITY, Ficeplrsrcf-'S, Ml;ness of ni''n, f.lIHn infmurr. t3 r.; iit !t ilt'bisi ns. .-atari-li, c.v'.'.'fi'i.i, iistiitna. brunch Itls, blond alet-asfs. i' it ccre.t ni l, i m.-s an.l kidney ii-'-i st-s. V. WOI suff.Tin frim ii.TV.rn i t.:i ut i.-n, boa.lRohe, barkarh, conwtl- J t'' pati.i'i, n. 'iirabviH. ":i 1 1 i t .it i. n f i lur I'cirt. or any itliT riiseafe peculiar i; Q to t n' 't.'x t-lviul.l consult I.r. W'at.-ii un-i Ktt the beneut of hi vast ex- J.fTll'K'i Jj YOU K0V thit Tr. l'! the only ppoctalist who evr rcniMlnrd In (; ii tht tri- in. s (,vir tv ;-. i.i'i m: .. Kimw in tt in; nas rxen locmea in j J I).tv 'i;':-t 11 v.ars. You rnut knu'v tliat lr. Wi! !sh remains permanent- f- ly b.i'aus.' lie I'iiifd hi.i alit-iiis. r Vltl!?ATF(N AM n.KfTitlClTV. Tw.-nty yf-arn' prp"rlnce h msd CI Dr.'t a nmstor ot th -t.f net iicls f.f rurinfj rlimnio din. nes. Ilcum-i fJ O Oil f-.'rr'is of clcctritl y, i n-1 in 1 ' n (':. ra.l i-rii. ( I.ilvanlHrn. CatHphoruala, -t O Mitusoitlal. Sti tic and JlisU ! ixqii. ;n y currenta. cr. V.vr.!(iin:i.!3 i a frcqmut c.iu.-'-e :' n.rvwis i ?nl p!iy:-!-sl t'.t-i-liri. Whr C 'i? tre.-it rnontKs with otht-is whon Wt can pnuitively cure you in from ote t J V three ti t alim-nts? o DR. WALSH'S PRICES FOR TREATPENT ARE WITHIN THE r REACH OF ALL. O TilRll'tlKVor tot !t Is a vital one, tlM-rofore yti cannot O itlf..i'l t pla- votir caf-e in tin- iiaml-t d' th's? vln hav lia-1 llttlfl or DO V Q prat'tii-al t .v nT'i-in-e i.i tl'e tr utmeiit f in oi.i'- ilis. usi. V 8 Dlt. VAI I I'rs la rtr( private practl.-r- in.. I rxtcnstvo i xin-rlini-e an ur- it g u-i ii ti i. f of St. An th-.ny'.s hip!ial. t".t;l li r witti (lie fr..-t tliut he ( cuM.t lii.rir'.i.4 who wire p. ' n .ii in'cl i ncnra l.y nih'-r 1 u 1 1 n n I' t!ie 11 viars In- has tv, n lmaK.) in Davenport, provt.s ton-luslv-ly that ii.s ia the spei idlit that yu : honl.l eons-ilt If you want tu get wclL T ONLY CURAPLE CASES TAKEN. 6 1) V O t'a'st of ri-fi-rm.'fs fcrii crt-Ueiitfal. If you cannot call, writ a. Run- Ci (Jrttf- riire.l !v mail. iA O Hours 'j to l:: a. mi., 2 to S ad 7 t X p. m.: FuinLiyu. 11:0 to O O p. rn. Ulhce, 1J4 S i-ft Uhird tirctt, M':'Culluurh buil'Jiii(t, Davtnport, la. t oocooococockx:ooxxCooocc cxccacooooocooooooooocxxot BICYCLES R.acyclea Crescent, Emblem B I C Y C L At ON THL SQUARE. Ride the JOHN KOCH BRAND f TIRES