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Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, July 11, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. LV. NO. 229.
Mutual Insurance Com
pany Makes Lawrence
Action for Issuance of Checks
Harry Thaw Makes First State
ment Since Imprisonment
on Subject.
Woman's Head Beaten in With a
Already Mailed by City
Hammer in Minneapolis
Chouknin, Commander of bykenworthy&kenworthy Court Assesses C. & A. gains attorneys' consent
Black Sea Fleet, Lth ,... n ,J $40,000 for Givina
Wounded. sued c0ffice Rebates.
Refuses to Be Defended on Those
Grounds and Will Have No
Former Attempt by Woman-
Bombs Found In Czar's
Kenworthv & Kpnwnrthv late ves-
' " Am nnr --i . -., .
terday afternoon filed in the circuit $IU,UUU rUK till FLU ltd
court a mandamus suit seeking to com-1
jpel City Clerk H. C. Schaffer to issue
to them the warrants for their two
claims, amounting to $500. The checks, Contention That Charge by Re
cipiem was Legal une
Mr. Schaffer and mailed to the attor
neys, in the petition filed by Kenwor
thy & Kenworthy, the facts are set
forth practically as in the communica
tion of the attorneys to the city coun-
Sevastopol. July 11. An attempt cil Monday. After stating the nature
or me ciaims, ana me aate on wnicn
they were allowed by the council, the
Not Sustained.
was made this afternoon to assassinate
Vice Admiral Ohouknln, commander of petition states that the warrants had
the Black Spa flpot Tho admiral 'ia I l.oon miila rm tr- cnrvm Vi, VICl'
" " " .. .. i:iT" : ::ZZ"t:7ZrZ;.Z', Kansas City, to pay a fine of $40,000
nuuuucu auu laheu m a uospuai. I tj.uau iu oigu ouu Tnhn TAiithnrn and
Chicago, July 11. Judge Landis in
the federal court today sentenced the
ChloaETO &. Altnn mail rprrmHv nn-
victed of granting illegal rebates at to give the widest publicity to the
New York, July 11. Harry Thaw
today reiterated the statement given
out by him yesterday to the effect he
is not insane and that no lunacy com
mission will be appointed to inquire
into his state of mind. For this pur
pose he asked permission to see news
paper men immediately after break
fast and they were taken to the prison
to meet him.
DeHlrrH Wldrxt Publicity.
After greetings were exchanged,
Thaw said he had asked to see them
and wished to emphasize and ask them
Blamed for Severity.
Fred A. Wann,
statement handed them last evening
denying he is insane or that a lunacy
Vice Admiral Chouknin has been I certain other warrants
hlamH fnr ht eoveritv anrt it oc t Council Ordered Payment
issue them until the mayor had signed former officIaIs of the road were fined commission would be appointed to in
his treatment of the crews of shins , ""f" utr ' - appeal.
' iore tne city council Monday evenlng.l
$10 000 each I quire imu uis siaae in uiiuu.
The defendants gave notice of an l Pnisl an mei conuition
is goou ; never were Detter, saia
m t tiT 1 o a i . . i i
it., t r- .... i i uitw. i iiau to usiii ureny nara
under his command that the mutiny Dv unanimous vote the council instruct- aa with my lawyers to be permitted to
on board the battleship Kniaz Potem- ed the mavor and city clerk to issue counts of an indictment containing 10 raake tfae statement which I did make,
kin in June and July of last year was warrants eoverintr the claims nf Kmi- u, but I felt I wanted to make my posi-
, . . is i il I luuuioi i uu oicviix vuai5 vii v i i- i -
ine admiral displayed WOrthv & Kenworthv. Sweenev &u,r r ,-stQ ti, tion clear, and could not rest easy
considerable activity in attempting to Walker, F. E. Robbins, and P. T. Ban- had given to Schwarzchild & Sulzber- until 1 had given out tne statement. '
capture the mutineers at that time croft. Mr. Schaffer, in accordance ger company a rebate of $1 per car on Th.w Make- statement.
and in suppressing the sailors mutiny witQ the counc;is instructions, issued ,, . nuv ' VnrV 11 Hrrv K'nriMii
- aiL ouiyuicuia i. i uui luc ivuii-.'uo i . , .-. uu. .
the warrant to Kenworthy & Kenwor- plant of the packing company. De-IThaw last night in the Tombs prison
thy, and the checks for the other I fendants claimed that the charge was I gave out his first formal statement
claims are at his office awaiting the made against them by the packing since he shot and killed Stanford
signature of Mayor McCaskrin. At company which had a right to levy it White, in Madison Square Roof Gar
tne same session the council allowed because it owned the track near the den. In it Thaw utters a protest
a claim of Sweeney & Walker, for $1JD0 Diant. and therefore had a right to against being regarded as insane, and
for services and legal advice in draw- charge the railroad for trackage. I declared his counsel assure him no
Ing the water works pump ordinance,! rir..i vr.ii.-t r r;ntv. I such course as the appointment of a
and of H. D. Blakemore for $224 for Jud Landis in the instructions commission to inquire into his mental
1 Lc :icjuuhc I practically directed the jury to bring vunumuu ia cuiuemijwieu.
in a verdict of guilty, and after it hadl with connent f Attorney.
The statement was handed by Thaw
at Sevastopol in November last.
Woman Made Former Attempt.
An attempt was made on the life of
the admiral Feb. 9 last. A woman ap
peared at his official residence during
the afternoon of that day and sent in
her card, saying she was the daughter
of a rear admiral at St. Petersburg who
was an old acquaintance of Chouknin
On entering the' admiral's office the
woman drew a rapid fire pistol and
fired four shots at him, each bullet
missing the mark. As she turned to
escape the woman was killed by an
orderly on duty at Crouknin's door.
The crime beyond doubt was political.
Had Been Threatened. .
When the sentences imposed on the
sailors for the Kniaz Potemkin mutiny
were before the admiral for review,
formal notice was served on him that
if he approved the death sentence he
would share the same fate. Chouknin,
however, approved the sentences, and
several intimations afterward reached
him to the effect that the terrorists
were merely waiting for a favorable
opportunity to kill him. Some time
elapsed before the police were able to
establish the identity of the woman
who attempted Admiral Chouknin's
life, but it finally became known she
was a Hebrew.
w Plot to End C'sar'n Life.
St. Petersburg. July 11. There was
wild consternation at the imperial pal
ace at Peterhof yesterday following the
discovery in the garden of that palace
of several bombs filled with dynamite,
The excitement and dread were in
describable . It was obvious that the
bombs must have been placed there
by some one connected with the pal
ace, either as officer, guard or serv
ant, and everyone equally was under
suspicion. General Trepoff, the com
mandant, immediately put in motion
all the machinery of his office to dis
cover the culprit, but thus far without
In the meantime the person of the
czar is being guarded more rigidly
than ever, if increase of precaution is
Addrexnea Ilia Guard.
Peterhof. July 11. The emperor, in
a speech to a detachment of fortress
artillery recently brought to Peterhof
from Cronetadt. told them that as
guardians of the entrance of the cap
ital they must show an example of
loyalty and fidelity to Russia.
Butte Organization Acts body then set on fire
fOr ReleaSe Of ftlOyer Victim Ellsworth, Wis., Milliner $6,
and Associates. M,ssl Mave
August 5 Set as Day for Adop
tion of Resolutions for
Minneapolis. July 11. Robbery was
the motive for the murder of Millie El
lison, who was found: dying amid
flames of blazing alcohol at the Na
tional hotel yesterday. It has been
discovered by the police Miss Ellison
had lately sold her millinery business
at Ellsworth, Wis., and came herewith
$G,!00. The money is misng.
lien ten With Hammer.
.Minneapolis, July 11. With two
wounds in her head and her body ter
ribly burned, the unconscious form of
a wopian was found In the National
hotel yesterday afternoon. She died
Salt Lake City. July 11. J. T. Lav-
ery. president of the executive commit
tee of the State Fedorafinn of T.nhnr
has received from ih Silver tw on ,he way to a hospital, but it was
trades and labor aspm.lv nf rttt. I Pain sne was oeaien into lnsensi-
Mont., the copy of an "appeal to every biIity w,th a hammr and left for dead
central labor body in the United States Have Name of SuMpect.
to set apart Sunday, Aug. 5 for a gen-1 The murderer then laid her body on
eral and united and direct demand" of a couch, and, spreading a quantity of
Judge Smith of Caldwell. Idaho, to I wood alcohol over her and the couch.
either give Charles Mjyer, William D. set fire to it with the evident inten-
Heywood and George A. Pettiboue im-lr'n of burning the hotel in order to
mediate trial or admit them to bail I cover up his crime. The man on whom
pending their trial for the murder of I suspicion rests registered at the ho
former Governor Steunenberg. tel yesterday under the name of M. J.
All Adopt it -.! ut iDM. Wilson of Milwaukee.
Every labor body in the country is I Huntine Kailrond Man.
The police are looking for N. II.
RigKs. a conductor on the Chicago, St.
Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha railroad,
from whom they seek an explanation
of his dealing with Miss Ellison.
urged to adopt resolutions addressed to
Judge Smith.
OVER HARTJE LETTERS wife accuses a minister
Several Hundreds of Thousands
It Is Alleged Was Care
lessly Spent.
appeal case. These two checks also
Handwriting Experts Make Examina
tion for Both Sides in Controversy.
are ready and await the signature of been renderea, attorneys for the rail-
tut? luujur.
Charges Him With Murder of Child in
Divorce Suit.
Des Moines, Iowa, July 11. Rev
Ij. W. Nine, pastor of the Congrega
Pittsburg, July 11. The handwriting tional church at Mitchellville, has been
experts, David N. Carvalho, of New
road and for the individual defend-1 in person to newspaper representa-
ams utu uuui iuuay i BUUW iui ne i. uui n.u. jjc.iuim.uu y0. an( Marsnaj jy Ewell of Chica-
me renate was a puunc ami not a e- oi nis counsel, wun mm iu wwe closeted for several hours to
crei uiiur. ioud, uu,uC)s 4Ui me an uay i uc- awuvu iu uvuj u day with Mrs Hartje defendant in the
rauroau saiu inai uiej iiau uuc um, me cm. t-ut .epu.i aS dlTorce case, and Thomas Madine.
able to bring witnesses into court to sanity, and especially the publication i coachman and co.respondcnt. examin-
testiry uecause tney rearea prosecution oi a purponeu imewKw iu. ue I ine 40 letters allP,! tn hav been writ, that the defendant seized the child bv
Address Before American Institute of tnemseives. i ne court in passing sen- nis counsel quoting n . attorney as sa- t t Madi ne , )V Mrs Hartie Not to the neck and choked it so violently
. i,i . ..tin I i . : . .i .1.. ,..n t - - - i
Decries Methods
made defendant in a divorce suit, in
which his wife charges him with cru
elty which resulted in the death of
their 4-months-old child last Decern
her. The petition alleges that the
child's throat had just been lanced and
of Labor Unions.
. i, .1.. i it . ; j..i.t.ii --""'' J
lence saiu ne couiu see no exicuuauus ing me pubuwr was uuuuuuieu.j - h- OMtf1nni hv ,hp HpfPnP afnrn- that death occurred the followinz dav
circumstances in granting the rebates, sane. fnr Hart1i hnvp th( f!imril,a iMi hirs Nino further sIIhcps that thP h-
photographexl and prepared on charts fendant has made repeated threats to
St. Louis Suburbanites Organized to
Shoot Burglars.
St. Louis, July 11. A vigilance com
mittee of 25 of the best class of citi
zens was organized last night at Rich
mond Heights, a snburb, for the pur
pose of shooting burglars and noctur
nal marauders on sight and for the
protection of homes. The suburb has
no police protection and burglaries
have become frequent.
Special Train Planned to Carry 300 Ne
- braskans to New York.
Lincoln, July 11. Leading democ
rats of Nebraska are making arrange
ments for a special train to go to New
York for the reception to William J.
Bryan. It is expected to take 300
"home folks" to greet Bryan when he
steps on the pier.
Root at San Juan.
San Juan, Porto Rico, July 11. Sec
retary Root and Governor WInthrop
visited the - house of delegates and
showed much interest in the proceed
ings. The house adjourned when the
visitors appeared and held an informal
New Haven, Conn., July 11. The
American boy's right to be taught a
trade in school instead of under the
restriction of a labor union, the mem
bers of which are jealous, his advance
ment was asserted by President Luth
er of Trinity college. Hartford, in to
day's convention of the American In
stitute of Instruction. Carroll G.
Pearse, superintendent of public
schools of Milwaukee spoke on the
"Trail of the Troublesome Boy."
IluHy at Janietovn. X. V.
Jamestown, N. Y., July 11. Investi-
Itrln.; Out SeorrK of Crnnkn.
New York. July 11. Possibly no
and enlargements of the letters and murder the entire family.
. " . - . I i . i .r : 4..: I " "
f.-ation into charges of violations of the - ui rt.ur..i-u.. J"'- thev wln be taken into court when the
interstate commerce laws by the prudence Has brougnt to tne iront ,riai0fthecase is resumed tomorrow.
Standard Oil comDanv and Pennsvlva- greater numoer ana variety or cranKS
nia railroad relative to rebates a I ?Jw'13nSxJa"4?I SRLIL. SUM CAUSES STRIKE
uiean. Deean toaay. wnen juage nazei , " r"..
in the federal court charged the grand or indirectly interested has been inun-
iurv on those questions. lated by letters from persons profess-
AMtnexMen s-n roe. ling to have knowledge and advice they
Cleveland, July 11. There were only will sell for a consideration.
two witnesses on hand today when the I More Kviienr in siKiit.
Ten Thousand Miners Go Out Because
Loaders Are Underpaid.
Athens, Ohio, July ll. Ten thous
and miners in the Hocking district
tf ruL- ntra!n flftor nnrL-inn lace tion
federal grand jury resumed the invest!- New York. July 11. The assistant TOOO,.a nnA t. otrroomo.
Armed Force Murders President
of One Brazilian
gation of the alleged violations of thedistrict attorney today received a let
interstate commerce laws by the Lake I ter from William Sturgis. dated at Ber-
Shore and Standard Oil company. Dis- ijn. Conn., stating he expected to be in
trict Attorney Sullivan said unless ad- New York in a few days. It has been
ditional witnesses appeared during the reported Sturgis left the country and
at Columbus in June. The cause is
that, when the loaders received their
pay checks, they found they were short
o oi i cent per ton irom tne price leaders Recently Arrested and
wnicn tney were to receive unner me
day the grand jury would Probably would not return until after the trial of Columbus agreement for cutters, loai-
RalAhiirar irauon.A ini.rll,L,n Mourn until Monday. A number of sub- Thaw. Sturgis.it
Galesburg-Kewanee Interurban J as nave been lssue(1 for witnesses. present at tne DO
seems About to be
Proposes to Build from Kewanee to
Galva First and Then Make
Not Disposed to Mix in Fight Council
Ousts the Entire School
is reported, was
present at the home of Schwartz at
New York when Thaw is alleged to
have flourished a revolver and threat
ened to kill White. Mrs. Schwartz has
been served with a subpoena.
ers, and day workers.
leased Affairs Approach Crisis
in Domingo.
after all. Mr. Smith, who is now enjoy
ing his vacation in the west, is .said to
be adverse to going to Peoria till the
situation has become somewhat clan
fled. He will not be rendered more
favorably disposed by the events of
wanee Electric Railway comDanv'a ,ao1 1 V t 7 " Zt
, ICIilieU Lilt? CUlllc duuwi
Superintendent G. T. Smith of the
YfAlinA ttnK1f ohm1c mnv nrf f?T to
Peoria as successor of n. j. Dougherty Drunken Sailor Announces Am-
Kewanee ,111., July 11. W. T. Bren-
nen. president of the Electric Contract
company of Chicago, is in the city and
will personally superintend the con
struction work, for the Galesburg-Ke-
val to Take Charge of
Departure of King and Queen of Nor
way Delayed by Latter's Illness.
Trondhjem, July 11. Emperor Wil
liam left Trondhjem on the Hamburg
yesterday, going north. The departure crnment
nt tvitif ttaal-nn nnrl Outwn Aland I .MattO
postponed, the latter being confined to
bed suffering with a sore throat and
nightly fever.
Rio Janeiro. Brazil. July 11. The
revolutionists in the state of Matto
Grosso have occupied the capital of
the state, Cuyaba, murdered the presi
dent of the state, and seized the gov
New York. July 11. Suit for the re
covery of large sums of money which
were paid to hit stationery firm
though alleged erroneous vouchers has
been begun against Lysander W. Law
rence, by the Mutual Life Insurance
company. It is believed this suit may
involve over $1,000,000.
Complaints were also served In suli
brought, by the Mutual Lif company
against Robert S. Grannls. former vice
president and trustee, and Walter R.
Gillette, former treasurer and trustee
of the company.
Ovrrlonltnl onrbrri.
It is alleged against Grannis that he
omitted to scrutinize vouchers which
were submitted to him and neeliaently
and carelessly approved many vouch
ers which represented money paid for
services not authorized. The damages
suffered by the company because of
these acts, amounted, it is alleged, to
5200.000. In another case againwt Gran
nis it is charged he participated In
making payments out of the assets of
the company aggregating $92,500 to de
fray the expenses of campaign contri
butions to political parties. Altogeth'-r
five causes for action against Grannis
are set forth. The amount for which
judgment 's asked is $915,000 with In
terest. Srerfli-d 3lonry.
The complaint against Gillette alleg
es he secreted from time to time large
sums of money as to which no entries
appear In the books of the company,
that he made expenditures out of these
moneys, the items of which are for the
most part unknown to the plaintiff.
Abandon Continental Tour and Will
Stay Till Late in Month.
London, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Bry
an temporarily have abandoned their
planned continental tour and have de
cided to remain in Great Britain until
after the conference of the Interparlia
mentary union, which opens here July
They will spend some time In
Scotland, leaving London July 15. In
vitations have been pouring in on Mr.
Bryan, and he and Mrs. Bryan are
busy keeping engagements.
line between Kewanee and Galva,
which was begun this morning.
The track will be laid just south of
the Burlington tracks, paralleling the
Q. all the way from Kewanee to Gales-
burg, eight miles of track between the
two cities being required. Contractor
Brennen announces that he will push
ed following a recent decision of the
circuit court in which it was declared
that the holdover members were not le
gally elected. The finding in effect
declared the method of electing the
new members was also illegal and the
council took this view of it. A special
election has been ordered for next
nmdtf MiitV .11 a in . a.
n, I 1 , V rai"aUy , , D month In the meantime no contract
will have the Interurban completed not rrV.,I,ont rnn be siened.
Willi a ouci j.-ava" - w
later than Oct. 1 in order that cars
townSbS frannnins between the tw SELL 80 BRITISH WARSHIPS
May Go to GaleMbnrs.
While the company is unable to give
out any definite announcement what
Represent an Outlay of $50,000,000 and
Bring $400,000.
Portsmouth, England, July 11. Brit
will be done toward extending the line ,oV, -china renresentine an outlay of
on into Galesburg. it is generally under- S50 000 000. condemned for present day
iUai witjusiun is iue ' warfare were sold yesterday, ror $4uu,
iuj " "iiiumie aim aiter ine uaiva-iQQQ
newauw une is in operation ana tney
can see their way clear to finance the Senator Crane Married.
line. Manchester, N. H.. July 11. In the
People of Kewanee and Galva are presence only of the immediate rela-
rejoicing to know that building opera- tives. Miss Josephine Porter Boardman
tlons have actually begun and to re- of Washington and WInthrop Murray
alize that at last the building of the Crane, United States senator,' were
long talked of Interurban is com-1 married here yesterday.
Kewaneean Drowns.
Freight Handlers Quit at Buffalo. I Kewanee, 111., July 11. Charles
Buffalo, N. Y., July 11. A general Dzikas. a young Lithuanian aged about
strike of freight handlers has been de-20 years, was yesterday drowned in a
clared at this port for:an. increase of I small pond north of the city while
wages. "-'-. I swimming. The body was recovered.
Grosso borders on Bolivia,
has an area of 5:2,200 square miles,
and its population in 1S90 was 92,827.
There have been reports for several
months of a revolution in Matto Gros
so. Telegrams from Ascuncion on May
24 reported that the Matto Grosso rev
olutionists, headed by Dr. Genereso
Ponce, had captured the towns of Co
rumba. Santa Ana de Parahibo, and
Pacome, and were then approaching
Notifies Saloonkeepers They Have No candidate for the nomination on the j Cuyaba, the capital.
ArreNtrd Krutlera.
Governor Paez, possibly the official
mentioned above as president of the
state, who is said to have been killed
on May 10, arrested the chiefs of the
revolutionists, but soon afterward re-
ieased them on their promise to refrain
siderable disturbance here today when body found naif buried in the mud of T.. ' ,t nPtD w
he called Sagamore Hill on the tele- an arroyo 18 mlles south of here, the revomtionary force of 3,000 well arm
phone and announced he was . ready to "corpse" suddenly sat up, looked Ld men waB in the field and subse-
quently it was reported that Cuyaba
Right to Do Business Finally
Oyster Bay, July 11. Edward More,
who claims to have been a sailor on
the battleship Kentucky, created con-
Candidate for Mayor of City in Spring
Takes Life,
Omaha, Neb., July 11. August II.
Hennings, former city treasurer and
republican ticket for mayor of Omaha
at the spring primaries, committed sui
cide at his home this morning by shoot
ing. The cause is not knon.
"Corpse" Sits Up at Inquest.
Trinidad, Col., July 11. While Cor
oner J. hi. Bowers was arranging a
Say Time is Inopportunte for Making
Further Transactions.
Paris, July 11. Since the suecexs-
ful floating of the Pennsylvania rail
road loan in Paris several inquiries
have been opened relative to placing
further American loans in the French
market, but the bankers say the mo
ment is inopportune for another ex
tensive transaction, and they do not
confirm the reports that a second large
railway loan is under way.
Wisconsin Primary Law Will Not Ap
ply in Choosing Adams' Successor.
Madison, Wis., July 11. The attor
ney general has decided a special elec
tion must be held to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Congressman
Adams, and the new primary election
law will not govern, but the man elect
ed must be chosen by the old caucus
and convention system.
take charge of the president's secret around at the jury, and demanded
service force. "Gentlemen, what's going on?"
would cioe saloon. j He said his name was James Cani
From the telephone Moremade the I nan and that he was a railroad em-JDeen defeated.
circuit or tne saloon district, ana m-ipioye. ne couia not ten now ne came
formed" several saloon keepers their 11- to be in the arroyo. He was placed
censes were invalid anfl that he would I In the Trinidad jail
rot urn and make arrpKfJ: as soon as he
ooi.irsw ..nlfrm Mo n-as I ouiciuc at. manna.
nfootoH n a rhr nf iTitnTtcntiVm Washington, July
was invested by the rebels after a
fight in which the federal troops had
Grnrral l Slain In Hnttlr.
St. Thomas. July 11. Reliable news
has been received here of the death in
battle of General Camancho of Monte
11. Michael J. Christ I. The revolutionary chief, Mau-
Curran, member of the Manila police I reles, is in a st rong position in that lo-
ipTC RAM APnlMQT I EWIS I rorce COTtmmtea sulcKle Dy snooting, I canty, giving neaaway 10 me revum--iriw
Drill nUHIflOl LCIl Iw I 0jItiu, . 'r,mfai Hicrtoo ua tinn Ho rofnspn th envernment over-
UVS UIU5 W WUauft UiupuiVUVOi ItV I 4. v a.Mw v Q " -
vcaa fnrmorlv cffrtfsinfr rf the CAYi fflv.Hnrpe
Fraud uraer Dy t-osiai ucpinn.cn. . His home was at Crinnle Creek.
Karriaiiy ncvonea w sfcLouiMn, 1 I More corn pianiea.
Washington, July 11. The postmas- To Compel Sunday Rest, I Washington. July 11. The crop re
fer general has suspended bis order ofl Paris, July 11. The chamber of dep- port issued by the department of agri-
July 6, 1905, to the postmaster of St.Juties has passed a bill providing for a I culture shows the acreage of corn
Louis forbidding the delivery of mail I compulsory .day of rest weekly. The! planted was 96,535,000 acres, an In-
and payment of money orders to the I measure, which is designed to termin-l crease of 1.6 per cent. .The averago
People's United States bank; its offl- ate the present system of Sunday la- condition is 87.5, condition of winter
cers, agents, and L. G. Lewis so far Jbor, has already passed the senate andj wheat , '85.6. .and the condition of
as it. affects Lewis personally. now goes to the president. I spting -wheat 91.4.
am m i mmn jr;,
Commander Train Notifies War De
partment of Its Arrival.
Washington, July 11. Train, com
mander of the United States vessels in
Philippine waters, wasted no toll 'n
announcing the arrival of the drydock.
The dispatch reads: "Dewey arrived."
Finds Hermit's Hoard in Bag.
Rochester. Ind., July 11. While
cleaning the room In which Jacob
Railsback, the blind bachelor hermit,
died last Saturdaj'. Mrs. Harry Lough,
who kept house for him for seven
years, found an old carpetbag contain
ing 11 packages tied, with strings.
The contents of the packages proved
to be currency in five hundred, hun
dred, fifty, ten, and five dollar bills,
amounting In all to $9,375.
Mid vale Company Wins. .
Washington, July 11. The Midvale
Steel company of Philadelphia was the
lowest bidder for the armor required
by the new battleships Michigan and
South Carolina.

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