OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, July 20, 1906, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1906-07-20/ed-1/seq-8/

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Fair toaijcbt and Satnrday; not much
rbaiKr la temperature.
Scattered ahowera and tknadrntorna
la the Mlaaourl valley and along; the
eastern Rocky mountain slope, and
light, though more iceneraU rains from
southern and eastern Iowa through the
lake region, have attended the north
western low pressure, the center of
which noiT ' extends froui Alberta to
Xorth Dakota. Generally fair nrcathrr
has prevailed elsewhere, except that
occasional showers hare fallen In tb
gulf sections and northern California.
A down pour of l.ftS Inches occurred
yesterday at Kansas City. Because of
the position of the northwestern low
pressure and the blt.'h pressure which
overlies the Atlantic slope, fair aad
continued warm weather Is indicated
for thla Tlcialty tonight and Saturday.
J. M. S1IEHIER, Forecaster.
Temperature at 7 a. m 72 j at 3;SO
p. tiH, Maximum temperature In 24
hoars, 7a. Velocity of wind at a. in.,
4 miles.
Insure with Beecher Bros.
Buy a home of Reidy Bros.
For a loan, see Beecher Bros.
Dressed chickens at Schroeder's.
Trl-City Towel Supply company.
For choice lots, see Beecher Bros.
For bus or express. Spencer & Trefz
For Vus, baggage, express, call Robb's.
Attend the clearing sale at Lloyd's.
Fine values in men's $10 suits at
Go to Muscatine on the steamer J.
S. July 22.
Men's $15 and $1S outing suits at
$10 at LaVelle's.
Boys' and children's straw hats half
price at LaVelle's.
Don't fail to attend the Lloyd's clear
ing sale. Reduced prices.
Do you want a home? See Beecher
Bros., 1513 Second avenue.
Straw and panama hats at reduced
prices at Lloyd's clearing sale.
Boys' and little fellows age 5 to 3
suits at half price at LaVelle's.
Soft bosom shirts, fine selection of
patterns at 50 cents at LaVelle's.
Nicely dressed spring and old chick
ens at II. Tremann's Sons' tomorrow.
H. T. Siemon wants your tin and fur
nace work. 1526-123 Fourth avenue.
Come and spend a cool afternoon on
the river, to Muscatine, July 22, on the
J. S.
Lewis Single Binder costs more
than other 5 cent cigars. Smokers
know why.
Any suit bought at our store will be
pressed and kept in shape free. Gus
tafson & Hayes.
,Are you going to the Bethany Home
card party Wednesday, July 25, at Tow
er, at 2:30 p. m.?
All clothing bought at our store will
be pressed and kept in shape free
Gustafson & Hayes.
If you want to buy Mason fruit jars
at 3, 4 and 5 cents apiece,- go Saturday
forenoon to McCabe's.
Passig Bros, will have a complete
display of fresh fruits and vegetables
tomorrow. Order there.
I Afternoon excursion to muscarine on
the steamer J. S. Sunday, July 2:
Leaves 2:30 p. m. Returns 10 p. m.
Don't forget the Bethany Home card
party at Black Hawk Wednesday, July
25, at 2:30 p. m. Tickets, 25 cents.
The Saturday specials at McCabe's
are more "keenly kutting" for tomor
row than usual. Glance over them and
$2.00 linen finish white dress skirts
$1.00; ladies 25 cent cluster tuck mus
lin drawers, 12 cents Saturday at Mc
Attend the card party at the Watch
Tower inn Wednesday, July 25, 1906,
under the auspices of the house com
mittee of Bethany Home.
Expert manicuring, shampooing and
thorough treatment of the hair and
scalp given by Mrs. Sol Levi, 736 Sev
enteenth street. Old phone west 59.
What does a quarter off mean? Ask
any one of a thousand customers who
have been buying at McCabe's store for
the past two weeks, and you will learn
something to your advantage.
L. A. Schmidt, the well known Sev
enth avenue druggist, is now in his
new location at 1521 Seventh avenue
and Is prepared to supply all demands
and fill prescriptions promptly and efli
Tonight will be amateur night at the
American Amusement company's vau
deville show on Twelfth street and
Fifth avenue. The wonderful San
Francisco earthquake moving pictures
will also be shown.
Saturday's double bill at McCabe's
includes all handkerchiefs and all cur
tain goods, and fixtures, summer horse
goods and hammocks, all these and
more, with a straight discount of 25
per cent Saturday all day and evening
Business man's chance to see Can
ada, Our private car leave9 July. 24.
Take a 10 days' trip with us. Let us
tell you about it. Phone 114, 53 Mc
Manus building, Davenport. Coldren
Land company, I. B. Haviland, man
L. M. Seaver of New York, secretary
and treasurer of the National Humane
Alliance, has made arrangements for
the erection of a memorial drinking
fountain in Davenport, and has made
an offer of a like fountain for this city
to Hon. William Jackson. The foun
tains are memorials to Herman Lee
Ensign, a former resident of Daven
port, who left his fortune to the eo
The Profit-Sharing Clearance sale at
Young & McCombs' is unlike other
Saturday Specials
500 Remnants of Wash Goods at jus "'ze, tha
season's choicest weaves included in this 'jt, Saturday, at
9 a. m., at half.
Full nickled Safety Pins, card of one dozen for 1 c
Yes, a dozen for a cent.
' Special lot Toilet Soap, Witch Hazel. Oatmaal. Tar
and Glycerine, 2 Cakes for 5c.
WoooVorth's famous Nina Violet Talcum Powder, 15c
size, 8c.
$2.00 linen-finish white Dress Skirts, dimmed with
two bands of embroidery, $1.00.
Ladies 25c muslin Drawers, cluster tucks, 12c
Fresh salted Peanuts, lb.. 10c.
Ditto blanched (no hulls), lb. 12c.
About 600 yards. 15c to 25c Embroidery Remnants,
one to four and a half yard " lengths, for quick clearance,
Saturday, 1 Oc yd.
Men's fancy Socks, neatly embroidered. 7:30 p m..
quantity limit, pair. 7 l-2c.
3:30 p. m.. Lonsdale bleached Muslin, slightly imper
fect. 10 yds. for 59c. .
Saturday from 9 to 12 o'clock. Maspn pint Fruit Jar3
3c. Mason quarts. 4c. Mason half gallons at 5c each. No
telephone orders taken. Orders will be delivered in rota
tion as taken.
Musical Program
Saturday Evening, July 21, 190G.
1. March "GLEAMING STAR" . . ... . . Hsg:r
2. Melodies from "THE UMPIRE" ...... How-rd
3. Selection-"NANCY BROWN" Roberts
HOME" . Edward3
5. Novelette "LACES AND GRACES" .... Brttton
6. Melodies from "THE STORKS" Chaoin
7. Selection "BABES IN TOYLAND" .... Herbert
8. Medley March CHEYENNE ....... Cumbia
9. Melodies from "THE GINGERBREAD MAN" . SJoane
10. Mazurka "SPARKLING WATER" . ... ... Nelson
11. Selection "Jaclnta" ... . . lobani
12. March-"IN OLD ALABAMA" . . ... . . Cruger
Edward Jones of Davenport, Suffers
Probably Fatal Injuries In Fall
Under Horse's Feet.'
Edward . Jones, the 17-yearold son
of William Jones of Davenport, was
probably fatally Injured this morning
In a runaway accident. He was driv
ing a grocery delivery wagon, and
when the horses became frightened and
ran away he fell under the feet of the
animals. His skull was crushed and
the chances of his recovery are slight.
An operatio nis being performed this
afternoon at St. Luke's hospital, where
he was taken after the accident. The
runaway occurred at Fifth and Iowa
special sales in many respects. People
who absent themselves from this sale
because they have attended some other
sale, are using very poor discretion.
The fact that all books are books, does
not make the books alike. The fact
that all cars are cars does not make
all cars alike. Some are so much su
perior to others that they are.not sim
ilar, except, perchance, in shape. So
It is with the Great Profit-Sharing
Clearance sale. It informs the public
through the columns of the newspa
pers what is being done, but that is
about the limit of its similarity to other
sales. This sale gives high class mer
chandise at ridiculously low prices,
also gives trading stamps absolutely
free, its decorations are very different.
all this goes to make up a magnificent
sale, that places the Profit-Sharing
Clearance sele at Young & McCombs
in a class entirely by itself.
Causes Second Blowup at Ashland
Factory, But Without Fatali
ties Resulting.
Ashland, Wis., July 20. Another ex
plosion occurred at the plant of the At
lanta Dynamite company today. It shook
the surrounding country, but was not
so severe as the one that destroyed
three lives Tuesday of last week. A
great column of smoke shot up 2,000
feet and flying timbers followed by
flaaies could be plainly seen from Ash
land. No one was killed or injured.
The dynamite and powder, which was
scattered by last Tuesday's explosion,
had been gathered into a considerable
pile near the site of the destroyed neu-
trallzating buildings. A bonfire was
lighted some distance away from the
explosive, and this fire spread through
out the grass and caused the explosion.
sending timbers and parts of machin
ery 2,000 feet into the air.
(Continued From Page One.)
ishing and the government is evidently
preparing to take up the guage of bat
tle which now has been formally
thrown down.
Douuia In Frensy of Rage.
The official statement that Russia is
arranging to call on Austria and Ger
many for help has created the most in
tense indignation In parliament.
Early this morning, in Its closing de
bate on the agrarian manifesto, M.
Petrunkevitch was wildly applauded
when he declared that it was impossi
ble to show consideration to a ministry
which was negotiating to introduce
foreign troops on the sacred soil of
Made Lnm Violent.
The agrarian proclamation adopted
at 2 o'clock this morning was less vio
lent than the first drafts debated in the
douma yesterday. Changes were made
at the last moment designed to mini
mize the revolutionary features of the
document as an appeal to the people
against the government and to shift
the emphasis to a note of pacification,
in which the peasantry are exhorted to
refrain from excesses and violence and
to await parliament's decision in ihe
Vote Climax to 12-Hour Debate. .
The vote was taken at the close of a
sitting that lasted continuously for 12
hours, in -which it seemed probable that
the address would be rejected entirely
by the combined votes of the right and
left wings of the house against the ir
resolute center party. The address was
only saved from this fate by the ab
stention from voting of 101 members
of the group of toil and sympathizers
with that faction, who favored a more
radical measure. There were only l"4
votes, all constitutional democrats, for
the address and 53 against It.
top Strike or Exile.
Odessa, July 20. Governor General
Kaulbars has Issued an order that all
striking workmen in the city must re
sume work by July 23 without fail, oth
erwise they and all those who support
them will be sent into exile and every
attempt to prolong the strike will be
mercilessly crushed by force of, arms.
The strikers are Incensed by yie or
ders. : ,
Hundred L.ont Lite in Fire.
Samara, Russia, July 20. The latest
news from Syzran Is that the city is
a heap of ruins. Hundreds of persons
lost their lives in the flames and sev
eral men are suspected of incendiarism
were lynched. Food for the starving
inhabitants of Syzran is being" sent
from here and Saratoff.
Removes the microbes which impov
erish the blood and circulation. Stops
all trouble that interferes with nutri-t
tion. That's what Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea will do. Tea or tablets,
33c. T. -H. Thomas' pharmacy. . , f
'Or -
(Cit in -Suits!
$24 and $22
and 15 Suits
Broken Lines"
Broken Lines"
Sale for $16.50
Sale for $12.50
Suits to $15, Sale $10
Suits to $10, Sale $5
Pants worth $2.50
for . . .
Pants worth $3
for .
Pants worth $6.50
for .
Pants worth $8.50
for .
Pants worth $2
for . . .
. $2.25
. $3.95
Any boy's suit 25 per cent off.
"Broken lines" 33 1-3 per cent and half
Boys' $5.85 Suits
Boys' $3.50 Suits
Boys' $2.50 Suits
Boys' $1.95 Suits
. 1.47
50c Hose 25c.
Broken line of 50c hose,
25c hose, 3 for 50c, or
Straw Hals 1-2.
$3 straws 1.50, $2 straws
$1, 50c straws 25c.
1-2 Price.
"Broken lines" 50c neck
wear 25c and 35c, 3 for SI."
Broken lines, 25c neck
wear 10c.
18 Reduction Sale Bargains For Men and Boys
shirts 37 C
silk GC
3. SUIT CASES Genuine
cowhide case S5-4.S5
4. BELTS Worth to
- 50c
balbrigcm 37C
6. UNDERWEAR $1.23
French lisle 75c
7. PANTS Worth $2,
8. PANTS Worth $2.50.
for '..
9 SHIRTS Worth $1.
10. SHIRTS Worth $1.50,
for S1.00
11. 50c HOSE, 25c Broken
12 50c NECKWEAR, 25c
Broken lines
Men's and boys'
14. BOYS 25c wash pants
15. BOYS' .ISc knee pants
16. CHILDREN'S duck hats.
5vc, for 25C
17. CHILDREN'S 25c outing
hats 15c
18 BOYS' SUITS 25 prr cent un!
Yi per ci.-nt off arid ONE-HALF
Pastor of Beloit Congregational Church
Mets Fatal Accident.
Beloit, Wis., July 20. A cable dis
patch from Professor T. L. Wright, an
nounces that Rev. B. Royal Cheney,
pastor of the Congregational church,
was killed in an elevator accident at
Florence, Italy. Cheney was spending
the summer 'in Europe. He was 38
years old. ' His widow is visiting In
East Elma. N...Y
mi a Avt
Rock Island. III.
A great many, people stand
sponsor for the fact that the
Ingalls store is the very best
- place to buy diamonds, watches
and jewelry.
. People whose reasoning pow
ers will not be ensnared by the
charlatanical pretension of cheap
tawdry jewelry will enjoy the
unstudied grace manifest in all
our lines. .
Banish far from your presence
those vulgar atrocities that cry
aloud their lack of art, and com
mence doing business with the
Ingalls store.
Our service is always satisfac
tory and the prices reasonable.
1707 2 AVI
Rock Island. fix.
Mayor Would Furnish the Cool to Res
idents at the Actual
Detroit, July 20. Mayor George P.
Gould announces he has under way
plans for the establishment of a muni
cipal ice plant .in the city which will
furnish ice to citizens at the cost of
cutting, storage and delivery. The
mayor's plan is to utilize a force of
men employed by the commissioner of
parks and boulevards who have littK?
work to do during the winter and some
employes of the water department to
cut and store the ice.
city they proceeded to Luxemberg on
their way to Baden.
Mrs. Hay . Recovers.
Newbury, N. 11.. July 20. Mrs. John
Hay, widow of the late secretary of
state, who has been ill at her summer
home on the shores of Lake Sunapee.
is slowly regaining her health.
Sarah Given Honors.
Paris, July 20. Sarah Bernhardt has
been decorated with tlie cross of the
Legion of Honor after years of agita
tion on the question whether the dis
tinction could be conferred on her.
Union Electric Company Operators
Plan Trip on W. W. July 31.
The hello girls of the Union Electric
Telephone company will give a moon
light excursion on tlie steamer W. W,
luesday evening. July 31. Th excur
sion last year was well patronized, ono
of the largest crowds of the excursion
season taking the ride on the river,
The telephone girl is indispensable t
the business man and he will be af
forded an opportunity to show his ap
preclation of her work.
$200,000 Blaze Started by Lightning
Striking Building.
Kansas City, Mo., July 20. The six
story building at the corner of Tenth
street and Broadway, owned and occu
pied by Frankel-Frank Wholesale Mil
linery company, was partially destroy
ed by fire yesterday afternoon. The
entire stock of millinery was destroyed. I
Loss is $200,000; insurance, $100,000. i
The fire started in the sixth story,'
which was struck by lightning. Seventy-five
girls at -work on the fifth floor
left the building by way of fire es
capes. None was injured. 1
A Great Discount Sale
. , AT "
H. Horblit's Dry Goods Store
We mean what we say, and our many patrons will testify to the fact
that we always fulfill our advertisements. We are crowded with goods
and for want of space these goods must move. It means a saving to
you from. TWENTY TO TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT on all goods such
as are in demand daily.
Sewer Pipe Trust Agees to Come Down
Without Shot Being Fired.
Jamestown, N. Y., July 20. The
Sewer. Pipe Trade association, called
the sewer pipe trust, through Its at-,
torney yesterday afternoon promised
that if the present federal jury Inquiry
la this city will be stopped the 'trust
will be dissolved. The government ac
cepted, j
Standard calicoes,
per yard
12c French gingham
at per yard O'ic
14c dotted Swiss, at
per yard V2c
17c and 20c fancy white
goods at per yard.. 13 & l(Jc
10c organdies at
per yard 7Jc
10c Egypt dimity at
per yard 7Jc
10c batiste at
per yard g
Dotted and striped shirtings,
at per yard
Ladies' kimonas, all styles
and patterns at each .... 3gc
Also a great reduction on laces, embroideries and ribbons. Remember
this will last a few days only, and early purchasers will secure the
Longworths In Germany.
Rhelms. July 20. Mr. and Mrs. Kl- C
cholas Longworth came to Rheims yes
tprdav from ' Paris In an fltitnmnhllp
After visiting points of interest In the cCCCGCCOOOCKJOOCOCKJGCOOOOOOCX

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