OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, September 22, 1906, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1906-09-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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Calva Authorities Arrest Men Who
Have Been Selling Liq
uor on Quiet.
Practice Said to Have Been Going On
Opeoly for Several Months
Detective Assaulted'.
With the arrest of fuur men on a
charge of ilk-sal selling of liquor, the
"lid" hail been put on at Galva. The
quartet confronted by the charge i-s
composed of Weaver Collinscn. son of
Fred Collinson, proprietor of the Galva
house; James Coyle, John Swanson.
and William Kets. Collin.-on was im
mediately given a hearing and after
pleading guilty was fined 2i0 and
eo.-as. The other three ien will be
urraigued next Tuesday.
It-tr-tlt r nt orW.
This is the first de finite st p that ha.i
been takt n by the authorities to sto;
illegal celling of liquor, although the
law pertaining to this offense has been
violated openly and above board, it 's
said, since the first of June. The town
iKKird I:an be n Iiiw to act, but now
that it has started declares that th-.
fight to enforce the law will be to i
finish. Several pastors of the churched
there have been giving attention to
the situation and they are given credit
for employing Detective Stone, Nvhu i
lias been collecting evidence against
the lawbreakers.
U. V. Talbot, the city marshal, andjpany.
Night Officer Jacobson arrested th"
four men. Evidence ha been secured
to show that they have been selling
beer r.nd whisky in the old saloon
buildings, and it is contended that more
liquor has been sold than when the
e-ity licessed saloons, as was the case
last rear. The old saloons have incj
the first of June been doing a big "back
door business." and it was general'
known that liquor was being sold.
n Seerc-t Alton I It.
It did not require a detective to se
cure evidence, as tny boy or man wh-i
wished was abb; to secure "booze" via
the back door. The arrests have, pur
a damper on the wholesale law viola
tion, and if the authorities do as they
say they will, the back door refresh
ment parlors will find it very unprofit
able to keep open.
When Detective Stone, whose home
is taid to be in Hushnell. wa? about to
leave for Kewanee. Weaver Collinson
followed him into the way car and
struck him.
Deal & Schmitt,
High class tailors,
Illinois theatre building.
Insure with Beecher Bros.
Buy a home of Reidy Bros.
Money to loan. Reidy Bros.
Beecher Bros, for real estate.
La Salle coal at Mueller's only.
Tri-City Towel Supply company.
Money to loan. See Beecher Bros.
For bus, baggage, express, call RobbV
For bus or express. Spencer & Trefz.
You save money on your coal bill by
using LaSalle chunks.
Stoves and ranges are going with a
rush at Cleraann & Salzmann's.
Private kindergarten at Miss Hazel
Harrold's, 810 Twenty-third street.
II. T. Siemon wants your tin and fur
nace work. 152C-152S Fourth avenue.
See the fine line of parlor furniture
nd couches now on display at Clemann
& Salzmann's.
The I. C. O. club gives the first of a
st ries of dancing parties at the Turner
hall this evening.
Cotton batt specials that will inter
est experienced comforter makers. See
McCabe's quotations.
A hot iron, a cold handle, saves ex
pense and your temper. See Rock Is
land Hardware company.
Some glassware specials for next
week at McCabe's which will attract
the no ice of keen shoppers.
Twenty-five houses for sale on the
installment plan. Prices ranging from
$I.J to $4.H'-o. Reidy Bros.
lnve Bros.' paints and Gerts-Im-bard
brushes make a line combination.
For siile at Rock Island Hardware com-
Rock Island Lodge of Elks
tiates Class and Has So
cial Session.
Robert Rexdale Presides as Toastma3-
ter at Social Session, and Many
Bntertainers Are Heard.
Occasion cf Meeting Tomorrow After
noon at Calvary.
To show those interested the ini
Irtani improvements that have been
made at the now Calvary cemetery and
to explain others that are contemplat
ed, there will be a meeting of the Cal
vary Cemetery association at the
CIe::rk ncn's dancing school will
j open Saturday evening. Oct. U. Call at
Totten's music store for circular, or
Miss K. Leona Re Pine ha opened
a vocal studio at 222' Fourth avenue.
Hour from 2 to o on Monday's and
The s'.di, skirt and coat question is
of intense interest just now. The new
models at McCabe's quite fully answer
the question.
Family scales, bread makers, univer
sal coffee percolators and all kinds of
kitchen utensils at Rock Island Hard
wart company.
Step in and see our new shear case.
Finest display of shears and scissor
in the tri cities. Rock Island Hanl
w are company.
New fall importa ion. ."j.Onn pairs
lace curtains, some xtraordiuary bar
gains tu tart th" sca-on's selling next
wcrk at McCabe's.
Clemann & Salzmann's line of daven
ports was never more complete, and
as for prices you'll always find them
lower than elsewhere.
Frank Shanley, a barber, was sen
tenced to SO days in the? county jail
by Magistrate Elliott this morning, or
a charge of disorderly conduct.
Clemann &. Salzmann are showing I
the largest line of buffets they have
ever shown. Don't fail to get their
The Rock Island lodgo of Elks last
evening opened the winter season with
the initiation of a class of 10 candi
dates at the Elks' quarters in the Illi
nois theater building. Following the
ceremonies of initiation, which began
at 7:15 and were not concluded until
10:45. the lodge adjourned for a social
session, opening with a luncheon at
which about 150 were served. The
number present included several visit
ing Elks.
Robert Rexdale, who has presided
on former occasions, and who was
master of ceremonies when the lodge
entertained and was entertained by
Miss Mildred Holland, was the toast
master of the evening, and the an
nouncement that he would act in that
capacity brought hearty applause. Af
ter a few opening remarks. Mr. Rex
dale call on J. C. Dunn, who was fol
lowed by the inimitable story teller
and songster, Morris Jones, who is
pleasing audiences on the vaudeville
stage, and is now at the Star in Mo
line. Mr. Jones is a member of the
Trinidad, Col., lodge. His stories and
selections made the hit of the evening.
He was followed by O. H. Rinehart.
of the Amoiilla. Tex., lodge; Jerry
Ryan of Davenport, and Dr. William
Mitchell. J. B. Zimmer. Sr.. and W. F.
Dunn, members of the evening's class;
and E. J. Summer--, trustee, who told
of his adventures during his recent
trip through Arizona.
4rr-(liiKM rroiii Moline.
J. II. Mahon. secretary of the Moline
lodge, complimented the Rook Island
Elks on' the fine manner in which the
ritualistic work was conducted, and on
the large increase of the membership
here. He extended the greetings of
Moline. and said that while Moline 1
the "daddy" of the Rock Island lodge,
that hdge now feels proud to imitate
the local lodge.
I lie Kock Island lodge now tias a
membership of LIS members, a remark
able increase since it was organized 15
months aw. A committee has been
appoint d on a permanent home, and
the lodge expects to trect a club house
within a few years.
The lodge will conduct work every
man who was drowned Thursday, was
held from the home, 1205 Second street
this morning at 9 o'clock. Burial took
place at Chippicnnock cemetery.
Fair tontjtht
cooler tonight.
anil Sunday! aliKhtly
I'nttettlefl wont her and Ilht bower
from .Minnesota, lown and enntern Ml
Mourl to the middle Atlantic Mtntea and
ev Kugland have attended the move
ment to northern MlehlKtin of the Mtorm
center which n yeaterdnjr over Month
ciiNtera Minuenota. Showery condltlonn
have alo attain prevailed ou the itulf
coaHt. Continued nifcii lemperaiuren
over the country eastt of the MIInmI1
e accompanying the northern low
prrnxiirc, hut . Mir nua relatively cuoi
weather over the llourl valley and
mot of the Hocky mountain region In
i-CMiiltlnK from nu area of hlfch itrewHiirc
vtkli-h extendi from Alberta and Mani
toba to Texan. The advance Mitward
of the liluli preaaitre will be attended
by fair weather In thin vicinity tontjtht
and Sunday, with. h1iIiII cooler io-
J. 31. 911 Kill Kit, Local Koreconter.
Temperature at 7 a. m-t J2; ut 3::iO
p. in- 7S. .Minimum icmperuiure in
bourn, .".!; maximum, SO. Velocity of
nlnd lit H a. ill., a in I ten.
Section Gang Sets on J. H. Dick
man at Carbon Cliff
With Tools.
Trouble With Greek Thursday, and R:
fusal to Allow Hour's Time Brings
On a Vicicus Attack.
first and third Friday evening of the
winter months, and is planning for
social meetings when the ladies will be
entertained at the club rooms.
t i 1. ,f . i . t i
grounds in South Rock Island ronior- l" " u ,u,t "u,n t seuere.
row afternoon. The directors- will be I The ladies will find it very easy to
present all afternoon. The aas'K-iath'n ' "f leet their hats for immediate wear
has this season, among cither things, from the extensive array assembled at
erectl an iron fence and entrance and the Biandcnburg millinery st-iro.
drilled a dep well. Other improve-1 Kxpcrt manicuring, shampooing ind
inrnts to be made mc-hide tne build. ng i thorough treatment of the hair and
scalp given by Mrs. Sol Levi. 73e
of a vault and waiting house, filling
gulleys wid the construction of per
innnent roadwavs. The cemetery al
ready shows promise of what it will
be when completed- -one of the preTt:-'
est In this i. art of the state
Jonas Boa.- Hzs Letter from Bsrr.ard
Newburger, First Employer Hire.
Jonas B.-ar has rec-iveJ a letter
from Htmir.I Newburger. a pioneer
Merchant of Rock Inland now located
. St. Joseph. Mo., that will be of par
ticular interest to the (dd, residents of
many of whom will remember the
writer and will be glad to kn iw tont
he Is srdl living and enjoying good
health, though well past the three
fcore and ten mark. Mr. Newburger
was the first iinpiover of Mr. Hear
when the latte r serried in Rock Island.
That was in 107 and the place of bus
iness was located where David Don's
ttore is now. Mr. Newburger wm- Pi
business here many y-ars prio' to tha
and remained till lRCf. In hh letter
he says: "I. too, should love to revisit
oil Rock Island fnce again. I hope
some day to visit the town wherein I
spent some of my happie.;t days and
also some very sad ones. Many of ol 1
time friends have gone to the great be
yotid. but enough remain to st '1 make
It seem like home."
Will give carnations away
Sunday morning a! their
shining parlors
302 Twentieth Street-
. enteenth street. Old phone west 59.
Washing machines and wringers,
tubs, boilers, brushes and brooms and
everything needful for fall house elean-
j iug at the Rock Island Hardware com
If you don't look over Clemann &
Salzmann's line of stoves and ranges,
you are overlooking the erne line in the
tri-citles which in satisfactory both as
to prie and quality.
The McCabo jewelry department is
making ejuite an unusual showing of
1 jckets. Much sentiment and fine taste
can be displayed in the selection of a
locket, and the Mct'abe store can help
Clemann & Salzmann are going after
the record for the sale of stoves and
ranges this fall, judging from the way
in which they are; already delivering
them. You cannot afford to overlook
their line.
Mrs. George C. Blakslee. 5"2 Twenty
third street, will resume hr class in
water color S?pt. 22. Commissions
also accepted for dinner cards, souven
irs, and work in oil and pastel. Tele
phone 57CG.
The new small toque and effects for
street wear' are well represented in
our advance showing of autumn styles,
and we are also showing a beautiful
line of the medium and larger hats for
semi-dress. Brandenburg millinery
La Porte Var. Sant. cousin of ex
Governor Van Sant. educated in Italy
and England, with extensive experi
ence as a vocal teacher in foreign
counties as weil as the United States,
"... m ... . . ' v v . ... 1 1 1 . . 1 1 j urnuaj dtl'j
Wednesday, Sept. 25 and 2G for the
purpose of organizing a class. Anyone
wishing to take lessons must not fail
to see him on those, days at the Har
per house.
Society nws, written or telephoned
to the society editor of The Arifiis, will
be gladly received and xiublisliod. Hut
In either ease tiie identity of the sender
must be made known, to insure relia
bility. Written notices should bear sig
nature and address. J
Celebrating the day.
Emancipation day is being celebrat
ed today by the colored residents of
Rock Island and Moline at a picnic at
Huber's gaielen. The reading of the
declaration of independence and the
emancipation proclainat'on were feat
ures of this afternoon's program, and
tM3 evening there will be cake walk
contests at 9 and 10 o'clock. Th even
ing wiH be devoid to dancing.
Annual Reception at College. Many
members of the Phrenokosmian society
of Augustana and students of the col
lege and members of the faculty at
tended the reception given by the so
ciety in the college gymnasium last ev
ening . This affair is one of the main
social events of the year. The gymna
sium was very tastefully tlecoratedj in
purple and white, the society colors,
and banks of oak and willow foliage.
Otto Peterson, the president of the
society, made the address of welcome,
Professor I Kling rendered a clarinet
solo, and Miss Alma Shaw read "India.'
Profe'ssor I. M. Anderson was the next
on the program and gave; a short ad
dress cm a quotation from Alexander
Pope, "A little learning is a dangerous
thing; drink deep! in the Pyerian
spring." Professor Anderson's remarks
were interesting and instructive?. Af
ter the program, refreshments were serv
ed by the reception committee. Mr
Skarstedt and Miss Wallace were the
winners in a voting contest to decide
tho most popular young man and younj
lady in the college.
Entertains on Birthday. Miss Iva
Hotcnkiss yesterday afternoon enter
tained a company of friends in honor
of her birthday, at her home, 3112
Ninth avenue. The afternoon was
spwnt in game.;, and refreshments were
served by the hostess, who was made
the recipient of many remembrances
of the occaslwn.
Will Give Card Party. The ladies of
the O. A. II. are arranging for a card
party to be given at Memorial hall next
Services for Both.
Sad were the funeral rites over the
remains of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Petzel, the sudden deaths of whom oc
curred Ihi hours apart. The funerals
were hedd together this afternoon at
2: SO at the Sacred Heart church. Rev.
J. F. Ickney conducted the services.
Burial took place at Calvary cemetery.
The funeral of Adam Maucker will
be held from St. Joseph's church to
morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Burial
will take piece at Calvary cemetery.
Earl Funeral.
The funeral of Robert Karl, the young
Rock Island circuit court, Judge W.
II. Gest presiding.
27, I.arkjn vs. city of Rock Island.
Case. Motion by plaintiff to prosecute
as poor person allowed and motion of
defendant to dismiss is denied. De
fendant ruled to plead by Tuesday
morning next.
15:, Focke v. Fieken. Case. De
fendant ruled to pl jad by Monday next.
172, Payson vs. village of Milan.
Case. Leave to defendant to plead in
10 days.
190, Haverfield vs. city of Rock Isr
land. Appeal by defendant. Plaintiff's
motion to dismiss appeal is overruled.
255. Gould vs. Tri-City Railway com
pany. Case. Motion by plaintiff to
redockct case. Motion heard and al
:.;ed and cause ordered redocketed.
172, Johnson vs. Johnson. Divorce.
(i. A. Shallberg withdraws his appear
mice for the defendant.
1S2, Laveen vs. Laveen. Divorce.
Cause' heard by the court on testimony
of witnesses heard in open court.
2:50, Eye vs. Eye. Divorce. Defend
ant called and defaulted.
23i'., Fletcher vs. Fletcher, et al. TV
tition to sell real estate. Cause refer
red to master.
251, Johnson vs. Hanson, et al. Fore,
closure. John I lauberg appointed guar
dian ad litem for infant defendant, Da
vid Anderson. Answer by said minor
by his guardian and replication theretJ
filed. Cause referred to master.
257, Zimmerman Zimmerman. Di
vorce. Defendant called and defaulted
for want of an answer.
25!, McKillopp vs. McKiliopp. Di
vorce. Suit dismissed by complainant.
Judgment against complainant for costs
and execution.
275, EaFranz vs. Tronimcr. Injunc
tion. Defendanr called and cieiauiteii
and cause referred to master.
Real Estate Transfers.
Elizabeth D. Peal to Charles J. King,
lot 15, in ne'i of section 0. 17, lw, Dae-
belliehn's subdivision. $1,000.
Charles J. King to Bishop John E.
Spalding, east third of lots 15 and 10
in ne'i f section (. 17. lw, in Daehel
liehn's subdivision, $2,700.
Samuel S. Davis, by attorney, to Wil
lard U Velie, lots IS. 1!) and 20. in Ball
& Davis' addition. Moline, $4,500.
Willard L. Velie to George I). Chris
tian, lots 175 and 170, in Emma D. Ve
lie's addition, Moline, $1,400.
Andrew Billstrom to Charles A. Berg
lund. part of lot 2, in Suess' subdivis
ion. Moline, $975.
William J. Rail. et. al., to Charles A.
Berglund. lot 24, in Ball Davis' addi
tion, $1,050.
As the result of ill feeling between
J. H. Dickman of Moline. section fore
man of the Rock Island at Carbon
Cliff, and the men under him, he was
assaulted by the entire section gang
yesterday afternoon. His right arm
was fractured from blows with shovels
and picks which the foreign laborers
used as weapons, and he was consider
ably bruised and cut from their blows.
It seems that Thursday some trouble
arose, while the superintendent was
present. A Greek laborer said that he
had obtained work by paying the fore
man $2, and he was promptly kn.tcked
down by Mr. Dickman. During tho
rain yesterday the men had to quit
work, and when it stopped raining
about 1:50, they insisted on going back
to work in order that they might re
ceive credit for the entire hour. The
foreman objected, and informed the
men that they might go to work at 2
o'clock, and that they would get no
hour's time for the hour between 1
and 2.
Alliii-k In Iloily.
The men in answer attacked the fore
man in a body, using their tools as
weapons. Mr. Dickman backed against
the station, and according to reports he
was handed a shotgun by the station
agent. He managed to keep the men
at bay until a switch engine arrived,
and he was taken to Moline, where he
was attended by Dr. A. H. Arp. The
section gang numbered about 40 labor
ers, all foreigners.
San Francisco Labor Council Follows
Advice of Gompers and Scores
J. N. Gillette.
San Francisco, Sept. 22. Acting
upon the recommendation of President.
Gompers of the American Federation
of Labor, the San Francisco Labor
council last night adopted a resolution
denouncing J. N. Gillette, republican
candidate for governor as an enemy to
the interests of labor.
Mean Trick Charged Against Manager
of Woolen Company.
Detroit. Sept. 22. D. A. Robson.
manager of the United States Woolen
company in this city against which
a fiaud order was issued by the post
office department May 27. was today
heldi for a hearing on the charge of
conducting a swindling scheme Js
tnrougn the mails. llic authorities
charge thousands of women all over
the country have lost money through
purchasing knitting machines from the
company at from $1S to $:hi with the
understanding that their work would
be purchased.
Kill 400 cf Their Followers Who At
tempt to Make a Desper
ate Sortie.
The Hague. Sept. 22. An official
dispatch received here from Bali, an
island of the Mala,y archipelago imme
diately east of Java, where for some
time past the Dutch have been con
ducting military operations against re-
calcitiant chiefs reports the capture
at Pasar, capital of the vassal state of
Badong. of two princes and their wo
men and children. The followers of
the princes numbering 400 men, were
killed in attempting a le?perate sortie.
The Dutch losses were four killed and
10 wounded.
Peculiar Poition of the Manchuria
Which Was on Reef on Sand
wich Isies.
Honolulu, Sept. 22. The steamship
Manchuria, which was floated Sunday,
is now in charge of the United States
Marshall, Hendry under attachment
placed by the Pacific Commercial Ca
ble company for $300,000 for services
of the company's steamer. Restorer, in
saving the Manchuria.
Employes of Ideal Manufacturing Ccvn
pany of Detroit, Victors. ,
Detroit. Mich., Sept. 22. After 20:
nif)nths of almost continuous warfare!
between strikers and employers, the
strike at the plant of the Ideal Manu
facturing company was brought to a i
close today. It is understood under j
the puce pact the union secures the ;
concession for which it fought so long 1
and bitterly, a closed shop.
Alienists Visit Prisoner Under Guise of
Establishing Sanity.
New York, Sept. 22. Harry K.
Thaw was examined in the Tombs
prison today by three alienists retain
ed bv the prisoner's counsel. Thaw
was persuaded by his mother to con
sent to the examination. Mrs. Thaw
assured her son the visit of the physi
cians was to determine his sanity rath
er than establish his insanity.
(Continued from rage One.)
and the other drivers were stopped as
soon as they could be notified.
Vanderbilt took this action because
the crowd which surged on the course
in front of the quarters of Tracy, the
winner, and prevented other cars from
Srlrvt Kive to Hrr.
A meeting of the judges was then
called to select five men to qualify for
the cup race. The machines selected
were those driven by Tracy, Le Blon,
Harding, Lytle, and Christie.
Sherman Renominated.
Herkimer. N. Y.. Sept. 22. James
S. Sherman, chairman of the national
congressional committee was renom
inated today by the republicans of the
Twenty-seventh congressional district.
Good for the cough, removes the
Cold, the cause of the miitrh Thai's
the work of Kennedy's LaxtlCp Hon. One Dead Another Badly Injured at
and Tar the original laxative rnn?h t Gravesend Track
SJTUD. Contains no Onlies Roll hi J Vow Vnrl- Knt 22 Wlsv Ucr.
all druggists. j traili Freishon of New Orleans, v. as
To every man, woman and child in Rock Island county
who sends us the name of a person who wants to buy a house
or lot, and to whom we succeed in selling a house or lot, we
will give absolutely fr;e
Five dollars a minute is pretty good pay, but we will give
it. The boys and girls can make it as easily as the grown
ups. Here is a chance to earn your Christmas pin money
without trouble or expanse. Read on.
We have hundreds of hcuses and lots for sale in the city
of Rock Island. We wjnt the name of every prospective buy
er in Rock Island cou ity, for we can satisfy them if they
really want to buy. Yojt cooperation in reaching these buy
ers is valuable, and wj are witling to pay for it,
Fill out the coupon below, answering all questions care
fully. Write plainly and be sure to spell all names correctly.
Mail the coupon tj us, or bring it up to our office be
tween the hours of 4 and 5 p. m.
Every coupon will be recorded as scon as received. If
we are successful in silling property to the party whose
name you hand in, a fiwe-dollar gold piece will be given to
you promptly.
. If the same name is sent to us by more than one person,
the credit will be givei to the one whose coupon is first re
ceived. Your name will not be mentioned in any way to the pros
pective buyer, unless you specially request it. Everything will
be held 6trictly confidential.
You can send in as many coupons as you like. You may
get five dollars for evjry one of them.
Real Estate Brokers:
Please enter the following coupon to my credit:
My rJame is
My address is
Name of buyer
Address of buyer
Is prospect for house or lot
Where Is buyer employed?
What is best time to bee buyer?
Do you know ef any houses for sale?
Remarks .-
Schreiner H Hubbard,
1801 1-2 Second Avenue. Upstairs.
Old Phone 702V
Davis & Churchill, Circuit Operators.
Commencing Monday, matinee, Sept. 24 The Strongest Vaudeville
Bill in the Tri-Cities.
Till-: SITTOXS Presenting tlie IHMiKIIS A K K. S, i nK't a nd
Living l'umpkin. Dancers.
11V ;lti:n.VA V, O.mo.ly Ju- DOIIOTIIY HUM; C'omel-
5lr. . 'nix.
L.aUios, don't you forget the Free 3ou-nir MatincfH, Tuesday and Fri
day. FIllllAV Amateur's nljrlit. Amateur are requested to leave their
names at the box nfnee. Anvone can compel o for priie.
TI1KKH SHOWS Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri
day iiftcrniioii, : ; evening. 7:-4.V 1:1". Four Bliows .Sunday nd H;itur
Uny nfternnons, 2:4.". :::: evonmir. 7:4.". M:15.
Saturday- and Sunday V. J. Mel )ermtt. Howard Morris. Walter
Pou Iter, Hover .- Fren 1. Leonard iV Louie, the K inodrome.
rinilNMlnn. lOej rraervrd urn to, 20:'. Program changes Monday, Thursd ys.
Sunday, Sept. 23.
Matinrr and !Vljtht.
A Magnificent Production of the (Jrrat
Emotional Rural Drama.
The Little Homestead
A Ilrautlfal Story of Id ft-. A I'lay
!-:vrry Mother and DmiKhtrr Should See.
A Superb Cant. Kin borate Srrnic Kf-I'rt-ta.
Prleea Matine lQc and 2r.c;
."o. 3"c and COc. . Phone 22-1.
miction CitAmiauN.KiNDT AConriuw.
Saturday, Sept. 22.
Matinee and Mftbt.
Kllroy &
Hritt oil's Groat
K'-enlc Tro-
An Aristocratic Tramp
l I.Ike Any Other Play With a Tramp
SKK San Franclooo at Nlffht; th Fn -mous
Yellowstone? Park; the Slvmn and
Chinese Ijistrict; the KxcltliiK Automo
bile Rnce. and Kxploxlon, find the Kun
pet Limited ColiifC lit Full Speed.
Five Big Specialty Acts.
I'rlcex Matinee-, loc find 2T,c; nlRht
2:.c, 3.'io and T.Oe. Phone 224.
Instantly Killed and Jockey C. Ross
Hiistainfd a fracture of the Kknll athr
rchult of an accident in the fifth racej
at Grav?end yesterday. G. Burn
also fell, but pscaped Injury. Hops
was tal:n to the Emergency hospital
at Coney Itland.

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