OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, May 02, 1907, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1907-05-02/ed-1/seq-8/

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THURSDAY. MAY 2. 1907.
Knlr nntl cooler (onlKbt and Friday
front lonlth.
J. M. SIIITItinR, l.K'nl ForroaNtrr.
Trinpfratnrr at 7 a. in. 42; at 3:30 .
m., H-l. Maximum trmprratnrf la Inxt
24 bourn " mlnlinum 3. VeliN-ltf of
wind at 7 a. in. 1 mile per hour. ' Slnne
i( nulrr K.4 feet, a full of fret.
: 55.-. .Oiif,v.-:--:
. -re.
AMONG the numerous, notable achieve-
ments of this store during nearly a
quarter of a century of triumphal pro
gress, the production of our present elaborate
array of spring apparel is certainly far from least!
M. & K. has always championed the cause of
honesty in clothes selling and from the first ex
cluded craftiness and duplicity, not only from their
business methods and advertising statements, but
also from the merchandise itself.
Great things are expected of great institutions and while
our remarkable display is no more than the public has reason
to expect, it is a great factor in maintaining our established
pre-eminence, which is the evidence of our triumph!
Big buyers always get the "plums" we have a store full!
Buying for two big stores gives us a decided advantage. But
theyVe yours if you wish. We're glad, indeed, to pass the ben
efits of these extra values on to our patrons.
We tell you plainly we can and WILL save you from $1 to $5 on the
Suit or Overcoat of your choice. We are sure you will give us an opportunity
to prove it.
Suits Spring O'coats
" : : ''VV'"V Kt7',T
Oil .-A
Popular Priced Suits $7-50 "p to '$15
v mm
Burrojap Shoes the
only guaranteed pat
ent leathers, $4 & V-
Buddy Tucker, Buster Brown, Peter
Pan exclusive suits at the M. tS K.
only! Certainly a triumph of boys
clothes making.
$5.85 t $12.50
,.MiIIWMIi.Mji ii I u
" -."-."- "..-"".- '
I -4
it " ;
s '
S$ if
Insure with Beecher Bros.
Buy a home of Reidy Bros.
New oxfords at Lage-Waters'.
Tri-City Towel Supply company.
For bus, baggage, express, call Robb's.
For bus or express, Spencer & Trefz.
Kerler & Co., carpet and rug cleaners.
Miss Elizabeth Woodbury Kriila '
May Augiistana collt'se. S-e di
play ad.
Speial values in rugs and carped,
also lace curtains, third floor. Youns
& McCombs.
Miss Elizabeth Woodliury Fridav
.May Augustana college. S' div
play ad.
Mueller's es:g coal for laundry and
cooUing ranges at $:!.1i per ton is the
cleanest. Try some.
Suitable gifts for the swret girl
graduate in our jewelry department.
Young & McCombs.
Special sale of rope bushes. Amer
ican Beauties and other varieties, al-io
carnation plants "7 cent value 15 cents
ach. Young & McCombs.
You can't stop people from goins
where they want, to, even though you
tear the store down. Ixiok for in
stance at Jones' second hand store.
Expert manicuring, shampooing and
thorough treatment of the hair and
scalp given by Mrs. Sol Levi. 70G Sev
enteenth street. Old phone west 59.
The new spring waists are her-'
fresh and dainty anrl 'the prices are at
tractive for we have marked them ex
tremely low. Young & McCombs.
Don't forget to attend the last con
cert at the Y. M. C. A. hall tonight
given by Prof. Oelschlagel and assisi
ants. Miss Gertrude Carse will also
be heard.
Our "home goods" department is re
plete with many useful articles to
make the home prettier and house
work lighter. Third floor. Young ft
Don't forget fo attend the last con
cert at the Y. M. C. A. hall tonight
given by Prof. Oelschiagel and assis:
ants. Miss Gertrude Carse will also
be heard.
There will be a meeting of the Bluff
Improvement association tomorrow ev
ening at 8 o'clock at the Horace Mann
school. Business of importance will
. come before the association.
Women's new spring suits, coats and
skirts. We can't begin to tell yon all
about these handsome new spring sui:s
and skirts. They are beautifully trim
med and tailored garments in all the
latest shades and colorings. Young Ai
McCombs. The Rock Island Mutual Building,
Loan & Savings association on April 1
opened the 100th series. Your patron
age Is solicited. Take stock now. Per
sistent Investors have never received
less than 7 per cent. For circulars and
information call on E. H. tluyer, secre
tary, room 18, State bank building.
Telephone west 289 or C055.
Don't Miss This You'll Want One of
Fifty boys may learn how to earn a
wigwam that stands 7 feet high and f.
feet across by inquiring at "1 S Six
teenth street.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the city clerk's office. Rock Islan 1.
III., up to 9 a. m. May 11, 1907,
for furnishing all materials, labor nec
essary for laying of:
"1070 feet 4-Inch water pipe.
"15 feet C-inch water pipe,
in G. Elmer Blakesley's addition t
Rock Island. Illinois.
Contractors will be paid in bon is
bering 5 per cent interest, payable in
Installments on special assessments
levied against the property.
Specifications on file at the office of
the city engineer.
Chairman of Board of Local Imp'ts.
An Opportunity for Four Men.
The Windmill Stroke Adjuster com
pany at 1807 Second avenue. Rock Is
land, has positions for four first class
men for state managers. Salary or
commission. Only mature, energetic,
and reliable men.
Telephoning from Trains.
One of the greatest inventions for
railroad' use since the air brake is tn
appliance for telephoning from moving
trains, and a successful demonstrati m
was made a short time ago cn a train
running about 33 miles an "hour. Dur
ing the past 53 years there have been
hundreds of successful demonstrations
of the merit of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters in cases of stomach, liver, bow
el or kidney disorders, in fact it is re
garded by many persons as the greatest
medical discovery of the day. A fair
trial is all we ask to prove to you that
it can cure cases of poor appetite,
bloating, heartburn, sour ris:ngs. dys
pepsia, indigestion, cosflveness. in
somnia, sick headache, female ills or
malaria, fever and . ague. Insist on
having Hostetter's with Private Stamp
over neck of bottle. It is absolutely
The Georgie S and Isaac Staples
came down with logs. The Lone Star
was north and souyh, while the Ruth'
went north.
The stage of water was 8.40 all day.
A falling tendency in the Mississippi
will continue from below Dubuquo t-j
M uscatine.
J. M. SHERIER, Local Forecaster.
Flood Precipta
stage. H'ght.Ch'g.tion,
St. Paul 14 7.4 :0.1 0
Red Wing 14 C.3 ,0.0 0
Reeds Landing ..12 5.9 0.0 0
LaCrosse 12 7.4 0.0 0
Prarie du Chien .18 8.9 0.1 0
Dubuque 18 9.8 0.2 0
LeClaire 10 fi.3 0.2 0
Rock Island 13 S.4 0.2 0
Des Moines Rap. S 5.0 0.1
Keokuk 15 8.C 0.3 1 (I
St. Louis ".30 19.1 :0.5 0
Memphis 33 21.7 n.O 0
New Orleans 10 14.3 0.0 .SG
It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold.
How often do we hear it remarked,
"It's only a cold," and a few days later
learn that (he man is on his back with
pneitmonio? This is of such common
occurrence that a cold, however slight,
should not be disregarded. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy counteracts any
tendency of a cold to result in pneumo
nia, and has gained its great popular
ity and extensive sale by its prompt
cures of this most common ailment. It
always cures and is pleasant to lake.
For sale by all leading druggists.
It's too bad to see people who go
from day to day suffering with physi
cal weakness, when Rocky Mountaii
Tea would strengthen them. Tea o:
Tablets 35 cents T. H. Thomas' Pharmacy.
Pain caused by boils, burns, cuts,
scalds and skin diseases is promptly
relieved by DeWitt's Carboiized Witc.i
Hazel Salve. Good for piles. Sold by
all druggists.
Chicago, May 2. Following are the
market quotations today:
May, S1. 82',, StVi. 81.
July, 84. N5, SIVs. S4 ', .
September, SO1,. 87, S.",, SO.
May, 50, 50, 49, 49.
July. 50. r,o. 4i)-St .-fc.
September, 50, 50, 5u, 50.
May, 47. 4S, 40V&, 10V1..
July, 43. 44, 42, 42.
September, 30, 37. 30',. C,.
May, 15.C5. 15.07, 15.05, 15.05.
July, 15.92, 15.9 i". 15.90, 15.95.
September, 10.00, i0.05, 10.00, 10.05.
May, 8.07. S.70, 8.05. S.f,7.
July. 8.82. 8.82. 8.77. S.S2.
September, S.92. 8.95, S.90, 8.95.
May. 8.00, 8.02, S.00, 8.02.
July. S.73, 8.77. 8.72. S.75.
September, S.S5, 8.S7, 8.82, S.S3.
Hogs, 21,000; open steady.
Cattle. 0.000; open steady.
Siieep, 12.01)0; open strong.
Left over. 2.700.
S:4( a. m. Hogs steady to a shade
lower Mixid, 0.300.55; heavy. 0.35ff7!
0.50; rough. 0.15Tr 0.3O; light. 0.35';!
0.55; bulk, 0.4."i(fT0.5O; pigs, 5.9UT0.45.
Clearances good.
Estimated tomorrow. 22.000-.
Cattle tomorrow, 4.000. Beeves, 4.25
ffi-0.40; cows, 1.75W5.20: stockers, 2.90
6i5.15; westerns. 3.255.20.
Sherp steady, 4.40fiC.SO; Iambs. 0.5.1
(i 8.75.
New York Stocks.
Xew York, May 2. Following are
the quotations on the market today:
ons 93. V. P. 150. U. S. Steel pre
ferred 102',. U. S. Stee lcommon 3S.
Reading 113. Rock Island preferred 50.
Rock Island common 22',4, Southern
Pacific 80. X. Y. Central 119'., Mis
souri Pacific 70. Smelters 135, C.
F. I. 30'4, Canadian Pacific 170.
Penna 128, Erie 25. C. & O. 42. B. R. T.
59. B. & O. 9!. Atchison 95VJt Lo
comotive 01. St. P.iul 137, Copper
97. Republic Steel common 28,
Southern Ry. 22.
Today's Quotations on Provisions, Live
Stock, Feed and Fuel.
Rock Island, May 2. Following are
the wholesale quotations in today's
Provisions and Produce.
Live Poultry Young chickens, 11 to
12c per pound; hens, per pound, 10c;
ducks, per pound, 9 to 10c; turkeys, per
pound, 14c to 15c; geese, per pound,
9 to 10c.
Butter Dairy, 25c to 27c.
Lard 12c.
Eggs Fresh, 15c.
Vegetables Potatoes. 40c.
Live Stock.
Hogs Mixed, $0.00 to $0.40.
Sheep Tearlings or over, $4 to $6,
lambs, $4.50 to $0.75.
Cattle Steers, $3.50 to $5; cows and
heifers, $2 to $4.50; calves. $4.50 to $6.
Feed and Fuel.
Grain Corn, 44c to 45c; oats, 41c
to 43c.
Forage Timothy hay, $1C; prairie,
$13 to $10; clover, mixed, $12 to $13;
straw, $7.50 to $8.
Wood Hard, per load, $5.00 to $5X0.
Coal Lump, bushel, IS to 14c; slack
per bushel, 7 to 8c-
A Narrow Escape.
G. W. Cioyd. a mercnant of Plunk.
Mo., had a narrow escape four years
ago, when he ran a jimson burr into
his thumb. He says: "The doctor
wanted to amputate it, but I would not
consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and that cured the dan
gerous wound." 25 cents at W. T.
Hartz', druggist.
dfUr J I Free Sample. AddreaDit.. I
The Shine
That Shines Quickest

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