OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, October 10, 1907, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1907-10-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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"Do It Now"
Is a good creed; and with the
aid of an Argus Want Ad,
you are usually able to prac
tice it.
RATES Oh eeat r word under any head, except medical
aad clairvoyant, for the ftrat three Insertions; ceat per word for
each three additional Insertions thereafter. No ad taken for lean
than 20 ceata Brat Insertion. Display ratea furnished on application.
CLASSIFIED PAGES cloaca at 1 p. m. Ada received after 1 p.
m. Inserted next da. Telephone ordcra given careful atteatloa.
Bp reaneat, advertisers may have
hered letter la care of The Areas.
Ll:. C. V. 111'KIJ.KR. Dentist. 320 U.
Twentieth street. Old phone west 137,
2 rings.
Read Estate
For Sale
200 buvs 5-room cottage in South
Island; lot r.r.xi'U; easy terms.
l 050 buys S-room house in South
R.ii '.- Island: has well, anil fruit trees
of .'11 descriptions; lot i;oxl5f; easy
TU.ooo buys cottapo and extra lot on
street. South Itock Islatid; a bar
gain f 1 .200 buys C-room cottapo on 11th
Street: lot 57 iixl.'iil.
J I 400 buys 5-room cottapo on 9th
aver ue; lot 40x140 : on easy
1 400 buys r.-room cottage on 43rd
sir.-- t; lot GoxlOO.
$2 300 buys r.-room eottnpc on Sth
nvciiue; has" city water, sewer, and eel
la', and cement walks; lot 4oxl00.
Si. 400 buys G-room house on 14th
fit ret; has furnace, pas, and city water.
$2,700 buys 11 -room house on 5 !
avei lie; has city water, and two cellars;
ren's for $2t a month; a pood invest
mei.t. S'. iioo buys "-room house and 5-rooni
cottapo on 2HtH street; rents for $30 per
month; pavinp paid; a pood investment.
S3 000 buys 7-room modern house on
43rd street.
S3 400 buys f.-room cottapo, all mod
ern, on lath street; lot 50x150.
1. 1st
sell It.
your property with ni we can
We loan
per cent.
money on real estate at 6
Both Phoaea.
225 Eighteenth Street.
Here's How
To relieve fatigue, become re
freshed, either before or after
the exhausting whirl of a social
The slightly tonic effects nf
Coco Cola relieves fatigue anl
calms overwrought nerves with
out undue stimulation. It is
genuinely good to the taste an 1
aids digestion. We are sole bot
tlers for Rock Island county.
Try a case of it.
arse & Ohlweiler
Cor. Eleventh St. and Fifth Ave.
Old phone west 14, new phone
H. J. Toher.
A. I Anderson.
Private wires to New York and
1M Main Street, Davenport.
Phone West 407.
rWf ' T" '
answers addreaaed to
In South Heights on the easiest kind
of terms. Pay $25 down and the bal
ance any time within five years. Sim
ply keep up the interest and taxes an
mane your payments wneuever you
have the money to spare.
Size 45x130. Location in Robinson':
addition, between Aiken and Richmond
streets, and between Fifteenth and
Seventeenth streets.
A fine lot in South ITeiphts on ICth
street. 40x140; lots all around
are selling at $400; price $350
Lots in Sears. fioxl40; special water
system; Mock from street cars;
easy terms $250
A corner lot in Sears, 72x382; a
snap for somebody $425
A fine corner lot on 14 street and
Otli avenue; 4Sxl05; cement side
walks all In $1,050
One lot on 22nd street, near loth ave-
nue. OUxl.iO; best neighbor
hood $1,250
A two-room house, can be finished ott
in four rooms; must be moved
away $200
A cozy little tivc-room cottapo in Sears:
lot 00x140; tree water system; $300
down and balance on easv
terms ". $1,800
An eight-room house on First avenue:
furnace, gas. sewer, city water,
barn $2,150
A story and half house on 14V street:
thoroughly modern, six rooms,
polished floors $2,700
A business property on paved street;
leased for four years at $25
per month $2,500
A story and half house on 14th street;
corner lot 45x145; thoroughly mod
ern; cement sidewalks; C rooms;
newly painted and panered $3,200
A seven-room modern house on 14th
street; lot 40x135: east front; fine
home; JlooO down and balance
on easy terms $3,150
An eight-room house on 19th street:
furnace, sewer, water, gas stove; lot
47x132; fine location;
for $3,250
A five-room modern cottage on 19th
street; furnace, bath, stone foun
dation, big cellar $3,100
A 10-room house on 7th avenue, near
24th street; sewer, water and gas;
paving paid; rents for $25;
for $3,250
A six-room house in South Heights; al
most new; good well and cistern; all
kinds of fruit; with an acre of
ground $3,600
A seven-room modern house In Edge
wood Park ;hot water heat; hardwood
floors: electric lielus; bath:
for $3,600
A fine eight-room house on 44th street;
thoroughly modern, cement sidewalks;
lot 50x155: big barn: only two
years old $4,200
A splendid two-story seven-room house
on 17th street: thoroughly modern
lot 50x150: navinc all naid
for $4,250
An eight-room modern house in Moline,
near 1st street: hot water heat
good barn $4,200
A corner lot on 4th avenue, with two
houses bringing In $31 per month;
in splendid condition: navintr
paid $4,000
A fine eight-room house In Edgewood
i Park, on 7th avenue boulevard: every
modern convenience: corner lot
55x150 $4,750
The prettiest location In Rock Island
a corner lot at 12th street and 4th
avenue, with large eight-room house;
lot 8oxl. i0: pavinp paid: an
investmnt for someone ...... .$5,000
A fine farm in Buffalo Prairie town,
ship, 220 acres, po'Kl improvements
fine irrain and stock farm: a
big snap, at, per acre $57.50
Other farms all over Rock Island
Houses to rent.
Fire Insurance.
Money to lonn on real estate.
Open Saturday evenings until 8:30,
H. ft. Hubbard,
Ground Floor Office.
1805 Second Ave. Phones, old west
New 6240.
Sawed Building Stone, Ashlar
and Trimmings a Specialty.
For cheapness, durability and
beauty, excelled by none. Tnia
Btone does not wash or color
the wall with alkali, etc., Flans
Bent us for estimates will re
ceive careful attention and be
returned at our expense.
Quarries 12 miles from Rock
Island on the C, B. & Q. rail
road. Trains No. 5 and 10 will
stop and let visitors off and on.
Bridge Stone, Corn Crib Blocks
and Foundation Stone, any size
Samples of Btone and photos
of buildings can be seen at
Room 12, Mitchell & Lynde
building. Address
Rock Island or Colona, III.
R EXT Furnished
room at 121G
Fourth avenue.
OR REXT Furnished rooms, all mod
ern, at 1506 Fifth avenue.
REXT A furnished front room,
modern, at 1126 Second avenue.
REXT Furnished room with mod
ern conveniences at 910 Second ave
REXT Nicely furnished room in
modern liou.se, at 525 Twenty-third
FOR REXT Nicely furnished room
with all modern conveniences, at 415
Twelfth, street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, all mod
ern, at zii fitteenth street, opposite
mo court nousc.
FOR REXT Rooms for lipht house
Keeping; modern conveniences; at
-ill) r nth avenue.
FOR KENT A first class furnished
room, with modern conveniences, at
hi iwenty-third street.
1-OR REXT Furnished room with all
modern conveniences and use of tel
ephone at ;20 Twenty-second street.
tun iic.ni urnisned modern room
with board, in private family. Apply
-ou- 31x111 avenue, uiu pnone 4 ti-iv.
FOR RENT Furnished room with mod
era conveniences and use of phone,
at 718 Eighteenth street. Old phone
FOR REXT Furnished room, with all
moaern conveniences, including use o
pnone, at noi .fourth avenue, on car
vnii ih.n r i' ive rooms, upstairs; wa
ter. sewer, pood cellar, and barn. 1
quire on premises; 2404 Fifth-and-a.
nait avenue.
FOR REXT Furnished room, with all
inoucrn conveniences, including use
of phono, at 1127 Second avenue. Old
pnone west 4U2.
v OK KENT Three larpo rooms, partly
iurnisneu, lor nglit Housekeeping
water, furnace, heat, and use of phone
at 1109 Nineteenth street; no children.
for uk.nt A well furnished room
with electric light, hot and cold wa
ter in room. modern conveniences
South exposure. 933 Seventeenth
FOR KENT A furnished room, wit
board, in private family, one bloc
from court house; steam heat anil all
modern. Address "T. T. 100," care
FOR RENT A four-room house nt 2'
Fifth-and-a-half avenue. Inquire
21)17 Sixth avenue.
FOR RENT A strictly modern 7-room
house furnished. Excellent terms.
Address "G 40," care of Argus.
FOR RENT A live-room cottage. No.
2702 Fifth-and-a-half avenue. Inquire
at 2S0S Fifth-and-a-half avenue.
FOR RENT An eight-room house with
modern improvements at 21:i! Fifth
avenue. Inquire at 2934 Fifth ave
nue. FOR RENT About Nov. 1, eight-room
house at 905 Nineteenth street. In
quire of J. D. Taylor, yo4 Nineteenth
FOR RENT A four-room Hat on ground
floor: range, furnace heat, bath, elec
tric lights, closets, etc.; at 2s25 Eighth
OR RENT A seven-room house in
South Heights: partly modern; fine
barn; $15. Harry 11. Hubbard. Both
FOR RENT Residence at 1114 Second
avenue, a seven-room modern house,
reasonable rent. Inquire at E. W.
Hurst's office.
FOR RENT Five-room house, with
bath and city water; rent. $15 per
month: 1310 Fifth avenue. Inquire at
1619 Eleventh avenue.
OR RENT Seven-room house in South
Rock Island; has furnace, well, and
cistern. Inquire at Godfrey's restaur
ant, 219 Seventeenth street.
FOR RENT A house of five small
rooms, with city water and sewer;
1135 Seventeenth street. Beecher
Bros., 1513 Second avenue.
FOR RENT Five-room house on Fif
teenth avenue between Tenth and
Eleventh streets; water in kitchen.
Inquire 1203 Second avenue.
'OR RENT Eight-room modern house.
steam heat, at 4101 Fifth avenue;
rent, $25 per month. Inquire of M. J.
Murphy, 2207 Seventh avenue.
FOR RENT Five-room house at 3023
Seventh avenue, Rock Island; citv
water; $12 per month. Telephone east
;4;-A. G. W. Kogenberg. Moline, III.
FOR RENT Five-room house in South
Heights near car line; water in kitch
en; rent, $10 per month. Inquire of
E. W. Robinson, South Rock Island
Old phone west 759-K.
FOR RENT A modern 10-room house;
line place for rooming or first class
boarding house, only three blocks
from Market square; also, barn 20x40
feet. Call old phone 273-L, or 930
Twenty-third street. Rock Island, 111
FOR RENT Two flats at $14, five
rooms, ali modern improvements ex
cept heat: Thirty-first street and
Filth avenue, opposite C, R. I. & I'
depot. Telephone 1853-L north. Of
fice at 2103 Harrison street, Daven
port, Iowa. G. A. Koester.
o, t( ieei aoove tne sea. All year
round resort. A perfect place for
rest. for pariculars, address Dr.
Daniel S. Perkins, medical director,
uas v egas. in. m.
JOHN VOLK & CO. Contractors and
builders. Also manufacturers of sash,
doors, blinds and mouldings. Dealers
in plate window and art glass. Of
flees and factory, 311 to 329 Eigh
teen iu Bireeu
WANTED Young man, to gather pri
vate information concerning certain
person. Address H. G., care Argus.
Charles E. Hodgson,
American Insurance company, Newark
American Ins. Co Newark, N. J.
Continental Ins. Co '..New York
Agricultural Ins. Co Ne York
Farmers' Ins. Co.. York, Pa.
Williamsburg Ins. Co New York
New Hampshire Ins. Co. .N.Hampshire
Northern Ins. Co New York
Security Ins. Co... New Haven, Conn
Ins. Co. State of Illinois.. Rockford, 111.
Connecticut Fire Ins. Co.of Connecticut
Office, room 3, Buford block. Rates
! as. low as consistent with security.
Bell boys at the Harper
WANTED Men; at ilia de Chantal. for
grading and concrete work. Apply at
WANTED At once,
six outside carpen
Rock Inland Stair
ters. Apply at
once, eo.it makers at
company, IGoo Second
Heal Tailoring
WANTED Man to drive delivery
oltlce. on and assist around the
Beardsley & Bailey company.
WANTED Young man for general
work at the Atlantic & Pacitlc Tea
company, 328 twentieth street.
WANTED Two boys over 16 years of
age. Call tomorrow morning at
o clock. Fremont uutter Tub com
WANTED Two bricklayers for fire-
prouting: G; cents per hour. A. 11.
Fireproofing. Eighteenth street and
Third avenue.
WANTED Bright boy,
about 14 to 16
years o! age, to do
useful ill an office,
care of The Argus.
errands and be
Address "Boy
WANTED Canvassers; we have a good
proposition for good, live canvasser.
t.all and see us. ostei n Art com
pany, 1714 Third avenue.
WANTED Two good canvassers, to
take orders for men s suits. Apply at
once at the Peoples Credit Clothin
company, 319-321 Twentieth street.
WANTED Men for railroad work in
South Dakota: free fare. National
Employment Bureau, 217li Brady
street, i-iavenpori. upon evenings.
WANTED A good man for city route
one experienced in grocery business
preferred; also two solicitors. Apply
at Modern Tea company, 1625 Third
WANTED Moler Barber college, Chi
cago. 111., teaches the trade by free
clinic nnd careful Instructions in few
weeks; positions waiting for all who
will learn. Write for particulars.
WANTED For the U. S. Marine corps
men between ages 19 and 3u; an op
portunity to see the world. For full
information apply in person or by
letter to Postollice, Rock Island, 111.
WANTED Spikors in South Dakota;
no walking railroads; $2.5o per day;
board. $4; Sunday work; free fare.
National Employment Bureau, 217
Brady street, Davnport. Open even
ings. WANTED Fifty laborers on govern
ment work at Moline locks on head of
Arsenal island. opposite Fifteenth
street. Moline; wages. $1.50 per day
of eight hours, with board. Apply at
WANTED Teamsters nnd skinners in
South Dakota; no walking, railroad,
driving dump wagon: $45 per month
and board. National Employment Bu
reau. 217 Brady street, Davenport.
Open evenings.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade;
wonderful demand for barbers: few
weeks completes: practical experi
ence; careful Instructions, demon
strations and examinations; positions
waiting; top wages: investigate. Mo
ler Barber college, Chicago, 111.
WANTED Secure a good position by
writing to us today. It you have re
tail experience and can sell goods, we
have many opening.'; that will surely
interest you. Several of the leading i m
ployeis we serve want bright young
men who are capable ot developni
into first class salesmen. Chances fi
advancement'unlimited. Positions open
for experienced salesmen and sales
managers at $1 ,H)0 to $5,000. Writi:
todav stating position-desired. Otiices
in 12 cities. llappmils (Inc. Brain
Brokers, 1013 Ha r4 ford building, Chi
cago. 111.
good plrl for general
1524 Ninth avenue.
housework at
WANTED A pirl for general house
work; apply at 21? Fifteenth street.
WANTED A competent girl for gen
eral housework. Apply at 103S Nine
teenth street.
WANTED Two girls for general house
work at 30 Seventeenth street. Call
after 7:30 p. m.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework: good wages. Apply at
2513 Seventh avenue.
WANTED A girl for general house
work; no washing: good wages. Ap
ply at 1714 Fifth avenue.
WANTED A good girl for general
housework. Apply at once to Mrs.
M. W. Battles, 729 Seventeenth street.
WANTED Lady canvassers: good prop
osition. Call at once at the Peoples
Credit Clothing company, 319-321
Twentieth street.
WANTED Young girl to assist with
housework and help care for baby
Apply to Mrs. J. t). Briggs, 925 Twen
ty-second street.
WANTED Situation as nurse for th"
sick. Address Mrs. L. A. Howard,
130S Third avotuK
LOST Lady's amber back comb; a re
ward for return ot same to 1400 Filth-
and-a-half avenue.
WANTED A well educated young man
desires work in store or factory. Ad
dress "Willing," care Argus.
WANTED Engagements by practical
nurse, who is an elderly lady of much
experience. Apply at 2716 Fifth live
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or
cashier, by young lady; six years' ex
perience; can furnish references. "M,
F.," care Argus.
WANTED Work to do bv the day
washing or cleaning; will take plain
sewing and washing at home. in
quire at B19 Ninth avenue.
LOST Between L. E. West Gum fac
tory and Ninth street on Third avenue
or between Third and Seventh ave
nuos on Ninth street, a lady's gold
watch and watch pin. Liberal reward
for return to L. E. West Gum factory
FOR RENT Office room at rear of Rock
Island house.
FOR RENT Small store In the rear of
Rock Island bouse.
FOR RENT Building suitable for store
or shop, at 1609 Third avenue. In
quire825 Twenty-fourth street.
FOR RENT Barber shop, in the Safety
building. Apply to the secretary ot
the Safety Deposit building, 1807
Second avenue.
FOR RENT A store 17x80 feet. In first
class condition; has been occupied as
shoe store for 16 years; 307 Twen
tieth street. Inquire at 1400 Twenty
fifth street. Mrs. Sarah James.
Bauersfeld & Sexton, proprietors.
Fine finish and quick service. 1814
Third avenue. Phone west 1223.
HOME LAUNDRY Family washings
only; work called lor and delivered.
. Miss A. Couch, proprietor, 121
Twelfth street; old phone -west 652
FOR SALE Lot 40x150 feet, centrally
located, on paved street. 1; or partic
ulars address Box 267, city.
FOR SALE Snap in strictly modern
seven-room house if sold quick; lo
cation one of the finest. Address "A.
600," care Argus.
FOR SALE Very new modern eight-
room house on Forty-fourth street,
near Eighth avenue; furnace, bath,
gas. electric lights, nnd reception hall.
Price. $4,000. H. K. Walker, agent.
FOR SALE Acre and town lots just
outside of city limits on bluff near
street car line, cheap on monthly pay
ments. Inquire ot John T. Campbell.
1829 Seventeenth street Phone 322
FOR SALE At a bargain, an eight-
room house on Forty-fourth street:
splendid property, almost new. with
bath, sewer, water, cement walks and
nice lot; rents $26. If sold before
Nov. 1 price will be $2.Uoo. H. K.
Walker, agent.
FOR SALE Eleven acres, with small
house, about a mile southwest of the
oil cloth works; about one-half culti
vated, balance low with some timber;
price, $60 per acre. Beecher Bros.,
l.il3Mi Second avenue.
FOR SALE A nice level acre of ground
on Eighteenth avenue, convenient to
car line; three-room house, large barn.
chicken yard, and house; truit trees
grapes and berries: $2,250. Beecher
Bros. 1513 Second avenue.
FOR SALE Very excellent lot on
Twenty-second street between Tenth
and Eleventh avenue; has cement
walk, paving, sewer, water, and pas;
is 50xl3S feet; will sell $100 less than
market price. H. K. Walker.
FOR SALE Or trade, about four acres
ol pround, with a good two-story
house, located one block from street
car and paved streets; will take housi
and lot as part payment, balance on
long time. Eckhart & Buffum.
FOR SALE New house of four nice
rot.ms, with city water; level lot 50x
150; Thirty-first street, one block front
car line; $1."00; $300 down, balance
to suit purchaser; owner leaving city
needier nsos., 1013 Second avenue.
FOR SALE Two houses on Forty-first
street and Fourteenth avenue. They
nave live rooms, with furnace, elec
trie lights, city water, and paving
paid. They are almost new. Price
for the two, $3,3oo. II. K- Walker,
FOR SALE A new house of four finish
ed rooms, two unfinished ; good well
and cistern; level corner lot 92x17
feet, with shade and fruit trees. Aik
en street. South Rock Island;- eas
terms. Beecher Bros.. 1513V, Second
FOR SALE Cheap, nice level lots, 48x125
corner Twenty-seventh streetand Eigh
teenth avenue, facing Long View
street car track. Also for sale or trade.
one acre lot, with new seven
room house. Terms to please pur
chaser. Inquire of E. Thonn, 610
Twenty-eighth street.
FOR SALE One of the finest 160-aere
farms in Rock Island county; will
take some good city property in trade.
Reidy Bros., room 4, Mitchell & Lynde
FOR SALE A No. IS soft coal heater
in first d iss condition. Apply at 532
Twenty-first street.
FOR SALE Buck's prize hard coal
stove; nearly new. Inquire 929 Twenty-first
street. New pnone 5103.
FOR SALE Gray mare, also buggy and
harness;, will sell separately or to
gether. Inquire of Squire Pinkley,
Milun. 111. . . - .
FOR SALE Household furniture, in
cluding a Riverside oak range. Rock
Island make; party leaving city. In
quire 2N33 Eighth avenue.
OR SALE One hard coal base burner
and two soft coal heaters; splendid
condition, and cheap. Inquire at 409
Twenty-third street. West (104-X.
WANTED Unfurnished room: must be
modern. Address "A. H.," care Argus.
WANTED Old feathers; highest price
paid for old feathers. Call old phone
592-Y, or address 1911 Second ave
nue. WANTED To buy, a seven or eight'
room modern house in good location
have cash; what is your proposition?
Address A. U., care Argus.
WANTED VTo buy, a home of five or
seven rooms; will pay casJi. Aldress
"A. 10." Argus ofiice. slating price,
terms of payment, and location.
WANTED A five or six-room house not
to exceed $1,800; have $300 cash; can
make regular monthly payments;
mean business. Address "C. D.," care
WANTED I have a little money which
1 want to invest in income property,
must pay at least 10 per cent gross;
no shacks wanted. Address "II.,'' care
WANTED Boarders, at a private Ger
man boarding house; first class meals,
home cooking; nice rooms, with steam
heat; bath and gas; price reasonable;
1405 Fourth avenue: old phone 824-Y.
WANTED To rent, by Dec. 1. a six or
eight-room house in Rock Island or
Moline. convenient to school; house
with bath and furnace preterred; par
tics having house to rent notify Frank
Artz. Reynolds, 111. R; R. No. 2.
WANTED Household goods to move.
tore, pack or sh'p at reduced rates
to Pacific coast and other points. For
the best service at lowest rates write
or call on Ewert & Richter Express &
Storage company, 322-326 East Fourth
street, Davenport, xowa- lei. 598.
WANTED Everybody to know that I
am going to move to lb09 Second
avenue, Sept. 1, 1907. I want to
buy five hundred stoves of all
kinds, also all the second hand goods
you have to sell or trade. Household
goods sold on payments to suit the
buyer. New steel ranges exchanged
for your old cook stoves. Would like
to buy all tools, bicycles, harness, or
anything of value. Will surprise you
In the price of three upright pianos I
have for sale. Terms to suit. Will
loan you money on diamonds at 3 per
cent. Money loaned on household
goods; small amounts on houses and
lots from $25 to $300. Will buy mort
gages and notes. The most reliable.
the most private, the cheapest, the
quickest, the oldest all around busi
ness place in the country. Listen
100 watches. 20-year cases, Elgin and
Wal'ham movement, written guaran
tee, for $7.50 to $10. Don't forget
Jones pays the freight 1623 Second
avenue. .
Repairing of All Kinds Hair and
moss mattresses made to order and
renovated.1 First class work at low
est prices. E. G. Eklund. 1300 Third
avenue. Old phone west 796-1
HENRY GAETHJE Proprietor Chip
piannock nursery. Cut flowers and
designs of all kinds. City store, 1607
Second avenue. Telephone 1110.
MRS. G. r . LINCOLN, practical nurse,
408 Fifteenth street; old phone 755-X;
references given. , . ,
TRIO LODGE, NO. 67. A. P. & A. M.
Meets In stated communication
on the first Thursday of each
month. Special for work Thurs
day. Oct. 10. at 6:30 p. m. 1s-
itors are welcome. Sam It. Davis, V.
M.; William B. l'ettit, secretary.
S. M. Meets In stated communica
tion on the third Wednesday of each
month. H. M. Briggs, T. L M.: L, C.
Daugherty, secretary.
K. T. Meets in stated conclave on
the second Monday of each month.
IL A. J. McDonald, E. C; R. C Wilier
ton, recorder.
T. Myers, sec-
D. .Mack, president; F.
LOST Black fob with high school lock
er kev attached, also a club pm. A
liberal reward for return of same to
owner at 4S Fifteenth street.
LOST Between Rock Island and Dav-
port bv wav ot terry a pearl and
rhinestone necklace. Finder return
to Crampton's book store and receive
LOST Between Boulevard grocery and
iIik Hrandcnburir millinery, a goiu
brooch set with opals, pearls and dia
monds. A liberal reward for its re
turn to the Boulevard grocery, 823
Twentieth street.
tornevs-at-law. (jmce in kock isiana
National bank building.
Money to loan on good real estate se
curity. Mitchell & Lynde block. Rock
Island, 111.
Ml'RPHY J. F. Murphy, attorney-at
law. General legal practice. Rooms
14 and 16, Mitchell & Lynde building.
Union Electric phone 5001.
HOPE THOMPSON Attorney-at-law.
General law business: probate, com
merclal and corporation law. 1807
Second avenue. Rock Island.
at-law. Money to loan. General legal
business. Notary public. 1705 Sec
ond avenue, Buford block.
M'ENIRY & M EN1RY Attorneys-at.
law. Loan money on good security;
make collections. References, Mitch
ell & Lynde, bankers. Ofllce, Mitchell
& Lynde building.
and Counselors at Law. Money to
loan on real estate. Abstracts of title
prepared. Rooms 200-203. Peoples
National bank building.
INSURANCE on dwellings and house
hold furniture a specialty. C. K.
PLEASANT F. COX Real estate and
insurance. Loans a specialty. Best
fire companies represented. Your pat
ronage solicited. Phone west 706-X.
Ofiice, at court house.
BENNETT'S Insurance Agency Fire,
life, accident, health, and plate glass.
Real estate and loans. Room 2, Bu
ford block. Ofllce phone 711-X. Res
idence phone 730-K. Open Wednesday
ana baiuraay nignts.
property, zo cents per xioo one year.
40 cents per $100 three years, B0 cents
per $100 five years. Call or address
C. R. Chamberlin, agent, Mitchell &
Lynde building.
HAYES ft CLE A V EL A ND Th e pioneer
agency, uid tune and fire tested com
panies. Fire, lightning, plate glass,
tornado, accident, life, or almost any
form of risk. Ground floor office 210
to 218 Eighteenth street.
WE WILL BOND YOU Executors', ad
ministrators , guardians , trustees, or
any kind or judicial bonds; lodge and
society officers; city, slate or U. S.
government omciais: contractors, po
sitions of trust; in fact, any kind of
bond you want (except bail bonds),
Terms reasonable. Hayes & Cleave-
land, resident managers Fidelity &
ueposit company ot Maryland.
at lowest rates. Ludolph & Reynolds.
lawyers, Buford block, corner Seven-
teentn street and Second avenue.
ij Ijijaiv un real estate se
curity at lowest rates. Marion E.
feweeney, attorney, rooms 32 and 35,
Aiucneii & Lynde building, Rock Is
LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, horses.
wagons, salaries, eic; quickly, pri
vately, at the lowest rates. Mutual
Loan company (uninc), room 411.
Peoples National bank building, Rock
island, i'tione old west 122.
iiiuucy un nousenoiu goods. Horses.
wagons, etc., without removal and In
a quiet way. Call on us for quick
loans. ! ineiuy Lio.in company, room
as, jviiicneu a. iynde block.
HO.bt loaned to salaried people and
others, without security; easy pay
ments; no publicity. Call and get our
terms ana meinoa or aoing business.
.jmoe noiirs, s a. m. to 6 p. m.. Tele
phone north 2411. Victor Finance
company, 27 V& and 28 McManus build
ing. Second and Mam streets, Daven-
West Seventeenth street- Old phone
1537: new phone 5158. New storage
uuuaing. .express, naggage, bus and
caD cans answered day or night.
RELIABLE STORAGE On first floor:
also manufacturer of awnings, tents,
wagon covers, etc. Tents for rent
B. Roessler & Co.. 209 Fifteenth
street, opposite the court house. Rock
EWERT & RICHTER Express and
Storage company, having unequaled
facilities for moving, sforlng, packing
ana snipping nousenoid goods, and
can quote reduced freight rates to
Pacific coast and other points. Write
or call. Office and warehouse, 322
326 East Fourth street, Davenport.
lowa. ueiepncne 698.
partment. A thorough business train
ing given for entry into commercial
life. Terms reasonable. Apply to Au-
gustana college.
VILLA DE CHANTAL A home school
conducted for girls by the Sisters of
the Visitation. Rudimentary and high
er branches and all polite accomplish
ments taught. Twentieth street and
Fifteenth avenue. Rock Island.
PARIDON & SON Artistic Interior
decoration. Finest line of late papers
carried ana sKinea workmen employ
ed. Moderate prices. 417 Seven
teenth street.
permanently removed with the elec
trie needle without paJn; treatment
given at the home, unless otherwise
desired. Address Mis A. M. Kit -
tredge, 127 East Sixth street, Daven -
port. Old phone N, 2431. ,
Sale of Real Entate.
Bv virtue of an order and decree ot
the county court of Rock Island county.
made on the petition of the undersign
ed, Ernest Lelfler, as administrator of
the estate of Jacob Kroegel. deceased.
for leave to sell the real estate of said
deceased, at the September term. A. D.
1907. of said court, to-wit: On the 2ith
day of September, 1907. I shall, on the
31st day of October next, between tne
hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and
4 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
to-wit. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
sell at public sale, at the east door of
the court house in Rook Island, in said
county, the real estate described as
follows, to-wit:
All the interest which the said Jacob
Kroegel had by virtue of a contract for
deed from David Cramer in and to the
east thirty-eight (38) feet of lot No.
four (4). in block no. twenty (20), In
that part of the city of Rock Island
known as and called "Old Town;" also
all the interest which the said Jacob
Kroegel had by virtue of a contract for
deed from Esther S. Eells. George W.
Smalley. and Harry E. Smalley. and
their spouses, in and to lots Nos. four
teen (14 1 and fifteen (15). in block No.
three (3), in Smalley's second sub-division
of lot No. five (5). in the west
half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion No. 2, township No. 17, north of
range No. 2 west, all in Rock Island
county. Illinois, on the following terms.
to-wit: Cash, or credit of not less than
six months nor more than 12 fbnths,
the purchaser to give approved security
and mortgage on the premises sold, to
secure the payment of the unpaid pur
chase money.
ated this first day of October, A. D.
As Administrator of the Estate of Ja
cob Kroegel, deceased.
Adiulnlntrator'a Notice.
Estate of Gustus Swanson, deceased.
The undersigned, having been ap
pointed administratrix of the estate of
Gustus Swanson. late of the county of
Rock Inland, state of Illinois, deceased,
hereby gives notice that she will appear
before the county court of Rock Island
county, nt the county court room, in
the city of Rock Island, at the Novem
ber term, on the first Monday in No
vember next, at which time all persona
having claims against said estate are
notified and requested to attend' for the
purpose of having the same adjusted.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment
to the undersigned.
Dated 17th dav of September. A. D.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Estate of Mary Adams Lynde. de
Public notice is hereby given that the
undersigned executor of the last will and
testament of Mary Adams Lynde. de-
ceased. lias this day fiieil his tmal report
and settlement as such in the county
court of Rock Island county, and hear
ing on said report has been set for Oet.
14. 1907. at 9 o'clock a. m.. at which
time persons Interested may appear and
make objections thereto, and if no ob
jections are filed, said report will be ap
proved at that time, and the undersign
ed will ask for an order of distribution,
and will also ask to be discharged.
Rock Island. 111.. Sept 21, 1907.
Notice at Final Settlement.
Estate of August Van Daile, deceased.
Public notice il hereby given that the
undersigned. Edward Coryn, administra
tor of the estate of August Van Daile,
has this day filed his final report and
settlement as such in the county court
of Rock Island county, and bearing on
said report has been set for Oct. 21.
1907, at 9 o'clock a. m., at which time
persons interested may appear and make
objections thereto, and if no objections
are filed, said report will lie approved
at that time, and the undersigned will
ask for an order of distribution, and
will also ask to be discharged.
Rock Island, 111.. Sept. 25, 1907.
Administrator of the Estate of August
Van Daile. deceased.
AdminlMtrator'a Notice.
Estate of Charles R. Ritze, deceased.
The undersigned, liavine been an-
pointed administrator of the estate of
Charles R. Ritze. late of the countv .r
Rock Island, state of Illinois, deceased.
hereby gives notice that he will an near
before the county court of Rock Island
county, at the county court room, in
the city of Rock Island, at the Decem
ber term, on the first Mondav In De
cember next, at which time all nersona
having claims against said estate are
notified and requested to attend for the
purpose :f having the same adjusted.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment
to the undersigned.
Dated 5th day of October. A. D. 1907
FRANK RITZE. Administrator.
n ium; down, refine, hcauttfv ti,
face, use Satin Skin Powder, four
tints: only 25 cents.
IF YOU WANT to buv. sell. tm1 e
rent anything, engage help or secure
a situation, the Mail and Journal is
the one paper In Moline that can do
It for you. Mail and Journal wants
are popular, and Mail and Journal
wants bring results. One-half cent
per word is the price to all alike, cash
in advance; two-cent stamps will do.
Evening and Saturday Mail and Jour
nal. Moline. 111.
H. J. TOHER & CO. Brokers. Daven .
port. Stocks, grains, provisions, cot
ton. Private wire to New York and
Chicago. Offices, 109 Main street. Tel
ephone 407.
mission merchants. Grain, hay and
provisions. Members of the Chicago
board of trade and Chicago stock ex
change. Established 25 years. No.
642 and S43 Rialto building. Longdis
tance phone. Harrison 2666.
Massage Shampooing, Manicuring,
and all kinds of hair work done to
order. Ready-made hair goods for
sale. Chiropody a specialty for la
dies and gents. 1827 4 Second ave
nue. Rock Island. Mrs. V. E. Scholl
and daughter. New phone 6860.
Wholesale and reail dealers in bi
tuminous and anthracite coal. Prompt
delivery service. Office 1718 First
room 14. Mitchell & Lynde building.
Rock Island. James F. Murphy, as
sociate, branch of Moore & Co., pat
ent attorneys, Washington, D. C-, and
Chicago- 'VL
MRS. MARY YATES Business medium.
hours, I to 10 p. m. Residence, 705
Fourth avenue. Take the Blue lino
west. Phone west 724-X.
and plumbing along scientific lines:
careful and skillful workmen. Prompt
attention. 114 West Seventeenth St.
Phone 1142

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