OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, March 26, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1908-03-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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. ; ; ;
Postal Manager Resigns. H. E.
Beeson, manager . of the Postal Tele
graph company's office here for sev
eral years, has resigned his position
to take a few months' rest on advice
of his physician, lie will, spend the
time on his 14-acre farm on the Blue
Crass road, just outside of the city,
courting better health in the enjoyment
of outdoor life. The opening results
in promotion for Ernest II. Wichel
liiann, a former Davenport boy, for
the past seven years manager of the
Clinton office of the Postal, lie comes
here April 1 to take charge of the
Davenport office.
Spent $400,000 Here. The annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Corn Products company was held
Tuesday afternoon at Jersey City, and
George, S. Mahana, Rex. P. Walden,
R. II. Strahan and William D. Post
were elected directors to succeed Wil
liam J. Calhoun, Joy Morton, Charles
L... Glass and L. B. Eagner. Oim of
the Interesting features of ihe report
at the meeting which showed that $1,
200,000 had been expended for repair
ing and rebuilding plants, is that $400,
000 of this sum was expended in Dav-
Annua! Catalogue
Covering Ihe fourGreal Departments of Gardening
Mailed FREE to all buyers of Garden
Seeds. Flower ieed5. Greenhouse Plants.
Ahrubs and Hardy Plants, write now.
vauhan's Seed -.Store
64-66 Randolph .St., CHICAGO.
14- DarclaySt. NEW YORK
enport for the erection of the -entirely
new can plant, the" purchase of the
ground for the same, and the installa
tion of the machinery in the new can
plant. It is understood that Thomp-
son-Starrett of Chicago, who have built
the can plant, have pulled stakes in
Duvenport and returned to Chicago,
the can plant having been completed
and now being ready for the belting.
Used Sheets as Rope. One of the
boldest burglars that has. visited this
vicinity in some time was at the home
of Hugh Barr, 1127 Perry street, pre
sumably all Tuesday night, and yes
terday morning in broad daylight be
tween 9.30 and 10 o'clock descended
from a second story window to the
ground on two sheets which were
knotted together and tied to the leg
of a bed in the bedroom. When the
man got into the house is a mystery,
and from the condition of the clothes
on a spare bed it would seem that he
spent the night in the house. The
maid's gold watch and $1 in silver
constituted the plunder which was
missed from the house.
More Saloon Injunctions. With
Thomas C. Conant, Louis B. Craig and
William T. Racster as plaintiffs. At
torney II. B. Betty of the Civic feder
ation of- Scott count'', has filed original
notices in injunction cases against 20
saloon keepers and property owners
of Davenport. The application for a
temporary injunction against the de
temiants will come up Tor hearing m
the district court at 9 o'clock Monday
morning, April C. The three plaintiffs
are Louis B. Craig, 7C4 Esplanade av
en no, draughtsman, Rock Island ar
senal; William T. Racster, 1C3C Le-
Claire street, machinist Rock Island
arsenal; Thomas G. Conant, 523 West
Sixteenth street, machinist, Rock Is
land arsenal. Mr. Racster was candi
date for the aldermanic nomination in
the Fifth ward on the socialistic tick
et at the recent primary election. The
injunctions are asked for on the alle
gation that the various defendants
have not fully complied with all the
requirements of the mulct law. It is
stated mime of them, in filing their
mulct bonds, did not file the consent
of the property owners on the 50-foot
limit, and that others did Jiot file a
list of their employes. These and oth
er violations ot the mulct law, so it is
stated, will be used as evidence against
the defendants.
Thero bas been incorporated, under the laws of Ari
zona, the Independence Gold & Copper Mining com
pany, which holds in its corporate name the deeds
to four mining claims (about 90 acres), upon which
a large amount of development work has been done
and from which ore of good value has been shipped.
In order to secure sufficient funds to provide ma
chinery for working the claims in a business-like
manner, the corporation is selling some of its treas
ury stock at-25 cents a share, par value $1.00. These
shares are non-assessable and are in no wise deffer
ent from the shares owned by the directors there
is but one grade of stock.
The corporation is primarily a Rock Island insti
tution, with E.lward Jens as treasurer and one of
the directors. Call on or write to him for further
information, or address the secretary, W. D. teat
thews, 159 La Sulie street, Chicago, 111., room 1248.
Obituarv Record Elizabeth Kuehl,
widow of the late Claus Kuehl, died
Tuesday evening at the home of her
daughter, Emma Stoltenberg, - eight
miles from Davenport, on the Harri
son street road. Deceased had been
a resident of Scott county since 1857.
She was born Oct. 5, 1837. in Sweden,
and came to America in 1S54, and to
Moline. She was married to Claus H.
Kuehl Nov. 25, 1857, and in the same
year came to Scott county. Her hus
band died May 5, 1892, and there sur
vive to mourn her death four children,
Henry II. Kuehl, Amelia Vogt, Emma
Stoltenberg, and William II. Kuehl.
Frank Hunter, 1324 West Thifd
street, died yesterday morning at the
home of his sister, Mrs. E. II. Glea
son, four and a lialf miles from Daven
port on the Dubuque road, aged 49
itching. Burning Skin Disease Routed
Wit'iout Use of Injurious' Drugs,
Great inventors often have been
praised for surrendering the secrets of
their discoveries. Practically ihe same
thin happened in the medic-il world
in the case of Dr. Decatur D. Dii'iiis,
the eminent skin specialist of Chicago,
Dr. Dennis, in his own office prac
tice, discovered that pure vegetable'
oil of wintergreen, properly mixed with
other simple remedies was practically
a sure specific for ezcema, psoriasis
barber's itch, salt rheum and other
itching skin diseases. But the oil of
wintergreen alone was found ineffec
tive. It 'required other mild ingredi
ents such as glycerine and thvmol
Mercer County Service Made Even
Less Efficient by Order Ef
fective April 1.
No One- Would Stand. An unsuc
cessful effort was made Tuesday ev
ening by voters of the Second ward to
nominate a candidate for alderman to
fill the vacancy caused by the with
drawal of C. V. Johnson, from the re
publican ticket. The caucus was held
in Hierseniann's , livery barn, with
only a small attendance, and extreme
anxiety to decline aeemed to possess
every man who was named for the
place once - the fashion of refusing
was set.
Talk Sewer Outlet. The city coun
cil of East Moline and the villaee
boards of Silvis and Watertown met
in joint session Tuesday eveuine in
East Moline to consider ways and
means to establish sewage systems. It
was decided tnat the Silvis board,
with whom the action originated
should reduce to writing its desires in
the matter and submit-them to the
East Moline council and the Water-
town town board. Each would then
consider the proposition separately
and communicate its answer to the
Silvis board. The question of a sew
age system has been precipitated by
the decision of Silvis not to employ a
septic tank. If 'Silvis is to drain its
sewage into the Mississippi, it mns'
either join with East Moline and Wa
tertown to form a union sanitary
drainage district or secure a right of
way for an outlet from East Moline
and Watertown. Watertown is not at
this time prepared to enter a union
district, but would like to have what
ever arrangement is made left open in
order that it may join when an in
crcaseu population warrants the ex
pense. East Moline on the whole
seems to favor (he union project, but
The changes in .the schedule of the
Mercer county branch of the Rock
Island announced to take effect April
will greatly reduce the accommoda
tion provided, on 'that branch, insuJu
eient as it already is from the pas
senger point of view. Trains No. 372
and 277, between this city and Sher
rard, and Nos. 3071 and 3070, between
Cable and Preemption, are the ones
taken off by tho . rder, leaving but
two trains daily in each direction, anl
making it impossible to go to Cable
and return. on the same dav.
The closing of the coal mines.
which is to take place April 1, is the
eason for reducing tho number of
trains on the branch road since coal
is the principal freight hauled. The
change will make traveling slower
than it already is and the present ac
commodation is certainly poor enough.
compounded with the wintergreen to'er,ail1 topographical problems compli
produce the real ezcema cure.
This compounded D. D. D. Prescrip
tion positively takes away the itch at
cate the situation. Whether or not
Watertown or East Moline cares to
join, the legal opinion is, Silvia may
once the instant it is applied to the secure a right of way for an outlet to
skin. This vegetable liquid does away the Mississippi through condemnation
witn deleterious drugs so long used m proceedings
an attempt to doctor the blood, where
as modern science has determined that
ezcema is first and all the time a skin
Pupils to Vote. Coincident with the
city election April 7, the boys of the"
seventh and eighth grades of the pub
I nrlicnfn rk n x,..,an.ni n ,' "l !,u,uula v"'1- " Australian uai
. MJ. A 1 V iH, Itwiliril, Villi
! If you want to know more about the
our store. We vouch for this remedy,
T. II. Thomas, druggist.
iot ior a president and a vice presi
dent of the Young Citizens' league
The details of a legal election will be
Notice to Contractors. mimicked that the voting may be a
Bids will be received at the office of lesson in civics for the boys. Each
president of board of local improve-! building will constitute a precinct
nients, and there publicly opened, at This election marks the formation of
the hour of 2. p. m.. April C, 190S, for
the paving of Twenty-third street from
fifteen feet north of the north line of
Tenth avenue to a point thirty feet
south of the south line of t Eleventh
avenue. Paving to be brick on a con
crete foundation.
Specifications on file at the office of
the city engineer.
All proposals or bids shall be accom
bearing 5 per cent interest annually.
All proposals or bids shall be accom
panied by cash or a check payable to
the order of the president of the board
of local improvements, in his official
capacity, certified by a responsible
hmilr trf an fimnmit hlH cKoll ti -f . i
., .... oi.cw. ""-.tnree otner sons,
he less than ten (10) per centum of . prfl j
the aggregate of the proposal or bid.
President of Board of Local Im
Rock Island. Illinois.
They Digest
Bcen Unusually Late
Spring in Appearing.
a wen Known iarmer wno was in
the city today said that this morning
he heard the first frog that has essay
ed to croak within earshot of him this
spring;. While the frost was out of
the ground unusually early this similar
vegetation has not advanced beyond
normal and the frogs have been es
P-ciully slow in tuning up their even
ng concerts. Many farmers, how
ever, nave not waited for the frosrs
but have already sowed their oats
while considerable plowing in sod has
been done. The ground is in perfect
condition to work.
The fierce heat of our 'ovens makes
our beans digestible. Yours are not
Home-baked beans are heavy food. They are hard to
digest, also hard to prepare. That's why you serve them
only occasionally. -
Yet beans are Nature's choicest food 84 per cent nutri
ment. ,
But beans, to be digestible, must be factory cooked.
It requires a terrific heat to separate the particles for the ;
digestive juices. You cannot apply it.
Your beans are mushy; ours mealy.
Yours are broken; ours are whole
That's because we bake in live steam not in dry heat.
And the baking is done in the cans. The result is that nutty
flavor which distinguishes Van Camp's.
Then we bake the beans, the tomato sauce and the pork
all together, and get our delicious blend. You miss these
results in home cooking, because you lack the facilities.
There Is only one way to digest all
foods that is Kndol. Most digesters
supply but one element pepsin. Konol
supplies all elements of all the digest
ive juices. Note the guarantee
Get DeWitt's Carbollzed Witch Ha
zel Salve; it is good for piles. Sold
by all druggists.
the central organization of the league
which shall bind together the seven
chapters inaugurated a month ago in
the seven schools of the city. The
council, which is the legislative body
in mis organization, comprises one
delegate from each building.
Obituary Record. Henry Hynd of
this city died at 8 o'clock Tuesday
night at Watertown hospital, where
he had been for the last year. He was
a native of Moline and spent the great
er part of his 2G years here. He is
survived by his mother, Mrs. John
(Hynd, who lives in Coaltown, with
John, William and
This is for YOU!
Mr. Workingman.
We can arrange your bills, and accounts so that one monthly pay
ment of $1.00 or $5.00 will settle them all. DO YOU WONDER
Simply by loaning you enough money to clear up all your debts.
Then we can arrange you a small payment which you can easilv
meet, and YOUR WORRY'S OVER. ?
" BUT Perhaps'you don t owe anyone could you, use some mon
ey, anyway? We have plans and rates that will p'lease you, and
Let us send our man to see you NO LOAN NO CHARGE.
He'll tell you all about It.
Ixians, made on Furniture, Stock, Implements, etc., almost any
where within 35 miles "of Davenport. .
Write to us, or use either phone, (at our expense.)
Both Phones, new 242, old N. 2425.
Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights
Now's the time to take Rocky Moun
tain Tea. It drives out the germs of
winter, builds up the stomach, kidneys
cud liver. The most wonderful spring
tonic to make people well. You'll be
surprised with results. 35 cents, tea
or tablets. Harper House pharmacy.
Joseph W. Hoover died yesterday
morning of throat and lung trouble
on his farm which is near Coaltown
adjoining the Browning place. He
was about 45 years of age. During tlie
recent years he had been engaged in
working the farm on which he died.
He is survived by a widow and family.
Why Wait?
Dr. Martin'
1715 Second Avenue.
I -.. W ' " f j
Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received at the ofTice of
president of board of local improve
ments, and there publicly opened, at
the hour of 2. p. m., April C..190S, for
laying a six (0) inch watermain on
Thirty-fifth street, north of Ninth-and-cne-half
Specifications on file at the oHlce of
the city engineer. '
contractor will be paid in bonds
bearing 5 per cent interest annually
Contractor will be paid in bonds
panied by .cash or a check payable to
the order of the president of the board
ot local Improvements, in his official
capacity, certified by a responsible
bank, for an amount which shall not
be less than ten (10) per centum of
the aggregate of the proposal or bid.
President of Board of Local Im
provements. Rock Island, Illinois.
Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received at the office of
president of board of local improve
ments, and there publicly opened, at
the hour of 2. p. m., April fi. IDAS, for
the paving of Fifteenth street from
the north line of Second avenue, to a
roint seven feet north of the south
line of First avenue. Paving to be
brick on a concrete foundation.
Specifications on file at the office of
the city engineer.
.Contractor will be paid in" bonds
bearing 5 per cent interest annually.
All proposals or bids shall be accom
panied by cash or a check payable to
the order of the president of the board
Mme. Yale's
air Tonic
Antiseptic and Hygienic
A Hair Invlgorotor Jut what lta
name implies. It supplies nourlah-
nient. the elements 01 growtn. wnicre,
when absorbed by file hair, strength
ens ami beautifies it In the same way
that sap glorilies the foliage of a tree.
K.ven where the follicles are socmliiRly
dead. If the scalp Is massaged dally
with Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic a rigor
ous rrrowth will he produced. It has
honestly earned its title of "the great
hair grower." It stimulates the most
stunted growth and makes the hair
magnificently healthy ami beautiful.
By its use Women can provide them
selves with a trailing mantle of hair
woman's natural raiment, her birth
right. .Mine. Vale's Hair Tonic Is prized
cquiillv by men and women, particu
larly when the hair begins to weaken
or fade. Cures baldness.' grayness.
snllttins of the hair, dahdrun and all
diseases of the hair, scalp and beard.
One application unually stops hair fall
ing. A r.urserv reauislte: no mother
should neglect to iio it for her boys
and girls; when the hair Is made
Btrong In childhood it remains proof
ncalnst dlwano and retains Its vigor
and vout hfiilness throughout life.
Mme. Yale's Hulr Tonli; Is a color
less, frorrant. delightful hair dress
ing; neither sticky, rlttv. nor greasy;
mnkes.the hair soft, fluffy and. glossy.
Contains rn artificial coloring; would
not soli the whiter hair; restores
original color by Invigorating the scalp
nnd re-establishing normal circulation
nnrt rrni.fr distribution of Ihe live col
oring matter. Beautiful hair redeems
the plainest countenance, and any one
cn seevre It ' b" ikIpt Mme. Yale's
Hair Tonic. Kw In three sizes. Our
special price 89c. 45c. and 23c
Van Camp's pork and beans
baked with tomato sauce
The beans that we use cost $2.10 per bushel, though we
could buy beans as low as 30 cents. We get only the
whitest, the plumpest, the choicest beans that grow.
We spend five times as much to make our tomato sauce
as other sauce costs ready-made. But that sparkling zest
which you note in Van Camp's shows the difference.
Be careful to get the best in baked
beans, for the best are cheap enough
Cheap tieans are not appetizing. They are neither good
nor good for you. You'll eat them only once in a while.
But you will want Van Camp's every day. Your people
will miss them when you don't have them.
They are far cheaper than meat, yet they have about
the same food value. Why not encourage their use ? -
10, 15 and 20? per can.
Van Camp Packing Company, Indianapolis, Ind.
"Woocimeiv's Choice" Flour
, at the
We have just received a carload of No. 1 spring whe2t
flour put up under our private brand "The Woodmen's
Choice," by one of the largest mills in Minneapolis and
by buying direct from the mill in car lots, we are saving
the jobbers' profit.
To introduce the "Woodmen's Choice" In every home
in the city, we will sell it at $1.45 per sack and guaran
tee every sack to give perfect satisfaction in every way
or we will cheerfully refund your money.
Price per sack, 49 pounds 1 45
Seve nteenth Street Cash Store
Corner Fourth Avenue and Seventeenth Street.
Old Phone West 304. New Phone 5489.
We will kIvo you free a copy
of Mme. Yaie's ftt.-pafre hook on
Beauty and Physical Culture. It
you live out of town, write us and
we- wUl ma:l you a copy.
L. S. McCabe & Co.
"I suffered with an annojjing, hack
inf pniifrh for n venr lint Avas cured
by Father John's . medicie. I hope of local Improvements, in hi3 official Whal Shalj We HaV6 luT DeSPi?
that valuable remedy . willjhelp others capacity. certiCed by a responsib Try JErx-o. the dainty appetizing,
as It dul me," writes N. f. Krufcanls, bank, for an amount which shall not economical .desert. Can be preiuiwd
159 Bartlett
Cures throa
makes flesh and strengtia Notlcolioli , H. C. SCHAFFEIt.
or Injurious drugs. a I President of Board of Local Im-
Father John's Mediciiff Is for sale provements.
by T; IF. Thomas. ii I RocK Island, Illinois
.t, nines i. f . luunauio, uciia, iui an uinouni wiucu Kuan uoi ramomicai ueswrt can ne prejuireu
street. Charltown, Mass. be less than ten (10) per centum of : Instantly simply add boiling water an.i
.., 3 x, , . . ' ' 1 ftvp when cool. 1' lnvored just ricrht:
it and lung f roubles and the aggregate of the proposal or bid. sweetened Just right; perfect in every
New AVall Papers
Our spring line of wall papers Is naw In stock, includ-
Ing Lincrusta's Harmon Crepes, Permanent Duplex Silks,
and the conventional floral designs.
Call and be convinced that they are superior in qual
ity and prices. . '
Estimates furnished for alf kinds of Painting, Grain
ing and Paper Hanging. ,
& L,e;wis;
1429-1431 Second Avenue.
iters is Only One
Hist io
way.- a ioc package makes enough
dessert, for a large family . All grocers
sell it-. Don't accept substitutes. JKL.I..-
O complies with all pure food laws: 7i
flavors lemon, orange, raspberry, KtcW- !
berry, chocolate cherry, peach. - '
Uwajs remember the full name. Look
this signature on every box 25c.

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