OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, October 12, 1909, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1909-10-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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Endows School. Pat Walsh made a
gift to the parish of St. Mary's. on the
occasion of the investure of the pastor,
Monslgnor Ryan, which will make the
event still more memorable in the his
tory of, the parish. Mr. Walsh paid
one debt of some $4,000 which w.m
still owing on the school and also en
dowed the institution so that in th
future the school is to be a free ins.i
tution. Grand Order of Nutmegs. Tin;
delegates to the Grand Order of Nut
megs opened their convention yester
day at the Kimball hotel. There v.c.e
about 50 of the representatives of the
order present. The Nutmegs are an
organization, including about 150 trav
eling men' 'representing the manufac
turers, who sell blacksmith supplies
to the hardware dealers.
Traveler Sues Hotel. Sidney Cahen,
a traveling man," is suing the Daven
port hotel, of which Gorman & Harri
son are the proprietors, for the sucV
of $479, which ho claims is the value
he set upon a suit case which lie al
leges was lost due to the negligent;-?
of the defendants. He states in hi:?
petition that on or about Aug. 2(5 tit'
entered t!u hotel and his suit cas--.
which contained valuable articles ami
jewelry, was taken from him by a bed
boy. When he returned in about Iw5
hours he demanded the suit case and
was told that it was missing.
3C0 Delegates Here. 300 delegates
are - in Davenport to attend the :h;:h
annual state convention of the Wont
an's Christian Temperance- union of
Iowa, the meetings opening at St.
John's Methodist church this evening
at 7:"0. Almost all the delegates will
bo entertained at the homes of mem
bers of the union and of the churches
of the city.
HorseshoerS' National Convention.
The ISth annual convention of iue
Master Horseshorrs' National Pio'eo:
ive association opened yesterday at the
Hotel Davenport with a rousing wel
come extended to the delegates and
visitors bv the members of the ioc il
organization and by Mayor George W.
Scott, and City Attorney Maurice f.
Donegan on behalf of the city of Dav
enport. At the morning gathering
about 500 of the visiters were present.
Held to Grand Jury. Milford C'rnv
and Arthur Stageman. both accused of
forgery and who were given a pre
liminary hearing ytsrerday 1 cfore Jus
tice Roddewig, waived their hearings
and were bound over to the grand
jury in the rum of $:10-) each. Ro'v't
Dennif, the third of the trio, will he
heard in police court ami hi-? trial wis
set for today. All three men are for
mer employes of J. A. Honnn. the con
tractor, and amongst them they man
aged to secure his check book from
which it is alleged they extracted
blank checks .'Ud filb-el these out in
(mm- ranging from $10 to $12 which
they had cashed m several saloons in
the western par! of town. In all they
secured about ?C0 thnugh the alleged
uttering of the forged instruments.
Obituary Record. Gustav Foelst.T
Because of Good Results Miss Wood Recommends It to Her
Friends for Throat and Lung
Mrs. Ella M. Wood, a professional
nurse, of Guilford, Conn., tells an in
teresting and convincing story of her
experiences in the following words:
"During the years I have engaged in
nursing, I have used Father John'.-.
Medicine in numerous cases by orde
of the attending physicians, and as I
have witnessed its beneficial results
in lung, throat and all kindred dis
tempers, felt justified in recommend -ing
it when asked a nurse's advice
by friends. I consider Father John's
Medicine a safe, reliable and honest
Whisky and Beer Habit
Cured By
The Standard IJquor Habit Remedy
Or Money Will be Refunded.
Wherever Orrine is lenown it is
ree-tgrnizel c.s the most success
ful a:id rclktble home treatment
for tin- cure of ineiiriet y. Te.ous
n nils of grateful men ami women
everywhere eiulor:-e c urine in
words of highest praise.
It In Holt imtlrr n positive jtnnr
n ntce to rfi'rrt n cure or minify
will be refunded.
Orrine Costs Only $1 Per Box.
H. 0. ROLFS, The Harper House Pharmacy.
died yesterday at his home on North
jFarnam and Central avenue after a
prolonged illness. lie was born n
Holstcin, Germany, July G, 1S7S. In
1.SS4 he came to Davenport, where he
nasi made his home ever since, lie
lias bee n employed at the Davenport
;-.ilion works, for a iiumbe- of years.
7,'r, i-'ati.it'i' i.-i survived by his mother,
.Mr.:. Anna Sueh'.u; three brothers,
.M;!n. William and Otto Foelster, and
time sisters, Anne and Elsie Foelste
and Frida Suelau.
Mrs. A. W. Frank, who had mad?
her homo in Buffalo! since her birth,
Feb. C. 1SC4, died Sunday after a long
illness of a complication of diseases.
Her death was not unexpected as she
had been failing for some time. II or
husband, who was also a resident of
Buffalo for years, died 13 years ago.
Left to survive are one son, Ralph.
The funeral was' held today.
Mrs:. Marv Anne Crane, widow of
Captain James (J. Crane, died Sunday
arter being confined tor four years "o
an invalid's chair as the result of a
Weyeihncuser Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weyer
haeuser, now residents of St. Paul,
were married in Rock Island 52 years
ago yesterday, and in celebration of
the occasion there was a family re
union at the home of Mrs. S. S. Davis,
2052 Tenth avenue, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Weyerhaeuser. Members of
the family who were present at the
anniversary were Mrs. John P. Weyer
haeuser, St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
Weyerhaeuser and daughter Margaret,
Cioouet, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
.lewett and son George F., Chicago;
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Weyerhaeuser, Sa
ble Falls. Minn., anil Mrs. W. B. Hill.
Poughkecpsie. N. Y. Others present
fiom out of the city were Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Thatcher. Mrs. McBurney and
Miss Edith McBurney, Winona. The
latter came to the city in Mr. Thatch
er's pleasure boat Frontenac, and on
board as their guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Weyerhaeuser and Mr.
A Simple Treatment That Will Muk
It Truly l-'ascinariiig M. O.
Kelt's Guarantees It.
Nowadays every up-to-date woman
lias radiant hair.
What a foolish creature a woman
would be if she lost the opportunity
to add to her attractions.
Yet in America today there are
hundreds of thousands of women
with harsh, fadetl characterless hair
who do not make any attempt to im
prove it.
In Paris most women have beauti
ful hair, and in America all women
who use Parisian Sage have lustrous
and luxuriant hair.
Any any woman reader of the this
paper can have attractive and lus
trous hair .in a few day's time by
using this great hair rejuvenator.
Parisian Sage.
The Harper house pharmacy sells
a large bottle for 50 cents ami they
guarantee it to banish dandruff, stop
falling hair and itching scalp in two
weeks or money back.
Parisian Sage is an ideal hair tonic,
not st icky or greasy.
medicine, beneficial to both old and
young, v. hen taken as directed ff.r
specified troubles. You are at liberty
to atlix my name and vocation to this
testimony." (Signed) Ella M. Wood,
nurse, Guilford, Conn.
Because of its pure and wholesome
ingredients, which nourish and build
u the body. Father John's Medicine
so strengthens the system that it is
able to ward off attacks of disease.
Cures colds, coughs, throat and lun
troubles without the use of alcohol or
dangerous drugs not a patent medi
cine. i
Orrinc in prepared in two forms.
No. 1, a powder, absolutely tnste-l"-s
and eolorli-ss, whieli ean he
piven in food or drink. Orrine
No. 2, in pilt form, for those who
wish to rure themselves. Write
for free Orrino booklet. "How to
Cure Drunkenness." (mailed in
plain sealed envelope), to Orrine
Companv 701 Orrine building.
Washington. L. C.
stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Crane was.
born Feb. G, 1X17. in Klizabethtown,
N. Y., and was nearly 9:1 years of use
at the time of death. Those who sur-i
vive are the nieces, Mrs. Mary U
Downing of Jlavenport, Mrs. Mary
Ciooksto.i of 1-03 Angeles, and Mrs.
Rev. C-elston of Kalamazoo, Mih.. and
two nephews, Frank and William
Brainard of Toledo, Ohio. The funeral
was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the rtcidenco, 1207 Rock Island
Licensed to Wed
FMwnrd (I. Verne
Mis Emma C.eismasn ,
. . r .Davenport.
Madison, Iuwa
. . . .Davenport
.Wyoming, 111.
.Bradford. Ilk
. . Roc k Island
..Rock Island
. . Rock Island
Warner J. I.atulfair. .Ft.
Miss Ella Balms
Royal II. Hogate
Miss Julia A. Harris...
John C. Howeii
Miss Rose J. Median..
John Spanbauer
Miss Ida Draliein
Theuloro A. K.)l')
Miss Liil'm (1. Jl"'."c.
and Ms. R. M. Weyerhaeuser and
daughter Margaret. The party left to
day on the return trip to Winona on
the Fiontenac.
October brides are daily increasing
and one of the happiest will be Miss
Irene Frances Ryan, daughter of the
late Dr. P. F. Ryan of DoWitt, Iowa,
who on Oct. 25 will become the wife
of Eugene Joseph Kelly of Davenport,
a v.'tll known young man, member of
tint wholesale grocery firm of John F.
Kelly company, in an elaborate cere
mony at the Sacred Heart cathedral,
Davenport. Very Rev. J. T. A. Flanna
gan. V. G., celebrating high mass. The
bride will be attended by Miss Nora
I laugh as her bridesmaid ami Calvin
Smith will act as best man. The
Initial couple will leave for the east
on an extended wedding trip. They
will be at home after Dec. 1 in a hand
some residence recently completed by
the groom at 11 Arlington court.
Ofliccrs Elected.
Queen Esther's guild of the Chris
tian church held its. regular monthly
business meeting last evening with
Mrs. Frank Seward, Twenty-seventh
street and Eighth avenue. Officers
were elected as follows:
President Mrs. Frank Seward.
Vice president Jessie Booth.
Secretary Merle Dodson.
Assistant secretary Lucy Ittner.
Treasurer I.yde Lewis.
Speaker Mrs. W. B. Clemmer.
Assistant . speaker Miss Lizzie
After the business session a social
time was enjoyed and refreshments
were served. The annual hallowe'e'i
party will be held at the home of Mrs.
Edward Lundberg.
Surprised on Birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pewee, 71
Eleventh avenue, were pleasantly sur
prised Saturd ay when a dozen or so
of their friends called upon them for
the purpose of celebrating Mr. Pewee's
birthday. The evening was spent in
playing games and otherwise enjoying
themselves. The chief prizes in the
games went to George Ryan and Mrs.
Ed Hammerick. who "discovered tin?
north pole." - Others who won priz-'s
during the evening were Mrs. Alvin
Swiinson, Thomas Kehoe and Mrs. M.
Wintcrniaii-Mni't in.
Invitations have been issued to the
wedding of Miss Adah Martin, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Martin of
Davenport, to Oscar Winterman, also
of Davenport, to be held next Satur
day. The wedding will be at the Mar
tin home, the ceremony to be witness
ed by CO guests. Miss Dorothy Martin
will be maid of honor and the brides
maids will be Miss Helen Davis of
Bock Island and Miss Beatrice Pol
lock of St. Louis. Mr Winterman will
I.. . .... .1 ...l l... l.:,. 1. ..... l. . i rt....i. !
11. tlMt-IKK'll M.V 1'IUIIIVl clll.l llUlll
Keator of Moline is to be one of bis
Entertains Ramblers.
The Ramblers club of this city was
plcastintly entertained by Miss Grace
Day at her home on Fifteenth street
last evening. A dainty course lunch
was served by Miss Day and the even
ing was passed in a social mnnner and
sewing. The club will hold its next
regular meeting with Miss Rose
With Mrs. Eliir.nii.
The Busy Bee Sewing circle of the
Rebekahs will meet with Mrs. J. L.
Ehman, 1C14 Twenty -sixth street,
Thursday afternoon at 2: SO.
Rheumatism Cured In Three Days.
If. B. Langley, Madison, Wis., says:
"I was almost helpless with rheuma
tism for about five months. Ha-J it in
ray neck so I could not turn my read,
and all through my body. I tried three
doctcrs and many remedies without
any relief whatever until I procured
Dr. Detchon's Relief for Rheumatism.
In a few hours the pain wa3 relieved
and in three days the rheumatism was
completely cured and I was at work."
Sold by Otto Grotjan, 1501 Second
avenue," Rock Island, Gust. Schlegel
& Son, 20 West Second street, Davenport.
Wayman Will Speak Here. State's
Attorney E. W. Wayman of Cook
county, the man who is stirring up
giaft and protection of crime in Chi
cago, lias promised to come to Moline
Oct. 2'.l, when he will lecture before
the- men's club in the First Congrega
tional church.
Changes in Traveling Force.
Changes in tin? traveling force of the
Moline Plow company are announced.
T. A. Walton, who has charge in north
eastern Iowa territory, is made house
salesman for the Omaha branch. His
brother, J. E. Walton, who has repre
sented the company in central and
northern Nebraska. goes to the Iowa
field, ami R. S. Towiisend, a former
Pailin & Oremlorff traveler, takes the
Nebraska territory.
Prevent Serious Blaze. Timely dis
covery of a small blaze at 1(1:50 Stn-tl.-iy
night in Potter's restaurant in tin
McKinnie block meveiited a serious
blaze. The fire broke out in th
kitchen and bad eaten its wav through
the floor and was burning along the
joists when the fire department ar
rived. A icar door was forced and .1
well directed stream of water soon ex
tinguished the b!az. A spark from
the cook stove is thought to ha.-e
caused the fire. The damage is slight
anil is covered by insurance. E. May
owtis the building.
Mrs. Burklar.d Heir to Fortune
Through the death of her lathe'.
Leonard Trumbower. which occurred
at the Proctor hospital in Peoria early
in September. Mrs. Theodore Burkland
of that city inherits a snug fortune es
timated at $100.iHiO. Mrs. Burkland
the wife of the former Moline boy who
is assistant engineer at the Peoria
waterworks. He gained athletic prom
iu. nee while at the 1'niversity of 1 1 1 i
nois. having played on the varsify
football team, and in the last several
vears has served i" many of the big
cc liege games as an official. He 11 1
usually accompanied the Peoria So
cials to this citv. when the team has
clashed with the Moline East End
Mr. and Mrs. Burkland are now in Chi
cairo attending to some of trie detail;;
of settling up the estate left by Mr
Tiumbower. The news that Mrs. Bulk
land inherits almost the, entire estat
comes from Huron. S. D.. where Mr
Trumbower made his home. He was
engaged in the mercantile business.
Obituary Record. Howard Joseph
-i - .1... .11 ...... ..r 11 . rxr.. ttrc ( 1
I 1 ;-iucii 1 1 Hi- Jiti oou y iiii ifi.-. - . .
! 11 v,ll..i f 11II KHflt It si rent, died ves
tcrtlav His parents, two brothers
Bavmond and Lester, survive. Th
funeral will be hold at 2::o fonnfrruw
afternoon from the home. Rev. C. J
Lives Lost
An Awful Toll Collected by Con
sumption. Many Unneces
sary Deaths from This
If people could only understand
that systematic; catarrh is an internal
disease that external applications can
lint cure, they would not need to 1
varned so often about this ma'a-l.
which, when neglected, paves the .vu
oftentimes for consumption, at the
cost of millions of lives every year
Yet catarrh may be cured, if the rig!'
treatment is employed.
Catarrh is caused by a general dis
eased state of the system which lead
commonly to annoying and perhaps
serious local conditions, which ma
prove a fertile breeding ground fei
germs of consumption. External
remedies give but temporary ease
The only way to successfully treat
catarrh is by employing a medicine
which is absorbed and carried by th
blood to till parts of the svstem. s
that the
mucous membrane or inter
nal lining of the body is toned up and
made capable; of resisting the infec
tion of consumption and other dis
We have a remedy prepared from
the prescription of a physician w!
lor .; years studied and made ca
tarrh a specialty, and whose1 record
! w;is a patient restored to health in
every case where his treatment wn
followed as prescribed. That remedy
is Rexall Mucu-Tone. Wo are se pes
itive that it will completely overcome
catarrh in all its various forms
1 j .
wueiner acme or enronic, mat we
promise to return every penny paid
us for the medicine in every case
where it fails or for any reason does
not satisfy the user.
We want you to try Rexall Mucu
Tone on our recommendation and
guarantee. We are right here where
you live, and you do not contract
any obligation or risk when you try
Rexall .Mucu-Tone on our guarantee.
We have Rexall Mucu-Tone in two
sizes, r.O cents and $1.00. Very often
the taking of one 50 cent bottle is
sufficient to make a marked impres
sion upon the case. Of course in
chronic cases a longer treatment l
necessary. The average in such in
stances is three $1.00 bottles. Re"
member you can obtain Rexall rem?
etiies in Rock Island only at our store
-. the Rexall store. The Thomas
r.u realize the seriousness of symptoms of diseased kidneys and bladder
1 o
w 1 1 t(
the i!.:
:i -.- tV.it there are, today,
ni.i.-; ihouoam's of per,
.i-;' !ing women dragging
.;'ut in a " dead und
vi.iis. Iiyt-ter'cal, exhausted
lor anything unable to
work .' : in
tc happiness or pleasure
in life?
Am! do you know that in a great
majetity c.f these suffering sis-tcr-ivonie.ii
are afflicted (a:;, possibly,
you are aliiiit'-d) with pome lorni of
kidney tiiid b'.udut r disear-e? That's
what it is. There may be other minor
de-raiigen.er-.ts. tri but look out for
year Kidneys and bladder.
Whenever t!:e;-c i anything wrong
with the KiJn.'ys and Bladder, a good
way !et l.e :-ui; of the fact is to give
:;:i !.t..ust remedy, such as De Witt's
KieJr.cy nr.ti ;:?dc!er Pills an honest
tri.tl. Th ii they is anything wrong
with j our i;ie!:uys and Bladder, these
niarvi lously beneficial l'iils will at
once rectily it. in nearly all cases.
Then you will know what was the
DeWltt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
are especially intended for any and
Voungberg will officiate. Interment
will follow in Riverside ecnmlery.
Mrs. E. H. Harriman, Left For
tune of $267,000,000,
Stands Alone.
Millions of Late Kailroael King l.v.i
With Those of Half n IW.cn
in the World.
New York. Oct. 12. Mrs.
l'iman, widow of IMwarel II.
is the richest woman in
M.try Hai
tian iman
the world
The estate left by the railroad
mite, who d:ed a few weeks ago, ac
cording to a statement made by a close
friend anil business associate, is val
ued at v-'"".'"'".".!'!. -'l IIOIIU CI. II Ol I I i
Mr. Harriman. the day before be died,
rave each of his chilelren $;. .""
and other relatives $:;.imhi.(mi() more-.
Hi.- remainder, I'HT.uiMi.nni), which
iocs to the wielow, places her in pos
session eif a fortune' beside which the
wealth of Mrs. Hetty Cretii and Mrs.
Russedl Sage seems small indeed.
few Unit- Murf Wt-nltli.
Not only is Mrs. Harriman the rich
est woman in the; world, but among
the great names of finance, both in
this country and in ICurope, hers is
right at the top of the list among the
five or six richest individuals. Willi
the exceptions of the Rockefeller, the
Rothschild, the duke of Westminster
and perhaps n of the Could f-ir-
iune s. Mrs. Harriman's wealth is great-I
er than any other pe-rson's.
A frie nil of K. H. 1 Ian iitian w hog.iv
a statement of the railroad king's rich
es, saitl Mr. Harriman himself a day
fc "
tfe2 "V
ana what the result may be ?
all de-;:;ngeir.i-nt.i of thr? Sidneys and
Bladder, in men or women. They are
thoroughly antiseptic, soothing, heal-
.-m 2'.-ji'. i
or two b'-fore bis death said he would
leave $:i0il.(Kill,Ot)0.
;vr Anny !:i:'..KHUM0.
"Mr. I i: rr-mai! c:;l!e-d his wife and
his children to him and told them of
Hie vast estate- lie weiuld leave." stiid
this friend of the financi r. . "ami h
told them that be would leave the
hulk of it to hi j wife. Tiie bulk men:.;
all but iiiii'.coit. which he plnnm-d!
t elivide among his children. -a few
ether relatives and old servants.... J-
it -a-:i the h:tiitluirc.? itnwrv vmi
, know, whic h his wife brought to him
j Iliat made it possible for TIarrima:i,
I t.iien a young Wall street broker, to
I branch out ar.el engage in ope-rations
j which j laced him at th" head eif the
railroad world.
"What will :h- do with it? Why,
just what her husband would have
done. No man ami v.ife wer- ever
c loser than Mr. and Mrs. I iarrimati.
Rock Island Suit
Skirt Company
Manufacturers of Tailor-Made Suits and Skirts,
Going Out
son lor
,-i:i:r fall i
ss money
Mi ii s and
than you
I ?c member t.iir suits ami skirts are the
Not lightweights cit- light
The iwi'i',.
;'iit w b it h
aty e
I,. -is t
. c an
f converting our
.ti...eil us to put
'.' bo e out "le pla le:
no woman e.
or iiler s j-.ootb
al!';l ii to mi:
$30 Suits, V2 and M) inch lengib ooni:;, pleat, tl skirts, in broad. loth
s.-rgt s. fancy siriped suiliii".s and we.rstt els, lined with glial aid eet
satin linings, one half nianuf act
price . s
$20 Suits, cheviots, broadcloths,
skirls, lined with guaranteed ;-;i.(.in Jininas, , ,
e. no half ma nn fn e l uivr's price. '.-.v. , . . . .
$te Suits, blac k broatb-loih. n ".v fall inoeli -Is. pleated
Mini (limned skirts; one-half manufacturer's price.,
$13.50 and $15 skirts, se rges, chiffon, panainas. broadcloibs
plcatt'tl ami yoke c-ITee t style's;
turer's l riee
$10 and $12 skirts, in all the new
leu. i-anamas ami vodes; one-ralf
$7 and $9 skirts, in panamas, serges and fancy suilings.
and gored styles; one-half manufacturer's
$5 and $6 skirts, 20 different Ftyles and cloths to
select from; one-half manufacturer's price ,
Black cotton broadcloth skirts, nicely
At les than one-half their c"St to us. All dress goods ihoretu-.Thly
shrunk and sponge; ready to cut. We have Chiffon. Panamas,
and serges made expressly for one piece dresses. Must be se ii 'o
be npiu-eciateel. T 1 and T.4 inches wide. We are offering; th-m for
CM-:' cents on the dollar. It takes too much spate t;i i: cii'1
"ii.Oiio yards of new full drss goods. This is what really h'.teret.4
$2.50 dress goods
Rock Island Suit & Skirt Co.,
Manufacturers of Tai!or-Madc Suits and Skirts.
Opposite Postoflicc. 1517-1519 Second Avenue.
ing. tonic and reconstructive in action,
and cannot do anything but benefit
If you experience such distressing
symptoms as constantly recurrent
"sick headaches," exhausting, drag
ging pains in the back, groin and
limbs, swollen and bloated extremi
ties, excesbive nervousness and bys.
teria, languor and "fagged-out" feci,
ing you may be certain that your
system is loaded with that deadly uric
acid joison which causes all Kidney
and Bladder derangements. Tken it's
time to call a halt.
And then why not give De Witt's
Kidney and Bladder Pills a trial?
Nearly all druggists sell them, but
their manufacturers are so anxious to
have every man and woman afllieted
with anv derangement of the kidneys
and bladder try these pills, and learn
what they will really do. that they
offer to send a trial box. free of all
cost, to anyone who will take the
trouble to write for it. Write for it
to-day to E. C. De Witt & Co., Chi
cnpo you do not know how much
this may mean to you.
She was bis only confidant. He never
made a move or laid a plan forotm of
his groups unless he had gone over
the ground to the, minutest detail with
his wife. The cp-ath of Mr. Harriman
will cause no shrinkage in the mil
lions he loft."
It's a Top Notcher Doer.
Great deeds , compel re gard. The
-voi Id crowns its doers. That's why
the American people have crowned Dr.
King's New Discovery the king of
throat iuhI lung remedies. Mve-ry atom
l.i a health force. It kills germs, and
colds, and la grippe vanish. It heals
cough-racked membranees and cough
ing steeps. Sore, inf'aiiii'd bronchi.il
tubes and lungs are cured and hemor
rhages cease. Dr. Ceorge Mori-, Black
.lack, N. C. write-s "It cured me; cf
lung trouble, pronounced hopeless oy
all doctors." .".0 c, $1 .(mi. Trial botU"
' free. Guaranteed by all druggists,
of Busine
skirls at the
e-an buy the
of the m-;i-
new fall iihmIi P.
colors of last
piing's stle..
yMui k into c a; h i -. e xi i
t he prices do .-. !i : o lo,
: pi-re-hasing a fall : nil.
s t hi.; c I;
! 1 1
rupcy strijie'd worsteds, pleat eel
letls, pleated
$5 39
lclolhs, plain
one - half inanufaoy
fall mode;!, fa-icy
-ui' in".
:il d
75 c
75c dress goods
$1.C0 dress goods
Drug company.

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