OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, July 05, 1910, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1910-07-05/ed-1/seq-10/

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OH. 50
-4F- r? 1
TRIO LODGE, NO. 67. A. F. & A. M.
Zk Meets In stated communication
C'gthe first Thursday of each
month at 7:30 p. m. By order
of M. T. Stevens, W. M.; William H
Pettit, secretary.
K. T. Stated conclave will be-held at
asylum. Eighteenth street and Sec
ond avenue, second Monday ot each
month. C W. Thacher. E. C. ; R. C
WUlerton. recorder.
Brotherhood of Amerteaa Teomea.
STEAD NO. 3231. Meets
second and fourth Friday
I evenings at 1. O. O. F.
L. SHAW. Foreman.
P. S. Wllcher. Corsp.
ABSTRACTS of title prepared or con
tinued to date covering any real es
tate In the county. Prompt and ac
curate service at reasonable ratei.
Rock. Island Title & Abstract Com
pany; J. J. Ingram V-esldent; W. J.
Sweeney, secretary; 2UO-204. second
floor, people's National bank build
ous hairs on face and arms perma
nently removed with one to bix
needles; four to six hours' work in
one Tlth six; treatments given at
home unless otherwise desired.' Ad
dress Miss A. M. Kittridge. 1019 Per
ry street, Davenport. Old phone 3136.
Miller, graduate masseuse; electric
Vibrator treatments, vapor baths,
dentine body and facial massage,
therapeutic lights, spinal treatment,
Swedish movements, etc. Hours from
10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Henley building,
suite 12. corner Fourth and Brady
streets. Davenport. Iowa.
A nice lot on
18th avenue .
28th street, near
An elegant corner lot on 17th ave
nue and 25th street; for a quick
sale 400
A good lot in Dack's addition to
South Heights; 48x214 feet $430
A corner lot on 9th street; has 4-
room cottage 81,150
A nice 5-room cottage in South
Rock Island; good well, fine
shade; easy terms .91,400
A new IVi story cottage on 26th
street; has gas and water; sew
er is being put in now; nice
shade and lots of fruit 92,100
A 7-room partly modern house on
8th avenue; is in first class
shape; nice location $2rSoo
A 10-room brick house on 2nd
avenue; everything modern;
steam heat: would make an ele
gant rooming house; a snap at. $4,500
We write
Fire Insurance.
HnnIblbsiir'Gfl & Tnnisi0
Suite 405 Best Building, Rock Island. 111.
If nun3
You no doubt have worked
hard the past year and feel
that a week or two of rest
would be of great benefit to
you. Do not worry about the
expense of the trip. We will
loan you the money and you
can pay us after you get Vwk
to work in easy weekly or
monthly payments.
No one will know that yea
obtained the loan from us, as
every deal Is strictly secret.
$1.20 is the Aveekly payment
on a 50 loan for 50 weeks.
Other amounts in proportion.
Loans made on household
goods, pianos, teams, etc., any
where within 40 miles of Dav
enport, without removal.
If you need a vacation, but
haven't the necessary cash,
mail us your name and address
or telephone us and we will
call on you at once. No charge
I sinless loan is made.
7 mrm a no m cp smn
219 V4 Brady street, Davenport.
Iowa. Old phone north 2425; new
phone 242. Open Wednesday and
Saturday nights.
LOST Near Eleventh street and First
avenue, a gray striped kitten with
white face and feet. Plf ase return
to Mrs. Maclie. 1030 First avenue.
LOST Friday evening on steamer W.
AY. or on Davenport shore, a black
leather book, containing two notes,
valuable only to owner. Return to
Argus for liberal reward.
LOANS ON REAL ESTATii security at
lowest rates. Ludolph & Reynolds,
lawyers. Best block, corner Seven
teenth street and Second avenue.
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate secur
ity at lowest rales. Marion K. Sween
ey, attorney, rooms 32 and 35. Mitch
ell & Lynde building. Hock Island.
LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, horses,
wagons, etc, quickly, privately, at
the lowest rates. Mutual Loan Com
pany (uniac), room 4)1. people's Na
tional bank building; tow phone 51U9.
Old phone west 122.
money on household goods, horses,
wagons, etc.. without removal and
in a quiet way. Call on us tor quick
loans. Fidelity Loan Company, room
41)3 Best building.
MONEY LOANED to salaried people
and others, .without security; easy
payments; no publicity. Call and gut
our terms and methods of doing bus
iness. Office hours, S a. m . 1 u 6 p.
m. Telephone north 2411. Victor
Finance Company, room lib. McMaiius
building. Second uuu Main streets,
Uavet pori.
UtUAtU; STORAGE On hrst lioor;
also manutacturer of awnings, tents
wagon covers, etc. Tents for rent. B.
Koessler & Co.. 209 Fifteenth street,
opposite the coust house. Rock lsiand.
port. Slocks, grains, provisions, cot
ton. Private wires to New York and
Chicago. Office. 103 Main street. Tel
ephone 407.
-S: UPPER ?f
DIAMOND JO LINE: For all points be
tween St. Louis, Mo., end .St. i'aul.
Mi:.n. Steamers St. Paul and Quincy
will run on the following time table:
For St. Paul and way points steamers
will leave Rock Island. 111., at 7:30 a.
m. on the following dales: June 10, 19.
28. July 2. 7. 11. 16. 2I, U. 25. Aug. 3. 7,
12. 16. 21. 25. 30. Sept. 3. .
On the above dates a special rate of
1 will be made to Clinton, Iowa, and
return, going on the steamer and re
turning on the I. & L railway.
For St. Louis and way points steam
ers will leave Rock Island, 111., at 9:15
a. m. on the following dates: June 14
23. July 2. 6, 11. 16. 20. 24. 29. Aug. 2, 7.
11, lti 2i, 25. 2y, and Sept. 3, 7. 12.
For rates and further information ap
ply to RALPH AV. LAMONT, Agt..
Rock Island. 111.
Seventeenth street. Both
bteamer fieien isiuir. lor Muscatine
and Burlington every Monday, Wednes
day and Friday at 4 p. m.
Steamer Columbia, for Muscatine and
Burlington every Tuesday nnd Thurs
day at 4 p. m.. and every Saturday at
11 P. Ill- JOT JVfUMIR,
Steamer Columbia, regular Saturday
excursion to Muscatine, every Suturday
at p. in.
Steamer enona excursions, up river
every Tuesday at 8:30 a m., and down
river every weonesuay at fs:ao a. " rn .
Steamer enona. excursions, up Hen
nepin canal and Rock river every Thurs
day and Sunday at 2:15 p. m.; and pic
nic trip to Carr's island every Saturday
at lu.ia a m.
C. J. SIANGAN, Agent.
Rock Island, 111.
Old phone west 188. nfvr phone 5152
Office and dock, foot of Nineteenth street
AY. A. Blair, general manager, Daven
port. Jowa.
IFin2Qi fen3
160 acre farm in Whiteside county,
near a good railroad town. Nearly all
under cultivation. Has two sets of good
buildings. Is well fenced and cross-
fenced, l'rice J 110 per acre. Will ac
cept a trade of about 5 to 10 acres of
land in or about the tri-cities, with good
buildings, in on this farm.
950 acre farm, with first class build
ings. AArell fenced and cross-fenced
Land - practically level. Trice $45,000.
AW 11 accept about $25,000 worth of city
property and let balance stand on farm
at 5 per cent. This is a big snap and
will not be on the market long.
42 acre farm near Taylor Ridge. Good
buildings. AA'ell fenced and cross-fenced.
Price $125 per acre. AVill accept In
on this farm a house and lot to the
value of about $2,500.
2S0 acre farm. First class buildings
in elegant repair. All fenced and cross
fenced. Is only a short distance from
Davenport. Price per acre, $130, and
will accept $18,000 worth of city prop
erty In on this farm.
If you are interested in city property
give us a call. AVe have one of the best
lists in the city to select from.
We write fire insurance in first class
companies and loan money on real es
tate. Old phone west 241; new 5988.
Blankenburg & Blankenburg,
804 Safety BaJUdlas.
FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms.
Apply 1518 Sixth avenue.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, en
tirely modern; Z200 Sixth avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
Housekeeping at 2311 Fifth avenue.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with or
without board, at 908 Twentieth street.
FOR RENT On furnished room, mod
ern improvements, at 2733 Sixth ave
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping; gas in laundry; at 2718
Firth avenue.
FOR RENT Modern furnished room;
also good board; at 3S11 Firth-and-a
half avenue.
FOR RENT Two rooms, modern, suit
able for light housekeeping, at 1525
ourth avenue.
FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms,
with water, sewer and gas. Inquire
1228 Fifteenth street.
FOR RENT Four or five modern un
furnished rooms, with gas stove, at
isi'd Seventeenth street.
FOR RENT Large modern front room,
two closets; suitable for two; gentle
men preferred; 750 Fifteenth street.
FOR RENT Modern furnished room,
suitable for two. Apply 1032 Six
teenth street, near Lung View car
FOR RENT Two modern furnished
rooms for light housekeeping at 1504
Fifth-and-a-half avenue. References
required. i
FOR RNT A nicely furnished front
room, strictly modern, suitable for
one or two gentlemen, with or with'
out board. Apply 1230 Second ave
FOR RENT To a lady employed dur
lng the day, a nicely furnished front
room in modern house; congenial sur
roundings. Inquire at 1132 Fifteenth
FOR RENT One large neatly furnish
ed room, suitable for two; rent S3 per
week: also one room for light house
keeping at $3 per week; 1530 Sixth
FOR RENT A modern six-room house.
Inquire at 1600 Twelfth street.
FOR RENT A five-room cottage, all
modern improvements, good lonation.
inquire at zivo sixth avenue.
FOR RENT An eight-room modern
house at 636 Eighteenth street. In
quire Dr. Bradford. 606 Eighteenth
FOR RENT Th'rteen-room residence.
Seventeenth street and Eleventh ave
nue; modern improvements; large
lot; $35. E. 1L Ouyer.
FOR RENT Cottages on Campbell s
lsiand; the best place in the county.
Call personally or write for circulars.
Rent cheap, by week or season. L. P.
Bergstrom. AYatertown, 111.
FOR RENT In Robinson building, well
lighted offices; all conveniences. In
cluding elevator service, roomy vaults,
etc.; one choice suite with large pri
vate vault. Apply room 100. F. K.
WE have the complete list of every va
cant house or room in the tri-cities.
It won't cost you one cent to see this
list. Summerfield's. 113-115 East Sec
ond street, Davenport.
WANTED Chimneys xo build, repair
ad clean. McDowell Bros. Old phone
north 3167.
WANTED Boarders; fine table board;
home cooking; 2212 Fifth avenue.
Phone west 1536.
WANTED Your amateur finishing at
the Brown Studio, over HarU s dru;j
store, corner Third avenue anu Twen
tieth street.
WANTED To buy, all kinds U house
hold goods, guns, watches, harness, or
anything of value. Applj at 1505
Second avenue. Old phono .west loo 7.
WANTED Furniture; I buy household
goods of every description; highest
prices paid for anything and every
thing. H. Kniff, 1721 Third aveuue,
Moline. HL Old phone 751 east.
WANTED To rent, a four or fije-room
house or cottage; must be ietween
Twenty-second and Twenty-elg-ft'.h
streets and Fifth and Eighth j.v
nues; good references- Apply l4cyr
Bros., 2506 Third uvenuw. Pnone
IF you wish to buy or sell a power plant
or machinery oi aimost any aescrip
tion. drop a card to "E. B.," caro
IF YOU WANT to buy. sell, trade or
rent anything, engage help or secure
a situation, the Mail and Journal la
the, one paper in Mollne that can do
it for you. Mall and Journal wants
are popular, and Mail and Journal
wants bring results. One-half cent
per word ia the price to all alike,
cash in advance; two-cent stauips will
do. Evening and Saturday Mail anu
Journal. Mollne. 111.
torneys-at-law. Office in Rock Island
National bank building.
Money to loan on good real estate
security, liocjis buz and 303, Safety
building, tocK isiano. uj.
McENIRY & McENIRY Attorneya-at-law.
Loan money on good security;
make collections. References, Mitch
ell & Lynde. bankers. Office, Mitchell
& Lynde building.
and counselors at law. Money to loan
on real estate. Abstracts of title pre
pared. Rooms 200-203, People's Na
tional bank building.
HENRY GAKTHJE Proprietor Chin
piannoc nursery. ui cowers and
designs of all kinds. City store. 1607
Second avenue Telephone 1110.
MEN'S felt and straw hats cleaned and
blocked at Blascnke a Cleaning AVorka,
1412 Fourth avenue, city.
Napoleon's Grit
was of the unconquerable, never-say-dle
kind, the kind that you need most
when you have a bad cold, cough or
lung disease. Suppose troches,
cough syrups, cod liver oil or doctors
have all failed, don't lose heart or
hope. Take Dr. King's New Discov
ery, satisfaction is guaranteed when
used for any throat or lung trouble.
It has saved thousands of hopeless
sufferers. It masters stubborn colds,
obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, grip,
croup, asthma, hay fever and whoop
ing cough and is the most safe and
certain remedy for all' bronchial af
fections, 50 cents, $1.00. rial bot
tle free at all druggists.
Bellboy at Hotel Harms.
WANTKP Grinders: Rock Island Man.
nfacturing Compans-
WANTgD Two tea and coffee sales
men; must give references. Bartlett
WANTED First class painters. Apply
P. J. Lee's AVall Taper Store, 1314
Third avenue.
WANTED Twenty-five laborers, at
Once. Inquire Lewis Roofing Com
pany, 2410 Third avenue.
WANTED An experienced coachman;
references required. Address, giving
reference. "Coachman," care Argus .
WANTED Carpenters, for inside fin
ish; work every day; 45 cents per
hour. Bartlett & Kllng. contractors,
Cedar Rapids. Iowa.
WANTED Good laborers and handy
meix Ask for Mr. Seamon or Mr.
Creen. People's Power Company,
Fourth street. Molina.
WANTED Representatives; Jl 8 weekly
salary .expenses and big commission,
to distribute samples and advertise;
steady work to reliable people. H.
Monroo, R. 60, Chicago.
WANTED Laborers at government
boatyard, Milan. 111.; wages per day
of eight hours, with board. $1.25;
without board. J1.75. Apply at gov
ernment office. Milan bridge.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade;
demand greater than supply; will
equip you for your own shop or steady
position in few weeks; can earn ex
penses; don't delay; particulars free.
Moler Barber College,, Chicago. I1L
WANTED Several wideawake reliable
men to canvass among the farmers
of Rock Island and Henry counties;
a first class proposition; will pay
good salary to right parties; commis
sion if desired; men with own rig
preferable. Illinois Creamery Com
pany, Aledo, 111.
WANTED Successful gasoline liht
salesmen make $200 more profit per
month selling the only instantaneous
lighting system known to science:
pull chain liht instantly; home and
commercial linhtinsr; write for terri
tory. Gloria LlgTit Company, 1270-6
Washington boulevard, , Chicago.
WANTED AVashing and ironing; 2111
Fifth avenue.
Girl; inquire Mrs. Haver
9 Sala Flats.
stick, No.
-Girl to do general house
2930 Fifth avenue.
work at
WANTED An experienced marker; ap
ply Iowa Steam Laundry, Davenport.
AA'ANTED An experienced girl to do
general housework at 1116 Fourth av
enue. WANTED AA'ai tresses
at Colonial IIo
AVages. $20 per
tel. Monmouth. 11L
WANTED A competent girl tc do sen-
eral housework. Apply at ijl Thirty-fifth
WANTED An experienced girl to do
general housework. Apply 613 Twenty-third
WANTED A competent Kirl in family
of two; no washing. Apply to Mrs.
Atia Maclie, 1020 First avenue.
AA'ANTED A young girl to assist with
general housework; may go home
nislits if preferable. Inquire 1115
Seventeenth street.
WANTED Competent girl in family of
two; no washing or ironing; must go
home nights, old phone west 1124;
1043 Twenty-second street.
AA'ANTED At once. 30 first class roll
ers and bunch breakers. The Ilark
ert Cigar company. Fourth and Tay
lor strtets. Dajwuport. lowu.
WANTED Second cook at land City
Restaurant. 219 Seventeenth street.
WANTED Boys and girls; apply Cres
cent Macaroni at ra xer Company,
Davenport, Iowa.
WANTED Live wire men and women;
$10 daily, selling guaranteed kero
sene mantle lamps; hundred candle
power light. AYrite Hale & AA'est,
2125 Van Buren street. Chicago.
(The Best is the Cheapest.)
EstaDlished 1874.
Office, 1728 Third avenue. Rates
Private wires to New York and Chi
cago. 103 Main street, Davenport. Phone
west 407.
L. M. Campbell Port An
geles, Wash.
We'll help you by loaning
you any amount from $10 up
wards on your furnfture, pian
os, horses, cows, diamonds, etc.
No publicity. All Inquiries
are treated in a confidential
manner, and all transactions as
strictly private.
Call, write or phone
KH!sMb Havana
1805 2nd. Ave., Hock Island.
Olh phone 1008. New 5708
Fon. ALE-crrv propkrtv.
FOR SALE House, with barn; inquire
420 Fourteenth street. Old phone
west oTK-X.
FOR SALE Good second hand gent's
bicycle in Rood condition; coaster
brake; at 2409 Seventh avenue.
FOR SALE Ten-room house: lot 40x
160; barn, water, sewer, gas; suitable
for two families or roomers. Inquire
428 Eleventh street.
FOR SALE A good five-room houe;
large chicken house, plenty of frut,
lot 60x160: located in South Itock Is
land, near Ninth street; price (1,700.
Eckliart & Buffum.
FOR SALS At a bargain, a corner
lot. Thirty-eighth street and Fif
teenth avenue. 50x105 feet .east front.
Addiess "P. M.," care Argus, or call
old phone west 1197-X.
FOR SALE Lots in Robinson's addi
tion in South Heights, from $300 to
$375; terms. $25 down, balance in five
years; a home on easy terms. Old
phone 759-K. E. W. Robinson.
FOR SALE Cheap, a few choice lots
left; aiso two beautilful bungalow
homes. For particulars call at 12iiti
Glenhurs court; G. Elmer Blaksley.
Twelfth etreet and Twt-lfth avenue
addition. Old phone 1157-L.
FOR SALE On Nineteenth street, a
two-story modern house, all In A 1
condition and on that nice asphalt
street; the price has been dropped to
$3.6o0, with balance of paving as
sumed by purchaser. H. K. Wulkwr,
FOR SALE Five lots In Dack's Second
audition to Rock lsiand, close to
Watch Tower car line and Eleventh
avenue; a bargain if taken at once;
object of sale, party interested de
sires to leave city. Address "B. C,"
care Argus.
FOR SALE AVe have a few lots in
Beecher & Walsh's addition on Twenty-fifth
and Twenty-sixth streets be
tween Fifteenth and Seventeenth av
enues, which wo will sell at yojrown
terms and build houses for those de
siring. Beecher Bros. Old phone 307.
FOR SALE Home; a corner residence,
cast H unt, one block f ruin Long A'iew
park and half block from Filteentii
street car line; eight rooms and bath,
furnace and gas; tine lot, with nice
shade and fruit trees; advantageous
terms for quick sale. Address 'Snap,''
care The Argus.
FOR SALE Cheap, nl-je level lota, 48x
125. corner Twenty-seventh street and
Eighteenth avenue, facing Long View
street car track. Also for 6ale or
trade, one acre lot. with new seven
room house. Terms to please pur
chaser. Inquire of E. Tuonn. 610
Twenty-eighth street.
FOR SALE An eight-room entirely
modern residence; in residence dis
trict, corner and centrally located;
cement walks and sidewalk on as
phalt paved street; must be sold on
account of party leaving city, and
will take $5.. ",00. For further particu
lars inquire at 933 Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE Three 40-foot lots, 124
feet deep, south front, Fifth-and-a-lmlf
avenue and Twenty-seventh
etreet. Also lots on Fifth avenue
near Twenty-seventh street, suitable
for store ami fiat buildings, 124 feet
deep and of frontage to suit purchas
er. Inquire at 530 Twenty-seventh
street, or of any real estate agent.
FOR SALE 224 a-re Ftock farm: fine
.improvements: four miles from Milan;
price $loo per acre. Rcidy I5ros.
FOR SALE Several gilt-edged invest
ments in farm propertv; no trade. AAr.
C. AVilson. It. F. D. No. 1, Mollne.
FOR SALE Sixty-acre farm; good seven-room
house, fine barn. go'Nl well,
cistern, plenty oi fruit; near And lln
sia: price for q-.H'-k sale $5,2o0. James
G. llritton. Andalusia, 111.
FOR SALE In Rock Island county at
a bargain, o0 ceres, all under culti
vation, good improvements; will sell
in one body or divide into 80 or 160
acre tracts; easy terms. Liuinger &
Meyer. 225 Eighteenth street.
FOR SALE On easy terms, an acre lot,
with new seven-room house, cement
cellar, with drain, good well and cis
tern: small fruit of all kinds; so fruit
trees. H. S. Allen. 1!"X 2i". Twenty-i-int'i
street. Twentieth avenue.
FoR SALE A farm of 130 acres, near
EdKington; the buildings are only
fair, but the land is very good and
is located on a main road; the price
is $90 per acre; 1 would like to show
ycu this farm. H. K. AA'aiker. agent.
FOR SALE Three choice farms, ltio
acres near Durant. 200 acres near
Stockton fan estate), 200 acres In
Clint' ii county. First two very rlioiee
farms, the best, all highly improved,
close to schools and good markets.
Hasv terms; no trade. Inquire AV. C.
AA'ilson. R. R. No. 1. Moline.
FOR SALE Fifty acres good land, four
miles from Galena, a county seat, also
four, miles from Reed's Spring, both
on the Missouri Pacific railroad in
south Missouri; worth $25 per acre;
for Rain at $15 per arre. for three
days only. S e or write O. M. AVight,
New Harper Hotel. Rock Island. 111.
German Mayor Forces Money From
Wealthy Citizen.
The rnnyor of Tosin. Germany, is a
man who undorsmnds bow to prot extra
money out of citizen. Recently at a
fashionable soin?r he tskerl a rich cit
izen for $1,250 for some-public pur
pose. "Get alon.: v!t,i you," said ttie
millionaire. "You will as soon ret the
money from me as stand on your
"Then I shall not Avait long:," retort
ed the mayor, who immediately drop
ped on all fours and. to the amazement
of the well dressl throng; promptly
performed the gymnastic feat, then
walked on his hands across the room.
The millionaire paid up.
In Doubt.
Editor Look here, what sort of writ
ing is this iu your story?
Reporter AV hat's wrong with it. sir?
Editor You say In your account of
this party where they had fun with a
bashful puest. "As his intended part
ner swept past jjracefully the others
brushed -by to scour the place for the
timid victim of the game, who had lost
courage and dusted." Sny, are you
writing about a social party or a
housecleaning exhibition? New York
A Lesson In Anatomy.
A professor at one of our universities
is very .witty upon occasion.
A medical student once asked if there
were not some works on anatomy
more recent than those in the college
"Young man." said the professor,
"there have not been many new bones
added to the human body during the
last ten years." London Standard.
Blows Hi Own Horn.
What kind of a fellow is Griggs?"
"He's one of those chaps who can do
How delightful:" ,
"Yes. but he likes to tell of it."
"ObJ" Boston Herald,
FOR SALE Delivery horse; inquire
Selle Bros., 1930 Fourth avenue.
FOR SALE: Cheap. , a hydrant almost
new. Inquire 2110 Fifth avenue.
FOR SALE A launch, almost new, 10
horse power. Inquire at 410 Seventh
FOR SALE Tables and chairs, suitable
for confectionery store, at 621 Seven
teenth street.
FOR SALE Mollne teaming gear and
oak pole box. Inquire 1028 Fourth
evenue. rear.
FOR SALE Cheap, household goods;
parties leaving city; must be sold at
once. Inquire at 426 Eleventh street.
FOR SALE Cheap, if taken at once.
one Ideal cash register and one Hough
' Security cash recorder. Inquire at
Argus office.
FOR SALE At reduced rate. 3ft horse
power to 10 horse power stationary
Kasoline engine. Inquire Kuhner
Engine & Machine Company.
FOR SALE Cheap, small launch hull
and scull boat, both suitable for small
engine Phone west 660-Y. or ad
dress 715 Fifteenth reet. city.
FOR SALE A Maxwell runabout, in
good condition, fully equipped, good
as new; also two-cylinder touring
car, cheap; at Bolles' garage. Third
avenue and Twenty-fifth street.
FOR SALE Complete equipment for
braFs foundry and machine shop;
lathes, punches, dies, molding equip
ment, at a sacrifice. Inquire Robb'S
Express Company, 2410 Third avenue.
FOR SALE French boulder stone mus
tard mill, hand or power; original
price $75; also about 150 pounds good
seed, with recipe and full Instructions
for making mustard; all for $40. J.
B. Joseph. Twelfth street. Sears. 111.
FOR SALE Launch: fast, open runa
bout, 28 feet. 12 horse power, speed
12 miles; cushion, lights, tools, etc.;
cost over $700; will sell to quick buy
er for $350. Boat Exchange, Mena
sha. AVis.
FOR SALE Railroad track scales;
length 3S feet; capacity 100 tons; re
cording beam: Fairbanks make; good
condition; ready for immediate deliv
ery. AVestern Flour Mill Company,
Davenport, Iowa.
Petition to Probate Will.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun-
ty ss:
County Court Rock Island County.
June Term, 1'JlO.
In the matter of the probate of the
last wiU and testament of Maria Mc
Eniry, deceased. In probate.
To All Persons Whom This May Con
cern Greeting:
Notice is hereby given, that on the
16th day of June. A. D. 1910. a petition
was riled in the county court of Rock
Island county. DLnois, asking that the
last will and tehtament of Maria Mc
Eniry, deceased, be admitted to probate.
The same petition further states that
the following named persons are all
heirs-at-law and legatees: Annie E.
Sturtevant, 10 Blacherm, Indianapolis,
Ind.; John McEniry, 2324 Pleasant ave
nue, Minneapolis, Minn.; Minnie Court
ney, Lockport, 111.; Stephen McEniry,
address unknown.
You are further notified that the hear
ing of the proof of said will lias been
set by said court for the 11th day of
July. A. D. 1910, at the hour of 9 o'clock
in the forenoon, at the court house in
Rock Island, in said county, when and
where you can appear, if you see fit, and
show cause, if any you have, why said
will should not be admitted to probate.
Clerk County Court.
Dated Rock Island. 111.. June 16, 1910.
McEniry & McEniry, attorneys.
Executor Notice.
Estate of John Meyser, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed executor of the last will and
testament of John Meyser, late of the
county of Rock Island, ttato of Illinois,
deoeastd, hereby gives notice that he
will appear before the county court of
Rock Island county, at the county
court room, in me cny oi nock island.
at tl.e September term, on the first Mon
day in September next at which time
all persons having claims against said
estate are notified and requested to at
tend for the purpose of having the same
adjusted All persons Indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate
payment to the undersigned.
Dated this 22nd day of June. A. D.
1910. JOSt-fll MEYSER.
Jackson. Hurst & Stafford, attorneys.
Kircnlor'i Notice.
Estate of Susanna Mathilda Lothring.
er, deceased.
I n? unuersitsneu naving neen ap
pointed executrix of the last will and
testament oi nusanna .Mawillua Loth
ringer, late of the county of Itock Is
land, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby
gives notice that she will appear before
the county court ot hock island countv.
at the county court room, in the city of
rock isianu. ai ine eepiemner term, on
the first Monday in September next, nt
which time all persons having claims
against saia estate are notified and re
quested to attend for the purpose of
having the same adjjustod. - All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to
mak uiimeuiaie payment to the under
Hated this 21st day of Junf, A. E
Adinfntntrntor Notice.
Estate of Elizabeth McDill. deceased.
The undersigned Having been n.
pointed administrator of the estate of
hilizahetn .mcuiu. late oi tne county of
jtocK xsiana, siaie oi Illinois, deceased.
hereny gives nonce mat no will appear
before the county court of Rock Island
county, at the county court room. In
the city of Rock Island, at the September
term, on the first Monday in September
next, at which time all persons having
claims against said estate are notified
and requested to attend for the purpose
or naving me same aajusieu. All per
sons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment to the
Dated 21st dav of June, A. r. 1910.
E. II. McKOAVN, Administrator.
1L A. AA'cld. attorney.
AdmiulMt rator'a Notice.
Estate of Mary E. Brennan, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
Mary K. I'.rennan. late of the county of
Rock Island, state of Illinois, deceased,
hereby gives notice that he will appear
before the county court of Rock Island
county, at th county court room, in
the city of Rock Island, at the Septem
ber term, on the first Monday In Sep
tember next, at which time all persons
having claims against said estate are
notified and requested to attend for the
purpose of having the Kama adjusted.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment
to the undersigned.
Jjated 2'Jth day of June. A. D. 1910.
John K. Scott, attorney.
INSURANCE on dwellings and bouse.
hold furniture a specialty. Chamber.
lln St Anderson.
PLEASANT COX Real estate and
insurance. Loans a specialty. Ijoat
fire companies represented. Your pat
ronage solicited. Phones west It. and
new 4172. Office at court house.
Lcposlt Company oi Maryland.
BENNETT S Insurance Agency Fire,
life, accident, health and plate glass;
real estate and loans, second floor.
Batety building. Otfice phone west
Ska. Residence phone 730-K. Open
W ednesday and Saturday nighta.
WE WILL BOND TOU Executors', ad
ministrators', guardians', trustees' or
any kind ct Judicial bonds; lodae and
society officers; city, state oi V. S.
government officials; contractors, po
sitions of trust; In fact, any kind of
bond you want (except bail bonds)
Terms reasonable. ' Hayes A Cleave
land, resident managers. Fidelity
Deposit Company of Maryland.
mo a I.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Hattle J. Tollver, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed administratrix of the estate of
Hattie J. Tollver, late of tone county of
Rock Island, state of Illinois, deceased,
hereby gives notice that she will appear
before the county court of Rock lsiand
county, at the county court room, in
the city of Rock Island, at the August
term, on the first Monday in August
next, at which time all persons having
claims against raid estate are notified
and requested to attend for the purpose
of Having me eame adjusted. All per
sons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make Immediate payment to
the undersigned.
Dated fith day of June, A. D. 1910.
John IT. Scott, attorney.
AdsnlnUtratofB Metlee.
Estate of Julia E. Rosenfield. de
ceased. The undersigned having been ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
Julia E. Rosenfield. late of the county
of Rock Island, stale of Illinois, de
ceased, hereby gives notice that he
will appear before the county court of
Rock Island county, at the county court
room. In the city of Rock Island, at the
September term, on the first Monday in
September next, at which time all per
sons having claims against said estate
are requested to attend for the purpose
of having the same adjusted. All per
sons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment to
the undersigned.
Dated 7th day of June, A. D. 1910.
Jack non. Hurst & Stafford, attorneys
for administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Jane Killing, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed administrator of tne estate of
Jane Killing, late of the county of Rock
Island, stale of Illinois, dec-eased, here
by gives notice that he will appear be
fore the county court of Rock island
county, at the county court room, in
the city of Rock Island, at the Septem
ber term, on the first Monday in Sep
tember next, at which time all persons
having claims against said estate are
notified and requested to attend for the
purpose of having the same adjusted.
All persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment
to the undersigned.
Jackson, Hurst & Stafford, attorneys.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of William Reynolds, deceased.
Public notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Lewis H. Reynolds, ad
ministrator of the estate of William
Reynolds, deceased, lias this day tiled
his final report and settlement as such
in the county court of Rock Island
county, and hearing on said report has
been set for June 27. 1910, at 9 o'clock
a. m.. at which time persons interest
ed may appear and make objections
thereto, and if no objections are filed,
said report will be approved at that
time, and the undersigned will aak for
an order of distribution, and will also
ask to be discharged.
Rock Island, ill.. June 8. 1110.
Administrator of the Estate of William
Reynolds, deceased.
Master' Bale.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun
ty ss:
In the Circuit Court; In Chancery
Paritlon. General No. 6.334.
Irvln E. GrifSr. and Mabol Hollopeter
vs. George A. Griffin. John 11. Griffin,
Dona Brookman, Gladys Grllfin; AA'illiam
Mosher, administrator with the will an
nexed of the estate of Joshua V. Grif
fin, deceased; Frank Seefeldt; United
Brewerie Company, a corporation; Her
man Vogel and Relnhard Vogel, part
ners, etc., as Vcgel Bros.' Compuny, and
George Kadel.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a decree of said court, entered In the
above entitled cause, un the 23rd day of
June. A. I). 1310, I ehall. on Saturday,
the 16th day of July, A. D. 1H, at the
hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at
the east door of the court houne. In the
city of Rock Island, in said county of
hock island, to satisfy said decree, nll
at public auction to the higheat bidder
for canh In hand, the certain parcel of
land situate in the county of Rock Is
land and state of Illinois, known and
described un follows, to-wlt:
The northwest quarter (14) of the
northeast quarter ( t4 ) of section num
ber thirty-six (38). In township number
seventeen (17). north range number
three (3), west of the fourth 4th) prin
cipal meridian, containing forty 40
acres, more or less; subject to a leaaa
thereof to George Kadel expiring March
1, 1911;
Lot number one (1) In block number
one hundred and two (102), In the vil
lage of Andalusia;
Lot number five (5) In block number
thirteen (13), in the village of Anda
lusia: all situate, lying and being in the
county of Rock Islami. and atale it Illi
nois; Provided the said bid upon each piece
or rarcel hnll be equal to at least two
thirds of the valuation put upon the
same, as shown by the report of the
commissioners heretofore appointed by
the court to make partition thereof.
aDted at rtocK Inland, 111., this zth
day of June, A. D. 1910.
Master in Chancery, Rock Island Coun
ty. Illinois.
Marlon E. Sweeney, complainant's so
licitor. Executrix's Notice.
Estate of Henry J. Simmon, deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed executrix of the last will and
testament of Henry J. Simmon, late of
the county of Rock Island, state of
Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice
that she will appear before the county
court of Itock Irland county, at the
county court room. In the city of Rock
Island, at the October term, on the flrat
Monday in October next, at which time
all persons having claims against said
estate are notltied and requested to at
tend for the purpose of having the same
adjusted. All persons Indebted to said
estate are requested to make Immediate
pavment to the undersigned.
Dated this 18th day of June. A. D.
Notice of I'lnnl Settlement.
Estate of John McEnary. deceased.
Public notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned, John F. Courtney, has this
day filel his final report and settlement
as such In the county court of Rock
Island county, and hearing on eald re
port has been set for July 25. 1910. at
9 o'clock a. m., at which time persona
Interested may appear and make objec
tions th rcto. and if no objections are
tiled, said report will hi approved at
that time, and the. undersigned will ask
for an order of distribution, and will
also ask to be discharged.
Rock Island. III.. July 1. 1910.
McEniry & McEniry. solicitors.
Kxecntor'a Not lee.
Estate of Konrad AA'eitnauer. deceased.
The untl rsiKru d having been ap
pointed executor it the lant will and
testament of Konrud AAeltnauer. late of
the county of Rock Island, state of Illi
nois, deceased, hereby gives notice that
he will appear before the county court
of Rock inland, at the county court
room, in the city of Rock Island, at the
September term, on the first Monday in
S ptembcr next, at which time ull per
sona having tialmi against said eatate
are notified and requested to attend for
the purpose of having the eame adjust
ed. All persons Indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate pay
ment to tne unoersignea.
Datod this 1st day of July, A. D. 1910.
OLAF OLSON. Executor.
McEniry & McEniry. solicitors.
JoDana ValUk & Co
Manufe-turera of Saab. Door a Bllnda,
and Stairs. Interior Finish of all kinds.
Hardwood Veneer Flooring, and deaJH
era in Olaas. til and 123 Elghtwentaj
street. 1
.V.v HW4

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