OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, August 23, 1910, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1910-08-23/ed-1/seq-7/

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The Span of Life
How long or how short that span will be,
or what it holds in store for us, is entire
ly beyond our knowledge or control. But
this is certain : you make no mistake in
'borrowing money of us. Our service is
quick, quiet and polite rates consistent
with justice. MUTUAL LOAN COMPANY,
Suite 411-412 Peoples National Bank
Bldg. Phone West 122. Open Wednes
day and Saturday nights.
ALLxiM-afi h.i "i-axjL. xtzis eupernu
4usv hairs on fae and urn, porm
nently removed with one to six
needle;' (our to six hours' work in
on with six; treatments given at
borne unless otherwise desired. Address-
Mlas A. M. Kittrldge. 101 Fer-
y ry street. Davenport. Oid phone 3136
H. J. TOMER tc CO. Brokers, leaven
port. Blocks, grains, provisions, cot
ton . Private vires to New York and
Chicago. Office. 109 Main street. Tel
ephone 407.
fcLUNRx" UAifTiU E Proprietor Cnlp
plannock o.ursery. Cut -flowers and
designs of rvil kinds. City store. 1607
Second avei e. Telephone 1110.
ANTED A position as housekeeper
In small family; best of references.
Mrs. S. Heath, 606 Thirteenth avenue,
city. "
.WANTED Situation by competent
stenographer; can furnish tlrst class
references if necessary. Address "AL
M." care Argus.
MR. LANDLORD, we want you to no
tify us by telephone or postal when
your house is vacant. We have a
complete rent list of the tri-cltles.
and have 30 to 40 applications dally
for houses. We will send them, and
without one oent of expense to you.
Summerfleld'3, 113-115 East Second
street. Davenport.
Miller, graduate masseuse; eiec-trio
vibrator treatments, vapor baths,
scientific body and facial massage,
therapeutic lights, spinal treatment,
Swedish movements, etc. Hours front
10 a. m. to 9 p. in. Henley building,
suite 12. corner Fourth and Brady
streets. Davenport. Iowa.
business and hauling. See the Ac
commodation Express Company. Old
phone 767-L John Payne, 219 Sev-
- enteenth street.
RELIABLE STORAGE On first floor;
also manufacturer of awnings, tents,
wagon covers, etc. Tents for rent. B.
Roessler & Co.. 209 Fifteenth street,
opposite the court house, Rock Island.
Manufacturers of Sash. Doors. Blinds,
and Stairs. . Interior Finish of all kinds.
Hardwood .Veneer Flooring, and deal,
era in Glass. 811 and 323 Eighteenth
L. M. Campbell Port An
geles, Wash.
We have two cottages on 4th St.
on one lot; a snap at Sl,600
A nice six - room cottaire In South
Rock Island; one-half acre of
land; lots of fruit $2,000
A brami new cottage on ISth Ave.,
near 11th St.; will sell at 92V4O0
An eight-room house on 13th
Ave.; has furnace; in good
shape S1.9O0
We have three lots In Smalley's
sub-division on 3 St.; a bar
gain at KI.OOO
171 acres in Hampton township;
has big house and good improve
ments; per acre S110
Elniilblbaiff'dl Taiaia
Suite 405 Best Building. Rock Island. Hi
Is a question of importance to
everyone. Some have plenty,
while others have not enough. It
is our business to supply those
who have not enough with the
necessary amount to meet their
needs. Our terms are so easy
that it is not necessary to worry
about the money question.
We loan from $5 up, on house
hold goods, pianos, live stock,
etc., without removal, the loan to
be repaid either weekly, monthly,
or quarterly; 60 cents per week
pays a $25 loan in 50 weeks; oth
er amounts in proportion.
We give a written contract
with each loan.
Come In, and be convinced that
this is the best place to borrow
when you want a private loan.
Our agent will call at your
house upon request.
TiraCnfty ILoaina CB
219 H Brady street. Davenport.
Iowa. Old phone north 2425; new
phona 242. Open Wednesday and
Saturday nights.
(Continued from Page Two.)
pumping station in Rock Island, one
from the Peoples Povrer company, one
from the Illinois Electrical Contracting
company, and one from the Westing
house company; the bids being read
in detail, on motion of Alderman Holz
hammer, properly seconded, the same
are referred to the superintendent of
waterworks and the waterworks com
mittee to report back tomorrow night.
Alderman Borst moved that the
Rock river bridges matter be taken up
tomorrow night, and hi3 motion, prop
erly seconded, was carried.
Alderman Frick requested that there
be included in the committee to which
was referred the sewer pump bids .at
this meeting, the finance committee
and the superintendent of waterworks.
There being no objection the mayor de
clared the committee to be. so consti
tuted, report to be submitted tomor
row night.
On motion the council adjourned.
M. T. RUDGREX, City Clerk.
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and complete record of the
proceedings of the city council of the
city of Rock Island for its regular
meeting held June 20, 1010.
Official Reporter.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 23d day of June, A. D., 1910.
M. T. RUDGREN. City Clerk.
He Must Conquer Many Difficulties In
His Dangerous York.
The successful steeple jack must
possess detrtaIn:itIon, perseverance
and ingenuity. lie must solve many
a practical problem ' In hoisting great
bodies aloft. He must know how to
fasten a hook over the summit of a
skyscraping chimney. He must have
the nerve to iaiot a steeple that sways
like a pendulum at the slender tcp. He
must be abie to tear down, build up,
gild, paint, place electric wires and do
many another task that would be
difficult enough on the solid earth.
There are many ways of getting tip
on a 6teeple, and when ail others fall
the man will tie a rope around it and
then, with a coil on his back, walk
round and round it until the entire
steeple is covered with rope, and in
such case he lins probably been round
It fully 300 times.
But a steeple is not the most diffi
cult height to climb. Straight, tall
chimneys are the hardest of alL There
a man has to work with might and
main to lift himself inch by inch from
the ground to the top. Sometimes the
top is .TOO fect hish. When it is reach
ed a hook Is placed over the edge, a
pulley is made fast, the swinging chair
is hauled up and work begins.
When the chair Is near the top it is
easier to work, because the ropes are
short, but when they lengthen as Tje
ground is approached there is a ten
dency to swin, and the wind gives
The steeple jack's safety depends
upon the hook, and until he has raised
himself almost to tht top it is impos
sible for him ii? sec wbethT or not the
hook has be-on properly adjusted.
More than once a steefie climber has
seen when within teu feet of the top
that corrosion of the Iron and the col
lection rf soot have so thickened the
wall that the hook is merely balancing
ou the top, so that the slightest pull
in the wrong direction would drag it
off. Again, the bricks are often loose
at the top, and the hook is likely to
tear them away.'
One of the nntcral difficulties to con
quer is the swaying of all high stee
ples and chimneys. In a gale a steeple
point will sway a foot and a half.
Usually it sways from seven to nine
inches. Fainting it means reaching
for a spot on the right side, and find
ing it on the left. and. when making
a dire for tt on the left, to see It sway
back to the right. Yet in spite of the
constant danger a born steeple jack ex
ults in his work and is at home, like
the Ironworker on the skyscraper, only
when high above the world. lie can
stand triumphantly at any height, if
he can have two and one-half square
inches to bear his weight. Harper's
The Kind Needed.
"Dear me." said the first young V70
man, taking her initial lesson in golf,
"what shall I do now? This ball is In
a holer
"Well, let me see," said her compan
ion, rapidly turning the leaves of a
book of Instructions. "I presume you
will have to take a stick of the right
shape to get It out" '
"Ob, yes; of course, was the some
what cynical reply. "Well, see If you
can find one shaped like a dustpan and
brush." New York Tribune.
All the news all the Uma The Argus. 1
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room.euit
able for two, at 1127 Second avenue.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, all
modern conveniences; 71 Twenty
fifth street.
FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms
at Mies L. Connelly's. 213 Seven
teenth street.
FOR RENT A large front room, with
bath; a nice home for one or two gen
tlemen; at 1114 Second avenue.
FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished
front room, suitable for two; use of
telephone; 1134 Second avenue.
FOR RENT All Modern furnished
front room, suitable for one or two
gentlemen; use of both phones; 742
v Fifteenth street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms; all modern conveniences; gen
tlemen or lady clerks preferred; at
2327 Seventh avenue; phone 1257-L,
JSiTkeSt OIeofWHgbt;slmjKr7
five-room flats, heat included. Inquire
224 Seventeenth street.
FOR RENT Double dwelling; inquire
at 1018 Seventeenth street.
FOR RENT Six-room modern house.
Inquire ItiOO Twelfth street.
FOR RENT Six-room cottage, with
barn. William Sohaarinana. Inquire
1714 Vs Second avenue.
FOR RENT Thirteen-room residence.
Seventeenth street and Eleventh ave
nue; modern improvements; . large
lot; $35. E. H. Guyer.
FOR RENT Six-room house on Slx-teenth-and-a-half
and Richmond
streets. South Heights; 110; west
1165-K. E. W. Robinson.
FOR RENT In Robinson building:, well
lighted offices; all conveniences, in
cluding elevator service, roomy vaults,
etc.; one choice suite with largo pri
vate vault. Apply room 100. F. K.
FOR RENT Two modern cottages; one
live-room, the other nine rooms. Ap
ply 1112 Twelfth street. Phone
LOST A black silk umbrella in Rock
Island or on Fourth avenue car; ini
tials "L. A. II." engraved on gold
handle. Finder return to Argus lor
reward. .
lowest rates. LuUolph &. Reynolds,
lawyers. Best block, corner Seven
teenth street and Second avenue.
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate secur
ity at lowest rates. Mariou E Sween
ev, attorney, rooms 32 ana 35, Mitch
ell & Lyndo building; Rock Island.
LOANS on furniture, pianos, horses,
wagons, etc., quickly, privately, at the
lowest rates. Mutual Loan Company
(unint). room 411. 1'eopie's National
bank building. x6VV phone 5103; oid
phone west 122.
money on housetioiu goous, norses,
wagons, etc., without removal and
in a quiet way. Call on us for quick
loans. Fidelity Loan Company, room
403 Best building. .
MONEY LOANED to salaried people and
others, without security; easy pay
ments, no publicity. Call and get our
terms and methods of doing business.
Office hours, 8 a. in. to ti p. m. Tele
phone north 2411. Victor Finance
Company, room 2!, McManua build
ing. Second and Main streets, Daven
torneye-at-law. Omce in Rocs; Island
National bank building-.
6EAKLE A. MARcSH ALT. Lawyers.
Money to loa- on good real estate
security. Rocjig 302 and Salety
building. Rock Island. 111.
McENIRY & McENlRY Attorneys-at-law.
Loan money on good security;
make collections. References, Mitch
ell & Lynde. bankers. Othce. Mllcuetl
& Lynde building.
and counselors at law. Money to loan
cn real estate. Abstracts of title pre
pared. Rooms 200-203, People's Na
tional bank building.
Sloo cash for a "tin" resulting In ac
tual location of any desirable indus
try here; 24,000 horse power iwuler)
at by-product prices, free factory
eites, raw materials abundant, trans
portation convenient; flnely illustra
ted'tolder upon request. St. Croix
Falls Improvement Association, St.
Croix Falls, Wis. 40 miles from
IF YOU WANT to buy. sell, trade or
rent anything, engage help or secure
a situation, the Mall and Journal is
the one paper In Mollne that can do
It for you. Mail and Journal wants
are popular, and Mail and Journal
wants bring results. One-half cent
per word is the price to all alike,
cash iu advance; two-cent stamps will
do. Evening and Saturday Mail ana
Journal. Mollne. XII.
.ABSTRACTS of title prepared or con
uiiucu . ... MAtf Anjr reaj es
tate in he county. Prompt and ac
curate Service at reasonable rate.
Rock IsVnd Title &. Abstract Com
pany; J. 4. Ingram V-e3'deut; W. J.
Sweeney, secretary; 0 200-203. second
floor, Pe "vie s National bank build-ing-.
ri.iui-sAi.i x x. v.u. xioai estate anu
Insurance. Loans a specialty. Beet
fire companies represented. Your pat
ronage solicited. Phones west 23, and
new 6172. OSlce at court house.
Deposit Company oi Maryland.
biiNNEXT Insurance Agency. Fire,
life, accident, health and plate glass;
real estate and loans, second floor.
Safety building. Office phone west
Vi)6. Residenoe phono 73t-K. Open
Wednesday and Saturday nights.
VtL VV1LL UJKL YOU iiiecutor', ad
ministrators', guardians', trustee or
any kind of judicial bonds; lode and
society oiiicers; city, state oi V. d.
government ouicials; contractors, pt
sltious of trust; in fact, any kind of
bond you want (except bail bonds)
Terms reasonable. Hayes &. Cleave
land. resident managers. Fidelity 4
Deposit Company of Maryland.
art instruction; 35 cents. Mrs. E.
Bohman, Forty-fifth street and Fif
- teen tli avenue; one block south of Elm
street car line.
(The Best Is the Cheapest.)
. Estaolisbed 1874.
office, 17Z8 Third avenue. Rates as
WANTED Orlnders: Rock Island Man
ufacturing Company
WANTED Four boys, between 12 and
14 years of age, at 1523 Fourth ave
nue. WANTED An active young man to
work in beer bottling works. Apply
between 9 and 10 a. m. at 218 Twenty-fourth
WANTEDExperlenced tea, coffee or
grocery salesman at Bafllett Bros'.
Must give references.
WANTED Sheet metal workers that
are familiar with automobile work.
Messenger & Parks Manufacturing
Compuny, Aurora, 11L
WANTED Experienced bench and floor
molders agricultural and jobbing gray
iron work; good labor conditions;
steady work. William Fetzer Com
pany, Springfield, 111.
WANTED Manufacturers EnOr
raocs hydro-electric power practic
ally free; other inducements- on two
great railways, St. Crulx-Mlssissippl
river route, and near St. Paul, Minne
apolis and Duluth; raw materials
convenient and cheap; illustrated
booklet and full information. Write
St. Croix Falls Improvement Associa
tion, St. Croix Falls. Wis.
WANTED 100 men; plow Otters, plow
fitter helpers, bench machinists, as
semblers, malleable molders, grey
Iron molders, foundry laborers, punch
and shear men, drop and spring ham
mer. Bradley hammer and bulldozer
men. share welders and helpers, share
setters and anglers, mold and share
shlnners, plow grinders and polishers,
share grinders and polishers; factory
labor for in and outside work; also,
able-bodied, intelligent young men to
learn trades. Living wages assured
from the start. Sanitary factory;
steady work, good wages, open shop',
no labor trouble; board and lodging
reasonable. Knox County Employ
ment Agency, Galesburg IlL
WANTED A tenant, who Is an ener
getic man. with a family, looking for
an extremely healthy locality, to go
into a beautiful southern home of
eight rooms, soft spring water piped
through the house and yard, hot and
cold water and bath, two barns, peach
and orange trees, 100 acres with run
ning spring water for stock. 20 acres
cleared, balance pine timber; $2,000
and over .can easily be niu!e off the
20 acres from two crops, while three
are usually grown; cash rent prefer
red; five minutes' walk to school and
Sunday school; railroad station at
your door with fare of 25 cents into
Mobile (only 10 miles), a beautiful
seaport city of 75.000. Any one inter
ested and leslring further informa
tion can obtain same by addressing
"S. S.," care of Argus.
dry, at 1312 Third avenue.
WANTED A girl for general house
work. 2018 Fifth avenue.
WANTED A girl to do general house
work at 1524 Ninth avenue.
WANTED A girl to do general house
work at 1127 Twentieth street.
WANTED A girl to help in kitchen at
2b52 Fifth avenue. Old phone S71-X.
WANTED Competent girl to do gen-
WANTED A competent girl; no laun
dry work. Apply 608 Twentieth
WANTED A good girl to do general
housework; good wages; at 1230 Sec
ond avenue.
WAITED Girl to do general house
work in small family. Inquire 416
Twelfth street.
WANTED Good girl to do general
housework; - $rod wages. Call old
phone west 45.
WANTED Two girls to do kitchen
work. Apply Wright's restaurant, 224
Seventeenth street.
WANTED Girl in store that is not
afraid of work; Irish girl preferred;
225-227 Eighteenth street.
WANTED A second girl in family of
four. Apply at once. Mayer Rosen
field, 1808 Seventh avenue.
WANTED Experienced girl to do gen
eral housework in family of three.
Cull afternoons at 901 Third avenue.
WANTED Competent girl to do gen
eral housework; three in family.; good
- wages. Apply U31 Twenty-second
WANTED Ladies to learn hairdress
ing. manicuring, facial massage, chi
ropody, or electrolysis; few weeks
qualities; big demand for graduates
at a splendid pay; can have your own
place with small cupltal; join now.
Moler Barber College, Chicago.
WANTED Girls and boys over 16 years
of age; steady employment. Crescent
Macaroni & Cracker Company, Daven
port. WANTED At the Majestic theatre, a
lady or young man who has had ex
perience in making change; must be
fast and accurate. Call at box office.
WANTED Agents; no splash samples
free; agents, both sexes; Eureka Anti
Splash water strainer is a winner;
get sample; be convinced; send two
cents postage. G. R. Seed, 93 Reade,
New York.
nue; price reasonable.
WANTED Chimneys o build, repair
aad clean. McDowell Bros. Old phone
north 3167.
WANTED Plain sewing by experienced
seamstress. 413 Forty-third street.
Old phone 904 K.
-. .... . '
WANTED To rent two or three un
furnished rooms close In. Address
"K. K." care Argus.
WANTED Cream; farmers wishing to
sell their cream, address Edward
Dierolf, Box 114. South Rock Island.
WANTED Work at shingling and gen
eral repairing. J. H. Butler Com
pany 805 Twelfth avenue. Old phone
WANTED Your amateur fin'slaing at
tho Brown Studio, over Ilartia s drug
store, corner Third avenue ana Twen
tieth street.
WANTED Two modern nicely furnish
ed rooms, centrally located, by two
women employed during the day. Ad
dress "Rooms," care Argus.
WANTED Board and room for students
after Sept. 1; some desire to work for
board. Address, stating price, num
ber wanted, and conveniences. Brown's
Business College.
WANTED A modern furnished roomMn
a private home by a professional
young lady whose company would be
considered; references exchanged. Ad
dress "B. C.." care Argus.
WANTED 100 old feather beds; will
pay highest cash price for old feath
ers. Send postal to American Feather
Company, 535 Twenty-flrst street.
Phone old 794-L. Will call at house.
WANTED Lace curtains to wash and
. stretch on frames; 15 cents each. Call
evenings or send a postal card to Mrs
Magtr, 2407 Sixth avenue, and your
work -will receive prompt and care
ful attention.
WANTED To buy, 600 stoves of all
kmds; also furniture; we have the
money; we want the goods; we will
pay highest prices. Knlff's Second
Hand Store, 1721 Third avenue, Mo
line, 111. Phone 751 east.
FOR SALE A lot In business district;
must sell, cheap; owner leaving town.
Address "O.." care Argus.
FOR SALE Five-room cottage; gas,
city water cement walks; good loca
tion. Address "S.," care Argus.
FOR SALE At a bargain, five-room
cottage, good barn, one acre ground.
Inquire William Schaarmaiin, 1714 H
Second avenue.
FOR SALE Cheap, three lots and slx
room house, located on Michigan ave
nue. South Rock Island. Inquire 548
Michigan avenue. South Rock Island.
FOR SALE Seven-room house; all
modern; oak floors; lot 40x132; con
crete walk; price $3,400; less money
than It cost to build. Eckhart &
FOR SALE At a bargain, a corner
lot. Thirty-eighth street and Fif
teenth avenue. 50x105 feet .east front.
Address "P. M.." care Arua. or call
old phone west 1197-X.
FOR SALS Lots In Robinson' addi
tion in South Heights, from SS00 to
$875; terms, $25 down, balance in five
. years; a home on easy terms. Old
phone 759-K. E. W. Robinson.
FOR SALE We nave few lots In
Beecher fc Walsh's addition on Twen-ty-nfth
and Twenty-sixth streets be
tween Fifteenth and Seventeenth av
enues, which we will sell at yoar own
terms and build houses for those de
airing. Beecher Bros. Old phone S07.
FOR SALE Cheap, nice level lota, 48x
125, corner Twenty-seventh street and
Eighteenth avenue, taciutf Lock View
street car track. Also foe sale or
trade, one acre lot. with new seven
room house. Terms to please purchaser.-
Inquire of K. Thoun. 610
Twenty-eighth street.
FOR SALE An el ht-room entirely
modern residence, la residence dis
trict, corner and centrally located;
cement walks and sidewalk on as
phalt paved street; must be sold on
account of party leaving city, and
will take $5,500. For further particu
lars inquire at 933 Seventeenth street.
FOR SALE Three 40-foot lots. 124
feet deep, south front. Flfth-and-a-half
avenue and Twenty-seventn
street. Also lots on Fifth avenue
near Twenty-seventh street, suitable
for store and flat buildings. 124 feet
deep and of frontage to suit purchas
er. Inquire at 630 Twenty-seventh
street, or of any real estate agent.
FOR SALE 224 acre stock farm; fine
Improvements; four miles from Milan;
price $100 per acre. Reldy Bros.
FOR SALE Any one wanting a 60-acre
farm, well improved, priced at $90 an
acre, can buy it from James G. Brit
ton, Andalusia, 111. A bargain.
FOR SALE Good truck farm in South
Rock Inland; very reasonable price;
good house and outbuildings. For
particulars call on Reidy Bros., room
4, Mitchell & Lynde building.
FOR SALE Or exchange, equity In
good Scott county larra, 80 acres;
price $110 per acre. For particulars
address Charles F. Hofeldt. 902 West
Fitteenth street, Davenport, Iowa.
FOR SALE A well improved farm of
120 acres, six miles west of Andalu
sia and live and a half miles north
west of Edgington. For particulars
telephone F. J. Schave, Edgington, 111.
FOR SALE On easy terms, an acre lot,
with new seven-room house, cement
cellar, with drain, good Well and cis
tern; small fruit of all kinds; 80 fruit
trees. E. S. Allen, Box 245. Twenty
ninth street. Twentieth avenue.
FOR SALE We have 79.000 acres In
Yellowstone county, Montana, at $9.50
per acre; tiu.000 aces in Alberta dis
trict. Canada; 42,000 acres north of
Rowliiis, Wyo., at $3 per acre. Plenty
land in North Dakota, South Dakota,
Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa in
" large cr small tracts. See us. Jen
nings Land Company, rear Rock Is
land house.
FOR SALE Cheap, good driving mare,
at t04 Dearborn street. South Rock
FOR SALE Cheap, a good family horse,
harness, single wagon and buggy, at
824 Eleventh avenue.
FOR SALE Best offer takes my visible
Remington typewriter No. lo. Address
"Typewriter, ' care Argus.
FOR SALE Contents of 12-room room
ing house; good lojitiun. See Mrs.
Laura Connelly, 219 Vg Seventeenth
street, city.
FOR SALE Cheap, If taken at once,
one Ideal ca&h register and ono Hough
Security cash recorder. Inquire at
Argus olSce.
FOR SALE Full-blooded fox terrier,
female, seven months old. Call at 506
Fourth avenue, or phone west 1314-K,
Rock Island.
FOR SALE Cheap, washing machine,
stove, tables, chairs, rugs, carpels,
and other household goods; also har
ness and buggy; lolS Seventeenth
btreet. Phone west 254.
FOR SALE Cheap, Jewel hot blast soft
coal healer; 0110 William Buck's hard
ooal range with reservoir and warm
ing shelves; one small heater burning
hard or soft coal; all in excellent con
dition; 729 Thirty-nlntn street.
KH1RON, the Great. America's fore
most clairvoyant and mystic seer.
Many profess the gift of clairvoyance,
but few indeed are so gifted. Profes
sor Khiron's years of experience and
knowledge of human affairs, together
with his superior knowledge of palm
istry and occult forces, make him all
he claims to be the peer of clairvoy
ants, lie reveals all the Important
facts of your lite, and tells you whom
and when you will marry; who Is true
or false; about friends or enemies;
home affairs, health, old estates, and
every mystery of your heart revealed
and advised upon; how to marry ttie
one of your choice; remove evil in
fluences. Call and be advised. Hours,
10 a. m. o 9 p. m.. daily; Sunday from
10 a. m. to 9 p. m., daily; Sunday from
dential. Located 1311 Fifth avenue,
Moline, near the Family theatre.
Steamer Black Hawk. lor Muscatine.
New Boston. Keithsburg. Oquawka and
Burlington. Leaves Rock Island every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4
p. m., arriving-at BurlinTlon the next
morning at 9:15.
Fare to Muscatine only 35 cents. Fare
to Burlington, including meals and
berth, $2.25 one way, or $4 for the round
Steamer Black Hawk connects at Bur
lington with steamers for Fort Madison,
Keokuk, Wulncy and all intermediate
points. C. J. MANGAN. Agent.
Rock Island. III.
Old phone west 188; new phone 5152
Offte aud dock foot of Nineteenth street.
W. A. Blair. General Manager, Dav
EL J. & CO.,
Private wires to New York and Chi
cago. 10 S Main street, Davenport Phone
rest 07.
Fetltlea t Probate Will
State or Illinois. Rook Island Coun
ty ss:
County Court. Rock Island County.
July Term, 1910.
In the matter of the probate of the
last will aud testament of Wilhelmiua
Arp, deceased In probate.
To All Persons Whom This May Con
cern Greeting-:
Notice is hereby given that on the
27th day of July, A. D. 1910, a petition
was filed in the circuit court of Rock
Island county, Illinois, asking that the
last will and testament of Wilhelmlna
Arp, deceased, be admitted to probate.
The same petition further states that
the following named pursons are all the
heirs at law and legatees: Christian
Melmerstorf; Kor Malniesdorf, alias
Cora Melmerstorf: and the unknown
heirs at law of said Wllhelmina Arp, de-
sST( 9t 4
You are further notified, that tho
hearing of the proof of said will has
been set by said court for the third oay
of September, A. D. 1910, at the hour of
9 o'clock In the forenoon, at the court
house In Rock Island, in said county,
when and where you can appear. If you
see fit. and show cause, if any you have,
why said will should not be admitted to
probate. HENRY B. HUBBARD,
Clerk County Court.
Dated at Rock Island, IlL, July 27,
Notice of Final Setlemeat.
Estate of John W. Roche, deceased.
Public notice is hereby given that the
undersigned executrix. Ellen Roche, has
this day tiled her haul, report and set
tlement as such in the county court of
Rock Island county, and hearing on said
report has been set for Aug. 22. 1910,
at 9 o'clock a. m., at which time per
sons interested may appear and make
objections thereto, and if no objections
are tiled. Bald report will be approved
at that time, and the undersigned will
ask for an order of distribution, and
will also ask to be discharged.
Rock Island, 111., July 27. 1910.
ELLEN ROCHE, Executrix.
Publication Notice.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun
ty ss:
In the County Court of Said County.
To the September Term. A. D. 1910.
Charles R. Wheelan, administrator of
the estate of Johanna McCartny, de
ceased, vs. John Curry, Kate Curry, the
unknown heirs or devisees of Kate Cur
ry, deceased; Nora Curry Dasham; the
unknown heirs or devisees of Nora Cur
ry Dasham, deceased. Petition to sell
Real Estate to Pay Debts.
Affidavit of the non-residence of Kate
Curry, the unknown heirs or devisees of
Kato Curry, deceased; Nora Curry Da
sham, the unknown heirs or devisees
of Nora Curry Dasham, deceased, de
fendants above named, having been tiled
in the office of the clerk of the county
court of Rock Island county, notice Is
hereby given to the said last named de
fendants that the said complainant, as
administrator of the estate of Johanna
McCarthy, deceased, has filed his peti
tion In said county court of Rock Island
county for an order to sell the premises
belonging t othe estate of said deceas
ed, or so much of it as may be needed
to pay the debts of Twild deceased, aud
described a follows, to-wlt:
Lot number thirteen (13), according
to assessor's plat, ofthe south half ( Vj
of section twenty-six 2t). and the north
half of section thirty-live (35. in
township seventeen (17). north range
one (1) west of the fourth (4th) princi
pal meridian, being tho town of Coal
Valley, of date 1879, said lot contain
ing one-quarter of an acre, more or less;
and aJo the following described part
of lot number fourteen (14), to-wlt:
Beginning at the northeast corner of
said lot thirteen (13) and running
south forty-seven and -one half (47 M)
degrees, east one hundred (100) feet,
more or less, to tho west side of the
street, thence southerly along the west
side of said street to a point opposite
the northwest corner of block two (2),
in Coal Valley; thence westerly to the
southeast corner of said lot thirteen
(13); thence northeasterly to the place
of beginning, which lot fourteen (14)
and also said block two (2) are describ
ed in said assessor's plat of 1879; and
that summons has been issued out of
said court against you, returnable at
the September term. A. D. 1910, of said
court, to be holden on the iirst Monday
of September, A. D. 1910, at the court
house In Rock Island, in Rock Island
county, Illinois.
Now. unless you, the said Kate Curry,
the unknown, heirs or devisees of Kate
Curry, deceased; Nora Curry Dasham.
the unknowneheirs or devisees of Nora
Curry Dasham. deceased, shall person
ally be and appear before said county
court of Rock Island county, on the
first day of a term thereof to be holden
at Rock Island in said county, on the
first Monday of September, A. D. 1910.
and plead, answer or demur to tho said
complainant's petition filed therein, the
same and the matters and things there
in charged and stated will be taken as
confessed and a decree entered against
vcu according to the prayer of said bill.
Rock Island, III.. July 16. 1910.
Murphy & Larson, complainant's so
licitors. Sale of Ileal Estate.
By virtue of an ordtr and decree of
the county court of Rock Island coun
ty, Illinois, made on petition of the un
dersigned. Peter Nelson, administrator
of tht; estate of Lars Nelson, deceased,
for leave to sell the real estate of said
deceased, at the August term. A. D. 1910.
of said court, to-wil, on the 12th day of
August, A. D. 1910. I shall, on the 12th
day of September next, between the
hours of 10 o'clock In the forenoon and
4 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
sell at public sale, at the east door of
the court house in the ciiy of liock Is
land. In said county, the real estate de
scribed as follows:
Commencing on the west side of block
number thirty-eight (38), in that part
of the city of Rock Island known as and
called the Chicago or Lower uddition,
at a point eighty-six Sti) leet norther
ly from the southwest corner of said
block, running thence easterly at right
angles to said west line of said block
one hundred and twenty 12o) feet;
thence northerly parallel to said wist
line of said block thirty (00) feet;
thence westerly at right angles to the
said west line of said block one hun
dred and twenty (120) feet; thence
southerly along the westerly line of said
block thirty (30) feet, to the place of
beginning, it being thirty (30) feet Iront
on Tenth 6treet and one . hundred and
twenty (12) feet in depth. Also, com
mencing at a point in the west line of
block thirty-eight (3b), in the Chicago
or Lower addition to said city of Hoi k
Island, one hundred and sixteen (116)
feet north of tho southwest corner of
said block; running thenco east
parallel to the south line of
said block one hundred and twenty
(120) feet; thence north parallel with
said west line thirty (30) feet; thenco
wet parallel to said soutli Hue one hun
dred and twenty (120) leet to the said
west line; thence south along said wewt
line thirty (30) feet to the place of be
ginning. All 01 tne aioresaia property
being situated In the city of Rock Is
land, county of Rock Island, and state
of Illinois; on the following terms, to
wlt: Cash in hand on delivery of deed.
Dated this 12th day of August, A. D.
Administrator of the Estate of Lars
Nelson, deceased.
Murphy & Larson, solicitors.
Notlee of Publication.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun
ty ss:
In the Circuit Court. To the Septem
ber term. A. D. 1910. In Chancery.
Clssrea Bryan complainant, vs. Blair
Bryan, defendant; divorce.
To the above named defendant:
Affidavit of your non-residence hav
ing been tiled in the oflice ot the undr
6iKned. clerk of the circuit court of the
county of Rock Island, and state of
Illinois, --ou are hereby" notified that
said complainant has -tiled in said court
her bill of complaint against you. on
the chancery side of said court; that a
summons in chancery has been tnued
in said cause against you. returnable to
the September term, A. D. 1910, of said
court, to be begun and holden In the
court house in the city of Rock Island.
In said county and state, on the third
Monday of September, A. D. 1910. st
which time and place you will appear,
and plead, answer or demur to the bill
of complaint as you may see fit.
Dated at Rock Island. 111., this 19th
day of August. A. D. 1910.
Clerk of Said Circuit Court.
Sweeney & Walker, solicitors.
Meets In stated oommunlsetloq
Tth first Thursday of each
fy month at f:0 p. m. Br order
of M. T. Stevens, W. VL; William B.
Pet tit. secretary.
K. T. Staled conclave will be held at
asylum. Eighteenth street sad He
ond avenuo, second Monday ot each
month C W. Thacaer. E. C; R. C
WiUerton. recorder.
, - - . .
evenings at 1 O. U. Jr.
L. SHAW, Foreman.
P. 8. Wilcher. Co re p.
Notlco of ubleUia.
State of Illinois, Rock Island Coun
ty ss:
In the Circuit Court of said county.
September term, A. D. 1910. In Chan
cery. Bill to quiet title.
John Russell and Susan Ttussell. com
plainants, vs. Margaret Armitage; tbe
unknown heirs or devisees of Margar
et Armitage, deceased; Grace Babcock,
the unknown heirs or devisees of Grace
Babcock, deceased; Lucy Babcock, trie
unknown heirs or devisees of Lucy Bab
cock, deceased; the unknown heirs or
devisees of George M. Babcock, deceaJS
ed; the unknown belrs or devisees of
Fred Babcock, deceased; the unknown
heirs or devisees of Julia 1-1 Babcock.
deceased; Julia Kerns iiarley, the un
kniyvn heirs or devisees of Julia Kerns
Harley, deceased, and the unknown
owner or owners of the following de
scribed real estate:
Sub-lot thirteen (1$), In block number
fourteen (14), In that part of the city of
itock Island known as and called Spen
cer & Case's addition to said city, the
samu being the north thirty (30) feet of
the south sixty (60) feet of lot number
five (5), and the north thirty (30) feet
of the south sixty (60) feet of the east
forty (40) feet of lot number four (4),
in said block number fourtMin (14), 10
Spencer & Case's addition to said city,
situated in the county of Rock Island
and state of Illinois, defendants.
To the above named defendants and
ea'h of them:
AfKduvlt of your non-reeldence and
of the non-residence of each of you bar
ing been tiled in the above entitled
cause. In the office of the undersigned,
clerk of the circuit court of the county
of Rock Island and etal of Illinois, you
are hereby notified that said complain
ants have fijed In said court their bill
of complaint sgalnst you, on the chan
cery side of said court; that a summons
in chancery has been issued in said
cause against you. returnable to the
September term, A. D. 1910, of said
court, to be begun and holden in the
court house in said city of Rock Inland,
county of Rock Island and stale of Illi
nois, on the third Monday of September,
A. D. 1910, at which time and place you
will appear, and plead, answer or de
mur to the blll'Of complaint as you may
see fit.
Dated at Rock Island. IlL, this 17th
day of August. A. I. 1910.
Clerk of the Circuit Court of Said
Murphy & Larson complainants' so
licitors. Notice of Final Settiemeat.
Estate of Emily Franlng. deceased.
. Public notice is hereby given that
the undersigned. Harriet Franing, ad
ministratrix, has this day hied her
final report and settlement as such In
tlic county court of Rock Island county,
and hearing on said report has been set
for Aug. 22, 1910. at 9 o'clock a. m., at
which time persons Interested may ap
pear and make objections thereto, and
if no objections are hied, said report
will bo approved at that time, and the
undersigned will ask for an order of
distribution, and will also ask lo be
Rock Island, 111.. Aug. 1. 1910.
Oly IPiropEirtty suadl
160 acre farm In Whiteside count,
near a good railroad town. Nearly all
under cultivation. Has two sets of good
buildings. Is well fenced and cross
fenced. Price $110 per acre. Will ao
cept a trade of about 6 to 10 acres of
land in or about the trl-cltics, with good
buildings, in ou this farm.
950 acre farm, with first class build
ings. Well fenced and cross-fenced.
Laud practically level. Price $4j,000.
Will accept about $25,000 worth of city
property and let bulauce stand on farm
at 5 per cent. This Is a big snap and
will not bo on the market long.
42 acre farm near Taylor Ridge. Oood
buildings. Well fenced and cross-feno-ed.
Price $125 per acre. Will accept in
on this farm a house and lot to the
value of about $2.bo0.
280 acre farm. First clans buildings
In elegant repair. All fenced and cross
fenced. Is only a short distance from
Davenport. Price per acre, $130, and
will accept $18,000 worth of city prop
erty in on this farm.
If you are Interested in city property
give us a call. We have one of the best
lists in the city to select from.
We write Are Insurance In first class
companies and loan money on real es
tate. Old phone west 2(1; new 598$.
Blankenburg & Blankeuburg,
806 Safety Building.
Whether hand embroider
ed, finely tucked or plain
tailored, are ironed ex
quisitely by our expert
finishers. It is impossible
for you to have them dene
as nicely at home. Let us
show yon what beautiful
work wo do. r
Tib sidkora

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