OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, January 19, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1911-01-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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hold meeting
for Frame-up?
Ousting of Waterloo May
Outcome of Suspected
vHe And Tearney on Mysterious Trip
South Indicates Five Clubs
Will Favor CTxange.
Prospects for the retention of Wa
terloo In the Three-Eye league look
darker today than yesterday after
the ruling: of the Chicago court mod
ifying the injunction against the
league to permit that team to be rep
resented and vote at the meeting
railed to decide its fate. James T.
Hayes, secretary of th,e Davenport
club, left this morning for Peoria,
ostensibly in response to a summons
for a conference from the southern
clubs. The fact that the Davenport
magnate heeded the summons and
at the same time took 'some pains
to cover his tracks is ominous.
league controversy into the courts,
the legality of this provision would
probably be tested and likely there
would be another injunction.
Accounts of the decision of Judge
Gridley printed in this morning's Chi
cago parars plainly show the lean-
lings of the source of the information
Be J to which the baseball writers ap
) plied. President Tearney is declar
I ed to be in high spirits over the out
jcome of the case and is even quoted
las saying that Waterloo "will be rul-
ed out and that Dubuque will be
I compelled to follow. This indicates
Ian intention, in the event of a tie, I
tr pflvfil tha rlmntro thrntitrh "STiit it i
r. " 1 - " " . . . . .
also makes it certain, in view of the!
position Dubuque has taken, that
there will be further litigation. The!
Dubuque directors have maintained
all along that they will resist bitter
ly any attempt to throw them out.
and it is scarcely conceivable that
they will voluntarily quit now.
"Has Beens" Turn Trick on the
School Youngsters First
Time in Years.
Old Head Win by Score of 43 to 41
Splendid Article of Ball Played
Wilcher Missed.
older men. The Moline Independents. ;
in spite of its name, has two Rock Is
landers in the lineup. Mitchem. who
picked up the fine points of the game
at hfgh school and at the Y. M. C. A.,
demonstrated his ability at guard.
Voss. a former Y. M. C. A. player, was
the other Islander in the lineup. Oth
er players. Haley, Hammerstruru and
King, are former Moline high players.
The game was a rough contest, and
from the first it looked as though the
boys were trying to see which one
could push and shove the hardest,
rather than play' basketball. As a re-
j suit of this rough playing the spirit of i
! the game was not quite what it should J
' have been. Benson, guard on the high tf Tt,taI um,Kr Arp " l'P
Death Claim3 Aggregating $10,- J
929,477.60 Settled in 1910 -j
by Woodmen.
ON 6,401 certificates;
For the first time in years the
alumni basketball five last night won
from the Rock Island high school team
i in a rloselv eontARterl mime at the ! "as more like
President Tearney left Chicago j high school gymnasium. The final
last night for South Bend, and an
nounced that on his return in a day
or two he would call a meeting of
the league for either next Monday
or one week from that date. No
body here would be surprised if
Dickey Kinsella of Springfield should
happen to be at "South Bend" about
the same time. In fact, it is prob
abl that Tearney, Hayes and the
southern magnates are in session to
day at Peoria or some other eonven-
school team, was injured because of i
this rough playing. King shoved him I
against one of the projections of the J
wall in the gymnasium, and Benson's
head was cut open. It was necessary
to call a physician to stop the flow of i done by the
blood. After the accident the game: ,,f
a uasKPiDau contest, t
Grove and Reeves were the point-1
Temporarily for Legal
At and after the recent meeting of j ient point where the newspapers can
the league at Chicago Mr. Hayes i be depended upon to overlook their
stated he was through with Water-j presence.
100, dui it naa Deen tnougnt imeiy t
score was 43 to 41. and until the last ! makers for the scrubs. The lineup:
few seconds of play it was anybody's 1 Moline Independents Haley, center;
game. Through the entire contest the ! Hammerstrum and Voss, forwards:
playing was nip and tuck and at no Mitchem. King and Payton. guards,
time was there a difference of more j High school seconds Grove, center;
ithan five points in the. scores of the j Reeves and Brough. forwards; vogel,
teams. The first half ended in favor j enson ana nane, guarus.
of the school team, 21 to IS. but this j
lead was overcome early in the second I
half by the alumni.
i It was a hard task for the former!
' high school stars to defeat the younger
men at that, for all of the high school
H. HeHem
M. 7HTrln, l.ral Aim, M
XS 210-;412 Third Avr OM rhene H
j , . Went 3S: Sew ;. '
that he would reconsider and event
ually stick with the northern clubs,
inaking.a tie on the vote to drop Wa
terloo. If he goes with the southern
faction the motion will carry and
there can hardly be any further ar
gument. .
Should there be a tie more litiga
tion would be likely to result. If
President Tearney attempted to
break the tie his power to do so
would be questioned. If the league
In answer to a telegram of inquiry
sent to him today by President W.
H. Reck of the local association Pres-
boys put up a splendid article of ball.
Barker, guarded by Liitt. and Behna
mann, guarded by Chapman, both
threw eight field baskets. Mclntyre.
who guarded Streckfus. held him down
to three lonely baskets, all of which
he made in the second half. Hughes.
Bloomington has a deficit of $500
which it is hoped will be made up by
a carnival to be held Feb. 13-1S.
Jack McCarthy has a line out for a
former Three-Eye manager to play
with the Speakers next season.
Some idea of the enormous business I
Modern Woodmen of '
be gained when it is ',
known that during the past year nearly j
$11,000,000 was paid out in death!
claims. There were C.451 claims al- I
lowed by the board of directors, and ; . ......
of these all but 50 were paid, the latter '' ten aurinR the year bv the stenograph-
hoifl r Va1i-1 tin f -y taiiiiiiL c rn until ' . , . . . t
..v. .v .... icro u..... ic department and tne number report-1 -
legal formalities were complied with. -ed .... Jh correspondence denartment i St ore h of Jlork Ilan! Citizen Hae
ine aoove tacts and numerous others s accounted for hv th fact that 12 "fir,
are shown in a statement given to the (letters were written by the stenoSraph
official publication of the society byic department for departments other
Head Clerk C. W. Hawes. The Febni-i than the correspondence, the stcno
ary number of the Modern Woodmen, ,' graphic department handling dictation
which contains the statistics for the (and letter mail for the certificate, aud
iting, mail, bond, suspension, and rec
ord departments as well as the correa-
year 1910, will begin coming off the
press in the publication building to
morrow or Saturday. It will take ( pendence department.
about 10 days to run off the 1.300,"00
papers which have to be printed.
The statement in part is as follows:
During the year 1910 there were
claims allowed by the
ident Tearnev stated that the post
poned metine of the Three-Eve I he made in the second half. Hughes, i Pitcher Elmer Ruth of the Clinton
leaeue would beheld within 10 days. ! ho played his first game at guard j I-M team has been bought by Bloom- j 6.451 death
.probably during the middle of the j last night, held Voss down to sixjington. which club is also likely to ! board of directors, aggregating 10.-
. . i i - . : . rr -" l : c . ! . rr.1 c 2.1. . I. i . . f . o I . , rM . i : i . .- . . i '
coming week. I pon learning tne uaBht"TS- w'i"e iaior. ia ins nisi Kiue : gei nimer diuhu. uie naihtuii luruit'i-ji'.j.in.OT. ji iu9 uuuiurr o.iui claims
decision of the court which heard the ; at center, held Brennan down to seven, ly with Davenport, and part of last sea
arguments on the injunction sought1 absence of wii.ciif.r fei.t. goii manager of the Clinton team.
by Waterloo to prevent the southern
attempted to rule Waterloo out un-:0(.ajiy that president Tearney would
i 1 m 1 1 t I '
i i np c-i)Hi7f f ii 1 1 n fii ii nrm eu hdoiil
end of the league from dropping that , by Coach Merle Harmon since thejCOULON DOWNS M0RAN
cVty from the circuit, it was expected Clinton game, is undoubtedly a good
der the clause
eliminates any
that takes a
Vi'lMi-i'ni - r n i nll'nniir'f iff 'fi'fta-'-'- j
Friday, Jan. 20.
Only Appearance in This City of the
Celebrated Peasant Players,
Berchtesgadener Bavern
In a Three-Act Folk Play
"Der Dorfpfarrer"
(The Village I'reacher'
DurinK Kutre Arts, National S0114IS
and the I'aincnis Scttuliplatter Tan.
You don't have to understand the
Herman language to appreciate the
singing and dancing.
Prices liV, .'Oc. 7.V. Iloes $1.00.
Phone West 24.
at once summon the league delegates
to Chicago to attend to the business
of the circuit and to get things mov
ing for the coming year. No word
had come this morninc, however, so
President Reck telegraphed for in
formation. NOW WHAT'S VHTf
Local directors are reticent as to
the effect of the court ruling. Senti
ment "here is div.ided. Some feel
ithat in appealing to the courts Wa
terloo violated its agreement
no longer deserving of me
' in the league. Then. too. it is felt
'that Rock Island's int?rests are with
'the Three-Eye league as a whole and
have been paid, the balance being de
layed awaiting compliance with legal
formalities, or being otherwise in pro
cess of adjustment.
game is undoubtedly a good lucueaiui j iniuuiim causes euu
one. and strengthens the tenm in everv ! Cliicasro Boy Lands Sleep Iroducine ' a total of 826 from
wav. Behnamann and Barker last! Purfch on Brooklynite's Jaw. ! the year 1910. or 1
nieht showed that they could hold ! Memphis. Tenn., Jan. 19. After j grand total, from
their own as forwards when they se- j flooring Terry luoran or Brooklyn tne tnree years. 1900, J90C and ISWi.
cured eight baskfts apiece off the old three times in the first round with there were 14.57 per cent of the total
high school guards
played forward i
Committee Will Hold
KewMoit Herrmann
New York. Jan. 19. August Herr
mann of the Cincinnati club, who re
cently was appointed a member of the
National league rules committee, has
sent to President Lynch his resigna
tion as a member of that committee.
"Mr. Herrmann, in his letter of res-
lA-ampl If.
If you suffer from backache, .
There is only one way to cure it.
The perfect way is to cure tha
A bad back means sick kidneys.
Neglect it, urinary troubles fot
Dean's Kidney Pills are made for
kidneys only.
j Are endorsed by Rock Island peo
! Pie.
Perfunctory! ,r- C. Pfanmiller, 307 Third
Resign. street. Rock Island. 111., says: "I
can recommend Kuans Kidney i'u
I not only from my own experience but
i from that of another member of 111 y
j family. We have both used this
: remedy with the best of result'-. I
'suffered considerably from bnH.m he
land a few doses of Doan'a Kidney
Pills removel my trouble. The othT
case I spoke of was mere severe but
tuberculosis during Pilln acted just a.
2.80 per cent of the withdrawal, sa.d 1 Mr. l ynch, hut and brouKt jl8l
this cause. During tak " fo,r granted that he has a good ,m-dlrlne ia
Mclntvre who (short jabs to the Jaw, Johnny Coulon
n the Clinton game, is j delivered the knockout in the second
etter guard. He heldlroun last nisht at the National A. C.
deaths chargeable to tuberculosis, but
during the years 19f'S-i9io, inclusive,
this percentage was reduced to 13.44
undoubtedly a better irtiard
his man down last night, and himself (with a right hook. Th fisht proved . a most significant showing, indicating
secured two baskets! Hughes held ! a disappointment to the crowd, who ; that the campaign of education car-
Meered the eastern boy in each round. ried on bv our societv aaainst tubercu-
ineiiosis. coutiled with the he nful work of ""' '""k -""
and sufficient one. and therefore I have
accepted the same. Every one who Is
interested in the progress of the gatne
will regret Mr. Herrmann's withdrawal
from such an important assignment.
"After conferring with President
Johnson of the American league. I am
of the opinion that there is no neces-
, . fio-ht Wo ia noorni latino wit 11 the Na- nr- uonotnri,,m v. n v, i n.ies
er rrom tne team ot course weanenea 1 " " " . ...... .v,. ....... .ma mi- .i
not with Waterloo.
Coulon left for Chicago after
This committee, however, will
it and isjjt Wieher who plays at guard i"'onal A. C. of London for a match j materially reducing the mortality from ! bo ca,od unon to recommend the ofTi-
r?bfrSili,1! i could possiblv have held one of the!'" bantamweight to be imported j this one cause. ; ial ball to be used after 1911. which is
There were 777 accidental deaths'" 01 gicai nii)urin-e 10 me
during the year 1910, or 12.04 per cent I National league."
of the total, and there were 220 deaths
Ixmdon, Jan. 18. "Hill Lang,
The sentiment
of another faction is to stick with
Waterloo until the bitter end. even
though it results in the breaking upjUai'. guards.
of the league and the formation of; High Taylor, center
forwards down and could have helped j fronl Australia by Hugh Mcintosh.
In team work. , , . .... .
Thn na e. ! "Bill" Lang Is D.squal.fied.
. ... . . . Australian heavyweight pugilist, was
strecKrus, torwarur; uiut ana inap-r - - , ,
Behnamann 1
' 1. . nirmni. lofl nioVl tX'ith PoltV
iflll d L Uljllip.'l .c.-M. ....... v ...... " v..
in the north end. thus 'and Barker, forwards; Mclntyre and
Sunday, Jan. 22.
One Performance Only.
The Dramatic Sensation of the De
cade. Henry W. Savage Offers
: a new one
'eliminating the troublesome south
' ernes.
TO IK ll)K lOI.I"Y.
' The Rock Island directors will
hold a meeting in the course of the
; next week and the policy of the lo
! cal club will be determined insofar
as it relates to the ousting or the re
tention of Waterloo. Although dif
fering som?wbat in their opinion as
to "Waterloo, the directors are har
moniously inclined, and whatever is
the feelins and the wish of the ma
jority will speedily become the de
sire of the club as a whole.
Officer Curran, the claimant to the
Hughes, guards.
Referee. Driggs; umpire, Harmon.
Field baskets Brennan. 7; Voss, 6;
Streckfus. 3: I.iitt, 4; Behnamann. 8;
Barker. S; Mclntyre, 2; Hughes, 1.
Foul baskets Brennan, 1; Voss, 2;
Behnamann. 3.
'British heavyweight championship, for
j hitting Curran while tne latter was on
his knees.
from suicide, or 3.41 per cent of the!
total. This last would suggest, per- !
haps, some modification in our by-law I
requirements covering deaths from sui-!
The loss rate during the year 1910
was $G.40 per Jl.Ooi) insurance, ami the j
death rate for all ages was 5 97 per i
l.ooo. J
i:orioi s m ms ii mi.i:i. j
The total of all remittances, both j
lla ken- hmiilt (.niiis I'irst Fall With
Ordeman in 2::!7:3l.
Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 19. Com
pletely worn out by the greater
strength of his opponvnt, Henry Onl
emau of Minneapolis was defeated
early yesterday morning in the most
thrilling wrestling match i his city has
an effective one in curing kidney dis
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Fosier-Milburn company, Buf
falo. New York, sole agents for the
I'nited States.
Remember the name Dean's
and take no other.
Southern Sets Salary Limit.
j Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 19. It was!
.announced yesteraay mat tne salary , ' "l a" icw,icla., n. um" gern tjeorge Hacken.-chmidt, the
I limit of $1,000 tentatively agreed upon general and benefit funds, received by , . Rll.sf)iari LioIli- winning two falls from
DKFBtT ii)Kn:DE.Ts. probably would be adopted at the j me neaa ciern during tne year 1910 1 ,j!n, The firs, fa 10(),. 2::!7::!0,
The high school second team had I South Atlantic leaguue meeting here : ws I14.007.S07 C5, the monthly aver- Hat kenschmidt gainii ig it 1 iy sdunnnii i
which is designated as the Moline In-Jpires by the president ould be rati-;h laIy average, counting 26 working ,yJn
"plckin's" defeating the team I Saturday and that the selection of urn- j 8Ke recol,ts bei"fi Jl.1C7.317.3rt and hi8 fatigUed opponent to the mat auj ! Kimior of Removal to Springfield I
on him. The second fall took PeiiM'il by lcan.
only 2:30, Hac kenschinidt picking up j I'rbana. III.. Jau. 1 9 . A ruuior
the local man and throwing him in that the I'nlversity of Illinois Col
much the same manner as in the first I lege of Law might be moved lo
fall. The bout was the main event of j Springfield was pronounced false by
a long card and lasted uniil close upou'-'udge Oliver A. Darker, dean of I lie
'dependents. The final score was 24 fled. The season win open April o
to 9. The high school boys are all' and close Sept. 4, with a total of HO
youngsters, but they surely put up a 'playing days,
better game of basketball than the i
By Alexander Bisson.
With a Star Cast Such as Seen With
All the Savage Attractions.
I 'rices 2."c, .Vc, 75c. I.OO and 91.50
lloxe tK.OO.
Seat sale Friday morning. Jan. 20.
Phone West 22 4.
No free list.
Snow and Ice Cover Food Supply and
X! They Are Starving,
i An appeal to fewd the quail, made
by the state game department ear
lier in the w.'nter is renewed now.
The birds, depleted in numbers by
heavy snow and much cold last win
ter, are again menaced by the ice
and snow now covering the ground
and everything on it. The ica is so
heavy that it cuts the birds off from
their usual supply of grain and weed
seeds and unless they are helped
through the winter the flocks will be
even less numerous next fall than
they were last fall.
Jan. 20 "The Bavarians."
Jan. 22 Henry W. Savage's "Mad
ame X."
Jan. 29 Aborn Grand Opera com
pany in "II Trovatore."
Expert critics in New York, Paris,
Ixmdon and other world-cities where
"Madame X" has been scoring so great
the Majestic for the last half of the
week, starting tonight. These five
days to the month, was $44,S96.S2.
The total receipts of the society, as
passed to credit, show as follows:
Assessments to benefit
fund $12,180.(150.45
Interest to benefit fund.
Benefit fund total
Per capita receipts
Receipts from supplies..
Certificate fees
Interest to general fund.
2 o'clock in the morning.
.$13,311,722.30! Pollock to Wmpire in Eastern.
.$ 1,319.911.50 1 Kewanee, III . Jan. 19. John Pollock,
1. if, 974. 97 ; umpire in the Wisi ousin Illinois league
20,29.75 I last .season, has signed a contract to
41,521.81 umpire in tne Fastern league for 1911.
college. A report came from Spring
field that the plan was under con
sideration. It Is believed it originat
ed in a remark made by Oovernor
Iiene?n on the advantage" the prox
imity of the college would be to tiie
members of the legislature.
Total to general fund..$ 1.503,241.03
Licensed to Wed.
credits to
j girls are talented musicians and are1
Grand total
funds $13,901,903.33
! instrumentalists and vocalists of! I"ing the year 1910 there were 13,
j worth, according to those who havej-sl orders issued, representing returns
(witnessed their performance. Carey, of remittances for all causes and on
I Holmes and Wells will appear in a)3" accounts. These returns aggrega
j short skit called "Two Men and a i ted $26,597.72. The remittances re
I Girl ; " Zell and Rodgers will hav eiceived during the j ear were classified
a comedy knockabout act while Delia !as follows:
(and Templeton in a contortion act ! Drafts, monev orders and
Saturday, Jan. 28
First American Tour of
Mile, Anna Pavlowa
M. Mikail Mordkin
The Big Vaudeville Show
5 Beautiful Gfrls 5
In a Gorgeous Musical Act.
la triumph, unite in the verdict that it
j is the most powerful emotional melo
drama within memory. They have not
hesitated to say tha his play by Alex
ander Bisson holds in the hearts of the
and the
Imperial Russian Ballet
AVith Complete Orchestra, Theodore
Stier. Conductor.
By sDeclal arrangement with the
Russian government and Metropoli- 5 Other Big Feature Acts
tan Opera company. New York. ron't Mi This Hi Show,
t'nder the auspices of the liarmonie
Society. old Phone 16S5.
Irices $1, f f .50. $2.00, $52-50 and ! "
Mail orders accompanied by check
or monev rrrtiF rpcprvoH frirtnv !
Jan. 20. Box office seat sale Sat
urday, Jan. 21.
express orders .
Cash remittances
Postage stamps . .
with special scenery conclude the
regular numbers. Mrs. Casey in a
new song and the Majestiscope will
finish the show.
Total til nn? wfiT
. . . . i r- n . . . . . I . i t .yj i
11XV T4MI I ".!.
Announcement was made today that Tt ... . ,
jjreseui geneidiiun ui piaj-oera t be Imperial Kussiair dancers had been :
M'ss Nellie McCarty Rock Island
Joe Benton Davenport
Miss Ka'herlne Broderick ... Davenport
Mathew C. McDonald Rock Islam!
Miss Orpha I. Gratz Rock Island
Edward Wespler Rock Island
Miss Armanda Dau Bock Island
j Old Soldier Tortured.
I "For years 1 suffered unspeakable
I torture from Indigestion, constipation
and liver trojble," wrote A. K.
i FiuPh. a war veteran at Erie. Pa .
j' lut Dr. King's New I,lfe PilU flx-i
! nit? all right. They're simply great."
j'j" them for any stomach, liver or
kidney trouble. Only 25 cents nt n'.X
I druggist.
! Stamps, while irr-tt t an iich era!
V . . engaged for a performance at the Illi-1 transferred to the postage account, and
There fv niy ono
That ia
gone by by uch lamous works as
"Article 4," "East Iynne," "Camille,"
or the wonderful Sardou tetralogy.
Ia Tosca," "Gismonda," "Fedora'
5 ; and "Cleopatra."
Saturday, Jan. 21
Matinee and Night
Joseph M. Gaites Smashing Hit
"Bright Eyes"
By the authors of . "Three Twins."
"Madame Sherry," "This Girl
of My Dreams." with
Cecil Lean Florence Holbrook
The Original New York and Chicago
Ct and I'roriurtion and Many,
Many lretty Girls.
Prices Matinee. SOc to 1 .50.
4to&e 2. IVice. evening .W to
SI.50. Ixnes Seats on sale Thurs
day, Jan. IB, U i. iu. Phone WH. k U.
best pictures of quality,
good music and good
- singers.
tfomplete change of
program daily.
Added to the emo
tional vower of "Madame X" there is
!a realism, a fidelity to the actuaf, monie society.
: things of life, that sets it on an even
(higher plane than any of these famous
'forebears. While beyond all this,
"Madame X" deals with that greatest
;of all human feelings mother love. It
i is this that has made the drama so
; potently appealing to all races and all
i nationalities. In its author's native
' Paris, in Ijondon. in Berlin, in New
j York, the play has fairly swept the
i piaygoing puonc on us
nois theatre here Monday. Jan. 30. The Ine to,al of 6uh remittances ($3
company, which is headed by Mile. 122" Pes to swell the total of post-!
Anna Pavlowa and M. Mikail Mordkin. "e used to. $33,750.72, tho actual pur
W m nnpar at the firanrt In rwnnn-t phases amounting to J J-i.T.ftS. Or-
becoming clear and
i eeroi,
, . . . . . ..... . .. H If.. A-c i . . . .. .. ; . v. t . i .
up 2
jeven the most critical-minded persons
i have found its appeal absolutely ir
resistible. Henry W. Savage, who has
the producing rights of the play for j
America and all other English-speak-!
jing countries, has staged the drama j
! exactly as it was done at the Theatre i
In . A , . : r . ; . j
rune nitr. .mhiiiii, rai ia, prrs?r IU5 :
intact all the intricate detail of that!
j presentation made under te author's;
iperson.il supervision. Mr. Savage will
io?rr "Madame X" at the Illinois here i
; preventing
ji i uft i pont u pittn. 'and
Jan. 2S, under the auspices of the Har- "ra von ,,,e Benerai r.ma were
An orchestra of 40i J,a""- UI 'c.cn.cr an stamp
nipr 4 rorrlori The mm na n v la n ! 1 ' 1 la " "B,'u l"'"-
a short tour before opening in Chicago !. Th"e weJ"e l"" Ceipts
playing a return engagement in tha i i.ss,K'd b' the h' ad -lPrkt -ckn6wledR-i
latter city :,nK rer"1,,anr"s accept-d. and 7.3TC !
j pages of cash were completed in the!
-'- r r j bookkeeping department.
THIS WILL QUICKLY MAKE ' The 'S"'nS pieces of ma'I. ail
A ROUGH PIMPLY SKIN passes, averaged during iho year over:
RMriOTTT ANT1 VPT VTTV 1 J ' 1er montn- ar1 n'omlu? mail
SMOOTH ANU VELVETY ;aVeraged over TS.Ofio pieces per month.!
During the year inio, the correspond
nce department, charged with the
Similarly earned rrtnadiea ometlmM
deceive. Tbis Brtt and orlninat Cold Tablet
la a WHITE PACkAUE with blark
aod red lettering, and bears tha signature of
feet; while How i on Can Make a Pint of Fine
! ditty of handling the general offltej
Fare CYeain at Very little Cost
Beauty experts say rough, pimply, mail of the head clerks office, wrote
1. I ..I . I . I J . . r . 1 CAAI. 1.,.. - s 1 1 1
, iua quiitiv jieiu iu luaeaging na iuera auu nanaiea mat'ers
connected with 4 rj.nr, pass reports; fil-
prepared, it should find
every woman's dresser.
To make, get 2 ounces of cerol
from the druggist and dissolve in a
! Bcant pint of boiling water, stirring
juntil smooth. When massaged in
the skin it removes all impurities.
a place on t issued l.ocs head clerk's transfer
cards, and disposed of difficulties with
relation to 1,SS remittances of all
The stenographic department, close
ly allk-J with the correspondence de-
For sale by Allen. ifvr fa. T. : irr;.ni i i.
. . , t-. - ' - . : . . . u . .. .. i i.ii - L m . a ii a. . i mi Hi u ii ill 1
partment, completed dnrlng the year.
and dispelVng wrinkles ; 12.210 letters, or a monthly a vera eel
giving the complexion an ex-; of 1 1.018, or a daily average of 443 In I
uisile bloom and refinement im-i addition, there were 23S.313 record!
I possible with artificial aids. Meif;cards written In this department, ai
strong bill, headed bj the Five frequently use cerol cream after tncnth'y averac of IS-SO."!. and a dailvl
shaving a it socthes smart.'ng, itch- aveiagr r,f )13. The difference between 1
large enough to clean the rla'e.
make regular payments. In this
itors, regain your peace of mfnd.
concern a credit against which you can draw for any emergency
Call and talk it over.
Ar a cciiittant source
of annoyance. They of
ten Injure a
reputation for
ty beyond repair.
IJjnch your bills to
gether and get a loan
Return the loau In easy-to-way
you sat'ffy all your cred
and ektabiiah with a reputable
person' 1
reliabb'i- j
l'rmrt'm ?aflwsl laak
hmlttllmm. V Hr4n.
I'Uwac V rat 123.
111 A Eaiate.
'it. is promised by Manager Quinn cf Jing skin.
ithe number of letter reported wrlt-

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