OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, April 03, 1911, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1911-04-03/ed-1/seq-10/

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Wife of Davenport Attorney
Establishes a Residence
in Reno, Nev.
Acta of Cruelty Are Alleged Also
Complainant Refuses to Iis
ruM Cms.
Attorney Charles T. Cooper of Dav
enport la mad defendant In a suit for
divorce which has been Instituted by
his wife, Mrs. Xatherlne Cooper, at her
home In Heno, Nev., according to a dis
path received from that city, the I
charges set forth by the plaintiff alleg- j
ln g cruelty and non -support. The die-
patch Is the following:
Reno. Ner., April 1. There haa been
residing here In a modest cottage since
last September a woman, as a member
la a busy one for the good
housewife, fepring is with us
sod it is now for siming doors
and windows wide and riving;
the home its annual spring
cleaning. With proper tools
aad good cleaners Ute work is
half done. We will supply you.
Brooms, best stiff carpet, se
lected clean straw, four sewed,
medium weight, each . .. 40c
No. 4 carpet medium
weight 35fc
Cotton mops, with handle
attached, each 25c
Brushes, good stiff fiber,
15c and 20c
Clotheslines, 100 feet galvan
ized rust proof wire line,
each 35c
Cable lines. 60 feet, will not
twist, each 20c
Lu Lu scouring powder, for
scouring kitchen utensils, glass
ware. etc.. three cans ... 25c
Solarine metal polish for pol
ishing gold, silver, brass, nick
el, tin, etc., a can 35c
Favonal for cleaning polished
furniture, varnished floors and
painted wood work,
large Jar 25c
Rexine for cleaning wood
work, etc., can 10c
Sapolio and Bon Ami,
a cake 10c
Three cakes 25c
Amonla to use In water in
cleaning windows.
large bottle 8c
Lye, for cleaning kitchen sinks
and scrubbing floors, three
cna 25c
Sal soda for cleaning sink,
drains, scrubbing., etc.,
four pounds 10c
A complete line of soaps and
washing ' powders.
Connect your phone with
our6. We will be pleased to
take your order.
2207 Fourth Avenue.
You can vote
of the local divorce colon', who has
I kept herself quietly from publicity as
far as her identification is concerned,
j She is Mrs. Katheiine L. Cooper, wife
I of Charles T. Cooper, a well known
Iowa attorney, practicing his profes
sion in Davenport for several years
She has passed the required six
months' residence here, and has now
filed her complaint for divorce, alleg
ing that her husband, although abund
antly able to provide for her, has failed
utterly to do so.
She further charges him with acte of
cruelty In that he Is continually nag
ging at her. and fault-finding, making
life unbearable for her. The couple
were married In 1834, and lived togeth
er until two years ago, when the sep
aration finally occurred In 1909.
There are no children Involved and
no mention of any property rights to
be adjusted. Mrs. Cooper has one of
the most prominent law firms handling
her case. Summons will be served
upon the husband In Davenport, but
whether be will file an answer of for-
mal denial, or appear by counsel and
contest the action, or let it go by de
fault, cannot be known yet. Few of
the friends of the fair plaintiff. It Is
understood, have any know ledge of her
being In Nevada for such purpose.
Mrs. Cooper will not discuss her mar
ital troubles. It Is one of the trying
ordeals of her life to be compelled to
this action, but she declares that It
wae all brought ahout solely by her
husband's conduct, which became more
' aggravated as time passed, although
j she did all that a faithful, dutiful wife
I could do to make their home happy.
' There are several other specific alle
j gatlons of cruelty embodied in the
complaint. She further asks to be re
' stored to her maiden name. The bear
J ing in the case will in all probability
! not come up before the end of this
month at the earliest.
City Chat
At the Lunch Counter.
Said a bald-headed man to a waitress
I hold
j "See here, young woman, my cocoa's
; She scornfully answered: "I can't
j help that.
' If the blamed thing's chilly, put on
your hat!"'
' Success Magazine.
Buy a home of Reidy Bros.
Verier Rust company, cleaners.
Tri-City Towel Supply company.
For express, call Spencer & Trefs.
Fresh river fish at 1718 Third ave-
:nue, West 1092. We deliver.
! Mrs. Austin's buckwheat flour gives
j you a really good wholesome breakfast,
i Let William Johnson do your tin and
furnace work: 1316 Third avenue,
j Mrs. Austin's buckwheat flour gives
! you a really good wholesome breakfast,
i AH kinds of men's hats cleaned,
blocked and repaired at Blaschke s.
' Mrs. Austin's buckwheat flour gives
j you a really good wholesome breakfast.
H. T. Siemon wants your tin and
; furnace work; 1526-1528 Fourth av3
j nue.
Loans on real estate security. Al
bert Huber, People's National bank
Happy Hour coffee, the best for ev
ery occasion, at Littig & Stahmer's
sanitary grocery.
Dr. Emily Wright has changed her
, office from 1716V Second avenue to
417-415 Safety building.
I Court of Honor $55 will give a dance
j at Bcselin's hall Thursday evening,
j April 6. Admission, 15 cents,
i Five hundred unredeemed suits, al
jso suit cases and all kinds of watches.
tkJ , i l U JIU J rvJ J
diamonds, etc., on sale at Deutsch's
loan office, 320 Twentieth street.
An examination for minor clerk in
the ordnance department at large, sal
ary $600, will be held at Rock Island
April 22. Applications must be in
by April 12.
A civil service examination for the
position of apprentice In the ordnance
department at large is to be held at
Rock Island arsenal under the aus
pices of the civil service board May
The returns of the election are to
be received at the Rock Island club
tomorrow evening, a table de'hote din
ner being served at 6:30 for members
who desire to remain down town until
thf news of the election is received.
The club will continue to occupy its
present quarters until April 26 when
it will pack up and move to its new
temporary quarters In the New Har
per where it will be housed from Ap
ril 29 until the new club house is
Broad wav Toons People's Society
At a business meeting held last ev
ening, following the regular meeting
of the Young People's society at Broad
way Presbyterian church, officers were
elected to serve during the ensuing
year. They are:
President William M. Stewart.
Vice President Miss Adria Titter
in gt on.
Secretary Miss Josephine Schnei
der. Treasurer" Orville Karns.
The officers will select the chairmen
of the various committees and the
chairmen will In turn select the com
mitteemen. This will probably be done
at a meeting which will be held next
Trinity Episcopal. Trinity guild
will meet Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock in the home of Mrs. F. B.
Hawes, 718 Seventeenth street.
First Methodist. The Woman's
Home Missionary society will meet
tomorrow evening at 7:45 with Miss
T-'llemeyer, 1015 Twelfth street.
Prayer services will be held Wed
nesday evening at 7:30.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
society will meet Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. H. E. Casteel, Seventeenth
avenue and Twentieth street.
The King's Heralds will meet Sat-'
urday afternoon at 2:3, with Miss
Ethel Stevens, 1001 Twenty-second !
street. j
Spencer Memorial. There will be a!
meeting of the official board this eve-!
ning at 7:30. j
The bible study class will meet to
morrow evening at 7:30. j
Prayer services will be held Wed-:
jnesday evening at 7:30. This will be;
in the nature of a Sunday school pray j
!er service. A. M. Bruner, evangelist,:
wiii be present, to deliver an address. '.
Thursday afternoon, the Ladies' Aid j
society will serve its monthly coffee
i at the home of Mrs. Jennie Fisher, I
619 Forty-fourth street. !
The choir will meet Thursday eve-j
ning at 7:30 for reheasal. j
Central Presbyterian. The annual
congregational meeting will be held
Wednesday evening at 7:30. Officers
will be elected and reports for the
last year will be received.
A. M. Bruner, evangelist will con
duct services at the chapel, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday evenings.
United Presbyterian, The annual j
for JONAS BEAR for
Forty-acre Tract Nine Miles
From This City Brings
$300 Per Acre.
Shows Value of Transportafiion Fa
cilities George Wagner Sells
to Louis Vetter.
A marker for land values in this
county was set in a deal completed
Saturday -through the agency of
Eckhart & Buffum and J. G.
Britton whereby - Louis Vetter of
Black Hawk buys a 4 0-aere tract on
the Andalusia road, five miles west of
Milan from Geo. Wagner of this city for
$300 per acre, cold cash. The land
is part of the farm of 300 acres that
Mr. Wagner bought this spring from
F. N. Rouse. There is not a build
ing on it and the only fences are
those which enclose it. Ten years
ago it was almost worthless, the most
of it never having been under culti
vation up to that time because of
its swamp condition.
Mr. Vetter was particularly desir
ous of securing the tract to give him
a solid half section and so paid an
unusually stiff price for it.
So far as is known this sets a rec
ord for land values for property ly
ing no nearer than this to Rock Is
land. The tract is within half a
mile of the Rock Island Southern,
which since it has begun interurban
service has had the effect of stimu
lating land values wonderfully.
congregational meeting will be held
Wednesday evening at 7:30. Officers
will be elected and reports received.
Thursday evening, under the auspic
es of the Young People's society, the
Ladles' Aid society of McCIellan
Heights United Presbyterian will give
a playlette, "Our Busy Ladies' Aid."
The session will meet Friday eve
ning at the parsonage.
Broadway Presbyterian. The ses
sion will meet this evening at 7:30.
tones and strengthens the
digestion in a natural way
It contains no medica
tion but accomplishes" its
purpose by providing the
necessary food elements
in the right form.
Let a 10 days' test of
Grape-Nuts convince you.
"There a Resason"
Postum Cereal Company, Ltd.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
e assurance
The annual congregational meeting
will be held Wednesday evening and
officers will bo elected and reports
win be heard. A. M. Bruner will de
liver a brief address.
The choir will meet Thursday eve
ning at 7:30 for rehearsal.
South Park Presbyterian. Junior
services will be held tomorrow after
noon at 4 o'clock and prayer services
will be held tomorrow evening at
Thursday evening at S o'clock. Miss
Fanny Cleland s class, the J .B. C.
girls, will give a program, which will
be followed by a social hour.
Memorial Christian. Tonight at
7:30. the Y. P. S. C. E. will hold a
business and social meeting in the
church parlors.
Mid-week prayer services will be
held Wednesday evening at 7:3".
The choir will meet Thursday eve
ning at 7:30 for rehearsal. At the
same hour, the Willing Workers'
class will hold a sociable in the
church parlors.
The teachers and teachers' training
class will meet Friday evening at
Second Christian Mission. Train
ing for service class and prayer ser
vice will be held tomorrow evening at
7:30 and will be followed by a meet
ing of the Sunday school teachers and
The Ladies' Aid society will meet
Wednesday afternoon in the chapel.
Third Christian Mission. Tonight!
at 7:30, the teachers and officers of!
the Sunday school will meet. with Mr.)
and Mrs. W. H. Schillinger, 2020, Thir
teenth avenue.
The Dorcas society will meet Thurs
day, all day, for work in the home j
of Mrs. J. S. Baker, 1330 Thirty-ninth)
street. Lunch will be served at noon, i
Prayer service and training for ser- J
vice meeting will be held Thursday J
evening at 7:30. j
First Baptist. The trustees will J
meet this evening in the home of
Hon. Thomas Campbell, Thirty-eighth
street and Nineteenth avenue.
Prayer services will be held Wed
nesday evening at 7:30.
The Woman's Missionary society
will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs.
William Ullemeyer, 1107 Nineteenth
Grace English Lutheran. Tonight
the Acme society will meet with Miss
Hattie Roesner, 414 Seventh sjreet,
The confirmation class will meet to
morrow and Wednesday evenings at 7
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Oscar Lundahl, 937 Forty third
street, will be held the meeting of
the Augustana Endowment Fui:d so
ciety. The Ladies' Aid society will meet
Friday afternoon in the lecture room
Aiken Street Chapel. The Ladies'
Sewing sociejy of Aiken street chapel j
H 111 m nat nncatf aftArnAin 'n O '
o'clock at the home of Mrs. O. J.
Chambers, 1230 Twelfth street.
Evangelist Bruner Is to Sjx-ak at
the Churches That Even
ing. The evangelistic campaign of the
Y. M. " C. A. led bv A. M. Brunei-.
will start out in full force Wednesday I
evening. A change has been made in j
the arrangements for the opening j
meeting, which should be noted by all i
who are Interested.
The addresses on Wednesday eve
ning will be first, at Broadway Pres
byterian church at 7:30, followed by
another at Spencer Memorial church
at S o'clock. Thursday noon, the first
shop meeting will be held, this one
being at the plow factory, with one
of Mr. Bruners characteristic talks
Ion the subject, "Getting Down to
Business." At 6 o'clock. Thursday
evening, Mr. Bruner will meet the
committee on boys' work, together
with the officers of the B. G. M. at
lunch for a conference, and at 7:30 he
will give an address in the Central
Presbyterian church. Every day
while he is here, he will speak from
three to five times, in many places
where the gospel is not usually
At Y. M. C. A.
The weather did not spoil the en
thusiasm of the boys of the B. G. M.
yesterday, but. en the contrary thei
had one of the best meetings of the
Reason. The attendance was a Utile
smaller than usual, being about fifty.
Rev. J. L. Vance gave a striking talk
in the "Manhood" series, on "Habits
That Hinder." He used the black
board effectively in illustrating his
ideas as to habits that hinder as well
las those that help. He spoke of the
; "major and minor habits, and divided
j them up into habits of the heart, of
, speech, and of the person. Olaf Jon
! aspen gave a piano solo, rendering
"The St on That Knows
11 m
more about them.
We want every woman who comes
in our store to wear this make. We
know that her figure "will be made,"
and what is more, that every breach
she draws will be a comfortable one.
This pictured style is for tall women,
but there are women of average size
who can wear it with a great deal of
comfort. Ask for 516 it is one of
the latest styles in coutille. You can
get a batiste, too. Its number is 616.
Either style $3.00.
Security Rubber Button Hose Supporters Attached
MONDAY, ATOII, 3, 1911. (
Aagnstana Professor Teclrie Offer
Extended by Kvanston
Rev. S. J. Sebellus, professor of
Christianity at August ana college ha
declined the call extended by the
Immanuel Lutheran church at Evan
ston as pastor. The decision of the
professor to remain with the local
institution was greeted cordially by
the faculty and student body of
Augustana college, for although,!
Rev. Sebelius is the youngest pro-
fessor at Augustana In point of ser-l
vice, he has gained a wide circle,
of friends. The pastorate which was;
offered him was accompanied by a
flattering offer. The church !s one
of the leading Swedish Lutheran,
churches in the Chicago district. The
lale Dr. Ludwig Holmes was for
years its pastor.
Chopin's Polonaise la A with great
The newly elected officers were I'l
Ktalled for their form of service, and
were Invited to be present on Thurs-
day evening for a conference with Mr
Bruner at supper concerning the work;
for the Rock Island hoys. Invitations i
were also given out to all the boy;
present to attend an entertainment!
that some of the boys are going to
give next Saturday night.
What You Want and Has It.'
FOR several seasons
we have been
calling your attention
to the value of these
corsets. This season
we are going to talk

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