OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, November 04, 1911, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1911-11-04/ed-1/seq-7/

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EY J. M. C.
Mollr.e Mail ar.4 Journal.)
-Yanufacturers hotel of this city is
the proud posset or of the fanciest ap
pareled night porter in the land, at any
late the man irt question says so.
hence it must be true. Not satisfied
Aith his uniform a3 handed to him. the
handsome young man, known to many
as the miniature porter, on account of
Lis diminutive stature, hied himself
forth to a tailor, where he was meas
ured for the suit that now dazzles the
eyes of the hotel patrons. Wide stripes
of gold braid emblazon the side of his
trouser lefCB. Gold lace decorates his
collar, and sti'.l more of the expen
rive cloth encircles the wrists ot his
spick i.n3 Fpan outfit. Two eld stars,
emblematic of four years of faithful
service decorate each sleeve, telling
the world, as represented by the trav
eling men passing through, that for
the original fashion plate iorter they
need search no further. It is not
ofun that such distinction comes to a
night porter, but here is a man who
does not believe in spending his days, j
or rather his nights, far back in a se
eluded corner, never eliciting a pass-1
ire thougm. tar w it irom mis ior i
the N. P. As a white collar and a
flashy tie shows up more distinctly '
than ever, on a dull rainy day, in a
like manner does this blazing suit
shine in contrast to the dark night
Success mear.B many things to dif- !
t'erent individuals, and if being brought !
into forcible notice constitutes the 11- j
lusive phantom, surely the night por-;
ter is highly successful. Fame how- j
ever is neeting.
(Sterling Gazette.)
It is doubtful if there is another city
the size of thiB place which has pro
duced as many twins and triplets as
this city has in the past few years.
There have been a great many, and
tntre are jei umers 10 oe ueaiu irum.
me laiest aaaiuon 10 cne city in "n:
way or twins was tne birth or twin
boys to Mr. and .Mrs. John Castle of
Eight avenue, which occurcd Sunday
Port Byron Globe.)
As I was walking out the other morn
ing I heard Bomeor.e singing long be
fore I could see them, when I got
closer it was Henry Schroeder, I said:
"Why what is the ma'. ter Henry?" He
said. "Hal Ha! haven't you heard the
news? It's a 10 pound boy " Rapids
City correspondence.
iStark County New0
A cool bracing atmosphere, tem
pered by the wairn. friendly rays of
Mie grea timekeeper taking his course
t'ini the welkin of urobscured . blue,
jud rcada well nigh faultless, favored
the ladies of the M P. circuit last
Thursday wheu their monthly meet
ing held forth at Mrs. Mr.ry Eagles
ton's home west of town Xoon tide
found some two dozen ladies partak-
(From The Argrus Fil-s of ISSti.)
Oct. 30. A novel and pleasing affair
took place at the residence of Rev. V.
S. Marquis last evening, it being an en
tertainment given by the rusy Bee
club of the Broadway church, compos
ed wholly of the young people. The
little folk all acquitted themselves ad
mirably, the recitation by little Miss
Corbett being especially fine.
Charles Fiebig was today called to
do some work In the Citizen's Xational
bank in Davenport.
A dainty little etrarger arrived at
the Cable maneion on Fifth avenue yes
terday afternoon, end as a result Mr.
and Mrs. B. T. Cable are blessed with
as sweet a little daughter as ever
brought aun-sbine into a home. The
little one tipped the beam at l't
pounds the first time it was weighed.
! Harry Gleason. late of the Grand Pa-:
Nov. 1. Two young fellows from cine of Chicago, arrived in -he city last '
South Rock Island are to be brought evening, and will at once assume man
in this afternoon for stealing bay and ' agemtut of the Harper House bar, j
chickens. , which manager Lowry is fittln? up in ;
The board of education had a spe-! elegant style. j
cial meeting Saturday evening, and '
renewed the insurance about to expire- Nov. r. A company of 22 soldiers;
on buildintrs six and seven
A pair of politicians got into an ani-1
mated discussion in front of
Thomas' j
Absolutely Puro
Absolutely has no substitute
Zlzny mixtures are offered as
substitutes for Royal. No other
baking powder is the same in
composition or effectiveness, or
so wholesome and economical,
nor will make such fine food.
,V5i is itie Oiiiv DUKinsr ruwucr muuc
i -om Royal Qrape
ine of a fine meal prepared b? their
hostess and her assistants, and in the
aftetcucn a short hut very entertain
ing program was given. With so
gracious a lady acting as hostess to an
unusual! laree and socially inclined
company, it was a day long to be re-
membered by all.
Rev. A. C. Zeilinger announced with
pride last Sunday evening that the
largest contribution during his incum
bency here was received at the Ger
man services that morning. Tie
amount wa3 $15, and this again re
minds us that our Lutheran brethren
are never eIow to loosen iheir purse
strings when a Christian cause de
mands it. At the 7 o'clock services
a very pretty art hem "I Was Glad,"
was furnished by the choir with the
minister at the organ. Worshippers
may again enjoy English services at
St. Timothy's two weeks hence or on
Sunday evfning, November 12.
(Milan Independent.)
James Powell was here Saturday.
I getting blacksmith work done.
Frank Curry is building a new sum
mer kitchen for next summer.
Mavme Muncerson is helping her
aunt Kate Wochner to do some pttper-
CLaoon Journal)
Several younster6 around town are
indulging in trapping. They go out
every day before daylight and it is
: seldom that they do not come back
j with a find of some kind. One day
! last week they caught three skunks
j and brought them home. The skunks
' were tied to the highest beam in the
baru. The boys changed their ward
! robe and went to school. It was a
snappy, cold day and Janitor Taylor
turned on the heat in full foree. My.
it was awful! Prof. Smith and the
teachers were sure a skunk had en
tered the building and a search was
; instituted ail through the south end.
jj jB said
one of the teachers, the
in the bunch, mounted the
table and remained there until the dis
covery was made. The boys were sent
home and given a bsth ii. rose water,
and after a complete change of clothing
once more returned to echocl. Things
worked better from that time ou.
vi-:i iijkik mi-i:mii:k
(Hillsdale Post.)
Last Saturday night M. W. A. hall
was crowded to its utmost capacity by
the people who came to listen to the
entertainment piven by the Easy
Street Comedy company and afterward
to sample the efforts of the Enter
prise Ladies' Aid in the cooking line.
A musical selection opened the pro
gram. Following this was a reading iiy
. Mildred Camp. After this a violin solo
, by Fourert Cain accompanied by Mil-
dred Carop. Th n a one act play. "A
Coon Creek Courtship' by JoLn Wiu
terfcldt ani Grace Canir. To a'l
bashful young men this oubt to 1-r
the source of gre.it inFpivutiori. ;:s it
abl demonstrated what may be ac
complished if nrly t're iiht pirl ran be
found. "The Iistri-t School'" given by
dru; Ftore this afternoon, in which
'one took a hard full of tlesl. o;u of the
middle of tbe chr's mi s.
Af'er tlw ourr-t Lri had dropped on
the perform!: ice of I.e:-ter and .Mien's
minstrel troupe at Harper's theatre
last night, the constable attempted to
attach some of the troupe's basgage,
but was ejected from the staged. Re
cruit? were secured and the police
with the wauon carried away a suffi
cient amount of haecae to cover the
claim of a Chicago lithographing firm.
This morning the troupe went to Mus
catine, and up to last account, had not
succeed,', in releasing their bagsage,
thouo tbey were making ttneats as
to what thej would do.
Nov. 3 There will be a grand demo-,
cratic people's rally at Moline tonight, j
Ifrom Jefferson barracks, near St. Louis'
Ifrom tpffprsnn harrsrks nenr t I .ouic I
went north on Conductor Whitfield's
train on the C.
B. A: Q last tight.
Cream of Tartar
the company was the next and last
number. The reading public is so fa
miliar with this play that to describe
it in detail would be useless. It is
sufficient to eay that all present got
as many laughs out of It as was good
ior toeir neaun ana suspenaer outions.
(Reynolds Press.)
Miss Margery Hofer and gentleman
friend took the car into Rock Island
Sunday evening.
A young lady friend of Miss Bessie
Ihirman is spending the week with
Ida Chambers was traveling the
roads west of here Wednesday.
Jack Einfeldt has purchased a fine
new buggy.
Every one sympathizes with little
Harry Danner. who ran a large thorn
In his limb some time ago.
Torrt TOira.
as often and
Buy or peddlers as often ana as
j much as possible.
Denounce your merchants because
they make a profit on their goods.
Glory in the downfall of the man
who has done much to build up the
; Make your town out a very bad
place and stab it every chance you
i Bet.
Refuse to unite in any scheme for
i the material interest of the people.
Tell your merchants that you can
buy goods a dood deal cheaper in some
other town and charge them with ex -
'. tortion.
; When you want to buy a large bill,
be sure to go to some large town to
get it for it looks far more important .
to your neighbor. '
; If a stranger comes to your town,
1 tell him that everything is overdone
and predict a general crash in the
near future.
Keep up divided public sentiment
and knife every man that disagrees
with you on the best method of in
! creasing business.
When you have anything to eay
about your town say it in such a way
so as to leave the impression that you
have no faith in it.
Patronize ouuide newspapers to the
exclusion of your own and then de
nounce your own for not being as large
nor as cheap as the city papers.
If you have good professional men
and mechanics do not patronize them;
their place is in the city and you can
go there when one is needed.
If you are a merchant don't adver
tise in the home paper, but get a rub
ber stamp and nee it. It may save a
few dimes and make your letter heads
and wrapping paper look as though it
was doing business? in a one-liore
Strategic Grr-re In Domestic Economy
the Huibsnd Played.
Strategy can sometimes be made as
effective in domestic economy us in
. tl e oper::' "'"ns of war. By w;y of il
' lust :-:!t:'-)!i consider :iu in-i.-MK-e thi't
recently c !- i'i :i certubi city.
An ambitious young housewife Hi -re
had an opportunity to buy at a great
i:ir?;iin a handsome ru;j whih she
needed The price w:is only Sfii, b:it
the owner clei iared that the rug wns
actually worth $40. The young
men's hiiPbstKl gently protested that
even ?i-''0 was more than persons of
their income could nffonl for a singlo
article of household furnishing, but
after much jersnusiou he consented to
the pur. hnse. u most husbands do in
such cases.
Hut this particular hush.ind played .i
strategic game. Wheu he gave his
wife the money to pay for the nig it
was not in currency notes of 1,'irgo de
nomination, but in the furui of ''"
. round, sound silver dollars. Tb?
i young woman was astounded. Unii
i the money was counted down dollar
by dollar she never had realized thv.
: it would take so niar.y to pay for that,
rug. Ph' decided to buy n sixty-fjvo
dollar rug. bi't dclnred thnt if the
: money brtd been given to her in two
notes of $10O each she would have
bought the costlier one without hesita
tion. New York Mail.
OHgin of the Dog.
It has been supposed that tbe flog,
like the Jackal, descended from a spe
cial race. Examination of the skulls
of the canid.ie in the museum of tbe
French Academy of Sciences shows
thnt neftrlv all of the lacks! and wolf
snecies differ from those of the little
wolf of India. The little wolf of In-
dia Is tbe only wild beast possessing
the salient eyetrow or crest or tne aog. ;
The little w'olf has not only the dog's
evebrow cret. but all the canine char- i
acteristics and none of the character- 1
: istics of the wolf. It is presumable 1
that the little wolf of India was the j
I original ancestor of the dog. The two i
primitive canine races, the "dog of the j
bogs and the dog of the age of bronze." j
were domesticated first In Asia and i
were introduced into Europe from i
Asifl. like most of tbe domestic ani- .
mals of Europe- Harper's Weekly. ;
The Origin of Fasting.
r As is the case with all very aacient
practices, the origin of fasting is ob
scure. Herbert Spencer gives us to
understand that the custom arose out
of the habit of prorldinK refreshment
for the dead. The offerings to the dead
were often made in so laTish a manner
as to involve the survivors in tempo
rary starvation, and it l. suggested by
Spencer that the fasting which was
at first the natural and Inevitable re
sult of the sacrifice on behalf of the
dead, may eventually have come to be
regarded as an indispensable con
comitant of all sacrifice and worship
and so have survived as a well estab
lished nsage Jong after the original
canse had ceased to operate. New
York American.
Stopped In Time.
Uttle Pob's t'ather was fond of tell-
Ins bear stories to his little boys. One f
evening he was telling a thrilling one
about a bear chasing a little ftfrl and
"bow he crept nearer and nearer and
nearer." At this point Bob caught
his father's inn, and. with the bis
rears falllns down his cheeks, he cried:
"Oh. father, don't tell any more. He
mirht catch her! Detroit Free Press.
Sorely Tried by a Joker Who Knew the
Composer's Weakness.
The celebrated composer Handel had
such a remarkable Irritation of nerves
that he could not bear to hear the tun
ing of instruments, and therefore this
was always done before he arrived at
the theater.
A musical wag who knew how to
titract some mirth from Handel's
irascibility of temper stole into the
orchestra on a night when the Prince
of Wales was to be present and un
tuned all the instruments. As soon
as the prince arrived Handel gave the
signal of beginning, con spirito, but
such was the horrible discord that the
i enraged musician started up from his
seat an(v havine overturned a double
bass, which stood In his way. he seized
a kettledrum, which he threw with
i sncn violence at the leader of the band
Tnat ne lost Dis full bottomed wig in
the effort.
' Without waiting to replace It he
advanced bareheaded to the front of
tne orchestra, breathing vengeance,
: but so much choked with passion that
. utterance was denied him. In this
, ridiculous attitude he stood staring
an(j stamping for some moments
, amid a convulsion of laughter, nor
j coad he be prevailed upon to resume
J his seat until the prince went in per-
j son an(j appeased his wrath.
, , . ,
Its Orbit
and It Distance
From the
Sun and Earth.
While the astronomers are otill de
bating and weighing the problem of
Mars and it inhabitants a few words
about the distance of the planet from
the sun and earth may be of interest.
The average distance of Mars from
the sun is 141,500.000 miles. The dis
tance from earth to sun is 93.000,000
miles. When sun, earth and Mars are
in line, with the sun and Mars on op
posite sides of the earth. Mars is said
to be in opposition," and it is then
closest to the earth. If earth and
M.trs both moved in circles about the
sun the distance from earth to Mars
jit. opposition would tw; forty-eight and
a half il41-i-t3) million miles. But
neither of the orbits is circular, that
of Mars beiuK much more elliptical
than that of the earth, with the re
sult. That ut opposition Mars mny be
i;s far away ;:.s ol.iwXuXK) miles from
the earth when there is an unfavora
ble opposition, or Mars may come us
close as 35.O00.000 miles away, -when
it is as near as it can possibly come
to the earth, and its opposition is then
the most fa vorahle possible. At such
tla'es Mars is brightest iu the ?:!;y and
appears of greatest size. New York
No Props.
noted sociologist teils the fo'low
story of a vomrin ia a mnnufa-'-:rr
town. Apprn.-K hiug her for
tisti. s.
any el
In the
ho asUed. '-Madam, have yoj
1 she rer-iicd. "I have to work
fnctorv ir.yse'f."- I.i'o.
Indigection For Two.
Ella They .-ire very much in
with each ot'er fit elhi Very,
doesn't even want hi:n to have
re.irm urresd
York Press
he can share it. Ne
A demonstrator repre
ss senting the Independent
Baking company, will be
at the store on Saturday.
3Cc worth of packaged
cakes or OCT
crackers for Z)C
Best lard, Q
pound OC
Black walnuts, i
peck ZjK-
Golden West Q
Flour &JLOy
"Everything in grocer
ies from the cheapest
that's good to the best
there is.'
Our combination of
qualities at fair prices
and most courteous ser
vice can't be beat.
Phone West 321.
E. H. Clement
326 Twentieth St.
Commercial Men Declare They
Give $50,000,000 An
nually in Gratuities.
Forced to Pay Tribute for Polite and
lecent Pe livery of Food From
Chicago, Nov. 4. Commercial travel-
: ers of the United States have started a
, campaign against hotel tipping, which,
; they say, now costs them $50,000,000 a
j year.
i That sum, according to P. E. Dowe,
; president of the Commercial Travelers
j National league, is disbursed by sales
! men annually among bellboys, waiters,
and porters, in addition to $325,000,000
paid as regular hotel charges.
President Dowe yesterday mailed to
the various associations of hotel pro
prietors what he calls the "final call'
of the traveling salesmen.
In this he serves the following ulti
matum: "The traveling men. forced to action
in self-protection, fully aware of the
fact that increased expenses mean de
creased salary under present business
conditions, and finding only one way j
to bring the hotel proprietors to a real
ization that they have underated public
' sentiment against the tipping abuse,
! are preparing to compile lists of pri-j
vate, houses where transients can be :
accommodated. j
1 "For commercial men with trunks it ;
is proposed to establish in the central :
'section of each city a loft or lot't6 di-'
, vided into light, clean showrooms, j
! Many of the hotel -sample rooms are
i in damp and unhealthy basements, as
numerous commercial travelers can
evidence by doctors' bills. j
"Y'ou can see that we mean business,
but in consideration of the self-evident
fact that your members have faib,d
', properly to gauge the sentiment ;
acnins-t tipping we will withhold deb-'
nite actiou a reasonable time, and if
there are no signs that the hotel Pro -
piieiors prupusti 10 I'ui iiKriyi uiuu ,
a selfrespecting basis, making them'
wage earners instead of beggars for i
.gratuities, no power on earth can pre-j
vent our carrying out our program of;
food rovr ADD TO i;l'BMKS.
"Hotels in larger cities are mostly
run upon the European plan, with
rooms $1.50 and up per day. This and
high priced bills of fare have added j
$1.5i' a day to the expenses of the trav-
elim: man as compared with
American pl?n average rates.
"Commercial enterprises dealing
v illi the consumers whh ihe exception
of hotels deliver their commodities
over the counters or at the houses.
Hotel rations do not b iy hotel coni-
mciditien in tne kitchen, but contract ;
for polite and decent delivery upon the I
table !
"Hotel guests are expected to hand
out the coin for eer Mrvice or nt
tpiit;( ,. i.y the hotel help, from the bell-
oy who oarr'er. the gripsack of an in-
coming guest to his room and hangs,
on until the ra'.:eoff is j)rov)d'd, to
the porter who calls a cab a.i curries!
a grin from the doorway to the
Bi;g5st of Carniba! Banquets.
TrT .n 1 .1 v t1i hlciff sf rnnnif'Ml fiPTV
on record' is one of whi-h Miss Boa-
trice Orimshnw tells in her book "The
New New Gn'nca." "In ISj.S a ship
load of Chinamen wa being taken
! down to Australia. The vessel was
: wre'-bed upon a reef close to Iiossel
isinnd (New Guineas The officers es
caped in bouts, but were never after
ward herrd of. Ah for the Chinamen,
numbering 321. tin natives captured
them and put them on a small barren
island, where they had no food and no
menus of getting away. They kept
their prisoners supplied with food
from the mainland and every now and
then carried nway a few of them to
fft until all but one old man had been
devoured. This one succeeded eventu
ally in getting nway and told some
thing of the story. whi"h seems to
have met with genera! dffbel'of. True
it is. however, on the evidence of the
sons of those who did the deed."
Knew What He Was Doing.
The stalwart policeman who guards
the traffic ot Euclid and a cross Rtreet
rescued a well dressed old gentleman
from beneath the very wheels of an
"Officer." said the rescued man, "are
you married?"
"No. sir." answered the policeman.
"Ah. well, you will hear from me In
a day or two nevertheless."
After he had gone a friend of the
officer asked: "Tom. why did you tell
the old guy that you wasn't married?
You've got a wife an' kid at home,
and I know It."
"Sure I have. But If I'd told him
so he'd have sent me a ham or a bas
ket of gropes. As it is he'll probably
come through with a little purse. 1
ain't no fool:" Cleveland Plain Dealer
Sens of Direction In Bees.
The directive sense posesed by bees ;
is the object of research made by M.
Gaston Bonnier of Paris, and he seems
to have proved that bees possess a
tpeclal sense like carrier pipeons. Ej- j
periments showed that bees can fly '
two miles to their hives even when '
deprived of the organs of sight and
t-melL Many scientists fiad imoo; .
others Dadeut have always declared i
that bees are jruided by the ense of i
smell and that they can smell flowers
at one and a half miles'. Bonnier's ex- ;
periments proved that bee detect L
odors at oo!y short distances. j
4 ON
In establishing banking connections you should se
lect an institution which is not only willing but
thoroughly able to render financial assistance.
Our large capital and surplus of over $415,000
enables us to extend every accommodation which
conforms to our policy of conservative management.
H' - I
Have Made Many Rock Island Resi"
dents Knthusiastic.
No wonder scores of Rock Island
citizens grow enthusiastic. It is
enough to make anyone happy to
find relief after years of suffering.
Public statements like the following
are but truthful representations of
the daily work done in
Rock Island!
by Doan's Kidney Pi'.ls.
A. J. Fider, 1110 Third avenue, i
i 1. l J in "
experience with Doan's Kidney Pills, J
I do not hesitate to recommend
them to anyone suffering from kid
ney trouble. My back bothered me
a geat deal and there were acute
pains across my kidneyB that made
it hard for me to 6toop. Other dif-
Acuities led me to believe that niy
kidneys were disordered and read -
ing about Doan's Kidney Pills,
1 Ob-
jtained a supply at tbe Harper house
pharmacy. They gave me prompt re
lief and thus convinced me of their
great merit."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburne company. IJuf
falo, N. Y.. sole ageuts for the
United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
All the
news all the time
Aiaiafi dnr &aaHfoJ
Low Fares
' Have you ever thought of mak
ing a change? Of getting
away from the continual grind
and cares of business? In Rock
Island States Southwest are
numerous opportunities for
happy, healthy, independent
living. Become a land owner.
r i a
i a producer now while land
Each IMonth
on tho First and Tliird Tn"-lay
Rock Island lines offer very low
fares to the1 Fouthwest. Take ad
vantage, of the next c xcur!on and
see for yourself what others are do
ing and what you can do in this land
of plenty.
Let me quote you fares and hln
plan a trip of iir-esMgat ion.
F. H. Pluratner.
C. P. Agjat,
1S21 Second Av..
Rock Jslani.
S. F. Boyd,
Div. Pass. Agt. '
Morpuae u-
1 . m - iu
ad Nearittkeaii.
1 "rv' 'K
1 n '
5- fere
We Will Loan From $10.00 to $100.00 on Househoia&J
Goods, Livestock, Pianos, etc. M
IJon't worry because winter i at hni.d and you hv- no funds. It'
We will loan you the money with whS h to buy your Mipplii-K
If you are indebted to a loan com p a uv,' furniture houh'.- or ov.smVj
a number of small bills, we will
much more as
you may neea.
You Can Repay Us in Small
1803g Second Avenue. IMione West t(:OH.
If unable to call, phone or writ-.
- &44 1 Aon
You ran tay for mr PT Tk Fll
'1 r-a tm rut v bra WlJui
SPEClAIIriT wants every rupluretl per
son to call and K't a free treainent of
11,9 method Hint has cured so many tu
Illinois. No cliarrt of any nature for
treatment, advice and information as t
how th most severe rupture are
cured. ior nrmw nr
In attend to onr rupture,
cured an low an BIO,
Ml7 I'Xra
knlfr, no Injection or detention
huslness. The most difficult mi
hcld ahsoiitey under Jtll rotiiil
with ease mid i-omfort. lea
i tu res
o rlaatie bnmda,
I eel
Kuptures low down and hard to hold.
tln.c.i ...111, w liii' t in.ru I l.inw Mtiv.il riii-
I tures in fleshy women, and all bad cases
' gmn-antei i relief or i,o charge.
noun too iuikc. no diiuj iuu niuaii.
1 hmr tn?' fttrenteftt Biieem with pa
tten t t nliu lir Kvm uu hope of UmllnK
I'ouauKatlon aud adlee KKKK.
If ynu cannot
lais and future d
write for circl
rtl Al-.lt to llnrk Inlnari.
Rock island Hotel, Wednesday, Oct. 11,
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