THE ROCK ISTAXB ATtGUS. THURSDAY, MARCH 14i 1912. News From Foreign Lands (Special Correspondence of The Argus.) Copenhagen Dr. Maurice Egan, the United States minister to Denmark, has been invited by the Southern Com mercial society to make a series of talks on "Danish Agricultural Coopera tion and Con serration" before the Southern Chambers of Commerce of the United States. The position of Denmark as a school for the study of scientific agriculture Is becoming more Important every year. ana or. Egan bas made a close study of the methods which cars made Den mark a leader In cooperative agricul ture, especially the effect of the plan on th cost of living. This feature will be considered at length by the lecturer In America, When Questioned In regard to the Invitation to speak on this subject in the United States, Dr. Egan declared that such ft request bad been made. He said that be believed that the suc cess of the Danish farmers was not only due to their perfect cooperation, but also to the fact that they received the hearty support and sympathy of the national and provincial govern ments. , "In effecting this," be said, "it was necessary to Insure the success of a cooperative agricultural venture that the state should have a certain power of examination over the products sent to market. In moulding the opinion of the farming population here the government has the valuable aid of the Danish high schools. They In clude both summer and winter ses sions for students of mature years of both sexes. These schools, by encour aging national and provincial pride, are at the very root of the feeling which Induces the Dane to make every sacrifice to remain at home on bis own land rather than emigrate. The emi gration which takes place from some western states to Canada would be re garded as very unpatriotic by Danish people. In the southern United States what might be called a provincial love of one's own home exists to a larger extent than elsewhere in the country find therefore the south eeems to be the place where a modified form of the Danish system would meet with the most encouragement. "The Danish national government keeps a jealous eye upon the quality cf farm exports. Recently Denmark was much aroused on account of a complaint as to the standard of butter sent to England. The government or dered an immediate examination and assisted by the pride of the farmers the authorities bad little difficulty In restoring the usual standard. "In no country are cattle diseases better controlled than in Denmark. In isny cam; of foot and mouth disease the farm is entirely closed until It can h thoroughly disinfected, and the farrm r i! i"i:i;casated for any loss by the government. In the present state f'f public opinion ia the United States a close relationship between the government and the individual would l.' le impossible. In Denmark this feeling ia at thu bottom of the juTi ent agricultural prosperity. The s ni:iUr bu'ter during the winter. Through the Hclentific application of 'otutio:i of crops, the cattle are as well fed la the winter as summer. It may b) said that whilt-' egjis in Denmark Hie well controlled and carefully num bered, the system of feeding fowls Is ret as perfect as it Is in s of the Am' rlean states; but the quality is standardized and cold storage egss are unknown. The quality of the butter Is the best lu the world." Mr. Ki;un added that the more he studied the agricultural problems of Denmark, the more he was eonvlnoed that nothing but a concerted effort thoroughly drilled, among UKilcullur lnts could produce the remedy for the BT ELSTE EXDICOTT. N a certain chill Oc tober afternoon which was brightened only by a flare of crimson leaves on all the ma ples and the ever present tangles of aster and goldenrod along the busby banks, Elsie turned her horse In at a rVckety picket rate and dismounted before the porch of a tiny, shabby, neglected house. The little yard was grown up with mingled grass and weeds. In one corner was a bit of garden where corn bad ripened and was curing where It stood, where a few red to matoes which the birds bad not eaten glowed Jewel-wise upon fading vines, and a yellow pumpkin and a green Hubbard squash lay side by side. At the right aide of the narrow path which led up to the door a flower bed showed a few scarlet ge ranium blossoms. Upon the shelf within the little porch stood an ox alls and a cactus, dead for want of moisture. It was a very pitiful little bouse, like a shell without its mol lusc or a body without Its soul. Tears came to Elsie's eyes as she thought of the dear woman who bad animated It with her kindly presence. She felt that she would like to go In and look, about ana try. In imagin atlon to refurnish the abandoned rooms and to people them with the gentle figures that bad once fre- ouented them. The thin old horse, a freckled gray from the livery stable in town, was pulling at the reins In an effort to get his nose to the grass. Elile sought for some place to make him secure and remembered the little barn.. If the door was not nailed up she could present shortage In the food crop and Induce constant prosperity. The financiers interested in the plan to make a great port of St. -Thomas In the Danish W est Indies are much elated over the submission of the scheme to parliament by the minister of finance. The syndicate, which will be given the rights to the port for 99 years, plans the expenditure of many millions In an effort to make St. Thomas a universal port by the tirade of the opening of the Panama canaL The prime mover of the plan is H. X. Andersen, general manager of the East Asiatic company. The rise of this magnate haa been almost Ameri can In character. He began to make his own way at the age of 13 as a ship's boy. and at 20 be left bis ship in Bangkok and went into business He was so successful that be became an intimate friend and advisor of the late King Chulalongkorn, who gave him and Admiral de Richelieu of Den mark vast concessions In the forests of Slam and also granted concessions for power stations and street car lines. In 1897 Anderaen returned to Denmark and founded the Danish East Asiatic company, which is now the most Im portant navigation and trading com pany of the country. Andersen be came a close friend of Prince Walde- mar and his late wife, the Princess Marie, who was noted for her business acumen. Encouraged by such influen tial backing, be established enormous business concerns in all parts of Eu rope and the Orient, from mining com panies to banks. London For an act that passed through parliament without a division, that is without any member register ing a vote against it, the national in' surance scheme against sickness and disablement has set up a record for the extent of the controversy that bas raged around it. . The friendly societies, which have Insurance benefits of their own for members, started the trouble. They feared that the bill, by forcing their members to contribute to the govern ment scheme, -would Induce them to leave the societies. This was settled by approved societies being allowed to administer the act so far as it dealt with their members. Then came the opposition of mis tresses and .servants, who, besides ob jecting to contributing their 6 cents weekly each for the insurance of,the servant, raised a cry against the neces sity of sticking the necessary stamps in a book. Opposition also came from large em ployers of labor, chiefly in the cotton districts of Lancashire, who held that the extra tax would deprive them ct their profits. Other classes have taken up the cry against the bill the socialists among them, as they wanted a system to which the workmen w uld not have to contribute, the state and employer paying the whole of the amount re quired. The. most serious and sustained op position to the bill, however, has been that cf the medical men, 21,000 of whom have signed a declaration that they will not accept service under the act. The chief objection of the doc tors 13 that no adequate remuneration for the medical men could be obtained under the act. that it would in fact amount to about $1 yearly for each patient. This is only a calculation, as the act states that the remunera tion cf doctors who place their names on the lists of those agreeing to at tend patients under the act shall be a matter of arrangement between the local insurance committees and the doctor. The medical men, however, point out that the committees consist of perhaps SO members, only three of put him In there. It slid open easily and she led the horse In and tied him to the stall which had held only cobwebs and hay dust for a long time. Then she went to the house. It was locked securely. She went about trying the shutters. At last she found one partly off Its hinges blown off by a high wind, no doubt. She swung it clear and put her hand to the window underneath. To her surprise It raised as she pushed upon It. She seemed to hear a familiar voice saying In her ear: The ketch on that pantry window needs fixing bad, but I an't seem to do It. But, la! what difference aoes It make? There ain't - burglar coming in here for the little trash I ve got. If one did come In he'd be glad enough to get out again aftr I'd given it to him good and lively with that pair of old brass tongs I keep bandy for the purpose." Aunt Hopes dear voice! Aunt Hope's own remembered words! And this was the pantry window. Elsie looked in. The tiny place was neat, the cupboard doors shut; an old Iron spider hung against the wall. It looked perfectly natural and right. Quite as If Aunt Hope bad Just step ped out. Clarissa Mains, the heiress, bad left some things as they should be. The window sill was, only knee high from the ground, and Elsie climbed over It easily. The kitchen too, was quite unchanged. There stood the old-fashioned stove from which she bad eaten so many of Aunt Hope's good dinners. In the dining room the chairs and the table still stood in their places upon the painted floor. But the dishes were gone from the shelves where Aunt Hope bad kept them Clarissa Mains bad appreciated the fact that such old blue ware was val uable. whom would be medical men, so that the chances of adequate remuneration are the remotest. The medical men also object to the control by friendly societies, chiefly because they believe well to do peo ple would treep into friendly societies and get medical attendance at the same rate as the laborers. Then there is objection to what is known here as the contract system. This already prevails in certain districts, chiefly among the miners, who contribute to a fund out of which a medical man attends those contributing for a fixed i salary. Those doctors who, in face of the decision of the great majority of their profession have agreed to act under the bill, are being decried as "black legs," and the campaign i3 being car ried on much as would a strike of trade unionists. The government has started a coun ter campaign to bring home to every household In the land that It was to a radical government that they owed what they believe to be the blessings of a great measure of a great healing organization. Lloyd George opened this campaign at a meeting In the Lon don opera house when he replied to the criticisms of the medical profes sion. He contended that the doctors were no longer under the control of the friendly societies, and as to re muneration the bill set up an independ ent authority on which the doctors would be represented and which would frame the terms. The insurance com mittees could not arrange the terms for paving doctors without consulting the local medical committee represent ing the whole of the doctors of the district and there was an appeal to the Insurance commissioners. Should the medical profession refuse to act, all the safeguards inserted In the act for their profession would be wiped out at once and the act would be as alive as ever. The money allocated to medical benefits would be handed over to the Insured persons through their societies and the doctors would once more find themselves face to face with the friendly societies, the mem bership of which would be increased by 10,000,000. The act was to have been pro claimed on May 1. The time, has now been extended until July 1 and an ef fort has been made to have the date further retarded. DLRE DISTRESS. It Is Near at Hand to Hundreds of Hock Island Readers. Don't neglect an aching back. Backache is the kidney's cry for help. Neglect hurrying to their aid Means that urinary troubles fol low quickly. Dire distress, dropsy, Bright's dis ease. Profit' by a sufferer's experience. Mrs. S. A. Wolstencroft, 230 4 Fifth avenue. 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The yellow afternoon light came in across the bare Coor. Innumerable motes danced In Its rays. Upon the walls a few old pic tures still hung, and the wall paper showed fresh spaces upon its fadel surface where others had been. There was a whatnot In one corner; a few mm. "I CAME BECAUSE I HAD TO." chairs waited as if for occupants; a shell and a large cheap vase were upen the mantel. Of all Aunt Hope s treasured parlor furnishings, these things only remained. Elsie sat down upon one of the rrnsTiiihkJ Exact Size, Full Leather, Flexible Binding, 1200 Tages on Bible Paper, -r -Me- 1 mmmm 9 'smmmseBm low to. -Get It: 0 Mi t-heckinn;, clerk hire and other nn-c your choice of thexe three book si (Iiko Illustration) Is bound In full Limp Leather, The S4.00 flexible, stamped in grold on back and sides, printed YVF.HSTI3R.'S on eood naner. vlth red edees and corners round- m Illustrated ed; beautiful, strong, durable. Resides the general DICTIOXAWY contents as described elsewhere there are over 600 subjects, beautifully Illustrated by Hnniis cf Ihrer-rclnr Yilnte rf-nrTv f.O subverts F! Pi n pages of valuable charts In two colors and the latest U. S. census. Six consecutive Dictionary coupons and the appealing chairs and clasped her hands In their riding gauntlets about lipr knee. There a chill of firc lessness and stale air in the room, but she did not feel it. She was thinking of the last time she had been in this room. There had been flowers In the room and many people. In the midst lay Aunt Hope, always hitherto so gra cious and genial, so quirk to respond to the love cf her friends and neigh bors. Her hands were croesed upon a flower; her lips smiled a new little L 1 'I -vci ... smile of understanding of men's ways and cf G'.: J'. Above r.'.e huisd sound of tears rcse a dignif.ed voice: "I cm the resurrection and the 'te." How vividly she remembered It all! ,...,,, j J I $4o00 Present saury EIPEXSE Itcius), as explained under the Dictionary coupon printed on another page of this Issue, and take bv monotone, and 15 "-ipenfce 98 c Present Six Coupons She had sat there and he had aat there, with Aunt Hope between. And though they both looked at Aunt Hope tearfully, they would not look at each other. i:ow pale ho had been! And, perhaps, she, too, had been Just 83 pale under, her veil. Well, It was over. Of what use was It to resret?. Yet Elsie knew how anxiously Aunt Hope had longed for them to be friends again, how strongly she" had advised their mak ing up their foolish quarrel. "You are both too young and high tempered," she had pleaded aguln and again, "but there'll come a time wh:a you'll' be old and remorseful unless you make up nov. Why, you are made for each other, Elsie. You'll never be happy with onyone el::s. nor .will David. He's a splendid young fellow. Don't I know? Wasn't I with his 'mother the night he was born and haven't I watched him grow up from baby to man? And haven't I watched you grow up, too And I love you both. I've tried to have. you care for each other, because I felt that was as it should be. And now you've let that little Doris Ken nedy come between you! Oh, I know what folks say about me that I am a meddling old matchmaker ' "Peacemaker, Aunt Hope," El3le bad laughed tremulously. "Well. then, peacemaker. I hope I am. Blessed you knew what the Bible says. But I ain't sure of unless you'll let me make peace be tween you and David! ' "Seme day." Elsie had half prom ised. That was a year ago. Then they bad met at Aunt Hope's funeral and bad net Epokn. Aftr David had gone back to the city to his work and EUIe hr.d gon to hers ia the little country town. As far as she knew now, her romance was ended. ..There-was no Aunt Hope to advse'and gently smooth away the by The Argus To Every Subscriber in ROCK ISLAND Present 6 Coupons anch as are printed elsewhere DalIy) clipped on consecutive days, nn1) tUe expense bonus aet oppoafte the sty la eeleeteal (nrblch covers the Items of the cost The 83.00 WEBSTER'S TVew Illustrated Dictlonnry Is exactly the same as the $4.00 book, except in the style of bind ing, which is In half Kvpccae leather, with olive II on us of edges and square cor ners. Six consecutive Dictionary Coupons and I f the Today ANY BOOK 22 Cents Extra difficulty. She had lord David loved him still and must go on kning hira us long as she lived. But she had the Bennett temper. He had it. too. for hack somewhere, a couple of genera tions ago, a. certain marriage had made tnem kin. She wou'.d not give up. Neither would he. And it was all because she hnd not liked his city cou3!n, Doris Kennedy, and he had! Perhaps down in her heart Elsie bad been a bit Jealous of the blonde young woman who lcokd as if she had been run in an cxt-ccd-I Ingly slender mold and had never so much a3 bent her bae.k since an effect obtained. It was E3id, by means of an exacting;er. Elsie was far too natural to ad mire Doris' immobility, leads of fal--e hair and layers cf pink and white powder. nd she told David go in a none too pleasant way. "But her heart is all right." he had argued stoutly. "Doris ia a good girl. The trouble is, you are euvieu3 of her, that's all." "Envious!" cried Elsie, scariet with rage. So the quarrel had begun. And it had end?d in David going h:3 way and Elsie hers. As she sat there now In the empty room, Elsie owned to herself eadiy i that she had been unreasonable. After all, D"rls was Davids cw,i cousin and older than he. There had been no reason In the world for her being Jealous as ehe had been; yes, she had to admit thtt mw. "If only I had listened to Aunt Hope. If only I had let her make peace as she wished " A crash at the back of the house startled her. A window hnd fallen! She sprang to her feer. Steps coming toward her through the houe heavy steps a man's. She plunged toward the door that who presents six coupons as explain ed below. Our Aim It Is the desire ol The Argus to pre sent to its subscrib ers a book that will be an everlasting memento of their loyal support. Web ster's New Illus trated Dictionary meets every re quirement and more firmly seals the bonds of friendship between its readers and their favorite Rock Island newt paper. Everybody who receives this book is delighted with it, and our friends are enthusi astic in their praise of this great educa tion a 1 campaign conducted by The Argus. The Latest This Dictionary bas been revised and brought up to the PRESENT -DATE in accord ance with the best authorities, and la NO'i published by the original publish ers of Webster's Dictionary, or by their successors, but by the well known SYNDICATE PUB LISHING CO. of NEW YORK. . .. I1. of packing-, express froi- factory. The $2.00 WEBSTER'S New Illustrated DICTIONARY is in plain cloth binding-, tamped 1 a jrold and black; urn paper, name Illustra tions, but has all col ored plates and charts omitted. Six consecutive Dictionary Coupons and the Expense Bonus e( 48 c BY MAIL for Postage opened Into the little front entry. It was locked. She tugged at It frantic ally. Heaven! To be shut in this house with a tramp! Still tugging, with futile despera tion, at the unyielding door, ehe looked back over her shoulder Just as the invader appeared In the parlor door a tall young fellow In a re spectable ulster who looked almost as white and shaken as she knew she wa3. "Elsie!" he exclaimed. "Grewc Scott!" "David." she gasped. And half fell against the supporting door. They (tared at each other, the color slowly coming back to their faces. "Did you get In at the pantry win dow, too?" Elsie asked, when the could. ' Ho nodded. "I remembered that Aunt Hope was always going to have It fixed and never did. What are you doing "here, Elsie?" He came close tt ber. "What are you?" "I came because I bad to. I felt as If I was being called." "David! That's Just the way X felt." Their eyes sought each other's awestrur-K, wondering. men tueir bands met. "Forgive me, Elsie. I was wrong." he faltered. "Forgive me, David. I was wrong," too." "I didn't care for Doris. But the was my cousin " "I know. I know." "David," Elsie said from bis shoul der solemnly. "Do you suppose that she Aunt Hope, drew as here to day?" His eyes bad the look of one wbe bas been very near to holy things. "Who knows?" he answered very low. "Blessed srt the peacemakers 1 tsgggggfaESBBSBsssBVSaVasaBr