Newspaper Page Text
n THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. TUESDAY. JULY 2, 1915. 7 'A s Q a v LIGHTNING BOLT HITS LLOYD HOME Residence at 1201 Seventeenth Street Struck and Badly Damaged in Storm. MRS. LLOYD IS SHOCKED 1W of Crash Throws Her Across IUorn, but leaves 1 1 or In in jured Physically. Lightning crarh'd down "upon the flomicile of E. E. Lloyd at 12vl Seven teenth ftreet, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock while the heavy electrical storm as In progress, tore a hole in the roof, knocked the chimney to all parts of the lot, and threw Mrs. Lloyd across a room, leaving her shocked, but uninjured. Fortunately, the Hght bolt did not Unite the home and Ro tho damage, though by no means hmall, was confined to the deduction caused by the force of the bolt. i home:. Mrs. TJoyd was alone In her home when the crash fame The force knocked 1' r way across th room and 1' wan several minutes after the acci dent before bhe could recover her laculties. Neighbors who witnessed the descent of the bolt and shuddered in fear of their own afety, hurried to her aid and by their ministrations, l'iieti d her nerves within a short time. Mr. Lloyd upon his arrival home last evening Inspected the damaged por tion of liis Lome and only roughly esti mated the damage. It amounts to sf v r;il hundred JoUars. Insurance is arried. SKEPTIC FINDS THE REPORT TO BE TRUE Skeptical as to thu findings of thos ho analyzed the inirlnxton bricks in In the Fourth avenue pavement Improvement, & certain Individual who has to nephews at Iowa university, where on.- the tests wart made, wrote to his relatives to inquire fur ther into the test. Ills nephews went to the iirofet-nor who hud suiervision ver the Investigation and asked what finding Lad been s-cured. The profes sor replied tliut l.e hud found that the bricks presented as samples show d better in the tests than any bricks tested In the I;if five years. All doubt Las !. eliminated from the mind of the inquirer. Coal Valley Thursday at Lixh noon at the home ff the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .lol.n Johnson, who reside one mile i.orth of town, occurred the marriage of tl eir eil,.t t daughter. Miss Emma, to i:niest IalMstrom of Mollne, Rev. 1'r. Itiodiiie of the Swedish Lutheran hnr- li of Oriou officiating in the pres ence of about CO relatives. The bride vus attended by her sister. Miss Hil n. a Johns" !i. and Kills Dal.lstrom. a brother of the bridegroom, served as 1- Ht man. Little Lorothy Hu k, a niece of the bride, acted as ring bearer and carried the ring In a calla lily! The little Misses Fanny and Hannah : ben. also nieces or the bride, stretch ed Kitm ribbons which formed an aisle f"r the bridal parly. Mns Nellie Swaiison, s cousin of the bride, plaa the w cddlng march from Ihengrin. The brbie wore n beautiful gown of white i I " trinnned with embroidery aril i-lie curried a Fhowt-r bouquet of white roses. Per bridesmaid wore pink luwn an carried can ations. The lit t'.e ring hearer and ri' bon stretchers wore dainty frocKs of white. The wed C'iik colors, green and white, were carried out t-i profusion throughout the parlor, where the ceremony took I lace. The bride in a charming young woman, who prcw up amid a wide circle of friend;, in Coal Valley, her home town. The bridegroom Is em ployed in a furniture store in Moline and is a member of the Svea Male chorus of Mobne. He has a home al ready furnished for his bride and they vtll (co to housekeeping at once. The well wishes of their many friends fro wlih th-in to their new home. SHE GAVE UP ALL HOPE Physicians Failed To Help Mrs. Green. But She Finally Found Relief in Cardul. Mertte. Vs. Mrs J. C. Grn of 'this jdsce. says: "I suffered with womanly troubles so that I could hardly sit up. Two of tho Lest doctors In our tow a treated me. and ! tried different ruedl rlaes. until 1 save up all Lope of ever fcttlcg well. On. day, I decided to try some Car 3i! It did so much for me that I ordered some more, and It cured met Today. I feci &J well as I ever did lo lay life. Th pair. ar.d the trouble are sll ror.e. I feci like another person In tvtry wi. I wih every sufferer could icow wLat Cardul will Uo for sick won. en." A lew doses of Cardul at th rVht titie, win tae many a big doctor till, ty preventing senou sickness. It trtitis up tl.e nervous system, snd kel- riake ple cheeks fresh and rosy. Thouands of weak women have been restored to health and happiness by tisli.g irdul u:iroe you try It. It n.iy be just the uvUiclce ytiu need. N P MV-V f.,; l,- AJv-.nrv Dry . 0f ;. (a MJ .:(.). ,r. TrKfl . it Sfjtal ''-'"' "". r t ' k. "H tr T waui at vwmu," km la p-... Ti?ia, Harriet Quimby Dashed To Death in the Ocean AVIATEICE AND MAN PASSENGER FALL 1,000 FEET INTO DORCHESTER BAY, NEAE BOSTON WIND UPTURNS AIRSHIP. Boston, July 2. Miss Harriet Quim-1 by of New York and 'W. A. F. Willard, her passenger, -were killed last night at Atlantic, w-hen her Bleriot mono plane fell 1,000 feet into Dorchester bay. I Misa Quimby was the first woman to I win an aviator's license in America; 'and the first woman to cross the Eng- j , iish channel In an aeroplane. Mr. j Willard w ag manager of the Boston ( aviation meet. i The accident happened when Miss Quimby and Villard were returning . from a trip over Boston harbor to i Boston Light, a distance of 1 miles. ; The fiiaht was made in 20 minutes. j The Bleriot, one of the lat st models j of military' monoplanes, circled the ' aviation field and soared out over the ! Savin Hill Yatch club, jus-, outside the aviation grounds. i ! HOIUKS Hi HTI.B FltOM ft III"E. 1 I Heading back Into the c'snt m'ls ; gusty wind. Miss Quimby started to ; I volplane. The angle was too sharp ; 'and one of the gusts caught the tall 1 of the monoplane, throwing the ma chine up perpendicular, i For an Instant it po.sed there. Then, tihflrtitv ntlfli., ni,..lm, .1... .rtrimr un V-m I 7, V , 'I moment no cne noticed Miss Scott, , sun, illard was thrown c ear of the..,,, . ... . . , . , ,.v,,i n i . i 'b,lt wben Miss Quimby s body was chassis, followed almost immediately . . , . , . . v, r. , ,, ,. . .brought ashore all eyes were directed , by Miss Quimby. Hurt ing over and . , ... ' ' , " . , , . aloft, and Miss Scott w-ag seen mak- striking the water 20 feet from shore. I'.f.r .i. i n Twice she started to descend, but berore the monoplane plun-d down, . . . T i- ,.... i. , . ' each time she was seen to falter. In - feet away. It was ow tide and. ,. . . ,, . o.,- . - , , , .another moment, summoning all her the water was only five feet deep. i v . b . . t,.r, . .u i. , . . nerve, Bhe turned the nose of her Men from the yacht cub in motor-1 , . , , . . , ,. k, - .v . machine downward and landed safedy, boats were on the spot qu'cklv and, . . . . . . ,,,,,. , , , , , ... .collapsing in her seat before any one leaping overboard, dragged the bodies : t .1... . I .. .. t . "HI Ul Hie muu 1ULU WUICU UICJ OaU sunk deeply. BfTII BADLY mi SURD. Both bodies were badly crushed. I .several of Miss Quimby's bones were I broken aiul there were main lare bruises on her body. Willard. who weigh jed l'JO pounds, hit the water face first, ' and over one eye there was a gash ;from which blood was flowing. He, j too. sustained several fractures and bnitBes. j The clothing of both filers was torn j magazine w riter. ;and the bodios were so cov red with j Fill itrn woman ki.ver to hie. jrnurl that it was several minutes be- 1 Miss Quimby Is the fourth woman ,fore the doctors and nursos could de-,to lose her life in an aeroplane accl ermine the extent of the injuries. ,ient. The first woman killed was When the victims were brought j Mme. Denlz Moore, who f.dl while j ashore the bodies were laid on the 'flying in France In .Tulv, 1911. Susan ground on the edge of the aviation j Bernard, another French woman, was field. The crowd rushed over, but a ; killed last March while making tests I troop of state cavalry held tl.e people ; for an aviator license. Miss Julia 1 back while Dr. ;eorge Sheahan. the i Clark, a Chicago girl, was the third field surgeon, with his staff and a .victim. She was killed when the I nurse, made hasty exainina'a.ns. In ; fiVw into a tree at Springfield, 111., June ;a few momenta ambulances arrived 17 last. 'and the victims were taken to the J t o fc iih:ts at FHIXCKTOn. iQtiincy hospital. 1 i.rinceton. 111.. July 2. Two acci- j .MTIIKIC WOMAN IX A I K. I d(.nts feature(, tp Btcon(j annua, avJ. Hyin- high overhead at ,- time of atiou meet vesterday at Princeton tbe fall as Miss Blanche Smart , (;e0rge V. Beatty, a Wright birdman S-cott. another avlaf.rice taking part in and a contestant at the Chicago meet the meet. , 1&8t yT smashed his biplane against I From her high altitude Mtss Scott, a fence, and J. Hector Warden, flv had watch.ed Miss Quimby's tliirht and ing a Moissant monoplane, was upset ,was near by when the gust ubset the i dropping 2imi feet into an oat field , monoplane. In the excitement of the j half a mile from the aviation field OWNERSREADYTO ACCEPT PROJECT Ninth Avenue Property Holders Await Further Action by Municipal Commission. WILL TAKE $5 FRONT FOOT Oilier Transactions of Meeting i School Kicction Vote Same us i I'uoHiciui Cautaa. ! Thomas CraU, an of a strip of Ninth avenue property abutting that portion ot the thoroughfare which is under consideration for improvement by widening and by paviLg and the laying of wateriiiains, appeared before the commission y .-terday afternoon to barn of the status of the proposition. He Informed tho cimiui:s:.iui1 all property owners will accept 'o p.-r front foot for such a strip as will he neces-i-ary to properly improve the street. He xplained that the cost of the re moval of the Caie Larn, a mere shed, will Le nominal and that there need be no hesitation on the proposition because of that matter. He was lnformod that the city en gineer will inspect the thoroughfare as soon :.s he t lurns leai.j and that after he has reported, tl.ere will be definite action la the ma'ter. Of H III. V IIOOI. oii-- A poll of the school election vote was made by City Clerk M. T. Rud (jreu and basing their action on his report as comni!.-iocvr, the board unanimously adopud it. His official finding corresponded exactly to former published results which showed that Dr. K. SI. Fearce h.:d polled votes atzainst fiSs for his opponent, Frank Blochlirgtr. Magistrate C. J. Smith was allowed JH'C.OO for cases which he heard in police court and which res llted ia either dismissal or city sentences. Vouchers held by George EvoCti for $1,372. by D. Ke ler and company of Davenport for 4.T:4 anj by the People's National tank for I3.ii64.75 and due yesterday, were ordered paid on motion of Commissioner Rudgren. F. W. Sauerman s ptupoauion to transfer a strip of his prop rty near Twenty-fourth street and Thirteenth avenue in eihaige for a strip of citj- jrSIwc 3 : ' if. Kit MISS HARRIET QUIMBY. ing sweeping circles over the field at a height of about 500 feet. VWU.U " Miss Quimby said to a friend yester day Just before she left the ground: "A water landing 1b nil Hsrht In n nieriot until you come down head first, Hut if we come down 'pancake' the broad wings would tloat us for two hours or more." Then with a smile she said: "But I am a cat and I don't like cold water." These were among her last words. Mis Ollimln- U'Slu u-ell L- nnu-n o a property was laid over till next week to allow for a change in plan. AWED BY NAPOLEON. Queer Impression the Emperor Mad Upon Countess Potocka. We waited rather long, and It must be acknowledged our curiosity was not un mingled Willi fright. Of a sudden the silence was broken by a swift ru mor, the wings of the door opened noi.-.ily, and M. de Talleyrand advanc ed, with a loud and intelligible voice uttering the magic word that niude the world tremble. "The emieror." Imme diately Napoleon made his appearance and hailed for a minute as if to be admired. So many portraits exist of this aston ishing man, bis history has been so much written altout. all the stories told by tbe children of his old soldiers will live so long, that the generations to come will know him almost us well as ourselves. But what will be difficult to grasp is bow deep and unexpected the impression was which those felt who saw him for the firstiaie. As for me, I experienced a sort of stupor, a mute surprise, like that which seizes one at tbe aspect of a prodigy. It seemed to me that he wore un aureole. Tbe only thought I could frame when 1 recovered from this first shock was that such a being could not possibly die: that such a mighty organ ization, such a stupendous genius, should never perish. 1 Inwardly awarded him double immortality. From the Memoirs of tbe Countess Po tocka. The Pulse Watch. Among the iugenious devices for the physician may be mentioned a watch constructed on the "stop" principle w hereby the number of pulse beats per minute may be indicated. A push but ton is pressed at the beginning of the count and again at tbe twentieth pul sation, when the cumber of beats per minute is shown on a dial without tbe necessity for calculation. Still another push ou the button brings the counter back to the starting point. In the ordi miry method of taking the pulse the observer is obliged lo do two things at tbe same time count the beats and keep his eye on the second hand of his watch. With the pulse watch only one operation is necessary, tbe counting of tbe pulsation up to twenty, when the push button is pressed. New York Press. Tbe shortest tlfs Is long enough If It lead to a better, and the longest life u loo short It It do oot--Coitou. All the news all the time The Argu. THREE KILLED IN FIRE AT GARNETT K. W. Keezel, Son-in-Law of Mrs. Martha Cozad, I3 One of Victims of Accident. CEMENT CEILING BROKEN Men Were at Work OoverinK Machin ery to Irotoct It Against Water When Crah Caine. That K. w. Keezel of Garnett, Kans.. who was fatally injured in a fire at that place Friday night, came to his fleath by internal injuries received when a cement celling caved In, has been learned by relatives in this cltv. The injured man, who is a son-in-la"w of Mrs. Martha Cozad of Reynolds, lived only an hour after the accident. Friday night about 8 o'clock a fire broke out ia a furniture store at Gar nett While the fire department was fighting the flames it was discovered that a large quantity of water was com ing through the ceiling of a fire proof room w hich enclosed the electric plant, and a force of men was ordered to cov er the machinery to prevent injury by water. ' WATER r.Al "SK5 TOM. APSE. A large quantity of concrete had been utilized in the fire proof construc tion of this room, and the large vol ume of water coming through the ceil ing caused this material to crack. But a few minutes had elapsed before the entire ceiling caved in, crashing down upon the workmen below, killing three and seriously injuring one. Funeral services over the hodv of W . W. Keezel were held in the home Sunday evening at G o'clock, after which the remains were taken to Otta wa. Kan., for burial. SCHOOL REPAIRS ARE CONSIDERED Plans for Summer Improvement of Various Buildings Dis cussed by Board. CHANGES AT LONGFELLOW ; School Census Kexrte.l as IVuctic j ally Complete To Be l inibel Today ly Knuincrutor. Construction and repair work to be done on the school buildings during the summer months, came before the ; board of education for consideration at a special meeting called for that pur pose last evening, and various improve ! merits were discussed. A. (i. Hill re , ported that most of the repairs ordered by the board at the time of their an I nual inspection of school buildings last 1 week, had been planned for or are al ; ready unde r way. Considerable atten jtion was given to the interior paint ling and improvement of the buildings. ;It was decided to replaster the eeiliiii? of one f the upstairs rooms in the Longfellow school, because of the poor condition of the plaster there. A pro posal from John T. Noftsker to install pressed steel ceiliiiKs. similar tn hw ' in the hiuh school, for $S7, was ac I cepted. Two rooms in the Bongft How ! school were improved in this way sev I eral years ago. 1 AI.I.OIV mi, I.N. j On the report of Olaf Z. Cervin, architeit for the manual arts building, .the board allowed the Carl Weber Chimney company $4G1.G6 on its con tract on the smoke stack, which is now 'half completed. Collins Bros, were al lowed $7,vmi on their contract for the manual arts building. ESt S COMPLETE. Superintendent H. B. Harden rennrt. ed that the s hool census was nearly completed. The field work by the en ; merators w as completed yesterday and itht tabulations by the office clerks will j be completed today. There is a possi i bility that some families may have ; been overlooked, and should thia be the case, it is the desire of the school authorities that this over-ight be re ported to Superintendent Hayden at once, as it is hoped to make this cen sus as complete as possible. Inflammatory Rheumatism Quickly Relieved. Morton L. Hill of Lehanon, Ind., says: "My wife had Inflammatory rheumatism in every muscle and Joint; her suffering was terrible and her body axd face were swollen almost beyond recognition; had been in bed for six weeks and had eight physicians, but received no benefit until ghe tried Dr. Detchon's Relief for Rheumatism. It gave Immediate relief and she was able to walk in three days. I am sure it saved her life." Sold by Otto Grotjan. 1501 Second avenue. Rock Island, and Gust. Scblegel & Son, 220 Second street. Davenport. Holland Bros. (Successors to Robb Bros.) ! We make a specialty of all kinds of piano moving. All work positive ly guaranteed. Phone West 1212. I Residence phone 2135. i SHHMIDT & ROBINSON Warm Air Heating Plants are a! ; guarantee of economy, health ndj comfort. Let as ta'k it over with you. 318 Twenty-first St. Phone W 1522 j in i J L Simoii & Landaucr vj irr6 TN his clothes the young man of 1 9 1 2 as cor- redlly expresses the spirit of his time as did the young soldier of 1 776. In work or play the world expects you to dress tastefully and becomingly. Easy enough to be weil dressed at any "stage of the game" in S. & L. clothes. The all wool fabrics, the snappy seasonable style, the sure and easy fit, the lasting shape reassures dressiness to their last dav's wear. Of Particular Interest right now to good clothes buyers is this sale of $18 and $20 suits at $15. They represent all vou could ask for at $18 and $20. Select one 1 C.00 for the Fourth .plO All the small requisites to make you cool and comfortable ready for you here; perfect fitting shirts, $1 to $5; tub tiesy 25c and 50c; underwear, 50c to $3; light weight hose, 25c, 35c and 50c "OUTFITTERS FOR ALL MANKIND" Simon & Landauer A VERSE FOR THE BEGGAR. Victor Hugo's Responsa to th. Old Blind Soldier'. Appeal. A Frenchman, writing recently upon "The Mendicants of Paris." recalls a prett; anecdote of Victor Hugo and a blind beggar. The beggar was an old soldier, very feeble and quite sight less, who was led every day by bis little prnndd.-iughter to a certain street corner, where he waited patiently for such sennly anna as the hurrying pub lic might drop into a small box that hung from bis neck. One day a group of gentlemen halted near him. chatting, and lie beard the name by whh-h they called the one who lingered longest. Keiicliing for ward as he, too, was about to go, be caught him by the coat. "What do you want, my good man?" asked the gentleman. "I have already given you 2 sous." "Yes, monsieur, and I have thanked you," replied the veteran. "It is some thing else that I want." "What is It?" "Verses." "You shall haTe them." said the gen tleman, and he kept bis word. The next day the blind soldier bore on his breast a placard with a stanza to which was appended the name of Vic tor nil go. and the alms in the box were quintupled. The lines may be thus translated: Like BelUarius and like Homer blind. Led ty a young- child on kla pMhwajr dim. The band that aids hi. need, pitying and kind. He IU not aee. but God will see for tlm. English Earthquakes. English earthquakes are not uncom mon, but we can rejoice that they havs decreased in severity, for the damage done nowadays is as nothing compared with the ravages wrought by er.rly English earthquakes. In l."0. for In stance, part of St- Paul s cathedral was wrecked by an earthquake shock, and at an earlier date Glastonbury ebbj had been completely destroyed. Staf fordshire, where the latest sho-k was felt, would appear to he the earth quake area of England, for shock were also W.l tbcre in 1j03. Een a JULY" - 4 recently as however, nn Knglish earthquake was severe enough to re iwire a mansion house fund to repair its ravages iu the eastern counties. Loudon Chronicle. London Street Beggars. Speaking of the swarm of beggars 1 and "panhandlers" in the Fnglish me tropolis, tbe London Times ttays: "Tbe streets of Loudnti never fail to attract i the professional beggar and never dis-! appoint blm. The Mendicity society ! tells us that a beggar can earn more than tbe wages of tbe average working-. mau uik that "!l Is probably no exttg- j peration lo say that well over $oOU,0-j I : II 11 That it is lightest i3 the weightiest reason why you should own a Ford. Every added pound which an automobile carries abovo that which ia needtd for strength -means added expes needed for strength mean Vanadium built Ford is th strongest for its weight. Seventy-flve tbousab.! new Fords go Into service this season proof o their unequaled merit. The price Is $590 for th roadster, $6'j0 for the five passenger car, and $' 00 for the delivery car complete with all eoi'ipment, f. o. b. Detroit. CHT l,ATr; CATALOGUE FliOM Horst & Strieter Company 24 ave. across strr el from court house. Rock Island 1912 Outing and Mohair Suits Get into some light, cool, good looking comfortable togs. Outing suits in beau tiful shades of crav and tan, also Nor folk at $15, $20 to $25. Cravenetted Mohair Suits $15 to $22.50. Davenport, Ia. is given n way Iiiiplni7.:ir1 to beggars In tbe streets of Loudon every year.' " Her Discovery. "T have made a discovery," declared the bride. "So:" "Yes. I find one can eooU as well on a stove as on a chafing dish. Really, I was surprised. " Louisville Courier Journal. lie never wrought a good day's work who went grumbling about It. Ger uian. All the ocas all tbe time Th. rpua . .