Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. 9 4 73V "1 t it. BY J. M. C. .1 dollars to give her to me. That is scriDtion was th first atpn m hp taken i i n . .. V .. etnlr i .-1 .. . 1 U J I . . ! ; wflj i gut llidl pjui oiv.a gin " " Iclw. One night she asked me to the, (Albany Review.) Telephone and asked me to meet her,1 .nr. -wrs. nrge i;. vuica hp. nt an(j 6Q j di(j but sne did not come -0 iai fr.uay in hteri;ng. Mrs. yiick I m(.(.t me and 6he gave me her oatn a lh K'ltfct Of frl.-r.dH. While GeorSO th. u-nnM mt m u, retain place, and so I thought if she would. : ! that I would doctor her and thought , that she would make me a nice wife . yc hut eh might me?t me some day; TITANIC OWNERS SCORE , yet and say she would like to be my J wife, and thn probably I would have i awnced the ni'-etlr.g cf the county committee of the progressive party. George reports that-4he round up was fairly good undT the circumstances, and that nearly all the members re ceived the brand wltliout bawling. i lie duu moose brand is said to be a ropy of that used by a prominent Texas ranch, viz., "XX." which in the west err part of that country Is generally .c alled "the double cross " towaras me aesirea end. That s a ; , good, practical suggestion. When a , man walks into a printing office and J planks down the cash for 10 or 15 j years" hack subscription, he's pot gen- j une dyed-in-the-wool religion, and it; makes a profound imcre&sion on the I , editor. tiik oi.n-FAnioF:i smif Hinr.H. (Albany Review.) M. II. I'errigo, late one of Alhary s iromlnf-rt "old asldiers." now of i;o-k City, III., arrived in Albany ljtst riat- vrday morning anil remained nuTil j Monday noon, the guest of old friends. ' The captain Is in better health than when h left Albany lust November, and is highly pleased with h:s new home. r arts the Review -two or three times every week;" h" receives It on Saturday morning anil reads the best part of It. the ad vertiseai'-iits. a.-, wbll an the news columns. some use for ladles neckwear but so far I have no use for Ladies neckwear. SF1V WAY TO nE SAVF.O. lilan Independent.) It is said that an evangelist recently told the people of a neighboring town thnt if they wished to see the news- POINT IN DAMAGE PLEA i New York, Oct. 5. The Oceanic I , er of the foundered Titanic, has been i Ipdjudged by the United States district! ! court to be liable for about $S2,000 ' worth of all the claims registered I against it as the resule of the disaster THERE'S A REASON For the Spirited Selling in Our Suit Section These Days For nowhere else in the city is there such extensive showing of all that is newest and best in women's and misses' wearing apparel. Exclusiveness and quality mark the entire display and our prices make it plain to you how you can dress better and more becoming for less cost than you ever thought possible. jiaKe selections early in the mornings, if possible we're right in the midst of the greatest suit season-we ever experienced and every day sees an increase in sell ing activity. , If-per man of that "place convened, the,01 APr1' 10 last. immediate payment of their back sub-' These claims for the loss of life TV7ENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (From The Argun files of l&s".) t much enthusiasm and interest has Sc;,t. ::o Mrs. b T. liowlby return-; been aroused and considerable money eel la.-i n;gbi from a four weeks' visit has been at stake on all of the moret to her mother at Princeton, Bureau i important contests. The old fair ground track Saturday afternoon, was will. MA K LOOK. (Reynolds Press ) Here's a pimtcord from Roanoke. Va., signed by "W. H. W.." which prob ably means that Will Wetiks 0f Kde lngton Is roaming around through the east somewhere. He bay be had a pood look the other day kt th-- two no torious outlawH Allen and Inwards us they were being taken to jail. Will AHIION 4111, K I'ltlDI.. ( ( neseo News. I I M Stamtn lias on dihplny lit his drug s'oie the large,r i.hotoL'rapb we hae ever seeti. It is about a yard long and is a group picture of the at tendants at the natijtia! convention of the American Pharmaceutical associa tion, n.-cciitly held in Iitnver. Mr. fctHinm was present and i.s one of the 'Handsomest gentlemen in the large yiix p of several hundred. m:ii--itiii;itiN. Tin; Kiu nut. iGellcseu News. I (ins I.. Miller found a single hti! of corn in his field hear, nr. sex-en rood Mze, aiid fully developd ears of corn one day last week, n:d broi'ght it to the News olllce. Ther.. were fours'alks to the h;;i. three of the stalks bcar.ii;; two ear each and the fourth one car. It Is on display at the News cilice. Mis. G'is Swiiiisiiii oi, Monday sent a brani h from a plum tree to thy News ofiice that has nnyfhl'u of the kil.d we l ave eer Beeii beaten to a frazzle, as th" boys suy . It I. ab iut three f. i t loiu-, and we venrure t!ie assi rtion that tliere are a peck of ; !',!:ns on it. n '! be sceu ill the News window. tip to mi: i M.iinnu n. I Ma t h l o ;nt .. s i I. f the Mitm r.aii about town out; of a Job try a year o i the farm Plow it k behind a mule will give hiui an en- tm ly new const, t. iioii. t.-ike ?. kins:, out of hi. hi ad and the frog out of h's thn.Hi, the c;1M ,;, ,,r lls stomach, the , wukiicH out of Irs legs. Hie corns I off his toes, atid give him a good appe-i nte an honest living and a eirht of In uv. n. ih.iit iiiiii: iiu i.i.i inn. (Vlula K"terii i.-e ( I lie merchants, bu.-y men as th.-y ! ore. can help us u lot by doing their iccessurv thinking about theirs a '.s nrly In the week We always o to pre Thursday, mid by the time oi.e make th rounds on Thursday morn inn, wo generally get all and more tb iu ' can couvonienily handle, and pT hn; wh'l uu the return to the office we find several people who are l a. k two or three years on subscription, and , hUo we are thinking of the winter's coal supply and tl.u bill that has Just come duo wUhh will absorb the sur- piui cash. It is a little hard to pre serve a perfect calm if he has any bus- 1 InesH of Ms own to think about. He- j ause. you Be, , when a third of th j mini i spent getting :u lius'Uess, au- other third in running down ti s and' a third to collect for what get d ne. there decs not really remain niuo'.i time for the rial business, dot's there? lit I MVUVIIU. l:IIIKMK. Illillsdulo Post.) J The State bank of Hooppole. at Hoop- j pole, miles south of Sterling, in Henry county, was visited by the dyn- j nmlii i s at au early hour Tuesday morn- : Itw. The front of the safe, together : with the front of the bank building, i wi ro blown off. The explosion made i n much t.oiso that the whole town ; was awakened and the robbers wvre I'hllg" d to make a quick getaway with out any booty. 1 here is r.o clue as to 1 the identity of tho men. Some people c'.a'.m they saw an auto speeding away ' frtiiu town Just nf:er the explosion and j others cialtn they heard a horse's hoofs . souiulitm hi H.o road indicating that ' It was l eli.g drlv.n rapidly away. I SOT VET. ! letter to Mall Order House.) ! I wou'd l!k to hav one of your ; flags, length 8 ft., price 11.12. and for; ladies n wok wear. I have no use. I; hare no w if and ao children. And now I aui goli. to write you a little ( storrey. I would have had a wife. but the luok did not strike nu Jus! riiiht. You know there was a sick girl that which their parents had sent away from horn for treatment and I . guess tht doctors did not know what ailed the poor sick girl, and now I am going to write you what I did. I Just went to town and hired a good friend aud gnv Lira twenty-five dol lars and sant him to th place where she was aud tall them that she was wauted, and then I gave tilm Twenty county Guy Pow man was in the city this decidedly the most important that has tnorn;ng on his way from Geneseo.. taken place. Henry Holdorf of this w here he had been a visit to his city previously defeated Olsen, the grandfather's farm at Andalusia, ' champion of Mollne, and the Daven ' where he will spend the rii:er. Guy port champion, O'Brien, and was the is rapidly regaining n;s usual health, i acknowledged track runner of the 'three towns. Saturday John Cowden Oct 1--Tbe Broadway church has accepted the lots for a chapel in the i-oir.h Park addition iiiid plans have lien drawn for a beautiful little house o." worship, the construction of which will be commenced immediately. E. II. Gujer. Ks., has returned from the home of his wife's parents in Maine. Mrs. Guyer will be home in about three weeks. etime back from school at Iowa City to see whether Holdorf was really the that there ! i best runner. In order should be no dispute as to whether or not he could fairly beat Holdorf, ho gave him six feet of a lead for a 100-yard race, and defeated him by six feet, making him victor by 12 feet. Cowden's time was 12Vj seconds, the best ever made here. The 6tako were JoO a side. Oct. 3 L S. Mof'abe has returned from an extensive purchasing trip, i Oct. 4 At the council meeting last Mrs. ('. 11. Adams leavis tomorrow evening an ordinance was asked fn r'ght tor Chicago for a four weeks' authorizing the Elm Street Railway visit. J company to construct and operate on I The ('., H. & Q. switch engine jump- certain streets in the city of Rock Is ed the track at the foot of Seventeenth land. The ordinance offered provides Js'teet this morninc; and considerable that the motive power shall not be 'diff.iulty whs experienced in "righting steam within the city limits, her," but it was finally accomplished.: i in i lift M mm ! I T THE 3 cb W-oncUrful Suit Values at Sii.qS. S12.Q8, Si 4.98 You can choose from a Host of smart tailored suits of serges and new mixtures. Values and assort ments such as we never have been able to offer before at these low prices. 500 Neiv Suits Triced from S16.98 to Sis.oo" Suits that for quality of materials and workmanship are unsurpassed. If there is some particular style you want, our immense assortment affords the best opportunity for sat isfactory selection. Stunning Neh Models in Cloth and Silk Dresses It's our ambition to show only such dresses as show decided points of su periority, for we have no more use for the commonplace styles than you have but the strongest feature to commend them is the way we have priced them. $4.98 to $25 Women Find the "Best Looking Coat Styles at The Tfee Hive The women in search of a new coat will save many steps by coming to The Hive first. for here she will find the broadest possible choice of styles, materials and shades, selected from a dozen of the beet coat makers we know of and a complete range of sizes Juniors, Misses, Regulars and Stouts assuring perfect fitting garments with little or no alterations. Starting at ..9s and $7.."0 for Jaunty Macklaaw Sorfolka, $14.9S for ston Chinchillas, Caraculs and handsome mixtures and on op to 122.50 and $25 for luxurious looking; Sealetbts and Velours we teach yon the lesson of economy at erery price. Corner Second and Urady Streets Dabenport, Iolva E E HIVE 7ms Select Your New Hat at The Bee Hive Our showing of the new hats is of euch excellence in every particular as to merit your closest consid eration. Furthermore the prices point to worth-while sav ings. Its a well known fact that our prices are absolutely the lowest without sacrificing atyle and workmanship, and as for variety every worthy and new creation la here in hats, ranging in prices from $1 to $25. Children Heaawear In an endlees variety of catchy and becoming styles for the little folka. 5 oc to S2. 50 Our Untrimmed Hat Department for th? Home Milliner Devoted especially to the needs of those who make or remodel their own headwear themselves. Complete stocks of hat shapes, plumes- feathers, ribbons and materials of all kinds, all moderately priced. ! Foot racing has become an exceed- ' ingiy ponulnr amusement in Rock Is-1 land of late, succeeding baseball and e;i:ine contests, and affording as, toueb enjoyment r.s any of the other t ports Indulgence in the sport in Cock Island has been on the (juiet 1 ; nd non-demonstrative order yet Oct. 5 Major C. W. Hawes and Mrs. I. 'awes left this morning for Chicago to attend the international ercampment. Mr. and Mrs. Kli Mosenfelder wel-be held responsible f of any portion of coined a son this morning. jthe aggregate claims beyond the , amount of the company's interest in k . e, 'the lost ship. They contend the value freight money earned for the trans portation of the cargo was placed at $2,073.13, while tho prepaid passage money amounted to $85,212.41. Of this $2,650.91 was npent in the trans portation of the survivors. On these grounds the petition asks ! exemption from "liabilities, losses, ; dumaires, injuries, and destruction oc , casiom d or incurred by the collision amount of the company's Interest In and property aggregate over $1,003,-;tf the saved lifeboats is $4,520. The and sinking of the liner" beyond the too. Federal Court Judge Hough today signed the petition tiled for the Ocean ic Steam Navigation company for the military ; limitation of liability. The owners of ithe Titanic contend they thould not the Titanic. Those well versed in the federal court procedure predict that the case will be carried to the United States court of appeals. St. Paul Woman Shot. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 5. Mrs. Anna Rlazlch, a bride of two weeks, was shot and probably fatally wotrnded as she entered her home In South St. Paul today. A former suitor Is sus pected. After the shooting a man fled toward the railroads with a smoking gun In his hand. Police have been unable to locate the man. All the Argus. news all the time The Buyers A 1 jm m llr.ct to V PW J Deer WW 1 iii i a ' 1 X7 Xf F 111 1 r y v t w ni 1 o'--":!f i? FMrTi an ,WLYWE k is "n-j'j; a. irtji imi b m-- 33 mbsbbw nitMu. rr-M.m. DS! Glorioiss "Week For Newlyweds and other Home Outfitting Buyers Special Bargains throughout the Eig Busy Store. Values that will cause you to have that sure-ycu're-getting -your-money's-worth feeling. You can't tell anything about furniture, rugs, carpets cr stoves by reading advertisements. Come to the big store and convince yourself. We can save you 25 per cent to 50 per cent on installment prices elsewhere. HOLBROO 109-111 EAST SECOND ST DAVENPORT, IA. VA i Mm 1 For dining rooms, bed tSS?i?V All new and This Week's Offerings In Our CARPET D Gives You Extraordinary Values Note Few Specials Quoted Below Heavy Pile Smith's Axminster Rucr, full room size, 9x12; choice selection of 1 ? QJT floral and Oriental designs, only 1 UsOcI Elegant Hartford Velvet Rug Size 9x12; Oriental Medallion effects; extra 1 H OQ good quality; wonderful ralues .1 I dd A Genuine Bagdad Wilton Rug 9x12; best value ever offered in a Wilton Rug. Must be seen to be OO fA appreciated 0UU Fins Brussels Rut Poira Size YOU'LL HAVE TO GET BUSY. BUY THAT HEATER EARLY BT?V?fT?l? VAIT "PJf TV-see bargains in our stove department. We are showing jilKJLXEi 1UU OU I seventy-five base burners, Hot Blast and Round Oak, Soft Coal Heaters, Cast Iron and Steel Ranges, Cast Cook Stoves, Air Tight Wood Burners, Per fection Oil Heaters, New Method Gas Ranges, Etc., that will interest economical stove buyers. Buy that Heater Early One o. 49 Hot BIat Flor fare IJeaU-r, nothing to equal. thi for .$18 The Pfrfert Took Slove, c. , luir value at r-e- olar price, tls; ?oes for .$11.75 rooms, etc. perfect. 8S Trto o. Sl Earlj Break fat Raeifes with riser oir; lilcb enido ranur; ffi".l..:?:...$26.75 One 5o. 160 Acorn Gas Bnrccr, bent iieatinc store for (.ft roal buruinir; fan n- cheapest feel; iJ.OO )w. $19.75 4 Rock Island River side Base Burners mm LIKE TUT No. 65 Riverside Base Burner; a dou ble beating base burner; the tnoet re markable value ever offered in the trl-citles. The name is your guarantee, for only $32.50 A Bound Oak burn any kind of fuel, for only Heater, $4.98 Quality and workmanship go In be fore the najne goes on. In all Rock Island Riverside Stoves and Ranges the name is your guarantee of satis faction. Nuf-S-d. Buy Sailifaf tlon and economy, in an Iron Riverside Range. BUILT OX HOVOB Stove Bargains Galore Two 5. 820 R. I. River side Emerald Steel Uu or es I reservoir; ulgh Mann ing closet, 20. in. ten, $46 value .$25 Three o. 820 Rork Island Riverside Emerald Mi el Range without reseriolr; Sf $22.00 One large Peninsular Com. bloatioD Gas and Coal Range, SM) value for only 55.00 o. 2S Leader Hteel Rang, es, 18 tneh ovens, high wanning closets, $35.00 ssr.'rr. $19.75 One !fo. 820 Leader Steel Range with reservoir; a uv"".::....$22.oa .V. NEW METHOD GAS RANGES A Range i a good Inie-tBieDt any time, hot hen yon !nict in a ga rane buy a ew .Method Ranee; the ret bj test- Saie jou per cent on jour gas bill. See thi range d-mD.frated beore yon buj; all ranges con Bfcfted free of tuur-'e. MAJESTIC RANGES See this range la oir store before baying. The great 3UJetlc Malleable and charcoal Iron range. Won't break r rust like steel Out ears three ordinary ranges. It U the only range made entirely of malleable Iron and char, coal Iron. A ierfect baker. Economical In fueL O