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THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. 11 82,000 IS NEEDED FOR ER1CS0N FUND j party men to worfc hard for , the auc i cess of the ticket. I Joseph VanHoe brought a storm cf j I applause by declaring that the Bel- j ! Can citizens of Rock Island and Mo-' 1 line were showing a tendency of late i o break away from the republican- ; party. He said many of them had ex- Condltion Imposed by Donor to : pressed themselves as favoring the College Must Be Met To morrow Night. Wilson-Marshall candidacy, and he looked for a big Belgian vote for the democratic party. Dr. R. C. J. Meyer, democratic can- Tomorrow Is the final dv on whirh 1 d'date for coroner, criticised the prea- , ., ., ent administration of that office and1 Augustana college may meet the pro-, the cJub meIabpr8 that he i Visions of the Ericson bequest. If by! would bring aoout immediate reforms! midnight Sunday the college can show In the event of his election. that it has raised $46,000, then the I William McEniry also made an ad- , ! dress in which he urged tne club mem- It rs to attend the Lewis meeting in the afternoon of the 14th. He said c very man ard woman in Rock Island I llllllll -K,d JTONVTM,ffr H f it f ' V -4 - t XI 'ff&SX-- Kin left by the late Ioa senator n mrmnt n : In th. aumA tim will ' come the property of the co'.l-ge. In addition to this, the local Institution will be made $25,000 richer by a dona- I tion of C. A. Smith, contingent upon tii successful campaign in hthalf cf th ' Erinson fund. Tl:i:i the college will l.ave $!17.0fi) to add to Its endow ni' nt fund of $250,000 whirh it raised ,to years iigo in honor of lis 50th an-' lii.cifary. J l t;.i"fi mutt be in cash. An at torney rnrwaUag ice Eritfron es tate and a hanker of Boone, Iowa, a personal associate of the late senator, vlll lit en hand to confirm the resul'a : t.V- and officially announce ought to make an effort to hear Mr. Lewis, and he had no doubt that the Illinois theatre would be well filled ben the Chicago orator comes to town. CONGRESSMAN HERE FOR RALLY TONIGHT Congressman B. H. Wilson of Penn- j sylvania, chairman of the congression-! al committee on labor and known to ! the working men all over the country ; as their advocate in congress, arrived . whether or not the provisions of the i i;i the twi-cities today and tonight wi will have been met. j address a democratic rally in Mollne. j Kioin all Indications a victory will j This afternoon the congressman en l.j gained by the college. Although Joyed an auto tour of the three cities! Hill short of the goal last night, the : and Rock Island arsenal In company! college authorities ar- looking for a j with Andrew Olson and M. J. McEniry j liberal influx cf money today through of Moline. On the stage with the con-1 tiie mails. If the mark is not reaehed gressman tonight will be other speak- by tonisht, President Andreen is con- t ers of note in the labor world, among; fl'Ient that friends of the college In the ! tl em Congressman I. S. Pepper of. The New RIVERSIDE Iron Range 7 a trl-cities anr elsewhere will come to Uk front and meet the emergency. The deficit, ir there in ar.y. will not be fcp'uter than $2.0o0 at th? jnent. Yes terday the cash balance showed $12,000 on deposit in a Rock Island bank, and nt least $2,000 more is expected in to day's mails. The $10,000 is not all that Senator ErieKon left the college. A sum of $10,000 was given to the local institu tion with no strings, attached, except that it must pay interest on this amount to a daughter of the late sen ator during ber life time. Senator KrlcHon also aided materially several years ago in securing the campus for the co!leKe. it g now known as Ei ic- Iowa and Clyde II. dova. Tavenner of Cor- SAVE ABUTMENT AT THE ARSENAL Old Landmark Preserved Under Orders From Colonel G. W. Burr, Commandant. Those interested in the preservation J of historical landmarks will be pleased son field, and the science hail Is also to Iearn thal the work necessary to i numed after the benefactor of the col-' prevent further disintegration of the ' l ge. nid pier or abutment which marks the ! Island end cf the first bridge across , PLANS MADE FOR ;,he ''pp' rlver haa betn com-1 -run rt i pleted. This work consists of pointing j THE CLARK RALLY I up the sides f the old abutment, pre- A THIS For many years this range has been famous all over the country for its per fect cooking, baking and roasting. Right here in the tri-cities there are hundreds of Iron Riverside Ranges in daily use every one living up to its splendid reputation. . This range has six holes, large oven and warming closet. A written guarantee, signed by us and by the manufacturer, given with each lion Riverside, if any Riv erside range does not bake perfectly we will replace it with a new.range. IT IS REALLY REMARKABLE HOW MUCH HEAT YOU CAN GET FROM A RIVERSIDE HOT BLAST and how little fuel it uses. It is a positive fact that one and one-half tons of ordinary slack in this stove will do the same work that it takes one ton of hard coal to do in a hard coal stove, this has been demon strated time and again its a wonderful heater come in and see it. ROCKER ONLY S4.25 BE SURE AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF EXCLUSIVE HIGH GRADE FURNITURE. IT'S THE FINEST IN THIS PART OF THE COUNTRY v V NEWLY MARRIED PEOPLE or anyone thinking of fur nishing a home or purchasing only one piece of furniture, we ask you to look through our stock before you buy- come and look through even if you don't intend to buy we are only too glad to show you. We ask you to compare our goods and our prices. Then you will know that we save you at least one-third this is worth going after, don't you think so? A COMPLETE KITCHEN CABINET is the greatest boon to house wives, it save thousands of steps, your kitchen table, pantry and cupboard all in one, one similar to cut only .16.50 DON'T MISS THIS A beautiful all quarter-sawed oak golden, finished, highly polished buffet, regularly sold at $45, to close out at .27.95 Is different from the ordinary In stallment house way, In the first place you don't have to pay us the exhorbitant prices that the Install ment houses ask, besides the goods you get from Clemann & Salzmann in iirr-iii" n ii Tirm r ttbw vi' iq . ipiWMBIS OUR CLUB PLAN are absolutely high grade and the Clemann & Salzmann guarantee la back of every article. Our "Club Plan" Is a credit plan for worthy people, come In and let us explain this plan to you. A massive solid . quarter-sawed oak, highly polished, is very comfortable arid attractive, a . big value at the price. fCnnt - td from Page Seve v the absence of President : ! curi'tna ti0 nriirf nol etrtriA wflrlr flTlfl i surfacing the top with concrete to Keep moisture out of the interior. nan In SliniiMin I A committee consisting of Edward M. J. McKniry of Moline made a sUr- K- utnam of EWeujoit. S. S. Davis ring address at the beginning of the!0' Iock Island and William A. Meese ! in ting In which he urged all the ch:;i ' of Moline, interested Colonel G. W. ! irenii ers to turn out In force to the llrr of Kock Island arRenal. as com-) 1'iK rally at the Moline theatre in M.- j niandant of the island, in this subject, j line tonight. This meeting v ill lie ad- he lias had the work done. In ad- : ilri-Hded by ('oiiKresstnan W'il.son rf'dition. the arsenal drive past the pier IVminylvania. chairman of the houso i nas heen widened to permit vehicles: l::bnr conimitt'-e, and one of the best i to draw to one side and stop. The friends lal or ever had in the house 'ground around the pier ha3 been grad- and B Largest Variety of Highest Grade eautiful RUGS in the Tri-Cities of repreHentatlvs. Mr. Entry said tlint working men In and around Mo line witb makinK elaborate plana to attend the meeting aa a way of nhow lnj their appreciation of the work a: Kinpllphed for tliem at Wanhir.Rton hy 'om;rehsnien "ilr,on and I'epper end Clvde II Tavenner, all of wbo.n t i".lriLiut..d to the de-feut of the plan i et-n from (he present bridce t.f the war department to install tbe It is understood that eventually the Taylor system in the arsenal shopr. j pier will be marked by a bronze tablet 'ere- I with suitable inscription reciting its A bond has been engsped for thv hiKtorv Thl tah;t he nmvfriori ..niiiiif iuMinp. .-ir. .ncr.n!') rain, nrni 'd and cinder walks laid from the drive around the pier. A few steps : have heen built to enable sightseers to ' climb to the top of the pier, from which ! a splendid view across the river to Davenport is to be had. The trees and shrubbery around the pier have been cut away, so that it now may be easily A CAR LOAD OF DINING iABLES just unloaded. Here is a table made o solid oak finished golden ard is highly polished, the bizc is a beauti ful colonial design. I: extends to six feet. The illustration docs nets do the table Justice, be fJ!A fjff tyZt13J A HAMDS0ME VELVET RUG, closely woven of special ly selected yarn, extra heavy in all the fall oriental and floral patterns. The rug is 9x12 foot size, an ex ceptionally fine value and a rug you will never be able to duplicate at this very low price $19.95 INVESTIGATE OUR CLUB PLAN Never before has such a fine line of Art Rugs been shown as we are show ing this fall, never have you seen such patterns, such colorings as is shown in the Bundhar, Hardkick and French Wilton Rugs, all of them are wonder ful rugs, you'll say so when you see tbem. We can fit any size room with a mill made rug. Come In and see them, we're only too glad to show, even If you don't intend to buy. LOOK HERE FIRST before you purchase a brass bed, our prices are about half what you have to pay elsewhere, the qualities are the best and selection the biggest, a brass bed similar to cut only $8.50- Others In price " up to $75 P4 FM A MM 0 16th Street at Second Ave. R0CK ISLAND, ILL. m. iss.muuiumi. 3B3225Z3 enrolling looked favorable, he ,je c hired, for one of the most i.uccess fully ini-etlnfcR ever held by the dern urrats In the I'low city. All three of the democratic cnnll date for elrcult judue were nt tho infer inn ard Mr. Marshall nn a lu r' addreyti to the club. He said the oi'tliMi!. was by the committee above named in col laboration with the commandant of the island. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY MAN TAKES A 75-YEAR LOOK INTO THE PAST 1 rf-m- , Your cough annoys you hacking ai:d tearing tbe delicate mem-lrui!-s of our throat if you want to l- annoyed. Lut if you want relief, want to bo c'rcd. tV.ce Chamberlain's favorable to democratic 1 Cough Remedy. Sold by all druggists. I (Editorial Note. The r.pporid !lniKt-rit Bt.ny writti-n by T! Keen on ''-nc-ronor.'d contrinitor on ocr;. p u 1 r un oi his 7oth tnrtlnjuy annivc-ritry, isi ptHMilfwr interest, in that it r:iVto)it-s W:'- fib-rvaiions of a close obei vcr ari'l a clue oludent). siuceK this fall, and urxed all the, t Advertisement.) Those Peruna Testimonials How Are They Obtained? Kor a great tlJ.wriBj aiuojq. "3 JO Sv..SlU!4 BY J. G. OSBORM. (Special Corr spimdenoe of The Argus.) I Joslin, 111., Oct. 3. History is said to repeat itself, a statement that' may be true as otherwise as we may ".ook j at it. From a much higher authority i i we learn "that which has been is thai which shall be." Therefore, history , may be considered, speaking meta-1 nhorirallv. as a telescoDe through ! such questions to a body of men who ; which we may look toward the future, i re ah. ady convinced of the worthless-1 Having arrived at the three-ouar-1 i.eS. ot i-ropneiary mecicmes. io give ter rpnnirv mark, it mav be DlLasaut i to recall some things I have witnessed ' i -4 1 sidm.). a body of men the unlimited i J-jc dinn; sjBj. i"oru, io aecme wnemer our claims and 0f which I was a part, however uum jiim in-' for Peruna are valid or not is a man! ui)vo otjw v;j . tent violation of my constitutional VV.' 'i: j small. The limitations of space will , con fin a this review to subjects of t eeneral interest, and the personal ele- i adod ruojjl My claims are based both on cred-lmpn, ni,1?t be eliminated. IHiUouiiisdi poj ; ita'. theoretical grounds and upon ir- In the early part of this historic' ouosun jo spat refutable statistics. But I am quite period the conflict between freedom I -8HOU.I pusq u I willing to have our claims as to theand Blavery. already for some "tim" ! vtiq i -miao:; composition of Peruna properly and j in pi.ogreg8, reached an acute stae. -a3utwp ibijjj ithoroi.Rhly invest!Kated. and if found j w nf th(, dorlh. believinc slaverv to; be morally wrong and economically -aa jo; uax to be false a proper penalty should be noq. eunjoj jc fixed. Or if I am making any etate surfjja aq) oj an nients concerning disease, as to the SJ!1,I!J1 Su(j 1 r.ature. symptoms or danger of any uj3 uaoq afc! disease, if I am making any such any r 1 statements aa to unnecessarily fright by various forms ; the p,pie by fai6e assumptions. I c; treatment they have found com-: am wPling to euDmit to any unbia8ei ... u relief by the use of IVruna. ; lllbunai or instigation. "(use testftnoniala tiave come to me i ... , . . ... , .,,. Mr- Allc Bogle. 803 Clinton street. r. ;:; . r, ' ICirclevUle. Ohio, writes: "I want to in-i -! . , . . ' , frrm you what Peruna has done for TU'j have simply U?n gleaned from . . . . . . . ; . ti 1 n o v-o hon ftfTin-tn with ratanrn - " '-A fe s , V . ' To this period belongs the presiden tial campaign of 1876. which was not decided till the "last county" hai? en heard from "five for Hsyes and four for ago, but "he laughs best who laughs last." Those schools, crude as they were and imperfectly equipped, edu cated the men and women who have state control of corporate interests, a condition differing from socialism by less than any assignable quantity. I,i thlnkine alone this line we need to keep steadily in view the great , bu,lt UP "r splendid civilization. The doctrine of human brotherhood with- modern school must look well to its all the duties and obligations it iia- j aurels if it is to achieve great results. p-ie8 One criticism only. The modern Again this may justly be called theiBcho: ls "tending its course of era of invention. Seventy-five yearsj study. overloading it. we would Bay. ago the telegraph was unknown. Th" re8ult ' "'any pupils learn a ' . . ., . ..... IT P m a finxen imifrt a and nnna new president was ! uniy a lew miles or raiiroau nau ue.-u j ; -. and it was a clumsy ariair. i.i.a.o me mu ci one dook, says tne proverD. Finally, our religious Ideals are be- process performed most of the wo-k . IPB iransngureu. we are tnrowing orr in field and factory. Onlv those who j u,u auegiance to creeas ana ritu have witnessed the transformation j ala- and are learning a more simple can appreciate its extent and import- thl dHke fallh ln God aa a loving ictmei, biiu in i nribi as our eiuer brother and our friend. Denomina- New York would have elected Blaine inl9 multiplicity or invenuon na Uonal ctf:ltrover8,e8 bplon to ln place of Cleveland. But we had!" once its aavantages ana a.saava , dark Let thom ,n Reamed well the folly of appealing has made it possible to From ma feMew we learn ifrom the ballot to the bullet, and our j PPf the needs of our rapidly In-1 a ,jew patrioUiiin a QV9 f institutions are on a more substan- r "' I t-ountrv. a i,iore evaltfi iitea t,t hr : Tilden," and the on bis way to Washington, with his I brilt .inaugural address written and his Steam navigation was in its infancy. cabinet selected before the result ' Human muscles by slow and laborious ' ! was officially proclaimed. l Party feeling ran high, but me re- 1 suit was accepted. In the same way i in 18H4 a fclitrht eleriral error In fn.n-! ' Tmlinir fho vnta of a alncrla onntir In ' nCe. i position among the nations, a more tial foundation because of these ex-lno comioris oi cmuzauon iu.o mu- penences. i . . , . r ..profound tense of her responsibility. In the Spanish-Cuban war we set f,na ".; ,e "n ahh, i ttr,1 a brih,er revlew of hr a new standard of interaational re- ",e r,d- "L6"! .OB etin.tJ? i Personally, we may congratulate our- I criAnuiKilit ' U k ilU LUC rttLWlU UUflOlB, ICAUUIg liiC lthe oppressed through mother lands ! same news at their breakfast tables i ImvA a rnmmnnit v rif intrHtH nnrl Among the nations j reaHze thelr re,ation8hip. 0a th. ' and cf an alien call we are as an apost'.e of civil and 1 T, . . ' "u u,u0l u once you could find ln every village wiiuiui iv uui i:utiiiiiiBOiUfi. dui we expansion, whose wisdom may fairly be questioned. The development of objectionable, were oDDosed to its ex tension into territory then fret. They j" . our ow n country offers ample scope of the south, seeing in this restriction J J. G. Osborn for aU ?ur enerey- and our bome Vrob- the final extermination of their fav-i ema tax all our administration orite institution were pfepsred to de-!n)e'1,e1 fc' our best blood, is stronger1 wisdom. ftnd it at all costs. Extravagant toda- "ho will say it was not worth ! Next ip order Is what may be calied language was used on both s'des; each i toe cost? ; the era of centralization in the shad- party, to some extent, misunderstood i Then quickly came the dark dayaow ot which we today are standing, the other. The writer threw himself of tbe reconstruction period. How i The silver question of 1896 was only much we missed the wise leadership i one phase of the larger problem, and a'most superhuman insight of j does not require a separate para Abraham Lincoln. What mistakes graph. The rapid increase of wealth, and tragedies might have been avert-! consequent on improved methods of ed. But we learned and the lesson production prepared the way for gi wetcay have need of ia the near fut- cantic combinatioas of capital, and ure. that political r""lv:iges and ' these compelled formidable organlza cial equalities conferred by legislation tions of labor. For 30 years or more cannot atone for years and centuries j these have been arranged aa hostile of Injustice. The negro race have ! forces, and the end is not yet ln sight, learned, and a hard lesson it was, that! In my Judgment no settlement will We learned to know their salvation must not be broueht be satisfactory or enduriae that es- We formed ia political action but along educa-i teems tb; product more highly than new conception of human brother- J tional and industrial lines, that the the producer, or which fails to rive K-.ula is now put out under the name .hood, and of the rights of man. We , only liberty they can have is mat him an eoua". eniovment of all the to pile to a partisan board of pbysl- of KA-TAR-NO. manufactured by KA-J learned a more unselfish patriotism which they are prepared morally and I good tfcinge created by the common r'nns the unqualified authority to de- . TAR-XO company, Columbus. Ohio. ; and a higher estimate of the value intellectually to enjov, a lesson tLe ' effort. I have aaid that the war be ;de as to all therapeutic claims which ; Write them and they will be pleased 'of our political institutions. Wedis- v?e earners cf todaT should lav 'town nH .ar,iti .,m a have been treatment or taking u.y tUnts that in d. r my rr medics. No remedy. cfT.oial or unofficial, has a Greater accredited basis for the' claims we make for it than Peruna as i a remedy for catarrh. I have never been opposed at any time to the regulations offered by the I 're food and drugs act. I am not i.t'W eppoed to its provisions, but I am opposed to the proposed amendments more or less ' . j . . m j mc any good until I used Poruna. I nave ceen isaen six Domes ana can praise it very highly for the good it has done me. I also find it of great benefit to my children." Peruna is for sale at all drug stores. SPECIAL NOTICE (into the contest with all his youthful' earnestness, an the stirring events 1 which are now a. matter of calm his-; toric review, are to him a living ': reality. j We do not propose to tear open the ! wound a, or rekindle the animosities ' of that bloody conflict. We learned ; from it that honest men may honestly ' differ in opinion and that to maintain ; these opinions they will make any and : Many persona 1 all sacrifices. 10 sucn would say. tnis for-ia are making inquiries for the old-t;mand respect each other Peruna. nay ue made for a proprietary medl- to send you clue. It ls manifestly unjust to refer tisemeat a free booklet. (Adver- covered the foolishness jto force. The unioa ss cf the appeal well to heart. There are great prob-j in an alliance between these aew of our states, ctrilema of recotsu uctioa awaiting ua, hostile forces, and this would compel of a few hundred people skilled me chanics, who could build a wagon and iron it with a few simple tools. Now at tbe factory one man tends a machine which turns out one part or piece of the wagon. Another man tends another machine and so on. The wagon may run more smoothly but is less durable. Its individuality is gone. The skilled machanlc has become an automaton, a human cog ln a machine. Right here ls tbe dan ger that threatens our Industrial sys tem. In education tbe progress has not been less. The writer well remem bers the conflict of opinions whe-a It was proposed to support the school by tax on all property Instead of a levy on the patrons in proportion to their patronage. But out of this charge has grown our splendid pub lic achool system. Including our mag nificent state universities. The per fection of the art of printing and the multiplication of books and papers have made us a reading people, and therefore, intelligent, for perhaps the most Important work of the school ia to learn how to read. It ia the fashion in svme p'.acea to ridicule the schools of 50 aad 60 years selves for havhig lived amid tbeso stirring events, and to have contri buted our little share towards these grand achievements. Quick Relief for Rheumatism. George W. Koons. Law ton. Mich., says: "Dr. Detcbon'a Relief for Rheumatism has given my wife won. derful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot; bad to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rap Idly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed herself and walked out for breakfast" Sold by Otto Groijan. Second ave nue. Kock Island; Gust Schlegel & Son. 220 West Second street, Daven port. (Advertisement.) SS NO? 2 STOMACH Tbtre.8 no Rl T TFD need for you to suffer from Poor Appetite, Heartburn. 'A Indigeation, j Constipation, Biliousness. The Bitters overcomes euch troubles quickly. Try a bottle.