Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. BY CtEOROEr DABR MCUTCIIEOS.' Copyright. 1906. by Dodd. Med & Company. CHAPTER VI 1 na1 3erke1 11 'rom i,s fastenings with ,. ... . . ' I a cry of Joy. "I'll send It back when f " i,wp.g impmn. DVDT BAZELIItTtST was right. I'i tie!,pe whs making her way through th blnr-kest of nights toward the home of Randolph Shaw. In deciding upon this step, aft er long deliberation, sb had cuiid to herlf: "Randolph Shaw is the only ,real man I've wen Blnep coming to the Ituountuius. 1 cud trust him to help me tonight." I It was fully three tnltna to Shaw's 'place, most of the way over the nar row valley road. She knew ahe would encounter but few tortuous places. The last half mile, however, was steep, rugged and unfamiliar to her. She bud ventured no Dearer to his home than Kenwood's deserted cottage, lying above and to the noutb of the road, a), most at the bane of the long hill on whose side Shaw had bunt his big borne. To climb thnt hill was no easy task la daylight; at midnight, with the stars obscured by clouds and treetops. rchere was something perilously uncer tain In the prospect. Only the knowledge that patience and courage eveutually would bring her to the end made the Journey pos sible. Time would lead her to tbf haven; care would make the road a friend; a stout heart was her best ally. Strength of limb and strength of pur pose she bad. In use and In reserve. No power could hare tonde her turn back willingly. Her anxious eyes were net uhend In the blackness. Her runaway feet were eager In obedience jto hor will. I "Why couldn't I bnre put It off until morning?" she -was haying to herself is she pn down the grnveled drive nd advanced to meet the wall of She Started Off Briskly Into the Wood land Road. trc.i thnt'fruwned lilafIlyTn ber face. -What wi'l ! think? What will he miy'.' oik. he'll think I'm such a silly, j romantic fool! No, he won't Hh'IJ j umlcrsiand. He'll help me on to 1 I'lnttsburi; tomorrow. Rut will he j think I've dene this for effect? Won't j he think I'm actually throwing my- : If at his head? No. I can't turn ' back. I'd rather die than go bark to that house. It won t matter what he thinks. I'll be away from all of It to morrow. I'll he out of his life, and I won't rare what he thinks. England! Goodness: What's thut?" She bad turned a brn1 In the drive, and Just ahead there wns a light. A sigh of re lief followed the quentiou. It came from the lantern w take in the road where the new stone gate p"t were being built by work- men from town, r.azolhurt Villa wns a quarter of a mile, through the park behind her; the forest was ahead. At the gate she stopped between the half finished stone posts and looked ahead with the first shiver of dismay. Her llmls seemed ready to collapse. The flush of -anger and excitemeut left j from the floor of the porch, she softly her face. A white, desolate look came - began a tour of Inspection, first look in its stead. Her eyes grew wide, and; inir at her watch to tind that It was sf e blinked her lashes with an awed the unholy hour of 2. Had some one ancertalnty that !oled lil for the sta bility of her adventure. An owl hoot ed In mournful cadeuce close by. and he felt her hn'.r was going straight on eud. The tenM fingers of one hand gripped the handle of the traveling bug. while the other went spasmod ically to her lienrt. '"Oh!" she gasped, moving over quick ly to the stake on which the lantern bung. The wind was rushing through the treetops with increased fervor, the air was cool and wet with the signs of, Two? He Ffsd fall he was alone ex rain, a swirl of dust flew up Into her! cept for the housekeeper and the serv face. the of leaves sounded like! ants. A visitor, then. This was not the Fplushlug of water In the air. j what she had expected. Her heart Holding her heart for minutes, she at! sank. It would be hard to face the last regained some of the lost com-j master of the house. tut a stranger? poaure. hysterica) laugh fell from j Cigarette stubs met ber bewildered, her lips. What a goose! It was an j troubled gaie many of them. LVduc owl. and I've heard hundreds of them; tiou was easy out there in the lonely up here. till. they do aooaA different ' night. It was ettsy to see that Shaw outside of one's own room. It's going1 and his companion sut up so late that to ra!n. What wretched luck I Dear i the servants had ;od to bed. t'.i.'. 1 cant stand hare all xUghtt How Distractedly she looked about for 1 '.u k it la ahead there 1 O-o-o-h! Really. w. It dves seem a bit terrifying. If I mly bad a lantern It wouldn't be so" Her gaze fell upon the laborers' lan tern that clattered aimlessly, uselessly, the taLe- Aa ULjtaut latgr ybe tbev go for my trunks. What lurk!" Without a second's hesitation she started oEf briskly Into the woodland road, striding along with the splendid swing of the healthy Englishwoman who has not been trained to .dawdle. Her walking skirt gave free play to her limbs. She was far past the well known "line la the rond" before she paused to take a full breath and to re capitulate. Her heart beat faster, and the sudden glow In her cheek was not from the exercise. Somehow, out there alone in the world, the most amazing feeling of tenderness sped on ahead to Kandoloph Show. She tried to put It b from her. but It grew and grew. Then he blushed deep within herself, and her eyes grew sweet with the memory of those stolen, reprehensible hours along the frontier. Something within her breast cried out for those shining, gone by moments, something seemed to close down on her throat, something flooded her eyes with a softness that rolled up from her entire being. Their line! Their Insurmountable barrier! An absurd yet ineffable longing to fail down and kiss that line came over her with compelling force. Her head grew light with the thought of those moments when their horses stood with muzzles together as if kiss ing by proxy the flush grew deeper, though ber blood went cold and she trembled. A pitiful confusion seized her, an Inexplicable timidity crept Into her heart, replacing the bold assurance that had been recklessly carrying her on to him. It was as though some one had whispered the truth Into her ear and she was teg!nnlng to believe. From that moment her courage be gan to fall. The glow from her lan tern WBjR a menace instead of a help. A sweet tlmorousnoss enveloped her and something tingled she knew not what Spattering raindrops whizzed In her face, ominous forerunners from the Inky sky. The wind was whistling with shrill glee in the treetops and the treetops tried to flee before it. A mile and a half lay between her and the big cottage on the hillside the most arduous part of the Journey by far. She walked and ran as though pursued, scudding over the road with a swiftness that would have amazed another, but which seemed the essence of slowness to her. Thoughts of rob bers, tramps and wild beasts assailed her with intermittent terrors, but all served to diminish the feeling of shy ness that hud been Interfering with her determination. Tast Kenwood's cottage she sped, shuddering as she recognized the stone steps and path that ran up the hillside to the haunted house. Ghosts, witches and hobgoblins fell Into the procession of pursuers, cheered on by the shriek ing wind that grew more noisome aa her feet carried her higher up the mountain. Now she was on new ground. She had never before explor ed so far as Ibis. The hill was steep and the road had black abysses out beyond its eedgs. She was breathless, half dead from fatigue and terror, when at last her feet stumbled up the broad steps lead- 1 lng to his porch. Trembling, she sank i Into the rustic bench that stood against the wall. The lantern clattered to her I feet, and the bag with her Jewels, her I letter of credit and her curling irons i slid to the floor behind the bench. Here I was hi home! What cared she for the storm? i , t y " ",ie lar Te KPing for lratn. ht?r '?' fa the shadowy moon Even ns she lay there that was breaking its way through the clouds, three men raced from the sta bles at Bazelhurst Villa, bent on find ing the mad young person who hud fed the place. Scarcely knowing what ii rectlon Le took. Lord Bazelhurst led the way, followed by the duke and the hlrh hung to a count ail of them supplied with car re the new stone rl"Pe lamps, which at any other time "uld have been sickening in their oMruslveneb. Except for Ijidv Eve lyn the rent of the house slept the sleep of ease. Gradually Penelope recovered from the effects of the mad race up the hill. The sputtering Came in the lantern called her Into action. Clutching It yelled "Boor she would have swoon ed, so tense was every nerve. Now that she was here, what was she to do. Her heart came to her mouth, her hand shook, but not with fear; a nerv ous smile tri-d to wreak disaster to the concern In her eyes. The bouse was dark and still. No one was s.'lrring. The porch was lit tered with rugs and cushions, whi'.e on a small table near the end stood a decanter, a siphon and two gias&ea. means of shelter on the porch until dayUght could a!et her in the flight to the village beyoud. T;n? storm was ure to come at no far distaut time. Rhe knew ard ft- red the violence of the mountain raiu. "By all that's holy," came In a man's roice, low toned and uncertain, "it isn't a dream, after all! ' She turned like a flash, with a star tled exclamation and an instinctive movement as If to shield herself from unbidden gaze. Her lips parted, and her heart pounded like a hammer. Standing in the doorway was Randolph Shaw, his figure looming up like a monstrous, wavering genie in the un certain light from the shaking lantern. His right hand was to his brow, and his eyes were wide with incredulous Joy. She noticed that the left sleeve of his dinner Jacket bung limp and that the arm was in a white sling beneath. "Is it really yon T he cried, his hand going instinctively to his watch pocket as if doubting that it was night instead of morning. "I've I've run away from them!" she stammered. "It's 2 o'clock. Don't look. Oh, I'm so sorry now! Why did r '"You ran away?" he exclaimed, com ing towaru her. "Oh. it can't be a dream! You are there, aren't you?" She was a pitiable object as she stood there, powerless to retreat, shaking like a leaf. He took her by the shoul der. "Yes. it is you. Good Lord, what does it mean? What has happened? How did you come here? Are yon alone?" "Utterly, miserably alone! Oh. Mr. Shaw.- she cried despairingly. "You will understand, won't you?" "Never! Never as long as I lire. It Is beyond comprehension. The won derful part of it all is that I was sit ting there dreaming of you yes. I was. I heard some one out here, investigated and found you you, of all people in the world. And I was dreaming that I held you in my arms. Yes, I was. I was dreaming if "Mr. Shaw! You shouldn't" "And I awoke to find you not in mv arms, not In Bazelhurst Villa, but here here on my porch." "Like a thief in the night." she mur mured. "What do you think of me?" "Shall I tell you really?" he cried. The light In bis eyes drove her back a step or two, panic in ber heart. "N no. no not now!" she gasped. but a great wave of exaltation swept through her being. He turned and walked away, too dazed to speak Without knowing it, she followed with hesitating steps. At the edce of the porch be paused and looked into the darkness. "By Jove, I must be dreaming," she heard him mutter. "No. you are not," she declared des perately. "I am here. I ask your pro tection for the night I am going away to England tomorrow. I couldn't stay there I Just couldn't. I'm sorry I came here I'm" "Thank heaven, you did come," he exclaimed, turning to her Joyously. "You are like a fairy the fairy prin cess come true. It's unbelievable! Bat but what was it you said about Eng land?" he concluded, suddenly sober. "I am go-going home. There's no place else. I can't live with her," she said, a bit tremulously. "To England at once? Your father will he" j "My father? I have no father. Oh!" J with a sudden start. Her eyes met j his in a helpless stare. "I never j thought. My home was at Bazelhurst castle their home. I can't go there. Good heavens, what am I to do?" ITo be Continued, t High Priced Copy. During the siege of Kimberley the editor of the only daily paper there was often bard put to find enough news. One day In a clitbroom he found Cecil Rhodes rending a fairly new pa per from Cape Town. He borrowed it and rushed to his own otilce. where It soon reappeared as a special edition, selling like hot rakes. That same even ing be met Rhodes, who Inquired. "Where's my Car Town paper?- "Oh. I cut it up for the printers." was the reply. "IMeuse don't do that again." said Rhodes mildly. "That paper came through by native runners and cost me I1.UOO." Ignored the Hint. The midnight stillness of the dark ened parlor was punctuated by a crash Just overhead. "Wba-wna wbnt was that dod-dod-darllng?' exclaimed the young man. "Merely father dropping a bint" she replied aa she snuggled a little closer. Philadelphia Record. An Exception. "Take my advice and mind your own affairs. No man ever got rich fighting other people's battles." "I don't know. How about a law yer?" Boston Transcript. TASTE, SILL ID A Simple, Harmless Remedy Quickly Relieves Ca tarrhal Deafness. The thotiMnria whn mtfTer fha mlunu of catarrh, and claim they have never iouna a cure, can get instant relief by simpiy anointing tne noetrus with Jy s Cream Balm. Unlike internal medicines which upset the stomach, or strong; snuffs which on ly aggravate the trouble, this cleans ing, healing, antiseptic balm instantly reaches the seat of the trouble, stops the nasty discharge, clears the nose, head and throat and brings back the sense of taste, smell and hearing. More than this, it strengthens the weakened, diseased tissues, thus protecting you against a return of the trouble, Nasal catarrh is an inflammation of the membrane lining the air passages, and cannot be reached with mixtures taken into the stomach or with snuffs and powders which only cause additional irritation. Don't waste time on them. Get a fifty cent bottle of Elv'a Cream R!m from vrair druggist and after using it for a day you will wish you had tried it sooner. H. 0. ROls, it (.AdverttsemeBt). HEARING RESTORED Daily United States Weather lap EXPLANATORY MOTES. Obseratloiis taken at S a. m.. Mventy-Sftb me ridian time. Air pressur reduced to level. Ibobais (continuous Viet) psss through points of equal all pressure. Isothirks (dotted lines) pass torougn points or equal temperature; vaij ror sero. ueesiBC. w, ana uxr. Vj clear; partly cloudy: Q rain: snow. report Arrows By wltn the wind. First flcuraa. lowest temperature past 12 boors: second, precipitation, of .01 Inch or more tor past 2t hours; third, maxi mum wind velocity. FORECAST FOR ROCK ISLAND. DAVENPORT. MOLtNK Fair tonight and probably Sunday; continued warm. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Tho western area of low pressure has increased in intensity ana extends froar California and the southern plateau sections northeastward to Manitoba, with its center over Utah and Colora do. It is causing rain or snow in the Rocky mountain region and over most of the Pacific slope and a further rise lni temperature has occurred in the Missouri and upper Mississippi val leys and the upper lake region. Rains in the south Atlantic and east gulf states have resulted from the southern low which appears to be off the coast of North Carolina. Heavy precipita tion, in inches, Is noted as follows: Hatteras. N. C, 2.56; Flagstaff. Ariz., 1.78; Modena, Utah, 1.12. High pres sures prevail from the Mississippi val ley eastward to New England, and an Today's (By wire from B. W. Wagner & Co, Grain. Provisions, Stocks and Cotton. Local offices at Rock Island house. Rock Island. 111. Chicago office, 98-9S-100. Board of Trade. Local telephones. No. west 330.) BOARD OF TRADE TRANSACTIONS. Wheat December, 92'4. 92, 91, 91. May, 96, 96. 95. 95. July, 94, 94, 93, 93. Corn. December, 63, 54, 63i. 53. May, 52, 52, 52'A, 52. July, 52, 53, 52, 62. Oats, December, 32, 32, 32, 32 . May, 34, 34. 34, 34. July, 34, 34, 34, 34. Pork. October, 16.S5, 16.85, 16.85, 16.85. January, 19.35, 19.37. 19.22, 19.25. May, 19.07, 19.07, 18.92, 18.92. Lard. October, 11.47, 11.55. 11.47, 11.45. January, 10.95, 11.02. 10.92, 10.92. Ribs. October, 10.75, 10.80, 10.72, 10.72. January, 10.22, 10.25, 10.17, 11.07. THE GRAIN MARKET. Chicago Cash Gram. wneat .o. z r 104 106, No. 3 r 90101, No. 2 h 9293, No. 3 h 88 91. No. 1 ns 9395, No. 2 ns 90 93'.i, No. 3 ns 8589, No. 2 a 89 92, No. 3 s 85 89, No. 4 e 73 85 . Corn No. 2 6667. No. 2 w 66 (g67'i. No. 2 y 6667. No. 3 66 66. No. 3 w 6667, No. 3 y 66 67, No. 4 6566, No. 4 w 6566. No. 4 y 65 66. uais .o. z w 6bWidVt, NO. 3 W 31 33. No. 4 w 3132'4, stand ard 33 34. Liverpool Cabl. Wheat to up. Corn Up. Chicago Receipts. Today. Contract. Wheat 83 13 Corn 272 42 Oats 199 39 Northwest Cars. To- Last Last day ..Week. Year Minneapolis 387 333 366 Duluth 639 326 465 Winnipeg 772 481 641 Chicago Estimates Tomorrow. "h1 67 214 131 Oats Primary Movement Receipts. Shipments Wheat today 1.633.000 612,000 Year ago 1,189,000 297,000 Corn today 686.000 368.000 Tear ago 332.000 395,000 LIVE STOCK MARKET. Opening of Market. Hogs 9.000; strong; left over 6.451. Light 8.709.30. mixed 8,70.32. heavy 8.50 9.30, rough 8.5OJ08.75, Cattle 600; steady. Sheep 2.000; steady. Nine O'clock 'wtarkf ? Hcga 6low to 5c off. Lnit 8.65 . 9.25. bulk 8.&599.15. mixed I "539.30. ! pigs 5.50 8.40, heavy 8.454'-3i rough S.45 8.70. good 8.70 8.95. i I cattle dull aad steady. BiW 5.50 U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. WILUS L. MOORE. Chioi. drawn cloudy: mlssinc. other high, accompanied by colder San Diego 62 56 .22 weather, is central over British Co- San Francisco 6fi 56 .00 hrmbla and Alberta, This distribution Seattle ,.66 46 .00 of air pressure will be attended by fair Washlnngton, D. C. .82 56 .00 weather in this vicinity tonight and Winnipeg 74 44 .00 probably Sunday, wfth continued high Yellowstone Park . . . 30 .00 temperature. OBSERVATIONS. High. Low. Atlantic City 72 60 Boston 76 58 Buffalo 66 54 Rock Island 77 55 Denver 82 52 Jacksonville 78 66 Kansas City 82 66 New Orleans 84 72 New York .76. C4 Norfolk 66 Phoenix 76 50 St. Louis 80 60 St. Paul 78 56 Prep. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .14 .00 .00 Market Quotations 11.00, stockers 4.357.75. Texans 4.506.00, cows 2.858.00, westerns 5.759.00, calves 8.0011.25. Sheep steady. Natives 3.25 4.25, lambs 4. 50 6. 75, westerns 4. 75 7. 05, Iambs 4.757.05. Close of the Market Hogs Best steady others 5c lower. Light 8.609.25; bulk, 8.859.10; mixed, 8.609.30; heavy, 8.459.25; rough, 8.458.65. Cattle, dull to steady. Top, 11.00. Sheep, steady. Top, 4.20. Lambs, steady. Top, 7.05. Western Live Stock. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Kansas City 2,000 1,000 3,500 Omaha 3,300 300 800 Estimated Chicago Tomorrow. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 28.000 24,000 69,000 Hogs next week, 100,000. Bank Statement New York, Oct. 5. Clearing house members' average. Loans, decrease, 17.474,000; specie, decrease, 3,613,000; legals, decrease, 1,006,000; deposits, decrease, 15,614,000; reserve, decrease, 1,569,200. Actual Loans, decrease, 17,941,000; specie, decrease, 4,465,000; legals, decrease, 2,861,000; deposits, decrease, 13,700,000; reserve, de crease, 5,357,800. NEW YORK STOCK8. New York. Oct. 5. Following are the quotations on me market today: Gas 148 Union Pacific 175 U. S. Steel preferred 116 U. S. Steel common 79 Reading' 175 Rock Island preferred 65 Rock Island common 28 Northwestern' 142 Southern Pacific 113 New York Central 116 Missouri Pacific 45 Great Northern 140 Northern Pacific 129 Smelters 88 Colorado Fuej & iron 42 Canadian Pacific 277 Illinois Central 130 Pennsylvania 123 Erie 37 Chesapeake ,& Ohio 84 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 91 Baltimore & Ohio 109 Atchison 111 Sugar 12714 St- Paul n3 CoPPer , 92 Lehigh Valley 7"......, 177 Republic Steel common 34 LOCAL MARKET CONDITIONS. Oct. 6. Following are the whole sale quotations on the local market today: Butter Creamery, 31c. Eggs, 28c to 30c Potatoes, 60c to 65c bushel. Cabbage, 3c head. Onions, 60c bushel. Sweet potatoes, $ L10 busheL Feed and Fuel. Forage Timothy bay, SIS to $19. Wheat 85e to SOc Wild hay. $14 to $15. Oata, 33c to 35c 3o A M.AUJ? ' AN1 VICWITx. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Flood. Height. Chng. St. Paul 14 1.4 xO.l Red Wing 14 1.6 0.0 Reeds Landing 12 1.5 0.1 LaCrosse 12 2.4 0.1 Lansing 18 2.9 0.1 Prairie du Chlen 18 3.3 xO.l LeClaire . 10 1.7 0.0 Rock Island 15 3.6 0.1 RIVER FORECAST. A falling tendency in the Mississippi will continue from below Dubuque to Muscatine. J. M. SHERIER, Local Forecaster. Straw, $8. Corn, 68c to '70c. Rye, per bushel, 75c to 80c. Coal Lump, per bushel, 15c; slack. Wagner's Summary Chicago, Oct. 6. Bulls are hopeful the bulge of Friday will continue so they can take profits. Wheat bulge of Friday is ascribed to slow growth of the visible and certainty of war in the Balkans. War news Is scarce in morning pa pers. Reports still favor Idea that Turkey and its enimles are on brink of a se vere conflict. Buying of all grains has gained during this week. Local talent that is bearish in corn and wheat is unable to depress prices with its of ferings. The average man has also ceased to predict 46 cents for May ccrn. No 2 corn continues at 68 cents. Weather was mainly excellent on Fri day. Bulls in products are on top for the moment and this helps corn. The other side of the frost story. That of soft corn through frost Is now being heard. As a bulge has pro ceeded the arrival of the week and some profit acceptance may be in evi dence today. Liverpool wheat comes to 7-8 higher. This advance should satisfy bull expectations. It is liberal In com parison with the somewhat quiet war news. Export wheat news is peculiar. A good business appears to be going on but does not reach Chicago. New York. Oct. 5. Bradstreet re ports 268 business failures in U. S. this week agalnBt 228 last week. Winter wheat in southwest starts under good condition with some in crease in acreage. Sentiment in favor of war with Bal kan states Is Increasing in Turkey. France appeals to powers to hold back states by force and compel Turkey to grcnt substantial reforms in her European provincer. Net shortage of idle cars in United States and Canada for fortnight end ed Sept. 26 was 17,790. an increase of 9,170 over that of two weeks ago. Great Northern August net earnings $2,943,303. an increase of $308,040. Ss timated that TJ. S. Steel corporation is earning at rate of 132 million a year or 10 per cent on common stock after all charges and preferred dividend. Trading at the stock exchange will commence this morning in California Petro. Our views on this stock are quite well known and do not need any dilation in this connection. This 1:; an issue that we strongly recommend buying for a very decided advantage, for reasons named in circular. We are constrained to believe that it will in time prove another Mexican petrol eum. Chinese Queer Ways. Difficulties of census work among Chinese are amusingly illustrated by the British commissioner at Weihalwel In his report "A Chinese child at birth is said to be one year old." be writes, "and after It has passed one WHAT SAVED HER LIFE Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Ended Seriously. Rlvesrilla. W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin, In a letter from Rlvesvtlle. writes: "For three years, I suffered with wo manly troubles, and bad pains la my hack and aide. I was nervous and i could not sleep at night The doctor could not help me. Ha said I would have to be operated oa be fore I could get better. I thought X would try using Cardui. Now, I am entirely wan. I am sure Cardui saved my Ufa, t i will never be without Cardui In my home. I recommend It to my friends." For fifty years, Cardui haa been re-! llevlng pain and distress caused by wo manly trouble. It will surely help you. - It goes to the spot reaches the' trouble relieves the symptoms, and drives away the causa. If you suffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardui. Your druggist sells and recommend It Get a bottle from him today. tt. B. Wriitto: Ladtes' Advisory Dspt.. Chstts cooga Mtdidnt Ce., Chsttanonca. Term., for SpocuU Itutmctiom, and 64-pate book. "Horn. Tfssimsnt lor Wobu." asat la piala wrappar. a sseaasa. mm a cSfia'lf born in (he last montbj! of the year may be said to be two years of age before it is thirty days olj according to European reckoning. A.'; child of eighteen months' time of Uf since birth Is reckoned by Chinese t9 be either two years or three years oldjj this depending on whether it was bora j In the first or second half of the year. 1 It Is common for a Chinese mother to 1 give a son the name, of a girl, preeum-j ably to deceive the fates. It being con-! sldered ea'sier to bring up a girl. Ther, are many large undivided families la Weihalwel. The largest is that of a, I widow named Meng Yu Shih. whos! family consists of sixty -six. which,! with one servant makes sixty-seven,; mouths to the common meal.". Forehanded! ' Little Teter had disobeyed his moth-j er, and when,, In a shocked voice, she, called htm to ber be came running with the tears streaming over his 1 flushed face. "You won't." he sobbed, clinging to ber hand "you won't have to whip me, mummy, 'cause I'm cryln al ready'." Woman's Home Companion. A Bad Case. The cynical man was staring through the window at the chesty man swing ing down the street. "Does Chesty know anything?" asked his compan ion. "Know anything!" said the cynical man. "He doesn't even suspect any thing." New York Tiroes. Repsntanoe. Sorrow for sin is not repentance. Re pentance Is a great volume of duty, and godly sorrow Is but the frontis piece or title page. It is the harbinger jr Introduction to it OF LOCAL INTEREST Some People We Know and We Will Profit by Hearing About Them. This is a purely local event. It took place in Rock Island. Not in some faraway place. You are asked to investigate It Ask to believe a citizen's word; To confirm a citizen's statement. Any article that is endorsed at home Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about Endorsed by unknown people. L. Range, 728 Seventeenth street Rock Island, 111., says: "In 1897 I gave a public statement recommending Doan's Kidney Pills. Since them I have used thom once In awhile and they have kept me free from kidney complaint. For many years my back was In such bad shape that I could hardly move. The action of my kid neys was irregular and painful and I was in had shape when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. I got them at the Harper House pharmacy and they restored my kidneys to a normal con dition." For salo by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents. Foster-Milnurn company, Buf falo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. (Advertisement.) THE EYES OF THE WORLD ?re upon the man who presents a neat appearance. To do this your clothes must be kept clean and in "shape." Our pressing Is more than the word implies, for we not only press your tuit but re-shape it to its original lines and by band work only can this be ac complished. All work we turn out will be en tirely satisfactory or we will accept no pay until it is. We give special attention not only to men's but also ladles' garments. Call West 317 and we will gladlj call for and deliver your work promptly. YE TOG SHOP O. E. BAKER 1807V2 Second Avenue. j pew year fc.sald to bgj. Qyears pld.