Newspaper Page Text
.'...-V GENTlEMENl j T Argus Branch Offices For the accommodation of its patron In various parta of the city, The Argut fcaa estabilht-d a ivjicm of branch of '' where subscriptions find want ad vertising may he received nd any In formation left that may prrtitn to any H'Hriniint of the paper. new or busl It la aiao planned to have at each of these branch office every evening- a wuppiy i copies or The Ar(ui of the ly. ao that any subscriber who may i ive Tailed under any clrc-..mtuiu es to i v. iceive paper, wilt be supplied free : r ebar;e- I lia rec of charre IncYude. ttWlowlng ""'"""l J. J. Klpo's notion store. 450 Fifth! 11 E. Kowi i pharmacy. 4111 Four- ! teerth nvenue Rlcss drug more, Twenty-seventh I street, Feventn avenue I 11-meyer's drug "tore. Eleventh ave-1 n.i.. iifi, . t. . . . Oeora-e" W. Mlilhouse. eorfertlonerv i 106 Fourth avenue. Mrs. London's notion store. Seventh tr t, Fourteenth avenue. Ilennbeik's pharmacy, 22 Third ave nue Kenicer's grocery. 25 Eleventh I afreet. i R'i0Tt drvir rtore. Thirtieth street I ami r irtn avenu.'. CulieKe pharmacy. Seventh avenue and Tli!rty-eifhth Htreet. Olson grocery, Thirteenth avenue and Thirtieth street. Steln-r (irnK store, corner Fifth ave nue and Twenty-third Htreet. run kiht-HorocB. foil KKNl A fv-n-room modern I.oush nt 1132 Fifteenth street, phone west 321. FOR RENT--Srl-Ulv modern house of rive room it MS Twentieth street. Ajip'iv wuli'.n. FOR RKNT - Etyht-room modern ho.;, at 11S4 Second avnue. Apply Pi; Second even lie. FOR RENT Six-room strictly modern bouse at 1410 Twrirth at.eet. Inquire 14U' Twelfth street. FOR RENT Modern home. 1200 Second avenue. Apply Connelly & Connelly, Peoples bunk bu!ldih;r. FOR RENT Flve-r iom h modern, near Ixing quire 3J4 E.i-venlU stn et I FOR RENT- Modem eight-room doti- ble at !m Seventeenth street. Imiulrr at Ninth avenue. -- ....... v. li-OR RlIvT Furnirdied rooms, khs, F"H RENT F.iint h;:r of double house. I bat'i .not -water heat, etc. Opposite f'.v pLasant run ..s. at ZiZo l outthl court house; it7 l"itt--nth streot. avenae. Imjulie at 2320 Fourth ave- .7" " nue. I FOR RK.VT Two nicely furnished . I rooms. v!tn alt modern conveniences. F('R RENT A four-rorn bouse and j ,n private family; at 2200 Sixth ave- s'liii'ner kitchen, one block from Ivng : "ue. ew line. Imiulrr 14ilu T ent y-i,f ih 1 77 7 ." 77 ' tret. ruR RENT one furnished front room up.-lairs. one large iront room down Full RENT Moib-rn house at 1019; i-inirs; both modern; 1 '3 Second ave T witity-nrst strett Inquire ut luoa nue. Foui teen;u-iid-tt bnlf street, or pbiftie 77 " ,. . ...." ; ," w st SJI-K. F' RENT Cottage, part of house, four room, to couple without chil dren: cheap rent. Inquire at 2el3 Fourth avenue, at hon. or after 3v p. m. FOR RENT -House ,.f e'ijM nwitu and narti. giifi cond! loit. modern Im pro We 7 :; I street.!""'1 P.KNT Nicely furnished front lor. Ingram Sweeney FR P.KNT Nov. 1. seven-room mod tin bouse. h24 Korty-fourth street. Roi k Island, rent a month. In quire E. W. Thompson, phone south 141 R. I Fi R RENT A slx-roemi bouse, conven-! ! nt to More and car linen; all mod ern except beet; l.alf bloek from' s -liool on Twelfth street. Inquire V33 Seventeenth street. i F'K RENT Strictly modern seven-' loom house, four blocks from P.lue l'ne ear. at Forty-fifth street and Fis'hth avenue. Rock Island. Inquire Twrnty-rtrst-aiid-u-hnlf street. .Vollne. For RENT Four-room rottatte: good well, cellar and place ,or chickens; nve minutes waia irom car line. i ' " minutes ift i rm car I ' lo . ' . Regelbrugge. Inquire at Pohlman . store. Soutli Rock Isiand.- Get off car at Luchmann's Station. ron HMT-nar FOR RENT A modern flat; laqulre 1001 Twentieth street. Phone west 601-X. FOR RENT Flat of five rooms; bath, i gas and electric 1 1 at r t : third floor;! $17 per montu. 13! Fifth-and-a-half I avenue. Mrs. v alkcr. FOH UEKT a I tfEU Ji N EOCI. FOR ItF.NT fme store room at Hi Six teenth street. Inquire next door, or "9 Twenty-second street. FOR RENT Steam heated store room nt 123 Third avenue; possession Oct. 1. Inquire at the Piaks.ce studio . FOR RENT Two office rooms, with all modern conveniences, suitable as a doctor's ortlce. Apply at Lllcmeyars drug store. 634 Sixteenth street Ft'H RENT Office rooms, second floor, at 1517 Second av:iu: front rooms; opposite new puatomce. half block from court liau Inquire la build ing, of Illinois Oil company. PROFKHMOXAL ATTOKXETB. t orneys-at-Uw. Oiti - e in Rock Island National bank builolr.g SEA HI. E &. MARSHALL Lawyers Jdviii-y to loan on good real estate t.eurity l;,H.m.i. 302 and vt Safety building. Rock lalaud. 111. WILLIAM M. WALKKR Attorney; general law busiueas. corporation, probate and real estate law; 311 Peo ples bank buuaing. room wesi . WAIJvEK, INGRAM A 8WEENKI-Attorneys and counselors at law. Money to lean ou real estate. Rooms luO 2,J. People s National bana batlding. V. cUNlRY A McENIRT Attorney s-at-;.i Loan money on good security; coiievUona. Refen ncaa Mitch ell A I.ynde. t ankers- Office. Mitchell a, Lnde bul'iUi.g. ntl'ktlU ASD STORAGE. LEl.lARLE STORAGE On Oral floor: luu covers, etc. Tents for rent; also manufacturer of awnings, tenia. UutMlir A Co. 809 Fifteenla street PIANO STORAGE, with heat In winter; entire aond flr of our store bulid If.g. devoted to storing of plan . no dtmpiimn or told to creek tr.e var t ish. Post place in the tri-cl lias, . bewlby Atusta store. EXCUSE ME r 1 i rrrr, " l Z 1 1 ( ' : I i s . . n i FUR REJT-BOOM. va AUTKD-It ALSO BKtP. WAJITED FTCMsI.E HEUP. FOR tAl.E C1TT rROPEBTI. FOR BALE LANDS. tLJiI2 " "Tv - " .-.3 FOR RENT Modern nicely furnished front rwm, with alcove, suitable for two e-ent.lmen : also room for one gen tleman; hr'-akfast If desired; at 945 Twenty-first street. Thone 1266-L. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms; 217 Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished room for llgrht i."uiHKtepmg at iut Third street fOH RENT Nicely furnished room for gentleman only, at 1827 Sixth avenue. Fr,,K ,"P-T-M"an furnished room. for Uliht housekeeping at 1400 Third aven u rrr,i dttvt w "a . , . . FOR RrcNT Modern furnished I"'1'' 'n. fur .gentlemen, at 180 rooms, 02 Fifth tvr , , v . , I I f (M KK.N r T.lsrht housekeerdnir ronm '.' " ' barn, if desired, at 2506 t t " ' ' ; FOIt ItKNT Furnished rooms for light J housekeeping; sewer arid gas; at 705 l'ourtu avenue. 77, r t IK 11KNT Su;te of Ilnht housekeeD- inr rooms; laundry privileges; at 527 Seventeenth Street. FOR RENT Tw large modern fur-hii-lied rooms Tor light housekeeping at l-'lO First avenue. Fdit I'. KNT-.Modern r'.-oms. sultnl)le lor newly furnished Ken'lemeti; good loeiitlon. Piione we.t B24. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front roOIrl .With 1)11 mdHcrn r..ti Jun AnnAa lit 732 Seventeenth Htreet. "( I"Tt RENT Modern furnished front room .a!.'. suntjie room, nt 247 Eighth avenue. Phone west 612-L. FOR R :nt Newly furnished outh 1 room, modern, f-team heat, reasonable IM'O T.t.lrd avenue, flat No. 4. 1-OR RENT Modern furnished front room, s vn t aide for two; 711 Twenty ninth Ktreet. Phone west 1868. FOR RENT Two likely furnished light housekeeping rooms, all modern, cen trally located. Phone n-ft 2'.::j. FOR RENT I.aric front nwm, down stiii well furnished, suitable lor -en: .. rn an. at ";! Twentieth utrtet. , FOR -NT -.Modrn furnished rooms, !u lor lliiiit housek'eoinur. at suitut 3 Id Fu'.:rleento-and-a-l.ulf street. r..i rurnisne.i rooms for light nous. Ke jiing; a,i inodern. new ly pa iwiil; use of laundry, at 2718 Fifth a 1. ue. FDR RENT I-arg- front bedroom; bent, luith. walking distance. Phone we t 2"S4; pnuiu family; references required. ioo;:i. mi moueiu. lamny nt two. use of phor.e. nt 1JJM Third avenue, i'lmne west 1J23-V. F K RENT One large modern room. With hot water. Meain heat; suitable tor one or two gentlemen; at iiliti Fifth avtnue. loli RENT Furnished room In mod-rn steam healed tlat. Apply b-iore 2 p. rn. or from i to S p. in. ; lHtix Third a nue, rlat 4. Rr-NT Modem furnished room. in goiM lorn'11'ii. rurnaee i;eat; rent reasonable; at 2;.1'4 Seventh avenue. I'hoi.e west 12o'-Y. frOR JlfclNT - Furnished large front room, strictly modern, suitable for two, use of phone and bath, at 636 Twenty-fourth street t-. , r, u it vr t .. . , , Ft' hHEiV m ' ." ,ur.niS.hAd outh room; hot water, telephone: one or two gentlemen, $3 per week; SOS Fifteenth street. Phone Ji33. FOR IiENT Modern furnished rooms, i aoove Bauerafeld Steam laundry. 16L4V Third avenue. Call between 10 a. tn. and 1.30 p. in. and 5:30 to 6.30. FOR RENT A large furnished front room, with a'.l modern conveniences. In a private family, for one or two; gentlemen only; 1114 Second avenue. Pnt.-ne 17S2. FOR RENT Two front rooms, com pletely furnished for light housekeep ing; gas range, use o( ceHar; to peo ple of good character only; at 1416 I'hlrd avenue. FOR RENT Larve. nicely furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, with or without board; (49 Twentieth street; one-half block from car line. FOR RENT Newly furnished modern room. In quiet home, on Elm street car line, near excellent boarding bouse. Inquire at 713 Twenty. oftb street after 4 p. m. FOR RENT Largs, comfortable, all modern room la private home; good, quiet neighborhood; coot and shady; no children in house. Apply 929 Twenty-second street Phoue west 49.-X- FOR RENT A well furnished room, with private lavatory, beater for bath, use of phone, and every mod ern convenience, convenient to board; one block from car line; 933 Seven teenth street Phone west 1197-X . MI9CEI.I.AXEOCB. CASH paid for ladies' and men's old clothing, carpets, ruga, etc Phone north 1028-T. LET Froas do your paparbaogtng; 1 cents a roll; wail paper at 6 cents a roll and up: 609 Twenty-fourth street IF TOL WANT to buy. sell, trade or rent anything, engage help or secure a situation, the Mall aad Journal is the only paper in Molina that can do It for you. Mail and Journal wants are popular, and Mail and Journal wants bring results . One half cent per word is the price to alt aiike. cash in advance; two-cent stamps will do. Evening and Saturday Mail and Journal. Molina, lii. FLORISTS. : BEXKT GAETHJE Proprietor Ch!p 1 . ruanr.ork nursery. Cut nowera and j deairns of all kinds City store, 160? Second araa a e. Pnoaa 1118 THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. ft WANTED Bellboys at Hotel Harms. WANTED street Men; Inquire 1700 Sixth WANTED Ten laborers; apply H. F. Paulsen. 1101 Twelfth, street. WANTED Five boys. Saturday morn ing. 8 a. m.; good pay; 1S33 Fourth avenue. WANTED By young man 19 years of age. minor position In office; good reference. "M. H." care Argus. WANTED Pollsners and buffers; Rock Island Manufacturing company. Four teenth avenue and Second street. WANTED Plasterers and helpers at Muscatine. Iowa. Schmidt Bros, com pany, new Barry building, Muscatine, Iowa. WANTED Experienced chocolate coat ern. Apply Doellinger-Nelson com pany. Front and Ripley streets, Dav enport, Iowa. WANTED At once, young men by Rock Island lines news service. Ap ply J. J. tirler news stand. Rock Is land station. WANTED Fifteen laborers at U. & boatyard. Milan, 111.; wages. 81.75 per day of elg-ht hours; ch.-.nces guoA for advancement. Apply at canal bridge office. WANTED--Rtprvscntatves; 8100 month ly and expenses to travel and distribute- samples for big manufacturer; steady work. SL Scheffer, 762 Sher man. Chicago. WANTED Salesmen, to sell trees and I p:anis; experience not necessary; Kteady work; highest commissions. payable weekly. Write for free out lit. Perry Nurseries. Rochester, N.- Y. WANTED At once, 00 men, 20 to 40 years o.m, tor electric railway motor men and conductors; $60 to $100 a month;-no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immedi ately for application blank. Address "E. R. M. 4fc C..V care of Argus. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; commission paid for bringing stu dents; wages in finishing department; first work on free customers; all practiial: Instructions with charts and diagrams saves years; catalogue free. Moler Barber college, Chicago, 111. WA lTED M ISCELLASEOUI. WANTED As soon as possible, furnish ed tnouern house. Piione west 29. WANTED To buy, S. H. green trad ing stamps. Address 614 Eleventh street. WANTED To clean wall paper In your bouse. Drop a postal, or call at 2002 Fourteenth avenue. WANTED Chimney and furnace clean ing by experienced man. G. M. Rini 4;u Ninth street, city. WANTED Boarders and roomers or table boarders at 606 Twenty-second street. Good rorne cooking. WANTED To exchange, typewriter In working order for giMd bicycle. Call at 3916 Seventh avenue, city. WANTED Lace curtains to launder work receives careful attention. Mrs Mam r, 2CS0 Seventh aveuue. Pliona liou-X. WANTED Man and wife, or two gen tUmeu. to board and room: ail mod ern conveniences; use of phone; 1035 Seventeenth street; Hat 2. WANTED By refined couple without children, two or three furnished rooms for 1 ght housekeeping, vicinity of Rock Island depot; iliib Ninth avenue, 111. WANTED I want to get a $2,000 loan on a lirst class store, hall and large house, in a good, small town near Rock Island: excellent security; will pay S per cent. Address 'E. C 11.. Box 73." care Argus. WANTED Private and class pupils In elocution by Miss Lillian llorton De Wolf, graduate of the Cumnock School of Oratory, Northwestern uni versity, Evanston, 111. Call No. 3 Payne flats. Phone west ls70. WANTED To buy, seven to nine or ten room house; modern and In good lo cation, not too far out; If you own such a bue, and really want to dis pose of same, make your lowest price, with full description, and send same to "S. B. 84." care Argus. WANTED To buy, new and second hand goods, stoves, furniture, carpets, etc., also cast-off clothing, hats, shoes, etc.; I pay highest prices; will buy. sell or trade anything of value. S. Fryer's Second Hand store, laOu Second avenue. Phone west 47. YVAXTfcD AGEXTs. WANTED Lady agents for our famous Knlttop petticoats; our many agents make good Incomes; experience un necessary; selling en sight to every woman; write quick for exoluslva ter ritory. Spelman A Co., Chicago. IKItKAXPE. PLEASANT F. COX Real estate and Insurance. Loans a specialty. Best fire companies represented. Tour pat ronage solicited. Phones west 12, and new 6172. Office at court house. BENNETT'S Insurance Agency Firs, life, accident health and plat glass; real estate and loans. Second floor. Safety building' office phone, west If 96. Residence phone 726-K. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. I WE WILL BOND YOU ExecuWrtr ad ministrators, guardians, trustees or any kind of Judicial bonds; lodges and society officers; city, stats or U. 8. government officials; contractors, po sitions o trust; in fact sny kind of bond you want t except ball bonds). Terms reasonable Hayes A Cleare land. resident managers. Fidelity A Deposit company of Maryland. rORTXHE TEJ1.I.XQ. IT IS a well known fact that the gyp sies are the only true fortune te' rs in the wor,d. Tells past and future; gives advice on love and business, and all affairs: satisfaction guaran teed; 1119 West Third street. Daven port M17LTIPLB ELECTROLT1IS. MULTIPLE ELECTROLYSIS Superflu ous nairs on iace ana arms parma oently removed with one eo six needles; four to six Hours' work in one with six needles. Address Miss A. M. Klttridge. Flat 1. Argyle Flats. Brady street. Davenport. Old phone its. . WANTED A cook at 1614 Second avenue. WANTED , Chambermaid Harms. at Hotel WANTED A dining room girl; 1S10 Second avenue. apply WANTED Girl to do general house work at 1524 Ninth avenue. WANTED Girl to do general house work at St. Anthony's hospital. WANTED A dining room girl to work night. Apply 1810 "Second avenue, v WANTED Two experienced waitresses et 3034 Fifth avenue. Johnson & Set tle. WANTED Girls, at once; apply Kra mer printing company, 1508 Second ave nue. WANTED Girls; apply Crescent .Mac aroni & Cracker company, Davenport. Iowa. WANTED Cook and dishwasher at private boarding house at 3021 Fifth avenue. WANTED A girl to do general house work at 2018 Fifth avenue. Phone west 770-L. WANTED Middle aged woman to do general housework in family of two, at 251!) Eighth avenue. WANTED Clerks,' wrappers and cash girls. Call Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at L. S. McCabe a; Co. WANTED Reliable, experienced girl to do general housework; good wages. Apply 613 Twenty-third street WANTED A young girl to assist with light housework and care for chil dren. Call at 2522 Eighth avenue. Phone West 1009. WANTED Yo-ung girl to assist with general housework; no washing or ironing:; must go home nights; at 2321 Fifth avenue. WANTED Any lady can earn $40 monthly copying letters spare time at home; booklet, 10 cents in sliver; tells how. American Copying association, Washington. D. C. WANTED Lady to travel in Illinois; groeerles, candies. Jewelry, etc.; good pay and tailored suit or 20-year gold watch in 0 days; experience unnec essary. McBrady & Co., Chicago. WANTED Two extra good solicitors for a big proposition; must put up a good appearance and have best refer ences; six months' contract; extra big money If you tan make good. Foster, H2S Second avenue. - WA X TED S IT I A T I O N S. WANTED Position as a second baker. Inquire 1327 Second avenue. I.OST 4KD FOl'SD. FOl'ND Brown female fox terrier pup. Owner can have same by calling at 815 Twentieth street and paying for ad. LOST Between Seventh and Eighteenth avenues, on Thirtieth street, a sun burst brooch. Return to 717 Twenty nlnlii street. LOST In front of Sexton's clothing store, a hand satchel containing a clock, pocket book and bai.k book. Return to 3112 Fifth avenue and re ceive tew aid. LOST Or stolen, on Oirt. 3. at 12:45 p m., in now posioftlee, a small red note Uisjk, with name: of Delmar Wallcn company, a $5 bill and pawn ticket for told watili. Finder return to J. SehoU's. 201 Safety building, and re ceive reward. BISIMJSS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Saloon doing good, steady business; good locality; reason lor selling, have ano-tlier business that requires all . my time. Inquire 431 Twentieth street. IF you want to begin or expand busi ness, write the Board of Trade. Wey burn. Saskatchewan. We want indus tries, retailers and wholesalers. Elec tric power, water, fuel, cheap. Build ers wltn capital needed. Population doubled this year. BIGGEST -and Best Western Weekly; interesting and Instructive depart ments for young and old: tells about opportunities In the west for ambi tious men; special offer, six months' i trial subscription. 2i big Issues. 10 cents. Address Weekly Capital. Dept. WA 21. Topeka. Kan. ABSTRACTS OF TI1XJS. ABSTRACTS of title prepared or con tinued to date covering any real es tate in the county. Prompt and ac curate service at . reasonable rates Rock Island Title A Abstract com pany; J. J. Ingram, president; W. J. Sweeney, secretary; Suu-20i, second floor. People's National bank build ing. Rock Island. GASOLINE TANKS AND PCMFS. BOWSER underground outfits from $20 and up ( in use). F. M. King, agent 1511 H Third avenue. Rock Is land. 111. Phone west 2081. N. B- bury your gasoline: it's safer. iCCTlOSEER. H. HBuRICK General auctioneer Ai: Wlnif j-ktf vr AC- h nrl iA anrl tiniisUkK. i goods auctioned at your house. Res- tdence, 641 Twentieth street Phone u-ssl hkS.s! I riRK IJVaCstAJICat. tTne Best la the Cheapest) FIRE. LIFE. LIGHTNING ANi WIND BIT O KM INSLRANCtt. Establishes 1T OfSea. 1738 imia vt. Rties rea aonatua, ROCK ISLAND. ILL. CONTRACTORS ASD BUILDERS. COXTHACTORB AMD BUILD ERA. Manufacturers of Sash. Dc?rs. Blinds and Stairs. Interior finish cf ail kinds Hardwood Veneer Fiorr!r.- and deal ers In Glass. 811 and iii Eighteenth Drawn by 1M. Myer FOR SALE: One of the finest pieces of resldenoe property In the city; a great sacrifice. Reldy Bros. FOR SALE Cottage, cheap; 1809 Tenth street; water and gas; one block from car line; owner leaving city. FOR SALE Cottage In 6outh Heights, nearly modern. In best residence dis trict. Inquire 1S20 Sixteenth street. FOR SALE Six-room cottage and two lots, wltr fruit; owner leaving city. U. G. Simpson, 1015 Thirteenth ave- FOR SALE Six-room cottage and two lots, with fruit; owner leaving city. Apply to U. G. Simpson, 1016 Thir teenth avenue. FOR SALE Lots In Island View Heights addition; finest In the city; aak for prices and terms. C 3. McDanlel, 608 Safety building. Rock Island. FOR SALE Lots in Scheuermann's fifth addition. Seventh street and Fifteenth avenue; payments $5 per mouth. Call 1700 tSlxtb street. Old puoue west 1296. FOR SALE Reldy Bros, have a good selection of residence property at very reasonable prices; also some good Investments. Cull and see them. FOR SALE Lot. also small house about half finished; will sell cheap if taken at once. Inquire after G u. m.. Fif teenth avenue between Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth streets. FOR SALE Seven-room house; cellar, good well, city water, sewer. viih three acres; six level lots; for $1,700. One block from Elm alreet car. In quire 1200 Thirty-fifth etreet. FOR SALE One four-burner gas range, one gas heater and one Richmond electric vacuum cleaner; all in lirst class o.ondilion; will be soid cheap. Inquire at 1425 Second avenue. FOR SALE Seven-room house, with 2Va acres of ground, with well and cistern; loct-ted one block from car line; will sacriiice if said before Sept. 30. Address "S. G. H.," cara Argus. FOR SALE Because I must leave Dav enport, will sell my' two apartment buildings at $S, 200; rents $75 a month; modern; class condition; best location in Davenport. Address "C C. iiox S3," care Argus. FOR SALE Lota in South Heights, south of Aiken tjlrtet, between Tweirth and .Seventeenth streets; on easy tennt; $ii down, balance in tlve years. E. v . KoLinsuu, 1464 Rich mond street. Phone west 1165-iv. FOR SALE At a nargaln if taken at once, a modern eight-room house, centrally located and near all car lines; iiot water beat, gas, electric lifeht; lot 0x140. For particulars ad dress "Y.," care Argus, or wait west (Sii-X. FOR SALE Practically new modern eight-room house in South Heights,; three lots, garage, and chicken house; tiiree biocus irom Long View park; five minutes' walk lro.n Long View or Watch Tower cars; line view of river, phone west 1150. FOR SALE One of those splendid homes on Second avenue, about Elev enth ttri'et; it has been built only about 15 years .and hus hot water heat, electric light, gas, and polished oak floors upstairs and down, haj beautiful fireplace ,two stairs, and is right up-lu-uate; very reasonable price, a;s owner is leaving city. 11. K. Waiker, agent., Robinson building. airvoy J. FREDRICK BELL YOU SHOULD KXOW THE SECRET POWER OK I OVTIIOI, whereby you can, gain or Influence those you desire. ly this wonderful and strange magnetic force obstacles and movement-), rivals, enemies, bad luck and stumbling blocks of all kinds are spScdlly overcome, and it never takes but a very short time. IN OXK HOUR I can give yoa one of the grandest read ings you have ever had from any clair voyant on the face of thu earth, telling you everything you wish to know. I 2 DAYS I ( AX make you so magnetic that you can win the love of the one you most desire, or so you can influence those you choose, and become popular and magnetic with the opposite sex. IN as DAYS I CAX oversome your rivals, enemies, or con quer bad luck of any kind IN 3D DAIS I CAN find you a butr for your business, prop erty, stock, transactions of any kind. IX 4 DAYS I CAN turn your business failures and disasters to prosperity anl continued eucces. IX 47 DAYS I t AX bring around a happy marriage with the one of ycur heart' denlre, that is. If I find the marriage would prove for the best; otherwise, I shall not accept your case. IN r,2 DAYS I ('AN give yoa the powtr to advance In your position and secure a ralne in salary. IX Ml HAYS I CAN overcome your l.abits of all kind?, also work this aecret influence on those you wish without -their know ledge, so they will bejjin to prosper ir.l advanco In life. i IN 60 DAYS I CAS make you so successful in speculations and invtit:t.:itr that you will be mak ing money faster than yoa have ever "e,or our 1,10 m ar' ooncsi IX 72 DAYS I CAX influence absent ones to return to you, so that you can control them tl.e way you desire. ix c osfxrsios I wish to say that tnere is not any dif ficult case or probicr.i under the sun that I canr.ot solve i. J guarantee to "turn around" the way y.i-i wish. A BlSIMl'S S A fit Ir' D AND C.ONt- IDEM IAI.. , Ironclad Guarantee. I gusrantee to the separated In from y to &0 days, depending upon the nature of the taas and now long sep arated. I guarantee to teach yoa hov to fascinate and control anyone you do Sire within Sj days. I guarantee to de velop meuium&hip to its f J.lesl degree in tnose wr.o have any latent power whatever, within 20 to 60 cays. If I do not succeed as above staled. I afc no fee for my wor or time whatever. Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Daily and Sunday. Fa&ne Nortr,e)2lS-Y. FEES 50c and $1. Quiet location. 604 MAIN STREET DAVEHP0T IQVfA c FOR SALE Good 450-acre stock farm, located five miles from Milan; also an 80-acre farm four miles from Milan. W. I. Mllsted. Milan. IIL FOR SALE At reasonable rrlce, a 110 acre farm, two miles n.-vrtli and one half mile wast of Taylor Hlrije; good Improvements. Addrers Mrs. Martha McAfee, (10 Thirteenth avenue. FOR SALE Eighty acres unimproved land In Clark county, Wisconsin; good road; only two miles to town. For price and terms address J. P. Peterson. Box 137, Owen, Wis., or in quire Fred Sandqutst, 1627 Eighth street, city. FOR SALE 22 acres. $125. IH miles 15 from Ottumwa; fine farm through - out; always well kept up; good lm-jis. provements; produces equal to $225 Illinois land; attractive investment. 1 1 i . v w, ... i i -n. T ..... FOR RALE Why not ge out of the high-priced farming eountryT Buy improved farms In the famous Red River valley of Minnesota and North Dakota at $45 to $05 per aore; pays for themselves with a few crops. Ad dress owner for reliable llteraure or personal talk. B. ii Thompson, Box 60, care Argus. FOR SALE MHCf:i.t.A!KOCS. FOR SALE Parrot at 1702 ft Third ave nue. FOR SALE Folding 1646-T. go-cart; phone FOR SALE Tale motorcycle; Inquire 2723 blxth avenue. FOR SALE A folding Twenty-second street. bed at 909 FOR SALE Two show cases at Weck el's, 1706 Third avenue. FOR SALE Organ and heating stove; 114 Twenty-sixth street FOR 8AL13 Trorough-brcd at i.iis Eleventh avenue. bull pups FOR SALE A soft coal heater at J4S2 Eighth-and-a-half avenue. FOR SALE Cheap, solid oak wardrobe, at 1019 Twenty-first street. FOR SALE Small heater, good as new. inquire 1501 Eighth aveuue. FOR SALE Two single driving horses. Inquire 1S10 Thirtieth street. FOR SALE Brown Leghorns; call at lulO Thirty-eighth street after 6:30 p. m. FOR SALE Horse, wagon and harness for tl0, at 1117 Thirty-fifth street, city. FOR SALE Art Garland base burner, in good condition, at 1233 Twelfth street. FOR SALE Hard coal stove range and 1as range at 2517 Fit th-and-a-half avenue. FOR SALT: Hot Blast and Rock Island beating stoves at 21)46 Eleventh-and-k-half avenuu. FOR SALE Choice Rural New Tork late potatoes; extra quality keepers, phono west !13. FOR SALE Large duvenport and Hoos lex kitchen cabinet; reasonable; al most new. Call west 1672. FOR SALE Six-burner Riverside steel lane, good as new; also roll top oak u-.sii. Inquire 624 Thirty-sixth sireet. FOR SALE combination rldlni Idlng aid driving horse. inquire at 1227 Fourteenth sweet. phone wtut 1305. FOR SALE A square piano, at a bar gain If taken at once; price 825. For Information call 881 west, three rings. FOR SALE Square dining room table, large made velvet rug, couch, and kitchen cabinet. Call at 923 Alkeir street, South Rock Island. FOR SALE A 346 davenport In stor age, .practically new, at $22; aigo a hard coal baso burner st $12.60. Address "F. G.," cara Argus. FOR SALE A grocery store, doing a good cash business. In good locality; party leaving city. Address C Johns, central delivery. Rock Island. FOR SALE A horse and top wagon; also rubber tired buggy, and a good hard coal heater. inquire Modern Tea company, 322 Twentieth street. FOR SAL Cheap, pleasure launch. 23 feet long, 8-foot t eam. 8-horse power eng.r.e. . tor particulars address Box 4i.8. Rock lsUitd. or inquire ou ferry boat FOR SALE Two bargains in automo biles; one seven-passenger Carter car, one five-passenger I'ord. in ilrst class condition. Inquire Morris 11. Wllcb ei s Karat; e. lilt Fourth aveuue. FOR SALE Furniture for flva rooms, upright piano, ail for 1178; nearly he. .v. coat ISiv); on payments If you vant. Phone west 17 7, or cail at 304 Beat building. Lock Island. IIL FOR SALE A fine large louble deck passenger barge; would make a splen did houseboat at small exptns'?, in (,'ood condition, and at a bargain If t ikeo at once. Address John i'uli now, Davenport harbor Davenport, Iowa. Phone north 2637-L. PEVXAXTS, BUTTONS, PLEATING S DAVKNPOKT PLEATING, BUTTON & NOVKLTY CO. Phone S.i. 240 So. Putnam building. Davenport, Iowa. Feit pennants, flags, monograms, pil low covers, etc.; accordeoii knife pleating, from 2c yard and up. Butt jus cuvered in plain and colored ivory rinis. irom luc doxen up. Dres farms. COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS MADE Hard accounts and claims collected. Wil.lam M. Walker, lawyer, 311 People's bank buiiulng. Phane 344. P.H,WIST. EGYPTIAN FORTUNE TELLER Teila paat present and fu'.ure; rives advlca In a.l burliness and love afiairs: satis faction guaranteed. C17 Harrison street Davenport SWEDISH MOVEMENT. bWluDIfcll MOVEMENT Miss A Lln arsen, graduated masseuse, a-lves treatment in private home. Phone west 83-L, Address C18 Tulr t -i.lnta street. Ail - the AXfrua. tew ail the time The L-1 DON'T READ THIS AD ! -1 unless you want a cheap loan on your Furniture, Pianos, Live Stock, Dia monds, Jewelry or your if - j t' I 3 : I : 1 All the good people are patronizing the Cut Rate Loan company 304 Best building, for pleas, ant and private loans. Phone West 177. a '73P1J"JW ":.:4 ssaUsaSad LOUGH DIRBCTOKT. MaaOBla. TRIO LODGE! NO. 87, A. F. ft A. M. Meets in stated communication the first Thursdap of aaoh month at 7:30 p. m. By order of Carlton G. Taylor, W. M.; William H. Petttt secretary. LEGAL. Administrator's Nottoa. Estate of John Welch, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed administratrix of the estate of John Welch, late of the county of Rock Island, sl.-Uo of Illinois, deceased, here by gives notice that aha will appear be loro the probata court of Rock Island county, ut the probate court room. In the city of Rock inland, at the Decem ber term, on the nrt Monday In De cember next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are untitled and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated 1st dav of October. A D. 1111. ANNIE C. WELCH, Adminintrarlx. McEnlry &. McEnlry, solicitors. Executor's N4lc. Estate of Emma C. Lloyd, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed executor of the last will and testament of Emma C. Lloyd, late of the county of Rock Island, state of Illi nois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the lion. Benja min Hell, Judgo of the probato court of Ruck Island county, at the probata court room. In the city of Rock Island, at the November term, on the first .Monday In November next, at which time all per sons having claims against a. Id estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpoae of having the same adjust ed. All persons indebted to said estate are requestod to make Immediate pay ment to tn.. undersigned. Dated 14th day of September, A. I). 1913. ADDISON RUSH, Executor. Hugh E. Curtis, attorney. Terms of Vsnary. Tter are terms of Tttnerjr which a pood Bportunmu will obaerva la his speech. Thus ho finds a "imck" or a "covey" of grouse and llkewht a "corey" of partridge, but a "iild" of pheasants, a 'bevy" of quail, a "wisp" or a "walk" of snipe and a "fall" of woodcock. Having fonnd them, he "Iirtnga" the grouse and the pheas ant, but "fluBbea" the woodcock, snipe and partridgea. Further,' ho will tell you that grouse are "challenged" and pheasants "chnckered," that partrldjtes "Jug," quails "pipe," woodcocks are "fallerg" aDd enlpe are "at walk." Bo the bishop wiis ntrktlT correct who upoke of "some who Jug tbewelvea like partridges into small coveys." Ixjinlon Chronicle. i ZEBU MONEY For yanr coal, potatoes, cloth ing, fall and winter supplies of any kind, house cleaning, delin quent taxes, for anything. We will make It ay for yon to get some money if you will call on us. ICaay to pay back. too. No extra ci.arge If yoii mlis a payment on a' count of sickness or los of work. Quick, private loans on house hold goods, pianos, live st-jck, or any personal property of value, without removal. We allow you 80 weeks In which to pay a 8 '' loan at 31.20 pes week. All other accounts In prcf portion. We have monthly and quarterly payment plans aiso. A written statement of your contract given w.ih your loan. W'rlw name and add reus In blank b-low. ruall to us, and we will send our se nt to ycur house. If you as- in a hurry, telephone us at our txpent'r. Prompt attention to all applica tions, whether large or small. Kame . . Address l&Cl&rj. Lcsa Co, 118 H Brady Street, Davenport Iowa. Bell ttlep'r,o;e North 2425. Opea Saturday evenings until 8. SA ARY 4 O