Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. METHODISTS HAVE RALLY EXERCISES Special Programs Tomorrow at All Services Except in the Evening. Special rally day exercise will take place at eacb tor vice tomorrow at the First Methodist church, excepting only the evening service, which will be as ULual The generally rally will take place at 10:45, with a program of spe cial music and live addresses. The Sunday school program at 9:30 is as follows: Song by School, No. 1. Scripture Lesson. Prayer by Pastor. Primary Exercises, "Loyalty to Christ" Six girls. A Shepherd Song- .frimary class. Primary Exercise, "Do It Now" Fcur boys. Song by School. No. 33. Exercise, "Sixty-six Books" Ten toys. Recitation. "Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord" Hazel Gelwicks. Violin Solo Elizabeth Chaney. . Recitation, "The Road to Happiness" Marjorie Walker. Recitation, "Open l?ie Door of Your Heart" Harold, Wilson. Song by School, No. 8. Address by Pastor. Muster of School by Superintendent. Response for Cradle Roll Four girls. MARK 1:40-45. And there came a leper to him, be seeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him. If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. And as soon as he had spoken, im mediately the leprosy departed from biin, and he was cleansed. And he straltly charged him, and forthwith sent him away; And Faith unto him, See thou say nothing to any man: hut go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, aud offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses coiumaiiUt d, for a testimony unto them. But he wetit out, and began to pub lish it much, and to blaze abroad the mutter, insomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city, but was without in desert places; and they came to him from eery quarter. CPISCOPAI Trinity Episcopal church. Nine teenth stjeet and Sixth avenue. Rev. Granville 11. Sherwood, rector. Ser vices at 7:30 a. m., 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. LUTHERAN Zlon Swedish Lutheran. Forty-fifth etieet aud Seventh avenue. Rev. N. J. Forsberg, pastor. Sunday school at 9 30 a. m. Services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. German Evangelical, Ninth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Rev. F. J. Kolf, pastor. Sunday school at 615 a. in. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Grace English Lutheran, corner I Bits of Scripture i j Seventh avenue and Forty fourth pastor. Bible school 2:30 p. m.; S. D. Strevt. Rev. Ira O Nothstein. pastor. cieland. superintendent. Young Pec Sunday school at 9:15 a. m. Morning pi,.'s society at 6:45 p. m. Evening service, with the holy communion, at services at 7:30 p. ra. Special rally 10:45. Text for the ISth Sunday after i dav exercises at afternoon service. Trinity. Evening service at 7:45. A special address will be delivered at this service by Ir. E. F. Bartholomew on the subject, "Gustavus Adolpbus, the Royal Hero." Special musical num bers will be furnished by Miss Dora DOSE MAKES INDIGESTION GO All Stomach Distress Quickly Ended With 'Tapes Diapepsin." You don't waut a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain oneor a harmful one your stomach U too valuable; you mustn't injure It with drastic drugs. Pupv's Diapepsin is noted for It's pcd in giving relief; it's harmless - liens; it's certain unfailing action in rcKuUUcg sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Us million of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and ether stomach double has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach-doctor In our home keep it handy get a lurn 50 cent case from any drug store end theu if anyone should eat some - thing which doesn't agree with them; K what they eat lays like lead, fer ments and sours and nausea; eructa tions of acid and undigested food re member as soon as Pane's Diapepsin ccmes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's prompt ness, certainty and ease in overcom lcg the worst stomach disorders Is a revelation to those who try It. (Advertisement Response for Beginners Edwin Martin and Edward Sweeney. Response for Primary George La ment and William Tallman. Response for Juniors Lucile Haz ard. I Response for Intermediates Arlene Hatch. Response for Seniors and Adults Mrs. W. E. Martin. Song by School, "My Jesus I Love Thee," No. 162. Benediction. The offering taken at this service will be used for establishing Sunday schools In needy places. A soecial DroKram will be presented also at the Epworth league meeting atj:15 and 10:30. Catechism at 2 p. m. 6:30. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY MEDICS PLAN MEETING Tuesday nlht at the Manufacturers' j hotel in Moltie will occur a big meet ing of the Rock Island County Medical society. Dinner, served at "7 o'clock, will be the first thing on the program, and following will be a series of pro fessional discussions. Dr. W. E. Schroeder, a noted Chicago physician aJd surgeon, will deliver an address, whiri will be followed by a general discussion. Drs. E. M. Sala of Rock Island and M. S. Dondanville and F. O. Ringnell ot Moline are on the pro gram. Dr. E. Sargent is president of the coujty medics and E. D. Chapman is secretary. Fruits. Fruits. Frank Campana is now located at 223 Seventeenth street with a large line of fine, fresh fruits of all kinds, wholesale and retail. (Advertisement) Olson and the church choir. r irst bweaisn Lutheran, corner Fourteenth street and Fourth avenue. Rev. S. G. Hagglund, pastor. Ser vices at 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a, m. German Lutheran, corner Twentieth street and Fifth avenue. Rev. Ph. Wit helm, pastor. German services at II a. m. Business meeting of congrega tion at 2:30 p. m. CHRISTIAN .Memorial Christian, corner Third avenue and Fifteenth street. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Senior and In termediate Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Second Christian, corner Sixth street and Thirteenth avenue. Sunday school at 9:15 a. in. George Hull, superin tendent. Services at 10:45 a. m. Third Christian, Fourteenth avenue and Thirty-ninth street. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m; Dr. J. H. Nichols, super intendent. Bible school at 9:30 a. m. Services at 7 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN Central Presbyterian, corner of Fourteenth street and Tenth avenue. Rev. Marion Humphreys, pastor. Sun day school at 9:15 a. m. Christian En deavor at ( :30 p. m Services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Broadway Presbyterian, corner of Twenty-third 6treet and Seventh ave nue. Rev. W. S. Marquis, pastor; Rev. W. G. Oglevee, assistant. Sun- !c!av school at 9:15 a. m. Services at 10:45 and 7:30. Young People's meet ing at 6:30. Morning topic. "The Con servation of Christian Ideals in Amer ica." Evening, "A Woman's Work for Christ,'' introduced with a concert ex ercise by a class of girls from the Sun day school. South Park Presbyterian, corner of Thirtieth street and Fifteenth avenue, in connection with Broadway Presby terian church. Rev. W. G. Oglevee. Aiken street .chapel. Aiken street, South Rock Island. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. J. H. Cieland, superintend ent emeritus. J. M. Bond, superin tendent. United Presbyterian, and Fourteenth street Third avenue Rev. J. L. Vance, pastor. Bible school at 9:30 a m. Services at 10:45 a. m. and at 6:45 p. m. . METHODIST First Methodist, corner, Fifth ave nue and Nineteenth street. Rev. T. E. New land, pastor. Sunday school at 4:30 a. m. Epworth league at 6:45 p. in. Services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Special rally day exercises at each service during the day. Spencer Memorial Methodist, corner Forty-third street and Seventh avenue. Rev. Charles Hawkins, pastor. Sun day school at 9:30 a. m. Services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Wayman African M. E. (colored). , corner Fifth and a-half avenue and (Thirteenth street. W. H. Saunders, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.. 12 m, ! at 7 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school J at 1:30 p. m. German Methodist, corner Four- j teenth street and Sixth avenue. Rev Theophilus Kies. pastor. Sunday school .it 9:15 a. ni. Services at 10:45 a. m and 7:30 p. m. Epworth league at 7 p. m. Free Methodist. Ninth avenne and Firteenth street. Rev. H. C Willing, 1 pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. BAPTIST First Baptist, corner Third avenue nd Fifteenth 6treet. Rev. H. W. Reed, pastor. Sunday school at 9:80 a m. Church services at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. fa. Morning topic, "The Mislon of the Church." Evening, "Why We Go to Church." Edgewood Baptist, corner Forty- fourth street and Fifth avenue. Sun day school at usual hour, 9:30. Church services at 10:45 will be conducted by the laymen of the church- Swedish Baptist, corner Twenty-nrst street and Fifth avenue. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Services at 7:30 p. m. i Y. P. U. at 5 p. m., alternate Sundays. Second Baptist, Tenth street and Sixth avenue. Rev. A. Madison, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m, 7 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12:15. CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Roman Catholic, 1-wenty-eighth street and Fifth avenue Rev. J. F. Lockney. rector. Masses at Vespers and benediction at 3 p. m. ev ery Sunday and holy day. St. Mary's Roman Catholic, corner of Fourth avenue and Twenty-second Mreet. Father Adolph Geyer, pastor. I Mass at 8 and 10:30 a. ra. j St Joseph's Roman Catholic, corner Second avenue and Fourteenth street. Dean J. J. Quinn. rector; Rev. Wil liam P. Cleary, assistant. Masses at 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 a. m. St. Paul's Belgium Catholic, Twenty fourth street and Eighth-and-a-half av enue. Rev. J. W. Smiers. pastor. Mass at 8 a m. WEST END SETTLEMENT West End Sunday school, 700 Fifth street. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. W. B. Barker, superintendent. . SCIENTIST First Church of Christ, Scientist, 835 Twenty-third street. Sunday ser vice at 10:45 a. m.; subject of sermon, is "Unreality." Sunday school after regular service. The Wednesday ev ening testimonial meeting is held at 7:45 o'clock. The church maintains a free reading room in the People's Na tional bank building, which Is open every week day from 2 to 5 p. m. and every Saturday evening from 7 to 8 o'clock. All authorized literature on Christian Science may be read or pur chased. LATTER DAY SAINTS Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints (Utah Mormons). I. O. O. F. hall In London building. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching service at 3:15 p. m. John Frank, presiding elder. City Chat (Advertisements.) Bu a borne of Reldy Bros. For express, call William Trefs. Trl-CIty Towel Supply companv. Chicken dinner at Maucker house Sunday. Chicken dinner at Maucker house Sunday. Kerler Rug company for vacuum cleaning and rug-making. Our B. B. serge at 333 Is the beat value ever offered. J. 3. Ziwmers Sons. Flash lights and electrical novel ties. Charles Fiebig, 1619 Third avenue. Six per cent farm mortgages. Lit ten & Roberts, People's NatiorM bank building. Milan artesian water, approved by city and state, delivered dally. Phone West 1770. Coal, coal, coal. The Rock Island Fuel company will deliver to you all the best grades of bard and soft coal. Winer is coming, better get that padlock and have your door keys made. Charles Fiebig, 1619 Third avenue. tracker & Lewis, wnolesale and re tall agents for Sanltas the washable wall covering for kitchens and bath rooms. Try Ralph Stanton's Club Smoker first for pennants, also full line of clear Havana, Key West, and domes tic cigartt. Ward & McMahon will give yon estimates on your plumbing, steam and hot water heating that will save 1 ! you money. I Sewing machines repaired and war- j ranted for one. ear- Supplies for all machines. Fiebig, locks ml tu, 1619 Third avenue. A flreprcof safe in the bouse or store is a necessity. We have them from $12 np. Fiebig, locksmitih, 1619 Thirl svenue. On and after Oct. 1 I will have splendid pasturage for a few horses at my Willow Brook farm. Phone West 1452. George Wagner. Fill. t. Wllcher. the leading tin and sheet metal worker. It will pay you to lean about the Weir furnace. T It has the reputation of giving you the greatest heat and consumes about one-half less coal. B&rtlttt Bros. teas, ofiee, spice extracts and baking powders have na equal. One thousand people are or dering fiom ua dally. Follow the crowd. Souders Laundering company at 601-503 Twelfth street. This laundry is equipped with the very latest mod ern machinery, turning out work that Is not surpassed by any laundry In the state. Mueller Lu inner company will en able you to build a fine bouse or barn out of the choicest select lumber and you will be surprised and yet pleas ed to learn the low prices they are making. T. 8. O'Hara, Hour and feed store. Is having a big trade on stock and poultry food. Dr. Hess' stock food for horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and all kinds of poultry. It makes the bens lay every a ay. Dunsmore and O'Conneil smoke house and billiard parlors, corner ot Twentieth street and Fourth ave nue. Every brand of good cigars and all kinds of smokers' supplies. Kaln and Ketnharat cigar store still lakes the lead. Most liberally patron ized. Everything in tobaccos, cigars and smokers' supplies. Mao Is never better satisfied than when smoking their choice brands. K. E. Lamp, plumbing, steam and hot water heating, gas fitting. His efficient knowledge of the business Justly entitles him to your patronage. His shop has all modern equipments. Everything In slumblng supplies. Math's bakery iA confectionery store, the finest in the tri-citiea- Watch Tuesday's Argus for The Real Anniversary Sale Is Well Begun HE response the first day is unprecedented in the long list of Anniversaries. People expect big things of the McCabe Anni versary and they are never disappointed. On every side are words of praise for the souvenirs. One lady, a stranaer, on looking them over said, "souvenirs, why I. never saw such souvenirs in my life before these are not souvenirs, but mighty fine presents." So they are, but they are none the less Souvenirs of the qreatest of Tri-City trade events The iSIcCabe Anniversary Sale. For a whole weelcthousands of all kinds of valuable and useful souvenirs are scattered with lavishness shown only at 2AcCabes Free Absolutely Free. 'The larger your purchase, the greater the souvenir. Many people cover six months necessities at this sale. WcW they may, for. coupled with the souvenirs, and almost of greater interest are the thousands of unusual bargain offerings in staple dependable merchandise. Every day works something unusual and of' general interest. - . " Many people come in every day and save their sales checks tJ the latter part of the sale so that their purchases may be as large as possible and the souvenir all the greater. Souvenirs are given for cash sales only. Visit the big Souvenir section on the third floor, third avenue store. -3&0CK. INLAND Bread. cakes, pies, cookies and hot roll. They can't be beat. Most people say they are superior to any home baking. Let them serve you. W. L. Gansert'a candy factory. Rock Island's most Important Indus try. Chocolates, creams and cara mels are sold by all first class con fectioners and grocers. Call for Gansert's and get the purest and best. The popularity ot Bleuer's In all jewelry Is on account of the wide va riety of patterns carried in stock from which selection is easily made to suit the taste of each Individual at prices uniformly low. 1702 Sec ond avenue. M. R. Iglehart marble and granite works save you the middleman's profits. From 15 to 25 per cent saved on every monument and all kinds of monumental work. Call at our shop on Second avenue and see for your selL The Rock Island Lamber and Man ufacturing company, lumber and building material for all purposes, houses, barns, granaries. We will give you an opportunity to save a big per cent. Let us be ot service to yon We are the leaders for up to date''oel Cochran, aged 20. had been bang- laundry work. Each shirt finished by hand and put up in a carton in suring work. Delivered to you in good condition. We guarantee no cracked collars or cuffs. City Nteam laundry. Reid & Bollinan, 417 Sev enteenth street. The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, makes one feel Joyful. Sold by all druggists. (Advertisement.) . Cabe &. Cor ILL. ?&LSrfZ LIFE THREATENED BY BOY POACHERS Farmer 13 Abused When Tres Dassers Are Ordered Off Premises. OFFENDERS IN COUNTY JAIL Joe Scheuerman Is Complainant and Fears for His Life Trial Monday. With a clubbed shotgun upraised over his head and ready to strike, 18-year-old Fred Wanke of this city ad vanced upon Joe Scheuermann, after being ordered off the latter's premises in South Rock Island' and shouted "Cet away or I will kill you," accord ing to Scheuermann's story in police court today. Wanke in company with ,nS away with shotguns on bcheuur Diann's premises for the past week, en dangering everything thereon, and ab solutely refused to leave after being repeatedly warned. Ijist night they were placed under arrest, on a war runt sworn out by Scheuermann and are now in the county jail under bonds of 400 each. Wanke, it is claimed by the police, was the aggressor in the entire affair. TNDtXftF.R LIFE, About a week ago, both these boys appeared on the South Rock Island Full Particulars er's premises and began shooting. Is Is claimed by the owner that bucksbot reinSU around the house and that the lives of his entire family were endan gered. He warned the boys to leave but they paid no attention to him. They continued their gun play and finally when Scheuermann peremptor ily ordered them from the premises, Wanke raised bis gun above his head ready to strike and made his threat to kill. It was only through a miracle that no live stock on the place was killed and when the case comes up for trial Monday morning, it is believed that the boys will be handed a severe sentence. CHARLES W00DIN IS SHOP SUPERINTENDENT Charles Woodin is making rapid strides in the industrial world and has again been boosted upward on the lad der. He has for some time past acted as superintendent of the Bailor Plow company's plent at Atchison, Kan. He arrived in the city last night to vIMt with his parents and Monday leaves for Galva, -111., where he has accepted a position as superintendent of the Hayes Pump and Planter company, which employes over 400 men. Mr. Woodin is a Rock Island boy, graduat ed .from the local high school and was considered a star football man during his four-year' course. He has a host of friends In the city who will be pleased to learn of his advancement. Married in Davenport. Andrew F. Bauer and Mfs Amelia B. Gratz, both of Rock Island, secured a license to marry in the Scott county clerk's office yesterday.