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4 THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. i THE ARGUS. Published Dally at Itti Second ave nue. Rock Island. I1L (Entered at the (ostoffice aa second -claaa matter.) Island Hmtft mt tk a flaf BY THE J. W. POTTER CO. TERMS Ten cents per week, by car rlar. In Rock Island. . Complaints or delivery service should be made to the circulation department, which anoold also be notified In every Instance where It li desired to have paper discontinued, as carriers hare no authority In the premises. AU communications of rg-umentaUve character, prlltlca'. or rellcloua. must have real name attached for publica tion. No sict articles will ba prltted wr fictitious slgT.aturea Telephone In all departments: Can tral Union. st Ui. 1141 and list; Union Elertric 8148. TRADES r!ySy CO UN PL Saturday, October 5, 1912. There are tm fata a tn do. Oat la to set tin the rale of jaallre aad f rlarLt la sock matters aa the tar iff, the reajalatloa of the trunls and the prevention of monnpol) , the adaptation of oar banking and cur rency lawa to the varied nara to which ear people mnat put them, the treatment of tkow who do the dally labor Sa oar fartorlea nnd mlaea and thronahont all onr arreat ladnatrlal aad commercial under taking, and the political life of the people of the Philippines, for whom we hold sTO-reramrntal power In iml, for their aerrlce not our own. the other, the additional dnty, la the arreat taak of protertlns; onr people and onr rreonrrea aad of keeping open to the whole people the doors of opportunity through which they moat, grenrratlvn by cra erntlon, paaa If tbry are to make ron sjuaat of their fortunes In health, In freedom, lo peace, and In con tentment. Woodrov Wilson. The Philadelphia Record, in a mo ment of levity, says: "No wonder ihat between the democrats and the progressives Job Hedges." New York may soon learn one way to reduce the high cost of living. The chauffeurs of the yellow taxi cabs threaten to go on a strike. The June brides have nothing on the October brides. The number of duplicate berry spooao' and pickle forks is about the same for berth. China has decided to reject the pro- posed loan of J!GO,000,000. But the 1 losnlnn syndicate need not worry; j utmost any of us might be induced to accept It Colonel Roosevelt continues to be under the delusion that he is "flcht- Ing for the Ixrd." Wonder whether; Perkins. Munsey. Fliaa. et al, of the harvester, steel and coal trusts are ! deluding themse.ves with the same j idea. All North America needs more hens, j Every housekeeper knows how the! gg market goes here and Canada is forced to Import a food product which such an agricultural country might be expected to send to foreign lands. Mexico Is 0 better off. Colonel RooBevett lias been badly j heckled In bis stumping tour through the south, where he was expecting to be enthusiastically recieved. The colo.iel has met with disappointment everywhere this year. But let him choer up. observes the Springfield Register; the worst is yet to come. Professor Paul No:den of Riga, Russia, an eminent chemist, asserts that artificial eggs. Just as good as t hea s eggs, will be one of the chemi cal products of the near future. The bens are cackling over the proposed discovery. They do not fear the com ing competition. THKV KNOW nKTTKH. NOW. Advertising aa a selling force for years met the opposition of sales men, both resident and traveling, through the false belief that too much credit would be given for business increases to the publicity rather than to the personal effort of the man on the ground. For years salesmen felt that advertising appropriations were mad a up from the increased salaries that the salesmen might havex re ceived. Time has changed this and today salesmen are the greatest boosters that advertising U blessed with, through a realization that the In creased sales have greatly reduced the selling cost, and manufacturers and merchants are paying higher salaries than ever before. ONE KIND OF NERVE Colonel Roosevelt denies that he did an "illegal thing" in consenting to the gobbling of the Tennessee. Iron A Coal oompany by the steel trust during the panic of 1907. He is not sure that Governor Wilsoa would "bare th nerve" to meet a great national crisis aa he did. If the thing Roosevelt did was not "Illegal,- why did it take "nerve?" H it was not Improper, why should It take "nerve?" It should not take nerve for a presi dent of the United Bute to do his duty in a legal way. What Colonel Roosevelt ahould have said U it took "a nerve" to tur Jis most formidable rival over to the steel trust. He then would tare spoken the truth. The colonel correctly assumes that Governor Wilson has not "a nerve" of that kind. He would not be a party to a deal of a kind that would fasten upon the country aa almost complete monopoly. THE MIDGARD SERPENT. Richard Le Gallleae in Munssy'g Magazine: According to the old Scan dinavian fable of the cosmos, the whole world is encircled in the coils of a. vast serpent. The ancient name for it was the Midgard serpent, axd doubtless, for the old mythmaker, it had another significance. Today, however, the symbol may still hold good of a certaia terrible and hideous reality. Still, as of old, the world is encir cled in the coils of a vast serpent; and the name of the serpent is GosW sip. Wherever man is, there may you hear its sibilant whisper, and its foul spawn squirm and sting and poi son in nests of hidden noisomeness myriad as the spores of corruption in a putrefying carcass, varying In sire from some hydra-headed infamy endangering whole nations and eveu racf-s with its deadly breath, to the mi croscopic wriggles that multiply, a million a minute, in the covered cess pools of private life. Printed history is so Infested with this vermin, in the form of secret memoirs, backstairs diarists, and boudoir eavesdroppers, that it is al most impossible to feel sure of the actual fact of aay history whatsoever. The fame of great personages may figures in the well known group of the Laocoon, battling in vain with the strangling coils of the sea serpent of j Posiedon. We scarcely know what to believe of the dead; and for the llv iig, is It not true, as Tennyson puts j it, that "each man walks with his I head in a cloud of poisonous flies?" Wire Sparks Sterling, 111 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shafer celebrated the fiftieth anniver sary of their marriage. One hundred descendants were present. Cherokee, Iowa E. P. Hesseaius, a wealthy farmer, convicted of murder ing his wife, was given an eight-year sentence and fined $800. His attorneys served notice of appeal, and bonds were fixed at 25,000, which were fur nished. Marinette, Wis. Sister Lucy, moth er superior of St. Joseph's hospital in Menominee, has been made reverend mother of the .Francisco order of sis ters in the I'nited States. Sh ewill soon assume her duties as head of the crder at the mother house in Peoria, 111. Kreeport. 111.--Bishop Muldoon of the Catholic diocese of Rockford has announced that a diocesan home for the aged will be established in this city. Cleveland This city's dancing pa vilion, first municipal 3-cent dance hall in the country, closes its first season Oct. 5. It earned $3,000 above ex penses in three months. Burlington, Iowa While her hus band was In Jail, foKowing a quarrel w ith her, Mrs. Laura Smith committed suicide at home. She left a note say ing she "died of love for Smith." Amherat-jMass. Dr. Alexander Mei klejohn wm be Inaugurated as presi dent of Amherst college Oct 16. The presidents of Harvard. Brown, Bow doin and Williams will give addresses during the ceremonies. , Oahkosh, Wis. Edward Pohl was committed to Jail in default of $5,000 boud on a charge of kidnaping prefer red by Miss Odelia Spanbauer, aged 24. a former sweetheart. The voune woman charged that after she allowed another man to escort her home from a dance Pohl took her to hia boat- house and kept her a prisoner forty and a half hours. ROMANCES OF PORCELAIN. The Climax to Paliasy's Sixteen Years of Misery. The maker of porcelain and pottery bas decidedly the most exciting and romantic trade In the world. The great factories of Sevres and Dresden were founded by Bernard Pal lssy. This man invented white enamel, but it took biro sixteen years to make the luventlon sixteen years of hun ger, misery and persecution, which cul minated Jo the episode, used In H. A. Jones plsy of "The Middleman." wherein Pa I lssy maintained bis farnace fire by burning all the furniture in bis house and finally opened the furnace door to find within the glare which be had sought throughout the best years of his life. Bottgher invented hard porcelain. He was an alchemist, and one day. cbsnclng to discover tbst his powdered wig was unusually heavy, be inquired the ranee and found that the weight was due to the kaolin with which the wig was powdered. This kaolin was the substance for lack of which Bott gher's investigations bad for years failed. Wben Elers opened a porcelain fac tory at Bdrslem. England, be employed the most stupid and illiterate work men, so that his secret processes might not become known. But Samuel Ast bury resolved to learn the El ere meth od, and. affecting Ignorance and stu pidity, he got a place in the factory, mastered all of Elers secrets and even tually opened a plant of bis own. wherein he duplicated la every detail the work of Elers. Familiar Quotatiene. One of the most familiar quota tions from the Bible which are not 8J-JW4. there Bfla . research i t MAX, A0 HER CLOTHES. The women of a town in West Vir ginia have gone on strike against the full skirt. They have told the men to stop preaching and mindtheir own business; that they're going to wear the kind of clothes they want and that's all there is to It They intimate that they are weary of dressing according to the moral ! preachments of their male relatives while said male relatives neglect them for women who doll up in the latest styles and who are not afraid j to show their shapes said shapes be- in no better than the kind at home, j Therefore the women of this town are j going in for shape, and if the minis- ters and husbands don't like it they I can lump it, so there! j It reminds me of a certain bride a pretty girl, who, in the first flush of married life, desired only to please bar liege lord. Before marriage, she had been ad dicted to short skirts, which display ed her trim ankles and the skirts were not exactly full, 60 that well, anybody could see that Venus didn't NEW MOTOR CYCLE COLLECT INC'DEV ICE' WORKS SUCCESSFULLY IN WASHINGTON V i ' At 4 I 1 rt?" s TV, H4f i& I l nV alv -f - h k v IS; M 1.' v t iu - - .iiVviit -5 ; rrr , JL- &fiT Vi If I 5VrL " fi v. 1 blVA-- Twentieth century mall collector. Postoffice authorities are trying out in Washington, D. C, a new motor cycle mail collecting device. The photograph shows how the mail is taken from the letter box without the collector leaving his machine, proving a great time saver over the old way of collecting. "the Hon lying down with the Iamb." The spirit of the reference is correct enough, but turu up the passage ic Isaiah and you will find: "Tbe wolf also shall dwell with tbe lamb, and the leopard shall He down with the kid, and the calf and tbe young lion and the fatling together." The popu lar mind bas c-ondeused the zoological miscellany, and to tbe incorrect ver sion alliteration has no doubt con tributed. E xebange. BRASS WORKERS. Theirs Is a Dangerous Trade, and They Usually Die Young. The present rate of mortality of the brass foundryman is two and a half times that of the farmer. Respiratory diseases, particularly consumption, ac count for the difference. Comparative tables based on sickness and invalid ism, if obtainable, would show even greater differences. Tbe age statistics In the trade are startling. Of 1.751 brass found rymen but seventeen over fifty years of age were found and a bare 200 over forty years of age. Wben asked the cause of this officials Invariably stated: "They got too old. They can't turn ut the work they should every day." But what sort of an industry la this in which- nearly alx-seventns of its fol lowers are too old at tbe age of forty? It Is not thus among ironmolders, most of whom are bale and hearty even at sixty years and still sble to turn out their full quota of work daily. Work men claim they "are knocked out by the brass fumes. " These age statistic for Chics go workmen are no different from tboe Sir Thomas Oliver gives in hi boo on "Dangerous Trades:" "Only tes. brass workers of 1.200 casters in Bir mingham. England, were found living beyond sixty years. A superannuation Insurance for brass founders, to begin at fifty-live years of age. had only three applicants in a period of some ten years." There is no cure for brass cbl'.ls. But they csn be prevented by striking at the cause. For such an important In daatry not to do so la like tolerating have anything on this certain person. Anyway, there was nothing frump ish about this particular girl. But as Boon as she was safely married her husband laid down the law that here after 6he would please him best by" wearing skirts of voluminous folds cltar down to the ground. see So she put away the pretty skimpy gowns of her trousseau and by threats and bribes induced her dressmaker to fashion the kind of skirt that would please husband. Then, correctly gowned according to the masculine idea, she hied forth one day to keep a luncheon engagement downtown with Dear Husband. When Dear Husband saw her com ing he had an internal fit. He steered her lntiT the side streets and tried to induce her to go to a cheap restau rant where they wouldn't meet any body he knew. And when he put her on the street car for home he drew a ; breath of relief. The bride continued to wear the skirts that husband approved of, but town any more, and he always has some excuse to get out of accompany- in? her anywhere in public, Oh, yes she "tumbled" by and by. The young brides of today aren't such little fools as they were a generation or so ago. Women are discovering more and more that a man feels It his bounden duty to preach morality in clothes to his womenfolk, but that if they fol low his preaching he immediately ceases to think of the preachee. He has her roped and hog-tied, for he knows no other man will regard her with covetous eyes. Therefore he feels free to roam and admire where his listeth. smallpox In a modern community. The workmen must le protected from the breathing in of brass fuine and foun dry smoke. In large foundries with good ventilation, either natural or arti ficial, brass chills practically never oc cur. Emery R. Hayhurt in Survey. HIS MILD RZFi'O'OF. The Mate Let the Captain Down Easy About His Mistake. The skipper was a man who bad a good opinion of himself and his no tions. He had pulled through ship wreck, mutiny and other perils of the deep, but be came a cropper once. For one of hia voyages he had shipped a boatswain's mate who bore something of a reputation. One day the skipper ordered him aloft to examine a sail on tbe royal yard. "Tain't safe, cap'nT protested the boatswain's mate. "The foot ropes bas got to be fixed first." "Do as I ' te!l you!" thundered the captain. "The foot ropes are all right. I know they are. Tbe man went np. Five minutes later be came tumbting down through the rigging from the top of tbe mast, a distance of over 1jO feet With a hang he landed on the belly of tbe mainsail and bounded into one of the canvas covered, boats. The sailors, thinking him dead, crowded about him in a circle. To their amazement Le sat up. His eyes wandered vacantly about until they rented on tbe leathery face cf the skipper, when they lighted op with intelligence. "Cap'n," he said slowly, "you was mistaken about tbem foot ropes." London Tit-Bits. Too Much Seasoning. "What Is this thing?" asked the man at the lunch counter. "A sandwich, of eon me. What did you think it was?" said tbe girl be hind the counter "I thought It waa a mustard plaster." 'New fork Mail. Humor and Philosophy r VTCAf Mm JMSTM PERT PARAGRAPHS. JJAXX a pretty girl grows into an ngly woman, which may account In part for the prevalence of the di vorce ha'bit There are people who think that one good turn deserves two others. Pity the poor millionaire. He never knows the joys of having th rent paid and the winter's coal In. A woman may not be able to throw a stone or sharpen a pencil, but what does that matter if she can use powder effectively ? If It is a woman's first duty to be beautiful, there are lots oj women in the world who should be prosecuted for neglect of dnty. j About the only stir that some people make In the world is when their funeral procession blocks traffic It is hard for a woman to keep a thankful spirit when the woman acroBS the Street has Just bought the hat she wanted for herself. . The fishing season is over, but some men lie right along. A boy never thoroughly enjoys his school days until he is about forty-five. A man is never so proud of his son as when the latter has just licked a boy two sizes larger. The Suffragette. And this Is woman, soft of voice. Of whom the poets sung-. Who in the ngra long ago Was forced to hold her tongue. Good sooth but she Is making: up And paying back the debt Piled up through all those silent years! Behold the suffragette! Our mother sat around and smiled . When men In meeting rose. And when they grandly aired their views Her tongue was In repose. But now the words so long suppressed No longer clog her" throat. She fires them out with emphasis And says she wants, a vote. No longer will she alt at ease And let him have his way About affairs of church and state. For she will have her say. For when there la a talking feat Tou find her In the swim. And oftentimes, to his dismay. She knows aa much as him. Tea, woman, you have grown a bit And learned a lot of things. Tu fly as high as any one Since you have spread your wlngi la It for better or for worse? We can't exactly say. But, though man Is a little dazed, He likea you anyway. Probably Will. "Fred's engaged." "Is he? Going to be married soon?" "Well, he makes $1S a week now." "Not a large amount." "No. not in view of the fact that the girl spends $,0 a season on hats alone aud doesn't know a gas bill from a waffle iron. I think they will wait at least three weeks longer." r Little Clara Asks. "Tou should always keep on trying, dear." "Always, mamma!" "Yes." "Then why are you all the time tell ing me to stop that, mamma?" Accidental. "A chance word brought him a for- i tune." j "A chance word?" "Yes. He asked a wealthy woman to marry hlui." ! Had an Excuse. Her rather would not let ber go on tbe stage." "Wben did he reach that deci sion r "After she had talked with a manager." ' Lapse. "Do yon know Tompkins?" "Since be wss a boy." "And he knows you?" "Not since bis wife's uncle left her money. In the Pocket. "I struck him for my breakfast-" "1 didn't know yon were a pugilist." "I am not." "Ob, I see. Ton struck him below the belt" Geographical. "Are yon going south this winterT" "No. I was east this summer." Advancing. Ota. trust the milliners to make The bats that fill the store " Much uglier by some degrees Than those that went before! ' Properly Placed. "John." exclaimed the inebriated printer's wife, "wben you come bome In that condition et this unseemly hour I hardly know what to call you!" "At's awrlgbt. m'dear." cajoled tbe printer. "Jus" pnt me In the too late to classify department" Judge's Library. Ttie Argus The Nonsense of Love By Edith aCrt wright. Copyrighted. 1812. by Aasoclated Literary Bureau. They bad lived in neighboring places from childhood. She was high strung, he self composed. Notwithstanding her propensity to explode easily they got on very well till they became en gaged; then she began to doubt wheth er she loved him well enough to marry him. Though he was not an impas sioned lover, he seemed so weH satis fied with the prospect of possessing her that she did not trouble herself in the slightest about his love for her. She was all the while thinking about her self, ner idea of love was that it was a condition which changed one's nature completely, just as it has been claimed a severe fever will give one a new system whatever that means. There fore she was continually looking for this newborn something called love. At one time she would think she felt it. at another time doubted that she did and still another was sure that she did not. Her lover did not tronble himself as to how he felt. She and he had been companionable for years, and he con- sidered it very natural that they should continue their intimacy by entering into the bonds of matrimony. He had been used to giving her a free rein and as soon as they became engaged found her much more skittish than she had been before. Nevertheless her doubts, as she called them, caused him some anxiety lest she work herself up to a condition in which she would do some thing foolish. She might break the engagement, at least temporarily: the fact would become known, and their af fairs would be discussed by others. ' What he feared at last came to pass. One day she sent for him. and when he appeared she said to him: "You know. Will. I have often told you that there was a question in my HB DBEW HF.H TO HIM AND PUT AN ARK AliOUNU II tB WAIST. mind as to whether I love you well j enough to marry you. For a week I j have been subjecting my feelings to a rigid examination " : "What kind of a process is that?" he Interrupted. "Why. I have been looking within myself with a view to deteruiinin;;" "How do you look within yourself? Do you use some kind of a glass?" "How absurd! I have simply thought ! about you with a view to determining j by my feellnfrs whether" i "I see whether you want to marry me or not." "Just so." "Well, go on." His matter of fact way of receiving ; tbe Important Information she Intond j ed to Impnrt did not please her. Never ! theless she controlled an Impulse to say something spiteful. His coolness only caused ber to make the announcement more decidedly. "After a great deal of thought and ! testing my feelings In Viirious ways I 1 have come to the conclusion that the ! Interest I have In you Is merely friend ! ship. It is not genuine love." I "I.don't quite understand. Ton will ! aid me to do bo by telling me what , you consider love to be I mean love between tbe sexes." "What I consider love to be?" she repeated thouplitfully. "Why. love is a spiritual condition whereby we are drawn forcibly to another person." "Affects the heart?" "Certainly! It pertains exclusively to tbe heart." "Appeals to the soul?" "Of course. It is between two souls." "Affects bur sympathies?" ' "It is entirely a matter of sympathy." "How about the liver?" She gave him one look of concentrat ed scorn snd swept out of the room. He waited awhile for ber to return, but since she did not he took up a book and legan to read. When tbe shock of his brutality, as he consid- j ered It. bad worn off it occurred to ber that she hnd Itetter return and tin In j bl dismissal. Coming Into the room, I retaining tbe severe took she bad worn ! when she left It. sh said: ' Tf anything was needed to convluce ' me that you and I are eutirely uDQttt-J for each other it was tbe cllhtovery , that you have no sentiment whatever, j 1 and I do not believe you are capable j , of feeling what I consider love to be. ; No one In love would have reduced it j I to an absurdity." S "Perhaps you are risht" be replied. I laying down the book. "I'm inclined ; to be matter of fart I don't think I j have any more sentiment in me than a JellyliJib. At any rate I must make the bebt of what you have told me. Tbe only thing that remains for us to do is to settle the manner of onr an nouncing to the world that we have made a mistake." Daily Story "That you have made a mistake, you nierfn." "IT "Yea. I was perfectly content to continue to be friends. It was you who began the matter of placing our relationship on another basis." "Wiil you kindly explain how it could have got on to another basis ex- I cept through me? I was not aware that girls offered love and marriage. "I didn't send for you to explain things, but to make an announcement. "Very well. Will you make another announcement to the world that you have broken our engagement?" "I suppose it will be my part to do so." "When?" She thought a moment before reply ing to this, then answered by a ques tion: "Are you In a hurry? "Not at all. but I dont see how we are to conduct ourselves before our frf "1s and acquaintances in the mean while. We can't act like an engaged couple when we're not engaged." "When would you prefer to have me announce the break between us?" "I think it had better be done at once. We are to dine tomorrow even ing at my aunt's, she having kindly shown her approval of our engagement by the Invitation. It will be not only embarrassing to partake of ber bounty under the circumstances, but we'll not be treating ber fairly. Even if she knows that we are disengaged we had better not dine together with her as parted lovers." At this tbe lady was much discon certed. She made no reply. She was thinking hard. "I don't see." she said presently, "how we can be parted lovers when there has never been any love on your side." 1 "Well. I like that! 1 thought you sent for me to tell me that there is none on your side." "Ton ace very illogical, or. rather, you descend to sophistry. Haven't you proved that you are Incapable of love by speaking of it contemptuously?" "It seems to me we are getting off the subject. It 1s for us to determine what we shall do about the announce ment of the break between us." "Well?" "Owing to my aunt's invitation. It seems to me that she at least should be told at once." "You are In a terrible hurry." "Not at nil. I simply desire to avoid embarrassment, besides treating my aunt badly." "Well, since you have ceased to love me" , "Nonsense! "Do you mean that you feel for me that"- "Sentimental nonsense yoj call love? Or course I do. Lovers are nothing but children when the lit Is on them. But it doesn't last. Many a girl has lost a good husband and made an old maid of herself by examining her feel ings as yw have done. Such feelings are too volatile to stand such tests, etui they are after all simply prelimi nary. Everything is a development or decay. ' Ixve Is sometimes suddenly born, but it has Its babyhood, its child hood. Its youth. If It lives through the diseases common to these it passes on to the main part of its life, mar riage, which taUen altogether Is an en tirely diilerent love from that which In the beginning seems to be all of It. The love of a couple who have lived long together does not appeal to the imagination as the love of young lovers." "For heaven's sake don't get ba?k to what It appeals to. or you will again show that brutality which so horrified me. Indeed, when I think of it I've a mind to" "Don't." He drew ber to him and put an arm around her waist "After all." be said, "perhaps we'd better not say anything to my aunt or any one else about a break we might regret it." "There's r.o need to speak of It If you're sure of yourself." "How sure of myself ?' " ' "That you love me well enough to marry me." "Why I thought you were the one who doulited yourself?" "Not at all. It was this way: 1 couldn't understand how so matter of fact a nmn could love anybody. 1 couldn't love you if you didu't love me. could I V "Why. of course you couldn't." There was that stillness which comes between two lovers when they feel too deep for utterance, though it was I broken by certain sounds produced by a contact of Hps. "Are you sure you won't have a re lapse as to your feelings?" he asked. "Yes. Are you sure you won't have more of them?" "I haven't bad one yet." "Neither have I I only thought I had." "Tell me you love me " "I have told you mo a thousand times." "Well, tell me ten thousand tlmea." Oct. 5 in American History. 1812 ieneral W. H. Harrison defer.ted British troops and Indians under Coiouel Iroctor and Chief Tecum seh. at the bHttle of the Thames. Canada. Tecumseh was killed. 18W- P.'inilng of the "Crystal Palace" exhibit ln:i In New York: loss on . building and contents I1.0OO.0O". He who dpspnlrs wonts love, wants foltb. for faith. hr;ie and love are three torrhes whb-li blend their light 1 together, nor does the one Shine with t the other Uetastaslo. 'FT