Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. ATTEMPT HADE UPON THE LIFE OF ROY COLLINS are now scouring the vicinity in an ef j fort to apprehend them. One suspect, George E. Gordon of Davenport, was ! captnred early Friday morning and j was this morning released on bends of ! $500. pending disposition of the case. ! which has been continued until- next ! Saturday, awaiting the appearance of I the complaining witness. FI. SHF.I BIG ROLI,. Forbes came to Rock Island Thurs Two Bullets Fired at Yoanff day to celebrate and had a large sum Man as He Is Ridin? Alone- of money on his person. He had been in an Automobile. HALF OF SECOND AVENUE IS DONE ' Asphalt Paving; Is Laid in First j Three Blocks of Six Block i Contract. business district, was as follows: F. K. ' Tl I- T' U T-U i 1 1 I-. i 1 1 . ! P. Best, Carl J. Mueller, F. J. Math and Dr. Joseph DeSilva. River Riplets ONE SHOT COMES ' drinking heavily all day, it is alleged. i and that evening came into Mac Glynn's saloon, where be immediately PI rQC!orderpd a drink for the hanse, which: - I the farmer flashed a big roll of bills. Smashes Way Through Windshield which mediately attracted the at-, tention of four men who were stand- j and Imbeds Itself in Step No ; iBB at the rPar 0T,d of tbe bar As the ; Apparent Motive. festivities progressed, Forbes contin-! lied to purchase drinks for every one j in the house, and finally, when he was " """"'y aiM-rnpi-B maae upon ; am0Ft dPaJ t0 thp worl,: one of thc NOW READY FOR TRAFFIC Inspector Holt States That Material la the Best and That Job la All Right. j A large number are expected to en-1 Joy the cruise on the steamer Helen ; Blair Sunday afternoon. The boat i leaves Davenport at 2:15 o'clock and : Rock Island at 2:30. The excursion i will be up the river. j The Helen Blair arrived In port yes-! terday with one of the largest consign- j menta of freight of me season and with a large number of passengers from down river points. Tomorrow, half of Second avenue's new paving from Fourteenth to Sev enteenth streets will be open to traf- v ' "uiiuh u-au iu me orn., one 01 mu - uc. iu cumraciors ujaay dui in uie the life of Roy Wolllns, son of S. J. , four suspicions characters, a tall n:aa, ' final layer of asphalt in the block be- broad daylight, when a man concealed f'ollins, the contractor, yesterday in followed the wealthy one to the rear, uios-ij Bfcunneu oy nis companion?, Onrl Ikara t K . . r ' .1 n. n 1 . . ,1 i one of the upper stories of the row . ... . , .. ... ,r .,..,. , . and relieved of his mon- y. The thieves or houses on Fourth avenue, between .v. . . , , t, ..,.. v, . . . .... . .then escaped thrt.uch ttie rear win- Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, . . . . , , . r , . , T . t dows and boarded a car. fired two revolver shots at the young man as he was driving a touring car j c laim iwim ex k. uoruon, who Lad been in the saloon tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth and Monday the laying of asphalt in the block to the east will commence. The work is well in hand now and should LIGHT VOTE OUT FOR PRIMARIES ! asphalting in the three cities and is j aid ia naming the party nominees. v -Ht on Fourth avenue. The first snot pierced the glass wind shield just ; during the evening, boarded the L'ridge over the steeri-ig wheel, missing Col-! Iine rar simultaneously with the four '.ins by six inches and imbedded itself cooks, and was observed. YesU-rday in tbe step at the rear of the machine, morning at 3 o'clock the police went Ti, nriir mkvi.H iu n.v onto-nit- to his liODif and took him nut nf lieri The pone are completely baffled as to to the station, where he was held. ! 'f bei.nB put i than s necessary until,- identity of the would be murderer, 1'pon being cpu-stiun.d as to his knowl-i lh.e "H?1 and..our l.est show , w:ac nit; nepuau n&eii is ui iuc ci; Light voting characterized the Judi cial primary held throughout the 14th be completed before another fortnight ' judicial district today. Reports from has passed. Regarding the quality of the job, 1 icnprlnr O fi l-tnlt ctnrort tnHav "This is in my opinion the best job of1 areed' votens were not anxious to th? four interested counties, Henry, Mercer, Whiteside and Rock Island, ' better than called for in the specifica- i tions. Considerably more asphalt which is the important part of the job. but are working on the case, and hope 'dce of the theft. Gordon stoutly main-! to lund their man before long. APPIKKN'T MOTIVE. Th attempted murder occurred about ;ioon. The revolver bullet tore ji hnle In the glass, and splinters of crystal flew in all directions. Putting ,'ti high 8eed, Co lints drove his ma chine to the police station, wrier r.? reported th shooting to the police. That the bullet was fired from a M cond H'ory, was demonstrated by the f;.ct that when the leader messenger f death tore Its way through the wind shield. It took a downward , nurse and imtwdded itself in the rear Hep on the right hand side. The man v ho uttempted the murder evidently v. us lying in wait for his victim, an Collins Is In the habit of driving west -i Fifth avenu" every day to look i:f'er work being clone in the west end c:f town. No apparent motive can be found for the deed, as Collins states that to his knowledge he has no enemies in the city. tained that he did not knew auvthinc about it and had never seen the four men before. He stated he hoarded the car at the game time they did and got off at perry street with them, meiely through a coincidence. In Rock Island the voting was un usually light and hardly more than a fifth of the normal vote was cast. In accordance with the law, saloons were closed from 6 o'clock this morn ing until 5 o'clock this afternoon as per instructions from Commissioner Archie Hart. JWCl Stoves have tutiMI,M them all beat for QUALITY and STYLE, and our prices are so low that we are frequently told we are from $5 to $10 lower than our competitors, who sell mostly on the in stallment plan. 7 Come in and look over our line be fore you buy. We'll be glad to show you. Afen, Mvers & Company PROGRAM PREPARED FOR K. OF C. EVENT An interesting program has been prepared by Allouez council. Knliito of Columbus, for the "handing day" celebration which will be held on tile evening of Oct. 12 at the Illinois thea tre. The program is as follows: Address Judue Scanlan of Chicago. Voc al Solos Mr.s. J. H. ha liner. Mir-s Hatiie I.arkiii. Miss May O'KaiTell. Mrs. Casey and Mrs. T. B. Reiriy. loiui oio .irs. joii-.i Jiickev o Davenport. Reading K. J. Stackhaus". Several other numbers are a!sj be ing arranged. POSTPONE HEARING SIDEWALK MATTER best quality. SHOW MARKS. "Many people seem to believe that because the part of the job that has l.een opened to traffic is showing marks from the horses' feet that there is something wrong with the asphalt. Such is not the case. On the con- The public hearing on the big blufl trary, there would be reason for sus-' sidewalk improvement project which I picion if it failed to show marks. As-, was to have been held this morning at plialt to be good must have consider- the city hall has been continued until ' ible excess of elasticity. When the next Friday evening at 7:30 because' elasticity is gone, the paving is gone. ' of the inability of the city engineer, aj Therefore, if the asphalt is hard and member of the board of local improve- unyielding there must be something ments, to be present. The plan pro-1 rone with it. Hard asphalt is brit- posed the laying of some 70 blocks of! tie ar.d c racks and wears out quickly, sidewalks in the section bounded by I Ibis asphalt on Second avenue is all. Sixteenth and Eighteenth avenues and . the );on,e 0f j0hn Allsbrou and wife after a six weeks visit In Clay county. wy-ra pmsmi i hi n ji inns nifwimiini wi.i'w jwjsi ' yjmi wm mmwnm. f i hi nt wm m -r-ar-w?' T i mm i mm mi , iiihii right: POLICE SEARCH FOR KIDNAPERS Twentieth and Thirtieth streets. Contractor P. F. Treukenschuh was ! this morning given the contract for , the laying of a block of sewer at the 1 L. Mosenfelder place on Seventeenth ' street between Tenth and Eleventh avenues. i FARMER TOUCHED FOR LARGE ROLL Taylor Kidce Man Flashes Wad PpTQt-irifli Pninte Eistt -year-old Girl Disappears CA X CJIliLD From Home aj; Noon Yester- Watcrtovvn in falcon and Four Men Assault Him. TAKE MONEY AND ESCAPE H. C. Hartz. son Hen. and daughter. Miss Maude are expected home tonight, having completed a European tour. Clyde E. Hayes and G. K. C.ifford left this morning for their home in Chi cago after spending several days in Kock Island with H. H. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Iialmer and daughter Julia of Monmouth. 111., ar rived in Rock Island this morning to visit over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Larkin and other friends. day Parents Frantic. Police Arrest One Suspect Who Claims i He Is Innocent Robbers Head for Davenport. Obituary So intoxicated that he was not re sponsible for his Hi tiotiH. and flashing a huge roll of bills in buying continu ous drinks for a crowd in Mac Glynn's i-aloou. at the comer of Twentieth ptreet and Third avenue, Jim Forbes, a wealthy Taylor Ktihre farmer, was waylaid in a back room of the place ! and touched for hi entire holdings. amounting to several hundred dol l..r., Thursday night, so he, clatrns. Four men. who were in on thp robbery, made their escape HAf'IIM A FiMIHtl,. Funeral services for Mrs. Catherine Hi-chman, who passed away l.u.t even ing at her home on Thirty-eighth street, will be held Sunday mornlr.g at .:.10 o'clock at Sacred church. Kev. J. F. Lockney will oPiciate. In terment will be made in Calvary cemetery. ' Every policeman In the three cities was last night on the lookout for lit tle Kearl, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and !rs. .ioi-eph C. Monroe. 441'j Sev enteenth avenue, who disappeared from her home yesterday noon and whom the parents believed had been kidnaped. The little girl is a pupil at the Horace Mann school and left her heme after dinner and failed to re- turn. When it grew dark and no trace i could be found of the child, the polico j of the three cities were notilied to ba o'l the lookout for kidnapers, with the little girl in their possession. Unable tT sleep, the parents awaited anxiously through the long hours of the night for iiews of their daughter, from time to nme communicating with the police. the first part of the week. Baptist Aid meets nest Wednesday with Mrs. Ed Axelson. The Rcyal Neighbors met in their regular t tssion Thursday afternooa with Mrs. W. B. Keene. After the bus iness meeting a lunoh was served. Mrs. S. P. Cosner entertained Wed nesday at an 11 o'clock breakfast. The out-of-town guests were Mes dames, Meader, Taft, Long and Al drich of Bast Moline; Hogey, Dick man, Barrett and Standard of Rock Island; and Hilberg, Young, Driggs and II. Cosner of Watertown. Mrs. M. M. Baker of Davenport was'' a Watertown caller Wednesday. Mrs. G. W. Walker was hostess The ladies of the M. E. society, to gether with many other visitors, were very pleasantly entertained at the borne of Mrs. W. G. Ausbrook at a 10-cent tea. Mrs. Ausbrook served about 45, realizing about 54.50. Dur inir the business session committees were appointed for the annual fail Thursday afternoon to the members' county lair which is" to be held the of Watertown and East Moline; c-iddlo of this month in the basement Thimb.e club. They were royally en-; of the ciiurcL. The exact date will be tertahied first, by a visit to the after- ( announced later. A contest was in- noon performance at the Family the-j digged in, entitled, "Funny Story atre alld afterwards at luncheon at ; Telling." A prize of a hand-painted the ladies' rest rooms. ; nirt.irp wa awarded to Mrs I. Tre-! Mr. and Mrs. Axelson returned from ; Mr. and Mrs. George Gray of Hamp I ton were Watertown visitors Friday, j Wednesday Mrs. Louis Schave en I tertained the following ladies: Mea- dames, Bert Cook. Lestch, J. II. El I lingsworth, S. N. Peterson, Chris Pul llatte, William Willis, Sensenberg ! and Thomas Schafer. The occasion I being the meeting of the English I Lutheran Aid society, j Mrs. Dave Cook of Hampton is vls i iting lat the home of her son, Bert, j Mrs. Fred Chldester and Mrs. A. C. ; Saunders were Rock Island shoppers Friday. Realty Changes John Konosky to Isaac Rudner, lot 4, John Warners sub-division. Rock Island, $3,425. A. H. Wendt to And. Turbquist, lot 2, block 5, R. S. Woodbum's addition, Moline, $1. Guyer, White & Pope to Sella M. Richards, lot 22. block 120, New Shops addition, East Moline, $3S5. villyan for the funniest one. They meet next with Mrs. Walter Coates. Mrs. Frank Scott is entertaining her sister from Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Ellis returned from a two weeks' visit with rela- Fairfk-ld, Iowa, Saturday, after a three n.s visit. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole and baby Sand Dunes In Gaecony. One of tbe most interesting and re markable of the many regions for the observation of sand dunes lies between Bordeaux and Bayonne, in Gascony. The sea here throws every year upon tbe beach, alcng a line of 100 miles in length, some 5.000,000 cubic yards of sand. The prevailing westerly winds continue picking up the surface par ticles from the westward slope, whirl them over to tbe Inward slope, where they are again deposited, and the entire ridge by this means alone moves grad- of Wisconsin are visiting here at the 1 ua".v inward. In the course of years About ! o'clock this morning, Pearl tives in Indiana. was found playing in the front yard of George Miller, 1508 Thirty-secr-nd s'reet. The child had gone to the Fred Mitchell is home from a three months' trip through Canada in the interest of the Deere Harvester com- No Petitions Filed. Today was the last on which a can didate for county office could f't on the ballot by petition. I'p to press time no K-t!tioiis had been filed with the county clerk, ai d there was no yca- via the back windows, and the police j son to believe that any would appear. hi use late last evening stating she was rai''- lost and had been kept overnight. Ed () Donnell was a caller this week ! at the home of his sister. Mrs. Keene. Property Holders Name Committee, j Mrs. Nancy Palmer of Hillsda:e is The committee chosen by Second ' visiting at the home of William Park avenue property holders at the meeting r ,nd v ife. Thursday night, to protest against the , Arthur and Spencer Allshron of re routing of street car lines in the 'Lot'.: Island visited in Watertown at .mi y home of Mr. and Mrs. Elza Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bryan and two sons of Perry, Iowa, are visiting : at the homes of Mrs. William Filbert j and Thomas Schafer. Mrs. Jess Smith entertained at din tier yesterday. The guests were Mrs. Emma Eckelberg and Mrs. Charles Lamb of Albany, Mrs. Nancy Palmer j of HiMsdale and Mrs. William Parker! of this city. I Mrs. Annie Peterson and children ! are visiting with relatives in Hamp ton. Mrs. Charles Lamb of Albany., who : has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. j ! Jess Smith, has returned to her home, i She has purchased property here and ' tjk will return in the near future to j tne I,,ace to make her future home. j Mrs. William Gill has arrived home ! BUY NOW Xow's the time to buy, while you yet have a chance to get the best values and choicest selection of our- new Fall mer chandise. Our stocks were never so com plete in all depart ments Suits, Coats, Millinery everywhere. Our reasonable prices and high quality has made the firm of Young & McComb's the talk of the Tri-Citics. .V- V --V Ji'& SAVE MONEY We know what you want and have it. "The Store that Sells! Wooltex" has Suits from $9.98 to $60.00 and Coats from $5.00 to $60.00. The Mil linery is a marvel of beauty and perfection of stvle that merits the attention of everyone. Better hurry to get some of our good values. We'll thank you just for a look. For the of Its patrons The Argus Counting Room Is open Every Saturday Evening Until 10 O'clock there has thus been formed a complex system of dunes, all approximately parallel with the coast and with one another and of all altitudes up to 250 feet. These are marching steadily in ward at a rate of from three to six feet a year, whole villages having sometimes been torn down to prevent burial and rebuilt at a distance. Woman's Best Help to the good health which comes from regular action of the organs of digestion and elimination to freedom from pain and suffering to physical grace and beauty is the harmless, vegetable remedy BEEdlAEriS PILLS Said tirkt ! baza. 10c Z5. All the news Argus. all the tlm The OOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 THE CONSIDERATE MAN knows that she Is fond of ice cream and naturally wishes to offer her the best. That la why he orders Math's Ice cream which cannot be excelled for purity, flavor and all around goodness. As it costs no more ij than inferor cream, why not or- O der it yourself? Quality guaranteed. MATH'S 171G-1718 Sero Phone We-. I Avenue. ISO. ikioeccoocxjooaaoocxxxxjocsooo m I 4 ON SAYINCS IS IT REASONABLE TO WAIT TILt- YOU HAVE A FIRE BEFQRE SECURING PROTECTION, WHEN IT COSTS SO LITTLE? HOW ABOUT A SAVINGS AC COUNT? YOU MAY NEVER NEED THE IN SURANCE, BUT YOU ARE GOING TO NEED THE MONEY. i : 3 w 1 1 1 Wc ; .' .'1 ' . 1 TF?AN SACTS A CFHtRAL COMMERCIAL, SAVIMCS, If-"! EXCHAHGE AND SAFETY DEPOSIT BUSINESS l I I TS- -mK.Wll' 1r rt i -tti " ' " ' c . 9 r!Ai 111 --m rlZ.i ' 1 JT.M T3 -4 t' CO OPERATIVE STORE CO. Rock Island, III.