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THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. 6 t TTPfXTP Problem C Dmr Mrt. Thompson: Do you know of anything that will keep my- nose front looking greasy? I have tried all ' kinds of powders, but none of them do any good. KID. Dab pure alcohol on the nose two or three times a day. Dear Mrs. Thompson: (1) We are two handsome girls, one blond and one For "Unhappy" Do not go with this boy again by any means, or communW cate with him at all. You know he is not fit company for a girl who wants brunette. How can we fix our hair? i to be good and you win oniy oraig .It is very thick and straight. 2) What ! further trouble upon yourself by writ- will make hair curly? (3) What makes leg him. lour momer is ngnt .your face turn red when you are danc ing? What Is a good remedy? (4 Is Dear Mrs. Thompson: I Invited a It all right to go automohiilng at niht I irl friend for an automob!le ride and I i r r . m , ... lfi . . lone: oi une oi us is iai. nuan .will make her thin? (6) The other is -aklnny. What will make her fat? (7) if your fellow Is away, why doesn't he -write oftener when he claims he loves you? (S) If a fellow takes you home and says he loves you, why doesn't he -make a date with you? MAMIE F. and SUSIE K. (1) The simplest coiffure is the most fashionable now. Part the hair in the ' middle or on the side, as most becom ing, and draw It loosely back, covering told her to bring two of her girlfriends and I would have two fellows. We drove to another town and ordered breakfast. My girl friend and one of the other fellows had an argument. He told her if she ate breakfast she would have to pay for 1C She got angry and with the other two girls went home alone. I love her dearly. Do you think 1 1 did right to let them go home alone? ! CONSTANT READER. ! You should have furnished the break- menu were served at yesterday's meeting by the hostess. GIVEN FAREWELL. LAST EVENING A FAREWELL sociable was given by the Young People's society of the Immanuel Ger man Lutheran church at the organiza tion's club rooms at Fifth avenue and Twentieth street, for Ben Horn, the retiring president. Mr. Horn de parts tomorrow to make his home in Chicaro. About 65 attended. Martin Strelter, on behalf of the society, de livered an adffress to Mr. Horn in which he voiced the regret of an at the latter's departure from the city, commending his work as had of th organization. Theodore Bleuer and Carl Mangelsdorf gave several musi cal numbers. Light refreshments were served. KING'S DAUGHTERS. THE IN HIS NAME CIRCLE OF the King's Daughters win be given the proceeds of the day's business at the Colonial theatre, Friday, Oct. 18, this arrangement having been made possible through the liberality of the management. Members of the circle will sell tickets afternoon and even ing and they are anxious to have their friends turn out to swell the proceeds, which will be used in charitable work. SHOWER FOR MISS CARNES. FIFTEEN YOUNG LADIES AT- tended a miscellaneous shower for j Miss Mary Carnes, given at the borne ! of Miss Winnie Buck, 1016 Twenty- j ninth 6treet, yesterday. The decora- j tlons were pink and white, with au- j tumn foliage figuring prominently, j The bride-to-be was favored with ! many pretty and useful gifts. Other similar functions in her honor are being plannedi The wedding will take place this month, at a date to be announced. Richard Harrman of this city Is the prospective groom. SHOWER FOR MISS PETERSON. 'MRS. C. O. JENSON OF 803 Twenty-first street, entertained 20 tri clty ladies Thursday afternoon as a prenuptlal courtesy to Miss Matilda 1 Peterson, whose marriage to Warren Anderson is to be an event of this winter. In the contest of the after noon, the prizes went to Mrs. E. John son and Miss Fannie Peterson. The bride-to-be was showered, during the afternoon, with miscellaneous articles. She received many gifts of linen, china and granite. A dainty luncheon was served. OPEN FALL DANCES. THE LADIES' AUXILIARY OF the Eagles will resume their dances, giving one each month at Elks' hall. The opening number will be Oct. 24, Bleuer's orchestra having been en gaged. The second dance will tabu ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. scheme, und a delightful time being j place Thanksgiving. Invitations may Mil AND MRS. II. E. GARBEK OF na(1- i be obtained by former Datrons from A. Christensen was hostesa ! mcrnhprs rr tho nmitt.. 1 v ui iiig, ISSSBSSSSSS jjj A STYLE EXPOSITION of Interest to All Women "the ears, into a loose knot at the back ' fast for all, as they were your guests. of the head and at the most becoming angle. (2) You cannot make strai it ialr curly, but if you will steep a table ; spoon of bruised quince seed in a pint of hot water, letting it stand for S'-v--eral hours, and thin the liquid with a -little toilet water, you will have a very rgood curling fluid. Brush a little of the fluid into the hair before putting "hair on curlers. (3) The exercise. Nothing will prevent it. . ' (4) A nice girl will not thin of au tomoblllng by herself at night.' (5) Diet and exercise. 6) Eat a lot of nourishing food, drink plenty of milk -and water, go to bed eaily and sleep at least nine hours. (7) Most men are not very good letter wi iters. 1K1 He 'may not have thought of it at the lime, j manage on that sum. (3) Yes. The other men would probably have wanted to '"whack up" the expense with you. You did wrong to let the girls go home alone. Dear Mrs. Thompson: (1) I am a girl of 19 and my husband makes j $14.25 a week. When we were mar I ried we had nothing to start with. It j will be two years this February, and now we have furniture for five rooms, lis that doing well? (2) My husband is 32 veers old. I run the house on $4 a week. Is that cheap or not? (3) I am 5 feet 4 inches, weighing 135 pounds. Is that good weight? MRS. MARIE. ! You have done wonderfully well. 2) You must be very economical to 1 mini inn 1 si 1 Mil ii i in 1 r . -v la rt 1 3 mmm ttpi Beginning Monday, the 7th, we devote six days to this very important Autumn fashion festival in outer apparel for women and misses. Wooltex Garments for Sale in Charming Array This exhibition embraces a most comprehensive a s sortment of suits, coats and skirts for all dress occaaions ' III You Are Sure of Style, Service and Economy Madame Savarie, whose trained judgement has guided from Paris the fashion of many of these exquisite models as sures us that they represent the very best that the world's master, designers have evolved for fall. The women of the tri-cities are invited to at tend this showing of exclusive models. Ours is the only store in the three cities where you can see and buy these celebrated suits, coats and skirts. I ill ! i I j IJJll ! had. Mrs. Saturday afternoon at her residence at Kishth avenue and Twenty-seventh street, Mrs. Kobinson being the guest of honor. e 26 Grand court, Davenport, announce 'the engag'.-tnent of their daughter, 1 Miss Mary E.izubeth, to John Ernest Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Harris of 1207 Tremont avenue, Dav enport. The wedding will take place Thursday. Oct. 31. the date also be ing the 211th wedding anniversary of fh lirMo'a naronly TIia tiniinmuu. 1 me-n was made at a'prettilv appointed ! and eltH:ted offlcers for the dinner given Thursday evening at the Oarber home. The bride has been MEET WITH MRS. CAMPBELL. ! THE WOMAN'S MISSIONARY So ciety of the Firs: Baptist church met J with Mrs. Sam Campbell yesterday j afternoon. Miss Young was the lead- MEMBERS OF THE OLIVE MALE j er. Her topic was "What the Chris chorus of Moline met Thursday even-i ,ians of As'a Think of Non-Christian Keugions w r - - - : : - - .- - '" - zi iTOffWf1 F 1SG (Pfitfiff THE STQRE THAT ' CHORUS ELECTS. year and discussed plans for making the coming season the best in the his- "ne of the oriicU-nt teachers of the(tory of the popular mosical organlza Prlneetr n township schoo s for the : tio.i. At the present time the chorus past three years. Mr. Harris is a ma-! jB ju excellent financial condition and chlnist with the eBtte.idorf Axle com-i it is in a position to add to its popu pany. Several prenuptiul affairs are , iarity. Colonel Hjalmar Kohler. who planned for the bride-elect. Mrs. H. j has long been an enth-usiastic "boos- i dence in Moline Wednesday evening A. Phillips will entertain at an even-. ter" for theOIive chorus, was re-! officiated at the marriage of Alfred Ing party next Wednesday at her elected Others chuswti: ' B. Larson of this city and Miss Nellie apartments In "The Jensen" for Miss ; vice president, Arvid Eugst ram ; j Tracy of MoUne. The. couple will . Oarber. The Misses llertrudo and : corresponding secretary, Richard : make their home in Moline. the sroom viut-t: onm Vi ouo i r "uneeiuu s,tr0mt)erg; flnancial secretary, Gi. errected the arrest of Harry Green, a Moline youth who is accused of steal ing a bicycle at Aledo. The boy will bo turned over to the Aledo author!- Miss Young had prepared ! ties- a.u c.n.eiient program which was very interesting and instructive. There were 40 members and visitors pres ent. Refreshments were served by the hostess and a social hour enjoyed. LARSON-TRACY. REV. W. B. SHAW. AT HIS RFST- .street, will be hostesses of Friday evening of next week at a prenuptia: shower for Miss Garbrr. FOR MRS. ROBINSON. MRS. E. J. IIOBINSOX OF COCN- : ell Bluffs, Iowa, who is visiting here, i i ,bas been the guest of honor at sev-! rral social gatherings. Mrs. John At kinson entertained Wednesday after noon at her home at Thirteenth ave nue and Thirtieth street, at an Eug lish dinner. The meal was served in Ave courses. Tue table was set with English rliina and (lowers and ferns used in the table decoration. 'Autumn colors being used about the, dining room. Thursday afternoon Mrs. F. Knox entertained at a luncheon at her home, 1700 Twenty-ninth street, pink and green being used in the decorative bert Swanson: treasurer, Hans Nor man; librarian. Axel Dunderberg; trustees to till vacancies, Charles Carl mark, Peter Bjorkluad; director, Adolpii Erickson. being employed by the Velie Carriage company. HOLDING ANNUAL MEETING. COLORED MASONS WILL MEET HERE Forty-sixth Annual Convention to Open in Rock Island Monday Morning. cult court restraining the city from I forcing the widening of the street for a space of several blocks, permanent. The decision is based on the assumption that the property own ers affected would suffer financial loss through the widening, and that the qity, through having for years tacitly admitted the existence of the street line as it now is by making walks and the like, had lost the right to change be made the lines even though such change would make the street straight. The report of the special master will go back to the circuit court for approval. The city has leave to file exceptions to the decision, and this will undoubt edly be taken advantage of by City Attorney J. F. Witter. The matter is the outgrowth of an ordinance adopt ed by the city fixing the street lines of Second street 'and ordering the re moval of several fenres. The property owners applied for and received a tem porary injunction, and the matter was then referred by the court to Mr. Hu ber as special master In chancery. The 46th annual convention of the 1 Colored Masonic Grand Lodge of 1111-: nois will be held in Rock Island Mon- THE HELPERS' CIRCLE OF THE ! day to Wednesday and hundreds of King's Daughters is meeting this af- i colored Masons are expected to make PLAN FALL WORK. LADIES OF THE BROADWAY Presbyterian church held their fall i rally meeting to plan work, at the I home of Mrs. A. H. McCandless, 903 ' Twenty-third street, yesterday after ' noon. Forty-five were present. It I was decided to give a bazar and sup- per Friday, Dec. 6. The bazar will be uniiiue i-j that the seven ages of ' women will be represented by as ! many booths in Which articles an. I proprlate to the various ages will be ' for sale. Free organ concerts prob-M ably will be given afternoon and even-' , ing, and the aiinuai supper will be : - Ki-rvpit ut rtVl.wlr T .Ar,AUt. i ternoon in annual session at the resi- aence.of Mrs. C. L. Walker, 616 Twentieth street. Offlcers wi:i be; elected and reports heard. j LITTLE CHARITY WORKERS. j inc init, IHAKITI WORK- per. The business session of the ers met yesterday afternoon with Miss i convention will be held in King Solo Mildred Hackett, 920 Fourteenth-and-! mou lodge hall in the Simon & Lewis a-h.-if street. Plans for work were '. buildine at Seventeenth street and next meeting, one Third avenue. The standing commlt- this city their headquarters during ' that time. The local committee In ' charge of the arrangements includes . William Morrison, Sam Cain, Henry Hueston, Wil'.iam Thompson, H. B. ; Burriss, John Gordon and Elliot Kip-, .10 Danger of Stomach Distress or Indigestion if You Take Digestif Eat what you want and "Digestif," , other upsets Digestlt relieves quick ly: almost Immediately after taking a dose your stomach feels good as new. Digestit has brought relief to thous- Two or three tablets after eating pre vents that full uncomfortable feeling It digests all the food and makes ;our stomach feel tine. Brown's Di gestlt la an aid to digestion, quick xertaln relief for Indigestion, and a permanent remedy for stomach up- money if it fails. Get a package to jeta. It ia perfectly harmless, fine for day and try it after eating. Just Bee children aa well as grown-ups. No how it helps your tired overworked use to auffer the tortures of indices- 6tomach digest the food no distress, won, aour atomach, gas, belching or (Advertisement.) ; discussed. The ; ween nence, will be held with Miss iGoldie Sosna. H. B. G. CLUB MEETS. THE MEMBERS OF THE H. B. G. Sewing club were entertained Thurs day evening at the home of Charlotte Etzel. 1111 Eighth avenue. Refresh ments were served and very pleasant evening enjoyed. The' next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Grace Clegg, 1516 Fifth avenue. GAMMA ALPHA PI. THE GAMMA ALPHA PI SOROR ity met at the home of Miss Erna Ro chow, 2110 Fourth avenue, last even ing. Miss Marguerite Foote was tak en in as a new member. After the uuo.utb.9 mt-trniip, reiresnments were ,t vU vur servea and a social hour enjoyed The guarantee. We are so confident it next meeting will be in two weeks at will help you we will give back your ; the home of Miss. Rf K 6-, seventh avenue. Bike Thief Arrested. On request of the police of Aledo, deputies from the sheriffs office today Yoxxr Taste Ybxzx Purse lee meets Monday. I Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the j grand lodge will open and Tuesday J evening there wi'.l be a public recep- j tion for the grand officers, representa-; tives and visiting Masons. j Wednesday there will be a prome- j nade and charity ball at Armory hall, i This will be the big joyous event of j of the convention. CITY DEFEATED IN WIDENING OF STREET Albert Huber, acting as special mas ter in chancery in the much-mooted Second street widening case, today made public his report, and with it was the recommendation that the tem porary injunction granted in the cir- OOOCCOCOOCKDOCC)OCKXXXCOOOC3 l, We have 54 fine building LOTS IN WOOOLAWN ADDITION These lots are the best Invest ment proposition in the city and are selling fast. You can BUY THESE LOTS ON EASY TERMS. J. G. WOODBURY Room 219-220 Safety Building Telephone West 302. Telephone Trust Choking Rock Island s Development Automatic Telephone Service is beyond compare. It drives any telephone company not using Automatic Telephones out of business. i -eras 12,000 Is the Number ' of Telephones mil If fit The Automatic Telephone has been adopted by the govern ments of England, France, Germany, Australia and sev eral other governments. The above shows what the Telephone Trust is doing to Rock Island (Choking Rock Island's development). 7his is the Automatic Telephone. It gives the best service at the lozvest price. Residence 'Phones as Low as $1.00 Per Month We can collect no money whatever for telephone service until we have 12,000 telephones in use. The franchise says so. We can never get 12,000 telephones unless we do two things: 1st. Give lower rates than the trust. -2. Give better service than the trust. YOU DON'T RISK A PENNY For you get lEt. Lower rates. 2d. Better service. - Zd. More telephones. Before you pay us a cent. Think it over, talk it over. A solicitor will call later for an appli cation for Automatic Telephone Service. This Is a new telephone company owned by successful telephone men and representative business men of the tri-cities. The voters of Davenport and Moline granted us a franchise by the largest majority ever given any public enterprise In this country. Davenport voters gave us 82 per cent, Moline 86 per cent and we hope Rock Island voters will go them one tetter. Tri-City Automatic Honic Telephone Co. ne&iueuce rogue v. csi lMi-u 7 15. S OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I