Newspaper Page Text
-' - THE ROCK ISTU ARGUS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. STRONG TEAM TO REPRESENT CITY MOLINE TEAMS TO CHORUS IN "THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE," AT THE EMPIRE FIGHT FOR TITLE Sw' Independent Aggregation Or ganized at Meeting Held Last NigLt. Kini and Olympics Want Right to Be Representative Organization. C5R BSfiSWF JET . 7kimK4 1 6 JACK ROCHE IS CAPTAIN Joe Smith Will Manage and Dick Li in Will Coach Have Good Players Lined Up. An independent football team for I Cock Island was organized last night at Armory ball where a dozen or more 1 layers met and began practice. Jack Koche, a former high school star and fallback on the Moline Illinl team two ar ago, was elected captain aud Joe Smith, another high school star, vas belt-cted as manager. Dick Liitt, v.hoHe four years of high school play leg marked him as a sensational player, will coach the team. Games will t arranged with both the Moline ii. dependent teams and with such o'her teams as can be lined up. The first game will probably be a week from tomorrow, negotiations being on v. ith several Davenport aggregations. IIAK SIIKIM, I.INKI l. While there are still several good players who are yet to report, the line up last night evidenced that the team rill be a powerful one and capable of upholding the city on the gridiron. In fact tri-city chaiupionnhip aspirations have blossomed for the first time since the Independents won that title in li'iiS. Coach Llitt lined up the team IhM night as follows: Coulter, center; Kobb and liudeller, guards; Koy Salz- mann and Talbot, tackles; Smith and i nompHoii enus; mms siacManus, ,.UUMrl n nu'i iwim, i' vnr (ind Koche, fullliuck. Grove took turn In the line. Practically every man on the team Is a player of note. In the backficld i Ci ptam Koche and MacManus are fast ; clever men and Haines is a good ; pniaKher. Kolls is untried, but seems ; to have the iiocesKury strength and. peed. i:m) Mty. vst. I Smith and Thompson are both un-j UF'ially good tnds and Salzmann has rlteady won fame as a tackle, pthile Tjilliot Is accounted good. Hudelicrj J tikhIo the hiuh school team last year,1 FAMILY, MOLINE. j and Kobb. the other guard, is goou j The bill at the Family theatre. Mo-: i-noiinh for a backfield position if need- j line, for the first part of next week has I ; there. Coulter has had little !. ,,.,1 ... ..., ...,! perletice at center but is a good man. i ' i .. !i i'w ' , .'. ' ' lie may be rhiftud to some other po-' sfcow as the one that iB now furnish- iobiie lour to the state fair at Spring-, ler of Chicago, member of the state hl"on II the trim Is successful In get-lin" the attraction at popular the-. held. There are a number of entries j brard of apiculture. The contest will tiiii' the Kervicrs of Carl Carlson of I 8,re- A cowboy minstrel will furnish i row and the outlook is that there will ! bo decided n this way: The total mile i. .r..,.. u-.... trA hitie feature act. Rt.eciaJ sc.enerv is : be more in the next dav or two fan. ' a of ewh contestant from each conn- .'I lui I . r .ai.j v . .ii.' . , ' i ' the lent phiyers the tri-cities 1 one o! have ever produced Ml in all the team's pros Ir' BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAGUE. W. 1. p.:ston l"4 4" Wai-.hi-.'ton 91 GO Philadelphia u til I tilca .'.o Ttl "ii ( leveland 74 77 1). ;roit i! 2 St. I.iuls o2 luiv New York 4: lf2 Pet. .0.S0 .f.o;, ."! .;.() .191 .4.; NATIONAL l.EA'U E. W. I-. New York I"'.' 4S littibun;h 5 Chifaio 10 fill ( m.iiKiati 74 77 Philadelphia 73 7S St. Iiuls t;.1 SS l'ruoklyii ..." '.s !4 Boston il 101 mij.T iF.nTKtinir. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Pctroit, 2: Chicago. 7. 1'hi'udelphia. 4: Boston, 3. New York. 2; Washington. 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn. K; New York. 3. Boston. 14 ; Philadelphia. 2. Pet. .CMI .013 .cm .400 .4S4 .417 .3S1 .33C DAVENPORT SCOTS HI m n . . WILL rLAT NIJLlitn , . 1 uenprit .scotdimen nave organiz- cd a soccer focHDall team, and a -k rioii. next t-aturday they will play the Moline soccer teaai. The organization .,f )mi i,-,..i ,.n ... t,.r. ,v, ..,,r-inn.. nt . .... .u, ,,,-r ,....,..i Playing the national game of the bonny land and also of England was made pcbM'.le by the recent arrival of a nuiuber of Scotchmen In the vicinity. ri-r me cose ftu.ieut or rootban wno j Hoarsonesa In a child subject to and Mrs Will'am Sweeney left this' at man as you lass him. I wbisper t entirely unfamiliar with soccer, it j croup 8 a 8ure Indication of the ap-1 morning for the fair via Galesburg ed to my little on. -I will tell you n ay bo said that soccer differs from ; proach of the disease. If Chamber-j several more parties are expected to : whv afterward.- The child touched the American game of football In thtt , laln'a Cougu Remedy is given at once leave this afternoon and the first Dart' Blm as be passed, and I said to him. they use a round ball and it Is passed over the field exclusively by kicking ,nd bunting w ith the head. No player Contains no poison. Sold by all drug ,ut the goal Wper is allowed to touch gists. (Advertisement) l,e ball with his hands.. There are u'aT HIGH SCHOOL ' ' i- im.iiiM inn i i ii i nl mill r n lui lain mi inn. nr m rtMiiiiiil mil. ftTTHE EMPIRE RSCSSAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY rv' j-J&iy The musical review, "The Cat and i the Fiddle," of wtich bo much has been j theatre next Monday for three days : ; o:,Jv when you Eee this musical ex- j n .. . a . f hit A n v ttf .vnnr h i 1.1 ii.irwt rfn i rH vnn I . travnirana if will fnVe vnn tinrlf tn 1 , .... . .. . . ..,... ..wu, u. . . v a " . - . I oi lue ijuuiiii oiu uurer ruj iiieo juuriauu u.h-8 juu a kiu umc uiurt, auu - ' ' men playing on each side, these being one goal keeper, three fullbacks, two halfbacks and five forwards. " 1 i ' uium . ' ' ;.0 cro cav,i nr. lit. i - j used, the scene being that of a fron - iou. Aiauny sua mueris are: pects are! black face comedians. Their act will ; i . i . . ,. . ! prove a welcome one, it is promised, as ithey are the first black face comedi - 'n.-c n nr..wn v. L'...nii.. u: . . ,UI.C IU Hl J. Ul LU(J I ItllD C (1 . . . . son special scenery is used by the; i pair. Bennett and Marcella are aero-: 1 1,8,8 ana Darro1 mn- t,,Fene Page has a musical act that should prove;"' "ul ; mcst entertaining. sing and dance, ; . , . , At High School I Members of the, Ciceronian literary .32o ' and debating society for boys will ; meet Monday after school to reor ganize for the year and to elect offi cers. The meeting was to have b-cn held last night, but a mass meeting of student interfered. The recently organized Associated . Student bedy met Thursday after school and named the following otii- ; cers: president. Glenn Reid: vice j president. Miss Winifred Reck; secre-: tary. Paul A. Dah'.en, and treasurer, i John Hawes. About 225 were present! ..... v I at the meeting. , I ... . . . T . . j in nart literary and He bating so- ciety met last evening for its first res i ular meeting of the ear. The Juniors, . bor(pr of RQ tQ L,n,e york w ; ,OKe his chance of kickig? , c. B. ! 7rw TlV voJd fntohe ' Warren Coun,y' thence to Monmouth, j No. He must thea kick the ball be I.,terary society were voted into the - BridRC, are al, ROod. fa own tctlety. The program committee will! Tourists in Mercer. Warren and Mc-! KOal Rules Soc 5(b) ! meet next week and arrange programs uonough counties, south of Rock Is-j ' i for the coming meetings of the entire ; iand are enthusiastic and there will be ; Knowing the Great.Wait. lyear. a committee was appointea to - - - ! rpwr,te tne consU,utlon- Herelorore the programs have been made up by j j8 captain for McDonough, John T. mbent of the society only and it is Garni Beardstown. for Cass county. ; thought that it will be a good plan tOji.ave none for Schuyler as yet. j ,,ave outsider speak to the mem- j Notice that rule 14 says tourists iierg a short crotrram was civen as I "mav" tret newsnaner rertiflcativn nn.i - r r . follows: ! Vocal SoloRuth Blakemore. : Rcading:ora Emery. ; Piano golo-Ethel Jena, or even after the croupy cough haa j appeared, it will prevent the attack, j if mother used to sing to you when she . wroed the sandman. It will take you ! wee unimportant little person, long be- j fere you began to worry about this old . -.w- f rucllfiii vnn A pivixfi au-iav OQrttllv cn ran u-nrlrl r trmililR nnn farpfi It re- i AUTOISTS LEAV FOR STATE FAIR Captain Trevor Receives Final, Instructions for Local Tourists. Tnfi ir'it inns nro ttrifrhf frr tht siiitrt- . . ltaiu A. W. Trevor is anxious that a!' . . . . i ,.i . -..o a.e to enitr iims tour buouia noi- if.v him before tonight. Some of the iers mav surt ev rSter i register at tt urts left today. Oth , at any time so tnat tn tho trf nf Th ArniK nnrt on sirriv- - ' " " ' -- . . - - : .- .- ii . - ... t n . ' K at tue t. -:cholas hotel by Oct. 9. ! r,",""1 V lc: i ciin rail nn r ' rovnr nnn ppr tnir rontinir is thev desire to chance. Thev lean go from here to Galesburg by waytDf prlncneld ! ol Swedona, New Windsor, Alpha and i Oct- 12. straight south to Galesburg. The roads I ' that way are in fine condition. Mr. Trevor is in receipt of a letter from John L. Pickering, press mana-; i;er for the fair, in which he gives , thr condition of the rnnds and auva .. . . .., . . . " that thero will be a large turnout un- less the weather turns bad. The let- : ter is as follows: Dear Mr. Trevor: For your in'orma tion and the information of the auto tourists from Rock Island, T. E. Pin-!to prev.'u a tr,ok pla ia whk.h the!on fish whlcn no has caught and sold korton. Atlas newspaper at Monmouth,', hidejJ baUJund5r h,8 jer.iat va'louB P,n on his cruise down writes that the roads in Warren cotin- spv, , y i ! hR river. anl declared that fishing tv along tne tour are in excellent con - d;tion. From Mercer K. M. Whitham, cap- ,ir, ,. fh ntv ,.-tt., ,i . , . ' road north and south through Mercer , ., county enters the county one mile east of Hamlet, thence one mile south, y f)np mjI thellce stI.aiKi,t south, . . .. . , jarRe turnout unless the weather, ..a, IUI HUUl uuircs LUC " . OlllTTl pots bad. Charles Ewlng of Macomb route this is optional as the word in- j the streets of Paris 1th my son, who dicates. Yours, j was then a little b- We saw an old JOHN D. PICKERING, i man approaching ' in a long, loose. Press Manager.! rather shabby coaand with a stoop Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Jones and Mr. Ing. shnffling attlt de and gait. Touch ! 0f next week. The Illinois state board of agricul-' to remember Vi later years tnat you ture offers handsome prizes to auto- onfe saw ond touched the great Reran 1st who motor to the Btate fair this; J"".' "-Dean Farrar In "Men I Have rear Tho stats tin hun Aix lAA tnt A SI. 50 SHOW FOR i 10c, 20c and 30c those were happy days. A company of . 22 people, comedians, singers, dancers i with "The Cat and the Fiddle." New and novel numbers are brought forth, j it ..p, nuIVU I rinnca'c Tq liv 1 o cniil n rnr i ni minnpr t amrnff uhih o rk "Vnthar I . wv. w .vj vc ui 1 iun inusi. unique ana original skks nine trunk lines or tours and the rules 1 give everybody an equal chance. To the automobile in eac-j tour mak- j ling the best average time from start I i to finish will be given a beautiful sol- i id gold 14-carat watch charm, which ; may be used as a fob, brooch or med al. To the second best, a duDlicate of the first prize in sterling silver andjG.H. Birdsaw and Family Mak ; to the third best, a duplicate in solid bronze. The county reporting the largest to- tal mileage w ill be given a magnificent : trrmliv r.TrwiAnA rlnl A . "HI JtJ . . , i ; tv wl11 be added and the county bav-1 irii? no moRT mi mpu u-jii no n wn rnpri - "1" i' ,he Pne' whlrh mav flnaI,y be dl9 - ed of as a majority of the contest- Mts from tbal c"ntr 6ha11 deter- ' ! mine. , I Tro n?iTfct is nnciTi trt fill rnra rc , " - ; Par. e-" n"1' on. c otor or ,it hnt renrd. irnm vunni nu i " ; T " " . r"" i win uc- umidiuicu. itiiio I of the contests will be announced in papers Saturday, FOOTBALL QUERIES (NnU This eolumn Is open ti- font- hall -;ich -. rnntalns. managers, pluy- I its and foilrnvt r. of the who do- in,..rrt.M,.,. ,.f -i, i putcrt points, tjo-riep siiouM ma I led lewriy to "FoMibull KUitor. Care of The i Argus.' ) Football Editor: Is Jhere any rule , nas uec-n mie an me way aown. W It""e 24, Sec. 7, calls this un-, -rp the river a ways," said Mr. ; sportsmanlike conduct, and the player j Birdsaw, T caught a big turtle on the is suspended for the remainder of theiiinp unit n,.nrt v,i. v, .u game , i j Football Editor: If on a punt out, ' the kicker allows the ball to touch j . t. . Mr. Browning himself nce told me I .ill. liu 1J1114 U . 1 11 t 1 w how important and IrieresUng he thought it that the youni should have. as it were. landmarks ithefr lives by at least seeing great n jfn who belong- ed to an earlier gener-ion. "nn" h cai.l "' trnlklnf In ' " t 'ow. my hoy. ;ou will always be able 1 ivuuwu. An Even Thing. The late Sydney Mudd of Maryland was on a train going froa Washineton to his home when a man who had had too mnrh to drink sat down beside him. The passenger blinked at Mudd for a moment: then he lurched over and asked. "Shay, wash your came?" "My came is Mudd." he replied. Said the other: "You got nothln on me. My came'a Dennis." Saturday Evening Post. Thick. "How did you find the weather in London?" r.sked the frien.l of the re turned traveler. "Ton !o3't have f f.r.d th weather Ixmdou." repUed do traveler. "It bnrarJs ln:o jou at every corner." but. if At ; that has been Introduced Into musical comedy in many a day. All the fabled ;cnaracters of "Mother Goose." "Little , Bo Peep," "Jack Sprat," "Tom, the I Piper's Son," "Little Red Riding j Hood." etc., are presented in life-like ' i.iumt-r, eaiii w 11 u ineir lime imiy in . i. . . , , . . . . i. A u : ,1.., 1 ii j me uiiu Fong, ana it is saia mat tne tiu nber never fails to get repeated en- FROM RED WING TO GULF ON RAFT ing Long Trip Stop at Rock Island. A most peculiar sight attracted the attention of many on the river at an tearly hour this morning. Spectre-like ' and gleaming through the fog and early mist, the apparition resembled ship wrecked Rotiinson Crusoe on his raft, with his cat and dog, resurrected from ithe lonir ago It was however Gobel j e inf a- U wa3' However. Gobel "-Biraw of Red Wing. Minn., who ls floating down ,he river to New 0r. 1 leans. Mr. Birdsaw is accompanied on the They intend to make their future home in New Orleans, and chose the novel ' - - method of-floating down the river to their destination on a raft, towed by a launch. The raft is not a very large one, but has a tent on it, and in this the fam- jily sleep. The cooking is done on a gasoline stove on one end of the raft j Several ducks and a half dozen chick iens composedly occupy one end of the I raft. Mr. Birdsaw, when asked this j morning when he expected to reach New Orleans, replied that he would i be there not later than Nov. 18. He has been deriving a neat profit , , . ' . , . " . of the raft, and was admiring his size, ... .... . with the line wrapped around my hand, when he suddenly made a break and I took a header off the raft In my . . . . '"J struggles to get on the raft again, the turtle got away. He- seemed about as big a3 the whale that swallowed Jonah. Keokuk will be our next stop," said Mr. Birdsaw, as the little launch chug ged bravely away, and the queer craft was lost to sight. PROTEST CHANGE IN RELIABILITY RULES The Moline Automobile company ia up in arms against the decision of the Chicago Motor club to change the Chicago Reliability Run from a class 1 event to a class 3 eveat that is from an event for stock cars to one for special cars. The Moline Dread naught has twice won the Van Slckleu cup in 1910 and 1911 in this run, and believes that under the usual con ditions it would again prove the win ner. However, the company vould PHONE E37ia TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Last Time to See 6 CABARET REVEU 6 "The Girl in the Mask" 5 OTHER BIG ACTS 5 COMING MONDAY Another Sullivan & Contidine Vaudeville Show. 7 Big Headline Acts 7 Remember three shows on Sunday. Matinee 2:45, evenings 7:30 and 9:15. Seats on ea!e now. Phone East 37. Reserved i ju culb ueiu unui :su. B58MOLINE. ILL. El -H if-'l -' ft cores. Another new electrical singing number and song hit is "My Maid in the Moon," and others include "Rosj Di earns." "In the Shadow of an Old Pate Tree," "1822" and many others. There are nine scenes of splendor. ranging from a rural scene In old New York state to the mystic realms of the imaginative Island of Eye. have nothing to gain by competing In the run with a bunch of specially de signed cars, and for that reason, if the Chicago club persists in its an nounced intention of changing the rules, there will be no Dreadnaught entry. BETTENDORF BOWLING CLUB ROLLS AT HARMS The members of the Bettendorf Bowling club bowled four fast games last evening on tho Harms alleys, knocking the pins down to the tune of high scores. A luncheon was en jcyed before the contests. It was de cided to bowl every Friday night here after. HUNTING THE WOLF. Traineo Eagles Are Used by the Tar tar Tribe of Asia. There are many ways of hunting the ' wolf in Russia, some very curious and exciting and others as tame as target practice. The most sportsmanlike way ls by means of bounds, and all over Russia today there are well to do sportsmen who hunt the animal in this fashion. Wolves are also taken in pit falls and shot, while still another way Is to drive in a sleigh through the for est In time of hard frost, when Ine wolves are bold with hunger. At the back of the sleigh one or more sports men lie snugly under their fur rags with their rifles ready. A young pig ls carried in the sleigh, and its cries soon reach the ears of the lurking wolves, who cannot resist following the sleigh and are speedily shot. One of the most picturesque ways of hunting the wolf, perhaps, ls that which one may see in the west of Asia on the bleak Kirghiz steppes. The Tar tar tribes are wonderful horsemen, and they ride after the wolf In very large parties. Not only are dogs used to overtake the quarry, but because a fleet wolf may get away from them, eagles are used, being trained to balp the hunter In very much the same manner as falcons in olden times. The great bird sits on the hunter's wrist until it is let loose. Then It soars Into the air, sails after the quarry and swoops down upon it Its duty not to kill, but to "bother" the wolf by flapping Irs wings In tta face and driv ing Its sharp claws into the animal's back. Such hunting makea capital sport for the riders; but:, apart from this, wolf bunting ls a real necessity In those parts, the brutes being far too partial to the iambs and kids of the Tartars' flocksWide World Magn eto e. Denmark's Outdoor Theater. Denmark has probably the finest nat ural outdoor theater in the world. It ls situated in the royal deer park about six miles out of the capital. There the avenues of mighty trees sprve as wings and background to a stage fronted by a beech encircled slope that forms a perfect auditorium. Elzbt thousand people can be accommodated at every performance. Positively Brutal. Grace Just see how much your lit tle wifle loves you She made this I cake for you all by herself. Artbnr j Tes. my darling. And now If you will eat it ail by yourself I abnll poses I indisputable proof of your devotion. Pittsburgh Press. Hearties. Gritty Pikes-It's a hearties world, pard. Think what a woman done ! when I asked ber to rive me some i thing to keep body and soul together' ; Mnddy Lane Can't Imagine. Gritty ; Pike She gimme a safety pin. Chi cago News. Stovall Signs for 1913. VA j Ol. LAIUID, - I J r VVl. W. W' Wl ,Z OIW ' i van nas eiciieu a contract as manager I of the St. Louis Americans next year, i -Via II! The opening of the football season for independent teams of the tri-cities occurs tomorrow afternoon at Brown ing field in Mo'.ine. where the Moline lllini win do battle with the recently organized Olympics. The wtaner of the contest will have the right to con sider itself Moline's representative team and both aggregations are out for the honor. The Illinl, apparently, are not as strons as last year, when they were acknowledged state cham pions, but they have a powerful lineup, nevertheless. The Olympics are for the most part season men, some of them being former West End Btars. Will Pew-end of high school fame ia doing the coaching and has his team In good working order for the fray. The game starts at 3 o'clock. VALE OF THE WYE. Glimpta of an Imposing and Romantio Spot In Wales. Those who travel through strange places with their eyes aud their ears open are likely to make strange dlscov eries, but there are plenty of other finds which, simply as a delight to tho senses and without any wonder or cu riosity attending them, are well worth the trouble of trying to forget one's preoccupation In what be sees and bears. Both these pleasures of i ravel come to those who will fare slowly and ob servingly through tho Vale of the Wye In Wales. It seems almost like a chap ter from some magniUcent Apocalypse to travel on to Cader and riynlinion and glimpse the imposing grandeur of the visions that await the appreciative eye. Half of Wales seems to lie before the traveler. The mountains of tho Cader range loom loftily, and Snow don, of the lakes, seems to beckon him on. The long headland of Carnarvon hugs half a aa In the crook of Us arm. Pembroke's ragged capes gleam be yond the lovely mountainous heights. No sound breaks the vast silence. You are shut off from the bustling world. The hawk circles in a noiseless void above the slopes whitened with graz ing sheep. For a moment there may be the feeble pipe of the w heatear, and for another brief space a lark may lilt praise to heaven. But that is all. Philadelphia North American. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has become famous for its cures of cough, colds, croup and influenza. Try it when in need. It contains no harm ful substance and always gives prompt relief. Soli by all druggists. (Ad vertisement.) U SEE WHO'S COMING THE EMPIRE FOR THREE DAYS ONLY You'll have to order your seats early. $1.50 Musical Comedy for 10, 20 and 30 cents. THE EMPIRE Three Days Only Monday, 7th Tuesday, 8th Wednesday, 9th "CAT and h FIDDLE" Musical Comedy 22-PEOPLE-22 This Is the original big road pro duction. $1.50 Show for 10c, 20c and 30c Here but three days only. COMING Thursday, Oct. 14 Four Days Only A Special Bill in Honor of the New Odd Fellows' Home Order your seats now for both shows. Phone West 708. NEXT MOM H