Newspaper Page Text
2 THE ROCK ISHAXD AEXJJJg. SXTUKETAr, 'A'UVJSMUJSK 23,1912. DAVENPORT THE VAUDEVILLE STAR OF THE STONE AGE AND TODAY. Amanda Her PetltlorwMn. Ella G. Bushaell-Hamlin yesterday filed an amended petition In her suit for dam- area against L. W. Stanton and By ron Ofcbora. She aaka the sum of $11, 381.76 for damages alleged to have been done to her reputation, for as sault and for Indebtedness for work' dona She stages that the sum of $881.75 Is due for printing work and that the sum of 1500 is due for an al leged assault which took place in April, 1612, when she was struck by the defendants. The sum of $10,000 Is asked for defamation of her char acter. Injured In Runaway. Larry Lynch, an employe of the city and who re alties at 1725 West Fifth street, met with serious Injury early yesterday morning when the team he was driv ing to work ran away. He waa thrown beneath the heavy wagon and run over, his left leg being broken below the knee. Lynch was otherwise bruised by the heavy wagon passing oer his body and he received a bad cut on the forehead from the fall to the pavement. The team was stop ped a short distance from the spot where Lynch waa thrown out and no damage was done to the wagon. Bride 18; Groom 35. Pearl Mosher, a pretty farmer gtrl 16 years of age, was united in marriage to Thomas Armstrong, 85 years old. by Justice fhll Dauin yesterday morning. The bride was accompanied by her moth er and father, who gave their con sent to the man-lace. Both the bride and bridegroom are from Wllliams Seld. 111. No Bill Against Crofton. No bill was returned against William Crof ton, held on a charge of manslaugh ter for the death of George Halllgan, vho waa killed by a knife stab In a saloon at Fourth and LeClalre streets over a month ago. The grand jury In Its Investigation found that Crofton bad acted In the capacity of peace maker and that he Inflicted the fatal wound to his assailant only after he bad been felled to the floor three times vlth an Iron cuspidor. Crofton's Konds have been dismissed and the charge dropped. Investigate Teachers' Salaries. FollowiiiK the petition of the grade rrhool teaehers for a raise in salary, Fuperlnteiidetit Frank L. Smart has vrltten to some 70 cities near the site of Davenport asking the wages laid. Tlie data gathered from these letters will be tabulated and pre sented to tie committee on teachers' ralaries. and to the board at Its fegu- SnV -toN ( I r3i3ir A s&y - Pure ) Sc&fu.J ( SUf SAYS '"' ( 'Pitt d Jr , YBB T'. MOLINE lar meeting next month. In many states cities of Davenport's size pay higher wages than here, while in oth ers the salary rate Is practically the same and in others less. In Michigan and Indiana, for instance, salaries are considerably above those here, which range from $50 to $75 monthly. But in these two states the scholarship re quirements for grade school teachers are higher than In Iowa. In other states where the requirements are higher" there is a corresponding in crease In wages. Obituary Record. John W. Rey nolds, aged 19 years, passed away at 3.15 o'clock yesterday morning at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C Reynolds, 811 Taylor street, after an illness of several years' duration. The youth was born In Davenport Jan. 13, 1893, and is survived by the par ents and one sister. Miss Zeta Rey nolds. The funeral was held this af ternoon from tne home with services at St. Joseph's church at 2 o'clock. Interment took place in Oakdale cemetery. Property Transfers Represent $13, 700. Fout residence properties, repre senting a total value of $13,700, chang ed hands during the week. Paul Kewg has purchased the property of John Van Hoorebeke at 213 Third avenue, consideration $3,700; Edward Van Daele has secured the Joseph De Blsschop residence, corner Thirteenth avenue and Fourteenth street, and will remodel It; R.-S. "Woodburn has pur chased the Burlingame property, 1730 Twelfth avenue, and T. W. Mahcr comes into possession of the Robert Kane residence, Twentieth street and Twenty-second avenue. Thieves Raid Home- While mem bers of the Elmer Heck family were absent from home at 1002 Twenty fourth street, Thursday, thieves enter ed the house and stole $40 In money, a bank with some small change In it, and valuable Jewelry. The theft was discovered at 8 o'clock when Mrs. Heck returned home. Every room In the house had been ransacked in the search for valuables. Belief of neigh bors is that the robbery may be trac ed to an agent who was selling small articles in the neighborhood during the forenoon. It Is thought that en trance to the home was effected be fore 11 o'clock. The thief, or thieves, entered via the rear door, using a skeleton key to open it They left by way of the front door, evidently, for it waa open when Mrs. Heck returned home. In addition to money taken, a gold locket and collar pin with dia mond settings were stolen, and a comb inlaid with gold was taken. Some old- time coins which were highly valued by Mr. Heck were among the stolen articles. Hospital Again Registered. The management of the city hospital has Just received word that it has again been registered by the state board. This is the second year that the hos pital. Including the training school for nurses, has been so honored. Registry of hospitals was started two years ago, and the fact that the local institution has been thus standardized is recogni tion of the efficiency of work done there. First use of the baby incuba tor recently installed at the hospital was recorded last night, the case be ing that of a baby girl from East Mo ll ne. the present foundry building on Thir teenth street and the Abrahams-Porter Construction company has the con- j tract. Talk $50,000 Theatre for East Mo- line. Henry Hoeft of Geneseo and'F. B. MoCluTe of St. Louis have been in vestigating the plausibility of build ing a $50,000 theatre in East Moline devoted to legitimate drama and mov ing pictures. They are expected to meet with the Commercial club next Monday night and talk over the prop osition with the business' men. Mr. Hoeft is manager of the Geneseo op era house and Mr. McClure 1b an ex perienced theatrical man. They feel confident that they will be Justified in guaranteeing 10 per cent on a $50,000 building. Moline Concerns Win Big Contract Two Moline concerns the Moline Pi ano & Organ company and the Moline Furniture works have been awarded contracts aggregating more than $40, 000 for furnishing fixtures for the new Killian store of Cedar Rapids, one of the largest department concerns in the middle west. Work will be start ed at once. All the Argus. news all the time. The Will Erect Molding Shed. To in crease output and to facilitate work of the Union Malleable Iron company in East Moline, a molding shed to cost approximately $2,000 will- be erected at once. The new building will adjoin a Hi SMI in. agMAtflM NewbroV Herpicide Did you ever see a woman ith hair so beautiful that you just could not help looking at her? Certainly you have. And if you will ask that lady how she came to have such hair she will very likely reply, "I use Newbro'a Herpicide." NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE Is a favorite with all who regard the appearance of their hair and have a care for personal cleanliness. Attractive women everywhere use and recommended the Original Dandruff Germ Destroyer because they want positive results. And now, a mass of snappy natural hair, the most at tractive feature of a pretty woman. Is unconsciously always associated with Herpicide. For preserving and beautifying the hair there is nothing superior to Herpicide. Used intelligently, it absolutely destroys the germ that causes dandruff removes the scale like accumulations and prevent the hair from coining out. HERPICIDE niakee the hair beautiful. Imparting to it life, luster and luxuriance. It contains no grease does not stain or dye, which, with Its exquisite, yet subtle fragrance makes it a most delightful hair dress ing. Herpicide stops itching alrrost Instantly. Try a Sample Bottle and Read the Booklet A trial size bottle and interesting booklet on the care of the hair will be mailed to any address upon receipt of 10 cents in postage or silver to cover cost of packing and mailing. -F0R THE SCALP- SEE THE COUPON Two sizes, 50 cents and $1 sold and guaranteed everywhere. tZ if not satisfied Applications at the better barber shops and hair dressing parlors insist uu uaviug genuine n.&riuj ju. Tour money back Eyll"wn"'"ID"','ma 1 . i rrw I UIIB l-l n r r - . g it rat kalp trarr on knik m n'. mi r" mot r em twit r IMHI MUTt mm HATE IUM mi THE HtRPlGlDE COMfAY, Ml. ITMOIT MIC Ml A 'AM' t Young & McCombs Co-Operative Store Co. i.u ess SPECIAL AGENTS. Herpicide Aseptic Tar Soap is fine for shampoo ing. There is real comfort in the use of a Herpicide Comb. Ask your druggist about them. MILAN The Ladies' Aid society of the First Presbyterian church of Milan met at the home of Miss Margaret Caraugh- han Friday afternoon. George Crist of Milan spent Satur day in Peoria on government business. The child of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunaway is very ill at their home on Grant street. Mrs. Charles Spickler of Big Island is visiting with relatives In Muscatine. Rev. Mr. Ferry of Rock Island is supplying the congregation of the First Presbyterian church until the pulpit is filled. Mrs. J. C. Johnston and daughter, Elizabeth, of Milan, spent Wednes day with Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs. Davis of Rock Island. Mrs. Frank Barlnger of Taylor Ridge visited Milan friends Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George McConnell of Bowling spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McConnell of Milan. J. B. Clark and son, Benjamin, of Preemption spent Tuesday In Milan. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Severin of Mo line were callers in Milan Monday. Clayton Erwin of Taylor Ridge spent Tuesday with Milan friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huntly Johnston of Reynolds were Milan callers Saturday. A large crowd attended the public sale of Gust Danlelson on the Stapp farm, Wednesday, Nov. 13. Mrs. Lawrence Martin was a Rock Island caller Monday. Mrs. H. Tlmm and' daughter, Lil lian, of Rock Island, spent Monday j at the home of Mrs. Timm's sister, i Mrs. Olie Johansen, of Milan. The Milan Gun club will have a: tehooting match Thanksgiving day.1 Some very nice prizes have been se-1 lected for the best shooter. The new home which Mr. Lovett. is' having erected on Sherman Street is nearly ready for occupancy. j The Misses Alma Johansen and ' Vera VonAch of Milan spent Sun day afternoon with the former's sis-; ter, Mrs. Jacob Mairs, of near Milan. 1 Mrs. Olie Johansen of Milan spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. John Haalk, of Rock Island. Mr. Harris of Beardstown, 111., is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. L. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Morgan of Sears are the parents of a 10-pound boy, born last week. William Johansen of Taylor Ridge spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olie Johansen. Perry Ruby of Davenport spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry VonAch and family. Many of the ladies of Milan at tended the McCormick recital which was held at the Moline theatre Thurs day evening. Mrs. Paul Wadsworth of Bowling spent Saturday visiting friends in Rock Island. Mrs. Jacob Depew returned home with Mrs. Lewis Kain and children to their new home in Ruesel, Iowa. Miss Eva Wiggins spent Wednes day with friends in Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rathbun of Bowling were Milan callers Wednes day. Joseph Mrehead of Rice Lake, Wis., is here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Smith. Rev. F. I. Stev-ens, former pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church of Milan, visited with old friends Tues day. He also attended the Layman conventon in Rock Island. T. E. Canty and Albert Taylor of Milan are on the jury at Rock Island. Atlas Tindall of Bowling was a Milan caller Wednesday. Sanford Bingman and family spent' Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Blng man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams. John Llpton of Preemption was a Milan business caller Wednesday. Frederick Miller of Taylor Ridge was a Milan business caller Wed nesday. Mrs. F. S. Hunter of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. W. H. Smith of Chicago are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Zahn and the latter's moth er, Mrs. Alec Owens. Charles Peterson of Rldgewood spent Wednesday In .Milan. Robert Miller of Taylor Ridge has typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Kester McMlchael en tertained at supper Tuesday evening in honor of "Mrs. H. N. White of Penn sylvania, the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rhoadarmer and family of Orion, Charles McMichaeL Mr. and Mrs. F. G. White and Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderslice of Milan. Miss Lucile Maizo and Tom Ehe- Best Office Building : : : : 2d Ave., 1 7th St. Rock Island M -MP J4N . r - vJj ' . . XT' . ftft Ik. Ml II y issac DIRECTORY ADVERTISING. SUITE. BATCHELDBB, M. D. JL CO 414 TKI-CITY ADV. CO 503 ARCHITECTS. BTAIDIHAH, O. P. . OS ATTO RN EYS-AT-LA W. UAVBKRO, J. H. .. LIDOLFH, W. 1. UAITKER. J. W. . , SCUROEJJEK, C. J. ..tot ..SOS ..607 ..3U5 AUTOMOBILES. ' FISHER, E. D. SOS COAL WHOLESALE. CLINB A SHAW FUEL CO 605 COLLIERIES SALES CO 501 1RJ-CITY COAL, CO SOO DENTISTS. AMES, DR. E. P. . -3M HAI.NLINE, DR. E. M BOS MARTIN, DR. W. E. 604 MUELLER. DR. O. W. 503 SHERRARD, DR. B. H. 400 DOCTORS. Bl'KKHART, DR. HADA 311 I'OJIEGVS, DR. J. P. 407 DART, DR. RALPH ........... .407 FOSTER, DR. C T. ...401 FREYTAG, DR. C. P. 803 PBTRIE, DR. ETTA 00 STOCKER, DR. A. 511 INSURANCE FIRE. SUITE. HUBBARD A TO-N-Jt 4 KRELL, E. U. ....U MAUCKKR, W. C. 507 INSURANCE LIFE. COLUMBIA NATIONAL LIFE (of Boston) . . .OOS CONTINENTAL ASSURAJUCB CO ...411 HUGHES PRATT 4U ILLINOIS LIFE INS. CO 408 METROPOLITAN LIFE (of NEW YORK LIFE (of N. Y.)....ia LOANS PERSONAL. CUT RATE LOAN' CO 304 L9 FIDELITY LOAN CO .403 LOANS REAL ESTATE. LIDOLPH, W. L. SOS SCUROEDER, C. J . 805 MANICURES. WILSON, MISS BLANCHE 410 REAL ESTATE LANDS. HUBBARD A TONN 400 HUGHES A PRATT .......413 KRELL, E. U 13 MISCELLANEOUS. LIBERTY MFG. CO. (Iro ao- parmtua) ......SOO UALONEY, EV A. ADV. 311 MOLINE TIMBER CO. 501 H. PAC. RAILWAY CO (local office) .eor ROSEN FIELD. W. A. SOS TRI-CITY BUSINESS EXCH 574 SOUDERS, DR. J. C. 404 TRI-STATE OIL CO 13 IN THE HEART OF ROCK ISLAND All Street Cars Stop Right at the Entrance marriage Sunday afternoon at Clinton,! Baptist and Congregational churches Iowa. Miss Maizo holds a position at there. L. S. McCabe's shoe department. They will spring. go to housekeeping next Anciant Tipping. Tipping is an exaction of no recent growth. Describing life at tbe court of King Henry II. of England. Peter of Bloia complains of the importunity of the medieval marshals, whose annoy ances continue "until they get some thing from you and are most ungrateful when they have nay, open enemies unless your hand is continuously in your pocket," while the "outer porters will tell you the most unblushing false hoods, and if you are an honest and religious man, but have given them nothing the day before, tbey will keep you an unreasonable' time standing in the rain and mire." South Bend, Ind. Declaring he would stand by the Immigrant woman in preference to the "boulevard wom an" of America, Dr. James Rowe of Chicago, a missionary worker, made an appeal for the opening of the gates of the country to the immi grants. He spoke in Mlshawaka at the uDlon meeting of home mission week, held under the auspices of the Presbyterian, Methodist, Christian, RUPTURE YOU CAN PAY FOR TREATMENT WHEN CURED Rupture lew down anil hard to hold, those following operation, navel rup tures in fleshy women, and all bad cuseu guaranteed relief or no charges. No failures; relief for all suflrers. . You pay for results only. No knife, no injection or detention from business. (1,01)0 lo an? phj-xlclaa who raa provo that a saritical operation la the only cure for rupture. If you prefer to wear a truss and want solid comfort, wear the Kins Truss of the world. THE WUNDERTRUSS Without les; straps, elaatle bands or sterl springs, guaranteed to hold after all others tali. Holds at tbe Inner ring with one-half the pressure of other trusses. ms provs It. Endorsed by thousands. If you cannot call, write for cata logue. M. H. BROWN, M. D. 23 Qulney st, Culcaso, III. Vest visit to llorV Islaad, Rork lalaad Hotel, Wednesilar, Sin: 27, S a. m. to 4 p. sn. A man's learning dies with him; even his virtues fade out of re membrance; but the income on the se curity he bequeaths to his children lives and keeps his memory green. Oliver Wendell Holmes. INVESTMENT BANKER8. People's National Bank Building. Rock Island, UL man, both of Milan, were united in