Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1912. 10 LITTLE GIRL IS ALMOST HEROINE Sees Burning Weeds in West End and Pulls Fire Box to Save Oil Tanks. DEPARTMENT KEPT BUSY Long View Park Lagoon 8teps are Destroyed, When Boye Set Fire to Leave. Yesterday afternoon, shortly before 6 o'clock, bullrushes in the west end of town caught fire, and so great was the blaze that the whole sky was aglow and many citizens thought that the oil tanks had caught fire. Little 12 -year-old Elsa Carley. seeing the weeds ablaze, decided she would save the west end of town from reduction to ashes and pulled box No. 12 at Second atreet and Thirteenth avenue. When the firemen arrived on the scene, the little girl stood proudly by, waiting for the praise which she believed to be jt:stly hers. She told Assistant Chief Frey that she realized that the oil tanks were endangered and decided to save the day. Later in the day, two haystacks in the near icinity caught fire and were des'royed. The department was not summoned. BlV TIME. The department had tare calls yes terday, two coming within a few min utes of each other about noon. At 12:35 the chief made a run In his rig to Ixng View park, where the wooden steps leading to the lagoon had caught fire, owing to the activi ties of several small boys, who had ignite1 some dead leaves. The blaze was extinguished with chemicals, but not before the steps had been entire ly destroyed. Ten mlnutf B after the I-ong View park cal!. tli firemen made a run to 4.12S Seventh avenue, where the roof of a two-story frame building owned by A. E. Peterson had caught fire be cause of flying cinders. A few shin- Ies re buried, but the damage did . . . ' . ; 1U1 MlllUUUIr MJ IliUlU. ISSt: A WAHMVfi. Commissioner Jonas Bear this morn ing Issued orders that will prevent repe tition of yest'Td&y's fire in Iong View park. Small boys who collect there for play will be watched and if any fires are started or other damage done, the offenders will be prosecuted. Yesterday's fire will necessitate an outlay of some $300 next spring, as concrete steps will be put in to replace the burned wooden ones. GET WHAT YOU WANT. You Can Finally Grasp It if You Are Persistent and Patient. Get what you wunt In this world. It's here waiting for you. All you have to do Is to reach for it. If you reach bard enough and fur enough and long enough you'll get it, no matter what it Is you want. Suppose you are foolish enough to wunt great wealth. You can get It But to get it you must make up your mind ttint you want wealth; that yon want it above everything else in the world. Observe an industrious alien with a pushrHrt. lie wants $1,000. He sleeps In a cellar. He rises at 4. He works till 10 at night He denies himself food to are. Some duy he will have bis thou sand dollars. "But," you protest, "I can't sleep In a cellar. I'm above running a push cart." Very well, then. There is little likelihood thut you will ever be rich. There are other things that yon want more tlmn wenlth your comfort your sorliil position. Suppose you are more sensible. Sup pose that it is success you want Good'. There are few Joys in this world that can compare wtth the Joy of achieve ment. Set your mark ami start climb ing toward It. You'll rench it If yon keep at It Be persistent and be pa tient If you are in Maiue you can't wish younwlf in California. You can't get there overnight, either. But you'll get theiv some time if you start and keep going, even if you go on your hands and knees. But remember this: No man ever rlliiibn higher than the mark he sets hiinwlf. No man ever resches the top walking sideways. No ma a achieve who keeps turning back. And one thing more: Pick your apple carefully before you art to climb the tree. Some apples tive for all who eat too fast, and as mm EDEsh Is made of Puro Kilk In Sanitary Dairies and sold In Dust-proof. Air-tight Packages and Jars all sizes The Elkhorn way of curing renders Elhkorn cheese tar more digestible than TNMSM Alt THE NAMES OF Ask Your Dealer for POSTAL OFFICIALS IN MEDICAL RAID Poetmaeter General Hitchcock ana Chief Inspector Robert 6. Sharp. Nearly 300 persona operating in the large oltlea of the country have been placed under arrest during the past few days, charged with using the malls to solicit criminal medical practice or to dispose of medicines and Instruments connected with sue a practice. The men involved are prln clpally doctor and drugriata. The work of rounding up the offendera WM unaer e Tu. v ' a Poatmaater General Hitchcock and .Chief Inspector Robert S. Sharp. I I sre sour. W'Hiam Johnston In Amer ican Magazine. SHAKESPEARE'S WOMEN. Neither Original Nor Enlightened, Is Helen Keller's Verdict. I doubt if the women In Shake speare's comedies are to be taken se riously. Tbey are pretty creatures In tended to be played by boya. They are the vehicle of any more or less fitting strain of Doetrv which happens to ' please the poet Alice In Wonderland ; Is a very real little girl, but one would not make a grave, scholarly analysis of : the traits of character which she dis- plays in her encounter with the mock turtle. Neither should we press too heavily upon Shakespeare's poetry to j extract his beliefs about women. The unrivaled sonnets voice the praise and also the petulant dissatisfaction of a man In love or pretending to be in love for the purpose of poetry. The woman worship in the sonnets and In the glow ing passages of the plays spoken by gallants in pursuit of their ladles is only the conventional romanticism com mon in medieval and renaissance liter ature. Shakespeare's phrasing ontflles that of all other poets. But his ideas of women are neither original . nor en lightened. In studying the social ideas of a writer and his time we ofte'n learn more from his unconscious testimony than from his direct eloquence. Portia Is wise, witty, learned, disguised as a man; but she Is disposed or witnout protest through her father's will and its irrational accidents to a commonplace bankrupt courtier, and the tacit Impli cation is that she Is happily bestowed. Where Shakespeare brings Portia's ca reer to an end a modern comedy would begin. In the other plays the delight ful heroine Is hurried off at the close f the fifth act Into the possession of a man whom she would not look at If she were as wise and strong and witty as the situations have represented her. Helen Keller In Metropolitan. Pretty Long Run. Dutch Comedian I played Ilamlet once. Chorus Did you have a long run? Dutch Comedian About three) miles. Judge. Not the Nxly. bnt the soul, strikes the blow in which lives victory. Maga. Nourishing Food The healthiest folks in the world the Swiss live on cheese. It's a famous diges nourishing as meat, fish and eggs. ordinary bulk cheese. SIX DEUCIOUS, TASTY KINDS Neufchatel Club Pimento American and Roquefort Elkhorn Cream or Deviled CGneese LOCAL AUTOISTS HAVE COLD RIDE Battle With Four-foot Snow Drifts in Wisconsin Make 224-Mile Trip. I Driving in the teeth of a howlfng gale, with the thermometer much too low for comfort, George Yeggy and El bert Don arrived in the city late last evening after a 224-mile automobile trip, during the course of which, thev. battled with immense snow drifts which for a time threatened to bring their Journey to an abrupt end, and gave them a real taste of winter. The Journey was made in a new Kis sel 40, which they drove down from the factory at Hartford, Wis., and was made in exceptionally good time, con sidering the weather conditions. The trip was begun at 11 o'clock yester day morning, and was completed in Just nine hours and 20 minutes. Be tween Hartford, and Oconomowac, a stretch of about 30 miles, snow drifts were encountered, which were three or four feet in height, and frequently the tourists were compelled to bac, up the machine, take a running star. and plunge into the snow bank, only to repeat, the performance until the barrier was passed. When the machine ' arrived in Rock Island last night, a crowd surrounded it. scarcely able to believe their own' eyes at the sight of the snow and ice which covered the car. City Chat (Advertisements.) Muffs remade, $2.00, at Vogue Millinery, 1704 Second avenue. Buy a home of Reidy Bros. For express, call William Trefz. Tri-City Towel Supply company. Kerler Rug company for vacuum cleaning and rug-making. For flowers, try Meyers first; 1115 Fifteenth street. Phone 1516. Our B. 13. serge at $33 is the best value ever offered. J. B. Zimmer's Sons. Mainee dance at Industrial hall, Thursday, Nov. 28. Dancing 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. CofTee that suits Battles & Co., 31 cents a pound, will fill all require ments. Flash lights and electrical novel ties. Charles Flebig. 1619 Third avenue. ' Six per cent farm mortgages. Lltten & Roberts, People's National bank building. Milan artesian water, approved by city and state, delivered daily. Phona west 1770. Battles & Co. make a specialty of fine butter and cheese. They carry over 25 brands or kinds of cheese. Coal, coal, coal The Rock Island Fuel company will deliver to you all the best grades of hard and soft coat. Don't forget that Schroeder Bros, are headquarters for fresh dressed poul'ry for your Thanksgiving dinner. Don't forget the big dance at K. of C. hall Thursday night, given by George H. Thielke. Music by Bleuer's orchestra. Strecker & Lewis, wholesale and re tall agents for Sanitas, the washable wall covering for kitchens and bath rooms. Sewing machines repaired and war ranted for one year. Supplies for all machines. Fiebig, locksmith, 1619 Third avenue. A fireproof safe in the house or store Is a necessity. We have them from i2 up. Flebig, locksmith, 1619 Third avenue. Winter is coming, better get that padlock and have your door keva made. Charles Fiebig. 1619 Third avenue. Guess free. How many pines make a bushel and receive free a beautiful n.eerschaum pipe at Ralph Stanton's c:gar Btore. Ward & McMahon will give you estimates on your plumbing, steam and hot water beating that will have you money. Phone 988 that will connect you with Kuschmann's grocery, a clean, up-to-da'e store. Prices as low as the lowest' Phone 988. We are prepared to take care of your Thanksgiving grocery order. Ev erything fresh and clean. Kusch mann's grocery. Phone 988. The International Molders' union No. 230 of Rock Island will hold its an nual ball Thanksgiving eve, Nov. 27, at Industrial hall. Rock Island. When better chocolates can be made- we will make them. Try a box of Gansert's Ajax or Milk chocolates. Sold by all first class dealers. Dunsmore & O'Conn!! smoke house and billiard parlors, corner of Twen tieth street and Fourth avenue. Every brand of good cigars and all kinds of amokers' supplies. Mueller Lumber company will en able you to build a fine house or barn out of the choicest select lumber and you will be surprised and yet pleased to learn the low prices they are mak ing. An appetite for good things to eat is born in one. If that appetite is not properly cared for, nothing will "taste right" with Battle k. Co. you can find the best the grocery market af fords. Souders Laundering company at 501 503 Twelfth street. This laundry la equipped with the very latest modern machinery, turning out work that la not surpassed by any laundry in the state. The Rock Island Lumber and Manu- "A? "" P f Week (tJS facturing company, lumber and build ing material for all purposes, houses. barns, granaries. We will give you an opportunity to save a big per cent. Let us be of service to you. M. R. Iglehart, marble and granite works, save you the middleman's prof its. From 15 to 25 per cent saved on every monument and all kinds of mon umental work. Call at our shop on Second avenue and see for yourself. T. S. O'Hara, flour and feed store, Is having a big trade on stock and poultry food. Dr. Hess' stock food for horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and all kind sof poultry. It makes the hens lay every day. Math's bakery and confectionery store, the finest in the tri-cities. Bread, cakes, pies, cookies and hot rolls. .They can't be beat Most peo ple say they are superior to any home baking. Let them serve you. Kain & Reinhardt cigar store still takes the lead. Most liberally patron ized. Everything in tobacco, cigars and smokers' supplies. Man is never better satisfied than when smoking their choice brands. E. E. Lamp, plumbing, steam and hot water heating, gas fitting. His efficient knowledge of the business justly entitles him to your patronage. His shop has all modern equipments. Everything in plumbing supplies. New amber comb honey the first lot of this fine honey, and it's the fine. richly flavored, pure comb honey that so many are fond of; fact is, many prefer the flavor to the white clover. Battles & Co. will supply your wants. Butter is scarce and high in price. Moxley's high grade bu.terlne will give as good results in your baking. Try a pound today. Special, a pound, 25 cents, or two pounds for 45 cents. Daisy, a pound, 22 cents. Kusch- mann'a grocery. Phone 988. We are the leaders tor up-to-date A clean, white . water-closet bowl can now be had in every home. Sani-FIush will remove all dis coloration without scrubbing, scouring ct touching the bowl with the hands. It positively will not hurt the plumbing. Sani-FMsh druggist's Veo Clean wafer- ArttTZlI closet " bowls rASJ quickly I i I easily Ij I 20 cents ill j4itfi r acan HI TTSjjr - of your MKSGIVIM CLOTHES Our showing of warm winter clothing for men and women leaves nothing to be desired when yon come to choose. Styles that are up-to-the-minute, fabrics that wear, colors that are the season's most fashion able, prices that are lowest and terms of payment that are within reach of all that is Gately service. We sell all our goods, both clothing and furniture, on the easy payment plan you pay as you get paid and any honest man or woman can buy here, use the furniture or wear the clothes and pay for them as suits his or her own convenience by the week or the month. Just come in, look over, our line, note the quality, compare the price and then yon '"rill appreciate the big values we are offering. SPECIAL We are offering a special men's overcoats at SPECIAL Every lady will want one of coats we have on sale for FURS The best way for women with a set of warm furs We quantities and prioes 307-309 laundry work. Each shirt finished by hand and put up in a carton, insur ing work. Delivered to you in good condition. We guarantee no cracked collars or 'cuffs. City Steam laundry. Reid & Bollman, 417 Seventeenth street. Johnson's Wood Dye Is not a mere etaln not simply a surface dressing. It is a real, deep-seated dye, that goes to the very heart of the wood and stays there fixing a rich and perma nent color. Johnson'B Wood Dye is made In 14 standard shades. For sale by Lerch & Greve, 2002-2004 Fourth avenue. Battles & Co. are not jugglers. Our goods are not deceptive in quality. The grocer who sells unreliable foods just for the' sake of making a few cents more is not a safe man to trade with. Unreliable things can't come Into this store. We know enough about these things to know when they are pure and when 'they are not. It isn't wholly a question of price with us. We 100 Beautiful Gold Plated Ladies' Brooches FBEE 100 Beautiful Irridescent Glass Bowls Free 100 beautiful sil ver plated sets salt and pepper shakers. Free 100 gentlemen's watch chains. (A) .ntest Griggs' Music inducement in $15 the $14.75 FURS' to protect themselves is have them in all colors, 20th St., Rock Island get the best that money will buy, and then sell it with just a fair percentage of profit added. Finest fruit in town. There is a great world of comfort to the eyes In a perfectly fitted pair of glasses or spectacles. The lenses should be accurately adapted to your individ ual requirements and should be set in frames or mountings that rest comfort ably upon the nose. We give comfort in the frames as well as in the lenses. Fred Bleuer, eye specialist, 1702 Sec ond avenue. A secret a 49-pound sack of Wing ed Horse Eaco flour will make nearly 75 pounds of bread. Everything but flour shrinks when cooked, but Eaco flour grows. It costs no more to be gin with than any other flour you like, and what other food do you like so well that you must have it at every meal in the year? Buy Eaco flour at Battles & Co. It is never dear. All the news all the time The Argus. $2,800 in Valu able Premiums For Solving the Great Wilson Puzzle A ValaabI Pramlun to Bvaryona olvtag Thla Poaila th Abova Victara Ara roar ruxi If yea eaa Bad thr of tham. Ha matter how maay roa Sad. trao tba ont llsaa, atuBbartaf tbaai 1, 8, a, ato., oa iais or a eaparata aaaat 01 papsr. atu or anaa Tear answar lo on atora. fSZE T avary paraoa who aolvaa tba abova poasla wa will giva, abaolata).? fraa, tba eboloa of a baantlful gold plat ad ladiea' brooob a baantlfcl lnadaa. at g-laaa bowU haadaoma aat of all var platad aalt aad pappor abakara or gaaUamaa's haadaoma watch cbala; alao maaofaatarar'a eradit voaohar for S137. goad omlr aa part parmaat oa aay aaw piaao ta om atora. Oulj oaa paraom la a A vaioabla Pnnlam for ZTarr one CIoes December 9, 1912. at Address Co., 121 E. 2d St., Za 4 I SI Per Week TWO JUNK DEALERS PUT IN BIDS FOR CITY STUFF Bids on the junk at the pumping sta tion and the filter plant, were opened in the mayor's olfice this morning in accord with the published notice. On ly two dealers submitted figures, Si mon Leftstein offers to pay $9.75 per ton and L. Cohn's bid was $7.10. There are between 25 and 50 tons of junk to be disposed of. No action can be tak en on the bids until 48 houra have elapsed after the opening.- Both were accompanied by certified checks in the amount of $50. ' When a cold becomes settled In the system, it will take several days' treat ment to cure it, and the best remedy to UBe is Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also Reaves the system la a natural and healthy condition. Sold by all druggists. (Advertisement). All coataetants who eall at in atora and na thalr Bona-flde MUuin faetarar'a Credit Vonoher aa pt payment of a new plaao, paylnff IM or more oh down wa will five the oholoe of a baantlfal Cheat of Silver, genuine Diamond King, X,adlea' Crold Watoh, Oentlemen'a ttold Wateh. PUS Thla (tannine Diamond SUng rmzs This Zadiee' or Oeatlemea'a (Sold Watoh, goaranteed for 80 years. 6 P. PL Davenport, la. Ml i