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8 LAST APPEARANCE IS BRILLIANT ONE ST. AMBROSE COLLEGE ELEVEN OF DAVENPORT WHICH HAS MADE A GOOD SHOWING THIS SEASON The Interior of the THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1912. m High School Football Team Shows That It Has Class, in Final Home Game PEORIA SQUAD DEFEATED final Count Is 32 to 0 and Victory It a Well Deserved One for the Local Warriors. The Rock Island high school foot ball warriors ended their appearances on' the home grounds Saturday with a brilliant display of ability which' won the gamo from Peoria high school by a soor of 32 to 0. The team which represented Rock Island In Its last home game was as different from the team last seen here as night Is from tfay. Coach Corneal spoke truly when he said earlier In .the week that the team had finally come Into its own and was at last a worthy representative of a school that always turns out good squads. Peoria, despite a considera ble weight advantage, was never la the running and after the first quar ter It was merely a case of how big the score would be. Whistler. Wlllett, Tremann, Glass and Brough, were the particular Etara The Ambroslans have won five out of six games played this season and entertain hopes of winning the last one which Is with St. Joseph's college of Dubuque, a rival and much larger school. The one defeat to the Dav enporters was administered by the Williams and Vashtl team of Aledo, which team Is now state champion and contender for western collegiate honors. The Aledoans were held to the lowest score In their year's record, 24 to 0, by the Ambroslans. Reading from left to right, those In the pictureare: Hynes, qb.; McGinnis, le.; Bax ter, re.; Haley, rhb.; Racer, rt.; Captain Portel, qb.; Mickalek, rg.; Kennedy, lhb.; Crowley, It.; Dowd, c; Mor rissey, fh.; Flattery, lg.; and R. D. MacManus, coach. lance of 15 yards and putting the ball within scoring distance again. Then camp a succession of touchdowns, ths of the day though the playing of every J first t hr.'c of which were disavowed man on the team was far better than ! for varlo is reasons and finally Willett at any other time this season. Theic"ash d through the Peoria line with ed out 25 yards, Whistler wrigglingj tutions in the third quarter and the his way back on the return for a dis- results were noteworthy. Brough ran the team remarkably well from quar ter, Kipp going to right half In place of Wlllett, Willett going to fullback victory was a deserved one and was a fitting way of closing the soaHon. PBORUM Ol'Tri.AKII. A strong weKt wind caused the col ored captain of the Peoria Nm, to choose the west goal when he won the . tf8s before the game and accordingly Rock Island kicked off. For five min utes the ball see-sawed back and fourth and the teams appeared even ly matched and then Rock Island s nuperlor football ability, training and speed began to have its effect. Finally cuing possession of the ball, the lo cals rusned It down the field by short but very ronslstant gains and hen the quarter ended, the ball was on the five yard lln? with two downs remaining lii make the distance. mkf 3i v Tore iiiiowv. When the second quarter opened. Peoria braced and held Rook Island away from a touchdown, but after se curing the ball, executed a fumble back of their own goal line and Hal lowell, rushing In from right end. fell on the ball for the first towndown of th" game. A punt-out was success fully executed but Glass raissi.-d the try at goal. and Gleason dropping out. Following is the lineups and Bum mary of the game. ROCK ISLAND Larkin, Brough. le Tremann It ! Chalk lg Philbrook c ..... Gaetjer rg .... G'.ass rt .... Hallowell re ... Kipp, Erough ... qb Stoneback Whistler lhb ....... Shepperd Willett, Kipp . . . rhb Whalen Gleason, Willett fb Newmiller Summary: Touchdowns Hallo well, Willett. Tremann, Whistler and Glass. Goals Glass, 2. Time of quarters 12 minutes each. Referee Adams. Mollne. Umpire MacMan us. Rock Island. Head linesman Roy Salzmann, Rock Island. PEORIA . Wilkins . Thomag . Barnell , . Derges . Smythe . Gibbons . . . . Iwig a fourth and a legal one. Again Glass misled goal. Here the scoring for the half ended. THOG AT THE FINISH. Captain Tremann showed strategy at the beginning of the second half by letting his opponents have advan tage of the wind in the third ouarter so that his own team would have it in the. final session. The result was ! thp visitors wore themselves out trv-l ing to score in the third period with the wind at their backs and in the fourth when things were reversed, the Rock Islanders literally tore them to pieces. Tremann circled the visiters left end rnd dove over the line after being tackled several yards from it. Glass kicked goal. Rock Island kicked ol? and soon had Peoria forced backed to their own five yard line. A punt went nut towards the far sideline and Whistler dashing in. secured the ball Til Kl- IJlSl.lHI INFIl FAST GAME WON BY INDEPENDENTS Yesterday's Gridiron Battle at Island City Park Is Best of the Season. OLYMPICS FIGHT HARD Moline Aggregation Gives Local Team Tussle Though Score Is 32 to 0. SPEEDY HALFBACK and raced over for another touchdown without, being tackled or touched. Glass kicked goal. Peoria took a ! brace here and for a few minut drove Rock Island back. Glass re ! trleved the loss on a rretty run from Peoria then kicked off ta Rock Is-: a Punt formation. He circled his land and in few minutes the ball had cwn r'Kht 'nd and ran 60 'aras for b"on nwhed back within th- shadow ! a touchdown, which ended the day's of the visitors" goal. The IVorians I Bcoring and made the total 32 to 0. bold for downs with th? ball only a! cever L si btititios. matter of incnes from goal and k!ck- Coach Corneal tried several substi- mum Jam JUL iU use the letters twice in "Kimball Pianos Win ANY WORD FOUND IN WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY EXCEPT PREFIXES. 3 51,000.00 in Valuable Prizes to be Awarded Tree in uigantic Word Contest How Many Words Can Assemble with letters found in the following sentence: Fill Out Blank Rumors from the Moline high school football camp are to the effect that the tfam may be minus the services of several -f its players when it lines up against Davenport high school Thurs day in the annual Turkey day contest. It seems that Halfback Stowe whose I rlay has been little short of phenom enal together with a lineman of more or less value to the team, broke the training rules regarding smoking rJ Coach Burroughs who plays no favor it, is considering the punishment that shall be meted out to the offend ers. Neither was taken along to Iowa City Saturday when the team went there to witness the Wisconsin Iowa struggle and it Is possible tnouh BLAKSLEE STUDIO IS BEING Remodeled and a new work room built on the rear equipped with newest apparatus. The changes will be completed ty Dec. 1. In the meantime the camera room is not disturbed, and sittings are being made as usual. Open Thanksgiving by appointment. Get a Blakslee Portrait ( Now MI5S LUCILLE MULHALL, STAR OF "CHEYENNE DAYS," AT THE EMPIRE ine Moline Olympics came, saw and were conquered yesterday after noon at Island City park, the Rock Is land Independents keeping up their record of consecutive victories by tak ing the measure of the visitors by a score of 32 to 0, a score similar to that made in the high school contest on the same grounds the day before. Though the score fails to show It, the visitors put Up the best opposition that the Independents have had this year and the game was one well worth witnessing. The local players had a considerable weight advantage, but idid not make use of it, prefering to gain on end runs, forward passes and trick plays. The Olympics never threatened to score, but at times showed ability to gain and continual ly worried the local's defense. The Moliners put up a dandy defensive game and often threw the Indepen dents for losses. FAST MEN STAR. Fast men appeared in both teams and kept the play Interesting all the tame. For the Independents, Ted not Tir,lhhl that nririlHnnnl nnnluh. ment in the shape of being barred i Davenport was the shining light with 1 1 from the last game, may be decreed. It is to be hoped that, the coach will r' lent as the spectators want to see j the full strengh of both teams. Gridiron Notes l There was but one gamo in the r' t three cities Saturdav. Davennort. Mo- line and St. Ambrose being without arnes. H Kimball rianos WinQ! Such as the words No, All, Ball, Mamma, etc. If the word can be fourd in Webster's dictionary then it can be used if it is not found in Webster's dic tionary then it can NOT te used. List ot Prizes First $375 Sfcond $200 credit certificate. Third -$100 credit certificate. Fcurth $75 credit certificate. Fifth $62.50 credit certificate. Kimball Piano. Sixth $60 credit certificate. Seventh $52.50 certificate. E'ghtb $50 credit certificate. Ninth $25 gold coin. FILL OUT THIS BLANK Nam In full. P. O. Address Number of words submitted Do you own a piano Do you own pian0 player.... Do you own organ i M Bowlby's Music House 1 1ROQ Wnnr) Ave.. ROCK ISLAND. ILL. i Thorp hoa ttron inncMaiaKla tnlb- of a post season game between Mo-' , ' e lr ; line and West Aurora for the cham ' pionship title of Illinois exclusive of ; Cook county, but Manager Fairchilds of the Plow City team, persists that , that as far as he can see there will be no such contest. He ought to know. For the first time In many years ere will be only one contest in he three cities on Thanksgiving day. Moline and Davenport are to battle Browning field in Moline. Rock land's team goes to Macomb to meet e Normal school team and St. Am- rose college eleven winds up its sea- son in Dubuque where it plays St. Jos eph's college. f r th pjit Mi Apparently only one man Is op posed to scheduling a game between the high school teams of Rock Island Mid Moline and as that one is a mem ber of the Moline board of education, he counts pretty heavily. The stu dents of the schools, the patrons, and rooters and In fact everybody else is anxious for the teams to meet, as much to show that there is no fric tion as to see which is the better. Time to stop the petty stuff. long end runs which rarely failed to gain ground. E. Swanson and Kuehl, half backs for the Moline team, put up dandy games and were hard to stop while Seis at fullback was a bear on defense. MacManus, quarterback for the Independents, pulled off sev eral of his sensational broken field runs but neither counted In the scor ing. Just at the close of the second half he ran 40 yards on a fake kick formation and carried the. ball to with in a foot of goal. The whistle ended the half before it could be forced over. Towards 'ie close of the second another sensational run from a s ar formation but it was unavailiu Art Salzmann, at fullback, bucked ti line hard but found it like a stonewall most of the time. Cole- I man played a great defensive game at center and often museed up the op ponents' plays before they were start ed. The showing of the rest of the team was up to the standard. One of the prettiest plays of the day was a forward pass of fully 30 yards from MacManus to Swanson of the Inde pendents, the play netting a touch down after a short run. The pass was perfect, the Moliners failed in their efforts to block it, caught It, held it and raced over the line with no one to hinder. SPRING VALLEY SEXT. Between halves. Manager Joe Smith announced that next Sunday the In dependents will fight for the cham pionship of the state, the Spring Val ley. Ill.i team having finally accepted the challenge sent forth by the locals. The game will be played In Rock Is land and because of the unusual inter est which attaches to it, a big erowd is expected. Spring Valley, with a vet eran lineup, has a team which has walloped all opponents this year and the miners will come here with blood in their eyes and a close hard con test is an assured thing. Following is the lineup and sum- Murphy re Erlckson MacM-.nuB qb Peterson Robb lhb Kuehl Davenport rhb E. Swanson A. Salzmann .... fb Seis Summary: Substitutes Indepen dents, R. Salzman, Flannigan and Col lins. Touchdowns A, Salzmann, (2), Davenport, Swanson, Robb. Goals MacManus, (2). Time of quarters 10 minutes each. Referee R. D. Mac Manus. Umpire Nelson. Head lines man Johnston. AT THE EMPIRE. "Cheyenne Days," an act featuring Miss Lucille Mulhall, "queen of the plains," heads the new bill beginning today for the first half of the week at the Empire. There are seven peo ple and five bronchos in the produc tion, said to be an elaborate affair for a vaudeville stage. During the latter part of October Ted York, a member of the Yale varsity team, sustained slight injuries in, the Yale-West Point game. He was re moved to the Yale hospital, and, after apparently recovering from the foot ball injuries, was stricken with penu monia. He died Oct 31. In a signed statement Yale physicians lifted all blame for his death from football. Many school children suffer from constipation, which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham berlain's Stomach and Liber tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child for tney are mild and gentle in their effect and will cure even chronic con stipation. Sold by all druggists. (Advertisement.) AT THE MAJESTIC. The Majestic offers a new program beginning today and continuing w anson , , . , . D . lows: Armure uevme at iu., pifauui- ing "The Flying Dreadnaught," said 1 Btrictlv a nonstock event- to be a rare musical offering; Milam jtIon of whether or not the cars acta ally were stock machines is not con- as a result of technicalities which, de veloped during the "around Lake Mi chigan" tour of the Chicago Motor club last month. The Cpey-Mltchell Auto company, the Stutz Motor Car company, and the Staver Carriage company were the Chicago firms to draw penalties. The Moline Auto company of East Mo line, 111., was the fourth firm to draw firm from the A. A. A. officials. All four are barred from competing in contests sanctioned by tie A. A. A. un til the suspensions expired. Moline and Staver cars were the only machines to finish the tour with perfect records. Qus Monckmier pi loted a Staver through the five day trip without incurring a penalty and won the W. E. S'almaker trophy for the touring car class. Mollnes driv en by Joe Wicke and Frank Salisbury also made perfect scores, capturing the C. M. C. team trophy and winning equal right to the Morton J. Luce tro phy for the toy tonneau and roadster class. Violation of rule 75 of the contest rules is given as the reason for the suspension ot the Staver and Moline firms. The machines are said to have been advertised as "stock cars," while the rules forbid such advertising of i cars entered in a nonstock car tour, i The Chicago Motor club contest was ! The ques-: GETTING GREY EH OLD MAN AND BALD TOO. Looking twenty years older than you really are. Being made the laughing stock of your iriendi and the butt of their jokea "Cjld Age C1m" eimply because grey hair are to closely associated with old age. It is very humiliating to be grey and bald when your age doesn't justify either to be classed as a f'Has Been" and set aside by your young friends as too old for them to be turned down possibly, In your applica tion for that new position because a YOUNG-LOOKING MAN was WANTED. Get the best of the grey hairs don't let Jiem get the best of you. USE HAY'S HAIR HEALTH 11.00 and 50c at Drui Stores or direct apea receipt o( price and dealer's name. Send 10c for pmi Ha Snec Co., Newark. N. J. T. H. THOMAS CO.; W. T. HART2. and Alvin, in a comedy sketch, "Only a Joke"; the Dupas, classy dancers, and Fred Pero, comedy jumper and barrel jumper. Tbe Rock Island Independents, un disputed tri-city champs and conten ders for the state title, have made a remarkaele record this year under the able coaching of Dick Liitt, former high school star. The team was or ganized a month after the season had opened but the players had the goods and whipping them into shape , Roche It was no hard task. They started outiBudelier lg with victory and became stronger i Coleman c ILLINI CHAMPIONS OF CITY OF MOLINE By defeating the West Ends yester day at Browning field, Moline, the II lini won the title of city champions of Moline. The game was a hard fought one, as the close score, 12 to 7, indicates. Neither team was wry sidered in the penalty. The Coey-Mitchell and the Stutz manufacturers were placed under the ban for failing to report for the start and not notifying the referee of their intention to withdraw, after having signed the official entry blank for the tour. F M P 1 R F -L THEATRE Trl-Cltiea' Safeat Playhouse THREE DAYS ONLY Featuring Gus Hornbrook's "Broncho Busters" WITH LUCILLE MULHALL, America's Greatest RougH Rider, Presenting "CHEYENNE DAYS" K PHONE WEST 708. 2 KILLED, 183 INJURED 1912 TOLL OF GRIDIRON Chicago, Nov. 25. Twelve killed and 183 injured constitute the toll of each succeeding week until it has be- Smith rg come a difficulty to get teams that can give them any real opposition. Thus far they have never had to really exert themselves for an opponent has j never got within kicking distance of. their goal, while the Rock Islanders on the other hand have piled up a total of 205 points. successiui in carrying lue uau sun -l the dnrinir the paar,n r.f mary of yesterday's game between ! "ea,K" 01 lori"u T k 7 i The death list exceeds bv one those the Independents and the Moiine : Each, team made a touchdown by in-, " n ! ' Olympics: jterceptlng forward passes and running j ot 1308 and 1911, but continues small 20 yards or tnereaoouis 10 me goal 1 despite tne tact tnat rules lor line. The Illini made the winning! the college sport recall the old style ","- " " " ui DiunKiEK game. j the West Ends rumDied wnen attempt j ing to punt from behind his own goal ; line and an Illini player fell on the ball. ROCK ISLAND Behnamann .... le Swanson rt j All the t Aj-gua, Km MOLINE I . . Hendricks .... Johnson! W. Swanson Grell Foster Liedtke news aii tne ;ime The ! (tore Far Oraakeaaeas. Opiam, Kasphiae ana oiler Drsf Uuf , Cu Toeaccs Rilut aaat Nearutkeaia. THE KEELEY IKSTITUTE, DwiobC II. MOTOR FIRM IS PENALIZED Eaat Moline Concern One of Four to Draw A. A. A. Board Suspension. Chicago, Nov. 23. Four motor car companies, three of them Chicago firms, have been suspended until Juue 1 of next year by the contest board of the American Automobile association More injuries were reported this year than during 1911, which in a way may be charged to the new game, but the total is far from the record of 1903, with its list of 30 killed and ' 21S injured, or of 1910, when 22 suc cumbed and the injuries' mark reach-j ed 499. These were recorded under i the old rules, in force this season in a slightly modified form. Besidss the 12 deaths which were due directly to injuries received in football games, another death from pneumonia can be traced to the sport. ' MAJESTIC THEATRE THE HOME OF UNEQUALLED VAUDEVILLE. 10c 150 25c Arthur Lavine & Co. in The Flyins: Dreadnaught A Miniature Musical Coined? dancinqTdupars Milano and Alvin In their Laughable Comedy Sketch, ONLY A JOKE." FEED PEEO, Comedy Barrel Jumper and Juggler. 2,000 Feet Motion Plays. Ladles'Sllver"8poon Matinee Wednesday and Friday. Seats by phone West 9178