Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLiAND AHGUS. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1012. i 4 fi Artfu Branch Offices For the accommodation of Its patroni In various part of the city, The Ar(ui baa established a system of branch of flees, when subscriptions and want ad vertising may be received and any In formation left that may pertain to any department of tbo paper, news or bust lies It Is also planned to hare at each of these branch offices every evening a supply of copies of The Argus of the day. so that any subscriber who may have failed tinder any circumstances to receive his paper. wUl be supplied free ef eh area. The Argus chain of branch offices Includes the following: J. J. Klpp's notion tore 450C Fifth avenue. H. K. Howe's pharmacy. 4111 Four teenth avenue. Rtess drug store. Twenty-seventh etreet. Seventh avenue. JUemeyers drug store. Eleventh ave Bue. Flrteenth street. Oeorge W. Mlllhooae. confectionery. SOf Fourth avenue. Mrs. London's notion store. Seventh treet. Fourteenth avenue. Helmbeck's pharmacy, IIS Third ave nue 8engera grocery, 111 ' Eleventh treet Rodrt drus? store. Thirtieth street and Firth avenue. College pharmacy. Seventh avenue and Thirty-eighth street. Olson grocery. Thirteenth avenue and Thirtieth street Btalner drug store, corner Fifth ave nue and Twenty-third street rog mBirr- iotsbs. FOR RENT Five-room cottage; quire 140 Twenty-second street in- FOR RENT Modern eight-room house, centrally located. Phone west (97. FOR RENT Six-room house, all mod ern except furnace. Inquire 29 Sev enteenth street FOR RENT Eight-room house, strictly modern; 105 Nineteenth street In quire 401 Safety building. FOR RENT A seven-room modra house on Twelfth street. Inquire 1231 Twelfth street Phone west 284. FOR RENT Seven-room modern house at 122 Seventh street Inquire 21S Twentieth street Phone west 701-L FOR RENT All modern five-room cot tage at 1137 Twelfth street Inquire street or phone west 1109. FOR RENT Five-room house at 2."04 Ktghu-t-nth avenue. Inquire at 2Mo Fifth-and-a-half avenue. Phone west 958. FOR RENT Cottage at 2840 Eleventh-and-a-half avenue. Phone west 1240-K. Inquire at 250 Elevei.t h-aiid-a-liull avenue. FOR PAt.E Eight-room modern house at 912 Twenty-second street; corner lot 2Vi xl50; on easy ttrma. Inquire on premises. FOR RENT Half of double house six rooms, modern, at 1410 Firth-and-a-half avenue. Inquire 1427 tilxth ave nue, or phone west 13..3. FOR RENT Eight-room house In good condition, one-half acre cf ground, .fruit and chicken yard a, t02 Webb street. Inquire west 14H6-1". FOR RENT Half of double house, sev en rooms, with all mod'-rn conveni ences, at 1113 Klghth avenue. Phone west 1443-X. Max Taxman. FOR SALE Flve-rom house, nearly new; lot 44x290 feet; at Thirtieth Street an8 Nineteenth avenue. In quire Campbell, across the street FOR KENT Eight-room house; all modern; corner Fourteerith-and-a-half street and Sixteenth avenue. Ask litardsley & ISalley. 217 Eighteenth street or A. b. Shaw. 145u ill let nth street ITOH KENTFLAT FCR RENT Four or five-room modern flat at 1210 Third avenue. - Inquire wuh In. 1 FOR RENT Modern six-room apart--ment in Payne Flats, second floor; Janitor service. nqulre at Flat No. 1. "r phone west 7M-K. FOR RENT Two mo.lern flats; six room Mat; also flve-rwum tlut; on 'lwentielh and Twenty, lirft streets. Inquire luOl Twentleln street ran uicsi 2iscellan:oi.'s. FOR RENT A good 14-arre truck gar Men lu .boulh Kock laiand. inquire of W. L. Coyne, owner, 152 Fifth av enue. FOR RENT Modern two-story steam heated buiidiiiM, No. 31tt-ais-J.'u EujfUteenth street; desirable location; Item- used for aul'niohile garage. In quire of Clwrge F. Roth, owner, 74S 1 went) -third stieet INSSHAHCcs, FLEA8ANT r. COX steal estate and - Insurance. Loas a specialty. Lest lire oompanies represented. Your pat ronage solicited. Phones west 22. and new 6172. Office at court house. BENNETT'S lnsursnce Aaency Fire, life, accident health and plate glais; re&i eetate and loans. bocusil floor, Aafety building' Office pnouc, wvst Resiuenc phone 726-K. Open Wednesday and biturdny evenings. WE WILL BOND YOU Executrr ad ministrators, guardians', truateea' 01 any kind of judicial oond. lodges im! aovlely officer; city, state or U. a government officials; contractors, po sitions o f trust; In fact any kind -of bond you want (except ball bonds). Terms reasonable. Hayes at Cleave land, resident managers. Fidelity Lepostl ooiopany of Maryland. LOST AND ttOVnO. LOST Large memorandum book con taining addresses. Please return to A!Jl.k. LOST A green enameled gold chain1 and brooch, set with brilliants; prised : as heirloom. Liberal reward if re- : turned to Argus office. LOST In vicinity of Twenty-sixth street and Seventh avenue, pair nose glasses, in black rase. Reward If returned to Reiss drug store. LOUT A liberal reward for the return . of the papers that were stolen Oct. It, 1911. from the residence of Hans I Schrueder. 924 Twentieth street j LOST Sunday afternoon, black set pin with pearl center, betm een Seven- I teenth and If if teenth " streets, or I Eighth or Tenth avenues; valued as . keepsake. Leave at Argus ottice. Re- ! ward. ABSTRACTS or T1TLK ABSTRACTS of UUe prepared or con- tlaued to date covering any real es- tate in the county. Prompt and ac- curate service at reasonable rates Rock Is.and Title Abstract com- peny; i, j. Ingram, president; w. J. Sweeney, secretary; !u-Xwt, second tag. Rock Island. MIS.TIPLB ELECT HOLT SIS. MULTIPLE ELECTROLYSIS Superflu ous hairs on face and arms perma nently removed with one eo six needles; four to six hours' work in oue with six needles. Address Miss A M Kittrldge, Flat 1. Argyle Flata Brady street IMvenport old phone 11. CLAIHVOTAWT AXD PALMIST. MADAM KiREKAA can be consulted on ail affairs of life. She tells color of eyes and hair of your future hus band and rives names. Call and con suit her; 8 a. m. to 19 p. m.. da-Iy and eunaay. 419 West Third. Just -. X fumi. heii, Lva-reiuwrt. . . . TOR RKXT ROOMS, FOR RENT Modern furnished room at 1400 14 Third avenue. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms at 1127 Second avenue. Pbone No. W. 1220 K. FOR RKNT-Four rooms. modern, un furnished; reasonable; 130 Thirteenth street FOR RENT Furnished front 'room, modern conveniences; tit Fifteenth street, city. FOR RENT Furnished room in strict ly modern house, suitable for two, at 31Sa Fourth avenue. FOR RENT Modern newly furnished rooms, suitable for gentlemen; good location. Phone west lit. FOR RENT Suite of furnished light housekeeping rooms; laundry privi leges; at 527 Seventeenth street FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, desirable location, at 1520 Sixth avenue, convenient to car line. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on ground floor. Inquire at 1508 Fourth avenue. FOR RENT One large front room. with modern conveniences; use of phone. - Inquire 725 Nineteenth street FOR RENT Modern furnished room, sultabe for one or two gentlemen, at 1134 Second avenue. Phone west CfcS-X. FOR REST All modem, nicely fur nished front room. In family of two, at 121 Third avenue. Phone west 1222-X. FOR RENT Small modern furnished room, with board, for gentleman only; very reasonable; at 709 Twenty-aeo- ond street FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, with gas, .for li:ht house ketplng; no children; 546 Twenty fourth street FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms, with hot water heat; refer ences exchanged; gentlemen prefer red; at 1207 Fourth avenue. FOR RENT Two adjoining furnished rooms, furnace heat and electric light suitable for two persons: 921 tour- teentn-and-a-balf street Phone west K.S7-V FOR RENT Llfrht housekeeping rooms in private tamily; no objection to jrty with child; two blocks south of Kim-k IMarul aepol. .inquire oz Aiur-ty-f urth street. FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room In a mooern home, suitable tor one or two gentlemen; breakfast and supper If desired; references requir ed; 1O03 Second avenue. I'Oll.TRV, YOi: can't lose by buying Conkey's Lay ing Tunic: If your hens don't lay. you ret your money buck. For save by Owatonna Hour ec teed company. 2U10 Third avenue. 1 A FREAX OF NATURE. The Curious Vegetable Caterpillar of New Zealand. Among the many strange growth, apparently freaks of nature, which are to be found in New Zealand the vege table caterpillar readily ranks among the foremost. This caterpillar Is sev eral Inches in lenpth. Is hairless and does not differ essentially In appear ance from some of the caterpillars of our own land. It claim to distinction lies In the fact that when it pets ready to die it d!j.'s a hole for lfself in the earth and completely tmrles itself. Later a slen der preeu shout springs from the spot. This hears two or more leaTes near Its fop i- X'pon investigation it Is found that the preen shoot springs from the head of the dead caterpillar, and further In vestigation develops the fact that the body of the caterpillar Is filled with roots. The form is retained without change, and the roots do not pierce through the skin or enter the gronnd. When due up this dead yet livinc freak pre Mit a most odd appearance, for the hend and even the eyes cf the cater pillar are distinctly seen, yet from the hend is crowing the green sprout, with its leaves. "A Child Shall Lssd Thsm." It was in Boston. They were tin vine; a "difference." "After careful cogitation," said he. "I am firmly convinced that I dis played a deplorable lack -cf discern ment in choosing you as the partner of my Joys and sorrows." - "You are correct," said she, "and I am sure that I must have been suf fering under a mental aberration to have given an affirmative answer to your Impassioned pleading." "I have realized." said Bartholomew, the four-year-old progeny, as he step ped from the nursery "I have re al! red for several years that my pa rental affiliations were uncongenial, I might almost say distasteful. But I have deemed it my duty to continue as "the tie that binds.' Now I must in sist that unless you show to each other the courtesies due my Immediate an cestors I slmll be forced to repudiate my relationship." They embraced. Again a little child had won. Brooklyn Life. Psychology of Sleep. The psychology of sleep Is a vast and little explored subject Sleep deepens to trance, trance to death. Therefore In life, speaking somewhat paradoxi cally, sleep is most akin to death. Whether the spirit is parted from the body and goes long Journeys through space, or whether It ia in a state of one long dream, parts of which we are alone conscious of. Is a matter for the Bociety of Psychical Research. Yet many of us have dreamed things, seen things or even spoken and beard filings In sleep whlchwe have seen, heard or spoken later on In reality. We can I more or less follow the stages op to M , , " ; the final sleep of ail, but here we must j pause, and. with Hamlet, In Tain at- Jl, , , . , tempt to learn what lies beyond the Tell: "And in that Bleep of death, what dreams may comer Iondon Globe. A Matter ef Economy. 13 m wcy 00 you wish to nave running account at the department store?" asked the husband. "Do yon think it saves yon anything?" "Of course It does, you silly thing. Isnt that Just like a man! It save me more than yon can Imagine." an swered the wife in a breath. "But what does It save?" "Time. I don't hare to stop and ask the price of anything I waat te buy." Cleveland Plain Dealer. '1 All the news ail the time. The Argus. WANTED First class toolmakers. Rock Island Mfg. company.- WANTED Men and boys; steady work. Appiy nock island Bridge at iron works. Mill street - WANTED Carpenters; apply Henry W. Horst, Twenty - seventh street and Third avenue. Molina. WANTED Machine hands for lathes, milling machine and drills. Rock Island Mfg. company. WANTED Ten -or twelve men to do grubbing In patch of land. Apply 218 Ninth street South Rock Island. WANTED At onoe, young men, by Rock Island lines news service. Ap- Sly J. J. drier news s La-ad. Rock le wd station. WANTED Five solicitors for newspa per work; a good proposition for live men. Address W. H. Michael, Box 167, Waterloo. Iowa. WANTED Fifteen laborers at U. a boatyard. Milan, IlLj wages. 11.10 per day of eight hours; chances good for advancement Apply at canal bridge office, W-ANTED Three good salesmen to sell money-making article to local busi ness men; can make from S3 to $8 a day; experience unnecessary. Call at 222 Twentieth strset WANTED High school boys; here's some money for you; I have an offer on which you can make from tl to toO for a few days' work outside of school hours. Palmer Manufacturing company, 1522 Sacond avenue. WANTED Men to- learn barber trade; can qualify for position in fewweeks; wakes while learning; no previous experience necessary; sure of success witn us; tools given: catalogue mail ed tree. Moler Barber college, i;ni- cago. 111. WANTED A first class life lnsuranoe man. A zart v having sufficient ex- ferlence and success in selling old ine life insurance and capable of managing district adjacent to Rook Island, 111., and producing a satisfac tory volume of annual business can procure a permaent high grade con tract with renewals. References from former companies represented and surety bond required. ' rlt Mlchl- Ean Mutual Life Insurance company, etrolt Mich. WAATED MUCELLAH SOU B. WANTED An eight-room modern house to sell or trade for smaller house. Inquire at 625 Thirty-fifth street WANTED To buy, marine engine from two to four-horse power; must oe cheap. Address Box 65, Montpelier, Iowa. WANTED Young lady student wants to work In private nimie ror Doara and room. Call Brown's Business col lege; west 1974. WANTED Students to board. In a good home; pure water and car service to the city every" half hour. Address Lock Box 0804, Milan, 111. WANTED To purchase, five or six- room cottage, in gooa conaition ana in good neighborhood. Address Thomas Knight Flat A, No. 11, Loomis street, Chicago. 11 L WANTED To buy or rent 10 or 16 acres, with house and barn, in vicin ity of trl-cities. Address Charles Ulle-mey-er, real estate. Third avenue and Thirteenth street WANTED You to take free spinal ad justments at the American institute of Chiropractic, and get well. Every day, to 0 p. m.; 308-309 Safety building, Rock Island. WANTED By married couple, two or three nicely rurnlshed rooms ror ngnt housekeeping in vicinity of .Rock Is land depot; no children. Apply at 3082 Fifth avenue. Phone .west 1002. WANTED Your Jars to fill with the purest most delicious extracted hon ey you ever tasted; eight pounds for SI; a pound, 13 cents. We will call for your Jars. Phone 988. Kusch mann's grocery. WAKTES SITUATIONS. WANTED Position by elderly lady, as housekeeper. Inquire 2Z2 Seventh avenue. WANTED Situation by capable, prac tical nurse; expert masseuse, also manicurist Phone north 824. widower or bachelor preferred, tan west 85S-R1. WANTED Young man (20 years old). high school education and two years geueral ottice experience, ausires cler ical work with established firm offer ing opportunity for advancement Ad dress "H. 11.. ' 1123 Thirteenth ave nue, Moline, I1L WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents; highest cash paid weekly with part expenses; our new tlan a winner; outfit free; home ter ritory; best selling time now. Write the Hawks Nursery company, Wau watosa. Wis. CHIROPRACTIC. PHYSIOLOGICAL SPINAL ADJUST MENTS given in your home, private. by expert adjuster. Address p. u. Box 435. Rock Island, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. I JoBam Vols & Co, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDKRsV Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds and stairs. Interior nnisn cf all klnda Hardwood veneer tiorrlnsr and deal ers in Glass. Ill and 12 Eighteenth street. 00OOOOCXX3OOCXXXXXWOOOOOOOO Thanksgiving Dinner Select your ice creams, Ices and fancy cakes for your Thanks, giving dinner now. Do not wait until the last. ICE CREAMS. Vanilla, strawberry. New. York, maple nut, chocolate, pistachio, bisque, . tutti frutti, lemon, orange, pine apple, cherry, va nilla nut. Individual turkeya and chrysanthemums. ICE8. Lemon, orange, pine apple and cranberry. CAKES AND PASTRY. Fruit cake, angel food, mocha cakes, lady fingers, macaroons, kisses, sultana cakes, white Blicea, paHi shells, etc. MATH'S 17ie171S Beco i I Arcane. Rmm We J5&. ORDER EARLY as U gives as ample - time to serve you promptly. 4MB juuor. WANTED Girls, at W. L. Gansert'a candy factory. WANTED Girl to do general house work at 1524 Ninth avenue. WANTED Girl to do- general house work; 909 Twentieth street WANTED Colored woman to assist with housework at 503 Third avenue. WANTED An experienced girl; 184$ Twenty-second street Phone west 1124. WANTED A. woman to d washing on Mondays. Apply 909 Twenty-third street WANTED Young girl to assist with housework at 725 Nineteenth street Phone west 819-T. WANTED Girl to do genera lhouBe work; good wages; no washing; at 1021 Twenty-first street WANTED Girl to do general house work at 820 Nineteenth street; good wagss; three grown people In fam ily. WANTED Good, competent house keeper; good wages to right party. Inquire 130 Third avenue, Moline, be tween 6 and 7 p. m. WANTED A middle aged or elderly companionable womau to assist with light housekeeping in family of two, and answer telephone; no washing; good home for right person. Address, with references, "A. B. C," care Ar gus. WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED A few men and women ex- nortenced solicitors for trl-cities, newspaper and magaxine solicitors preferred. Call at 1003 Tenth avenue, after 4 p. m. PROFESSIONAL A TTORJIUTt, torneys-at-law. Office in Rock Island National bank building. KEARLE A MARSHALL. Lawyers. Money to loan on good real estate security. Rooms. 302 and 301 Safety building. Rock Island; III WILLIAM M. WALKER Attorney; general law business; corporation. probate and real estate law; 811 peo ple's bank building. Phone west 349. WALKER. INGRAM & SWEENEY At torneys and counselors at law. Money to loan on real estate. Rooms 200- 203, People's National bank building. McENlRY & McENlRY Attorneys-at law. Loan money on good security; make collections. References, Mitch ell & Lynde. bankers. Office. Mitchell & Lynde building. ladies; TAILOR AXD MAKER. DHESS- O. H. GHABBR. Established 1902. Phone 733. Smart tailored suits and gowns for all occasions. Exclusive and original de signs. Advanced styles ana pertect nt guaranteed. Fancy dressmaking and tailoring ULUJfUU .v r i 1 i y uucu. So. Putnam Dunuing. uavenport. ia. GASOLINE TANKS AND PUMPS. BOWSER underground outfits from 920 and up (Buu.uuu in use), v. ai. tims, land. 111. Phone west 2031. N. B. agent lollH Third avenue. Rock la Bury your gasoline: it's safe- COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS MADE Hard accounts and claims collected. Wll.iam M. Walker, lawyer, 311 People's bank FLORISTS- HENRY OAETHJE Proprietor Chlp- Siannock nursery. Cut flowers and eslgns of all kinds. City store, 1607 Second avenue. Pbone 1110. LEGAL. Notice of Final Settlement. Estate of John Nelson, deceased. Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Magnus Peterson, has this day filed his final report and settlement as such In the probate court of Rock Island county, and hearing on said re port has been set for December 5. 1912. at 9 o'clock a. m., at which time per sons Interested may appear and mnke objections thereto-, and if no objections are filed, said report will be approved at that time, and the undersigned will ask for an order of distribution, and will also ask to he discharged. Rock Island. 111., Nov. 12. 1912. MAGNUS PETERSON. Executor. Jackson, Hurst & Stafford, attorneys. Notice If Final Settlement. Estate of Edmund Murphy, deceased. Public notice Is hereby (riven that the undersigned. Elizabeth C. Schmitt ad ministratrix of the estate of Edmund Murphy, deceased, has this day filed her final report and settlement as such in the probate court of Rock Island coun ty, and hearing on said report lias been set for December, 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m., at which time persons interested may appear and make objections there to, and U no objections are filed, said report will be approved at that time. and the undersigned will ask for an order of distribution, and will also ask to be discharged. Rock Island. III., Xov. 12. 1912. MRS. ELIZABETH C. SCHMITT, Administratrix. Legal Notice, Fred W. Potter. Superintendent of Insurance of the State of Illinois. I Northern Life Insurance Company of Illinois. Public notice is hereby given of an ! order entered in the circuit court of Sangamon county, at the November term, directing that all claims against the receiver in the above entitledscause, ' be filed In this court by proper Inter vening petition, on or before the first day of March. A. D. 1913, and that the receiver, on or before the first day of April, A. D. 1913. by proper and suffi cient answer, designate what claims the receiver desires to contest: that all such contested claims are hereby refer red to the master in chancery for the pur pose of taking evldencs, reporting his findings of the facts thereupon to the court. 6pringfleld. 111.. ov. 15, 1912. SANGAMON LOAN & TRUST CO., Receiver for the Northern Life Insur ance Company of Illinois. ExveutorJs Notice. Estate of Fred O. Gall, deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed executrix of the last will and testament of Fred O. Gall, late of the county of Rork Island, state of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the Hon. Benjamin Bell, Judge of the probate court of Rock 1 Island county, at the probate court i room, in the city of Rock Island, at the 1 April term, on the first Monday in April' next at which time all persons having ' claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose j of having the same adjusted. Ail per- 1 sons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment to the ! undersigned. Dated this 13th day of November, A, D. 1912. LOUISA GALL, Executrix. Jackson. Hurst & Stafford, attorneys. Exeesrtora Motle. Estaterof John IL Zoi'.ner. deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed executrix of the last will and testament of John H. Zollner, late of the county of Rock Island, state of Illi nois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the Hon. Ben jamin Bell. Judge of the probate court of Rock Island county, at the probate court room. In the city 01 ttock island. I at the December. 1912. term, on the I first Monday in December next at which I time all persona having claims against I aid estate are notified and requested to i attend for the purpose of having the -fcama adjusted. All persons indebted to ' said estate are requested to make im- ! taeolate payment to the undersigned. Dated 15th day of October. A D. lsll , (WAJrr. MARY ZOLLNER, Executrix. 1 rOR SALE CITT FROPESTT. FOR SALE One of the finest pieces of residence property in tne city; a gnat sacrifice. Reldy Bros. FOR SALE New modern six-room house at 141S Forty-first street; cheap If taken at once. FOR SALE: Small property. 1E01 Thlr- ty-rourtn street inquire u, uoynton, Thirty-fourth street and Fifteenth avenue. FOR SALE Six-room cottage and two iota, with fruit; owner leaving city. Apply to IT. Q. Simpson, 101s Thir teenth avenue. FOR SALE Good built eight-room house; city water, gas and sewer; cor ner lot 52x150; 101 Thirty-fifth street Rock Island. 11L FOR SALE Cheap. In Acme addition. Moline. seven lots 40x120; for terms inquire at 1421 Sixth avenue. Rock Is land, or phone west 1912. FOR BALE Lots in Island View Heights addition; finest in the city; ask for prices and terms. C & McDaniel. (01 Safety buUdtng, Rock Island. FOR SALE Reldy Bros.have a good selection of residence property at very reasonable prices; also some good Investments. Call and sea them. - FOR SALE Cheap. 17 lots lying on aixieenin, seventeenth and Elgnteentn streets; 40x120; for terms Inquire at 8423 Sixth avenue, or phone west 112. FOR SALE Seven and a half acres of ground in Milan; also eight-room house and lot at SIS Twenty-second street city. Address "Owner," care Argua. FOR SALE: Good building lot In Lin coln court: f acinar Seventeenth street: 120 feet deep. 45 feet front 62 Vs feet middle. 7 s feet rear. Phone West 77 i-tt tun sale Modern house, six rooms and hall, in SUvls; rents for 120 a month; price $2,600, 21.600 In cash. balance in two years' time. Phone west ills. FOR SALS Lots In itrhMiitrmannii flrth addition. Seventh street and Fifteenth avenue: payments 16 per month .au 1 uu tuxw street. Ula west list. puone FOR SALE Cheap, seven-room house; has hot water heat, modern in every . respect; cement walk; corner lot; owner non-resident H. A. Luplow, Rochelie. 111. FOR SALE Seven-room 'house, with Its acres of ground, with well and cistern; looated one block from car line; will sacrifice it sold before Sept 10. Address "a Q. 8.." care Argua FOR SALE Cheap, a nve-room house, witr furnace, gas light and sewer; large lot cement walks; one block from Long View park; a paying in vestment; owner non-resident Ad dress "L. M. 60 care Argus. i OR 8 ALE Lota In South Heights, south of Aiken street between Twelfth and Seventeenth streets; on easy terms; $25 down, balance In five years. E. W. Robinson, 1454 Rich mond street Phone west 1145-K. FOR BALE At a oargam if taken at once, a modern eight-room house. cemrciiy locaiea ana near all car lines; hot water heat gas, electric iigm; sot 6UX14U. or particulars ad dress '" care Argus, or call west MI SCELLAJIEOCS. IF YOU WANT to buy. selL trade or rent anything, engage help or secure a situation, the Mail and Journal is the only paper in Moline that can do it for you. Mail and Journal wants are popular, and Mail and Journal vi ants bring results . One-half cent per word is the Drice to all antra cash in advance; two-cent stamps will do. Evening and Saturday Mull and Journal. Moline, IL. ILLINOIS CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS SION. Stenographer, Grade I Salary, $50 to $7a. The Illinois Civil Service Commission will hold examination for stenographer, irrade I, o-n Saturday, Dec. 14, 1912, at Sterling. Oppotunity for capable stenagraphers to feet into state service and in line for promotion to higher grade stenographic positions paying up to $100 a month. Applications must be on file by Dec. 9, 1912. Address W. R. RoblnBOn, chief exam iner, 6prlngfleld, 111. FEES Plan The T HE "17-Cents-a-Day" Plan of purchasing the Oli ver Typewriter means more than promoting sales of this wonderful writing machine. This plan is a positive and powerful factor in pro moting the success of all who avail themselves of its benefits. -It means that this company ig giving practical assistance to earnest people everywhere by supplying them for pennies with the best typewriter in the world. The "lT-Centa-a-Day" Plan Is directly In line with the pres ent day movement to substitute typewriting for handwriting In business correspondence. Ownership ol the Oliver Typewriter Is fast becoming one of the esf entlals of success. "17 Cents a Day" and The The Standard Visible Writer. There is no patent on the "17-CenU-a-Day" pur chase plan. We Invented it and presented It to tne public, with our compliments. The "17-CentE-a-Day" plan leaves no excuse for writing in primitive longhand. We have made It so easy to own the Oliver Typewriter that there's no need even to rent one. Just say "ll-Cents-a-Day" save your pennies and Boon the machine Is yours. The Oliver Typewriter ia selling by thousands for 17 cents a day. When even the school children are buying ms chines on this simple, practical plan, don't you think it Is time for you to get an Oliver Type writer T 17c a Day Buys Newest Model We sell the new Oliver typewriter No. S for 17 cents a day. We gaurantee our No. S to be absolutely onr best modeL The same machine that the great corporations use. Their dollars cannot buy a better machine than you can get for pennies. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY 315 Brady St., Davenport LODOS OTJUKTTOBT. TRIO LODGE NO. 57, A. F. A A. It- TRIO ix A' Meets In stated communication the first Thursday of eaoh month at. 7:S0 p. m. Special Nov. 11. at 1:10 n. m.. for work on M. M. degree. Supper at :10 at 8 p. mM Past Masters' night By order of Carl ton O. Taylor. W. M.i William B. Pet tit secretary.- FOR SALE LA1TOS. FOR SALE 200-acre farm, three miles west of Milan; one of the best farms in Rock Island county. See Reldy Bros, tor particulars. FOR SALE 160 acres North Dakota grain farm, to exchange for city prop erty. "Address W. A. Wllllts, New Boston, I1L R. F. D. 1. FOR SALE 171 acres, 14 miles east of Mediapolla, lowa; 15 miles north of Burlington; running water: 2175 an acre. David Blair, Medlapolls, Iowa; Rout 4. FOR SALE 640 aores Improved farm, at Elbow, Saskatchewan, western Canada; 600 acres broke; buildings, well, pastured; easy terms. Dr. A. C Hammett 4200 Jxving Park boule vard. Chicago. FOR SALE: Nine acre tracts, pronounc ed experts from the state university as of the best East of Milan on the gov ernment road. Will be sold on easy terms. Inquire of S. J, Ferguson, county superintendent of schools, or James CJ. Brltton at the Rock Island House. FOR SALE 80 acres of good black land, all tillable, 1ft miles from Wilton, Iowa; seven-room house, large barn, double corn crib; all the buildings are new, built thla year: on the river-to-river road; price $180 per acre. Call or address Oldlus Thede company, Wilton Junction, Iowa. FOR SALE Eight-acre farm, with eight-room house, big barn, shed. Ice house, two wells, good cellars under house. 600 grape plants, 80 fruit trees; good place for chicken raising; one half mile south of Eighteenth avenue on Twenty-seventh street Inquire- at 1601 Thirty-fifth street Rook Island. UL FOR SALE 200 acres, one mile from Wilton Junction, Iowa; large b-ase,-ment barn, new corn crib, good dou ble house, well Improved water sys tem, etc; all A 1 good black land, well tiled; price $180 per acre; $10,000 will awing the deal; balance terms. Gldlus Thede company. Wilton Junc tion. Iowa. FOR SALE 170-acre Missouri farm for sale This farm Is located H miles from Ewlng, Mo., 18 miles from the city of Qulncy. 111., and 26 miles south of the Iowa line; good six-room house. good barn with room for 17 head of horses; sheds and other out-bulld-lngs; good spring and wells; soil Is good black loam; 80 acres growing wheat now on farm: price $62.60 per rr: nossesslon Klven at any time; will leave 17.000 on farm, for five years at 5 per cent Interest if so de aired. Call on Miles McNally, Ewlng, Mo. FOR SALE The bright spot of the Pecos valley; you have heard of the Pecos valley of Texas; you should Vnnw about Barstow. its largest alfal fa shipping point; one thousand cars of alfalfa, fifteen cars of seed, and nn thAntnnii hales of cotton: Over $300,000 worth; alfalfa farms properly handled and watered pay $40 per onra anil un above all exnenses: send for statement of responsible men who iiovo hnn farmtnir hers 6 to 30 years; see what they say; new reservoir in, sight; lands must aouoie in vaius. Improved and unimproved lands on very reasonable terms. Marvin Rein hardt Barstow, Texas. EXPRESS AND STORAGE. RELIABLE STORAGE On flrat floor; wagon covers, etc Tents for rent; also manufacturer of awnings, tents. Roessler & Co- 109 Fifteenth street PIANO STORAGE, with heat In winter; entire second floor of our store build ing, devoted to storing of pianos; no dampness or cold to creek the var nish. Best place in the trl-cltlaa. Bowlby Music store. SWEDISH HOTGHEK T. SWEDISH MOVEMENT Miss A. Eln arsen, graduated Swedish masseuse, gives treatment In private homes. Phone west 839-L. Address 618 Thirty-ninth street That Promotes Success Divorces Free Of Charge Now Is the time to make your get away and divorce yourself from those high rate loan companies. We don't wish to marry 70a bat when It comes to making loans on furniture, pianos, live stock, storage receipts, diamonds. Jewelry and sal ary, we simply have no competition. Step In or call us up and our agent will call at your house, private to a finish. 304 Best Building Phone West 177. CUT R5TE LOAN CO. FOB SAL1 -XISdCLLAXKOtTS. FOR SALE Folding go-cart; pbone 1S46-Y. FOR SALE Fine bred pupplest sail west is. FOR SALE Speedy road mare; phone west 766-l; 710 Twelfth street. FOR SALE Cheap, second hand eoal wagons; 1401 Second avenue. EL B. McKown. FOR SALE Cheap, mahogany three- piece pa nor set almost new, at su Twentieth street FOR SALE Extra fine strained honey. In 6, 10 and 60 pound cans; 609 Forty second street Phone west 751-X. FOR SALE A six-burner Riverside steel ran-e, good as new, cheap if taken at once; 624 Thirty-sixth street FOR SALE Cheap. No. 16 soft eoal heater, almost new. Address Box 4S8. Rock Island, or call at 614 Eleventh street FOR SALE A Moore air-tight heater. In fine condition: price 110. Phone west 1671-L F. W. Fossell. 711 Thirty-fifth street FOR SALE Automobile: flve-passen-ger, fore-door touring car, fully equipped; fine shape. $576. W. H. Drrlggs. Phone 118. Molina . FOR SALE A grocery store, doing a good cash business, to good locality; party leaving city. Address C. Johns, general delivery. Rock Island. FOR SAL One almost power Kewanee boiler; new S-horse also one 4- horse power steam engine. Address F. 11. Petersen, Thirty-eighth street road. FOR SALE At a bargain, stock and fixtures of a grocery, confectionery and school book store, in choice cen tral location. Inquire of J. W. Stew art agent 81 Safety building. FOR SALE: One four-burner gas range, one gas heater and one Richmond electric vacuum cleaner; all In first class condition; will be sold cheap. Inquire at 1426 Second avenue. FOR SALE $1,400 cash buys the best advertised duplicate letter shop In lowa; low rent fine location; a little gold mine to right party: other busi ness reason for selling. Address P. O. Box 268. Waterloo, Iowa. The Oliver typewriter No. 5 has many great con veniences not found on other machines. We even sapuly it equipped to write the wondet ful new PR1NTYPK for 17 cents s day. 1 Make the Machine Pay Its Cost The Oliver typewriter Is a money making ma chine. It helps "big business" pile ap huge profits. Tens of thousands of people rely on The Oliver typewriter for their very bread and butter. A small first payment puts the machine la your possession. Then you can make it earn the money to meet the little payments. If you are running a business of your own, use The Oliver typewriter and make the bualneas grow. If you want to get a start In business, use The Oliver typewriter aa a battering ram to force your way in! The ability tooperate The Oliver typewriter laplao ing young people in good positions every day. Get The Oliver typewriter on the "17 cents a day" plan it will help you win success. Ask About "The Easy Way' to secure the newest model Oliver typewriter No. f . The 'Art catalog and full particulars of the "17 cents day" purchase plan will be sent promptly on re quest. Address (