Newspaper Page Text
-tv- THE ROCK ISLAND AHGTJS, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1912. 11 Smart Clothes (i 63QWB1, Miss&s t, Girls Pe51 I I mn Li Lit oinuu ouijw ' Suits at $9.98 As a final opportuni ty for you to obtain an extraordinary suit, we have roupf-l some rare t values up to lG.'i and priced tliomat I.US. All wool pertres, hard finish ed vorsteds and nobby mixtures, plain and fff if f MM ' tTMmntr.rl ' ;V'i f'irable rill'.; . ' M or two H1; Eat F WM' I i fir . i SPECIAL Fur Sets Tit-nut If til Freir-h ('or, 'v fur rtM with fatvy shawl, lined with good rjuality .".;! in, larire fanry niuf I" match SIIXIAL '.Oa. . ; Ij; : I Serge Dretaes, All Colors 6.98 A FRIEfKIJ MEED Just a Cit of Life ns It Cropped Cut on a Railway Train. " liw.f.ff l:r:r :in.vlhi:is mwr fl ' V jilii:it 'tn:nV t ( 1 1 1 1 : T 1 1 . 1 1 i T tu ii:i:i.' " s;ii, : rrm iiVnre i-i!iz-ii tlio titlirr iln.v, "J n il iviiiinili'i! nf a linh-Ini'lil-sil. I u::s I'Hiiim li;uM; frmi! Ivistnti wi!li ii Irii'i'.d i:i Hie iriiilaiu it train, .uul. cllh:u on Ixmrd :it ;!. l:.nk liny sialic:., we fi::ml a se:it lu-iir llif r"ir ml nf nr. "Simiii ;if!fr Ihf li'.'iin 1'iilii'il ;it I liMipi-i:i'i tu lix'k :in.iii:i! iiikI saw tlic i ollilin :n- ii;i;m i-t!' Ir (kji'istlll.iiili); villi M rMiiiT sl:i!i!iy io'ikin;: Mi'i i;ncu ol luiiiiaiiiiy wn uiir. sii:ini m ll.i last fat. At IV.t I t!nii;i!it tin Plan vun ilnink. Imt n I v. xl. !ii' I s.i tlisil lu- :is :i fiin-iuiiiT vim ri'itlilti't HiKlcrstiioi) I'.nlisli. w;i-i Imliliur .til n i-rii :i ii:'fil oiih elm i:i r liiil In tKf ruiiiliii tur st ii I s'iyii) 'New York' ivor nml ovi-r iiii In. " l-'iii.i 1 1 v tlio condintur rlni(ik bin head, sai'l ttuiuri 'liiii; I !-m!lu't --i t - ll niiil vent am Tlif furi'iKii'T. li rii'lict tltvent IimiL.iik yonn fi-llrw. 't , U i in m iri ii l,:.v. Ilii-ii l'iirii'l hi. fai-e lu bl lutii'l.-i nml l'c.;an to t ry. lUe usual :.Uus ii i!!..cnv:' if tlie trnveilt! n:l'llr to t!i- tronhli-s of :my uue v'.e. I -.iiil n: n:uri iittcnt.ou tu tliu man niiil pt'i';:' lo t:!ki' a in;. "I was Just I u-ut nuiiii; to v.!'.r:i I tecunii' iiware f 1 ti: r n i:ian w;is i-liiinl Ih-nIUu nit in tiio nisle. sii',iUiiir to ii i e. I bnt ti; lKki'rl lit liiui. la' Viis a niL4;!i ii)i:;rii! tn:in. far fioui iri'jKvsspssitiL'. il.'i.n kIuivi'ii, v.itli a Kort of luiliil" fiif . ' "Sil.v. units.' In' Ixviui. '1 wunt to know If yon ould i't like to liflj n t I ltr out. "I KUnVniMl instinct I vf'y, (lctfni'iiicd to rof'W" U-t liiui ii.ii.l.e.a -tom li. This Should Keep The Baby Healthy When It 13 111 Don't Eeconao : Alarmed, but Give This I Ifine Laxative. j It in often difficult to tell Just what : Is the matter with a cryins. n-.'vb.u I baby or child too vouiir to oxtrcss1 lis foellass in wcrds. but ltd a scaer. 1 ' ride the mother will find that tii-ie': 1 a tendency to constipation, whi. li ! has brought on a headache or i:cr-i oiisiioti. The little one has no vu.r., ' feels "out of aorta." The first thin to try is a fatnily , ronu'dy containing Rood but mild lax a'ive properties, and maiiy mothers U1 say that their choice would te i It. Caldwell's Syrup 1'opsln. Thou sands of mothers keep It In the house j f..r such emergencies, among whom nsy he mentioned Mrs. Jennie .Man uel mother of Masttr Manuel. Aitn nont. 111., and Mrs. Lewis Huff, rowBg'.ac, Mich. They and others ; are glad to say that Syrup Pepsin ; atved them many an Illness and many a large doctor bill, for by adminis tering It promptly. nhin t'r.e ilrp symptoms of Illness were noticed prevented a serious ailment. It is so pleasant-tasting that no child will refuse it, and as it does not nre, the child is glad o take' it aj.ain. A bottle can be obtained of any diujiglst for fifty rents or one dollar, the latter being thij size bought by families alrtady familiar with its mer its. Syrup Pepsin Is for all the family f'em infancy to old a so, and because C Its mildness families should premier It over ail other remedies. It is also- $12 Caracul Cloth Coats . 5.9S All the wanted styles la practically ell sizes for misses, juniors and wom en. At our remarkably low price you cannot afford to wait if you need a serviceable, stylish coal get one for ThaLkESivini 5.93. av v j Tr.-.ilrs nil A... t.s3-&J. color s, only on'; oi e ill Charmeuse Silk Dresses, colors, 5.98. Tli.-ri--. !; tin :. tli i: i.l. ; Willi a poor voihim fo'-(jjnir l i- v. cut 'in with .i jerk of towaril t!i iilien. still sit iiuaciI i";ul. niiil lie's up lux tin; :is::'Int It fur fair, lie rrtn't spciik a word of I-::iu:i---!i. and lie wants to Ro to New York. "!ieiv lie liu.s frit'tnls. ''I'c C't (lie i lea .'.iiru'liow lie conI6 i do it for ;; ii l!iir. aii lie's trot: Hut. of i coiir.e. lie can't.' anil tl.ey're i;oiii to j fail lii'u off t! f (rain when we jiet to j I'roviilcni-e. It's mislity h:iril on :i fcl- ! ler like !i;:v.. an I tliere :iln't any te!:- ln what'll l:.iciisi to li'm sfettriy 'lt off In a stra fe i i'y at 1 o'clock i!i the i tin. riling. I i ! i i -! ; t inajl.e you'd lie! willinjr to irivc a little to hc! bin) ' IHlol ' "He stii;cd. looked ns straight in the eve ami smileil Mieenishly ns if he j Were ashamed of what he was (loins. We kiivi' l iin a,d'i!!ir. lie vent on j tliroii'jh the atnl tln-fe ! few of ! the tn.-.sei:crs wlm ciilu't respond to i the iiiijicjii lie c.i:i!e liack coinititi ' the money, an 1 as he jot to our seat I j heard him say : ! 'There's a lioUa more needed I'll make it up myself:' and he pulled out u couple of 1:1 1 v cent pieces and r.dded 1 them to the an. mini. "The conduct, r and the hrakenian ' wele Ktandh' at the door of the car near the fcrc.tu'l's sent. j "'Here.' saiil the iii.iii who lil ted i lie tnoliex to lhc alien; had col i e me your d.d ar. "Dninlily. hut trustingly, the voting fellow n.'!id,d ii over. ami. ivinji it to !,e "ii.! :i tcr .villi the rct. the hull do n:aii s;i I tri.'lly : 'Til de's !i; fare." "It slow ly dawtied on t!;e nlie'i what litul heea d"iie for l.ini. a I'd as the con (li. .r i ;: iu',l Tic i. '..ate check and liiinde.l it to hiai the (.'!:,( it ude in his. fa io v as ::. -. i i! a :: lie cciildn't Fpcak. I. t:t he t'k his i-ap o:T and iMiwed i::-:i:u itn l :ii:a!:i to the o'hi lal. I.ut the t.-.ttcr 'i-ited to tile iilsseliiier nil ) was tM'.-.- ;n his seat across the liislc and t.'al the yotit.i that he na the on.- " i It -.'': 5. - r..-. - L MASTER MANUEL. lutely safe and reliable. You will never again give cathartics, pills, sails o.' sucli harth physics, for they are Ufually ttd in the ras yCf children, women and elderly people 'are a treat shock to the system and hence phou'.d te avoided. If in nv-tnber of your family has , eer used ?yrup Tcpsin and you would , l;ke to make a per.-onal trial of it be-' ft re buylns it in the repular way of a ' diucf;ist. send yoi r address a postal Till do to rr V. B. Caldwell, 413 Wahinptor. St., Monttofllo, III, and : a free sample VioUle will be maijed ' yt u. Kesuits ar'- r.!'sys Ruarantcf-d or money wiil be re.'unded. (Adver 4,, '.f THE final two days of our "Seven Days of Thanksgiving Specials" will see a greater interest than ever, shown by all keen shoppers in and about the Tri-Citres in this store. The illustrations shown here are exact and picture the garments you will find here during these final two days. Come and share in the SPECIALS which are offered you at 'The Store with a Conscience-GROSSMAN'S Waists Note the attractive model pictured here, these waists are rare values at even 3 to $3.50. Lingerie trimmed with lace and embroidery high col lars and long sleeves, many different styles, all new SPECIAL 1.98. All Alterations Free all .oe rcreiner crossed the aisle til! be stood squarely in front of his bene factor, took off his cap and. with tears of trratitude in his eyes, bowed ajrain and ajrain It was evident enough that the benefactor was embarrassed ,y this unexpected outburst. At first be waved his h:i'Ml around the enr to iniii cate thiit everyhotlv litul bad a liund In It. But be couldn't iimiie the foreigner understand. 'J'lie lattfi kept on bow iliK. whereupon the nt-comfortable in dividual In the sent f-T'inted and turn ed to look out or the whitlow. "I have never situ." (included the ma!) .who was telling the story, "a kiudlier if I wciv a u'irl I should say n sv.eeter- act of charity in my life. Sit ting across the aisle, this hard faced man had heard the story of :i)e for eigner, helpless, alone and IrijrhTcned, and out of pure goodness of heart, without iinv necessity for dnini: it. he bad taken upon lilmself the miniate! r. I task of M-lh-iti!" money from the rest of the people in that car to help oui a nan he'd never seen before and would probably never see aj;alll " Providence Journal. HAWAII'S VOLCANIC IKFERNO. A Peep Into Kiiauea'a Lake of Brim ston and Fir. l'il.nuea, iu Hawaii. Is a round, ex tinit crater about three miles across and 700 or rfOtl feet deep. It has lieen' the scene of terrltic explosions m past apes, but it has now dw'dlcd to the : small active crater of .T.,leiiiauni;ni. which la sunk near the middle of it ! like a ht'.'e pot, 2() or more feet deep j m.d 1.0IX) feet across. In the laiilaftenioon a party of eiuht of ten of us on horseback set out to , vi-lt the volcano. The trail led down j the broken and shelving side of the rater. amid trees and bushes, till It struck the floor of lava at the bottom. course took us out over the cracked. and contorted lava beds, whern no preen tlila;; was growing. Thc forms of the lava Bow suppested mailed and wtlthinp drapous, will) j horrid, paplnp mouths ami vicious -laws. The lava cruncher beneath the horses' feet like shelly and brittle ice. At one point we passed over a wide, ja jped crack on a bridge. As we neared the crater thi; rocks prew warm and sulphur r.nd other fumes streaked the bir. When half a mile from the crater we dismounted and. leavlr.p our horses in charpe of the pulda. proceeded on. foot . over the crocked un.l heated lava rocks j toward the brink of this veritable ilevil's caldroiu. The sulphur funics j are so suffocating that it can be ai I proached ouly on the windward side The first planee into that fearful i;t U all that your Imagination can picture it Tou look upon the traditional lake of brimstone nud tire, and if devils were to appear sklppinc about over the surface with pitchforks, turnlnp their vlctium as the cook turns her fryinp crullers lu the sputtering fat. it would not lunch surprise you. This li juid is rather thick and viscid, bnt it is boll lnp furiously. ireat masses of It are thrown up forty or tlfry feet and fall with crash like that of the surf upon the shore. The mass of boiling lava is said to be about one atid one-Lnlf acres in extent. Its surface Is covered with larpe masses of floating crust, black and smooth, like leather or roofing paper, and te tween these masses, or islands, the molten lava shows la broad, vivid lines. It is never quiet. looking upon this scene with tb? thought of the traditional lake of tire and brimstone of our forefathers in mind, you would say that these Mark, fillby locking masses floating about ou the surface were the accumulation of all the bad s?utr that bud l.oeii fritd out of the poor sinners since bell was Invented. How much wickedness and uncharity and evil thought it wo".M represent! If the poor victims were clarified and made purer by the aroc - Lingerie Waists, 1.93. GOVERNMENT REGARDS M'MANIGAL'5 TESTIMONY AS MOST DAMAGING TO DE FENDANTS IN "DYNAMITE CONSPIRACY" CASE AT INDIANAPOLIS; JURY TIRES j pli Indianapolis. District Attorney Charles v . Miller and his associates feci that they have scored heavily in the ca?! a:ias( tlio alleged "dyna mite conspii at. !!" by the testimony of Oitio McMani.;:l. All last week Mc .Aianigal toA 10 tell the jury of dynijf n.'.tins jobb ho had dono in different parts of the country for several years piior to and imduding 1010. lie im t.iitatcd iiir.riy of the lulf hundred de in the ca?,'ia addition to the tvo iC?Ilara Irotiu-rs. Day after cry ho mounted t'ls witness stand in V:i federal court, and related in great detail the story of how ho had de stroyed proi erty valued at hundreds of ess. then it wtv.iid. seem worth while. John Burroughs in Century. i. Helping the Books. Persons about to install new libra-, rles or tlii-o who tiad their books in bad condi: i :i! he glad of the ad vize o.'fcred oa this s-ubjeet by a writer Egg Eozema Zcmo Csrza Went Cisc3 and Is Wonder for U.cry Form of Got tat 5-Cnt lri.i Scttla Today. The positive proofs that ZEMO enrt ny end all forr.s of gkln n (711c Hons have groused tlj cornraanUy. The wonderful way la wlileh raw, fiery eczema quickly brls Ly the m&elo toucb of ZEMO Is marvelous. Ton simply appl? Jt to the afflicted part. It doesn't smart to not a casty. prtaty p&tle or ointment, but a wocdorfal dlsas pcaring llqul.1 that s!nl-s rU-ht In, quickly cliaya all puia. all Itch, all distress. It dooa the vr.rk and dii it In way that i& cst-'nlsnlnn. Tae n stuii-T price of ZEMO ia iljM for flio lirn tot'le. but yoa caa acts ret a Uhr-ral trial bo; !o -jf ZEMO for jlu7 ia oeatj winca la toiiy wtm iMt.X i giiirfcr.teed Lyj p.r.d in Rock Is-i Z-rrr.o ia eo':.-" dnsggiits evervA-I ' ji;iid Ly P. D. G. iiej-'s drug store, ir, t. t r- 1 Extra Special All children's hats for two days' selling to be marked at 98c each. Coat Special About 100 coats for women and misses, made of black Tblbets and mixtures, some worth 7.50, others $ 10, a great SPECIAL at 4.95. hi Tri-Cities Leading Store Polo coats, hats thousands of dollars; as he said, to" please his employers, the oiiiciala of tio structural iron workers' union. " McManipal's testimony apparently ! made a deep impression upon the jury. The defense feeis that the breaking down of thij testimony is its most dim-' cult task. Probably the next hardest work of the defense will be to explain away tre apparent moaning of scores of Utters written by the defendants to J. J. McN'amara during the time dyna miting explosions were terrorizii-g the country. J. J. McN'amara, it is charg er.', is the man who stood at the head of the conspiracy, directing it from in i,es Annates (I'arlK). Glass cases should nlways be avoided except for a few precious 'olames which are spe cially looked after and frequently dust ed since the conlined atmosphere and lack of air circulation in such book cases are favorable to the development of perms, insects and mold. "Second ly." adds the Scientific Atrierinai. "the simple precaution should be taken of placing fin the shelves behind tlip bools strips of cloth or flannel niois tened with, benzine, phenol, tobacco juice or lurfteitine. These strips give excellent results if renewed fro.n tiuie to time." One of the Stipulations. A vegetarian engaged a (iertuan cook lady not long ago. Ills wife liked the appearance of the appli atit. Her ref eren"es were po-d and the wages she demanded not exorbitant. "I'd like to hive yeu come." said the lady of the house, "bat perhaps you won't want to live with us. We art vegetarians and never have any meal in the bouse. WouVi you be sutisfietl with a vegetable diet?" He fntuleiti scratched hfr Istvid. "Veil." she sai l !;iJ! u!y. " i s beer a wepebible?"-Cleve land I'iain Dealer. Punttsrs. rotiglns Jerrolil. when challenged to make a pun on tlje zodiac, replied. "By ;eiiiiui. i Cnn it r." Theodore Hook, when li- was impro vising at a party, and a Mr. Winter, a well known. Inspector of t.ises. can an- i nonnced. went on without a moment ! break in his performance: Here comes Mr W;nl-r. in&-ctor of i id id y to give h:m 'vhat-vpr he advise e to gtv him w thiMt any ( For thouch his name'it Vir.tT b E7'cn j are summary ! j AH the news all the time. The Argus. Extraordinary Suit Spscial A special lot of suits which have been priced up to 41.75, hive been checked as a Thanksgiving special, for one day OXLT. Smartest suits in our stock, most all sizes, all newest styles, plain and semi-trimmed, exact duplicates of nimy suits to be display ed next spring, coat are proper lengtfc styles good for three season. Your choice 17.75. $12.50 $18 Coats 9.98 Smart models such as you A r. will see priced on "sale" at . prcbab'.y more than this Ar many styles, full and auarter lengths. SPECIAL at WW. 9-9S- ana 14.75 . Silk lined plush coats, chin chillas, broadcloths, plaid backs, mixtures and cheviots in many styles, most all sizes SPECIAL at 14.75. 29.50 to $35 Coats 18.75 None of tomorrows' features will appeal to you more than this. Coais for motoring and general service, made of choicest materials, tail ored to perfection, com pare them with other coats and you will find them underpriced, for such coats as there are today priced -several dollars above our SPE mmmm CIAL PRICE to match, 7.98 Indianapolis. , The tetters received by McN'amara from the defendants, and introduced at the trial, refer to "jobs." The writers or" the letters were always asking for help on these "jobs." Senator John v'. Kern, who sits at tho head of the lut!;e army ot attorneys for the de fense, declared at the outset of tho trial it would he shown that the gov- eminent was attempting to place an entirely unwarranted construction on V..e letters. He said the reference to ft nse will have a large number of wit "jobs ' merely meant construction of i bridges, or buildings in which the iron- The jury has already grown tired wokers were engaged. The plan of of the case, which has proved a slow the defendants is to show that they and rather monotonous grind: I WOMEN FOR ARBITRATION TO AVERT FUTURE WARS Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 28. The Na tional American Women's Suffrage association today adopted resolutions commending President Taft for ap pointing a woman as head of the na An Exceptionally SAFE and BIG-PROFIT Investment Herein Is offered a most unusual opportunity tu Invest (not speculate) and get in on the ground Moor of a rapidly expanding business which is already paying big profits. Absolutely every thing is in favor of it. , First of all it is entirely free from risk. (You don't want a speculation.) It combines in itsti' two of the most succusstul and w-cure fields of modern business the mad order field and the mediial field. I'ortunvs have been maje in both, as :s attested to by the dividend melons which i.recnt yearly by such mail order finr.s as Sears. Roebuck & Co., Montgomery Ward & Co., John M. .Smyth and others. Iu the medical field stand much examples of success as that of an Eastern cz-mny which now estimates i.s profits at fcl,iJOX a year, and another co.njjaiiy which has paid out in dividends more than 423,000, MX). When tnch prof ilt are poubl ko cn can longer be tatio4 with 2. bent iatere-t cr fejfc fia loaos. . The Hoe ktir.oli Co. is not only !n a za'.-. ffetrl it ii i'wif r.n asrnMiihwl -s. It re- ofu as a tcinx ,''i;ccrn in .ii .Dv;nie oil's. In e:'ii..t eurs it hua a:o"-irii frra an iave.-v.i.iCt ' 14.60 to an iaterni-uonal b'jAii.esa rtii $6,'i(. M-flt remarVa'.'e r,f a.!) it hat dnna all thla without aHvcrttInar. t' .'it zrent writ.n ti', in' 'UM .-:; wit nut vhi--h n" other uiaii order or xsUiCal concern win 1 evtr have c-itatruwo it clllics. Now (ar.d il ia U vrbat ahool 1 Vn'ereat you), the Home Rmc-cti- Co. hiu decid'-J to 1 -.tinch eut aiid alvertie. 'i'be uoniiern whi, h t.ave b-rn ac-.'Da'l:'''! hirett.fore by yria'-Ied merit an i mot:th-tonouth'i;.'r.s will r,tw receive ih!maxw irr.petua of a p-.werfiil and mnentiftc alve itMntr canitirn. 1 he mult will be. mutt b. utDTaU'rled. And t'.mt mur. will reap the beceliUwho La the loreuain lv ace iRi ojrtunity and Krat It now. Tf inangur.tta this a-lvcrtiiirur ramp;i;rn we have dcided to offer the Trea j.y bt ,ck to the putUc at a iar value ol JlO.Cv, It njrely wm'.i be foolish to a'I'.w an offer nu: h as thi to by without looking farther into it: e,pe',:rt;:y wnen it citn not'rcr,f but a ,ataxe Mump to ir.veaii i?;it. Voa car.not att'.rd to tl-.U. Write u t for moracomvl--te d':t&ii and f.r ottr r-:?ren es at once. Sat.-f yourlf thtt ehifc is a rare lavotmeot oppor tucity ab ca i: bjnd to pay h'H irifit. Write today. V "member that if yoo had br,j?ht Bromo Selrier Sock when It started out it woti.d havecw. y0 only S -5 ahie. It is zrw worth toOOper i,',j(. THE HOME REMEDIES COXPAN'Y i."sct a " Patent Mediciae'" CoccerrJ So rirtj or reml-e 7A for internal ue that contain Mir; hine, Ojitim. Strycbeir.a, Ar ier.k- or i-,y oai t.-ir derjratlveor any winecr whic-. 5-19 Cottage Grove Avenue, Cbicaxo 'Smart Clothes TSk WowBM.rrlisse-sGiRLS. ll"TM I ILL I l'-p'l Motwn nut ona) roue - ' three- m coats ' 18.75 English Mixture plaid back coats 9.98. jhad no reference whatever to dyna-" j mite plots when they wrote to J. J. ' McNamara for help on certain "jobs." - i The government has attempted to f j show, however, that the letters were?; ; connected with the destruction cr at- ? tempted destruction of many "Jobs" : on which non-union laborers were eni ployed. The case has already consumed con.. s!uerably more than two months. It will probably last into 1913, as the de- tional children's bureau, went on rec- ;'' ord favoring arbitration by nations, to j? prevent, , wars, and declared against J traffic in women. The convention ad- journed silie die this afternoon. All the Argus news all to? time Tn WltYMTif'l 1 'MX 1 m in ll i 1 lm