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THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1912. 18 ACT RESCINDED AT HOT SESSION OF COMMISSIONERS (Continued from P&( Five.) ten up to fit a certain man, whom I ' contend, under the state law, Is not eligible to hold any official position for the city of Rock Island. I have; nothing against the man, as I believe h has had some experience In the line ' of work he is following. i 2. I do not believe the council j give a certain man the position re ferred to. 3. I do not believe in combining the office of superintendent of water works and superintendent of filtra- anxious to be mayor, I will only say that any man who attempts to voice the cause of the many common citi zens against the wishes of an aristoc racy Is sure to be called a demagogue and other harsh names by those he'tion, as I am in accord with the rec opposes, and that I, for one, am proud 1 ommendation of Mr. Birdsall that the to be made the object of such an at- j u I , . 7 T ,E j be city chemist, so as to aid the health j , 'department In analysing milk, cream i REnOlDI IS HEARD. j and other fooda. He was followed by Commissioner 4. I beltwve that we have men who j Reynolds who said- !arc citizens here, wao are competent Centlemen: You have heard the' flU the 0ffiCe f suPerintenaent of . " "" waterworks, and that the man who is mayor and Commissioner Bear on this r.ow in the employ of the city as head jotccl, and a few others for it, an2 ! erglneer at the waterworks, is one d? with the pteam roller methods em-! them. We so often hear about this ployed, yov were painted piruri af! "million dollar plant." There is a cer nw tir.e In the cemetery in ac-'1111 fascination to the words, "mil count of this ordinance going u rr.e ilon dollar plant." 1 suppose that people; of a million dollar plant t1- tno reason they are used so often, denly WTeted on account of the poo-! Now, let us be cool, conservative bus pie not knowing how to conduct -hf 'r i loess men for a few moments. Where own affairs; end that Rudgren, whom 1 iB the million dollars in this water know &cme of you thought nn3 not ! works plant most of it is under tbe worst 1 bd of character, v r.y ue ground invested In water mains that J has suddenly got the bee to be mavor. ,:e perfectly still, ana need very uttie j and !s playing politics, and he does attention. The next in cost is the not care a rap what happens to uio failure or a slow sana niter, me next waterworks. But gentlemen, that is '" tne new filter plant that we will I rot the case. I have a different idea a success, which was contracted, as to what we ought to do, and don't Ior DT tae former administration, I you know, gentlemen, that this would hlch I propose to put in charge of j be a narrow beaded world If we all first class chemist. Then the pump had the same ideas on everything, station now In charge of a first I wish to say a few wordB In rela- class engineer who has been there j tlon to submitting to the people the ! for about 15 years reappointed by all ordinance creating the omce of suDer-1 mayors. Why? Because he was a lntendent of waterworks ana filtra tion: 1. I am opposed to the passage of said ordinance because, It Is got- Whv French Women Always Look Young good politician? No. Because he knows his business. Now with a good engineer at the pumping station, a good chemist at the filter plant, a good ros er of employes, what will we lack to run our water works? Why a good level headed bus iness man as commissioner of public property, who can also act as superin teudent of waterworks. - t il ...1 . 1 . 1 1 ("Aurilla" , in Society World.) L. . v ,1 , u"1 ,T i In France mothers and dauehters L. i m ...i. ' missioners some man who will be com-! ' look like sisters. I tried to find out bow the women were able to retain their youthful looks until long past middle age. I learned that they were much given to the use of mercolized wax. This wax possesses a remark able absorbent property which quick ly removes the fine particles of cuti cle which are constantly dying and which are the immediate cause of an old-looking complexion. Thus the live lier, healthier, younger skin beneath is given a chance to breathe and show iUfclf. I've tried this treatment my self. In less than two weeks my com plexion has become as clear, soft and I petent to take charge of the water- worKB, ana mat our waterworks can be managed as Moline's plant, wltn- j out a special superintendent. 6. That with the appointment of our head engineer, or some other citiren of his calibre, as superintendent, and , the ft'.ter plant, our waterworks wouil-: i be In ix od hands until the next re?i? ' ler e'-rtion, at which time the people ( would have a chance to elect their superintendent of waterworks, or some one h's equal as commissioner, to take charge of that department. (This is not said as a slap at Mr. Bear, as beautiful as a young girl's. Just one ounce of mercolized wax (all American j h not elected for thl8 dep4rt uruf45ibi uitve 11; uiu iue wurK.. i ue wax is put on nights like cold cream and washed off mornings. Another valuable secret I learned from tbe French was how to quickly remove wrinkles. One ounce of pow dered saxolite dissolved In a half pint v itch hazel makes a marvelously effec tive astringent lotion. The face should be bathed in this dally until tbe deep est lines have entirely disappeared. (Advertisement) Be sure that you come here for your Butter, Eggs and Cheese you need be cause you can rely upon the dairy products we carry. You will also find that your purchases here Insure small er bills on the Thanksgiving extras. Our goods are' right. Mince Meat, Helnx's Extra onr Fine, per pound faUw Pumpkin, "Happy Hour" brand new li)12 pack, always best per can 2'3,e, "Camel" brand. Iflp per can lUU Dates, Kolden yellow, better 1 flp than ever, pound Iww "Walnut Meat, co halves, ACf fresh, pound .tww Grape Fruit, large and Juicy. OCp three tor UW Sweet Cider, without a doubt the best you ever tasted, QRf per gallon Oflw Eaisins, frBD seeded, one- (. pound package lUw Table Raisins. fln 1r8 clusters of imported raisins, ORf per package www Grapes, California Red Cn Kiupvror, pound Iww FRESH VEGETABLES Head Lettuce. '"V Ud heads, well bleached and tender, large, 15c; IflP mediums .Iww Celery, direct from Michigan, very tender, crisp and of excel- Iflrk lent flavor, three stalks I Uw We also have Oyster Plant, .Cauli flower. Brussels Sprouts, Leaf Lettuce, Parsley, Cucumber, etc A fresh shipment of Jones Dairy Farm Sauage will b on, sale for Thanksgiving. SITTIG'S Sanitary Grocery 515 17th St. PHONES 12 AND 69. GOOD GOODS AND GOOD SERVICE ment, but was left this department, after all tbe other commissioners bad picked theirs, and I fully realize that! he Is not In the department he is best i able to handle.) 7. One of the arguments used ! ! against the commission form of gov-jj ernment in cities our size, is that!, too much money is paid out for salar-j , les, and the argument, in most cases, i j Is well taken. Is there any good rea-l, son why the people should not select their commissioners on account of their fitness for some certain depart-j ment? Let us get busy and ask to have the law amended so that candi dates must run as candidates for a certain department, and not. simply for commissioners, and unless the peo ple by a majority vote favor the ap pointment of a superintendent of wa terworks, I am certainly opposed to the passage of Jhe ordinance men tioned. And now -a few words about this great mistake of the commission iu asking the people to vote on this ordi nance; as a director In some big bus iness where the board of directors was about evenly divided as to the advisability of employing, we will say, an assistant manager, and some mem ber knowing that a stockholders' meeting would be held in the next 30 days, asks that the question be referred to them at that time for their approval or rejection would you con sider that anything out of the way? Is not this similar? An election has been called to vote on a telephone ordinance, and must be beld. Where is the great harm in asking the peo ple to pass on this ordinance? Does it lie in the fact that you believe, as I believe, that the people will, with a big majority, turn this ordinance down? Are you here In the hope that you will be able to stop the people from passing on this ordinance be cause you think they do not know enough to pass on it? With a few exceptions, I. believe you are here in what you honestly believe to be for the best of the city, but as we do not agree on the dis position of the ordinance, I do hope that we will at least part as friends, as I must say that I think I have done what I think is the best under the cir cumstances. As '0 the slander In the Argus, well I don't think I will even discuss it. As to the other papers, they have expressed their views on this matter in a clean cut business way, and I hare read with ln erest the different views expressed. As to the alleged statement of Wal ton DAAnAU T M JW . - i for mayor, I simply wish to state that 1 if he said so,' he lied. As to the statement of E. H. Guyer, that some of the commissioners ought to be voted on, I will s'ate as for my self, I am willing if the mayor and the other three commissioners will do tbe same, to submit my name for the approval or rejection of the electors, and I think I am safe in saying I would not be at the bottom of the list w hen the returns came In. Some of you, if I am correctly In formed, said we ought to pass this ordi nance and have Mr. Sharp in charge of this plant even if he must be paid Another Shipment of These Genuine Leather $1.00 Cash 50c Weekly OJiVer Terms: T -f -:- i - ' -"- " v- ' -ifcin iii?TiftW nr mn hi i -nn.nii n r wnY Hi i mi h'i m... imi.i.MIii.h.i.i.i .ii. l.mnn.iii in.iiiinin. imJ Frames of Mahogany or Genuine Quarter-Sawed Oak Incomparable Value FOREWORD: "When we offered this Rocker on the previous occasion we mentioned' that we felt that it was absolutely the best Rocker value we or any other store has ever been able to offer. At that time we sold our entire supply, and in fact many of our customers were compelled to wait until this time for delivery. A great many customers called after, the sale and were disappointed by not getting them. It is as much for their bene fit as for any other reason that we are again placing these before the public. This chair represents absolutely the best in both material and construction and the price we are asking for it is not at all in proportion to its real worth. The description below gives you only a fair idea of what this Rocker really is. Study this value and look at the illustrations, then come and inspect the Rocker. If you want a Rocker at all you will undoubtedly buy this one. This Rocker need not be delivered to your Home at once, but we will hold it. for you until Christmas. A more useful Christmas present can not be suggested. Trice$n.25 Terms While this rocker is good enough In quality and design to be part of the furnishings in any home, the price is so low that it comes wi(hin easy reach of the man or woman In modest circumstances. We will not attempt to tell you what its actual value Is you must be the judge. But you will llnd upon investigation that similar rockers are selling elsewhere at from $16.00 to $20.00. It would seem to us that the terms of $1.00 cash and 60c weekly would la iteelf beget confidence. Stop and consider. You pay but $1.00 at the time of purchase, and you have 1 week In which to test out this rocker before another payment comes due. It It is not satisfactory In every way, return it to us and we will return your dollar. Genuine Leather Upholstery The back and seats of these rockers are upholstered in genuine full grain leather. This in itself la an assurance of service, for everyone recognizes the fact that Genuine leather is always used on upholstered furniture where it is necessary to withstand hard ueage. Finish As above stated, we can furnish this rocker in beautiful grained Mahog anized Birch, or genuine quarter sawed oak. Avery rocker is rubbed and hand polished, the work being done by finishers who understand thorough ly the art of producing a beautiful and lasting finish. We do not care to sell these rockers for cash Not that we will refuse to sell them for cash, but we would much prefer to have you open an account with us. There is no subterfuge in this state ment, but purely a desire on our part to have you open an account in this store. Where you buy for cash, tbe transaction is over in a minute, while, if you have an' account, "we are afforded the pleasure of frequent visits, and are thus enabled to acquaint you with the advantages this store offers as a trading placo for home furnishers. Money Reaches the Height of Its 3uying Tolver in The 'Little Princess 9 Tour Rooms Complete If there Is a young couple Just married or about to be married, who have . i . . i . . n . ti - . i .i not given mis i-rouui uuuil hi 9103 vuuugu cuuaiu eration to even visit it, then the loss is theirs. It is to bring their attention to this wonderful outfit that this is written. To judge the superior merits of the quality and character of the furnishings of the "Little Princess," you must see It. We cannot begin to tell you about it Plain Figure Prices One Price to All This In itself should give you confidence In this store. Our goods are marked so any one will know at a glance Just what an article will cost, delivered in their home and that price will be lower than at other stores owing to tbe fact that ours Is one of the 28 storea all buying aa one thereby getting prices from the manufacturer that individual buy ers cannot obtain. ' Store Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings I . iii,iII I miuLLJ DAVENPORT, IOWA A Frank, Liberal, Open Credit System Tou could not go to your best friend and receive friendlier assistance than we offer here to our pat rons every day in the week. Embarrassing feat urea, such as publication of your arrangement In legal papers, still practiced by other stores, has been abolished. We know our credit assistance will meet with your unqualified approval. I J $10,000 a year. Gentlemen, I don't feel that way about this matter. I have had a hard time to get enough funds as it is to pay the present waterworks obliga tions. Th needs of this department at present are such that we must be very economical in order to get enough money to supply them. Our head en gineer has recommended many needed improvements, among which la a new floor in the pumping station, a booster pump already purchased, but on ac count of lack of funds we have been unable to build an addition to the plant to house the same; the Installa tion of meters to check the wasu; a new main from 33 the pumpiag sta tion to the reservoir, and the replac ing of some small mains with larger ones. Yon might say If the law forbids the appointment of Mr. Sharp, why re fer this matter to the people?. There is such a thing aa home rule. Cities heretofore have referred matters that were not in strict compliance with the laws of the state to the people to pass on and if tbe people by a major ity vote have favored the same, the matter has generally been considered settled. I, for my part, am willing to leave this matter in the hands of the people and will await with interest their verdict Commissioner Reynold's resolution as to the deferring of a decision until Tuesday night waa then voted upon, and lost by a vote of three and two, 1L Rudgren and Reynolds objecting. ACTIOS IS RESCINDED. Commissioner Hart after denying that he bad any pergonal Interest as to whether Mr. Sharp obtained the po sition or not, stated that he meant to work for the welfare of the city at large, and therefore offered a resolu tion, rescinding the previous action of the commission, and ordering the wat erworks proposition removed from the ballots. The vote resulted as follows: Schriver, aye, Rudgren, no. Hart, aye. .Reynolds, no, Bear. aye. j Mayor Schriver moved that the reso lution of the Fifty Thousand club be received and placed on file. Commis sioner Rudgren moved aa an amend ment that the, entire proceedings be placed on file. Carried. OTHER COCKCIL MATTER. Former Mayor George W. McCas krin appeared before the commission with a. claim of $300 for back salary due Miss Jessie Flannagan. who was stenographer during his admmlstra- ' tioa, and who had never drawn her j pay due ia the above sum. He was requested to present an itemized bill. A petition for a light at Thirteenth avenue and Forty-third street was placed on file. A resolution by Commissioner Rey nolds that the Rock Island Sash and Door works be allowed to grade the alley between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets between Third and Fourth avenues at their own expense under the supervision of the city en gineer, was carried. Commissioner Bear moved the eon sideratlon of an ordinance prohibiting the tapping of water mains from the top, Instead of the side, after which the meeting adjourned. No Danger of Stomach Distress or Indigestion if You Take Digestif Eat what you want and "Digestit" Two or three tablets after eating pre vents that full uncomfortable feeling It digests all the food and makes your stomach feel fine. Brown's Di gestif is an aid td digestion, quick certain relief for indigestion,, and a permanent remedy for stomach up sets. It is perfectly harmless, fine for children as well as grown-ups. No use to suffer the tortures of indiges tion, soar stomach, gas, . belching er other upsets Digestit relieves quick-, ly; almost immediately after taking a dose your stomach feels good as new. Digestit has brought relief to thous ands why not you? Try ft on our guarantee. We are so confident it will help you we will give back your money if it fails. Get a package to day and try U after eating. Just see how it helps your, tired overworked stomach digest the food no distress. (Advertisement)