Newspaper Page Text
THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1912. Argus Branch Office For the accommodation of Its patrons In various parts of the city. The Argus Baa established a system of branch of floes, where subscriptions and want ad vertising way be received and any In formation left that may pertain to any department of the paper, news or busi ness It Is also planned to have at each of these branch offices every evening; a supply or copies of The A reus of tne have failed under any circumstance to receive his paper, will be aupplled free f charge. The Argus' chain of branch offices Includes the following: J. J. Klpp's notion store. 45K Fifth avenue. H. S. Rowe'a pharmacy. 4111 Four teenth avenue. Kins' drug store. Twenty-serenth street. Beventn avenue. Ullemeyer's drug store. Eleventh ave nue. Flrteenth street. Oorge W. Mill house, confectionery, Fourth avenue. Mrs. London's notion store. Seventh Street. Fourteenth avenue. Helmbeck's pharmacy, til Third ave nue flenger's grocery. 125 Eleventh street Rodrt drus; store. Thirtieth street and Fifth avenue. College pharmacy. Seventh avenue and Thlrty-eirh'.h street. Olson grocery. Thirteenth .avenue and Thirtieth street. Btelner drug store, corner Fifth ave nue and Twentv-thtrd street rn rctt none. FOR RENT Five-room cottage: In quire 140 Twenty-second street. , FOR RENT Modern eight-room house, centrally located. Phone west 6S7. FOR RENT 5!x-room house, all mod ern exfept furnace. Inquire 129 Sev enteenth street. FOR RENT Elght-ronm house, strictly 1 modern; So;, Nineteenth street. In - ' quire 402 Safety building. FOR RENT A seven-room modern 1 house on Twelfth Itravt lnnnlra 1 Twelfth street, l'hone went 2S : FOR RENT Seven-room modern house' at 122V Eleventh street. Inquire 3 1 8 Twentictn treei l'hone went 701-L. 1 FOR RENT All modern five-room cot tage at 1137 Twelfth street. Inquire 11X2 Twelfth s'reet, or phone wist llu'j. FOR RENT -higtituenlh Five-room house at IJ'.itirOIt RENT Light housekeeping rooms avenue Inquire at IMti- Kif th-end-a-bair avenue. I'lione u est ' I j FOR RENT fvutage at 240 Eleventh- and-u-hulf avenue, l'hone went 1240-K. Inquire at 2i0 Eleveulii-uud-a-liulr , avenue. j FOR BALE Eight-room modern house at )"2 T wi nij -B"i otid mreet; crner ; lot. 62 xl.'iu; on easy ti rm.-i. Inquire: 011 premlhes. j FOR RENT Half of double house six ruonia, modern, at 1 4 1 l"i " li-a nd-a-hulf avenue. Inuilre 1427 ri.xlh ave nue, or phone st 12.11. 1 FOR RENT Half of double house, sev en rooms, with all modern conveni ences, at 1113 Klghth avenue. Phone west 1443-X. Max Taxman. FOR BALE Five-room house, nearly tiew; lot 44x2'."0 feet; at Thirtieth street and Ninet,ieiitn avenue. In quire Thomas Campbell, ucruyj the street. FOR RENT Eight-room house; all modern; oorner Kourteenth-and-a-' half street and Sixteenth avenue. Ask Biardsley & Buil. y, 217 Eigliteeiitn street or A. II. Shaw, 1450 Fifteenth street. roR ncvT-ruTa FOR RENT Four or five-room moderr fiat at within. 1210 Third avenue. luquiie 1 FOR RENT Modern six-room apart ment 111 Payne Flat. Becond lloir; Janitor service. miuire at 1 lat N'i. 1. or phuiia wekt Tii-K. FOR RENT Two modern flats; six room list; au rive-room tlal; ou 'twentieth and Twriity-tlrst streets. Inquire 1001 Tweiilielu street. UR KEVi. 111 Ghl.ANCOCS. FOR KENT A good 14 icro truck car- den in Simla line It island. Inquire 01 . 1.. vvi ne, oisuei, iou4 rntn av- I1I1UV. F.K KENT Modern two-story steam-! heated building. .No. 3 1 1 -3 IS - 320 : LiMiiioelitn stree;, d .rul.le locution;1 i'.om' used for autouiooiie garage. In quire of tieotge 1. liolli, c uer, tt l wv. t -third licet. lasiKAacE. PLEA8ANT F. CU.V Keel estate and Insurance. Loairs a specialty. Bc4t tire companies represented. Vcour put tonage swiiuiieu. 1'hoiies west 2. und tiuw 6172. omce at court housa lit.NNtn'8 lnsurauce Agency Fire, lite, accident, bnaltli aud biale a. a; a: leal emate and loans. becond floor.! bafety building' Office phone. ust . Keeideuce phone 72-K. open I Wednesday and aiinrdnj evealnga. ...H . nf,v-r. .7f Z. TZ1 T E V ILL BOND lOu hlxccucvrs ad- I mlnutrators . guaralai.s. trustees' or ; any kind of juuicial oonds; iudres anil society villi era; city, stale or U. b , goveiuiueut oRlclals, contractors, po- ' itlous o (trust; la fact, any kind of 1 bond you want texcepl bull bonus;. : Terms reasonable Hayes Ac Cleave- 1 laud, rcsldunt manugr, iUt'lu 4t ; i-iepoa.t eviupauy of Majlauct. lost and rovao. LOo'p Large uieiuorandum book con- 1 talnlng addressts. Please return Arg ua. Lou r Pearl cross and small diamond pendant, on Twenty-first street or Nil. Hi avenue. Return to Hugh L. Cuiu and reoelve reward. LOPT in vicinttv of T-enty-s'xth 1 Vu?in ?"Ule"wr.rT1t'i returned to Keiss drug store. j LO8T A liberal reward for the return of the pepeis trial were sloven Oct. 14. 1912. from the residence of Hans ek'Uioedur. s.14 Twentietu street. LC"8T Sunday afternoon, black set pin, with piarl center, between Seven-I teeiun and Futeeutn streets. or 1 ElahtM or Tenth avenues; slued as keepsake, lcave-al Argus othce. Re ward. r 1 ABSTBLAlTS or T1TL2G. AB8TKACIS of ulle prepared or eon tlDued to date covering any real es tate in the county, prompt and ac curate service at reasonable ratea Hock Is, and Title Abstract cox pauy; J. J. Ingram, president; W. J. SkMiiiy. secretary; 20u-2i. second uor. i'eople's National bank build in. Rock island. Mlt.Tlri.K EhKCTKOLlMs, MlLTli'LU fc-Lfc.CTKOLlBlS Supernw ous hairs on face and arms perma nently removed wttn one eo six neeules; four to six hours' work in obe with six needles. Address Mi4 A. M Kult'.-ga Flat 1. Argyie FUts farady street. Davtnport. Utd phone ! J11: j Exrvucss and storage. KfUJABL: sToKAUfc on urst Boor, i wagon covers, etc. Tents for rent; I also manufacturer of awnings, tents. Kotasler Co.. log Fifteenth s PIANO STORAGE, with heat In winter; entire seeonsl floor of our store build ing, devoted to storing of pianos; no dampuess or cold to creek tne var nish. Beat place in the tri-cjtiea. itowlby Musis stuxe. tooi FOR RENT Modern furnished room at 1400 hi Third avenue. JL FOR REVT Modern furnished rooms at 1117 fecood avenue. Phone No. W. 1S20 K. FOR RENT Furnished front room, modern conveniences; 128 Fifteenth street, city. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished roms for light housekeeping; at 622 Twentieth street. FOR RENT Furnished room In strict ly modern house, suitable for two, at 1131 Fourth avenue. FOR RENT Two adjoining; rooms for light housekeeping; ta0 Seventh av enue. Phone west 1260-X. FOR RENT Modern newly furnished rooms, suitable for gentlemen; good location. Phone west 814. FOR RENT fmtte of furnished light housekeeping rooms; laundry privi leges; at 62. Seventeenth street. FOR RENT Klcelv furnished front room, desirable location, at 1520 Sixth aveuue, convenient to car line. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on ground floor. Inyulre at liOS Fourth avenue. FOR RENT One large front room, with modern conveniences; use of phone. Inquire 73b Nineteenth street. FOR RENT Modern furnished room, ults tie for one or two gentlemen, at 1134 Second avenue. Phone west f.Sl-X. FOR RENT All modern, ntce'i? fur nished front room. In family of two. at 121$ Third avenue. Phone west 1223-X. FOR RENT Small modern furnished ruom, with board, for gentleman only; very reasonable; at 7u Twenty-second street. - '1 RENT Two nicely furnished rwrnin. with gas, for light house keeping; no cnlldren; Hi Twenty fourth street. FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms, with hot water heat; refer ences exchanged: gentlemen prefer rd, at 1JU7 Fourth avtJiue. FOR RENT Two adjoining furnished rooms, furnace heat and electric light, suitable for two persons, iiZl I'our tet iiui-and-a-half street. Phone west iu.:-. in pinate lainiiy; nu otijection 10 party wun cniia; 1 wo diochi bwuih vi liuck Is.ui.d d. pot. Inquire 624 Tulr- ty-lourtti titreei. FOR RENT A nicely furnished front room in a modern bmne. suitable for one or two gentlemen: break.asl and tuppar IT desired; nlerencea requir ed: iuull Second avenue. I.AIKOVAT AND PALMIST. MADAM SORF.KAA can be consulted on al affairs, ol life. She telis color of eyes and hair of your future hus- band aud gives namea Call and con sult her; a. m. to In p. m., daily and Sunday. 41 West Third. Just east 01 Turner hall, Davenport. THE GILA MONSTER. Repulsive tn Looks, It Is Really a Harmless Creature. Probably there is no other Urint erentiirp imin fenriul hr th iimnninl .1. .... . . ,. l. t it u 10c 1 11m iuvupio , aovui nuivu nil milliner of weird tales have heen tolrl. ! It bus even bet-n held thut the mere breiith of this animal is ul4-1eut to cause death to the one upon whom It fell. Scientific iieohlrr. hnwevr. fnlla , . v, av iwv eat ouikji AUOl t u i u VI V 1 AA the Lueath or even lh bite of this creature lias resulted fatally. The fact that dissectiiiu and microscopic exuiultiHtiou do not reveal iiny trace of jr'.ands for the secretion of venom is i snflloient evidence to indicate that this i curious member of the lizard family 1 1 has been slandered Some ycitrs npo a civil engineer In 'the southwest undertook to settle ouie i 1 v tjui'suuu neiuer tue muu- Stcr'' WU8 dead!' or not. A fine speei- j men wns raptured imd ronfineil in a ; wire i.'niosure. A rhirken was obtiiin- ! ed. and It feathers were removed In t order that the lizard might have every I opportunity to strike nt the breast. The rhli-ken wus then held quite close j to the Gila monster, which soon snap-I ped viciously and secured n firm hold I on the fowl's lireast, retaining this jrrip for more tlmn ten minutes. When the victim whs released It was found that the chicken's breastbone had been bro ken. Nevertheless li:e fowl quickly 1 recovered, the bone knltrlnir nnd the wound liealiDg wllh no symptoms of 1 . .. i po1' oulug' It Is very probable that the repcta- rlon f,'r evil '"f"? hy the Glla mon- . . , ' , , 'er Is dtte simply and solely to its niost repulsive ai pearance. IlarDer's tV,.L.t "e-"aiy. THE UBIQUITOUS SEA LION. j He Strayed a Long Way From Home Before He Was Killed. Tbe following- atory Is taken from the American Magazine: "Kunduy is a dull day. and the rlty 1 editors had a hnbit of detailing men to : go to the toolcgica pardetuj and get 1 ar.linal stories for Monday momiug. The reporter got together one Sunday mornluK and persuaded the head anl- kr thm PUbli"h '" story. It waa rather commonplace, coticerniug the alleged escape of a non- exKient sea Uou from the pool to open . watea. i " 'Fake,' aid the manajrlrijr editor aa be read the atory. 'Let's make It a good one.' j Thereupon he sent telegrams to e- ery country correspondent oa that wa ter or its tributaries, merely inquiring i If anything hud been seen of the ee- ; caped sea lion. The response was ap- ' palling. The correspondents needed I only the LiuL That day the sea Iron ! was aeen by at least twenty corre- ' gpondents. and Berghand printed all ; th reports one after another. Thui ; gpurred, the correspondents went to It la earnest. The following day the sea j Hon was reported it erery point with in 200 miles. The atory spread Ilk rlpplea on water. In five days the lion ! was alghted over half the world, and an enthusiast at Southampton cabled that he was heading toward the north gen. Then a cruel correspondent up on 1 I-ak Superior killed him and wired I that he was sending the skin as proof, j I always suspected that the managing or did It himself.- Original. "Was there anything original in his 1 rpeech at the banquet ? ,T'ell. e admitted that he knew he was to be called oti." Ditroit Free Pre. von ftETTT- WASTED MALI HKLP. WANTED First class toolmaksrs. Kock Island Mfg. company. WANTED Men and boys; steady work. Apply Rock Island Bridge & Iron works. Mill street. WANTED Carpenters; apply Henry W. Horst. Twenty - seventh street and Third avenue. Molina. WANTED Machine hands for lathes, milling machines and drills. Rock Island Mfg. company. WANTED Two salesmen; good prop osition for hustlers. Modern Tea company, 322 Twentieth street. WANTED At once, young- men. by Rock Ielar-4 lines news service. Ap ply J. J. G-ier news stand, Rock Is land station. WANTED Five solicitors for newspa per work; a good proposition for live ran Address W. H. Michael. Box 187. Waterloo, Iowa, WANTED Men to learn barber trade; can qualify for position In fewweeks: wakes while learning; no previous experience necessary; sure 01 success with us; tools given; catalogue mail ed free. UuKr Barber college, Chi cago, 111. WANTED A first class life Insurance man. A party having sufficient ex fierlence and success In selling old ine life insurance and capable of managing a district adjacent to Rook Island, ill., and producing a satisfac tory volume of annual business can procure a permaent high grade con tract with renewals. References from former companies represented and surety bond required. Write Michi gan Mutual Life Insurance company, Detroit, Mich. WASTED MISCKLLANBOCa. WANTED An eight-room modern house to sell or trade for smaller house. Inquire at 626 Thirty-nlla street. WANTED To buy. marine engine from two to four-horse power; must be cheap. Address Box ti, Montpeller, lows. WANTED Two adjoining furnished rooms, with modern conveniences, by young married couple. Address "L C B.," care Argus. WANTED Young lady student wants to work In private home for board and room. Call Brown's Business col lege; west 1S74. WANTED Students to board, in a good home, pure water and car service to the city every half hour. Address Lovk Box US04. Milan. 111. WANTED To rent, three or four un furnisned modern rooms, or small modern flat, by Dec. 1; relarences ex changed. Address "Flat," care Argus. WANTED To purchase, five or six room cottage. In good condition and in good neighborhood. Address Thomas K.mght, Flat A. No. 11, Loirmis street, Chicago, 111. WANTED To buy or rent. 10 or 15 acres, with house and barn, in vicin ity of trl-citles. Address Charles Ulie meyer, real estate. Third avenue and Thirteenth street. WANTED You to take free spinal ad justments at the American institute of Chiropractic, and gel well. Every day, 3 to 1 p. m.; 30h-2u9 Safety building, Kock Island. WANTED By married couple, two or three nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping in vicinity of Rock ls- lai.d depot; no cnnuren. Apply si 2032 Fifth avenue, phone west I0O2. - - WANTED Your Jars to- fill with the tiurest. most delicious extracted hon ey you ever Ian leu; eigut pounds for $1; a pound. 13 cents. We will call lor your jars. luuue kS. Ivuach manu's grocery. WANTEO SITCATIOSi", WANTED Position by elderly lady, as housekeeper. Inquire c22 Seventh avenue. IVIVTITII Qltiifitinn v cannhla tirftr- ti.'ul nurse; expert maeuse, also manicurist. Phone north 824. wanted Position as housekeeper; widower or bachelor prelerred. Call west ij3-K1. WANTED Foung man (20 years old). , ; -1. -.,1 1 .1 general othce experience, dsires cier- J Island county, and hearing on said rr- ' f!,0,r,' siS ?! ,1?' ""blnson, chief exam lcal work with established Arm off er-i port has been set for December r. 11-12, ' 'I iinsnt.j. ill. ing opportunity for advancement. Ad- oiess "H. li..' ini inirteenin ave nue, Moliue, 111. WAMEU AGENTS. WANTED Agents; highest cash paid weekly with part expenses; our new plan a winner, outrit Ire; borne ter ritory; best selling time now. Write the Hawks Nursery company, Wau watosa. Wis. SWEDISH MOVEMENT. bWEUibil MOV LME.Ni' Miss A. fc-lu-arsen. graduated tiwedisu masseuse. lives treatment in private Homes I'hune west t -L. AQUikfi Hi Thir- 1 .-ninth street. CIllKOPnACTIC. PinSIOLOtilCAL SPINAL ADJUST MENTS given in your home, private, by expert aujuster. Address P. O Box 42u. Kock Island. CONTRACTOHB AND BUILDERS. Jfliai Voliik c& Co, CO NTH ACTORS AND 1.11 11 nvhif Manufacturers of Sash. Doors, Blinds and btaira Interior finish of all kinds Hardwood Veneer Fiorrirg and deal ers in Glass. 211 and 222 Eighteenth street. CXOOOOOOCXXOOOOCCXKXXK)GOOO Thanksgiving Dinner Select your ice creams, ices and fancy cakes for your Thanks giving dinner now. Do not wait until the last. ICE CREAM8. Vanilla, strawberry. New York, maple nut. chocolate, pistachio, bisque, tuttl frutti, lemon, orange, pine apple, cherry, va nilla nut, individual turkeys and chj-yaanthemums. f ICES. Lemon, orange, pine apple and cranberry. CAKES AND PASTRY. Fruit cake, angel food, mocha cakes, lady fingers, macaroons, kisses, sultana cakes, white 6llces, patti shells, etc. MATH'S 2710-171S 8eco 1 Avence, Pbone We,t isa. ORDER EARLY aa it gives us ample time to serve. you promptly. 00000000000000000000000000 WAJTKT S-KM AI.H rUBLF. WANTED Oirla. at W. L. Gansert's candy factory. WANTED Dishwasher at Rock Island Turner hall. WANTED Girl to- do general house work at 1524 Ninth avenue. WANTED Colored woman to anslst with housework at SG3 Third avenue. WANTED Experienced waist me.ker and draper. Apply 2vl Safety build ing. WANTED An experienced girl; 1043 Twenty-second street. Phone west 1114. WANTED A woman to do washing on Mondays. Apply 909 Twenty-third street. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework at 1 25 Nineteenth street. Phone west 819-T. WANTED Girl to do genera Ihouse work; good wages; no washing; at 1022 Twenty-first street. WANTED tA once, collector; no booze giter need apply. John Ciataly com pany. 3o9 Twentieth street. WANTED Girl to do general hous work at 820 Nineteentn atreet; good wages; three grown people In mm- WANTED Good, competent house keeper; good wages to right party. Inquire 130 Third avenue, Mollne, be tween 6 and 7 p. m. WANTED A middle aged or elderly companionable woman to assist with light housekeeping In family of two, and answer telephone; no washing; good home for right person. Address, with references, "A. B. C" care Ar- W1TTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Clerk, inspectors and check girls at McCabe'a. WANTED A few men and women ex perienced solicitors for trl-cities, newspaper and magaxine solicitors preferred. Call at 10U3 Tenth avenue, after 4 p. m. PROFESSIONAL A TTOKKTS. JACtsCN7HcltiiTiri torneys-at-law. Office in Kock Island National bank building. EKARLE2 & MARSHALL. Lawyers. Money to loan on good real ealaie security. Rooms. i02 and Sot balety building. Rock Island, 111. WILLIAM M. WALK EH Attorney; general law bubiness; corporation, probate and real estate law; 311 Peo ple's bank building. Phone west 249. WALKER, INGRAM si BAVEliXfclY At torneys and counselors at law. Money to loan ou real estate. Rooms 9uu 2u3, People's National bank building. McENlRY & McENlRY Attorneys-at-law. Loan money on good security; make collections. References. Mitch ell 6c Lynde. bankera Otlice, Milolieli & Lynde building. PEXSASTS, BITTOXS, n.EVTIXGS. DA'ENTOTPLEATING. button NOVELTY CO. Pnone 733; 230 So. Putnam building, DavenpuTt, Iowa. Felt pennants, flags, monograms, pil low covers, etc.; aroordron and knife j pleatlngs, from 2c yard and up. Buttons I covered In plain and colore'! ivory i rims, from luc acrzen up. urti! lurina bulKlinar. 1 hane 3. COLI.RCTIONS. COLLECTIONS MADE Hard accounts and claims collected. William ill. Walker, lawyer. 311 People's bank POULTRY. YOU can't lise by buying Cor.key's Lay ing Tonic? if your hens don't lay, you get your money back. For snye by Owatonna Flour dfc Feed company, 2010 Third avenue. LEGAL Notice of Float etlement. Estate of John Nelson, deceased. Public notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. Magnus lvt..-rs.n. has t:i's Hv fil rii.Ml r.Mirl uilr. n..if na ti,.h in Hi. t.. nmrt ,.f at o clock a. m., at wlilcii time per pons interested may appear and muki objections thereto, and il" no objections are filed, said report will be approved at that time, and the underfilled will ask for an order of distribution. ai:d wlil also ask to be discharged. Kock Inland. 111.. Nov. 12. 1D12. MAfiXI'S PETERSON. Eveeutnr Jacken, Hurst Stafford, attorneys. Notice If Final Settlement. Estate of Edmund Murphy, deceased. Public notice Is hereby given that tne tv. and hearinK on laid rt-ri.irt has hf-en set fur December. 112. at 9 o'clorR a. m., at which time persons Interested may appear and make objections there- to. and If no objections are flicd. said report will be approved at that time. anu me unat rsigneu win bsk ror r.n order of dlMribulion. and will also ask d wili bsk for tin i. and will also ask N'ov. 12. 1912. l'H C. .St.'MMiTT, AdrniniMratrlx. to be discharged. Kock Inland, ill . Xc MKS. ELIZAUICTI Legal Mot Ice. Fred W. potter, Superintendent Insurance of the state ot I j 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 p. Nortlmrn Life Insurance Company Illinois Public notice Is hereby given of of an order entered In the circuit court bangamoii county at the Novfinbf-r the receiver in the hove entitled . a use. dc niea in trim court Dy proper lnt-r-vening petition, on or before the first day of Marjh. A. U. 1913, and tiiat tne receiver, on or before the first dav of April, A. T). 1913, by proper and suftl cient answer, d-aiKnate what claim the receiver desires to contest; that all such contested claims are her? by refer red to the master :n chancery for the pur pose of taking evidenca, reporting his findings of tho facts thereupon to tne court. Springfield. III.. Nov. 15, 191!. SAiAaoX LOAN & T Ft l ST CO, Receiver for the Northern Lite Insur ance Company of Illinois. V..MtnloH, Va1. E'tate of Fred G. Gall. deceased Trie undersigned having been op pointed executr x of the iast will and testament of Fred O. Gall, late of the I county of Rock Island. S ite of Iiiin iis. deceased, hereby gives notice that ..'10 will appear before the Hon. Lenjaann I Beil. Judge of the probate court of Kock ; Island county, at tae probate court (room, in the city of K"ck isiand, at the i April term, on tne first Monday In April ineit. at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notiilel land requested to attend the purpose i of having the same adjusted. Ail-p' r- 'sons indebted to said estate are request- i ed to make immediate paj merit tj tae undersigned. 4 L-a'.ed this 13th day of November. A. D. mi. LOUISA OAU, Executrix. Jackson. Hurst tc Etafford, attorneys. ELseeator's Sottec. I Estate of John H. Zoiirer. deceased I The undersigned having been ar I pointed executrix of the .j.t mil and I testament of John II., late ci the county of Ruck Inland, state of ihi ! nols. deceased, hereby gives notice t..ii : she will appear before the ilon. Ber Jamin Bell. Juuge of the prol ate court of Rock Island county, at the probate ; court room, in the city of Kock Ifiand at the December. 1912. term. or. the first Monday In December next at which time ail persons i.-virg ciat..i c.K.U.'.rl said estate are notified and re.-.u ;ed to .attend for the purpose cf having the ; same adjusted. All persons Indebted to j said estate are requested to make lm I m-4iate payment to the tincersticned. stated l-tn aay cr t-toitr A. u. 1E12 : UABI" ZOLLN5K, iocutrlg. i undersigned, Elizabeth C. JSchmitt, nd-'.M mlmstratrix of the estate of Edmund f Murjihy, deceased, has hid day filed her i ' ( final report and settlement as such inj the t rotiate court of Kock Island coun- M FOR C1TT PROFtBTT. FOR SALE One of the finest pieces of residence property In the city; a great sacrifice. Reidy Bros- FOR SALE New modern six-room house at 141 Forty-first street; cheap if taken at once. FOR SALE Small prcperty, 1501 Thirty-fourth street. Inquire C Boynton, Thlny-fourth street and Fifteenth avenua. FOR SAI.F Six-room cottage and two lots, with fruit: owner leaving city. Apply to V. a. Simpson. 101 Thir teenth avenue. FOR SALE Good built eight-room house; city water, gas and sewer; cor ner lot. 69x150; ISol Thirty-fifth street. Rock Island. 111. FOR 8Al Cheap. In Acme addition, Mollne, seven lots 40x120; for terras at 3423 Sixth avenue, Kock Is land, or phone west 1982. FOK SALE Lots In Island View Heights addition; finest In the city; ass; for prices and terraa C & McDaniei. )i Safety building. Rock Island. FOR SAL.E Reidy Bros, have a good selection of residence property at very reasonable pi ices; also some good Investments. Call aud see them. FOR SALE Cheap. IT lots lying on Sixteenth. Seventeenth and eighteenth streets; 40x120; for terms l.iyuire at S42S Sixth avenue, or phone west 1922. FCR SALE Seven and a half aore'of ground in Milan; also eight-room house and lot at 515 Twenty-second street, oity. Address "wner,v care Argus. FOR SALE Good building lot In Lin coln co-urt; facing Seventeenth street; 120 feet deep, ii feet front, iiht feet middle. 72 feet rear. Phons West FOR SALE Modern house, six rooms and hall. In Silvls; rents for $20 a month; price Ji.6u0. 21,600 In cash, balance in two years'- time. Phone west 1316. FOR SALE Lots in (Scheuermann's fifth addition. Seventh street and Fifteenth avenue; payments per month. Call 1700 blalh street. Old nuuue west liiL l OR SALE Cheap, seven-room house; has hot water heat, modern in every respect; cement walk; corner lot; owner non-resident. ii. A. Luplaw. Roohelle. III. FOR SALE Seven-room house, with IH acres of ground, with well an'U ciatern; looteo one block from car line; will saerlli-e 11 s-ld before Seot. 20. Address "S. G. 8.." care Argus. FOR SALE Chts.p, a five-room house, wlir furnace, gas lignt. and sewer; large lot. cemiui wulks; one block from Long View paia: a paying in veslinei.t; owni-r uim-resiuunt. Ad urcss ' 1. M. i,u." tare Ai;iia. tOR fcALE Low In Scuth Heights, south of Aiaen eticet, between Twelitu and Seventeenth streets; on easy ierr.:s; $5 down, balance In five years. E. V . Itubinson, 14i4 Hich moud street. Phone ivst HCo-K. iOH IiaLI!, At a rargain if taken at once, a modern eixnl-roora house centrt lly located and near all car lil'es; hot wau-r h'-at, gns. ei.Ulo l.ght; kit B0X14J. For particulars ad-ii"-a. "Y" care Argus, or :uli west Miicici.i.ii?iL;ot. s. IK YOU WANT to buy iCt7aaour rem anything, engage help or secure a situation, Um Mail and Journal is the only paper in iM iline that can do it for you. Mail ajii wai.ti are popular, and Mall and Jourr.a! wants bring results . One-half cent per word '.s the price to uil auks. cash in advance; two-cent stamps n 111 do. levelling and Saturday .Viil aud Journal. Moiiiie. 111. ILLINOIS CIVIL MEItVltR CO.UMIS SI(I. Slonographer, I Salary, 250 to 70. 1 . jiiiiiv.-is .iii ji:e v.orn:nisri'in will vo . 11.... e..- - 1 1 . : a exa inn:' : l n for slcr: Rraiio I, c-n tia.tjiJ.iy, Dec. 14 at i " , '1V,.VT';,(, e i, . , Opi-'i'tunlty frr capali'e t-tenagraphcrs ; to get into state service ami in line for ; l"'"n"ton to higher grude st'-n.igtaphla l"-?-1".'."14 i:""'B P 10 a n0"tii in.--tloris t'liyinir -Applications iu;:t ba on tile by Iec. ' l.'l-. 66 k Iti ii "T3a ii THE "17-Cent3-a-Day" Plan of pnrchasing the Oli ver Typewriter means more than promoting salea of this wonderful writing- machine. This plan is a positive and powerful factor in pro moting the success of all who themselves of it3 benefits. It mem? that tbls company is giving r raetical eseiatance to eerr.est people evetywherg by bupplying thc-iu lor reur.ie3 w it'll tLe test typewriter in the wcrld. The "lT-Centa-a-Day" Pian la directly in Ilea with the pres ent day moveineat to suhslitiiio tywwiluDg for liand.v ritiuj; ia busiues rcrresi-ondeuce. Ownership 01 the Oliver Typewriter ia .rast butoixiii.g ono of the eEf eiitiuls of success. , Pi j 1 ; ' ' il ! , iff ; s j : l -1 j - H '1 i w I ti r ! - "17 Cenls a Day" Tlie Stgr.Oard Vihibio There is no patent on the "17-Centa-a-l)ay" pur chase plan. We invented It and presented it to the public, wltii our ccupKu entB. The "l7-CentE-a-Lay" plan leaves no ex cure for urirlcg in prttuitlve longhand. We have made 11 o easy to own the Oliver Typewriter that there' no r,eei even to rent cine. Just say "11-CeaU-a-Day" save your rencles and soon th mar-Line is yours. The Oliver Typew riter ia selling by thousands for 3 7 cents a day. Vhenenen the school children are buying m chines on thi eiriipie, practical plan, don't you thick it la Viae for you to get an Oliver Type writer? 17c a Day Buys Newest Model We e!l the new Oliver typewriter No. S lor 17 cents a da7. We gauranu our No. 5 to be absolutely our Lest model. The eame rcertir.p that the great corporation use. Their doiiars cannot buy a Letter machine than you ch.n get for pennies. ! ; M M W n R H i 1 i .J i J M M j I THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY LODGE DmecroRT. TF.IO LODGE NO. 57, A. F. A. M JpS Meets In stated communication the first Thursday of each r month at 1:Z0 p. m. Speoial Nov. 1L at 8:S0 p. m.. for work on M. !. degree. Supper at :30 at S p. m.. Past Masters' nicht. 3y order of Carl ton a. Taylor, W. II.; William B. Pet tit, secretary. FOR MLE lAJDS. FOR SALE 200-acre farm, three miles west of Milan; one of the best farms in Rock island county. See Reuly Bros, for particulars. FOR SALE 160 acres North Dakota grain farm, to exchange for city prop erty. Address W. A. Wilms. New Boston, 111. R. F. D. 2. FOR SALE 171 acres, 2 miles east of Medlapolis. Iowa; 15 .miles nonn of Burlington; running water; 174 an acre. David Blair, Mediapoiis, Iowa; Route 4. FOR SArTE Good farming land that will produce 60 bushels of corn and more pot acre; may still be bought for front $15 to $25 per acre. For par ticulars address Horace Huron. Rock Island. III. FOR SALE 640 sores Improved farm, at Elbow, Saskatchewan, western Canaua; 600 acres broke; buildings, well, pastured; easy terms. Dr. A. C. Hammett. 42i0 Irving Park boule vard. Chicago. FOR SALE! Nine acre tracts, pronounc ed experts from the state university as of the hest East of Milan on the gov ernment road. Will be sold on easy terms. Inquire of S. J. Ferguson, county superintendent of schools, or James O. Britton at the Rock Island House. FOR SALE 80 acres of good black land, all tillable.1 milea from Wilton. Iowa; seven-room house, large barn, double corn crib; all the buildings are r.ew, built this year; on the rlver-to-rlver road; price 3180 per acre. Call or address Gidlus Thede company, Wilton Junction. Iowa. FOR SALE Eight-acre farm, with eight-room house, big barn, shed, loe house, two weua, good cellars unaer house. 00 grape plants, SO fruit trees; 8 00 4 place for chicken raising; one half mile south of Eighteenth avenue on Twenty-seventh street. Inquire at 1601 Thirty-fifth street. Rook Island. 111. FOR SALE! 200 acres, one mile from Wilton Junction. Iowa: large base ment barn, nt' corn crib, g Hd dou ble huuso, well Improved water sys tem, etc.; oil A 1 geod biauk land, well tiled; price $180 per acre; $10.010 will swing the deal; balance terms. Gidlus Thede company. Wlltorj Junc tion, Iowa. FOR SALE 17-aore Missouri farm for sai l uis farm la located rail from Ewliiji. Mo.. IS miles from the city of uuincy, 111., and 25 miles south of the Iowa line; good six-room he-use, good barn with room for 17 head of horses; sheds and other out-butld-Ings- good spring and wells; soil Is good M .ck foam: S' acres grcm-lns wheat now on farm; price $12.50 per aero; ria-es.-ion given at any time; will leave $7,000 on farm, for five years at i p2r cent Interest if so tle . sired. Call on Miles McXully, Ewlng, Mo. RiK BALE The bright spot of the I'ecos vnilsy; yiu have heard of th' V'eros vul cr of Texas: you enould. know about BarFtow. Its largest - fa BUipviug l'int: one inousarn c.r- oi aiiaira. nnenn cars 01 ';c-u. r.r.e thousand bale'' of cotton; over SiioO.OOO worth; alialfa farms properly handled and watered liay 240 per acre av.d up above all expenses; send for statetnent of responsible men who have been farming here 5 t.i 20 years; sea what they kay; new reservoir in sight; lands must cio-uble in value; Improved and unimproved lands on very reasonable lerrtis. Marvin Reln har'rlt, Barstow, Texas. GASOLINE TAKS AND rt MPS. BOWSER undefrou'nd'o'!iUUs and up ( In unej. F. M. King. 1b nil, ill. Phone west 201. N. B. agent, 131 lfe Third avenue. Rock I l:ury your t;aioliiie: it's eafer !- " Fi.citirrs. I HKNRY GAKTHJK Proprietor Chlp- pianm'cK nursery. jut uowcrs and designs of all kinds. City store, 16uf Hecond aveuue. Phone 1110. That and The Ariler. Oliver typewriter way La! 315 Erady St., Davenport. Cent rsBn ej -"!m nn ui ins -lir an mis w vi ll Divorces Free Of Charge Now Is the time to mk your get away and diYorce yourself from those high rate loan compantea. We don't wish to marry 70a but when It comes to making loans on furniture, piacoa. r: 1 r- - t live stock, storage receipts, fV. . . . 1 1 1 . aiamonus, jewony uiu wu- c ary, we simply have no 4 competition. Step In or call us up and our agent will call at your bouse, private to a finish. 304 Best Building Phone West 177. CUT RKTE LOAN CO. few Wssr 1$au,ipR irfniwSii "f 1 roR SALE Sri'rCltl.S.ANBJorSL. FOR SALE Fine bred puppies; call west 412. FOR SALE Speedy- road mare; phone: west 7K5-L: 725 Twelfth street. FOR SALE Cheap, saoond hand 00 al wagons; 1401 Beoond avanue. E. B.r McKown. : FOR 8 ALB Chean. mahoganv three- piece parlor set, almost new, at 101, '1 wentietn street. FOR SALE Extra Mae strained honey.: in 6, 10 and 60 pound cans; 01 Forty--' second street. Phone west T52-X. ' FOR SALE Cheap. No. 1 soft coal: heater, ftlmcno. new. Address Box Hi.. Rock 1 si aud. or call at 614 Eleventh, street. : FOR BALE A Moore alr-tlght hsate?.1 in fine condition: price $10. Phone west lti'71-L. V. W. l?ossU. T32 Thir-. ty-i'.fth street. FOR BALBJ A grocery store, doing a jumi ouslx tmslness, in good looeUlty;; party leavlngr city. Address C. Johns,: general deli'very. Rock Island. . FOR SALE Citeap, Brown's Business: colleir certificate f'T 10 weeks' term,; lni'lmilng- tMjks and supplliae req,uir-J el. Cail At 3iJ Thirteenth street. : ; FCR ?AL One a)mt new S-horse ,wer iCewanee boiler: also one 4 Isorse power steam engine. Address: F. i-L Feterisieii, Thirty-eighth street.' road. 1 FOR EAT.E Team of young maxea weltrht 2. S01: one yeprllog mr colt;i pood harnJ and wsgon with patent; coupe Umnp box; liuO Sixth acreet.i Phocn west 1294. ; TTf-iO . A - V ! n trwV l ' flxtuvej of a gi-ocery, confectionery end fchool book stora. In chotee oen t r" 1 Wntlon. Inquire of J. W. Stew art, agent. U1S Safety building. FOR SALE One four-burner gas range, one gas hunter and one Richmond electric vacuum cleaner; all tn first 1 class condition; will be sold cheap. j Inquire at 1425 Second avenue. FOR SALE $1,400 cash buys the beat advertised duplicate letter shop In. Iowa; low renL, tine location: a little, go-Id mine to right party; other busl-' pe.-s reason for selling. Address P. O. Box Waterloo. Iowa. success The Oliver typtwrt'er No. 5 has msny great con veniences not found on o'ber machines. We even sapiiiy it equipped to write ta wondi ful new PUlNTVPli; for 17 cents a day. Make the Machine Pay Its, Coat The Oliver typewriter la a money making ma chine. It belts "big b.aolneaa" pile up hug vroat. Tecg of thou&ancia of j.6ople rely on The Oliver typewriter for their very broad and butter. A small nrst payment puts the machine in your pcasensScn. Then you can make it earn the money to meet the. little payments. .If you are rtaniug a buslnens of your own, us The Oliver typewriter and mak the buUnebs grow. If you want to got a start in business, use The as a battering ram to foroe your h H The ability tonperate The Oliver typewriter laplac lng young people In good positions every day. Cet The Oliver type wilier on the "17 cents a day" plan it will help you vtia gjcceas. Ask About "The Easy Way" to secure the nswest model Oliver typewriter No. 6. The Art catalog and full particulars of tho "17 cent 6 day" purchase plan, will Le sent' promptly oa r tjueru Adirfceg 8- - g