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THE ROCK ISLAND ARGUS 16 TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1912. BIG RIVERS MEET : PROGRAM IS OUT AH Indications Point to Success ; ful Gathering at Washing ton Next Week. PUSH AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION (Special to The Argus.) Washington. Nov. 26. Judging from the list of delffra ps appointed by gov ernors of states, mayor of cities and chamber of commerce already receiv ed at the headquarters of the organis ation, the forthcoming convention of the National Rivers and Harbors Con gress, which wll b held In this city Dec. 4, 5 and C, will be the largest in the history of tte most potential water way association In the country. While the program Is still Incom plete In one or two particulars. Secre tary Thompson announces that Presi dent Taft will open the congress on Wednesday morning. Ifct. 4, to be fol lowed by the Peruvian minister, Fred rico Alfonso Pezet, and Lieutenant Co lonel W. P. Anderson, chief engineer of the department of marine and fish eries, Ottawa, Canada, who will per sonally represent Premier Borden. At the Wednesday af'ernoon sepBlon, the following program will be carried 'it: George W. Norris of Philadelphia, "Delaware River Terminals;" illustrat ed lecture by HuU I Cooper, vice president and chief engineer Missis sippi River Power company; illustrat ed lecture, H. McL. Harding, consult ing engineer department of docks. City of New York, "Oeean and River Ter minals." Third session, Thursday morning, Dec. 6: Address, Hon. S. M. Spark man, chairman rivers and harbors com mittee, house of representatives; ad dress, Hon. J,. Stlmson, secretary of war; Fred W. Donnelly, mayor of Trenton, .N. J.; and an address from one of the Taclflc northwest senators. Fourth session, Thursday af'ernoon: Speech, Hon. Charles E. Townsend, V. 8- senator from Michigan; speech. Har old F. McCormI(k, Chicago; Mayor Fitzgerald of P.oston: George P. Blow of Illinois: Hon. F. M. Simmons, U. S. enator from Norh Carolina, and Hon. T. S. Martin, U. S. senator from Vir ginia. The session of Friday morning, Dec. 6. will w phen over to committee re ports, nominations and call of rates for fire-minute speeches. Senator-elect Joseph E. Ransdell of Ijouh'lan;!, president of the National Rivers and HnrlKirs Conpress, will de liver Lib annual address at the open ing session of the congress, reviewing the work accomplished by the na'lonal legislature looking to the Improvement of the waterways in past years. - ui J He believes that congress will act favorably upon it. The senate will probably pass early in the session the resolution provid for a six-year term for the presi dent. The senate committee on judi ciary gave its approval to this amend ment during the last session, but no definite action was taken. Senator Clark of Wyoming, chair man of the committee, declares his belief that a majority of the senators t:re in favor of the proposed change. B'lt he recognizes there is a decided I opposition. Among those opposed to the plan are 1 Senator Bacon, democrat, of Georgia, ' who favors a two-year presidential ;torm, allowing reflections as often as ; the people of the country desire; and ! Senator Borah of Idaho, republican piogressive. who believes that the ex j ibting constitutional provisions rela ' live to the tenure of a president in office can not be improved upon. CONCRETE WORK IS NEARLY DONE Work on New "Y" Is Being Pushed Forward Rapidly Cornerstone Laying Soon. -2 --."V 1 il vr Representative Henry and Cummin a. Senator Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Two more cases of smallpox broke out on board the steamer Turret Crown and she will be put In quarantine. Washington. At least two Import ant changes in the United States con si itutlon will be urged at the short session of congress which begins ear ly in December. One will call for a change In the date of presidential in augurations from March 4 to the last Thursday In April. Representative Henry of Texas is hack of this prop osition. The other will provide for a six-year non-reelection term for the president of the United States. Sena tor Cummins of Iowa will have charge of this resolution on the floor of the senate. Representative Henry says that his ! proposition, w hich has once been de- feated In the house, will be introduc . el and defended by him by every I means in his power at an early day. City Chat (Advertisements.) Muffs remade, $2.00, at Vogue Millinery. 1704 Second avenue. Buy a home of Reidy Bros. For express, call William Tref. Tri-City Towel Supply company. Kerler Rug company for vacuum cleaning and rug-making. For flowers, try Meyers flrs't; 1115 Fifteenth street. Phone 1516. Our B. B. serge at $33 is the beet value ever offered. J. B. Zimmer's Sons. Matinee dance at Industrial hall, Thursday. Nov. 28. Dancing 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Flash lights and electrical noveV ties. Charles Fiebig. 1619 Third avenue. Six per cent farm mortgages. Lltten & Roberts. People's National bank building. Matinee dance at Industrial hall, Thursday. Nov. 28. Dancing 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Milan artesian water, approved by city and state, delivered daily. Phone west 1770. Coal, coal, coal. The Rock Island Fuel company will deliver to you all the best grades of hard and soft coai. Don't forget that Schroeder Bros are headquarters for fresh dressed poultry for your Thanksgiving dinner. Don't forget the big dance at K. of C. hall Thursday night, given by George H. Thielke. Music by Bleuer's orchestra. Strecker & Lewis, wholesale and re tail agents for Sanitas, the washable wall covering for kitchens and bath rooms. Sewing machines repaired and war ranted for one year. Supplies for all machines. Fiebig, locksmith, 1613 Third avenue. A fireproof safe lnthe house or store Is a necessity. We have 'them from The most remarkable thing about the work on the new Y. M. C. A. building is the speed with which it is being pushed. The close of work on Saturday evening saw the foundation, finished on two sides of the building, and a large part on the third wall done. Two months ago, there were plenty of people who freely predicted that nothing could be done on the building wis rail, some, more optimistic than the others, thought that the ex cavation might be made before cold weather, but that nothing further was to be expected. Contractor C J. Lar- kln refused to be discouraged by these pessimistic prophets, and went to work to do the best he could. The result is that the excavation is completed, most of the foundations in, and the plumb ing work well in hand, within five weeks from the day when he began on the Job. From the start that has been made, there Is every reason to believe that the building will be com pleted on schedule time, and turned over to the association ready for bus iness. The board of directors of the asso ciation will hold their regular monthly meeting this evening. State Secre tary K. A. Shumaker of Chicago Is to be present, to assist in making plans for the laying of the cornerstone of the new building, which will take place within a week or two, and which is to be made an event of importance. Preparing Your Son for Thanksgiving? We are prepared to serve him and you, in his inter ests, with Special Values in Overcoats and Suits the best ever shown in the tri-cities. Made Skolny for style and service combined, they are to be had in all of the various popular materials in plain colors and mixtures. All new smart and ex clusive styes in supreme Quality and Value. Values in Suits made for wear some with two pair of trousers, Including plain double breasted suits, Norfolks, Sailor suits and Russian Blouse suits. All sizes, 2y2 years to 17. Priced at $4.85, $5.85, $6.50 to $15 OVERCOATS in all desired styles, patterns and materials including newest mixtures, all wool cashmeres, chinchillas made up into tourist coats, auto coats, convertible collar coats, pad the popular half belted in the rear coat. Special Thanksgiving Overcoat Values $4.50, $6.85, $8.50 to $12.00 We are aso prepared for the youngster with an extensive line of trousers from 50c to $1.50; sweater coats frcm $1.00 to $2.50; underwear from 50c per garment to $1.50 per suit; neckwear at 26c; shirts and blouses, for 50c and $1.00; hosiery at 15c and 26c; gloves from 50c tc $1.50, and shoes at $2.00 and $2.25. Brown's Evenin School THREE EVENINGS EACH WEEK MON., WED. and FRI. You Can Learn In Evening School ENROLL .THIS WEEK-- New Classes Will be Organized For Next Monday. as Day School Same Teachers, Same Studies Smaller Cost. but Boys' Clothes Specialists Head-to-Fbot Outfitters For Man,Woman& Child Rock Is land, 111.,, Boys' Clothes Authority $12 up. Fiebig, locksmith. 1619 Third avenue. Allen, Myers & Co., heating and plumbing. Get a "Savory" roaster at Allen, My ers & Co. for your Thanksgiving turkey. Telephone Allea. Myers & Co., about your heating apparatus If you want prompt service. I Moxley's high grade butterine for baking and table use. For sale at Kuscnman's grocery. Eggs, eggs, A No. 1, April pack, the best stock to be obtained right now, a dozen, 28 cents. Kuschman. Phone 988. Winter Is coming, better get that padlock and have your door keys made. Charles Fiebig. 1619 Third avenue. Guess free. How many pipes make a bushel and receive free a beautiful n.eerschaum pipe at Ralph Stanton's c'gar store. Ward & McMahon will , give you estimates on your plumbing, steam and hot water heating that will fcave you money. The largest line of roasting pans in the city at Allen, Myers & Co. Get one for your Thanksgiving dinner and have it right. Phone 988, KuBchman's grocery, a clean, up-to-date grocery; everything you will want for your Thanksgiving dinner. Phone 988. The International Molders' union No. 230 of Rock Island will hold its an nual ball Thanksgiving eve, Nov. 27, at Industrial hall. Rock Island. When better chocolates can be made we will make them. Try a box of (iansirt'a Ajax or Milk chocolates. Sold by all first class dealers. Dunsmore & O'Connell smoke house and billiard parlors, corner of Twen tieth street and Fourth avenue. Every brand of good cigars and all kinds of smokers' supplies. Don't wait you don't need to Al len, Myers & Co. have itin stock, everything in the line of complete hot water and steam heating plants. Prompt service and the best work. Mueller Lumber company will en able you to build a fine house or barn, out of the choicest select lumber and you will be surprised and yet pleased to learn the low prices they are mak ing. Souders Laundering company at S01 503 Twelfth street. This laundry is equipped with the very latest modern machinery, turning out work that la not surpassed by any laundry In the 6tate. People go to H. R. Battles & Co. for fresh vegetables because they usually have a variety to select from. Spin ach, mushrooms, egg plant, cucumbers, head lettuce, tomatoes, parsley, celery. also sweet potatoes. T. S. O'Hara, flour and feed store, is having a big trade on stock and poultry food. Dr. Hess' stock food for horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and all kind sof poultry. It makes the hens lay every day. Kain & Relnhardt cigar store still takes the lead. Most liberally patron ized. Everything in tobacco, cigars and smokers' supplies. Man is never better satisfied than when smoking their choice brands. The Rock Island Lumber and Manu facturing company, lumber and build ing material for all purposes, houses, bams, granaries. We will give yon an opportunity to save a big per cent. Let us be of service to you. Math's bakery and confectionery store, the finest in the tri-cities. Bread, cakes, pies, cookies and hot rolls. They can t be beat. Most peo ple say they are superior to any home baking. Let them serve you. M. R. Iglehart, marble and granite works, save you the middleman's prof its. From 15 to 25 per cent saved on every monument aid all kinds of mon umental work. Call at our shop on Second avenue and Bee for yourself. Allen, Myers tc Co. sell the veil known "Cole's Hot Blast" heaters Now is the Time to Enter BOOKKEEPING, ARITHMETIC, SHORTHAND, PENMANSHIP, TYPEWRITNG, SALESMANSHIP, STEN0TYPE, SPELLING, etc. Come to the College and Talk it over then start with the new class next Monday evening. NEW TERM IN DAY SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY, DEC. 2d New Classes Will Be Organized in all Subjects. 'iT""" Students who enter next Monday, Dec. 2, will be able to WF"" finish with the 1913 class. ENROLL THIS WEEK CATALOGUE FREE UPON REQUEST BROWN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Second Avenue, Opposite Court House, Rock Island, 111. Phone West 1974 M. B. DEWEY, Principal for soft coal. These heaters burn the smoke and gas and hold fire 48 hours. There are none better and the price is within the reach of everyone. E. E. Lamp,- plumbing, steam and hot water heating, gas fitting. His efficient knowledge of the business Justly entitles him to your patronage. His shop has all modern equipments. Everything in plumbing supplies. Jewel stoves and ranges always bake perfectly and are absolutely guar anteed and prices are lower than many o'-Uers that are not even equal to say nothing of being better. Examine the full line at Allen, Myers & Co. before buying elsewhere. Figs are nourishing, and not only that, but they're a gentle laxative. With the change in the season it is necessary to keep the system from be ing clogged. Battles & Co. have in a large shipment of those large, wide, Smyrna layer figs and are selling them at 20 cents a pound. Allen, Myers & Co. have been selling "Jewel" stoves' and ranges in this city for 18 years and personally guarantee every stove and you can get repairs for Jewel stoves made 35 ear8 ago. If you buy a good stand ard Btove you can always get repairs without trouble or annoyance and get them quick. We are the leauers 'for up-to-date laundry work. Each shirt finished by hand and put up in a carton, insur ing work. Delivered to you in good condition. We guarantee no cracked collars or cuffs. City Steam laundry. Reid & Bollman, 417 Seventeenth street. You will find Dumarco brand coffee selected to suit the taste of people who delight in a good cirp "as you like it;" moreover, it's the kind that appeals to the palate and purse. At 40 cents per pound it is a better investment and more economical than would be a cof fee at even 25 cents. Dumarco brand coffee costs you, per pound, 40 cents, and is Hold by H. R. Battles & Co. Johnson's Wood Dye is not a mere etaln not simply a surface dressing. It is a real, deep-seated dye, that goes to the very heart of the wood and stays there fixing a rich and perma nent color. Johnson's Wood Dye is made in 14 standard shades. For sale by Lerch & Greve, 2002-2004 Fourth avenue. A man Is what he feeds on. The bet ter the food, the bet'er is the man who eats it. A man who wishes to bo healthy will buy his food where he knows he will get them pure and high grade, and our reputation for reliabili ty in this line Is unquestioned. Our canned goods are the best made, our cereals and foods are from the choicest kernels, and our fancy and staple goods are without peer. Battles & Co. There is a great world of comfort to the eyes in a perfectly fitted pair of glasses or spectacles. The lenses should be accurately adapted to your individ ual requirements and should be set in frames or mountings that rest comfort ably upon the nose. We give comfort In the frames as well as la the lenses. Fred Bleuer, eye specialist, 1702 Sec ond avenue. All the Argus. newB ail the time. The WANTED At once, collector; no booze fighters need apply. JOHN GATELY CO., 309 Twentieth Street. LxmimisssxaaFm 2,800 in Valu able Premiums BBBBBBBBl . I FREE For Solving the Great Wilson Puzz'e A TaluUi VTamlum to Everyone olvlnjr This Fnil 100 Beautiful Gold Plated Ladies' Brooches FBEE 100 Beautiful Irridescent Glass Bowls Free 100 beautiful sil ver plated sets salt and pepper shakers. Free 100 gentlemen's watch chains. tor aad as tbolr Bona-flfl Ku. factarar'a Crtdlt Toucher m wt payment of a new plaae, pmyivf S&O or mora caah flown w will fflve ue oholoe of a beantifnl Onat f aHlTar, reanis Diamond King-, Lalies' Sola watch, tctl:nn' oia Watcft. In the Above Picture re Tout Tacea ee ef jou eaa find tare of tnem. Ho matter how many yon and, traoe the out ness, numbering' tnem 1, a, , ew., on tnia or a aeparata sheet of paper. J& or brina roar anawex to our etor. rill To every person who solves the aeove nussia we wui rive, absolutely free, the choice of a beautiful rold plat ed ladlea' brooch, a beantifnl lrrsdea- oeat flaas bowl, a handsome set of all' ver piatea eait said pepper ehakere or featfemen'a handsome watch chains also maaafectursr's eredlt vonoher for S13T, rood only as part parmsnt on any new piano in our atora. only one peraon in family eaa eater. aVemeaber A Valuable Premium for livery One TUBE Thla woaaine Plasnoad MiMg Thla Ladlea or Oentlemea'a 014 w ate a, rnarantaea tor so years. (A) .itest Closes December 9, 1912, at 6 P. fL Address Griggs Music Co., 121 E. 2d St., Davenport, la.